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6 c ô
„ vi e B ‡K Z z
‡ j aivi ÿz� �qvm
gvÎ K‡qK�U cvZvq Z g vb wb Y ©
‡ q i R b¨ h‡_ó n‡e |
¸Y M
k v K wi , e B �U i G B Kq�U cvZv eB�Ui

Zv‡`i cÖwZ
hviv K‡g©i gva¨‡g
fvM¨ cwieZ©‡b wek¦vmx

B.A (Hons) M.A in English
Lecturer in English
Rajshahi Commerce College
Author & Publisher of REW Publications
Admin of English Moja
Golden Play Button & Silver Play Button Awarded
As an English Content Creator
Writer of NEED | Freehand Writing & Word Function | MCQ Magic |
SMART Vocabulary | Job Vocab | Sure 60 | Text Vocab

T o u c h e d B y

Page | 02
wKQz K_v...
Avjnvg`ywjjøvn, `xN© c«qv‡m Sure 60 bvgK eBwUi KvR †kl Ki‡Z cvijvg| Sure 60 eBwU ˆZwi Kiv
n‡q‡Q HSC/Alim wk¶v_x©‡`i Rb¨| eBwU HSC/Alim wØZxq e‡l©i Grammar As‡ki 60 Marks
†c‡Z Abb¨ mnvqK wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡e|
eBwU †jLvi †¶‡Î Avgvi wk¶KZvi AwfÁZv Ges wk¶v_x©‡`i AvKv•ÿvi c«wZdjb NUv‡bvi †Póv
Kiv n‡q‡Q|
HSC/Alim wØZxq e‡l©i Grammar Part-G wk¶v_x©iv †h mgm¨v¸‡jv Abyfe K‡i:
cix¶vq Avmv c«kœ¸‡jvi mwVK evsjv eyS‡Z bv cviv|
cix¶vq Avmv Topic- m�ú‡K© ch©vß Rules Rvbv m‡Ë¦I, wVKg‡Zv Rules ¸‡jv‡K c«‡qvM Ki‡Z bv cviv|
Filling in the gap-G †Kvb DËi †Kb nj, GwU eyS‡Z bv cviv|
P~ovšÍ cix¶v (Final Exam) Dc‡hvMx c«wZwU Topic-Gi Dc‡i ch©vß Abykxj‡bi e¨e¯’v bv _vKv|
Dchy©³ mgm¨v mg~‡ni mgvavb wgj‡e GB eBwU‡Z:
weMZ eQ‡i Avmv mKj c«kœ-DËi Ges Exclusive Suggestion-Gi mKj c«‡kœvˇii mnR
eBwU‡Z Ah_v-Ac«vmw½K †Kvb Grammatical Rules wb‡q Av‡jvPbv Kiv nqwb, hv weMZ eQ‡ii
cix¶v¸‡jv‡Z Av‡mwb Ges fwel¨r cix¶vq Avmvi m¤¢vebv iv‡L bv|
weMZ eQ‡i Avmv c«wZwU c«‡kœi mwVK DËi nIqvi KviY e¨vL¨v|
c«wZwU Aa¨v‡qi †k‡l hy³ Kiv n‡q‡Q Exclusive Suggestion, hv GKRb wk¶v_x©i Rb¨ Final
Suggestion wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡e|
c«wZwU Aa¨v‡qi †k‡l ¸iæZ¦c~Y© Ges RwUj c«kœ Grand Test wk‡ivbv‡g †`qv n‡q‡Q, †h¸‡jv mgvavb
Ki‡Z cvi‡j D‡jøwLZ Aa¨v‡qi Dc‡i c~Y©Zv Avm‡e, BbkvAvjøvn|
GB eB -G D‡jøwLZ c«wZwU Topic -Gi Dc‡i Avmbœ fwZ© cixÿvq Kx ai‡Yi c«kœ Avm‡Z cv‡i,
’Advanced Admission Concept’ wk‡ivbv‡g Zv c«wZwU Aa¨v‡qi †k‡l †`Iqv n‡q‡Q|
GZ wKQy ïaygvÎ GKRb wk¶v_x©i English Grammar fxwZ `~i Kivi Rb¨| eBwU †bIqvi ci c«_g
cvZv †_‡K †kl cvZv ch©šÍ GKevi †PvL eywj‡q †b‡e, †`L‡e †Zvgvi PvIqv-cvIqvi c«wZdjb GB eBwU‡Z
N‡U‡Q wKbv|
eBwU †bIqvi ci hw` g‡b nq eBwU †Zvgvi c«Z¨vkv c~i‡Y e¨_© n‡q‡Q ev n‡Z cv‡i, Zvn‡j eBwU †diZ
w`‡q †Zvgvi µq g~j¨ ey‡S wb‡Z cvi‡e| Avi hw` eBwU †Zvgvi Rb¨ fv‡jv Ges Dc‡hvMx nq Zvn‡j †Zvgvi
GKRb mncvVx‡K GB my›`i evZ©vwU Rvwb‡q †`‡e| Avgiv mevB wek¡vm Ki‡Z wkL‡ev- ÒA‡b¨i gv‡S
fv‡jv wKQy Qwo‡q †`Iqvi g‡a¨B wb‡R‡`i Kj¨vY wbwnZ|Ó
me‡k‡l hv ej‡Z PvB-
GKwU eB wb‡q GKRb †jLK A‡bK K_v ej‡Z cv‡i, wKš‘ GKwU eB‡qi mv_©KZv wVK ZLbB hLb
eBwU wb‡q GKRb cvVK wKQy e‡j|
fv‡jv wKQyi †Póv Aweivg K‡i hve, BbkvAvjøvn|

MVbg~jK gšÍe¨ _vK‡j:

M. Rafique
[email protected]

Page | 06

Basic Marks Distribu�on 9
View Direc�on for the HSC Students 10
NCTB Sample Ques�on 11
Answer of NCTB Sample Ques�on 14
 Rules Based on Previous Ques�ons
 Selected Appropriate Preposi�ons
 Board Ques�on Based wfbœ avivi Preposi�on
 Extra but Most Important (Based on Exclusive Sugges�on)
 General Rules for Preposi�ons (GKevi †`‡L †bIqvi gZ welq)
 Ques�on Bank with Answer (mnR mvejxj e½vbyev`)
 Exclusive Sugges�on with Answer Aid (Final cixÿvi Rb¨ me©‡kl Abykxjb)
 Grand Test with Answer Aid
 Rules Based on Previous Ques�ons (ïay ZvB hv `iKvi, Ggb Selected Rules)
 NCTB Ques�on Pa�ern Gi evwn‡i D‡jøL‡hvM¨ wKQz Words & Phrases
 Ques�on Bank with Answer Explana�on (mnR mvejxj e½vbyev` I KviY e¨vL¨v)
 Exclusive Sugges�on with Answer Aid (Final cixÿvi Rb¨ me©‡kl Abykxjb)
 Grand Test with Answer Aid
 Rules Based on Previous Ques�ons (ïay ZvB hv `iKvi, Ggb Selected Rules)
 Ques�on Bank with Answer Explana�on (mnR mvejxj e½vbyev` I KviY e¨vL¨v)
 Exclusive Sugges�on with Answer Aid (Final cixÿvi Rb¨ me©‡kl Abykxjb)
 Grand Test with Answer Aid
 Rules Based on Previous Ques�ons (ïay ZvB hv `iKvi, Ggb Selected Rules)
 Ques�on Bank with Answer Explana�on (mnR mvejxj e½vbyev` I KviY e¨vL¨v)
 Exclusive Sugges�on with Answer Aid (Final cixÿvi Rb¨ me©‡kl Abykxjb)
 Grand Test with Answer Aid

Page | 07


 Narra�on cwieZ©‡bi cÖv_wgK wbqg
 Sentence Narra�on †h¸‡jv Passage Narra�on cvivi c~e© kZ©
 Ques�on Bank with Answer Explana�on (mnR mvejxj e½vbyev` I KviY e¨vL¨v)
 Indirect to Direct (DËi‡K cÖ‡kœ cwieZ©b)
 Exclusive Sugges�on with Answer Aid (Final cixÿvi Rb¨ me©‡kl Abykxjb)
 Grand Test with Answer Aid
 Rules Based on Previous Ques�ons (ïay ZvB hv `iKvi, Ggb Selected Rules)
 Modifier with Noun, Modifier with Verb & Modifier with Adjec�ve
 wec‡`i eÜz (To Avoid Risk)
 Ques�on Bank and Answer Explana�on (mnR mvejxj e½vbyev` I KviY e¨vL¨v)
 Exclusive Sugges�on with Answer Aid (Final cixÿvi Rb¨ me©‡kl Abykxjb)
 Grand Test with Answer Aid
 Rules Based on Previous Ques�ons (ïay ZvB hv `iKvi, Ggb Connectors List)
 Ques�on Bank and Answer Explana�on (mnR mvejxj e½vbyev` I KviY e¨vL¨v)
 Exclusive Sugges�on with Answer Aid (Final cixÿvi Rb¨ me©‡kl Abykxjb)
 Grand Test with Answer Aid
 Rules Based on Previous Ques�ons
 Synonym wK?
 Antonym wK?
 cixÿvq Avmv Synonym & Antonym -Gi DËi Kivi we‡kl †KŠkj
 ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Synonym & Antonym (Level-01 + Level-02)
 Ques�on Bank and Answer (mnR mvejxj e½vbyev` I DËi)
 Exclusive Sugges�on with Answer Aid (Final cixÿvi Rb¨ me©‡kl Abykxjb)
 Grand Test with Answer Aid
 Rules Based on Previous Ques�ons
 Punctua�on marks Gi aib
 weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ we‡køl‡Y 6 ai‡bi Punctua�on Marks
 Ques�on Bank and Answer (mnR mvejxj e½vbyev` I DËi)
 Exclusive Sugges�on with Answer Aid (Final cixÿvi Rb¨ me©‡kl Abykxjb)
 Grand Test with Answer Aid
10 SETS P~ovšÍ Model Test [Final cixÿvi cÖwZ”Qwe] For the Year 2024 454
 DËi: P‚ovšÍ Model Test 476

Page | 08
Sure 60 for HSC Page | 9
1 bs cÖk,œ Preposition: †hLv‡b 10wU Gap m¤^wjZ GKwU passage †`Iqv _vK‡e| Passage-wU cÖ_g †_‡K †kl ch©šÍ c‡o
wb‡q A_© ey‡S Grammar Gi rules †g‡b preposition emv‡Z n‡e|
cixÿvq ïaygvÎ Bs‡iwR bv¤^vi (a), (b), (c), (d) GBfv‡e wj‡L preposition emv‡Z n‡e| m¤ú~Y© passage wU DËi
cÎ/cixÿvi LvZvq wjL‡Z n‡e bv| .5x10=5
2 bs cÖk,œ Suitable Phrases / Words: †hLv‡b 10/12wU word ev phrase †`Iqv _vK‡e Box -Gi †fZ‡i| D³ phrase/
words My‡jvi ga¨ †_‡K mwVK Ges †hŠw³K word ev phrase ¸‡jv‡K wb‡P †`Iqv `kwU gap G grammar Gi rules
†g‡b emv‡Z n‡e|
cixÿvq ïaygvÎ bv¤^vi (a), (b), (c), (d) GBfv‡e wj‡L word / phrase ¸‡jv emv‡Z n‡e| m¤ú~Y© passage wU DËi
cÎ/cixÿvi LvZvq wjL‡Z n‡e bv| .5x10=5
3 bs cÖk,œ Completing Sentence: †hLv‡b 10wU incomplete evK¨‡K complete Ki‡Z ejv n‡e| cÖwZwU incomplete
evK¨ †QvU `yB ev wZbwU ev‡K¨i mgš^‡q _vK‡e| †m‡ÿ‡Î c~‡e©i evK¨¸‡jvi A‡_©i mv‡_ m½wZ †i‡L incomplete evK¨wU‡K
c~Y© (complete) Ki‡Z n‡e|
cixÿvq ïaygvÎ bv¤^vi (a), (b), (c), (d) GBfv‡e wj‡L incomplete ev‡K¨i mv‡_ †h AskUzKz Av‡Q †mUv mn complete
Kiv evK¨wUi wb‡P underline K‡i wjL‡Z n‡e| 1x10=10
4 bs cÖk,œ Right Forms of Verbs: †hLv‡b 14wU Gap _vK‡e, †hLv‡b Clue/Option _vK‡e| m¤ú~Y© passage wUi A_© ey‡S
grammar Gi mwVK rules cÖ‡qvM K‡i verb Gi mwVK form ¸‡jv emv‡Z n‡e|
cixÿvq ïaygvÎ bv¤^vi (a), (b), (c), (d) GBfv‡e wj‡L mwVK DËi¸‡jv cixÿvi LvZvq wjL‡Z n‡e| G‡ÿ‡Î m¤ú~Y©
passage wU cixÿvi LvZvq wjL‡Z n‡e bv| .5x14=7
5 bs cÖkœ, Narration: †hLv‡b GKwU NUbvi Dc‡i cuvPwU ev QqwU evK¨ w`‡q direct form G passage narration †`Iqv n‡e|
cixÿvq ïaygvÎ indirect iƒ‡c passage narration wU wjL‡Z n‡e| D‡jøL¨, †Kv‡bv †Kv‡bv mgq indirect †_‡K direct
iƒ‡cI passage narration Ki‡Z ejv n‡Z cv‡i| †mBRb¨, direct to indirect / indirect to direct GB `yB fv‡eB
cÖ¯‘wZ ivLv fv‡jv| 7
6 bs cÖk,œ Modifiers: G‡ÿ‡Î GKwU passage G 10 wU Gap _vK‡e| cÖwZwU Gap G wbw`©ó clue/hint w`‡q modifier
emv‡Z ejv n‡e| Clue/Hint ¸‡jvi grammatical inm¨ ev wbqg ey‡S mwVK modifier emv‡Z n‡e|
cixÿvq ïaygvÎ bv¤^vi (a), (b), (c), (d) GBfv‡e wj‡L mwVK modifier ¸‡jv wjL‡Z n‡e| G‡ÿ‡Î m¤ú~Y© passage wU
wjL‡Z n‡e bv| .5x10=5
7 bs cÖk,œ Sentence Connector: †hLv‡b 14 wU Gap m¤^wjZ ‡Kv‡bv iKg clue Qvov GKwU passage †`Iqv _vK‡e| †h
Gap ¸‡jv mvaviYZ full stop Gi ci, wØZxq ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z _vK‡e| c~‡e©i ev‡K¨i mv‡_ A‡_©i m½wZ †i‡L wØZxq ev‡K¨i
ïiæ‡Z sentence connector emv‡Z n‡e| D‡jøL¨, Lye Kg †ÿ‡ÎB ev‡K¨i gv‡S gap _vK‡e| GBRb¨ cÖ¯‘wZ †bIqvi
†ÿ‡Î †ewkifvM †ÿ‡ÎB †mB mKj connector ¸‡jv‡K Abykxjb Ki‡Z n‡e †h¸‡jv ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z emvi †hvM¨Zv iv‡L|
cixÿvq ïaygvÎ bv¤^vi (a), (b), (c), (d) GBfv‡e wj‡L mwVK connectors ¸‡jv emv‡Z n‡e| G‡ÿ‡Î m¤ú~Y© passage wU
wjL‡Z n‡e bv| .5x14=7
8 bs cÖk,œ Synonym & Antonym: G‡ÿ‡Î cixÿvq GKwU passage †`Iqv _vK‡e passage wUi gv‡S 14wU word Gi
wb‡P underline Kiv _vK‡e| H underline K…Z k㸇jv †_‡K wb‡P wKQz k‡ãi synonym ev mg_©K kã Ges wKQz k‡ãi
antonym ev wecixZ kã †ei Ki‡Z n‡e| G‡ÿ‡Î g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e Dc‡i D‡jøwLZ passage G k㸇jvi A_© †Kgb wQj
Ges Zv †Kvb Parts of Speech G wQj †mUv ey‡S wb‡P D‡jøwLZ `kwU k‡ãi synonym/antonym wjL‡Z n‡e|
cixÿvq ïaygvÎ bv¤^vi (a), (b), (c), (d) A_ev †ivgvb bv¤^vi (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) w`‡q cÖ‡kœ PvIqv k‡ãi
synonym/antonym ¸‡jv avivevwnK fv‡e wjL‡Z n‡e| .5x14=7
9 bs cÖk,œ Punctuation: GB cÖkwœ U‡Z GKwU passage Gi 14 wU RvqMvq punctuation ev hwZwP‡ýi fzj _vK‡e| †m¸‡jv‡K
mwVKfv‡e cybivq cixÿvi LvZvq wjL‡Z n‡e| G‡ÿ‡Î g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e mwVK punctuation marks †hLv‡b emv‡bv n‡jv,
Zvi wb‡P underline Kivi `iKvi bvB| .5x14=7

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 10

Rules Based on Previous Questions
weMZ eQi¸‡jvi cÖkœ we‡kølY Ki‡j †`Lv hvq 5/6 wU preposition e‡m‡Q, appropriate preposition ‡_‡K| evKx 4/5 wU
e‡m‡Q preposition -Gi general rule ‡_‡K| †mBRb¨ cÖ_‡g weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ e¨vsK -Gi wbh©v‡m wb‡¤œv³ appropriate
preposition ¸‡jv Zz‡j aiv n‡jv| G¸‡jv cÖ_‡g gyL¯’ K‡i wb‡e Ges Zvici preposition -Gi general rules ¸‡jv †`L‡e|
D‡jøL¨, GLv‡b Ggb wKQz appropriate preposition -Gi mv‡_ cwiwPZ n‡e, †h¸‡jv mvaviYZ Grammar eB¸‡jv‡Z _v‡K
bv| A_P G¸‡jvB evievi cixÿvq Av‡m|
GB ai‡bi appropriate preposition-¸‡jv‡K Avgiv ej‡Z cvwi “Equivalence to Appropriate Preposition”|

