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June 24, 2021 | Vol.

77 | Issue 25

Random Lengths Weekly Report

Lumber Price Guide TAK this week: An historic market correction, housing construction, and
second-half box store demand are atop traders’ minds for the third quarter.

Lumber Weekly Price Changes This Chg 3 This Chg 3

This Chg 3 2x10 #2&Btr 6/10 6/17 Week Weeks Studs 6/10 6/17 Week Weeks
2x4 Std/#2&Btr 6/10 6/17 Week Weeks KD Southern Pine (West) –27 –98 –173 –298 KD Western S-P-F –150 –225 –220 –595
KD Hem-Fir (Coast) –175 –350 –200 –725 Gr Douglas Fir (Portland) –10 –40 –125 –175 KD Spruce-Lodgepole –95 –345 –385 –825
KD HF/WF (Inland-Spokane) –110 –305 –250 –665 2x4 1650 MSR KD Hem-Fir (Coast) –60 –320 –300 –680
KD Fir&Larch –110 –260 –280 –650 Western S-P-F (Minneapolis) –195 –250 –140 –585 KD Eastern S-P-F (GL) –155 –300 –220 –675
KD Southern Pine (West) –158 –193 –150 –501 2x4 #3/Util Gr Douglas Fir (Portland) 0 –70 –200 –270
KD Western S-P-F –210 –255 –130 –595 KD Western S-P-F –210 –240 –150 –600 Boards
KD Eastern S-P-F (Boston) –185 –265 –200 –650 KD HF/WF (Inland-Spokane) –60 –240 –160 –460 #3 1x12 Ponderosa Pine 0 0 0 0
KD Eastern S-P-F (Toronto) –205 –320 –225 –750 KD Southern Pine (West) –120 –195 –140 –455 #3 5/4 Ponderosa Shop +50 +10 +20 +80
Gr Douglas Fir (Portland) –55 –120 –170 –345 Gr Douglas Fir (Portland) 0 –25 –100 –125 Std 5/4x6-16' SYP R.E.D. –60 –70 –85 –215

Unitized Loadings • Prices Net, f.o.b. Mill, U.S. Funds, Unless Otherwise Noted • Dollars Per Thousand Board Feet
Inland White Fir Spruce-Pine-Fir:
Coast or Hem-Fir6: Doug- Fir&Larch:6 Southern Pine: Western6,11 Eastern8
Random Hem-Fir6 SPOKANE1 N. CALIF.1 las Fir6 Inland CDN11,13 SPF-S5,6 WEST2 CENT3 EAST4 MILL7 CHI8 ATL8 BOS11 GL9,11 TOR10 MON10
2x4 Std.&Btr. — 1,050 — — 1,065 — — — — — — — — — — — —
2x4 #2&Btr. 950 1,060 1,035 1,190 1,075 1,005 995 735 675 755 875 969 994 935 960 1,100 1,080
2x6 950 1,060 1,035 1,200 1,060 975 995 592 590 570 875 972 998 950 950 1,050 1,030
2x8 850 965 950 1,050 1,050 1,000 — 663 610 625 900 994 1,019 950 985 1,175 1,150
2x10 1,100 1,075 1,100 1,280 1,075 1,025 — 997 965 1,060 1,050 12 1,155 1,183 1,200 1,210 1,400 1,370
2x12 1,095 1,075 1,100 1,300 1,075 1,050 — 1,261 1,140 1,195 1,410 1,518 1,546 — — — —
2x4 #3/Util 800 850 850 875 860 — 860 725 590 700 775 869 894 850 870 980 950
2x6 #3 725 765 735 740 785 — 795 560 540 525 475 572 598 700 770 975 950
2x8 725 735 685 790 735 — — 650 585 580 475 569 594 — — — —
2x10 725 730 695 790 695 — — 800 780 780 475 580 608 — — — —
2x12 725 730 695 790 695 — — 1,000 875 855 475 583 611 — — — —
1–From freight areas indicated. 2–Mills in Tex., Ark., Okla., and La. west of the Mississippi River. 3–Mills in Miss., Ala., and La. east of the Mississippi River. 4–Mills in Ga., Fla., S.C.; also
N.C. and Va., where prices are 10-15 higher. 5–Prices based on mills in the Inland West. 6–Prices are for paper-wrapped stock. 7–Shipments from the Prince George, B.C., area;
mill returns on freight contracts not included. 8–Prices delivered. 9–N. Ohio, W. Pa. 10–Canadian funds, GST not included. 11–Applicable duties included. 12–Toronto - 1,325 ;
Canadian funds, GST not included. 13–Mills in Southern Interior of B.C.


Douglas Fir: Western Western S-P-F1 Eastern S-P-F1,2 Fir&Larch
2x4 Std.&Btr. 1,070 3 1,150 1,235 1,840 2x4 2100f 1,175 1,201 1,120 1,110 2x4 2400f 1,300
2x4 #2&Btr. 1,200 3 1,200 1,365 — 2x4 1650f 1,130 1,156 1,065 1,050 2x4 1800f 1,205
2x6 1,200 3 1,275 1,375 1,905 2x6 2100f 1,225 1,251 — — 2x6 2400f 1,265
2x8 1,050 3 1,150 1,225 1,900 2x6 1650f 1,160 1,186 995 980 2x6 1800f 1,200
2x10 1,185 1,150 1,345 1,910 GREEN KILN DRIED White Fir
2x12 1,300 1,200 1,460 2,145 Southern Pine from: Douglas Douglas Fir& or Hem-Fir
2x4 Utility 810 — — 835 WEST CENT EAST Fir Fir Larch SPOKANE
2x6 #3 680 — — 870 2x4 #1 749 730 770 2x4 #1&Btr. 1,450 1,880 1,500 —
2x8 575 — — — 2x6 612 640 — 2x4 Sel. Struc. — — — 1,450
2x10 575 — — — 2x8 682 665 — 2x6 Sel. Struc. — — 1,450 1,450
2x12 575 — — — 2x10 1,025 1,150 — 2x8 Sel. Struc. — — 1,520 1,400
1–From freight areas indicated. 2–Delivered rail. 3–For light-wane stock, add: 80 2x12 1,301 1,235 — 2x10 Sel. Struc. — — 1,485 1,425
4–Prices for shipments from U.S. and Canadian mills. 5–Applicable duties in- 1–Applicable duties included. 2x12 Sel. Struc. — — 1,650 1,325
cluded on Canadian stock. 2–RL 10/16'


Spruce-Pine-Fir: Douglas Fir6
Coast Inland Doug- Fir& ES- South- Western8 Eastern3 #2&Btr PORTLAND
Hem-Fir Hem-Fir las Fir Larch10 LP10 ern Pine1 MILL2 CHI3 ATL3 BOS8 GL4,8 TOR5 MON5 2x4-8' PET7 1,020
2x3-8' PET Stud — — — — — — 1,250 1,344 1,369 1,050 1,070 1,190 1,165 2x4-9' PET 1,250
2x4-7'6" Stud — — — — — — — — — 755 785 — — 2x4-10' PET 1,200
2x4-8' PET Stud7 — — — — — 670 880 974 999 865 875 960 930 9 2x6-8' PET 925
2x4-8' PET #2/#2&Btr.7 900 925 10 1,000 950 950 — 940 1,034 — — — — — 2x6-9' PET 1,325
2x4-8' PET AG — 1,200 1,025 — — — 1,130 1,224 1,249 — — — — 2x6-10' PET 1,250
2x4-9' PET Stud — — — — — — 925 1,019 1,044 950 950 1,125 1,100
2x4-9' PET #2/#2&Btr. 950 950 10 1,100 1,075 1,100 — 975 1,069 — 970 970 — — FINGERJOINTED
2x4-10' PET Stud — — — — — — — — — 930 920 1,040 1,015 ES-LP
2x4-10' PET #2/#2&Btr. 950 — 1,060 — — — — — — — — — — 2x4-8' 1,100
2x6-7'6" Stud — — — — — — — — — 755 775 — — 2x4-9'&10' 1,100
2x6-8' PET Stud — — — — — — 875 972 998 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,075 9 Fir&Larch
2x6-8' PET #2/#2&Btr. 900 875 10 1,020 900 950 — 950 1,047 — — — — — 2x4-8' 1,100
2x6-9' PET Stud — — — — — — 1,100 1,197 1,223 1,300 1,300 1,225 1,200 2x4-9'&10' 1,100
2x6-9' PET #2/#2&Btr. 1,005 1,015 10 1,150 1,100 1,115 — 1,125 1,222 — 1,320 1,320 — — Western S-P-F8
2x6-10' PET #2/#2&Btr. 980 — 1,100 — — — — — — — — — — 2x4-8' 1,175
1–Westside and central zone production. 2–Shipments from the Prince George, B.C., area; mill returns on freight contracts not included. 3–Prices delivered. CHICAGO3 1,269
4–N. Ohio, W. Pa. 5–Canadian funds, GST not included. 6–From Portland, Ore., freight area. 7–Full 8', add: 10-20 8–Applicable duties included.
9–93-1/4-inch. 10–For Stud grade, deduct: 15

