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Grammor Grommortn conversotion

I Look! 1 Motch.

, What'sthls? It's o swlng.

rubber ruler croUons pen penciI

2 O Listenqnd reod.

Ask qnd qnswer.

What hoveUougot ln gourschool bag? j

Show me!

OK.Theseare mg books and this is mrJpencilcase.

What haveyou got in gourpencilc ase?

What ore these? '[
l've got one pen andtwo pencils
, What ore those? What are these? i
\..ttt -f
\ \\I

I3:*-r::.. I
And what'sthis? F
Ask ond onswer. funng!

3 O Listenqnd sqg.

4 Now gou!
Unit 2 this, thot, these,those this,these Unitz
iri,'". {.rt+hgIOt
:' Rgoding O Reodingcomprehension
throw hop run skip shoutsquorecircle ,.onJ
1 Reod.Numberthe Pictures.
1 Thesebogsoresittingof o toble.

2 Thisgirl is hoPPing.

3 Thesegirlsore skiPPing.

4 Thisbog is running.

5 Thesebogsore loughing.
It is plogtime.The .Thegore runningondshouting.
chitdrenore in the ptoUground
Theg qre jumpingond loughing. 6 Thesegirlsore holdinghonds.

7 Thisbog isthrowingo boll.

8 Thesechildrenorejumping.

O - -.
r ?"ll
i. l.t gllJl^
Thesegirlsore holdinghonds. Thisgirl is hoppingon squqres. ' brKe lffiffi'
Thegqre skippingroundqnd Thereqre numbersin the squores.
ore singing.
roundin o circle.Theg Thereis o stonein one squore.
Thisis o gome,too.
1 Look
Thegore plogingo gome. "lsou
2 O Listen,reqdqnd sou.
Thesechitdrenore sittingst cltob[e. I con rideo bike.
Thesechildrenhqvegot o bqll.Thegirl Thegore plogingo gome.Two friends I concountto nine.
is throwing the boll.Thesmoll bog is sre wotchingquietlg.
Con gou ptogthis I conwrite mUnome
looking ot it. Con he cotch it? gome? Whot is it? with the letterson the line.

36 U n i t2 R e o d i n g o: d e s c r i p t i o no f o c t i o n s R e o d i n gc o m p r e h e n s i o nP;h o n i c sr - e U n i tZ

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