Barisal Board: 2023

1. Ill+ of = KvD‡K ev wKQy m¤ú‡K© Lvivc K_v ejv;
- Don't talk ill of anybody. (KvD‡K wb‡q Lvivc K_v ej‡eb bv|)
2. Inclination+ to = †SvuK
- He has inclination to music. (m½x‡Zi cÖwZ Zvi †SvuK i‡q‡Q|)
3. Indulge+ in = RwoZ ev Avm³ nIqv/ gMœ _vKv;
- He is always indulged in study. (†m me mgq cov‡kvbvq gMœ _v‡K|)
4. Burst+ into = mnmvB †d‡U cov;
- Hearing the news, she burst into tears. (LeiUv ï‡b †m Kvbœvq †f‡O co‡jv|)
5. Aware+ of = m‡PZb;
- Everyone must be aware of the importance of reading newspaper.
(msev`cÎ covi ¸iæZ¡ m¤ú‡K© mevB‡K m‡PZb n‡Z n‡e|)
6. Give + up = Z¨vM Kiv;
- He gave up smoking as he promised. (cÖwZkÖæwZ Abyhvqx †m a~gcvb †Q‡o w`‡q‡Q|ˆ
Cumilla Board: 2023
7. Form + of = MVb/MwVZ nIqv;
- Attack is the best form of defence. (AvµgY cÖwZi¶vi †miv MVb|)
8. Look + at = ZvKv‡bv;
- He looked at the photo hopelessly. (†m Avkvnxbfv‡e QwewUi w`‡K ZvKvj|)
9. Wonder + at = wew¯§Z nIqv;
- Everyone was wondered at his result. (Zvi djvd‡j mevB wew¯§Z|)
10. Point + to = wbw`©ó w`‡K Bw½Z Kiv;
- He pointed to a word and wanted to know the meaning.
(wZwb GKwU k‡ãi w`‡K Bw½Z K‡i A_© Rvb‡Z PvB‡jb|)
11. Detail+ about = †Kv‡bvwKQy m¤ú‡K© we¯ÍvwiZ;
- Do you have any detail about the mission?
(†Zvgvi Kv‡Q wK wgkb m¤ú‡K© we¯ÍvwiZ wKQy Av‡Q?)
12. Appreciation + for = †Kvb wKQzi Rb¨ g~j¨vqb;
- He finally gained the appreciation for his success.
(Ae‡k‡l wZwb Zvi mdjZvi Rb¨ cÖksmv AR©b Ki‡jb|)
Dhaka Board: 2023
13. Accustom+ to = Af¨¯Í;
- He is not accustomed to this kind of weather.
(GB ai‡bi AvenvIqvq †m Af¨¯Í bq|)

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 16

14. Addicted + to = Lvivc Kv‡R Avmw³;
- Youths are very much addicted to mobile nowadays.
(ZiæY-ZiæYxiv AvRKvj †gvevB‡j A‡bK †ewk Avm³|)
15. Averse+ to = wegyL;
- He is averse to study. (†m cov‡jLv wegyL|)
16. Cling + to = AvK‡o aiv;
- Cling to your goal and you will succeed.
(j¶¨ AvuK‡o a‡i iv‡Lv Ges Zywg mdj n‡eB|)
17. Used+ to = Af¨¯Í;
- I am used to studying in the morning. (Avwg mKv‡j covïbv K‡i Af¨¯Í|)
18. Doubtful+ about = †Kv‡bvwKQy wb‡q m‡›`n;
- Nobody is doubtful about his success. (Zvi mvdj¨ wb‡q Kv‡iviB m‡›`n †bB|)
19. Conscious + of = †Kvb wel‡q m‡PZb;
- He is conscious of the bad effects of smoking.
(a~gcv‡bi Kydj m¤ú‡K© †m m‡PZb|)
20. Boastful+ of = AnsKvix;
- He is boastful of his wealth. (†m Zvi m¤ú` wb‡q AnsKvix|)
21. Attend+ to = g‡bv‡hvM †`qv;
- Please attend to his advice. (`qv K‡i Zvi Dc‡`‡k g‡bv‡hvM `vI|)
Dinajpur Board: 2023
22. Victim + to = wkKv‡i cwiYZ nIqv;
- Women were victim to discrimination in the past.
(AZx‡Z bvixiv ˆel‡g¨i wkKvi n‡Zv|)
23. Reason + for/behind = †Kv†bv wKQzi KviY;
- Please elaborate the reason for/behind your absence.
(AbyMÖn K‡i Avcbvi Abycw¯’wZi KviY e¨vL¨v Kiæb|)
24. Go+ for = †Kv‡bvwKQyi Rb¨ hvIqv;
- He went for buying some food. (wZwb Lvevi wKb‡Z †M‡jb|)
25. Carry+ on/out = Pvwj‡q hvIqv;
- Don't stop, carry on. (†_‡gv bv, Pvwj‡q hvI|)
26. Free + from = †Kv‡bvwKQz †_‡K gy³;
- He was freed from all responsibilities. (Zv‡K mKj `vwqZ¡ †_‡K gy³ Kiv n‡qwQj|)
27. Role+ in = f~wgKv;
- Technology plays a vital role in our daily life.
(cÖhyw³ Avgv‡`i ˆ`bw›`b Rxe‡b GKwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv cvjb K‡i|)
Jessore Board: 2023
28. Rely+ on = †Kvb wKQyi Dci wbf©i Kiv;
- The charity relies solely on donations from the public.
(`vZe¨ ms¯’vwU Rbmvavi‡Yi Aby`v‡bi Dci wbf©i K‡i|)
29. Share+ with = Kv‡iv mv‡_ fvMvfvwM Kiv;
- Share your happiness with everyone. (mevi mv‡_ myL fvM K‡i bvI|)
30. Glimpse+ of = Avfvm;
- It seems to be a glimpse of rain. (GUv e„wói Avfvm g‡b n‡”Q|)
31. Effect+ on = †Kvb wKQyi Ici cÖfve;
- The accident had a long-term effect on his mind.
(`~N©UbvwU Zvi g‡b GKwU `xN©‡gqv`x cÖfve †d‡jwQj|)

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 17

203. Made + in = ˆZix Kiv;
- The mobile phone was made in the factory in front of our school.
(†gvevBj †dvbwU Avgv‡`i ¯‹y‡ji mvg‡bi KviLvbvq ˆZwi Kiv n‡qwQj|)
204. Consistent + with = msMwZc~b©;
- His result was not consistent with his study.
(Zvi djvdj Zvi Aa¨q‡bi mv‡_ mvgÄm¨c~Y© wQj bv|)
205. Intend + to = g‡bvfve/†Kvb wKQzi D‡Ï‡k¨ fvev;
- He did not intend to do any harm. (Zvi †Kv‡bv ¶wZ Kivi D‡Ïk¨ wQj bv|)
206. Acquaint + with = cwiPq Kiv‡bv;
- I was acquainted with the famous scientist.
(weL¨vZ weÁvbxi mv‡_ cwiwPZ njvg|)
207. Solution + of = mgvavb;
- He talks as if he had solution for everything.
(†m Ggbfv‡e K_v e‡j †hb Zvi Kv‡Q mewKQyi mgvavb Av‡Q|)
208. Sanguine + of/about = Avkvev`x;
- I was not too sanguine of/about success.
(Avwg mvd‡j¨i Rb¨ Lye Avkvev`x wQjvg bv|)
Rajshahi, Barishal, Cumilla, Chattogram Board: 2018
209. Idea + of/about = we‡kl wel‡q aviYv;
- He did not have any idea of/about the math.
(Zvi MwYZ m¤ú‡K© †Kv‡bv aviYv wQj bv|)
210. Teeming + with = c~Y© _vKv;
- The field was teeming with audience. (gvV `k©‡K c~Y© wQj|)
211. Prejudicial + to/against = †Kvb wel‡q Kzms¯‹vi aviYv;
- The judgment was prejudicial to us. (ivqwU Avgv‡`i Rb¨ c¶cvZg~jK wQj|)

[G¸‡jv †_‡KB 2/3wU Preposition Kgb _vKvi m¤¢vebv i‡q‡Q ]

1. Give + up = Z¨vM Kiv;
- He gave up smoking as he promised. (cÖwZkÖæwZ Abyhvqx †m a~gcvb †Q‡o w`‡q‡Q|ˆ
2. Escape + from = †Kv_vI n‡Z cjvqb Kiv;
- The criminal escaped from police custody.
(Acivax cywj‡ki †ndvRZ †_‡K cvwj‡q‡Q|)
3. Common + to = †Kvb wel‡q mvaviY aviYv;
- This incident is common to village people. (GB NUbv MÖv‡gi gvby‡li Kv‡Q mvaviY|)
4. Mourn + for = †Kvb wKQzi Rb¨ †kvK Kiv;
- The whole country mourn for his dead. (Zvi g„Z¨y‡Z †kvKvnZ †MvUv †`k|)
5. Die + for = †`‡ki Rb¨ giv;
- His father died for the country. (Zvi evev †`‡ki Rb¨ cÖvY w`‡q‡Qb|)
6. Mix + with = Kv‡iv mv‡_ †gkv;
- You should try to mix with good people.
(†Zvgvi fv‡jv gvby‡li mv‡_ †gkvi †Póv Kiv DwPZ|)
7. According + to = Abymv‡i;
- According to a survey, most of the youths are addicted to mobile phone.
(GK Rwic Abymv‡i, †ewkifvM ZiæY-ZiæYxB †gvevBj †dv‡b Avm³|)

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 28

86. Stick + to = †j‡M _vKv;
- Stick to the plan. (cwiKíbv g‡Zv KvR K‡iv|)
87. Injurious + to = ÿwZKi;
- Overthinking is injurious to health. (AwZwi³ wPšÍv Kiv ¯^v‡¯’¨i Rb¨ ¶wZKi|)
88. Because + of = †Kvb wKQzi Rb¨;
- He reached his goal because of his hard work.
(K‡Vvi cwikÖ‡gi Kvi‡YB †m Zvi j‡¶¨ †cŠu‡Q‡Q|ˆ
89. Ready + for = †Kvb wKQzi Rb¨ cÖ¯‘wZ;
- He is ready to go to war for the independence of the country.
(†`‡ki ¯^vaxbZvi Rb¨ wZwb hy‡× †h‡Z cÖ¯yZ
Í |)
90. Pleasure + in = †Kvb wKQzi gv‡S myL;
- He finds pleasure in playing cricket. (†m wµ‡KU †L‡j Avb›` cvq|)
91. Free + from = †Kvb wKQz †_‡K gy³ nIqv;
- He was freed from all responsibilities. (Zv‡K mKj `vwqZ¡ †_‡K gy³ Kiv n‡qwQj|)
92. Faith + in = †Kvb wel‡q wek¦vm;
- Have faith in Allah. (Avjøvni Dci wek¦vm ivLyb|)
93. Believe + in = †Kvb welq wek¦vm Kiv;
- We always believed in him. (Avgiv memgq Zv‡K wek¦vm K‡iwQ|)
94. Addicted + to = Lvivc Kv‡R Avmw³;
- Youths are very much addicted to mobile nowadays.
(ZiæY-ZiæYxiv AvRKvj †gvevB‡j A‡bK †ewk Avm³|)
95. Devoted + to = fv‡jv Kv‡R Avmw³;
- He is devoted to helping the poor. (wZwb `wi`ª‡`i mvnv‡h¨ wb‡ew`Z cÖvY|)
96. Think + of = †Kvb welq wb‡q fvev;
- What are you thinking of? (Zywg Kx fve‡Qv?)
97. Harmful + to = ÿwZKi;
- Too much exercise can be harmful to you.
(AwZwi³ e¨vqvg †Zvgvi Rb¨ ¶wZKi n‡Z cv‡i|)

 At Gi e¨envi:
i. †QvU ¯’vb †evSv‡Z = Now he is at home. (†m GLb evwo‡Z)
ii. †Kv‡bv ¯’v‡bi Kv‡Q †evSv‡Z = She reached at the balcony when I beckoned (Bkviv Kiv).
 In Gi e¨envi:
i. †h‡Kv‡bv ¯’vb †evSv‡Z = He lives in America. (†m Av‡gwiKvq _v‡K)
ii. †ÿ‡Î ‡evSv‡Z = It is quite hostile in your life. (GUv †Zvgvi Rxe‡bi †ÿ‡Î we‡Ølx/wecixZgyLx)
 Into Gi e¨envi:
i. iƒcvšÍwiZ/cwieZ©b nIqv = Water is changing into ice. (cvwb ei‡d cwiYZ n‡”Q)
ii. `‡j `‡j fvM n‡q hvIqv = Finally, all the people were divided into three major parties. (Ae‡k‡l mKj
gvbyl wZbwU cÖavb `‡j wef³ n‡qwQj)
 On Gi e¨envi:
i. mßv‡ni mvZ w`‡bi bv‡gi c~‡e© = I will celebrate the party on Friday.
ii. we‡kl Abyôv‡bi c~‡e© = I will donate something on Eid day.
 With Gi e¨envi:
i. †Kv‡bv wKQzi mv‡_ †evSv‡Z = I live with my family.
ii. †Kv‡bv e¯‘/DcKiY Øviv †evSv‡Z = He hit me with his iron stick.

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 Under Gi e¨envi:
i. †Kv‡bv wKQzi wb‡P †evSv‡Z = The old man is sleeping under/beneath the banyan tree. (e„× gvbylwU eU
Mv‡Qi wb‡P Nygv‡”Q)
ii. Kv‡iv ‡P‡q eq‡m †QvU = National ID (NID) is not eligible for you as your age is under 18. (RvZxq
cwiPqcÎwU †Zvgvi Rb¨ ˆea bq, †h‡nZz †Zvgvi eqm 18-i Kg)
 Within Gi e¨envi:
i. †Kv‡bv mg‡qi g‡a¨ †evSv‡Z = I will come back within 5 minutes. (Avwg 5 wgwb‡Ui g‡a¨ wd‡i Avm‡ev)
ii. mxgvbvi g‡a¨ †evSv‡Z = Say something within your limitation. (mxgve×Zvi g‡a¨ wKQz e†jv)
 Without Gi e¨envi:
i. Qvov/e¨ZxZ A‡_© = My existence is nothing without you. (Zzwg Qvov Avgvi Aw¯ÍZ¡ e‡j wKQy ‡bB)
 From Gi e¨envi:
i. n‡Z/‡_‡K †evSv‡Z = The stylish man came from London. (wdUdvU gvbylwU jÛb †_‡K G‡mwQ‡jv)
 Of Gi e¨envi:
i. Kv‡iv AwaKvi A‡_© = This property is of four brothers. (GB m¤ú`wU Pvi fvB‡qi)
ii. eqm/¸Y †evSv‡Z = He is a man of action. (†m GKRb Kv‡Ri gvbyl)
He is a boy of fifteen. (†m 15 eQ‡ii †Q‡j)
D‡jøwLZ prepositions ¸‡jvi e¨envi “NEED” eB †_‡K †bIqv n‡q‡Q| GLv‡b ïaygvÎ †mB mKj preposition ¸‡jv‡K hy³ Kiv
n‡q‡Q, †h¸‡jv weMZ eQ‡ii cÖ‡kœ †`Lv wg‡j‡Q| ZvB preposition-Gi we¯ÍvwiZ Av‡jvPbv †c‡Z “NEED” eB‡qi
“Preposition” bvgK Chapter †`‡L wb‡Z cv‡iv|

01. Complete the text with suitable prepositions:

A good boy is accustomed (a)___ hard work. He is not addicted (b)___ any bad thing. He is not
averse (c)___ any hard work. He clings (d)___ his determination. Since he is used (e)___ hard work,
he is not doubtful (f)___ his success. He is very much conscious (g)___ his duties. He is not boastful
(h)___ his talents. He behaves well (i)___ all. He attends (j)___ his studies. [Dhaka Board-2023]
Abyev`: fv‡jv †Q‡j cwikÖ‡g Af¨¯Í| †m †Kv‡bv Lvivc Kv‡R Avm³ bq| †m †Kv‡bv cwikÖ‡gi cÖwZ weiƒc bq| †m Zvi
msKí‡K AvuK‡o a‡i iv‡L| †h‡nZz †m K‡Vvi cwikÖ‡g Af¨¯Í, ZvB Zvi mvdj¨ wb‡q m‡›`n †bB| †m Zvi `vwqZ¡ m¤ú‡K© Lye
m‡PZb| †m Zvi cÖwZfv wb‡q Me© K‡i bv| mevi mv‡_ fv‡jv e¨envi K‡i| †m Zvi cov‡jLv K‡i|

(a) to; (b) to; (c) to; (d) to; (e) to; (f) about; (g) of; (h) of; (i) with; (j) to
02. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
Camels are one of the few animals that can live in a desert. Camels have humps (a)___ their backs.
They store fat (b)___ these humps. The fat gives them energy. Because camels do not store water,
fat helps produce water when camel move (c)___ the dry desert. They can go (d)___ several
months without water. Camels eat grass to get moisture. The camels are as useful (e)___ the
people of the desert as the buffalo are (f)___ the grasslands. The meat of the camel is good to eat.
People make cloth (g)___ of camel hair. Shoes are made (h)___ the hides. The camels are also
good (i)___ travel in the desert. Some people travel the desert (j)___ camels to make a living.
[Dhaka Board-2022]
Abyev`: giæf‚wg‡Z emevm Ki‡Z cv‡i Ggb K‡qKwU cÖvYxi g‡a¨ DU Ab¨Zg| D‡Ui wc‡V KzuR _v‡K| Zviv GB Kzu‡R Pwe© Rgv
iv‡L| GB Pwe© Zv‡`i kw³ †`q| KviY DU Rj mÂq K‡i bv, DU hLb ﮋ giæf~wg‡Z Ny‡i †eovq ZLb Pwe© Rj ˆZwi Ki‡Z
mvnvh¨ K‡i| Giv cvwb Qvov K‡qK gvm ch©šÍ _vK‡Z cv‡i| DU Av`ª©Zv †c‡Z Nvm Lvq| gwnl Z„Yf~wgi Rb¨ †hgb DcKvix DU
giæf~wgi gvby‡li Rb¨ †Zgwb DcKvix| D‡Ui gvsm †L‡Z fv‡jv| gvbyl D‡Ui Pyj/†jvg †_‡K Kvco ˆZwi K‡i| Pvgov †_‡K
RyZv ˆZwi Kiv nq| DU giæf~wg‡Z åg‡Yi Rb¨I fv‡jv| wKQy gvbyl D‡U P‡o giæf~wg ågY K‡i RxweKv wbe©vn K‡i|

(a) on; (b) in; (c) around; (d) through/upto; (e) to; (f) to; (g) out; (h) from; (i) for; (j) by.