Random Lengths | June 24, 2021 | 1

Random Lengths Weekly Report
FRAMING LUMBER, Specified Lengths
Customer Specified Loadings, Unless Otherwise Noted • Prices Net, f.o.b. Mill, Unless Otherwise Noted • Dollars Per Thousand Board Feet
8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20' 22' 24'
2x4 #1 690 670 740 750 810 730 740 2x4 #1 650 690 700 750 745 735 775 — —
2x6 580 580 620 630 600 630 630 2x6 550 620 660 640 640 660 640 — —
2x8 650 670 670 700 680 690 700 2x8 650 650 675 675 625 725 700 — —
2x10 930 1,020 1,030 1,020 1,050 1,020 1,010 2x10 1,075 1,175 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,200 1,100 — —
2x12 1,220 1,220 1,280 1,280 1,300 1,380 1,410 2x12 1,175 1,250 1,175 1,200 1,250 1,270 1,325 — —
2x4 #2 680 650 720 730 800 720 730 2x4 #2 615 650 660 685 690 680 680 — —
2x6 570 570 610 600 580 600 600 2x6 530 580 590 590 590 620 590 1,500 1,500
2x8 630 650 650 680 660 670 690 2x8 550 590 630 630 575 650 650 1,485 1,485
2x10 920 1,000 1,000 990 1,010 1,000 1,000 2x10 825 950 950 985 980 980 980 1,320 1,400
2x12 1,200 1,200 1,250 1,250 1,270 1,280 1,340 2x12 775 1,050 1,150 1,150 1,175 1,150 1,225 1,815 1,865
#2 22'&24' 2x6 – 1,600/1,600 2x8 – 1,440/1,450 1–Mills in Miss., Ala., and La. east of the Mississippi River.
2x10 – 1,360/1,360 2x12 – 1,700/1,700
1–Mills in Tex., Ark., Okla., and La. west of the Mississippi River. HEM-FIR, KILN DRIED, Coast1
8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20' 22' 24'
SOUTHERN PINE, KILN DRIED, East1 2x4 #2&Btr. 800 945 945 945 975 960 965 — —
8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20' 2x6 800 955 960 955 975 960 965 1,200 1,200
2x4 #1 620 760 735 800 795 735 780 2x8 790 830 850 850 890 875 875 1,110 1,110
2x6 490 570 590 590 590 615 590 2x10 960 1,005 1,085 1,085 1,110 1,095 1,095 1,375 1,375
2x8 555 685 675 660 635 655 725 2x12 950 1,005 1,080 1,070 1,110 1,090 1,095 1,375 1,375
2x10 1,100 1,255 1,140 1,200 1,190 1,150 1,245 1–Flat car paper-wrapped loadings.
2x12 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,350 1,250 1,250 1,600
2x4 #2 600 740 725 790 785 720 765 SPRUCE-PINE-FIR, KILN DRIED, Western1,2,3
2x6 475 550 575 580 575 600 570 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20'
2x8 525 665 655 625 600 635 650 2x4 #2&Btr. 820 995 865 875 865 875 920
2x10 975 1,100 1,090 1,100 1,040 925 1,100 2x6 865 885 920 850 850 960 955
2x12 1,150 1,275 1,150 1,225 1,125 1,175 1,300 2x8 790 890 910 900 910 975 990
1–Mills in Ga., Fla., S.C.; also N.C. and Va., where prices are usually higher. 2x10 940 1,115 1,130 1,045 990 1,055 1,055
2x12 1,190 1,345 1,425 1,365 1,495 1,350 1,380
SPRUCE-PINE-FIR, KILN DRIED, Eastern 1–Flat car paper-wrapped loadings; straight-length loadings. Prices reflect shipments from the Prince
George, B.C., area; mill returns on freight contracts not included. 2–Applicable duties included.
Delivered Boston1 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 3–For delivered Chicago prices add: 2x4 – 94 2x6 – 97 2x8 – 94 2x10 – 105 2x12 – 108
2x4 #2&Btr. 890 930 850 970 955
2x6 1,110 1,025 950 850 950
Delivered Great Lakes1 DOUGLAS FIR, GREEN, Portland
2x4 #2&Btr. 925 950 870 1,010 960 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20' 22'1 24'1 26' 28'
2x6 1,125 1,095 975 845 940 2x4 Std&Btr. 960 1,120 1,170 1,170 1,260 1,240 1,250 — — — —
Delivered Toronto2 2x6 #2&Btr. 1,010 1,185 1,200 1,215 1,310 1,260 1,310 1,530 1,520 1,675 1,700
2x3 #2&Btr. 1,200 1,200 1,220 1,220 1,230 2x8 930 950 1,030 1,030 1,135 1,060 1,175 1,360 1,410 1,465 1,645
1–Applicable duties included. 2–Canadian funds, GST not included. 2x10 965 1,085 1,170 1,215 1,225 1,200 1,195 1,370 1,355 1,415 1,500
2x12 1,100 1,200 1,320 1,315 1,400 1,340 1,415 1,450 1,435 1,490 1,530
1–22'&24' only: 2x6 – 1,525 2x8 – 1,385 2x10 – 1,365 2x12 – 1,445


Std/#2&Btr. 2x4 #2&Btr. 2x10 Studs - 2x4 - 8' PET
Inland WF Southern S-P-F:6 Douglas Inland WF Southern S-P-F:6 Douglas Inland Southern S-P-F:6 Douglas
or H-F Pine5 WEST4 EAST Fir (Gr.) or H-F3 Pine5 WEST Fir (Gr.) H-F4 Pine WEST EAST Fir (Gr.)4
Atlanta — 785 994 9792 — — 1,090 1,183 — — — 999 894 —
Dallas — 775 988 1,000 1,174 — 1,037 1,177 1,294 — 710 993 915 —
Houston 1,129 783 994 1,001 — 1,164 1,045 1,183 — 1,004 718 999 916 —
Detroit 1,133 — 971 954 — 1,168 — 1,158 — 1,008 — 976 869 —
Chicago 1,111 — 969 964 1,163 1,143 1,028 1,155 1,283 986 — 974 879 1,113
Kansas City 1,112 788 974 — 1,167 1,144 1,050 1,161 1,286 987 723 979 — 1,117
Minneapolis 1,110 — 964 — — 1,140 — 1,150 — 985 — 969 — —
Memphis — 752 975 — — — 1,051 1,162 — — 707 980 — —
Boston 1,157 — 997 935 — 1,195 — 1,187 — — — 1,002 865 —
New York 1,146 — 1,004 962 1,210 1,182 — 1,194 1,336 — — 1,009 892 1,160
Philadelphia — — 990 962 — — — 1,179 — — — 995 892 —
Baltimore — — 992 964 — — 1,095 1,181 — — — 997 894 —
Island Pond — — 974 — — — — 1,161 — — — 979 — —
Pittsburgh 1,136 — 983 960 — 1,171 — 1,171 — — — 988 875 —
Columbus — — 989 960 — — 1,025 1,178 — — — 994 875 —
Birmingham — 695 978 — — — 987 1,165 — — 690 983 — —
Jacksonville — — 1,003 985 — — — 1,193 — — — 1,008 900 —
Charlotte — 793 999 976 — — 1,098 1,189 — — — 1,004 891 —
San Francisco — — 954 — 1,130 — — 1,138 1,248 — — 959 — 1,080
Los Angeles — — 972 — 1,153 — — 1,159 1,272 — — 977 — 1,103
Phoenix — — 979 — 1,173 — — 1,166 1,293 — — 984 — —
1–Kiln dried unless otherwise noted. 2– #3 2x4 - 880 3–Denver - 1,137 4–#2&Btr. 5–#2. 6–Applicable duties included.
Delivered prices are published as a guide only to provide approximate delivered costs at each destination. Freight costs are based on prevailing rates for the most commonly used carriers,
routings and types of loadings for each product and destination. No allowances are made for contract rates, special discounts, and other routings for which there can be substantial vari-
ances from the prices shown. All prices are in U.S. funds.