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[N.B: COVID-19 Gi Kvi‡Y 2020, 2021 mv‡ji HSC/Alim Exam wU Auto cvk wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ nIqvq,
GLv‡b D³ mvj¸‡jv ms‡hvwRZ nqwb]
03. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
Mr. Reza works (a)___ a clerk in a local school. He is poor but honest. His honesty is known
(b)___ everyone in his locality. He often suffers (c)___ hunger. He is deprived (d)___ comfort and
many other things. Nevertheless, he does not long (e)___ wealth. He never hankers (f)___ name
and fame. He leads his life (g)___ honest means. He is satisfied (h)___ what he has. But
sometimes he runs into debt and poverty is responsible (i)___ this debt. However, he does not like
to depend (j)___ others. [Dhaka Board-2019]
Abyev`: wg. †iRv ¯’vbxq GKwU ¯‹z‡j ‡Kivbx wn‡m‡e KvR K‡ib| †m Mixe Z‡e mr| Zvi mZZv Zvi GjvKvi cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki Kv‡QB
Rvbv| †m cÖvqkB ÿzavZ© nq| wZwb Avivg Ges Ab¨vb¨ A‡bK wKQzB †_‡K ewÂZ| Zv m‡Z¡I, wZwb abm¤ú‡`i cÖZ¨vkv K‡ib
bv| wZwb bvg Ges L¨vwZi wcQz Qz‡Ubbv| wZwb mr Dcv‡q Zuvi Rxebhvcb K‡ib| wb‡Ri hv Av‡Q Zv‡ZB mš‘ó wZwb| Z‡e
KLbI KLbI †m FYMÖ¯’ nq Ges `vwi`ªZvB GB F‡Yi Rb¨ `vqx| Z‡e wZwb A‡b¨i Dci wbf©i Ki‡Z cQ›` K‡ib bv|

(a) as; (b) to; (c) from; (d) of; (e) for; (f) after; (g) by; (h) with; (i) for; (j) on.
[N.B: COVID-19 Gi Kvi‡Y 2018 mv‡j mviv evsjv‡`‡k 2wU fv‡M Awfbœ c×wZ‡Z cixÿv AbywôZ nq| †mB cÖk¸
œ ‡jv
me‡k‡l ms‡hvwRZ n‡q‡Q]
04. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
The environment plays an important role (a)___ our life. (b)___ short, what we have (c)___ us
including people, houses, air, water, etc. is called environment. These are the main elements
(d)___ our environment. (e)___ ensuring sound life the balance (f)___ the natural elements is very
significant. Sometimes (g)___ lack of knowledge, we don't realize the importance (h)___ it. As a
result, we are polluting our environment unknowingly. Living (i)___ a polluted environment is
undoubtedly a matter (j)___ great regret. [Dhaka Board-2017]
Abyev`: cwi‡ekwU Avgv‡`i Rxe‡b ¸iæZ¡c~Y© f‚wgKv cvjb K‡i| ms‡ÿ‡c, gvbyl, Ni, evZvm, cvwb BZ¨vw` mn Avgv‡`i
Pvicv‡k hv i‡q‡Q Zv‡K cwi‡ek ejv nq| G¸wj Avgv‡`i cwi‡e‡ki cÖavb Dcv`vb| my¯’ Rxeb wbwðZ Kivi Rb¨ cÖvK…wZK
Dcv`vb¸wji fvimvg¨ Lye Zvrch©c~Y©| KLbI KLbI Áv‡bi Afv‡e Avgiv Gi ¸iæZ¡ Dcjwä Ki‡Z cvwi bv| dj¯^iƒc, Avgiv
wb‡R‡`i ARv‡šÍ Avgv‡`i cwi‡ek‡K `~wlZ KiwQ| `~wlZ cwi‡e‡k †eu‡P _vKv wbtm‡›`‡n AZ¨šÍ `yt‡Li welq|

(a) in; (b) In; (c) around; (d) of; (e) For; (f) of/among; (g) for; (h) of; (i) in; (j) of
05. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
A good stock (a)___ words is necessary (b)___ anybody who wants to use a language. Vocabulary
is an essential component (c)___ successful communication. It is an integral part (d)___ reading
skill. While grammar is important, a lack (e)___ vocabulary may result (f)___ complete failure to
convey a message. Vocabulary includes conceptual knowledge (g)___ words that go well (h)___
an ordinary dictionary meaning. Students' vocabulary knowledge is a building process that occurs
(i)___ time as they tend to make connections (j)___ other words. [Dhaka Board: 2016]
Abyev`: †h †KD fvlv e¨envi Ki‡Z Pvq Zvi Rb¨ k‡ãi GKwU fvj gRy`/m¤¢vi cÖ‡qvRbxq| kãfvÐvi mdj †hvMv‡hv‡Mi
GKwU cÖ‡qvRbxq Dcv`vb| GwU cov-`ÿZvi †ÿ‡Î GKwU Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask| e¨vKiYwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© n‡jI kãfvÐv‡ii Afv‡e
†KvbI evZ©v †`Iqvi †ÿ‡Î e¨_© n‡Z cv‡i| kãfvÐv‡i k‡ãi aviYvg~jK Ávb AšÍfy³© hv GKwU mvaviY Awfavb A‡_©i mv‡_
gvbvbmB| wkÿv_©x‡`i kãfvÐvi Ávb n‡jv GKwU wbg©vb cÖwµqv hv mg‡qi mv‡_ mv‡_ N‡U _v‡K KviY Zviv Ab¨ k‡ãi mv‡_
ms‡hvM ¯’vcb K‡i|

(a) of; (b) for; (c) of; (d) of; (e) of; (f) in; (g) of; (h) with; (i) with; (j) with.
06. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
Corruption is a curse (a)___ a nation. It is a great hindrance (b)___ the development. (c)___ corrupt, a
nation will surely sink (d)___ oblivion. Corrupt people are hated by all. The common people have no

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 36

Abyev`: e„ÿ gvby‡li Rb¨ Lye DcKvix| Zviv Avgv‡`i Aw¯Í‡Z¡i Rb¨ AZ¨šÍ cÖ‡qvRbxq| Zviv DuPz ¯Í‡ii gvwU¸‡jv e„wói cvwb I
eb¨vi nvZ †_‡K iÿv K‡i| Avgiv †`L‡Z cvB cvK© Ges D`¨vb¸wj‡Z iv¯Ívi av‡i cvnv‡oi Xvjy c_ a‡i MvQ Rb¥v‡bv n‡”Q|
Zviv Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi †mŠ›`h©| Zviv Avgv‡`i Lv`¨, KvV, Qvqv, AvkÖq Ges A‡bK wKQz mieivn K‡i| Zviv Kve©b WvB A·vBW
MÖnY K‡i Ges Aw·‡Rb Drcv`b K‡i| myZivs, Avgv‡`i Mv‡Qi cÖwZ hZœ †bIqv DwPZ|

(a) to; (b) for; (c) from; (d) by/with; (e) by; (f) in; (g) to; (h) with; (i) in; (j) of.
[N.B: COVID-19 Gi Kvi‡Y 2018 mv‡j mviv evsjv‡`‡k 2wU fv‡M Awfbœ c×wZ‡Z cixÿv AbywôZ nq| †mB cÖk¸
œ ‡jv
me‡k‡l ms‡hvwRZ n‡q‡Q]
43. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
Do you have any idea (a)___ a cybercafe? It is a place teeming (b)___ information. It is a network
(c)___ all networks. It is a place (d)___ computers (e)___ which customers can use the internet
and send emails and so on. A cybercafe is closely associated (f)___ Internet communication
system. A customer sitting (g)___ the cafe can communicate (h)___ people (i)___ the world. In
fact, a cybercafe is not prejudicial (j)___ our development.
[Rajshahi, Barishal, Cumilla, Chattogram Board-2018]
Abyev`: †Zvgvi wK mvBeviK¨v‡d m¤ú‡K© †Kv‡bv aviYv Av‡Q? GwU Z_¨ ficy‡i GKwU RvqMv| GwU mg¯Í †bUIqv‡K©i GKwU
†bUIqvK©| GwU Kw¤úDUvi¸wji Ggb GKwU RvqMv hvi gva¨‡g MÖvnKiv B›Uvi‡bU e¨envi Ki‡Z Ges B‡gBj¸wj ‡cÖiY Ki‡Z
cv‡i| GKwU mvBeviK¨v‡d B›Uvi‡bU †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’vi mv‡_ wbweofv‡e RwoZ| K¨v‡d‡Z e‡m _vKv †KvbI MÖvnK wek¦Ry‡o
gvby‡li mv‡_ †hvMv‡hvM Ki‡Z cv‡i| cÖK…Zc‡ÿ, GKwU mvBeviK¨v‡d Avgv‡`i Dbœq‡bi †ÿ‡Î nvwbKi bq|

(a) of/about; (b) with; (c) of; (d) with; (e) by/through; (f) with; (g) in/at; (h) with; (i) around/
across/of; (j) to/against.

1. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.

Man has made friendship (a)___ trees. Trees play an important role (b)___ our life. June and July
are the best time (c)___ tree plantation. Tree plantation programme should be expanded (d)___ the
remote corner of the country. Attempt should be made to make the illiterate aware (e)___ the
importance of trees. They are a great source (f)___ food and vitamins. Trees bear a great impact
(g)___ the climate. If we destroy trees (h)___ random, one day the country will turn (i)___ a great
desert. Trees save us (j)___ flood and many other natural calamities.
Abyev`: gvbyl Mv‡Qi mv‡_ eÜzZ¡ K‡i‡Q| MvQ¸wj Avgv‡`i Rxe‡b ¸iæZ¡c~Y© f‚wgKv cvjb K‡i| Ryb I RyjvB MvQ jvMv‡bvi
DËg mgq| †`‡ki cÖZ¨šÍ †Kv‡Y e„ÿ‡ivc‡Yi Kg~m~wP cÖmvwiZ Ki‡Z n‡e| wbiÿi‡`i Mv‡Qi ¸iæZ¡ m¤ú‡K© m‡PZb Kivi
†Póv Kiv DwPZ| G¸wj Lv`¨ Ges wfUvwgb¸wji GKwU `y`©všÍ Drm| Rjevqy‡Z MvQ¸wj `viæbfv‡e cÖfve †d‡j| Avgiv hw`
avivevwnKfv‡e MvQ¸wj aŸsm Kwi Z‡e GKw`b †`kwU GKwU gvivZ¥K giæf‚wg‡Z cwiYZ n‡e| MvQ¸wj Avgv‡`i eb¨v Ges
Ab¨vb¨ A‡bK cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM †_‡K euvPvq|
2. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
The annual prize giving ceremony (a)___ our college was held (b)___ 5th January. It was arranged
(c)___ the college ground. The whole campus had a festive look. The ceremony began (d)___ 10
a.m. Our Principal presided (e)___ the function. It started (f)___ the recitation (g)___ the Holy
Quran. One of our senior teachers read (h)___ the annual report. The honourable chief guest
delivered a brief speech. He advised the students to be regular (i)___ studies and take part in the
movement (j)___ illiteracy.
Abyev`: Avgv‡`i K‡j‡Ri evwl©K cyi®‹vi cÖ`vb AbyôvbwU 5 Rvbyqvwi AbywôZ n‡qwQj| GwU K‡jR gv‡V Av‡qvRb Kiv
n‡qwQj| cy‡iv K¨v¤úv‡m GKwU DrmegyLi cwi‡ek cwijwÿZ n‡qwQj| Avgv‡`i Aa¨‡ÿi mfvcwZ‡Z¡ AbyôvbwU mKvj 10Uvq
ïiæ n‡qwQj| GwU cweÎ KziAvb †ZjvIqvZ-Gi gva¨‡g ïiæ n‡qwQj| Avgv‡`i GKRb cÖexY wkÿK evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`bwU
c‡owQ‡jb| m¤§vwbZ cÖavb AwZw_ mswÿß e³e¨ w`‡qwQ‡jb| wZwb wkÿv_©x‡`i covïbvq wbqwgZ _vKvi Ges wbiÿiZvi
weiæ‡× Av‡›`vj‡b Ask †bIqvi civgk© w`‡qwQ‡jb|

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 49

3. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
Language plays a very important role (a)___ the life of human beings. We use language (b)___ the
moment we wake (c)___ in the morning till we go to bed (d)___ night. We use language not only
during our working hours but also (e)___ our dreams. We use language (f)___ different purposes.
We use language (g)___express what we feel. We use language to say what we like or dislike. If
you do not like tea (h)___ milk, you say, “I’ll take tea (i)___ milk.” We use language to express our
strong feelings and emotions. If you are charmed (j)___ the scenery of a place, you say, “What a
lovely place!”
Abyev`: fvlv gvby‡li Rxe‡b Lye ¸iæZ¡c~Y© f‚wgKv cvjb K‡i| Avgiv mKv‡j Nyg †_‡K IVvi gyn~Z© †_‡K iv‡Î Nygv‡Z hvIqv
Aewa fvlv e¨envi Kwi| Avgiv †Kej Avgv‡`i Kv‡Ri mgq¸wj‡Z bq Avgv‡`i ¯^‡cœI fvlv e¨envi Kwi| Avgiv fvlv wewfbœ
D‡Ï‡k¨ e¨envi Kwi| Avgiv hv Abyfe Kwi Zv cÖKvk Ki‡Z Avgiv fvlv e¨envi Kwi| Avgiv Kx cQ›` Kwi ev AcQ›` Kwi Zv
ej‡Z Avgiv fvlv e¨envi Kwi| Avcwb hw` `y‡ai mv‡_ Pv cQ›` bv K‡ib, Avcwb e‡jb, “Avwg `ya QvovB Pv †be|Ó Avgiv
Avgv‡`i `„p Abyf‚wZ Ges Av‡eM cÖKvk Ki‡Z fvlv e¨envi Kwi| hw` †KvbI RvqMvi `„‡k¨ Avcwb gbgy» nb, Avcwb e‡jb,
ÒKx my›`i RvqMv!Ó
4. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
We want happiness (a)___ life. No one wants to live an unhappy life. But happiness depends greatly
(b)___ our activities and attitude (c)___ life. If we are dishonest and do evil activities, we will never
be able to lead a happy life. Again if we always hanker (d)___ money or wealth, happiness will
never be our company. (e)___ the other hand, those who are honest, pious and satisfied (f)___ what
they have can enjoy happiness. Honest people never suffer (g)___ anxiety or fear while dishonest
people remain (h)___ great fear and anxiety. Pious people always live (i)___ incessant peace. They
are not afraid (j)___ anything. And those who are not covetous for money or wealth can enjoy pure
Abyev`: Avgiv Rxe‡b myL PvB| †KD AmyLx Rxebhvcb Ki‡Z Pvq bv| Z‡e myL wbf©i K‡i Avgv‡`i Kvh©µg Ges Rxe‡bi
cÖwZ g‡bvfv‡ei Dci| Avgiv hw` †eCgvb n‡q `yó KvR K‡i _vwK Z‡e Avgiv KLbB myLx Rxebhvcb Ki‡Z cvie bv| Avevi
Avgiv hw` me©`v A_© A_ev A_© m¤ú` AR©b Kwi Z‡e myL KLbB Avgv‡`i m½x n‡e bv| Ab¨w`‡K, hviv mr, avwg©K Ges hv
Av‡Q Zvi Øviv mš‘ó Zviv myL Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cv‡i| mr †jv‡Kiv KLbB D‡ØM ev fxwZ‡Z †fv‡Mbv †hLv‡b Amvay †jv‡Kiv
cÖPzi fq Ges D‡Ø‡Mi g‡a¨ _v‡K| avwg©K †jv‡Kiv me©`v wbiew”Qbœ kvwšÍ‡Z evm K‡i| Zviv wKQz‡ZB fq cvq bv| Ges huviv
A_© ev A‡_©i †jv‡f c‡ib bv Zviv cÖK…Z myL Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cv‡ib|
5. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
Time and tide wait (a)___ none. A stitch (b)___ time saves nine. Those are the two very well
known proverbs (c)___ the significance of time. Some people don’t care (d)___ anything. They
put (e)___ a job for tomorrow though they are not sure whether tomorrow will come. (f)___ this
way, they cannot finish a work when they need it. Then they say, “Alas! If we did not fight shy
(g)___ our jobs when we had a lot of time, we could be successful.” So (h)___ become successful
(i)___ life we have to realize the importance (j)___ utilizing time.
Abyev`: mgq Ges †Rvqvi KviI Rb¨ A‡cÿv K‡i bv| mg‡qi GK †duvov Amg‡qi `k †duvovi mgvb| G¸wj n‡jv mg‡qi
Zvrch© wb‡q `yÕwU AZ¨šÍ mycwiwPZ cÖev`| wKQz †jvK †KvbI wKQziB hZœ †bq bv| AvMvgxKvj Avm‡e wKbv Zv Zviv wbwðZ bv
nIqv m‡Ë¡I AvMvgxKv‡ji Rb¨ PvKwi †Q‡o w`‡q‡Q| GBfv‡e, hLb †KvbI KvR cÖ‡qvRb nq ZLb Zviv †kl Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|
ZLb Zviv e‡j, Ònvq! hLb Avgv‡`i cÖPzi mgq wQj ZLb Avgiv Avgv‡`i PvKzwi¸‡jv wbwðZ Ki‡Z cvwiwb|Ó ZvB Rxe‡b
mdj nIqvi Rb¨ Avgv‡`i mgq‡K Kv‡R jvMv‡bvi ¸iæZ¡ Abyaveb Ki‡Z n‡e|
6. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
It is very important (a)___ know the proper use (b)___ holidays. Most of us are ignorant (c)___ it.
So, they suffer (d)___ anxiety and other diseases. Holidays give us relief (e)___ heavy pressure
(f)___ regular work and normal duties. They help us to get rid (g)___ the din and bustle (h)___
life. We know that to work (i)___ pause is tiresome. So, holidays are essential (j)___ our life.
Abyev`: QzwUi h_vh_ e¨envi Rvbv Lye Riæwi| Avgv‡`i †ewkifvM †jvK G m¤ú‡K© AÁ| myZivs, Zviv D‡ØM Ges Ab¨vb¨
†iv‡M fzM‡Q| QzwUi w`b¸wj Avgv‡`i wbqwgZ Kv‡Ri Pvc Ges ¯^vfvweK `vwqZ¡ †_‡K gyw³ †`q| Zviv Avgv‡`i RxebhvÎv I
Sv‡gjv †_‡K gyw³ †c‡Z mnvqZv K‡i| Avgiv Rvwb †h weiwZ QvovB KvR Kiv K¬vwšÍKi| myZivs, QzwUi w`b¸wj Avgv‡`i
Rxe‡bi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq|

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 50

1. Complete the text with suitable prepositions:
A craftwork in an applied form (a)___ art, a social and cultural product reflecting the inclusive
nature (b)___ folk imagination. A craftwork, which usually doesn't bear the signature of its maker,
retains a personal touch. When we look (c)___ a thirty-year old nakshikantha, we wonder (d)___
its motifs and designs that point (e)___ the artistic ingenuity and the presence of the maker (f)___
it. The fact that we don't know her name or any other details (g)___ her doesn't take anything away
(h)___ our appreciation (i)___ the artist. Indeed, the intimate nature (j)___ the kantha and the
tactile feeling in it generates animate the work and make it very inviting.
2. Complete the text with suitable prepositions:
Preposition connects all types (a)___ words together and supports them make better sense (b)___
the readers. They help us to understand the relationship (c)___ objects. (d)___ example, the book
and the table are (e)___ the kitchen. This ensures you a basic understanding. If we add another
preposition, it makes it even clearer. This book is (f)___ top of the table (g)___ the kitchen. We
have a clear picture (h)___ our mind (i)___ the relation of those two objects and their relationship
(j)___ each other.
3. Complete the text with suitable prepositions:
What are the qualities of a good student? A good student is always attentive (a)___ his studies. He
is never indifferent (b)___ his studies. He does not learn things (c)___ rote. He is always curious
and innovative. He does not hunt only (d)___ traditional guide-books. His thirst (e)___ knowledge
knows no bounds. He does not confine himself (f)___ the traditional studies. He is aware (g)___
the current affairs (h)___ the world. He listens (i)___ his teachers and abides (j)___ their advice.
4. Complete the text with suitable prepositions:
Trees are very useful (a)___ man. They are highly essential (b)___ our existence. They protect the
rich top soil (c)___ getting washed away (d)___ rain water and floods. We can see trees being
grown along the mountain slopes (e)___ the roadsides (f)___ the parks and gardens. They add
beauty (g)___ our lives. They provide us (h)___ food, wood, shade, shelter and so on. They take
(i)___ carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. So, we should take care (j)___ trees.
5. Complete the text with suitable prepositions:
The environment plays an important role (a)___ our life. (b)___ short, what we have (c)___ us
including people, houses, air, water, etc. is called environment. These are the main elements (d)___
our environment. (e)___ ensuring sound life the balance (f)___ the natural elements is very
significant. Sometimes (g)___ lack of knowledge, we don't realize the importance (h)___ it. As a
result, we are polluting our environment unknowingly. Living (i)___ a polluted environment is
undoubtedly a matter (j)___ great regret.
6. Complete the text with suitable prepositions:
A good stock (a)___ words is necessary (b)___ anybody who wants to use a language. Vocabulary
is an essential component (c)___ successful communication. It is an integral part (d)___ reading
skill. While grammar is important, a lack (e)___ vocabulary may result (f)___ complete failure to
convey a message. Vocabulary includes conceptual knowledge (g)___ words that go well (h)___
an ordinary dictionary meaning. Students' vocabulary knowledge is a building process that occurs
(i)___ time as they tend to make connections (j)___ other words.
7. Complete the text with suitable prepositions:
Flowers are the excellent gift of nature. They have existed (a)___ earth (b)___ prehistoric time.
Since then they have been treated (c)___ the symbol of beauty. It is an undeniable fact that flowers
are used (d)___ various spheres (e)___ our life. It is used mostly (f)___ decoration. People (g)___

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 55

a b c d e f g h i j
to to by for for to of of to by
a b c d e f g h i j
to for from by/with by in to with in of
a b c d e f g h i j
in In around of For of for of in of
a b c d e f g h i j
of for of of of in of with with with
a b c d e f g h i j
on from as in of for from on in from
a b c d e f g h i j
through into in upon against with for round with of
a b c d e f g h i j
at of of in on to before on on by
a b c d e f g h i j
against in with by from of in as of in
a b c d e f g h i j
of of by on of of round for to of
a b c d e f g h i j
12 on/with/
for of by in among of within of from
a b c d e f g h i j
in of throughout as for in with to above of
a b c d e f g h i j
of Through towards by of with of on at near
a b c d e f g h i j
in for with for like without for of in for
a b c d e f g h i j
of to with with of in in of to with
a b c d e f g h i j
of with through of in of to by to as
a b c d e f g h i j
in In below of of with between upon at over
a b c d e f g h i j
by/inside of on for up at away for of to
a b c d e f g h i j
in to with up out from for in on without

GK bR‡i ¸iæZ¡c~Y© wKQz cÖkœ, †h cÖk¸

œ ‡jv wewfbœ fwZ© cix¶vq G‡m‡Q| GLvb †_‡K aviYv bvI, Avmbœ cix¶v cieZ©x fwZ© cix¶vq
GB Aa¨v‡qi Dci wK ai‡bi cÖkœ Avm‡Z cv‡i|
1. My uncle was afflicted ___ a serious illness and was almost confined to bed.
(a) by (b) since (c) with (d) of
2. I am not ___ with you.
(a) agree (b) at one (c) differ (d) hardly
3. We were alarmed ___ the news.
(a) in (b) at (c) on (d) off
4. What are you so angry ___?
(a) about (b) at (c) with (d) for
5. He has an antipathy ___ smoking.
(a) for (b) with (c) to (d) in
6. I appealed ___ him ___ the post.
(a) to, about (b) to, for (c) at, about (d) for, by

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 58

Rules Based on Previous Questions
Special Use of Phrases/Words -GB item wU LyeB mnR Ges PgrKvi| nv‡Z †MvYv K‡qKwU wbqg AbymiY Ki‡jB GB
Topic-G 5-G 5 cvIqv m¤¢e| ZvB G‡jv‡g‡jv we¯ÍvwiZ Av‡jvPbv eR©b K‡i we‡kl shortcut Aej¤^‡b weMZ eQ‡ii cÖ‡kœi
Av‡jv‡K ïaygvÎ †mB mKj rules Zz‡j aiv n‡jv †h¸‡jv ‡Zvgv‡`i Rb¨ h‡_ó n‡e|
“Was born” -GB phrase wU passive voice -G ÒRb¥MÖnY KivÓ A‡_© e¨envi nq|
Shortcut: --- was born + ¯’v‡bi bvg/wbw`©ó mvj/wbw`©ó mgq
For example:
i. Humayun Ahmed was a teacher, author, dramatist and filmmaker. He ___ on 13 November
1948. [DB: 2019]
ii. Sir Walter Scott was both a poet and a novelist. He ___ in 1771. [RB: 2019]
iii. Albert Einstein was a great scientist of physics. He ___ in 1879 and breathed his last in 1955.
[DinB: 2019]
iv. Jasim Uddin is a rural poet. He ___ in 1903 in a village named Tambulkhana in Faridpur.
[DB; DinB; JB: SB: 2018]
v. He ___ in 469 BC. [DB: 2022]
vi. Bangladesh ___ as an independent state on 16 December 1971 after nine months bloody war
against the occupation Pakistan Army. [DB: 2023]
“Let alone” –GB phrase-wUi evsjv A_© Òbv ej‡jB bq / ‡Zv `~‡ii K_vÓ -GwU Øviv c~‡e© D‡jøwLZ welqe¯‘ †_‡K m¤ú~Y©
wecixZ aviYv cÖKvk cvq cieZ©x welqe¯‘ D‡jø‡Li gva¨‡g|
Zzjbvg~jK eo welq-e¯‘ / Zzjbvg~jK †QvU welq-e¯‘ + let alone + Zzjbvg~jK †QvU welq-e¯‘ / Zzjbvg~jK eo welq-e¯‘
For example:
i. He did not even see a hill, ___ a mountain. [RB: 2019]
ii. I have never walked five miles at a stretch ___ ten miles. The idea of walking so much distance
frightens me. [DinB: 2019]
iii. He cannot tell my name ___ my address. He is really a liar. [JB: 2019]
iv. The child cannot walk ___ run in the field. [CumB: 2019]
v. The man is very weak. He cannot walk a mile ___ five miles. [CB: 2019]
vi. Maruf cannot earn 50 marks ___ 80 marks. He is a student of average standard.
[DB; DinB; JB: SB: 2018]
vii. Aloka can't afford to buy a cell phone, ___ a laptop. Actually, she is very poor.
[RB; BB; CumB; CB: 2018]
viii. He cannot buy a cell phone ___ a desktop. [CB: 2022]
ix. I cannot ride a bicycle ___ a motor cycle. I have no money to buy any of them. [DB:2023]
“What does ----- look like?” –GB phrase wU e¨envi nq A™¢zZ †Kv‡bv wRwbm †`‡L Abyf‚wZ cÖKv‡ki ‡ÿ‡Î|
Shortcut: What does + noun (singular) + look like ? [G‡ÿ‡Î `yB cv‡k duvKv _v‡K]
D‡jøL¨, noun -wU plural n‡j “What do ----- look like?” nq|
For example:
i. Son: ___ a satellite ___?
Father: I have heard of it but never got a chance to see it. [DB: 2019]
ii. Baby: Mom, ___ an owl ___? [RB: 2019]
iii. ___ the earth ___? It's not completely round. [JB: 2019]

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For Example:
i. We rushed to the station lest we might miss the train. But the train was late and we had to wait
for an hour. We ___ hurried. [SB: 2019]
“But for” Phrase- wUi A_© Ò‡Kv‡bvwKQy QvovÓ, Gi ci me©`vB Noun Phrasee‡m|
Structure: ....+ but for+ Noun Phrase+.....
For Example:
i. ____ your timely intervention, I would have been assaulted by them. I was just a victim of
circumstances. [JB: 2016]
“Whenever’-Gi A_© ÒhLbBÓ, AwbwðZ mgq cÖKvkK NUbv, KvR ev Kv‡ji c~‡e© GUv e¨eüZ nq|
Structure: ....+ whenever+ AwbwðZ NUbv‡mvaviYZSimple Present Tense) +....
For Example:
i. The students were making a noise in the class. But ___ the teacher entered the class, they kept
quiet. [RB: 2016]
D‡jøL¨, weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ we‡køl‡Y GKwU wel‡q ¯úó n‡q‡Q wKQz ‡evW© NCTB -Gi sample question -Gi evwn‡i †ek
wKQz phrases/ words-‡K GB 3 bs cÖ‡kœ AšÍf©y³ K‡i‡Q|
†h¸‡jv G‡Kev‡iB AwbqwgZ (irregular) phrases/ words| ZvB †m¸‡jv‡K g~j Av‡jvPbvi †fZ‡i Avbv nqwb| †Zvgiv
weMZ eQ‡ii cÖ‡kœvˇii KviY mn e¨vL¨v †`L‡j Ggwb‡ZB ey‡S wb‡e|

01. Complete the sentences with the suitable phrases/words given in the box below:
there What does look life? As soon as was born let alone
would rather What’s it like? it have to had better
(a) Time is very valuable. We ___ utilize time properly. (mgq LyeB g~j¨evb| mgq‡K mwVKfv‡e Kv‡R jvMv‡Z
(b) I ___ take a taxi than walk home. It is already too late. (Avwg eis evwo‡Z †nu‡U hvIqvi †P‡q eis U¨vw·
wb‡ev| BZg‡a¨ A‡bK †`wi n‡q †M‡Q|)
(c) Long ago ___ lived a mighty king Kubla Khan. He built an amazing palace in deep dark forest.
(eûKvj Av‡M GK civµgkvjx ivRv Kyejv Lvb evm Ki‡Zb| wZwb Mfxi AÜKvi R½‡j GKwU Avðh©RbK cÖvmv` ˆZwi
(d) ___ watching a horror film at midnight? You are really scared. (gvSiv‡Z f‡qi wm‡bgv †`Lvi †Kgb?
Zywg mwZ¨B fq †c‡qQ|)
(e) It is winter. You___ buy a coat. (GLb kxZKvj| Avcbvi GKwU †KvU wKb‡j fv‡jv nZ|)
(f) ___ the balcony ___ It looks very beautiful but it is really small. (eviv›`vwU †`L‡Z †Kgb? GUv †`L‡Z
Lye my›`i wKš‘ mwZ¨B †QvU|)
(g) Bangladesh ___ as an independent state on 16 December 1971 after nine months bloody war
against the occupation Pakistan Army. (`Lj`vi cvwK¯Ívwb evwnbxi weiæ‡× bq gvm i³¶qx hy‡×i ci 1971
mv‡ji 16 wW‡m¤^i ¯^vaxb ivóª wn‡m‡e evsjv‡`‡ki Rb¥ nq|)
(h) ___ was in China that the art of Bonsai originated perhaps more than 1000 years ago. (Px‡bB
ebmvB wk‡íi D™¢e n‡qwQj m¤¢eZ 1000 eQ‡iiI †ewk Av‡M|)
(i) I cannot ride a bicycle ___ a motor cycle. I have no money to buy any of them. (Avwg mvB‡KjB
Pvjv‡Z cvwi bv †gvUi mvB‡Kj †Zv `~‡ii K_v| Avgvi Kv‡Q †Kv‡bvwU †KbviB UvKv †bB|)
(j) ___ the rain stopped, I started for home. (e„wó _vgvi mv‡_ mv‡_ Avwg evwoi D‡Ï‡k¨ iIbv w`jvg|)
[Dhaka Board-2023]

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 66

Serial Answer Answer explanation
†Kv‡bvwKQy Ki‡ZB n‡e eySv‡Z 'have to' e¨eüZ nq Ges Gi ci verb-Gi base
(a) have to
form e‡m|
(b) would rather Structure: Subject + would rather + v1 + ... + than + verb/noun
†Kv‡bvwKQy cwiPq/introduce Kiv‡bvi mgq hLb ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z hLb 'there'
e¨envi Kiv nq ZLb Zvi †Kv‡bv A_© _v‡K bv| G ai‡bi 'there'-†K ejv nq
(c) there
introductory 'there', Ges Gai‡bi ev‡K¨ DwjøwLZ verb-Gi c‡i Aew¯’Z
subject Abyhvqx verb-Gi iƒc wba©vwiZ nq|
(d) What's it like Ò†Kgb jv‡M/KxiKg jv‡MÓ A‡_© 'What'' e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q|
evsjv ev‡K¨ hLb Dc‡`k w`‡Z ÔeisÕ e¨envi nq ZLb had better e‡m|
(e) had better
Structure: Subject + had better + verb (base) + ext
What does.......look
(f) 'wK‡mi gZ †`L‡Z' eySv‡Z 'what does...look like' e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q|
'Rb¥MÖnb Kiv' cÖKvk Ki‡Z me©`vB passive voice nq Ges AZxZ mgq D‡jøL
(g) was born
_vKvq past indefinite tense n‡q‡Q|
(h) It 'It' A_© 'Bnv/GUv/GwU', Gi ci verb me©`vB singular nq|
(i) let alone Structure: Subject+ verb+ simple task+ let alone+ difficult task
Ô†Kv‡bvwKQy m¤úbœ n‡ZB bZyb wKQy ïiæ n‡q‡QÕ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z Ôas soon as
(Ki‡ZB)Õ e¨eüZ nq|
(j) As soon as
Structure: As soon as + subject + v2 + object + comma (,) +
subject + v2 + object.
02. Complete the sentences with suitable phrase/words given in the box.
what's ... like have to/has to there would rather let alone
was born what does ... look like as soon as had better it
(a) We have not decided yet where we are going, ___ booked the tickets. (Avgiv GLbI wVKB Kwiwb †h
Avgiv †Kv_vq hvw”Q, wUwKU eyK Kiv †Zv `~‡ii K_v|)
(b) I ___ lead a simple life than earn a lot of money illegally. (A‰eafv‡e cÖPyi A_© DcvR©b Kivi †P‡q Avwg
GKwU mvaviY Rxebhvcb Ki‡ev|)
(c) ___ has been many years since I saw him. (Zv‡K †`‡LwQ A‡bK eQi n‡q †M‡Q|)
(d) Have you ever seen an octopus? ___ it ___? (Zywg wK KL‡bv A‡±vcvm †`‡L‡Qv? GUv wK‡mi g‡Zv †`L‡Z?)
(e) Socrates was a great Greek philosopher. He ___ in 469 BC. (m‡µwUm wQ‡jb GKRb gnvb MÖxK `vk©wbK|
wZwb 469 wLª÷c~e©v‡ã Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|)
(f) The sailors were terrified. ___ were no birds or animals in that snow covered country. (bvweKiv
fxZ wQj| ei‡d XvKv †mB †`‡k †Kvb cï ev cvwL wQj bv|)
(g) He is not at home now. ___ he returns, I will ring you. (wZwb GLb evwo‡Z †bB| †m wd‡i Avmvi mv‡_
mv‡_ Avwg †Zvgv‡K Kj Ki‡ev|)
(h) I hear you have joined a new job. ___ your new boss ___? (Avwg ï‡bwQ Avcwb GKwU bZyb PvKwi‡Z †hvM
w`‡q‡Qb| Avcbvi bZyb em †Kgb?)
(i) You are always late in attending class. You ___ be on time. (Zywg memgq K¬v‡m †`wi K‡iv| mgqgZ
Avmv †Zvgvi Rb¨ fv‡jv|)
(j) I ___ get to the railway station by five or else I may miss the train. (Avgv‡K cuvPUvi g‡a¨ †ij‡÷k‡b
†h‡Z n‡e bvn‡j Avwg †Uªb wgm Ki‡Z cvwi|) [Dhaka Board-2022]

Serial Answer Answer explanation

(a) let alone Subject + verb + simple task + let alone + difficult task

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 67

(h) There KviY, There + verb (plural) + subject (plural) + ---
(i) had better KviY, Subject + had better + v1 + --- (hv Øviv ÒDwPZÓ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Q)
(j) What if KviY, What if + assertive sentence + ?
44. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box.
would you mind used to as if as soon as let alone
had better it would rather so that what if
(a) He acts ___ he were rich. So, nobody likes him. (wZwb Ggbfv‡e AvPiY K‡ib †hb wZwb abx| myZivs,
†KDB Zv‡K cQ›` K‡i bv|)
(b) ___ eating sea-fish? I think you will enjoy a lot. (Zzwg wK mvgyw`ªK gv‡Q †L‡j wKQz g‡b Ki‡e? Avgvi g‡b
nq Zzwg A‡bK Dc‡fvM Ki‡e|)
(c) Aloka can't afford to buy a cell phone, ___ a laptop. Actually, she is very poor. (Av‡jvKv GKwU
gy‡Vv‡dvb wKb‡Z cv‡i bv Avi GKwU j¨vcUc †Zv `~‡ii K_v| Avm‡j, wZwb Lye `wi`ª|)
(d) It may rain today. You ___ leave earlier. (AvR e„wó n‡Z cv‡i| †Zvgvi kxNªB hvqMvwU †Q‡o hvIqv DwPZ|)
(e) Sometimes, we become speechless remembering our childhood memories. We ___ swim in the
river. (gv‡S gv‡S Avgiv Avgv‡`i ˆkk‡ei ¯§„wZ ¯§iY K‡i wbe©vK n‡q hvB| Avgiv b`x‡Z muvZvi KvUZvg|)
(f) ___ is many years since we first met. How time does fly! (GUv A‡bKw`b n‡q †Mj hLb Avgiv cÖ_g
mvÿvr K‡iwQjvg| mgq KZ `ªæZ P‡j hvq!)
(g) His mother being sick, he needs to go home ___ possible. (Zvi gv Amy¯’ _vKvq Zv‡K hZ ZvovZvwo m¤¢e
evwo‡Z †h‡Z n‡e|)
(h) We ___ develop our humanity than observe hartal and strike. Let us change our destructive culture.
(Avgiv eis Avgv‡`i gvbeZvi weKvk NUv‡ev ZeyI niZvj cvjb Kie bv| Avmyb Avgv‡`i aŸsmvZ¥K ms¯‹„wZ cwieZ©b Kwi|)
(i) There started a heavy storm when I was about to go out. ___ I had been out there? (evB‡i hvIqvi
mgq cÖPÐ So ïiæ n‡qwQj| hw` Avwg evB‡i _vKZvg Zvn‡j wK n‡Zv?)
(j) He took a part-time job ___ he could earn some money. He was very sincere. (wZwb GKwU LÐKvwjb
PvKwi Ki‡Zb hv‡Z wZwb wKQz A_© DcvR©b Ki‡Z cvi‡Zb| wZwb Lye AvšÍwiK wQ‡jb|)
[Rajshahi, Barishal, Cumilla, Chattogram Board-2018]

Serial Answer Answer explanation

(a) as if KviY, Present indefinite + as if + past indefinite
(b) Would you mind KviY, Would you mind + verb + ing + ---?
(c) let alone KviY, --- + Zzjbvg~jK mvavib welq + let alone + Zzjbvg~jK wfbœ welq
(d) had better KviY, Subject + had better + v1 + --- (hv Øviv ÒDwPZÓ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Q)
(e) used to KviY, AZxZ Af¨vm †evSv‡Z “used to + v1 + ---”
KviY, GUv A‡bK eQi n‡jvÓ -Ggb A‡_© “It + “be” verb (singular) + since +
(f) It
past indefinite
(g) as soon as KviY, ÒZvrÿwYK †Kv‡bvwKQz NUvqÓ as soon as e‡m‡Q|
(h) would rather KviY, --- + would rather + --- + than
(i) What if KviY, What if + assertive sentence + ?
(j) so that KviY, --- + so that + subject + can/could + ---

1. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box.

let alone have to what is ..... like would rather as soon as
it was born as if there had better
(a) Stephen Hawking is a famous scientist. He ___ in England.
(b) ___ appears that we will not be able to return in time. Would you mind coming tomorrow?