2 | Random Lengths | June 24, 2021

Random Lengths Weekly Report
Prices Net, f.o.b. Mill, U.S. Funds, Unless Otherwise Noted • Dollars Per Thousand Board Feet
C&Btr. D #2&Btr. #3 #4 Sterling Standard Utility
1x4 1,750 1,575 1,405 1,145 930 1x4 1,495 1,210 905
1x6 2,400 1,850 1,490 1,275 930 1x6 1,600 1,305 905
1x8 2,015 1,550 1,300 1,190 915 1x8 1,345 1,260 900
1x10 2,050 1,650 1,300 1,135 880 1x10 1,260 1,060 900
1x12 2,180 1,995 1,510 1,155 865 1x12 1,610 1,315 900
C&Btr. D #2&Btr. #3 #4
1x4 3,100 2,275 1,400 1,130 935
1x6 3,450 2,275 1,480 1,165 930
1x8 3,400 2,275 1,285 1,160 930 EASTERN WHITE PINE, KILN DRIED1
1x10 3,400 2,275 1,285 1,120 930 D&Btr. Premium Standard Industrial
1x12 3,450 2,275 1,430 1,120 935 1x4 1,575 1,405 1,000 810
1x6 1,750 1,520 1,285 810
1x8 1,675 1,520 1,285 810
SUGAR PINE, KILN DRIED 1x10 1,800 1,340 1,120 810
C&Btr. D #2&Btr. #3 #4 1x12 2,000 1,420 1,290 810
1x4 3,200 2,275 1,495 1,135 940 1–NELMA rules; mills in Northeast U.S. Prices shown reflect S4S boards, including items in
1x6 which the majority of volume produced is pattern stock.
3,450 2,275 1,540 1,160 930
1x8 3,450 2,275 1,380 1,160 930
1x10 3,450 2,275 1,380 1,120 930
1x12 3,450 2,275 1,590 1,130 935
C&Btr. D #2 #3
1x4 1,480 1,470 1,295 925
D&Btr. #2&Btr. #3 #4 1x8 1,490 1,425 1,085 800
1x4 1,375 1,310 920 765 1x10 1,300 1,155 900 745
1x6 1,500 1,435 1,075 760 1x12 1,730 1,240 955 790
1x8 1,355 1,280 985 760
1x10 1,360 1,265 800 760 West #21 8' 10' 12' 14' 16'
1x12 1,555 1,495 1,075 810 1x4 1,235 1,130 1,345 1,345 1,460
1x6 1,120 1,120 1,250 1,125 1,350
East #22
EUROPEAN SPRUCE1 1x4 1,215 1,145 1,345 1,345 1,405
#2 1x6 1,050 1,055 1,135 1,025 1,245
1x4 1,285 1–Mills in Tex., Ark., La., Miss., and Alabama 2–Mills in Ga., Fla., S.C., N.C., and Va.
1x6 1,380 5/4x6 R.E.D.
1x8 1,340 West1 8' 10' 12' 14' 16'
1x10 1,340 Standard 1,000 1,000 1,015 900 1,050
1x12 1,490 Premium 1,450 1,500 1,450 1,350 1,750
1–Prices f.o.b. truck, Gulf and East Coast ports; tallies heavy to 12-16-foot lengths. East2
Standard 800 900 850 825 925
Premium 1,000 1,400 1,350 1,225 1,550
EASTERN SPRUCE-PINE-FIR1 1–Mills in Tex., Ark., La., and Miss. 2–Mills in Ala., Ga., Fla., S.C., N.C., and Va.
DRIED Utility&Btr. (10-15% Utility)
1x3 1,290 1,200
1x4 1,250 1,150
1–Prices delivered. 2–Applicable duties included.


Boards Siding2
Std.&Btr. No-Hole CHANNEL BEVEL KD BEVEL KD T&G D&Btr. #3&Btr. 2F2 #3&Btr. #4
1x4 1,870 2,150 — — — — 2,565 2,480 1,765 725
1x6 1,930 2,265 — — — 3,400 3,7 3,625 3,340 2,765 1,220
1x8 2,055 2,420 2,350 5 1,905 2,190 3,4 — 3,690 3,390 2,835 1,220
1x10 2,120 2,490 — 2,005 — — 3,855 3,650 3,215 1,100
1x12 2,675 3,145 — — — — 4,270 4,255 3,730 1,285
1–Green 3/4" except where noted. 2–WCLIB rule 111(e) and (f). Stock containing up to 15% Quality. 3–11/16". 1–Kiln Dried 7/8". 2–Graded two sides; no hit & miss.
4–3/4": 2,235 5–1x8 KD Channel: 2,870 6–Applicable duties included on Canadian stock. 7–WP-4, smooth face

PRICES ARE PUBLISHED AS A GUIDE ONLY to sales at the manufacturer level in carload or similar volumes during the week of publication. No attempt is
made to predict future prices or trends. Specific sales, because of variations in stock quality and tallies, result in prices that are higher or lower than those
published. The report is based on sizes and grades that conform to Product Standard 20-15 and on surfacing, grademarking and discounts that conform to
general industry practices; on stock that originates in the principal producing region for each species; and on random-length loadings that contain a normal
assortment of the lengths most desired in each size.

Random Lengths | June 24, 2021 | 3

Random Lengths Weekly Report
Prices Net, f.o.b. Mill, U.S. Funds, Unless Otherwise Noted • Dollars Per Thousand Board Feet, Unless Otherwise Noted
Coast Inland Southern Pine from: Western3 Eastern GREAT Douglas Fir
2x4 550 575 575 715 565 600 500 775 825 840 850 625
2x6 525 535 535 550 490 500 470 690 750 830 830 600
2x8 — — — 630 550 560 450 — — — — 530
2x10 — — — 630 645 725 450 — — — — 530
2x12 — — — 725 705 775 450 — — — — 530
2x4—8' — — — — — — — 725 750 810 790 —
1– Selected stock; unsound wood and wane restricted. 2– May also contain Douglas Fir. 3– Canadian funds, GST not included. 4– Prices delivered in Canadian funds, GST not included.
5– Delivered; applicable duties included.


Net f.o.b. treating plants in Va., Ga., Fla., N.C., S.C., & Ala. Waterborne Copper-Based Preservatives. Wet from the cylinder.

FRAMING LUMBER1 (Use Category 3)2 SQUARES AND TIMBERS (Use Category 4)4
8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16'
2x4 #2 955 1,045 1,030 1,095 1,075 4x4 #2 1,170 1,250 1,130 1,125 1,150
2x6 760 840 880 870 865 4x6 1,200 1,120 1,275 1,145 1,200
2x8 850 990 980 960 930 6x6 1,455 1,465 1,405 1,305 1,410
2x10 1,260 1,345 1,320 1,360 1,350 BOARDS/R.E.D.3 (Use Category 3)2
2x12 1,580 1,705 1,700 1,655 1,665 1x4 #2 1,345 1,275 1,475 1,475 1,515
1–For KD after treatment, add: 60-70 2–Meets AWPA standard for above-ground use. 1x6 1,175 1,180 1,260 1,150 1,360
5/4x6 Std. 1,030 1,130 1,080 1,030 1,140
POSTS, BEAMS AND TIMBERS Premium 1,430 1,640 1,580 1,455 1,780
GREEN DOUGLAS FIR, RL 3–For KD after treatment, add: 60-70 4–Meets AWPA standard for ground contact.
PORTLAND1 N. CALIF.1 #1&Btr., Portland Rough1,2 S4S3
4x4, 8/20' #2&Btr. 1,255 1,270 6x6, 12/24' 1,810 1,660
4x6, 8/20' 1,255 1,270 6x8-6x12, 12/24' 1,690 1,585 WESTERN RED CEDAR
4x8, 8/20' 1,215 1,240 6x14-6x16, 12/24' 1,760 — DIMENSION1 TIMBERS, Standard Sawn1
4x10, 8/20' 1,280 1,255 8x8, 12/24' 1,980 — AG2 Rough S4S AG2 Rough S4S
4x12, 8/20' 1,115 1,140 8x10-8x12, 12/24' 1,890 — 2x4 Std.&Btr. 2,205 3 1,915 1,840 4x4 Std.&Btr. 2,605 4 2,155 2,205 5
8x14-8x16, 12/24' 1,925 — 2x6 #2&Btr. 2,235 1,980 1,905 4x6 #2&Btr. 2,455 2,050 —
1–70% FOHC 1–For Select Structural, add: 90 2x8 2,250 1,985 1,900 4x8 2,490 2,085 —
2–Full sawn; 100% FOHC 2x10 2,540 2,085 1,910 4x10 2,750 2,315 —
3–70% FOHC; for 100%, add: 60
2x12 2,830 2,360 2,145 4x12 2,940 2,480 —
SOUTHERN PINE, KILN DRIED1 6x6 3,035 2,515 —
West2 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 1–Applicable duties included on Canadian stock. 2–Appearance grade - no wane,
4x4 #2 590 675 550 550 550 no rot, no holes. 3–8' rail: 1,825 4–8' post: 2,335 5–#1 Appearance grade: 2,815
4x6 650 600 650 625 675
6x6 825 885 850 825 825 DECK GRADE1 SIDING1
East3 Custom Knotty3 Architect Knotty3 Clear2
4x4 #2 750 825 720 730 750 GREEN GREEN KILN DRIED VG A Rustic
4x6 750 700 750 700 725 2x4 2,140 2,500 2,720 1/2x6 2,475 2,200 1,815
6x6 950 950 950 875 950 2x6 2,395 2,800 2,995 1/2x8 2,535 2,330 —
1–25% moisture content or less. 2–Mills in Tex., Ark., La., Miss., and Ala. 3–Mills in Ga., 5/4x6 R.E.D. — 3,250 3,500 Clear Fingerjointed
Fla., S.C., N.C., and Va. VG MG
S2S MOULDING AND SHOP 1/2x6 1,635 1,440
1– Applicable duties included on Canadian stock. 2– Full length bundling, 3' & longer.
PONDEROSA PINE1 3– WRCLA trademarks.
Moulding 3rd Clear #1 Shop #2 Shop #3 Shop Para. 99
4/4 Std. 1,770 1,730 1,590 1,480 — —
5/4 Hvy. 1,990 9 1,825 1,810 1,675 1,570 1,220 FENCING1
6/4 Hvy. 2,100 10 1,850 1,825 1,740 1,570 1,220 Full Sawn Rough Standard Rough S1S2E2
WHITE FIR 1x4 #1 2F 6' 1,000 — 845
5/4 Hvy. — 1,500 1,410 1,320 1,230 — 1x4 #2&Btr. NH 6' 930 775 745
RADIATA PINE2 1x6 #1 2F 6' 1,135 — 1,120
5/4 Hvy. — 1,710 1,660 1,580 1,400 — 1x6 #2&Btr. NH 6' 1,105 1,015 995
6/4 Hvy. — 1,740 1,700 1,610 1,410 — 1– NH: No hole. 2F: Graded two sides. For dog-ear add: 10-25
MOULDING & BTR3 2– Applicable duties included on Canadian stock.
Ponderosa Pine7 White Fir7 Radiata Pine2,8
5/4 2,050 1,680 1,930 SHINGLES H/S & R/S SHAKES2
6/4 2,110 — 1,950 Palletized Loadings, Palletized Loadings, 9/9
INDUSTRIAL FINGERJOINT Prices Per Square #1 #2 Pack, Prices Per Square
Blocks Blanks 16"—5X 338.00 216.00 1/2x24"1 334.00
Radiata Pine 5/44,6 1,110 1,640 18"—Perfections1 356.00 226.00 3/4x24"1 364.00
Radiata Pine 6/44,6 1,120 1,650 18"—Rebutted, Rejointed1 205.00 —
Elliottii/Taeda Pine 5/45,6 1,100 1,630 1– TOFC shipments to Midwest and East. 2– 5/8"x24" Tapersawn (UBC): 338.00
1– Prices for Sugar Pine usually slightly higher. 2– Prices f.o.b. dock West Coast ports; tal-
lies heavy to 14- and 16-foot lengths. 3– Includes 15-20% C&Btr. 4– Prices f.o.b. West
Coast ports. 5– Prices f.o.b. Gulf and East Coast ports. 6– Four sides clear, no defect.
7– S2S. 8– Rough. 9– 1-5/16-inch (does not include 15-20% C&Btr). 10– 1-9/16-inch
(does not include 15-20% C&Btr).