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(c) ___ is no doubt that greed leads to destruction.
(d) They do not afford to run a departmental store, ___ super shop. They are struggling to improve
their condition.
(e) You ___ give up smoking. You may be affected by cancer.
(f) ___ the weather ___? It is very windy. None should go out.
(g) You ___ wear uninform on duty. It is an official decorum.
(h) ___ the teacher entered the class, the students stood up. The teacher told the students to attend
the class.
(i) The conference will begin next day. I ___ go there by plane than by any other means.
(j) He behaves ___ he were the owner of the shop. Actually, he is merely a salesman.
2. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box.
as soon as had better it there what ..... look like
as if was born would rather have to let alone
(a) I don’t like Shipon’s behaviour. He speaks ___ he were a king. He should change his attitude.
(b) He can’t remember the face of his father ___ the details of his activities. He lost him in his
(c) ___ the master saw the duck, he started clapping. He wanted to unfold the secret.
(d) Everybody has heard the name of Aristotle. He was a great Greek philosopher. He ___ in 384
BC in Greece.
(e) We ___ starve than eat poisonous fruits. Nowadays the presence of formalin is very common in
(f) The people living in the capital lead a very uncomfortable life. They ___ face various types of
problems everyday.
(g) Once upon a time ___ lived a king. He had four daughters. The king loved his daughters very
(h) Baby: Mom, ___ does Dracula ___?
Mother: It’s very dangerous, dear. You can watch them in films.
(i) Life is very difficult in the deserts. It is very hot. ___ hardly rains.
(j) You ___ tell her everything. It’s already too late.
3. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box.
let alone as if what does ..... look like was born would rather
there as soon as what’s like had better have to
(a) In England, most school children ___ wear a uniform. It is the same in Bangladesh.
(b) I ___ take a taxi than walk home. It’s already too late.
(c) We ___ take an umbrella. It may rain.
(d) I can’t remember the title of the book, ___ the details of the story. I read it many years ago.
(e) I don’t like Tamim’s attitude. He speaks in such a way ___ he knew everything. He should
show respect to others.
(f) The match resumed ___ the rain stopped. It was a relief for the spectators.
(g) ___ living in Western style? You seem to be very happy with your life in the USA.
(h) Baby: Mom, ___ a ghost ___?
Mother: Sorry dear, no idea I had never been to any Ghost Island.
(i) Long ago, ___ lived a mighty warrior, Kublai Khan. He won many battles against the
(j) Socrates was a great philosopher. He ___ in Athens in 469 BC. He spoke against the traditional
Greek beliefs, and so, he was sentenced to death by drinking hemlock, a strong poison.

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(d) †jvKwU Ggb fvb Kij †hb †m mg¯Í wKQy RvbZ| Aíwe`¨v fqsKi|
(e) Avgv‡`i GKmv‡_ KvR Kivi mgq G‡m‡Q| Avgiv GKmv‡_ `uvove A_ev GKmv‡_ wcwQ‡q coe|
(f) cÖ_g w`‡K GB †`‡k K‡qKwU Pv‡qi †`vKvb wQj| GLb, GwU cÖvq me©Î cvIqv hvq|
(g) Rb wKUm, GKRb Bs‡iR Kwe, 1799 mv‡j Rb¥MÖnY K‡iwQ‡jb| Rxe‡bi ïiæi w`‡K wZwb wb‡R‡K GKRb mvR©b wnmv‡e
†hvM¨ K‡i †Zvjvi †Póv K‡iwQ‡jb, Z‡e mvwn‡Z¨i cÖwZ Zuvi AvMÖ‡ni Kvi‡Y wZwb A‡¯¿vcPvi Z¨vM K‡iwQ‡jb|
(h) Avcbvi WªvM MÖnY eÜ Kiv DwPZ| GwU Avcbvi wKWwb‡Z cÖfve †dj‡Z cv‡i|
(i) Avwg †÷k‡b †cuŠQvgvÎ †UªbwU hvÎv K‡iwQj| Avwg wb‡R †Uª‡bi mبenvi Ki‡Z cvwiwb|
(j) †evW©vi: Avcbvi †nv‡UjwU‡Z LveviwU †Kgb?
I‡qUvi: GUv m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c fvj|
20. (a) was born; (b) There; (c) It's; (d) What’s it like; (e) what does ..... look likfe; (f) let alone;
(g) As soon as; (h) as though; (i) have to; (j) would rather.
D‡jøwLZ cÖ‡kœi DËimn e½vbyev`:
(a) e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingvb evOvwj RvwZi RbK| wZwb 1920 mv‡j †MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi Uzw½cvovq Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|
(b) wdkvi bv‡g GKRb †R‡j evm KiZ | †m wKQz gvQ aiZ wdkvi w`‡q|
(c) cÖvq `kUv ev‡R| GLb Avgv‡K evwo †h‡Z n‡e| B‡Zvg‡a¨ A‡bK †`wi n‡q †M‡Q|
(d) cyKz‡i †Mvmj Ki‡j †Kgb nq? Zzwg †Mvmj wb‡q LyeB e¨¯Í g‡b n‡”Q|
(e) Kb¨v: evev, nvwZ †`L‡Z †Kgb jv‡M?
wcZv: wcÖq, GwU GKwU wekvj cÖvYx| GwU GKwU `xN© myo Ges Gi eo `yBwU nw¯Í `šÍ Av‡Q|
(f) mvjgvb mvB‡Kj Pvjv‡Z cvi‡eb bv Avi Mvwo Pvjv‡bv †Zv `~‡ii K_v| GUv mwZ¨B A‡hŠw³K|
(g) weovj Bu`yiwU‡K †`LvgvÎB GwU †`Šo w`j| Z‡e GwU ai‡Z e¨_© n‡qwQj|
(h) ivbvi g‡bvfve AZ¨šÍ weiw³Ki| wZwb Ggbfv‡e KvR K‡ib †hb wZwb Kwe|
(i) my¯^v¯’¨ GKwU g~j¨evb wRwbm| Avgv‡`i ¯^v‡¯’¨i wbqg eRvq ivL‡Z n‡e hv‡Z Avgiv my¯’ _vK‡Z cvwi|
(j) Avgiv eis GKwU gvB‡µvev‡mi †P‡q GKwU evm fvov PvB| GwU GKwU `xN© hvÎv Avi Avgiv msL¨vq Kg bq|

1. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box.

was born let alone as soon as there as though
what is it like it would rather have to had better
(a) Don't push me. I ___ do one thing well than many wrongs.
(b) It's getting dark. We ___ go back now. It's already too late.
(c) My friend is under a lot of pressure at this moment. He looks ___ he were dead.
(d) Shah Jahan was one of the Mughal emperors of India and the builder of the Taj Mahal. He ___
in 1592 in Lahore, Pakistan.
(e) She is busy now. She will ___ finish the other books before the final exam.
(f) I can barely handle my own kids, ___ several of their friends.
(g) I am lucky. From my house ___ is a lovely view of the sea.
(h) You may change the battery. ___ is a tough job starting the car with such a weak battery.
(i) ___ the Principal arrived, the teachers along with the students stood up. The Principal looked
very glad.
(j) ___ living in a luxurious flat? You seem to be very happy with your luxurious flat.
2. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box.
would rather as soon as let alone was born as if
what does ... look like what's it like have to had better there
(a) ___ was a deep pond in our village. It had water all the year round. We would rather in this
pond in our childhood. But it no longer exists now.
(b) I ___ be more attentive to my studies. My final exam is very near.

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a b c d e f g h i j
12 would What's it What does
it There had better let alone As soon as What if was born
rather like ... look like
a b c d e f g h i j
What does
13 had would As soon What’s it
It There was born as though let alone ... look
better rather as like
a b c d e f g h i j
What does
14 would What's it
It There had better As soon as was born as if let alone ... look
rather like
a b c d e f g h i j
15 would What's it
It There had better As soon as was born as though let alone What if
rather like
a b c d e f g h i j
what does
16 would What's it
have to had better let alone as if as soon as ... look There was born
rather like
a b c d e f g h i j
have to would had better let alone as if as soon as What's it what does There was born
rather like ... look
a b c d e f g h i j
what does
18 would What's it
have to had better let alone as if as soon as ... look There was born
rather like
a b c d e f g h i j
What does
19 was What's it
What if let alone had better ... look as if have to as soon as it
born like
a b c d e f g h i j
What does
20 What's it would
What if has to as soon as ... look there was born as if let alone
like rather

GK bR‡i ¸iæZ¡c~Y© wKQz cÖkœ †h cÖk¸

œ ‡jv wewfbœ fwZ© cix¶vq G‡m‡Q| GLvb †_‡K aviYv bvI, Avmbœ cix¶v cieZ©x fwZ© cix¶vq
GB Aa¨v‡qi Dci wK ai‡bi cÖkœ Avm‡Z cv‡i|
1. Would you mind ___?
(a) a cup of tea (b) to have a cup of tea
(c) having a cup of tea (d) off
2. The accused men have been ___ custody to await trial.
(a) delivered into (b) handed into (c) put into (d) sent to (e) remanded in
3. The project ___ for want of funds.
(a) fell through (b) fall back (c) fall away (d) fell down
4. In their anxiety prisoner would often blurt ___ pieces of vital information.
(a) out (b) in (c) with (d) up
5. The timely rain ___ good crops.
(a) brings in (b) brings about (c) brings up (d) brings forth
6. I can't imagine studying in the country ___abroad.
(a) while (b) on the other hand (c) let alone (d) since
7. Every opposition candidate ___ was defeated in the election.
(a) except she was (b) except her were
(c) excepting she was (d) except her was

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Rules: Based on Previous Questions
weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ we‡kølY K‡i †`Lv hvq “Completing Sentence” -Gi ‡ÿ‡Î `yB ai‡bi wbqg e¨env‡i GKwU incomplete
evK¨‡K complete Ki‡Z ejv n‡q‡Q| ‡hgb:
i. wbw`©ó wKQz clause ev phrase -Gi grammatical wbqg †g‡b| †hgb: so that, so --- that, too --- to etc.
wbqg¸‡jv AbyKi‡Y|
ii. wKQz incomplete evK¨ Ggb fv‡e †kl Kiv nq, †hUv cvivi †ÿ‡Î c~e©eZ©x evK¨vs‡ki A_© †evSvUv LyeB ¸iæZ¡c~Y©|
†mBRb¨, GB topic-G cÖwZwU ev‡K¨i evsjv A_© †`Iqv n‡q‡Q| Avkv Kwi e¨vL¨vmn Dˇii Av‡jvPbvq †mB welq¸‡jv
wb‡q †Zvgiv c~Y©v½ aviYv cv‡e| cÖ_‡gB wbw`©ó wKQz clause ev phrase-Gi Rules & Shortcuts ‡`Iqv n‡jv:

“If” Gi evsjv A_© Òhw`Ó| kZ©g~jK complex sentence-G “if”-Gi e¨envi nq| Ab¨K_vq “if” hy³ evK¨‡K conditional
sentence e‡j| Conditional sentence Pvi cÖKvi| Z‡e, †h wZbwU cÖKvi ‡ewk ¸iæZ¡c~Y©, Zvi shortcut wb¤œiƒc:
i. If + present indefinite + future indefinite. (1st Conditional)
ii. If + past indefinite + subject + would/could/might + v1 + ---. (2nd Conditional)
iii. If + past perfect + sub + would have + v3----- (3rd conditional )
or, Had+sub+v3----------------------------------------------
D‡jøL¨, “If” A‡bK mgq ïiæ‡Z bv e‡m gv‡SI em‡Z cv‡i| G‡ÿ‡Î D‡jøwLZ evK¨ `yBwU Av‡M-c‡i n‡e|
For example:
i. The condition of Mithu's father was not well. If I knew his mobile number, ___. [DB: 2019]
ii. If a man sows good seeds ___. [RB: 2019]
iii. You are getting fat. If you want to lose weight, ___. [CB: 2019]
iv. I have a poor uncle. He could be rich ___. [DB, DinB, JB, SB: 2018]
v. Honesty is the best policy. If you maintain honesty, ___. [SB: 2017]
vi. The job market is getting bad to worse day by day. If you don’t work hard in your student life,
___. [BB: 2017]
vii. If I had the wings of a bird, I ___. [RB: 2019]
viii. I don't have enough money. Had I been a rich man, ___. [MB: 2022]
i. I would talk to him/I would communicate with him.
ii. he will reap a good harvest in future.
iii. you will have to control diet and take exercise regularly
iv. if he worked hard
v. you will be rewarded today or tomorrow
vi. you will not get a good job
vii. would fly in the sky.
viii. I would have helped the poor
“It is high time/It is time” Gi evsjv A_© ÒGUvB Dchy³ mgq/GLbB DËg mgqÓ G¸‡jv e¨envi Ki‡j wØZxq evK¨wU
past tense nq| Z‡e wØZxq ev‡K¨ subject D‡jøL bv _vK‡j infinitive (to + v1) nq|
i. It is high time + subject + v2 + ---.
ii. It is high time + to + v1 (infinitive) + ---.

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For example:
i. She said, “It is high time we ___.” [RB: 2019]
ii. Patriotism is a noble virtue. It is high time ___. [DinB: 2019]
iii. Environment is polluted in many ways. It is high time ___. [CB: 2019]
iv. Corruption is the main hindrance to development. It is high time ___. [RB: 2019]
v. Smoking is detrimental to health. It is high time you ___. [RB, CumB, CB, BB: 2018]
vi. It is high time we ___. [DB: 2022]
i. started our journey.
ii. we felt the importance of it.
iii. the government took proper steps against it.
iv. we stopped corruption
v. gave up smoking
vi. worked to stop water pollution
Structure ii:
Patriotism is a noble virtue. It is high time to start our journey.
Environment is polluted in many ways. It is high time to feel the importance of it.
“I wish” Gi evsjv A_© ÒAvgvi B”Qv/Avwg hw`/Avgvi aviYvÓ BZ¨vw`| GB phrase e¨envi Ki‡j cieZ©x ev‡K¨i A_©
Kíbvg~jK n‡q _v‡K|
i. I wish + subject + v2 + ---.
ii. I wish + subject + were + ---. (†h subject-B ‡nvK, me©`vB be verb “were” e‡m)
For example:
i. I wish I___. [RB: 2019]
ii. Birds fly in the sky. I wish ___. [RB: 2019]
iii. English is an international language. I wish ___. [SB: 2017]
iv. My childhood was full of joys and happiness. I wish ___. [DB: 2017]
v. Birds fly in the sky. I wish ___. [CB: 2022]
i. could fly in the sky.
ii. I could fly like a bird
iii. I could speak in English like a British
iv. I were a child again
I wish I were a bird. (Avgvi hw` cvwL nZvg)
I wish I had the wings of a bird. (Avgvi hw` cvwLi gZ Wvbv _vKZ)
“Who/Which/That” relative pronoun, hv `yBwU clause/ev‡K¨i gv‡S e‡m|
i. Subject + verb + noun/pronoun (e¨w³evPK) + who + verb (c~‡e©i noun/pronoun Abyhvqx) + ---.
ii. Subject + verb + noun/pronoun (welq/e¯‘evPK/BZi cÖvYx) + which/that + verb (c~‡e©i noun/pronoun
Abyhvqx) + ---.
iii. Subject + who/which + verb + extension + verb (c~‡e© D‡jøwLZ subject Abyhvqx) + ---.
For example:
i. A village doctor is a person who ___. He is the best friend to the villagers. [RB: 2019]
ii. There is nobody ___. Hence happiness is a relative term. [DinB: 2017, 2019]

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“Would that” Gi evsjv A_© Òhw` GgbwUÓ| “Would that” e¨envi Ki‡j cieZ©x evK¨wU past tense -G nq, hv Øviv
Kíbvg~jK A_© cÖKvk cvq|
Shortcut: Would that + subject + could + v1/v2 + ---.
For example:
i. Would that I could get the prize money.
ii. Would that I could meet the legend again.
iii. Would that I stood first in the exam.
“With a view to” -Gi A_© ÒRb¨/D‡Ï‡k¨Ó| GB phrase wU e¨envi Ki‡j cieZ©x verb -Gi mv‡_ “ing” ‡hvM n‡q Zv
gerund nq|
Shortcut: --- + with a view to + verb + ing
For example:
i. All of our family members agreed to go to zoo with a view to seeing some new conjoining wild
ii. Robi studied a lot with a view to acquiring a good grade.