4 | Random Lengths | June 24, 2021

Random Lengths Weekly Report

Lumber Market Report

Lumber Market Indicators
This Last Year This Last Year
Week Week Ago Week Week Ago
Framing Lumber Composite Price1 930 1,113 467 Lumber Group Composites1
Key Lumber Prices Random-Length Dimension 898 1,058 437
2x4 #2&Btr KD Western S-P-F 875 1,005 393 Stud 951 1,195 441
2x4 Std&Btr Grn Douglas Fir (Por) 1,070 1,240 500 Low-Grade Random Dimension 676 814 280
2x4 #2 KD SYP (Westside) 735 885 518 Board 1,375 1,379 631
2x4-8' PET KD Western S-P-F 880 1,100 414 Shop and Mldg&Btr 1,549 1,530 663
1x12 #3 KD Ponderosa Pine 1,155 1,155 515 Coast Dry Random and Stud 990 1,221 427
Random Lengths Index2 –8.7 –1.7 –3.9 Inland 1,146 1,331 506
1 – For a list of items included in each composite, go to and Southern Pine 731 867 509
click on In Depth > Useful Data > Monthly Composite Prices. Western S-P-F 899 1,048 387
2– The index is a numerical representation of market activity, based on a ratio Eastern S-P-F 975 1,169 468
of western sawmill order files to inventories. In computing the index, the
data are compared with similar data averaged over the past five years. Green Douglas Fir 1,196 1,328 500

1750 200

1500 150

1250 100

1000 50

750 0

500 -50

250 A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J -100
20 21
Framing Lumber Composite Price ($/mbf) Random Lengths Index

Market Overview The Random Lengths Stud Composite posted a

$244 drop for the week. The Framing Lumber
The unraveling of the historic price run in framing Composite Price fell $183 on the heels of last
lumber remained in full force, as deep triple-digit week’s record plunge of $221. At $930, the
price cuts seen in recent weeks prevailed. Rapidly composite marked its first three-digit reading since
falling prices — many dropping back into three mid-February.
digits — generated modestly increased liquidity in
some cases, but many buyers limited purchases to Price cuts were among the deepest at Coast mills,
essential needs. which had trailed the descent of other species
in previous weeks. Southern Pine continued
Mills sliced prices across all species, and were to stay out front on the competitiveness scale.
wide open to counteroffers on the items they Sustained, intense downward price pressure
most needed to move. Studs continued to post the astonished many traders, who expressed surprise
sharpest decreases overall, but $200-300 drops were at how fast the market has fallen from historical
not uncommon in random dimension. highs.

Random Lengths | June 24, 2021 | 5

Random Lengths Weekly Report

“We knew this was coming, but we never width. Random tallies of most #1 and #2 widths
anticipated prices giving back this much in such a plunged by triple digits. 2x12 prices plummeted
short time frame,” said one mill source, capturing $249-360 with far steeper discounts reported.
the widespread sentiment among all traders.
Industrial accounts were the most consistent outlet
Prices of low grade plummeted as well, as for excesses in the upper grades. Mills frequently
#2/#2&Btr prices came down on top of them. The substituted #2, #2 Prime, #1 and other upper
rapid deterioration in some species persuaded mills grades in #3 and #4 contract loads. The widespread
to look offshore for business to take some of the substitution reduced the volume industrial accounts
downward pressure off the domestic market. needed because of higher yields, and stif led sales of
#3 and #4. Reported prices of lower grades fell hard
Fading home center demand also freed up more under the heavy pressure from #2.
high-grade supplies for export markets, such as
Japan, after months of being on the outside looking The same dynamic was evident in timbers. Mills
in at what was the robust North American market. discounted #2 heavily to clear buildups, and
industrial buyers filled needs with the higher
Prices of 1-inch boards were mixed, but several grade. Price ranges of $400-500 emerged, especially
registered their first week-over-week drops in more in 6x6. Decking sales slowed to a crawl, with
than a year. treaters conspicuously absent from the market.
Inventory backed up among distributors supplying
box stores.
Dry Framing Lumber
Western Spruce-Pine-Fir
Southern Pine
Prices continued to plummet as buyers kept a low
Producers scoured a reluctant market in search profile, despite widespread expectations that they
of workable trading levels that would help them needed to step in for a round of replenishment.
alleviate accumulations. Mill quotes and sales levels
continued to span wide triple-digit ranges. Treaters After drawing in some volume early in the week,
were largely absent from the market; most struggled producers sensed a more active tone. But buyers
to work down heavy inventories built in the spring retracted thereafter, putting renewed pressure on
that have lingered amid stagnant demand from the mills to find trading levels.
home centers.
Prices of #2&Btr narrows were particularly weak.
Other buyers replenished cautiously, citing 2x4 was quoted at the mills in the low $900s
anticipation of further downside price pressure. in late trading, with some sales reported down
8-footers were especially difficult to sell. #2 2x6 into the lower to mid-$800s. 2x6 sold at similar
drew the most buyer attention, and traders widely levels to 2x4, with some offerings at discounts to
debated whether a bottom was approaching in that 4-inch.

Lumber Production, Sales, and Shipments

(Western U.S. mills)
Coast Inland
Week Ending Jun 19 Jun 12 Jun 5 Jun 19 Jun 12 Jun 5
Production 187 185 183 96 92 83
Orders 184 186 184 89 72 79
Shipments 187 187 187 94 92 87
Unfilled Orders 265 268 270 169 173 193
Inventories 640 640 643 484 481 481
mmbf. From data compiled by the Western Wood Products Association. Most current week’s data subject to revision.

6 | Random Lengths | June 24, 2021

Random Lengths Weekly Report

MSR prices skidded lower by triple digits. Prices The cash market traded close to July futures
of low grade plummeted, as well. Deep triple- before Thursday’s about-face that pushed July and
digit cuts in prices were widely reported, and September back to discounts to cash. The physical
some mills renewed efforts to look for business market plummeted to $875, a $130 loss for the week.
offshore. July fell the $42 limit Thursday to $842.30, while
September dropped the limit to $837.00.
Eastern Spruce-Pine-Fir
Industry long liquidation subsided in July, abetting
Liquidity improved in U.S. markets for Eastern a more stable trade through the middle of the week.
S-P-F beginning Wednesday, but deep discounts Thursday’s late-session sell-off left industry traders
were needed to book orders from wary buyers. pondering further downside potential.
Reported prices of the narrow widths of #1&2
dimension tumbled below $1,000 in Boston and July open interest was down to 562. Much of July’s
Great Lakes markets, which triggered interest from remaining interest was expected to be covered by
dealers and distributors. Quotes covered wide EFP transactions moving toward expiration.
ranges; 2x4 fell to $935 in Boston, its lowest level
since December. Coast

A number of producers reported that 2x6 was the The threat of more downside risk restricted
toughest width to sell, and reported prices fell $220- buyers’ willingness to participate, although they
225 in U.S. markets. Despite the pickup in activity were more amenable to new, lower-priced levels.
south of the border, Canadian markets remained Lingering order files limited discounts on spot
lackluster. The impact of COVID-19 lockdowns items, particularly Douglas Fir #1&Btr 2x4, and
were still being felt in Toronto. contributed to another week of broad price spreads.

Futures Treaters purchased little, with some carrying ample

inventories. Competition with Canadian Douglas
Futures showed some stability through much of the Fir dissipated as the week progressed. Hem-Fir
week, trading in narrower ranges midway through #2&Btr 2x4 and 2x6 sold as low as $865; wide-
Thursday’s session. But a plummeting cash market width prices held up better at the week’s end. Deep
was cited for a mid-session reversal, as early day discounts in Douglas Fir 2x10 and 2x12 surfaced.
gains turned into limit-down losses. Prices of low grade mirrored #2&Btr, falling by

Lumber Futures Note: Thursday Settlement Prices

Estimated Prior Day
Month Open High Low Last Chg Settle Volume Open Interest
Jul 21 891.60 914.40 842.30 842.30 –42.00 842.30 404 562
Sep 21 883.70 917.20 837.00 837.00 –42.00 837.00 280 901
Nov 21 845.30 850.00 783.40 783.40 –19.00 796.00 106 476
Source: Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Prices represent CME readings at presstime. The zero line graph tracks the premium or discount of the lumber
futures front month to the zero-lined price of the Western S-P-F #2&Btr 2x4 cash price.
($400) A M J J A S O N DJ F M A M J
20 21
Cash Futures 0 = Cash - Random Lengths price of Western S-P-F #2&Btr 2x4

Random Lengths | June 24, 2021 | 7

Random Lengths Weekly Report

triple digits in most instances. Industrial buyers their eastern counterparts, slashed prices by deep
were notably absent. triple-digit increments, without drawing in much
interest. 2x4- and 2x6-9s were most vulnerable,
Inland with some mill quotes $250-300 under last week’s
reported levels. Triple-digit discounts remained
The search for the bottom persisted in White Fir/ intact in Eastern S-P-F, but sales picked up in
Hem-Fir, Fir&Larch, and S-P-F-South #2&Btr the second half of the week in U.S. markets. The
dimension. Steep triple-digit price cuts remained deepest cuts were reported in 2x4-8s and -10s,
the rule, but failed to garner enough interest to which fell $220-270. Discounts of more than $C300
stem the free fall. A few mills reported moderately were seen in Canada.
more inquiries in the second half of the week, but
had few sales to show for it. Green Fir producers reacted to extreme competitive
pressure from dry stock, and lowered quotes
Traditional spreads between regions and species sharply. Reported prices covered wide ranges, but 9-
proved unreliable amid the price discovery mode. and 10-footers fell $220-300 in 2x4 and 2x6.
Fir&Larch #2&Btr 2x4 plunged $275, to $1,075, but
reports of sub-$1,000 sales surfaced. Economy 2x4 Coast prices fell hard early, but trading picked
and 2x6 slid under $600 with only minimal interest. up by week’s end as downside risk tapered. All
Hem-Fir trims sold in some volume below the
$1,000 mark; Douglas Fir hovered above that level.
Green Framing Lumber Declines ranged from $300-425. While large ranges
lingered, most traders reported a more constricted
Douglas Fir array of prices. Box store sales were modest.

The resiliency recently exhibited in green Fir Plummeting prices of Inland species failed to
Std/#2&Btr dimension evaporated, and producers generate much interest. Reported levels of White
took a more aggressive approach to quotes in Fir/Hem-Fir, Fir&Larch, and ES-LP fell $275-385
an attempt to compete with dry framing prices. across all widths and trims. Some mills reported
Mills with thinning order files cut quotes by triple scant sales $150 or more below this week’s reported
digits, and reported prices plummeted at Portland- levels. Numerous traders cited a collapse in home
rate mills. Std&Btr 2x4 absorbed the deepest cut, center demand for the free fall in prices.
tumbling $170 to finish at $1,070.

All widths fell by triple digits except #2&Btr 2x12, Other Items
which dropped $80. #1&Btr 2x4 wasn’t under
as intense of downward pressure due to limited Boards
offerings; it dipped $40. In Northern California,
wide dimension was hardest hit, with 2x10 and 2x12 Prices of boards were largely stagnant amid the
finishing $160 and $180 lower, respectively. “Just broader correction in framing lumber markets. A
like when the market was rocketing up, these drops few mills proactively sought sales at lower levels to
now will make your head spin,” said a buyer. alleviate occasional buildups that developed. But
most producers were equipped with lengthy order
Prices of 4-inch dimension were reported on both files, and were firm on quotes.
sides of last week’s levels. Most producers of 6- and
8-inch rough and surfaced cuttings continued In Ponderosa Pine, #2 1x6 and 1x12 were among
to boast lengthy order files, and reported prices the most widely available items; prices slipped $20
pushed $10 higher. and $10, respectively, the first declines in more than
a year. Prices of #3 and #4 held or edged higher
amid scant supplies. Some mills reported a notable
Stud Lumber downturn in phone activity in late trading.

The rout in prices was unabated. Western S-P-F Similar trends were evident in other western
producers, falling behind in competitiveness with species, but limited availability kept prices largely

8 | Random Lengths | June 24, 2021

Random Lengths Weekly Report

unchanged. Unwavering demand for Cedar Treated

boards kept upward pressure on those prices, but
gains moderated. Low-grade boards in all species Southern Pine treated lumber sales slowed further,
maintained a firmer tone. mirroring trends in markets for bright stock.
Buyers postponed replenishment as long as possible
Prices of Southern Pine were mixed in #2 and #3, to guard against downside risk. Purchases were
but edged higher in C&Btr and D. The reported confined primarily to highly mixed orders that
price of #2 1x4 fell $10, but lower levels were addressed only the most pressing needs. Demand
reported. This week marked the first decrease in from home centers was especially weak amid an
prices of that item since December 2019. ongoing decline in DIY consumption.

Eastern White Pine buyers took note of the shaky June sales in the Northeast continued to lag the
footing in other species, but were met with firm historical pace for the time of year, in some cases
quotes from mills on all items. Lengthy order by a wide margin. Many treaters lamented heavy
files gave mills leverage to hold the line on financial losses caused by declining inventory
prices. values over the last four weeks. This was especially
evident among treaters heavily tied to box stores.
A modest increase in production of Ponderosa
Pine shop modestly increased availability for A lack of liquidity was evident in most Western Red
July shipments. Reported prices climbed slightly, Cedar markets even though most prices remained
as demand continued to outpace supplies. Some firm to higher. The notable exception was 5/4x6
buyers were hopeful offerings would expand decking, which remained in price discovery mode.
in coming weeks amid the tumble in 2-inch A number of producers were wide open to counters,
dimension markets and slowing sales of 1-inch but struggled to find levels that would pull buyers
boards. off the sidelines.

Volumes offered on the open market were Sales to big-box retailers was especially slow. One
immediately booked at premiums to last mill source said his company’s sales to home centers
week ’s reported levels. Moulding and millwork “slowed to a trickle.” Interest in 1x4-1x8 boards held
producers in the U.S. remained overwhelmed steady to strong, and producers continued to lift quotes
with inquiries and orders from buyers unable to on narrow dimension. Sales of timbers slowed; 4x4 sold
secure desired coverage in a timely manner from in spots, but 4x6&wdr demand was lackluster.
Shingles & Shakes
Freight rate hikes from shipping companies
complicated replenishment efforts. The baseline Buyers’ efforts to cover their needs remained an
price range for imported mouldings rose to exercise in futility, as few mills were running due
$2,025-2,075, c.&f. U.S. ports. Radiata Pine to lack of raw materials. Most said they were still
shop and blanks out of Chile sold at modest waiting for late shipments, and any attempts to put
premiums. Tight supplies of Mldg&Btr out of further orders on the books were rebuffed by mills
New Zealand persisted. Prices were firm at that remained off the market. Prices were firm to
established levels. higher, with shakes leading the way.