01. Complete the sentences with suitable clauses or phrases.

(a) Honesty is the best policy. If you maintain honesty, ___. (mZZvB m‡e©vrK„ó| mZZv eRvq ivL‡j mevi
KvQ †_‡K m¤§vb cv‡e|)
(b) English is an international language. I wish___. (Bs‡iwR GKwU AvšÍR©vwZK fvlv| Avwg hw` Bs‡iwR ej‡Z
(c) It is a long time since___. (Avgv‡`i †kl †`Lv n‡qwQj A‡bK w`b n‡q †M‡Q|)
(d) He talks too much while doing his work. I don’t like people who___. (wZwb KvR Kivi mgq Lye †ewk
K_v e‡jb| Avwg †ewk K_v ejvi †jvK cQ›` Kwi bv|)
(e) The beggar was very hungry. No sooner had he got a piece of loaf on the road than___. ( wf¶yKwU
Lye ¶yavZ© wQj| iv¯Ívq GK UyK‡iv iæwU †c‡Z bv †c‡ZB †m †L‡Z ïiæ Kij|)
(f) The old man is very weak. He is walking slowly___. (e„× †jvKwU LyeB `ye©j| †m ax‡i ax‡i nuvU‡Q hv‡Z c‡o
bv hvq|)
(g) A student should not memorize any answer blindly. If he memorizes the answer without
knowing the meaning, ___. (GKRb Qv‡Îi †Kv‡bv DËi AÜfv‡e gyL¯’ Kiv DwPZ bq| bv †R‡b DËi gyL¯’ Ki‡j
†m cix¶vq mwVKfv‡e DËi w`‡Z cvi‡e bv|)
(h) Corruption is the main hindrance to the development of our country. It is high time___. (`yb©xwZ
Avgv‡`i †`‡ki Dbœq‡bi cÖavb AšÍivq| GLb mgq G‡m‡Q `yb©xwZi weiæ‡× c`‡¶c †bIqvi|)
(i) Had I earned enough money___. (Avwg h‡_ó A_© DcvR©b Ki‡j `wi`ª‡`i mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cviZvg|)
(j) My brother will come to Rajshahi form Dhaka. So I have to go to station with a view to___.
(Avgvi fvB XvKv †_‡K ivRkvnx Avm‡e| ZvB Zv‡K MÖnb Kivi Rb¨ Avgv‡K †÷k‡b †h‡Z n‡e|)
[Dhaka Board:2023]

Serial Answer Answer explanation

you will get respect If + subject + v1 + object + subject + can/should/will/may + v1
from everyone + object (first conditional)
(b) I could speak English Structure: I wish+ past form+ ext.
(c) we met last Present indefinite/present perfect+ since+ past indefinite
Subject + verb + object + that/who/which/what/where etc. +
(d) are talkative
subject + verb + object

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Structure: No sooner had + subject + v3 + object + than/before
(e) he started eating
+ subject + v2 + object.
(f) to avoid a fall c~‡e©i ev‡K¨i mv‡_ A‡_©i wgj ivL‡Z D³ evK¨wU †bqv n‡q‡Q|
he cannot answer If + subject + v1 + object + subject + can/should/will/may + v1
properly in the exam + object (first conditional)
we took steps against It is time/it is high time + subject + v2 + object/
corruption/to take It is time/it is high time + subject + to + v1 + object
steps against
I could have helped Structure: Had + subject + object + subject + would have/ could
the poor have/ might have + v3 + ext.
(j) receiving him 'with a view to'-Gi ci me©`vB 'verb+ ing' e‡m|
02. Complete the sentences with suitable clauses or phrases.
(a) I could not recognize you at first. It was many years since we ___. (Avwg cÖ_‡g Avcbv‡K wPb‡Z
cvwiwb| Avgv‡`i †kl †`Lv n‡qwQj A‡bK eQi Av‡M|)
(b) Water is polluted in different ways. It is high time we ___. (cvwb wewfbœ Dcv‡q `~wlZ nq| GLbB mgq
cvwb `~lY e‡Ü KvR Kivi|)
(c) I think you are not regular in studies. Be attentive lest ___. (Avgvi g‡b nq Zywg cov‡kvbvq wbqwgZ bI|
g‡bv‡hvMx nI bB‡j cix¶vq AK„ZKvh© n‡e|)
(d) Birds fly in the sky freely. Had I the wings of a bird ___. (cvwLiv Aev‡a AvKv‡k D‡o| Avgvi cvwLi Wvbv
_vK‡j D‡o †hZvg|)
(e) There are many obstacles in our way to success. We must work hard so that ___. (mvd‡j¨i c‡_
A‡bK evav i‡q‡Q| Avgv‡`i K‡Vvi cwikÖg Ki‡Z n‡e hv‡Z Avgiv GB evav¸‡jv AwZµg Ki‡Z cvwi|)
[Dhaka Board-2022]

Serial Answer Answer explanation

(a) had last met Past indefinite + since + past perfect
worked to stop
(b) It is time/It is high time + subject + v2 + Object.
water pollution
you should fail in
(c) Any tense+ lest+ Subject + should/might + v1 + Object.
the examination
(d) I would fly away Had+ Subject+ Object+ Subject+ would/could/might+ V1
we can overcome Present tense + that/so that/in order that + subject + can/will/
these obstacles may + v1 + ext.
[N.B: COVID-19 Gi Kvi‡Y 2020, 2021 mv‡ji HSC/Alim Exam wU Auto cvk wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ nIqvq,
GLv‡b D³ mvj¸‡jv ms‡hvwRZ nqwb]
03. Complete the sentences with suitable clauses or phrases.
(a) We are late. The class will start soon. Walk fast lest ___. (Avgiv †`wi K‡i †d‡jwQ| K¬vm kxNªB ïiæ n‡e|
`ªæZ Pj hv‡Z covi †Kvb Ask ev` bv c‡o|)
(b) There goes a proverb that ___. So, we must make proper use of time. (GKwU cÖev` Av‡Q †h mgq Ges
b`xi †¯ªvZ KviI Rb¨ A‡c¶v K‡i bv| myZivs, Avgv‡`i Aek¨B mg‡qi h_vh_ e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e|)
(c) The condition of Mithu's father was not well. If I knew his mobile number, ___. (wgVyi evevi Ae¯’v
fv‡jv wQj bv| Avwg hw` Zvi †gvevBj b¤^i RvbZvg Z‡e Avwg Zvi mv‡_ K_v ejZvg|)
(d) Though Bangladesh is a small country, ___. (evsjv‡`k GKwU †QvU †`k n‡jI Zvi wKQy wek¦ HwZn¨ i‡q‡Q|)
(e) We are a free nation now. 1971 is the year when ___. (Avgiv GLb GKwU gy³ RvwZ| 1971 mvj hLb
Avgiv Avgv‡`i ¯^vaxbZv AR©b Kwi|)

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you won't understand the
(j) Kvib, Òe³…Zvq g‡bv‡hvMx bv n‡j Kx n‡e?Ó ZviB DËi GwU|

1. Complete the sentences with suitable clauses or phrases.

(a) Don’t move as long as until___. I will come back soon.
(b) The students remained silent lest ___. They were afraid of him.
(c) This is the college where ___. I miss those teachers.
(d) No sooner had the dog found the thief than ___. It is devoted to its master.
(e) Though Uncle Tom was a slave ___. He loved his children very much.
(f) I want to buy a motorbike. Had I much money ___.
(g) When my father entered the room ___. He was very pleased with me.
(h) I was too young to have learnt to say ‘no’ ___.
(i) I think you are not punctual in studies. Be punctual lest ___.
(j) I’ve missed the 8 o’clock train. Do you know when ___?

(a) hZ¶Y bv wd‡i Avme ZZ¶Y bovPov Ki‡e bv| Avwg Rjw` wd‡i Avme|
(b) wk¶v_©xiv Pyc K‡i iBj hv‡Z bv Zviv Zv‡`i wk¶‡Ki Øviv kvw¯Í cvq| Zuviv Zv‡K fq KiZ|
(c) GwU †mB K‡jR †hLv‡b Avwg GBPGmwm ¯Í‡i cov‡kvbv K‡iwQ| Avwg HmKj wk¶K‡`iI wgm Kwi|
(d) KzKziwU †PviwU‡K †`Lv gvÎB GUv †NuD †NuD ïiæ K‡iwQj| GwU Zvi cÖæfz f³|
(e) PvPv Ug µxZ`vm n‡jI wZwb KLbI Pvbwb †h Zuvi mšÍvbiv µxZ`vm nq| wZwb Zvi ev”Pv‡`i Lye fv‡jvevm‡Zb|
(f) Avwg GKwU †gvUievBK wKb‡Z PvB| Avgvi A‡bK UvKv _vK‡j Avwg GKwU bZzb Mvwo wKbZvg|
(g) Avgvi evev hLb N‡i cÖ‡ek Ki‡jb ZLb wZwb Avgv‡K g‡bv‡hvM w`‡q cov‡kvbv Ki‡Z †`L‡jb| wZwb Avgvi Dc‡i Lye
mš‘ó wQ‡jb|
(h) Avwg GZUvB ZiæY wQjvg †h ‡Kvb †g‡q †K ÔbvÕ ej‡Z cviZvg bv|
(i) Avwg g‡b Kwi Zzwg cov‡kvbvq wbqwgZ bI| mg‡qvc‡hvMx n‡Z n‡e hv‡Z bv Zzwg cixÿvq e¨_© nI|
(j) Avwg 8Uvi †Uªb wgm K‡iwQ| Avcwb wK Rv‡bb cieZ©x †UªbwU KLb Avm‡e?
2. Complete the sentences with suitable clauses or phrases.
(a) The old man was too weak to ___. So, I helped him to get into the train.
(b) We tried hard to reach the station in time. No sooner had we reached the station ___.
(c) The weather is so cold that ___.
(d) Azad is one of the best boys in the class. He is not only intelligent ___.
(e) The place is getting risky for political unrest. It is high time we ___ the place.
(f) We all are very eager to attend the party. If the weather is good ___.
(g) The thief stole my watch and I saw it. As soon as I saw him ___.
(h) Time once lost is ___. So, never waste a single second.
(i) A charge was brought against me. It was I who ___.
(j) A man who leads an idle life ___.

(a) e„× †jvKwU GZUv `ye©j wQj †h wVK gZ Pj‡Z cviwQj bv|myZivs, Avwg Zv‡K †Uª‡b DV‡Z mnvqZv K‡iwQjvg|
(b) mgqg‡Zv †÷kbwU‡Z †cuŠQv‡bvi Rb¨ Avgiv cÖPyi †Póv K‡iwQ| Avgiv †÷k‡b †cuŠQv gvÎ †UªbwU †Q‡o w`‡qwQj|
(c) AvenvIqv GZUvB VvÛv †h Avgiv evB‡i †h‡Z cvwi bv|
(d) AvRv` K¬v‡mi Ab¨Zg †miv †Q‡j| †m †Kej eyw×gvbB bq, cwikÖgxI e‡U|
(e) RvqMvwU ivR‰bwZK Aw¯’iZvi Rb¨ SzuwKc~Y© n‡q DV‡Q| GwUB Dchy³ mgq RvqMvwU `ªæZ †Q‡o hvIqvi|
(f) Avgiv mevB cvwU©‡Z Ask wb‡Z AvMÖnx| AvenvIqv fvj n‡j Avgiv cvwU©‡Z Ask †be|
(g) †Pvi Avgvi NwowU Pywi K‡iwQj Ges Avwg GwU †`‡LwQ| Zv‡K †`LvgvÎB †m cvwj‡q †Mj|

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 172

(e) work hard can attain success (h) you utilize time properly
(f) he could save some money (i) we cannot live for a single moment
(g) We should be sincere to our work (j) the company he keeps
(h) No sooner had she heard the news
18. (a) I would, of course, have gone there
(i) we should cut a sorry figure in the exam
(b) he should fall down
(j) he looks quite young
(c) receiving him
15. (a) we will suffer very much (d) he remains in the dark about its subject
(b) they did no work matter
(c) he lives in a society (e) stood against corruption unitedly
(d) by selling those golden eggs (f) I have fallen asleep at 8:00 pm
(e) honesty is the best policy (g) we are charitable
(f) it is harmful to society (h) we took steps to prevent environemnt
(g) she will succeed pollution
(h) time and tide wait for none (i) understand simple matters
(i) we should help him (j) I would have attended the party
(j) he lives like a poor man/he spends too
19. (a) overcoming our problems
(b) gave up smoking
16. (a) hospitality is still one of our dominating (c) would have accompanied you
cultural traits (d) she had studied
(b) you can apply for the post (e) I can cut a good figure in the exam
(c) tired to walk (f) giving me your phone
(d) society can get rid of this heinous crime (g) the programme began
(e) we took steps against food adulteration (h) knowledgeable about various subjects
(f) we should get wet in the rain (i) when we embraced each other
(g) you can make a good result in the exam (j) he obeys his parents
(h) he was transferred to ICU
20. (a) it is not good for the body
(i) than she burst into tears
(b) to keep
(j) than beg
(c) I had much money
17. (a) you can achieve success in life (d) it could flood our area
(b) he lives (e) you make proper use of opportunities
(c) talk too much like him (f) to be in our company
(d) we drink pure water (g) we controlled traffic jam
(e) you should fail in the examination (h) she were superior to all in every respects
(f) you will be healthy and strong (i) she knew everything
(g) honesty is the best policy (j) I could enjoy the natural sights

1. Complete the sentences using suitable words/phrases/clauses.

(a) Last night I did not have a sound sleep. I felt sleepy ___ TV till 2:00 pm.
(b) You cannot handle such a ___ if you don't have prior experience in teaching.
(c) If the driver had been more careful, ___ the fatal accident.
(d) We were supposed to start our journey the next day. But it ___.
(e) A village market is one of the many attractions of country life. It is a public place where ___.
(f) The box is very heavy. Are you strong enough ___?
(g) Begging is not a profession. It is most disreputable. We must not ___.
(h) Wherever he speaks in English ___. But it is natural that we learn through mistakes.
(i) The station is not far away from here. It will take you five minutes ___.
(j) One should bear in mind that forming a bad habit is easy to do but ___.

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2. Complete the sentences using suitable words/phrases/clauses.
(a) We are closely related to our environment. We should keep the environment free from
pollution so that ___.
(b) We must follow the rules of hygiene. Without following the rules of hygiene, we ___.
(c) He was very hopeful about winning the game. He ___ before he took part in the competition.
(d) He had a street accident and his mother injured herself falling on the stairs. To tell the truth
misfortune ___.
(e) She has got GPA 4.50. If ___ more seriously, she would have got GPA 5 in the exam.
(f) The boy was playing when ___. He stopped his playing at once.
(g) I feel a very bad headache. If ___, I would continue my classes.
(h) Time plays a very crucial role in human life. We cannot prosper in life unless ___.
(i) He runs very fast. Last year he ___ that other competitors were left behind.
(j) Human body needs a balanced diet. If we take a balanced diet, it ___.
3. Complete the sentences using suitable words/phrases/clauses.
(a) Physical exercise keeps us healthy and strong. If you take regular physical exercises, ___.
(b) They came to you with a view to ___, but you scolded them without any reason.
(c) Please wait here until ___. I have a serious matter to discuss with you.
(d) I was not hungry at all. If I had been hungry, ___.
(e) Trees are essential for our existence. So, we must ____.
(f) There goes a proverb that ___. So, we must make proper use of time.
(g) We should drink pure water. Since the water of this bottle is not pure, ___.
(h) The two brothers are not on good terms. Yesterday when we went to their house, ___.
(i) Air is polluted in many ways. It is high time ___.
(j) The martyrs laid down their lives in 1971. They did it so that ___.
4. Complete the sentences using suitable words/phrases/clauses.
(a) I think you are not punctual in studies. Be punctual lest ___.
(b) I've missed the 8 o'clock train. Do you know when ___?
(c) The thief stole my watch and I saw it. As soon as I saw him ___.
(d) Though he was late, ___.
(e) As he is unwilling to work, he cannot get rid of poverty. He must work if ___.
(f) I usually avoid ___. It is boring to drive now.
(g) As it is a difficult task, ___. He is very skilled in doing such a work.
(h) Whenever I go to visit the factory, I ___. He must account for his absence.
(i) The film ended very fantastically. If you enjoyed the film, ___.
(j) There are many obstacles in our way to success. We must work hard so that ___.
5. Complete the sentences using suitable words/phrases/clauses.
(a) Garment industry in Bangladesh is one of the major sources ___. But this sector is afflicted
with many problems.
(b) Once Taimur attacked the province of a powerful prince. When the prince heard the news ___.
(c) Mr. Karim is a hard-working man. ___ he cannot turn the wheels of his fortune.
(d) Success does not come to a man automatically. When a man works in a systematic way ___.
(e) Female education is a crying need for our country. It is a good sign that nowadays ___.
(f) Motherland is like heaven. It is our sacred duty ___ our motherland.
(g) Life should not be considered ___. It is full of sorrows and sufferings.
(h) When you ___ work, you will go home.
(i) The thief was afraid of police. He ran away lest ___ arrested.
(j) He is an honest worker. Despite his honest work ___.

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(e) the snowfall is heavy (i) they did not hesitate to kill the children
(f) we can sell and buy our daily necessaries and babies.
(g) If we cannot minimize load-shedding (j) let him go
(h) as International Mother Language Day

GK bR‡i ¸iæZ¡c~Y© wKQz cÖkœ †h cÖk¸

œ ‡jv wewfbœ fwZ© cix¶vq G‡m‡Q| GLvb †_‡K aviYv bvI, Avmbœ cix¶v cieZ©x fwZ© cix¶vq
GB Aa¨v‡qi Dci wK ai‡bi cÖkœ Avm‡Z cv‡i|
1. ___ more help, I could call my neighbour.
(a) Needed (b) Should I need (c) I have needed (d) I should need
2. The curriculum at the public school is as good of any private school _____.
(a) or better than (b) as or better than (c) as or better than that (d) as or better than those
3. No one would have___.
(a) attended the lecture if you (b) had told
(c) the truth about the (d) guest speaker
4. ___ the woman wouldn't have experienced so much trouble.
(a) Hadn't her spouse helped her adequately (b) Had her spouse helped her adequately
(c) If her spouse didn't help her adequately (d) If her spouse helped her adequately.
5. If the sun didn't shine, fruits ___.
(a) wouldn't ripen (b) did not ripen (c) will not ripen (d) has not ripen
6. If cigarettes were banned, life ___.
(a) will be healthier (b) becomes healthier
(c) should become healthier (d) would become healthier
7. What would have happened if ___?
(a) the bridge is broken (b) the bridge would break
(c) the bridge had broken (d) the bridge had been broken
8. Rakib would certainly have attended the proceedings, _____.
(a) if he didn't get a flat tire (b) if the flat tire hadn't happened
(c) had he not had a flat tire (d) had the tire not flattened itself
9. If there were a concert today, ___.
(a) I would go. (b) I would be gone.
(c) I would be going. (d) I would have gone
10. If she had studied harder, ___.
(a) she would have do well (b) she would do well
(c) she will have done well (d) she would have done well
11. If we had not lost our way, ___.
(a) we should have arrived sooner (b) we would not have arrived sooner
(c) we would have arrived sooner (d) we should have been arrived sooner
12. ___ unless the government brings about necessary changes in the laws and creates an
environment of zero tolerance towards child violence of any sorts.
(a) The situation may not improve (b) The situation do not improve
(c) The situation does not improve (d) The situation is not improve
13. The cyclist ____ he crossed the main street.
(a) looked with caution after (b) had looked cautiously before
(c) has looked cautiously after (d) looks cautious when
14. The actress, along with her friends ____.
(a) are going to a party tonight (b) is going to a party tonight
(c) had been gone to a party tonight (d) would be going to a party tonight