Random Lengths | June 24, 2021 | 9

Price change since the previous issue of Random Lengths

Random Lengths Weekly Report

Lumber Price Guide UPS & DOWNS

Lumber Weekly Price Changes This Chg 3 This Chg 3
This Chg 3 2x10 #2&Btr 6/10 6/17 Week Weeks Studs 6/10 6/17 Week Weeks
2x4 Std/#2&Btr 6/10 6/17 Week Weeks KD Southern Pine (West) –27 –98 –173 –298 KD Western S-P-F –150 –225 –220 –595
KD Hem-Fir (Coast) –175 –350 –200 –725 Gr Douglas Fir (Portland) –10 –40 –125 –175 KD Spruce-Lodgepole –95 –345 –385 –825
KD HF/WF (Inland-Spokane) –110 –305 –250 –665 2x4 1650 MSR KD Hem-Fir (Coast) –60 –320 –300 –680
KD Fir&Larch –110 –260 –280 –650 Western S-P-F (Minneapolis) –195 –250 –140 –585 KD Eastern S-P-F (GL) –155 –300 –220 –675
KD Southern Pine (West) –158 –193 –150 –501 2x4 #3/Util Gr Douglas Fir (Portland) 0 –70 –200 –270
KD Western S-P-F –210 –255 –130 –595 KD Western S-P-F –210 –240 –150 –600 Boards
KD Eastern S-P-F (Boston) –185 –265 –200 –650 KD HF/WF (Inland-Spokane) –60 –240 –160 –460 #3 1x12 Ponderosa Pine 0 0 0 0
KD Eastern S-P-F (Toronto) –205 –320 –225 –750 KD Southern Pine (West) –120 –195 –140 –455 #3 5/4 Ponderosa Shop +50 +10 +20 +80
Gr Douglas Fir (Portland) –55 –120 –170 –345 Gr Douglas Fir (Portland) 0 –25 –100 –125 Std 5/4x6-16' SYP R.E.D. –60 –70 –85 –215

Unitized Loadings • Prices Net, f.o.b. Mill, U.S. Funds, Unless Otherwise Noted • Dollars Per Thousand Board Feet
Inland White Fir Spruce-Pine-Fir:
Coast or Hem-Fir6: Doug- Fir&Larch:6 Southern Pine: Western6,11 Eastern8
Random Hem-Fir6 SPOKANE1 N. CALIF.1 las Fir6 Inland CDN11,13 SPF-S5,6 WEST2 CENT3 EAST4 MILL7 CHI8 ATL8 BOS11 GL9,11 TOR10 MON10
2x4 Std.&Btr. — –250 — — –280 — — — — — — — — — — — —
2x4 #2&Btr. –200 –245 –265 –140 –275 –295 –205 –150 –130 –160 –130 –130 –130 –200 –190 –225 –220
2x6 –200 –245 –265 –150 –265 –300 –205 –88 –110 –130 –150 –150 –150 –220 –225 –320 –310
2x8 –200 –210 –215 –175 –225 –250 — –172 –140 –175 –140 –140 –140 –245 –215 –150 –150
2x10 –125 –225 –195 –230 –300 –290 — –173 –210 –120 –155 12 –155 –155 –165 –155 –250 –250
2x12 –130 –225 –195 –235 –300 –265 — –249 –305 –360 –80 –80 –80 — — — —
2x4 #3/Util –200 –160 –150 –150 –150 — –150 –140 –175 –200 –150 –150 –150 –130 –210 –250 –250
2x6 #3 –120 –130 –100 –105 –110 — –100 –110 –110 –160 –125 –125 –125 –175 –235 –240 –240
2x8 –105 –100 –90 –90 –100 — — –170 –90 –200 –100 –100 –100 — — — —
2x10 –105 –110 –50 –90 –105 — — –50 –10 –100 –100 –100 –100 — — — —
2x12 –105 –110 –50 –90 –105 — — –50 –25 –100 –100 –100 –100 — — — —
1–From freight areas indicated. 2–Mills in Tex., Ark., Okla., and La. west of the Mississippi River. 3–Mills in Miss., Ala., and La. east of the Mississippi River. 4–Mills in Ga., Fla., S.C.; also
N.C. and Va., where prices are 0/0 higher. 5–Prices based on mills in the Inland West. 6–Prices are for paper-wrapped stock. 7–Shipments from the Prince George, B.C., area;
mill returns on freight contracts not included. 8–Prices delivered. 9–N. Ohio, W. Pa. 10–Canadian funds, GST not included. 11–Applicable duties included. 12–Toronto - –165 ;
Canadian funds, GST not included. 13–Mills in Southern Interior of B.C.


Douglas Fir: Western Western S-P-F1 Eastern S-P-F1,2 Fir&Larch
2x4 Std.&Btr. –170 3 –150 –170 +25 2x4 2100f –145 –145 –140 –140 2x4 2400f –250
2x4 #2&Btr. –130 3 –145 –130 — 2x4 1650f –140 –140 –180 –180 2x4 1800f –270
2x6 –150 3 –125 –150 +25 2x6 2100f –145 –145 — — 2x6 2400f –290
2x8 –100 3 –65 –100 +15 2x6 1650f –150 –150 –255 –255 2x6 1800f –280
2x10 –125 –160 –125 +15 GREEN KILN DRIED White Fir
2x12 –80 –180 –80 +15 Southern Pine from: Douglas Douglas Fir& or Hem-Fir
2x4 Utility –100 — — +10 WEST CENT EAST Fir Fir Larch SPOKANE
2x6 #3 –100 — — +10 2x4 #1 –141 –115 –125 2x4 #1&Btr. –40 –95 –185 —
2x8 –100 — — — 2x6 –88 –100 — 2x4 Sel. Struc. — — — –200
2x10 –100 — — — 2x8 –163 –145 — 2x6 Sel. Struc. — — –200 –245
2x12 –100 — — — 2x10 –160 –65 — 2x8 Sel. Struc. — — –130 –125
1–From freight areas indicated. 2–Delivered rail. 3–For light-wane stock, add: 0 2x12 –244 –260 — 2x10 Sel. Struc. — — –150 –175
4–Prices for shipments from U.S. and Canadian mills. 5–Applicable duties in- 1–Applicable duties included. 2x12 Sel. Struc. — — –225 –225
cluded on Canadian stock. 2–RL 10/16'


Spruce-Pine-Fir: Douglas Fir6
Coast Inland Doug- Fir& ES- South- Western8 Eastern3 #2&Btr PORTLAND
Hem-Fir Hem-Fir las Fir Larch10 LP10 ern Pine1 MILL2 CHI3 ATL3 BOS8 GL4,8 TOR5 MON5 2x4-8' PET7 –200
2x3-8' PET Stud — — — — — — –125 –125 –125 –135 –130 –145 –145 2x4-9' PET –300
2x4-7'6" Stud — — — — — — — — — –115 –115 — — 2x4-10' PET –220
2x4-8' PET Stud7 — — — — — –155 –220 –220 –220 –235 –220 –280 –280 9 2x6-8' PET –150
2x4-8' PET #2/#2&Btr.7 –300 –275 10 –325 –275 –385 — –210 –210 — — — — — 2x6-9' PET –275
2x4-8' PET AG — –300 –325 — — — –200 –200 –200 — — — — 2x6-10' PET –250
2x4-9' PET Stud — — — — — — –265 –265 –265 –150 –150 –165 –165
2x4-9' PET #2/#2&Btr. –425 –365 10 –360 –300 –325 — –250 –250 — –150 –150 — — FINGERJOINTED
2x4-10' PET Stud — — — — — — — — — –270 –270 –310 –310 ES-LP
2x4-10' PET #2/#2&Btr. –400 — –340 — — — — — — — — — — 2x4-8' –335
2x6-7'6" Stud — — — — — — — — — –115 –115 — — 2x4-9'&10' –335
2x6-8' PET Stud — — — — — — –155 –155 –155 –140 –150 –275 –275 9 Fir&Larch
2x6-8' PET #2/#2&Btr. –320 –275 10 –300 –315 –350 — –150 –150 — — — — — 2x4-8' –335
2x6-9' PET Stud — — — — — — –220 –220 –220 –150 –160 –355 –360 2x4-9'&10' –335
2x6-9' PET #2/#2&Btr. –410 –380 10 –350 –300 –335 — –250 –250 — –150 –160 — — Western S-P-F8
2x6-10' PET #2/#2&Btr. –395 — –320 — — — — — — — — — — 2x4-8' –225
1–Westside and central zone production. 2–Shipments from the Prince George, B.C., area; mill returns on freight contracts not included. 3–Prices delivered. CHICAGO3 –225
4–N. Ohio, W. Pa. 5–Canadian funds, GST not included. 6–From Portland, Ore., freight area. 7–Full 8', add: 0/0 8–Applicable duties included.
9–93-1/4-inch. 10–For Stud grade, deduct: 0