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 192

Rules Based on Previous Questions
weMZ eQi¸‡jvi cÖkœ we‡kølY Ki‡j †`Lv hvq 10 †_‡K 15wU wbqg fv‡jv K‡i Abykxjb Ki‡j right forms of verbs -G c~Y©
b¤^i cvIqv m¤¢e| ZvB weMZ eQ‡ii cÖk¸ œ ‡jvi wbh©v‡m cÖ_‡g ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 15wU rules ‡`Iqv n‡jv Ges m‡›`n Gov‡Z Av‡iv 5wU
rules Òwec‡`i eÜz (to avoid risk)Ó wk‡ivbv‡g †`Iqv n‡jv| AvZ¥wek¦vm wb‡q cov ïiæ K‡iv, BbkvAvjøvn nZvk n‡e bv|
D‡jøL¨, right forms of verbs-Gi Dc‡i cixÿvq †h passage _v‡K, †mUv hw` wPivPwiZ †Kv‡bv Mí (story) nq, hv †jvKgy‡L
hyM hyM a‡i †kvbv hv‡”Q, Ggb passage-G verb -Gi cwieZ©b¸‡jv grammar -Gi mvavib wbqg bv †g‡b A_©vbyhvqx n‡q
_v‡K| †mRb¨ cixÿvq Avmv passage-wUi evsjv Rvbv Lye Riæix|

Tense -Gi mvavib wbqg AbymiY K‡i verb -Gi cwieZ©b, G‡ÿ‡Î 4wU tense -Gi MVb Ges wPý (tense indicator)
g‡b ivLv Riæix|
i. Present Indefinite: Subject (singular) n‡j, verb (singular) Ges subject (plural) n‡j verb (plural) nq|
wPý: Sometimes, daily, usually, always, often, regularly, as usual etc.
MVb: Subject + verb + extension, G‡ÿ‡Î subject (singular/plural) Abyhvqx verb e‡m|
For example:
i. It ___(entertain) us with politeness and discipline. [DB: 2019]
ii. It ___ (allow) a visitor to watch both the sunrise and the sunset from the beach. [JB: 2019]
iii. They can hardly ___ (realize) that they themselves ___ (ruin) their health. [BB: 2016]
iv. Life ___ (become) dull to them. [BB: 2016]
v. They always___ (remain) ill tempered. [BB: 2016]
vi. Physical exercise ___ (make) our body active and the muscles strong. [BB: 2016]
vii. It also ___ (improve) our power of digestion and blood circulation. [BB: 2016]
viii. It ___ (give) strength to our brain. [BB: 2016]
i. entertains
ii. allows
iii. realize; are ruining
iv. becomes
v. remain
vi. makes;
vii. improves
viii. gives
ii. Past Indefinite: AZxZ NUbv eY©bv ev cÖKvkv‡_© verb -Gi past form nq|
wPý: Once, ago, last, yesterday, that, AZxZ mvj/mgq etc.
MVb: Subject + verb -Gi past form (v2) + extension.
For example:
i. A huge procession ___ (parade) through the streets of the town after the inaugural session.
[RB, CumB, CB, BB: 2018]
ii. Various government and non-government organizations ___ (set) up stalls displaying
saplings of different varieties. [RB, CumB, CB, BB: 2018]
iii. The English ___ (play) it here in this subcontinent and since then it ___ (become) an
integral part of our entertainment. [DB: 2019]
iv. A poor man was once ___ (put) in a jail, although he ___ (do) no wrong. [RB: 2019]

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 194

v. Once there ___ (live) an idle king. [BB: 2019; RB: 2016]
vi. The old sailor ___ (be) a wrong-doer in his long journey. [CB: 2019]
vii. He ___ (come) to the orphanage at the age of four. [SB: 2017]
viii. Two World Wars ___ (break) out in this century. [DinB: 2016]
ix. In the last autumn vacation I ___ (get) sufficient time. [DinB: 2017]
x. At once she ___ (understand) what was the matter. [SB: 2019]
i. paraded
ii. set
iii. played, became
iv. put; did
v. lived
vi. was
vii. came
viii. broke
ix. got
x. understood
iii. Present Perfect: GKwU KvR m¤ú~Y© nIqvi c‡i Zvi eY©bvi †ÿ‡Î GB tense-wU ‡ewk e¨eüZ nq|
wKQz wPý: Recently, still, at present, etc.
MVb: Subject + have/has + verb-Gi past participle (v3) + extension
For example:
i. Trees contribute a lot to maintain ecological balance. A month-long tree fair ___ (begin) in
Kurigram stadium recently. [RB, CumB, CB, BB: 2018]
ii. They already ___ (show) their performance in several matches. [DB: 2019]
iii. Recently, it ___ (rise) to an alarming rate taking a heavy toll of human lives.
[DB: 2019,BB:2022]
i. has begun
ii. have shown
iii. has risen
iv. Present continuous: Pjgvb/GL‡bv N‡U P‡j‡Q -Ggb eY©bvg~jK A‡_© -GB tense wU e¨eüZ nq|
wKQz wPý: Now, at this moment, gradually etc.
MVb: Subject + am/is/are + verb + ing + extension
 12 cÖKvi tense -Gi g‡a¨ weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ we‡køl‡Y GB 4wU tense-Gi e¨envi †ewk cwijwÿZ n‡q‡Q|
For example:
i. They are not ___ (pay) heed to their teachers' advice. [CumB: 2019]
ii. They can hardly ___ (realize) that they themselves ___ (ruin) their health. [BB: 2016]
i. paying
ii. realize; are ruining
evK¨‡K negative Ki‡Z present tense -G (do not/does not) Ges past tense -G (did not) e‡m|
i. Subject (singular) + does not/did not + v1 + ---
ii. Subject (plural) + do not/did not + v1 + ---
D‡jøL¨, passage -G “not” †`IqvB _vK‡e, †m‡ÿ‡Î A_©ey‡S tense Abyhvqx “do/does/did + not” em‡e|
For example:
i. Selfishness ___ (not help) the society. [CB: 2019]

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For example:
i. It is twenty years since I ___ (meet) you.
ii. It was twenty years since I ___ (meet) you.
iii. Since they ___ (return) home safely, all the family members felt easy.
i. met
ii. had met
iii. returned
Gerund (verb + ing) ev‡K¨i subject n‡j verb n‡e singular|
Shortcut: Verb + ing + verb (singular) + extension
For example:
i. Teaching ___ (be) a great profession.
ii. Swimming in the river ___ (make) some uneasy situation for you.
i. is
ii. makes
“And” Øviv `yBwU noun “subject” Ae¯’v‡b em‡j mvaviYZ verb “plural” nq|
Shortcut: Noun + and + noun + verb (plural) + extension
For example:
i. Milk and bread ___ (be) my favorite breakfast.
ii. Remon and Ridoy ___ (do) their best jobs.
i. are
ii. do
Proverb ev cÖev`-cÖeP‡bi ‡ÿ‡Î verb wbw`©ó ‡Kv‡bv grammar wbqg †g‡b e‡m bv|
For example:
i. Time and tide wait for none. (cÖev` wn‡m‡e)
But, Time and tide waits for none. (mvaviY A‡_©)
ii. All is well that God sends us. (cÖev` wn‡m‡e)
But, All are correct what you have given. (mvaviY A‡_©)

01. Read the text and fill in the gaps with correct form of verbs as per subject and context.
Student life is the best time for (a)___ (prepare) ourselves for future. It is (b)___ (call) the seed
time of life. So, during this period of life students mustn’t (c)___ (waste) time. The main pursuit of
the students (d)___ (be) study. They should prepare themselves for the life (e)___ (lie) ahead.
They should also (f)___ (participate) in co-curricular activities. By (g)___ (read) newspaper they
will know what (h)___ (happen) in the world. When the country (i)___ (face) with a natural
calamity, they should (j)___ (come) forward with a view to (k)___ (remove) the sufferings of the
affected people. Even in normal times they (l)___ (engage) themselves in acts of social service.
The students cannot do well in the examination without (m)___ (work) hard. It is a pity that many
students are trying to (n)___ (succeed) in the shortest and easiest way. [Dhaka Board-2023]
Abyev`: QvÎRxeb nj fwel¨‡Zi Rb¨ wb‡R‡K cÖ¯yZ
Í Kivi †miv mgq| G‡K Rxe‡bi exR ec‡bi mgq ejv nq| ZvB Rxe‡bi
GB mg‡q wk¶v_x©‡`i bó Kiv DwPZ bv| wk¶v_x©‡`i cÖavb mvabv n‡jv cov‡kvbv| mvg‡bi Rxe‡bi Rb¨ Zv‡`i wb‡R‡`i

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 202

Í Kiv DwPZ| Zv‡`i mncvV¨µwgK Kvh©µ‡gI AskMÖnY Kiv DwPZ| Le‡ii KvMR c‡o Zviv Rvb‡Z cvi‡e c„w_ex‡Z Kx
NU‡Q| †`k hLb cÖvK„wZK `y‡h©v‡Mi m¤§yLxb nq, ZLb Zv‡`i DwPZ ¶wZMÖ¯Í gvby‡li `y‡f©vM `~i Kivi j‡¶¨ GwM‡q Avmv|
GgbwK mvaviY mg‡qI Zv‡`i mgvR‡mevg~jK Kv‡R wb‡R‡K wb‡qvwRZ Kiv DwPZ| cwikÖg bv K‡i wk¶v_x©iv cix¶vq fv‡jv
Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| GUv LyeB `yt‡Li welq †h A‡bK wk¶v_x©B msw¶ß I mnR Dcv‡q mdj nIqvi †Póv Ki‡Q|

Serial Answer Answer Explanation

(a) preparing mvaviYZ preposition-Gi ci verb-Gi mv‡_ 'ing' hy³ Ki‡Z nq|
(b) called 'ejv nq' A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z passive voice n‡q‡Q|
waste Modal auxiliary verb (can, could, may, might, shall, should, will,
(c) would, ought to, need, dare, have to, must etc.)-Gi c‡i verb-Gi
base form e‡m|
(d) is eZ©gvb mg‡qi D‡jøL _vKvq subject Abyhvqx 'is' †bqv n‡q‡Q|
lying ‡Kv‡bv simple sentence-G G‡Ki AwaK verb _vK‡j, c‡ii verb-Gi mv‡_
'ing' hy³ Ki‡Z nq|
participate Modal auxiliary verb (can, could, may, might, shall, should, will,
(f) would, ought to, need, dare, have to, must etc.)-Gi c‡i verb-Gi
base form e‡m|
(g) reading mvaviYZ preposition-Gi ci verb-Gi mv‡_ 'ing' hy³ Ki‡Z nq|
is happening 'n‡”Q' A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z present continuous tense (be verb+ verb+ ing)
(i) is faced ‘m¤§yLxb nq' A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z passive voice n‡q‡Q|
come Modal auxiliary verb (can, could, may, might, shall, should, will,
(j) would, ought to, need, dare, have to, must etc.)-Gi c‡i verb-Gi
base form e‡m|
(k) removing 'with a view to'-Gi ci me©`vB 'verb+ ing' e‡m|
should engage 'DwPZ' A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z 'should' e¨eüZ nq Ges Gi ci me©`vB verb-Gi
base form e‡m|
(m) working mvaviYZ preposition-Gi ci verb-Gi mv‡_ 'ing' hy³ Ki‡Z nq|
(n) succeed 'to'-Gi ci mvaviYZ verb-Gi base form nq|
[N.B: COVID-19 Gi Kvi‡Y 2020, 2021 mv‡ji HSC/Alim Exam wU Auto cvk wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ nIqvq,
GLv‡b D³ mvj¸‡jv ms‡hvwRZ nqwb]
02. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.
Cricket is a popular game. Both the young and the old (a)___ (get) pleasure from this game. In
fact, cricket (b)___ (call) the gentlemen’s game. It (c)___(entertain) us with politeness and
discipline. A sense of brotherhood and fraternity (d)___ (create) among the playing nations
through it. At present, cricket is the most popular game in Bangladesh. The English (e)___ (play) it
here in this subcontinent and since then it (f)___ (become) an integral part of our entertainment.
Our team (g)___ (consist) of skilled players. They already (h)___ (show) their performance in
several matches. But it is a matter of sorrow that sometimes our players (i)___ (play) so poorly that
our countrymen (j)___ (become) astonished. [Dhaka Board-2019]
Abyev`: wµ‡KU GKwU RbwcÖq †Ljv| hyeK I e„× DfqB GB †LjvwU †_‡K Avb›` cvb| Avm‡j wµ‡KU‡K f`ª‡jvK‡`i †Ljv
ejv nq| GwU f`ªZv Ges k„•Ljv wb‡q Avgv‡`i we‡bv`b †`q| Gi gva¨‡g †L‡jvqvo †`k¸wji g‡a¨ åvZ…Z¡ I åvZ…Z‡¡ eva ˆZwi
nq| eZ©gv‡b wµ‡KU evsjv‡`‡ki me©vwaK RbwcÖq †Ljv| Bs‡iRiv G Dcgnv‡`‡k †L‡jwQj Ges ZLb †_‡K GwU Avgv‡`i
we‡bv`‡bi GKwU Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask n‡q D‡V‡Q| Avgv‡`i `j `ÿ †L‡jvqvo wb‡q MwVZ| Zviv BwZg‡a¨ †ek K‡qKwU g¨v‡P
Zv‡`i cvidig¨vÝ †`wL‡q‡Q| Z‡e `yt‡Li welq †h Avgv‡`i †L‡jvqvoiv gv‡S g‡a¨ GZ Lvivc †L‡j †h Avgv‡`i †`kevmx‡K
nZevK n‡q hvq|

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 203

GK bR‡i ¸iæZ¡c~Y© wKQz cÖkœ †h cÖk¸
œ ‡jv wewfbœ fwZ© cix¶vq G‡m‡Q| GLvb †_‡K aviYv bvI, Avmbœ cix¶v cieZ©x fwZ© cix¶vq
GB Aa¨v‡qi Dci wK ai‡bi cÖkœ Avm‡Z cv‡i|
1. I couldn't mend the computer myself, so I___ at a shop.
(a) had it mended (b) had it mend (c) did it mend (d) had mended
2. I can't imagine Peter ___ by bike.
(a) going (b) to go (c) gone (d) to be going
3. It is worth ___ now.
(a) going shopping (b) to go shop (c) to go shopping (d) going to shopping
4. I don't mind ___ home, but I'd rather ___ a taxi.
(a) to walk, get (b) walk, get (c) walk, to get (d) walking, get
5. I enjoy ___ but I wouldn't like ___ it all my life.
(a) to teach, to do (b) teaching, doing (c) to teach, doing (d) teaching, to do
6. I have no objection to ___ your story again.
(a) hear (b) have heard (c) hearing (d) be heard
7. The doctor advised us ___ smoke.
(a) to not (b) not (c) do not (d) not to
8. The accident is thought ___ by leave on the railway line.
(a) to have caused (b) to have been causing
(c) to have been caused (d) to be caused
9. The Parthenon is said ___ erected in the age of Pericles.
(a) to have become (b) to have begun (c) to have been (d) to have had begun
10. Choose the correct sentence.
(a) Mizan is absent today; he must have been sick again.
(b) Rahim is back in the team today; he must be feeling better now.
(c) The line is busy; someone should be using the telephone now.
(d) She must be study in her room.
11. He ___ not wait for us.
(a) need (b) needs (c) needed (d) was needing
12. ___ you have any further question; please contact us at the address above.
(a) Would (b) Will (c) Could (d) Should
13. Look at those black clouds. It ___ rain.
(a) will (b) is going to (c) would (d) needs
14. But for your help, I ___.
(a) would have failed (b) would fail (c) will fail (d) will have failed
15. How ___ renew a passport?
(a) often do you have to (b) often do you have
(c) you often do have to (d) you do have to often
16. Your dress is dirty. It ___ cleaning.
(a) will need (b) needs (c) is needed (d) has needed
17. Which one is correct?
(a) You should do it yesterday. (b) You ought obey your parents.
(c) He can speaks English fluently. (d) There is no use in my learning it.
18. Five years (to pass) since I met you last.
(a) are passed (b) passed (c) have passed (d) had passed
19. He looks as though he ___ a ghost.
(a) has seen (b) saw (c) had seen (d) will see

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 244

Rules Based on Previous Questions
Narration `yB cÖKvi:
i. Direct narration / Direct speech (cÖZ¨ÿ/mivmwi Dw³)
ii. Indirect narration / Indirect speech (c‡ivÿ/A‡b¨i Øviv Dw³)
For example:
Direct : He said to me, "I am happy now."
Indirect : He told me that he was happy then.
 Narration cwieZ©‡bi avc:
i. Reporting verb I reported speech m¤^‡Ü Rvbv |
ii. Person cwieZ©b m¤^‡Ü Rvbv |
iii. Subject-object-possessive GB wZbwU form gyL¯’ ivLv |
iv. Tense cwieZ‡bi wbqg m¤^‡Ü Rvbv |
v. Adverbial phrase ev wbKUeZ©x kã mg~n‡K Kxfv‡e `~ieZ©x k‡ã cwieZ©b Ki‡Z nq, †mB m¤^‡Ü Rvbv |
Reporting verb Kx?
†Kv‡bv e¨w³ †h verb w`‡q e³e¨ ïiæ K‡i Zv‡K reporting verb (R.V) e‡j| Ab¨K_vq, Inverted comma Gi evwn‡i
†h verb _v‡K, †mUvB reporting verb|
For example:
She said to me, "I was happy."
D‡jøL¨, GB ev‡K¨i e³v "She", †m "said" e‡j Zvi K_v ïiæ K‡i‡Q| myZivs, "said" verb wU reporting verb|
Avevi, Ab¨fv‡e jÿ¨ Ki‡j †`Lv hvq inverted comma Gi evwn‡i "said" B GKgvÎ verb| myZivs, †mw`K †_‡KI GB
verb wU †K reporting verb ejv †h‡Z cv‡i|
Reported speech Kx?
Inverted comma’ i †fZ‡i †h evK¨wU _v‡K, Zv‡K reported speech e‡j|
For example:
i. She said to me, "I was happy."
D‡jøL¨, GB evK¨wU‡Z "I was happy" AskUzKz‡K inverted comma w`‡q wN‡i †`qv n‡q‡Q| myZivs, "I was happy"
GB evK¨wU ev AskwU reported speech|
Person cwieZ©‡bi wbqg:
Inverted comma-i †fZ‡i _vKv (Inverted Speech -Gi) Person cwieZ©‡bi
 1st person (I) AbymiY Ki‡e reporting verb Gi subject ‡K|
 2nd person (You) AbymiY Ki‡e reporting verb Gi object ‡K|
 3rd person (He, she, it, name) KvD‡K AbymiY bv K‡i mivmwi e‡m|
For example:
1st person cwieZ©b
i. Direct : He said to me, "I went to market."
Indirect : He told me that he had gone to market.
jÿYxq, reported speech Gi subject, 1st person "I" AbymiY Kij reporting verb Gi subject "he" ‡K|
†mBRb¨, "I went -----" cwieZ©b n‡q "He had -----" n‡q‡Q|
For example:
2nd person cwieZ©b
i. Direct : He said to me, "You are honest."
Indirect : He told me that I was honest.
jÿYxq, reported speech Gi subject, 2nd person "You" AbymiY K‡i‡Q reporting verb Gi object "me"
‡K| †mRb¨, "You are -----" cwieZ©b n‡q "I was -----" n‡q‡Q|