10 | Random Lengths | June 24, 2021

Price change since the previous issue of Random Lengths

Random Lengths Weekly Report

FRAMING LUMBER, Specified Lengths
Customer Specified Loadings, Unless Otherwise Noted • Prices Net, f.o.b. Mill, Unless Otherwise Noted • Dollars Per Thousand Board Feet
8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20' 22' 24'
2x4 #1 –150 –105 –150 –120 –180 –145 –140 2x4 #1 –140 –110 –100 –100 –110 –115 –150 — —
2x6 –80 –90 –90 –80 –90 –80 –80 2x6 –100 –90 –100 –90 –75 –180 –135 — —
2x8 –145 –155 –175 –165 –160 –160 –170 2x8 –100 –135 –150 –150 –150 –150 –150 — —
2x10 –190 –160 –165 –155 –150 –150 –165 2x10 –75 –25 –50 –75 –75 –105 –100 — —
2x12 –230 –230 –245 –245 –250 –270 –200 2x12 –225 –275 –225 –275 –250 –305 –250 — —
2x4 #2 –145 –100 –150 –130 –180 –145 –130 2x4 #2 –105 –100 –120 –140 –145 –145 –145 — —
2x6 –80 –70 –80 –75 –85 –85 –80 2x6 –100 –110 –100 –100 –110 –100 –100 0 0
2x8 –145 –155 –170 –170 –170 –170 –170 2x8 –125 –150 –140 –140 –140 –150 –150 0 0
2x10 –180 –160 –175 –175 –175 –160 –165 2x10 –175 –215 –230 –200 –200 –200 –200 0 0
2x12 –200 –200 –250 –250 –260 –250 –260 2x12 –325 –300 –300 –300 –300 –325 –325 0 0
#2 22'&24' 2x6 – 0/0 2x8 – 0/0 1–Mills in Miss., Ala., and La. east of the Mississippi River.
2x10 – –10/–30 2x12 – –70/–70
1–Mills in Tex., Ark., Okla., and La. west of the Mississippi River. HEM-FIR, KILN DRIED, Coast1
8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20' 22' 24'
SOUTHERN PINE, KILN DRIED, East1 2x4 #2&Btr. –200 –200 –200 –200 –200 –200 –200 — —
8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20' 2x6 –200 –200 –200 –200 –200 –200 –200 –370 –370
2x4 #1 –200 –150 –160 –160 –160 –175 –170 2x8 –200 –200 –200 –200 –200 –200 –200 –260 –260
2x6 –130 –140 –150 –145 –130 –135 –160 2x10 –125 –125 –125 –125 –125 –125 –125 –155 –155
2x8 –190 –165 –175 –175 –165 –170 –150 2x12 –130 –130 –130 –130 –130 –130 –130 –165 –165
2x10 –100 –100 –175 –115 –100 –105 –100 1–Flat car paper-wrapped loadings.
2x12 –270 –280 –330 –255 –370 –375 –250
2x4 #2 –185 –160 –160 –160 –160 –160 –160 SPRUCE-PINE-FIR, KILN DRIED, Western1,2,3
2x6 –125 –130 –145 –135 –130 –130 –130 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20'
2x8 –175 –175 –175 –185 –175 –165 –200 2x4 #2&Btr. –145 –70 –130 –160 –125 –150 –105
2x10 –125 –100 –100 –100 –150 –150 –150 2x6 –120 –265 –120 –165 –130 –120 –110
2x12 –275 –275 –400 –275 –425 –375 –450 2x8 –225 –225 –125 –120 –120 –110 –110
1–Mills in Ga., Fla., S.C.; also N.C. and Va., where prices are usually higher. 2x10 –160 –155 –155 –155 –155 –155 –155
2x12 –110 –75 –80 –80 –80 –80 –80
SPRUCE-PINE-FIR, KILN DRIED, Eastern 1–Flat car paper-wrapped loadings; straight-length loadings. Prices reflect shipments from the Prince
George, B.C., area; mill returns on freight contracts not included. 2–Applicable duties included.
Delivered Boston1 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 3–For delivered Chicago prices add: 2x4 – 0 2x6 – 0 2x8 – 0 2x10 – 0 2x12 – 0
2x4 #2&Btr. –240 –285 –190 –215 –180
2x6 –145 –225 –200 –255 –250
Delivered Great Lakes1 DOUGLAS FIR, GREEN, Portland
2x4 #2&Btr. –185 –250 –210 –185 –190 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20' 22'1 24'1 26' 28'
2x6 –140 –145 –200 –260 –245 2x4 Std&Btr. –150 –150 –150 –150 –150 –150 –150 — — — —
Delivered Toronto2 2x6 #2&Btr. –90 –115 –80 –135 –130 –165 –130 –40 –35 –15 –10
2x3 #2&Btr. –150 –160 –160 –180 –180 2x8 –120 –110 –120 –115 –115 –110 –120 –45 –35 –20 –20
1–Applicable duties included. 2–Canadian funds, GST not included. 2x10 –125 –120 –130 –125 –140 –130 –130 –40 –40 –20 –20
2x12 –65 –70 –50 –60 –55 –70 –55 –40 –40 –20 –10
1–22'&24' only: 2x6 – –40 2x8 ––40 2x10 – –40 2x12 ––40


Std/#2&Btr. 2x4 #2&Btr. 2x10 Studs - 2x4 - 8' PET
Inland WF Southern S-P-F:6 Douglas Inland WF Southern S-P-F:6 Douglas Inland Southern S-P-F:6 Douglas
or H-F Pine5 WEST4 EAST Fir (Gr.) or H-F3 Pine5 WEST Fir (Gr.) H-F4 Pine WEST EAST Fir (Gr.)4
Atlanta — –160 –130 –1902 — — –120 –155 — — — –220 –220 —
Dallas — –150 –130 –190 –170 — –173 –155 –125 — –155 –220 –220 —
Houston –250 –150 –130 –190 — –225 –173 –155 — –275 –155 –220 –220 —
Detroit –250 — –130 –190 — –225 — –155 — –275 — –220 –220 —
Chicago –250 — –130 –190 –170 –225 –192 –155 –125 –275 — –220 –220 –200
Kansas City –250 –150 –130 — –170 –225 –173 –155 –125 –275 –155 –220 — –200
Minneapolis –250 — –130 — — –225 — –155 — –275 — –220 — —
Memphis — –145 –130 — — — –165 –155 — — –155 –220 — —
Boston –250 — –130 –200 — –225 — –155 — — — –220 –235 —
New York –250 — –130 –200 –170 –225 — –155 –125 — — –220 –235 –200
Philadelphia — — –130 –200 — — — –155 — — — –220 –235 —
Baltimore — — –130 –200 — — –120 –155 — — — –220 –235 —
Island Pond — — –130 — — — — –155 — — — –220 — —
Pittsburgh –250 — –130 –190 — –225 — –155 — — — –220 –220 —
Columbus — — –130 –190 — — –210 –155 — — — –220 –220 —
Birmingham — –130 –130 — — — –210 –155 — — –155 –220 — —
Jacksonville — — –130 –190 — — — –155 — — — –220 –220 —
Charlotte — –160 –130 –190 — — –120 –155 — — — –220 –220 —
San Francisco — — –130 — –170 — — –155 –125 — — –220 — –200
Los Angeles — — –130 — –170 — — –155 –125 — — –220 — –200
Phoenix — — –130 — –170 — — –155 –125 — — –220 — —
1–Kiln dried unless otherwise noted. 2– #3 2x4 - –210 3–Denver - –225 4–#2&Btr. 5–#2. 6–Applicable duties included.
Delivered prices are published as a guide only to provide approximate delivered costs at each destination. Freight costs are based on prevailing rates for the most commonly used carriers,
routings and types of loadings for each product and destination. No allowances are made for contract rates, special discounts, and other routings for which there can be substantial vari-
ances from the prices shown. All prices are in U.S. funds.

Random Lengths | June 24, 2021 | 11

Price change since the previous issue of Random Lengths

Random Lengths Weekly Report

Prices Net, f.o.b. Mill, U.S. Funds, Unless Otherwise Noted • Dollars Per Thousand Board Feet
C&Btr. D #2&Btr. #3 #4 Sterling Standard Utility
1x4 0 0 0 +5 0 1x4 0 0 +10
1x6 0 0 –20 0 +5 1x6 –25 0 +10
1x8 0 0 –5 0 0 1x8 0 0 +10
1x10 0 0 0 0 0 1x10 0 0 +10
1x12 0 0 –10 0 0 1x12 0 0 +10
C&Btr. D #2&Btr. #3 #4
1x4 0 0 0 0 –5
1x6 0 0 –10 –5 –5
1x10 0 0 0 0 –5 D&Btr. Premium Standard Industrial
1x12 0 0 0 0 –5 1x4 0 0 0 +5
1x6 0 0 0 +5
1x8 0 0 0 +5
SUGAR PINE, KILN DRIED 1x10 0 0 0 +5
C&Btr. D #2&Btr. #3 #4 1x12 0 0 0 +5
1x4 0 0 –5 0 0 1–NELMA rules; mills in Northeast U.S. Prices shown reflect S4S boards, including items in
1x6 which the majority of volume produced is pattern stock.
0 0 –20 0 –5
1x8 0 0 –5 0 –5
1x10 0 0 –5 0 –5
1x12 0 0 –5 0 –5
C&Btr. D #2 #3
1x4 +5 +5 –10 0
D&Btr. #2&Btr. #3 #4 1x8 +5 +5 +5 0
1x4 0 0 0 +5 1x10 +5 +5 +5 0
1x6 0 0 0 +5 1x12 +5 +5 +5 0
1x8 0 0 0 +5
1x10 0 0 0 +10 West #21 8' 10' 12' 14' 16'
1x12 0 0 0 +10 1x4 –10 –10 –10 –10 –5
1x6 0 0 0 0 0
East #22
EUROPEAN SPRUCE1 1x4 –5 –5 –5 –5 –5
#2 1x6 0 0 0 0 0
1x4 +10 1–Mills in Tex., Ark., La., Miss., and Alabama 2–Mills in Ga., Fla., S.C., N.C., and Va.
1x6 +10 5/4x6 R.E.D.
1x8 +10 West1 8' 10' 12' 14' 16'
1x10 +10 Standard –105 –105 –100 –115 –100
1x12 +10 Premium –135 –100 –135 –120 –130
1–Prices f.o.b. truck, Gulf and East Coast ports; tallies heavy to 12-16-foot lengths. East2
Standard –100 –100 –100 –75 –85
Premium –200 –120 –100 –100 –100
EASTERN SPRUCE-PINE-FIR1 1–Mills in Tex., Ark., La., and Miss. 2–Mills in Ala., Ga., Fla., S.C., N.C., and Va.
DRIED Utility&Btr. (10-15% Utility)
1x3 –60 –50
1x4 –30 –25
1–Prices delivered. 2–Applicable duties included.


Boards Siding2
Std.&Btr. No-Hole CHANNEL BEVEL KD BEVEL KD T&G D&Btr. #3&Btr. 2F2 #3&Btr. #4
1x4 +30 +30 — — — — 0 +5 +5 +5
1x6 +30 +30 — — — +50 3,7 0 +10 +10 +20
1x8 +30 +30 +20 5 +20 +50 3,4 — 0 +10 +10 +20
1x10 +30 +30 — +20 — — 0 +5 +15 +5
1x12 +30 +30 — — — — 0 +5 +5 +10
1–Green 3/4" except where noted. 2–WCLIB rule 111(e) and (f). Stock containing up to 15% Quality. 3–11/16". 1–Kiln Dried 7/8". 2–Graded two sides; no hit & miss.
4–3/4": +20 5–1x8 KD Channel: +20 6–Applicable duties included on Canadian stock. 7–WP-4, smooth face

PRICES ARE PUBLISHED AS A GUIDE ONLY to sales at the manufacturer level in carload or similar volumes during the week of publication. No attempt is
made to predict future prices or trends. Specific sales, because of variations in stock quality and tallies, result in prices that are higher or lower than those
published. The report is based on sizes and grades that conform to Product Standard 20-15 and on surfacing, grademarking and discounts that conform to
general industry practices; on stock that originates in the principal producing region for each species; and on random-length loadings that contain a normal
assortment of the lengths most desired in each size.

12 | Random Lengths | June 24, 2021

Price change since the previous issue of Random Lengths

Random Lengths Weekly Report

Prices Net, f.o.b. Mill, U.S. Funds, Unless Otherwise Noted • Dollars Per Thousand Board Feet, Unless Otherwise Noted
Coast Inland Southern Pine from: Western3 Eastern GREAT Douglas Fir
2x4 –115 –90 –90 –85 –110 –205 –150 –95 –100 –190 –150 –80
2x6 –105 –95 –95 –100 –110 –165 –155 –135 –150 –140 –120 –105
2x8 — — — –60 –75 –190 –150 — — — — –100
2x10 — — — –35 –10 –50 –150 — — — — –100
2x12 — — — –40 –30 –35 –150 — — — — –100
2x4—8' — — — — — — — –135 –150 –150 –150 —
1– Selected stock; unsound wood and wane restricted. 2– May also contain Douglas Fir. 3– Canadian funds, GST not included. 4– Prices delivered in Canadian funds, GST not included.
5– Delivered; applicable duties included.


Net f.o.b. treating plants in Va., Ga., Fla., N.C., S.C., & Ala. Waterborne Copper-Based Preservatives. Wet from the cylinder.

FRAMING LUMBER1 (Use Category 3)2 SQUARES AND TIMBERS (Use Category 4)4
8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16'
2x4 #2 –215 –175 –200 –165 –150 4x4 #2 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
2x6 –185 –180 –180 –185 –180 4x6 –100 –100 –100 –100 –100
2x8 –180 –170 –210 –175 –185 6x6 –50 –100 –100 –100 –100
2x10 –70 –100 –100 –100 –100 BOARDS/R.E.D.3 (Use Category 3)2
2x12 –200 –185 –220 –250 –250 1x4 #2 0 0 0 0 0
1–For KD after treatment, add: 0/0 2–Meets AWPA standard for above-ground use. 1x6 0 0 0 0 0
5/4x6 Std. –100 –50 –60 –50 –70
POSTS, BEAMS AND TIMBERS Premium –150 –50 –75 –75 –100
GREEN DOUGLAS FIR, RL 3–For KD after treatment, add: 0/0 4–Meets AWPA standard for ground contact.
PORTLAND1 N. CALIF.1 #1&Btr., Portland Rough1,2 S4S3
4x4, 8/20' #2&Btr. 0 0 6x6, 12/24' +10 +10
4x6, 8/20' 0 0 6x8-6x12, 12/24' +10 +10 WESTERN RED CEDAR
4x8, 8/20' 0 0 6x14-6x16, 12/24' +10 — DIMENSION1 TIMBERS, Standard Sawn1
4x10, 8/20' 0 0 8x8, 12/24' +10 — AG2 Rough S4S AG2 Rough S4S
4x12, 8/20' 0 0 8x10-8x12, 12/24' +10 — 2x4 Std.&Btr. +25 3 +25 +25 4x4 Std.&Btr. 04 0 05
8x14-8x16, 12/24' +10 — 2x6 #2&Btr. +25 +25 +25 4x6 #2&Btr. 0 0 —
1–70% FOHC 1–For Select Structural, add: 0 2x8 +15 +15 +15 4x8 0 0 —
2–Full sawn; 100% FOHC 2x10 +15 +15 +15 4x10 0 0 —
3–70% FOHC; for 100%, add: 0 2x12 +15 +15 +15 4x12 0 0 —
West2 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 1–Applicable duties included on Canadian stock. 2–Appearance grade - no wane,
4x4 #2 –135 –275 –225 –225 –250 no rot, no holes. 3–8' rail: +25 4–8' post: 0 5–#1 Appearance grade: 0
4x6 –270 –170 –250 –225 –225
6x6 –225 –225 –225 –215 –250 DECK GRADE1 SIDING1
East3 Custom Knotty3 Architect Knotty3 Clear2
4x4 #2 –215 –220 –215 –200 –200 GREEN GREEN KILN DRIED VG A Rustic
4x6 –250 –220 –325 –245 –275 2x4 0 0 0 1/2x6 +10 +10 +10
6x6 –305 –310 –250 –230 –260 2x6 0 0 0 1/2x8 +10 +10 —
1–25% moisture content or less. 2–Mills in Tex., Ark., La., Miss., and Ala. 3–Mills in Ga., 5/4x6 R.E.D. — –250 –250 Clear Fingerjointed
Fla., S.C., N.C., and Va. VG MG
S2S MOULDING AND SHOP 1/2x6 +10 +10
1– Applicable duties included on Canadian stock. 2– Full length bundling, 3' & longer.
PONDEROSA PINE1 3– WRCLA trademarks.
Moulding 3rd Clear #1 Shop #2 Shop #3 Shop Para. 99
4/4 Std. +20 +20 +20 +20 — —
5/4 Hvy. +20 9 +20 +20 +20 +20 +20 FENCING1
6/4 Hvy. +20 10 +20 +20 +20 +20 +20 Full Sawn Rough Standard Rough S1S2E2
WHITE FIR 1x4 #1 2F 6' 0 — 0
5/4 Hvy. — 0 0 0 0 — 1x4 #2&Btr. NH 6' 0 0 0
RADIATA PINE2 1x6 #1 2F 6' 0 — 0
5/4 Hvy. — +20 +20 +20 +20 — 1x6 #2&Btr. NH 6' 0 0 0
6/4 Hvy. — +20 +20 +20 +20 — 1– NH: No hole. 2F: Graded two sides. For dog-ear add: 0/0
MOULDING & BTR3 2– Applicable duties included on Canadian stock.
Ponderosa Pine7 White Fir7 Radiata Pine2,8
5/4 +30 +20 +20 SHINGLES H/S & R/S SHAKES2
6/4 +30 — +20 Palletized Loadings, Palletized Loadings, 9/9
INDUSTRIAL FINGERJOINT Prices Per Square #1 #2 Pack, Prices Per Square
Blocks Blanks 16"—5X 0 0 1/2x24"1 +4.00
Radiata Pine 5/44,6 +30 +30 18"—Perfections1 0 0 3/4x24"1 +4.00
Radiata Pine 6/44,6 +30 +30 18"—Rebutted, Rejointed1 0 —
Elliottii/Taeda Pine 5/45,6 +30 +30 1– TOFC shipments to Midwest and East. 2– 5/8"x24" Tapersawn (UBC): +4.00
1– Prices for Sugar Pine usually slightly higher. 2– Prices f.o.b. dock West Coast ports; tal-
lies heavy to 14- and 16-foot lengths. 3– Includes 15-20% C&Btr. 4– Prices f.o.b. West
Coast ports. 5– Prices f.o.b. Gulf and East Coast ports. 6– Four sides clear, no defect.
7– S2S. 8– Rough. 9– 1-5/16-inch (does not include 15-20% C&Btr). 10– 1-9/16-inch
(does not include 15-20% C&Btr).

Random Lengths | June 24, 2021 | 13

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