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 246

e½vbyev`: Ò‡Zvgvi GBPGmwm cix¶vi ci †Kv_vq fwZ© n‡e? †Zvgvi wK †Kv‡bv cQ›` Av‡Q?" wk¶K myw¯§Zv‡K ej‡jb|
"Avwg GLbI wbwðZ bB †h Avgv‡K Kx Ki‡Z n‡e KviY mewKQyB Avgvi djvd‡ji Dci wbf©i Ki‡Q|" "‡Zvgvi cQ›` _vKv
DwPZ| BwZevPK Ges Avkvev`x _vK‡e|Ó

“I’m not yet sure what I have to do because everything depends on my

result.” Susmita said.
= Susmita replied that she was not sure yet about what she had to do because
i. Assertive
everything depended on her result.
“You should have choice.” said the teacher.
= The teacher encouraged her to have a choice.
“Where will you get admission after your HSC Examination?” said the
teacher to Susmita.
= The teacher asked Susmita where she would get admission after her HSC
ii. Interrogative
“Do you have any choice?" said the teacher to Susmita.
= The teacher asked Susmita if she had any choice.
“Be positive and optimistic.” said the teacher
iii. Imperative
= The teacher encouraged her to remain positive and optimistic.
Gevi jÿ¨ K‡i †`‡Lv, Dc‡ii sentence ¸‡jv wb‡P wKfv‡e wewfbœ linker w`‡q hy³ Kiv n‡q‡Q|
we‡kl we‡kl RvqMvq bold K‡i †`Iqv n‡jv, hv‡Z K‡i cwieZ©‡bi RvqMvwU‡Z bRi c‡o|
The teacher asked Susmita where she would get admission after her HSC Examination and if she
had any choice. Susmita replied that she was not sure yet about what she had to do because
everything depended on her result. The teacher encouraged her to have a choice and to remain
positive and optimistic.
02. Change the narrative style by using indirect speeches.
“Follow my example,” she said as we shook hands, “and never eat more than one thing for
luncheon.” “I’ll do better than that,” I retorted. “I’ll eat nothing for dinner tonight.” “Humorist,”
she cried gaily, jumping into a cab. [Dhaka Board-2022, 2017]
e½vbyev`: wZwb Avgv‡`i nvZ †b‡o ej‡jb, "Avgvi D`vniY AbymiY Kiæb, Ges `ycy‡ii Lvev‡ii Rb¨ KLbI G‡Ki †ewk
wRwbm Lv‡eb bv|" Avwg cÖwZwµqv Rvwb‡qwQjvg, "Avwg Gi †_‡K AviI fvj Kie"| "Avwg AvR iv‡Zi Lvev‡ii Rb¨ wKQyB
Lve bv|" "i½imvZ¥K," wZwb Avb‡›`i mv‡_ GKwU U¨vw· K¨v‡e jvd w`‡q DV‡jb|

“I'll do better than that,” I retorted. “I'll eat nothing for dinner tonight.”
= I retorted that I would do better than that by eating nothing for dinner that night.
i. Assertive
“Humorist,” she cried gaily, jumping into a cab.
= Jumping into a cab, she cried gaily and said that I was a humorist.
“Follow my example,” she said as we shook hands, “and never eat more than
one thing for luncheon.”
ii. Imperative
= As we shook hands, she advised me to follow her example and never to eat
more than one thing for luncheon.
D‡jøwLZ evK¨wUi speaker "She" Ges listener "I/me"|
Note Gevi jÿ¨ K‡i †`‡Lv, Dc‡ii sentence ¸‡jv wb‡P wKfv‡e wewfbœ linker w`‡q hy³ Kiv n‡q‡Q|
we‡kl we‡kl RvqMvq bold K‡i †`Iqv n‡jv, hv‡Z K‡i cwieZ©‡bi RvqMvwU‡Z bRi c‡o|
As we shook hands, she advised me to follow her example and never to eat more than one thing
for luncheon. I retorted that I would do better than that by eating nothing for dinner that night.
Then jumping into a cab, she cried gaily and said that I was a humorist.
[N.B: COVID-19 Gi Kvi‡Y 2020, 2021 mv‡ji HSC/Alim Exam wU Auto cvk wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ nIqvq,
GLv‡b D³ mvj¸‡jv ms‡hvwRZ nqwb]

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 251

11. The boy told me that he had to go for supper then and added that he could come again the next/the
following evening. Thinking I probably had to insist on an older boy, I told him that I would pay
then for what he had done. I asked him if ten cents an hour would do. The boy replied that
anything was alright.
12. Rashed asked Karim how he (K) was and told him (K) that he (R) had gone to his (K) home the
previous day/the day before, but had not found him (K). He (R) again asked him (K) where he (K)
had gone. Karim replied that he (K) had gone to the station. He (K) added that he (K) had to
receive his maternal uncle there.
13. I asked (the lady) faintly whether she was still hungry. She exclaimed and replied in the negative
and said that she was not hungry and informed me that she didn't eat luncheon. She further said
that she had a cup of coffee in the morning and then dinner, but she never ate more than one thing
for luncheon. She again said that she was speaking for me. Then I told her sarcastically that I had
understood it.
14. The student respectfully asked the teacher if he (t) would kindly help him (s). The teacher replied
that he (t) would certainly help him (s). The student told him that he had been absent from the class
the previous day and so he (s) could not understand the lesson he (t) had taught. The teacher said
that it was OK and added that if he (s) was free after that class, he (s) should meet him (t) in the
teachers' room and he (t) would help him (s)/The teacher also said that it was OK and advised him
(s) to meet him (t) in the teachers' room if he (s) was free after that class and then he (t) would help
him (s). The student thanked him (t) respectfully. Addressing the student as his (t) son, he (t)
welcomed him(s).
15. Mita asked her father what a puppet show was. Father proposed that they should go inside and she
could see herself. Inside the tent Mita exclaimed with wonder that it was very strange that a doll
was dancing and talking. Father told Mita that a man behind the screen was moving the doll. Then
he asked her if she understood who was talking.
16. Abu asked the angel what he (angel) was writing. The angel looked up and replied in a sweet tone
that he (angel) was writing the names of those who loved their Lord. Then Abu asked the angel if
his one (name) was there. The angel replied in the negative and said that his (Abu) name was not
included there. Then Abu requested the angel to write down his (Abu) name as one who loved his
fellow men.
17. Addressing Mrs. Rupa as Mom, the beggar told her to open the door. He said that he had been
starving for two days. From within the house, Mrs. Rupa asked him why he begged. She also
asked him if he was blind. He added that he could walk only with stick and talk. Opening the door,
Mrs. Rupa looked at him and exclaimed with great compassion that he was very old too.
18. I said to the rickshaw puller, "You have carried me a long way. How much should I pay you? Will
fifty taka do?" I asked. "Anything is all right," he said.
19. "Will you go to college today?" the mother said to her son. "No, mother. Our classes are suspended."
"Then go to the market and bring some vegetables." "Let me be ready and give me money."
20. "Have you offered your prayer today?" I said to my brother. "No, I have forgotten," he said.
"That's bad," I said, "We must pray everyday." "I promise to pray everyday in future," said he.

GK bR‡i ¸iæZ¡c~Y© wKQz cÖkœ †h cÖk¸

œ ‡jv wewfbœ fwZ© cix¶vq G‡m‡Q| GLvb †_‡K aviYv bvI, Avmbœ cix¶v cieZ©x fwZ© cix¶vq
GB Aa¨v‡qi Dci wK ai‡bi cÖkœ Avm‡Z cv‡i|
1. We use a ___ before the indirect speech.
(a) linker (b) article (c) adjective (d) preposition

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 282

2. What is the indirect speech of "Must you leave now?" he asked me.
(a) He asked me if I had to leave now. (b) He asked me if I must have to leave now.
(c) He asked me if I had to leave then. (d) He asked me if I must have left then.
(e) He asked me if I should have to leave then.
3. Anee: "Must I do the shopping?" The indirect form is-
(a) Anee asked if she had to do the shopping.
(b) Anee wanted to know if she must have done the shopping.
(c) Anee wanted to know if she should do the shopping.
(d) Anee asked if she should do the shopping.
4. They said to me, "Who are you and what do you want here now?” The indirect form is-
(a) They enquired me who were you and what you wanted there then.
(b) They enquired me who I was and what I wanted there then?
(c) They enquired me who I was and what I wanted there now.
(d) They enquired me who I was and what I wanted there then.
5. Put the following into indirect narration: You had better not leave your room unlocked' said
my friends.
(a) My friends warned me not to leave my room unlocked.
(b) My friends asked me not to leave my room unlocked.
(c) My friends reminded me to leave lock my room.
(d) My friends advised me to leave lock my room.
6. He said to his master, "Forgive me, Sir."
(a) He begged his master to forgave him. (b) He begged his master to forgive him, Sir.
(c) He begged his master to forgive him. (d) He requested his master to forgive him.
7. The prisoner strongly desired that he had the wings of a dove.
(a) The prisoner said, "Had I the wings of a dove!"
(b) The prisoner told, "I have the wings of a dove."
(c) The prisoner said in joy, "He had the wings of a dove"
(d) The prisoner said, "Had I the wings of a dove"
8. The indirect form of the sentence "The man said to him, 'Fie! You are such a coward' is-
(a) The man exclaimed that it is shameful that he is such a coward.
(b) The man claimed that it is shameful that he was such a coward.
(c) The man exclaimed that it was shameful that he was such a coward.
(d) The man claimed that it is shameful that were such a coward.
9. Choose the correct direct speech of the following sentence. I called him a coward.
(a) I said to him, "You are a coward." (b) I said to him that, "You are a coward."
(c) I called him, "You are coward." (d) I said to him, "You are coward."
10. Robi called me a liar. Make direct speech.
(a) Robi said to me, 'you were a liar'. (b) Robi says to me, 'you are a liar'.
(c) Robi told me, you are a liar'. (d) Robi said to me, 'you are a liar'.
11. He said, "Thanks, my friends." The indirect form is-
(a) He told his friends thanks. (b) He thanked his friends.
(c) He said thanks to his friends. (d) He said to his friends thanks.
12. Change the following speech into indirect form. "By God, I am telling the truth”, he said.
(a) Swearing by God he said that he was telling the truth.
(b) He said that God was telling the truth.
(c) Saying by God he was telling the truth. (d) None of the above.
13. Choose the correct indirect speech: "If I were you I'd wait", I said.
(a) I advised him to wait. (b) I ordered him to wait.
(c) I requested him to wait. (d) I told him to wait.
14. "If I were you, I wouldn't go", he said. The indirect speech is-
(a) He told me to stay with me. (b) He asked me not to go.
(c) He advised me against going. (d) He advised me never to go.

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 283

Rules Based on Previous Questions
weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ we‡kølY Ki‡j ‡`Lv hvq, K‡qKwU clues ev hints fv‡jvfv‡e ey‡S AvqË Ki‡j cixÿvq Avmv Modifier -Gi
Dc‡i cÖkwœ U Abvqv‡m mgvavb Kiv hvq| Modifier -Gi Av‡jvPbv wekvj| Z‡e GKRb HSC cixÿv_©xi Rb¨ GZ wekvj
Av‡jvPbv `iKvi †bB| weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ we‡køl‡Y 3 ai‡bi Modifier m¤^‡Ü Rvbv hvq|
1. Modifier with Noun (†h¸‡jv noun ‡K wN‡i wewfbœ ai‡bi adjective modifier)
2. Modifier with Verb (†h¸‡jv verb ‡K wN‡i wewfbœ ai‡bi adverb modifier)
3. Modifier with Adjective (†h¸‡jv adjective ‡K wN‡i wewfbœ ai‡bi adverb modifier)

g~j Av‡jvPbvwU fv‡jvfv‡e †evSvi Rb¨ `ywU k‡ãi A_© fv‡jvfv‡e †R‡b bvI:
Pre = c~‡e©
Post = c‡i
Gevi, D‡jøwLZ wZbwU aib Ges cixÿvq Avmvi m¤¢ve¨ clues ¸‡jv D`vni‡Yi gva¨‡g Dc¯’vcb Kiv n‡jv:

1. Modifier with Noun

Pre-modify the noun/Use adjective to pre-modify the noun
--- + adjective+noun (†hLv‡b noun _vK‡e, Zvi c~‡e© adjective emv‡Z nq)
For example:
i. He was a ___ poet. [RB, CumB, CB, BB: 2018; SB: 2017]
Answer: great/famous
ii. Television has become the most common and ___ source of entertainment in the present world.
Answer: widespread/popular [DB, DinB, JB, SB: 2018]
iii. Arsenic is a ___ substance. [DB: 2019]
Answer: harmful/dangerous/poisonous
Use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun
--- + noun + noun (†hLv‡b GKwU noun -Gi c~‡e© Av‡iKwU noun emv‡Z nq)
For example:
i. ___ programs are very entertaining. [DB, DinB, JB, SB: 2018]
Answer: Television
ii. His literary works have enriched ___ literature. [RB, CumB, CB, BB: 2018; SB: 2017]
Answer: Bengali
iii. Most of our ___ people drink tube well water. [DB: 2019]
Answer: village
Use an appositive to post modify the noun
Subject + Kgv + noun/noun phrase + Kgv + --- (G‡ÿ‡Î `yB ÒKgvÓ -Gi gv‡S subject -Gi cwiPq e‡m)
For example:
i. Nazrul, ___, won the attention of everyone in his early childhood.
Answer: our national poet/the rebel poet [RB, CumB, CB, BB: 2018; SB: 2017]

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 285

ii. Motor vehicles also pollute the air, ___. [JB: 2019]
Answer: the most vital element of the environment
iii. Pakistan, ___, cannot come out of its military influences. [CB: 2017]
Answer: the mostly military ruled country
Post-modify the noun/ Post-modify the noun with past participle adjective
Noun + adjective + --- (G‡ÿ‡Î noun -Gi c‡i emv adjective wU mvavibZ past participle adjective nq)
For example:
i. Courses ___ by the Open University are shown on BTV. [DB, DinB, JB, SB: 2018]
Answer: run
Use a determiner to pre-modify the noun/noun phrase
--- + article/ demonstrative (this/that/these/those)/ some/ any/ many/ few etc. + noun (G‡ÿ‡Î noun
"singular" bvwK "plural" Zv ey‡S ev‡K¨i A‡_©i mv‡_ m½wZ †i‡L determiner e‡m)
For example:
i. ___ dishonest businessmen use poisonous chemicals in food and fruits to make illegal and
quick money. [RB: 2019]
Answer: Some
Use an article to pre-modify the noun
--- + a/an/the + noun (G‡ÿ‡Î noun -Gi c~‡e© grammatical wbqg †g‡b article e‡m)
For example:
i. However, watching TV has become ___ addiction for many. [DB, DinB, JB, SB: 2018]
Answer: an
ii. He was ___ secular poet. [RB, CumB, CB, BB: 2018; SB: 2017]
Answer: a
Use possessive to pre-modify the noun
---+my/ our/ his/ her/ their/ its etc.+ noun (G‡ÿ‡Î c~‡e©i subject -Gi mv‡_ m½wZ †i‡L noun -Gi c~‡e©
possessive e‡m)
For example:
i. He wrote ceaselessly until the death of ___ poetic flair. [RB, CumB, CB, BB: 2018; SB: 2017]
Answer: his
ii. There are many villages in ___ country. [DB: 2019]
Answer: our
iii. But they do not think about ___ health. [RB: 2019]
Answer: our
Use demonstrative to pre-modify the noun
--- + this/ that/ these/ those + noun (G‡ÿ‡Î eZ©gvb singular noun -Gi c~‡e© "this" e‡m, `~‡ii †Kv‡bv welq‡K
†evSv‡Z singular noun Gi c~‡e© "that" e‡m, eZ©gvb plural noun Gi c~‡e© "these" e‡m Ges `~‡ii †Kv‡bv plural
noun ‡K †evSv‡Z "those" e‡m)

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 286

ii. It is essential for us ___ a healthy life. [CumB: 2017]
Answer: to lead/to maintain

Use a prepositional phrase
---+ noun + preposition + extension + ---(Preposition "to e¨ZxZ", Ab¨vb¨ preposition w`‡q MwVZ phrase)
For example:
i. The books cater to the needs and interests ___. [SB: 2019]
Answer: of the students and teachers
Post-modify the adjective
--- + adjective + enough (D‡jøL¨, G‡ÿ‡Î adjective -Gi c‡i GKgvÎ "enough" B adverb wn‡m‡e e‡m)
For example:
i. Soon it was high ___ for the crow to drink. [RB: 2016]
Answer: enough
Use a gerund
--- + verb + ing (hv noun -Gi mv‡_ hy³ _v‡K ev wb‡RB noun nq) + noun + ---.
For example:
i. So, ___ food safety is a must today. [RB: 2019]
Answer: ensuring/ maintaining

01. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces.
Cricket is an (a)___ (pre-modify the noun) game. It is not a game of (b)___ (use possessive to pre-
modify the noun) country. A (c)___ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) match is played
between two teams. (d)___ (use a distributive pronoun to per-modify the noun) team consists of
eleven players. A cricket field must be (e)___ (post modify the noun). It requires two wooden bats,
a ball & two sets of stamps. (f)___ (use a numeral adjective to pre-modify the noun) umpires
conduct the game. Sometimes, a third umpire is required (g)___ (use an infinitive to post-modify
the verb) an acute confusion. (h)___ (use a participle to pre-modify the noun) the opportunity, the
batter hits the ball away at a good distance and runs to the opposite wicket. If (i)___ (use an
indefinite pronoun to pre-modify the noun) batter in out, next batter comes in his place. Both teams
try (j)___ (use an adverbial phrase to post modify) to out all batters of the opposite.
[Dhaka Board-2023]
e½vbyev`: wµ‡KU GKwU AvšÍRv© wZK †Ljv| GUv Avgv‡`i †`‡ki †Ljv bq| wµ‡KU g¨vP †Ljv nq `yB `‡ji g‡a¨| cÖwZwU `j
GMv‡iv Rb †L‡jvqvo wb‡q MwVZ| wµ‡KU gvV fv‡jvfv‡e i¶Yv‡e¶Y Ki‡Z n‡e| Gi Rb¨ `ywU Kv‡Vi e¨vU, GKwU ej Ges
`yB †mU ÷¨v‡¤úi cÖ‡qvRb| `yBwU Av¤úvqvi †Ljv cwiPvjbv K‡ib| KLbI KLbI, Zxeª weåvwšÍ mgvav‡bi Rb¨ Z„Zxq
Av¤úvqv‡ii cÖ‡qvRb nq| my‡hvM †c‡q, e¨vUvi A‡bK `~i‡Z¡ ej AvNvZ K‡i Ges wecixZ DB‡K‡U P‡j hvq| GKRb e¨vUvi
AvDU n‡j Zvi RvqMvq c‡ii e¨vUvi Av‡m| `yB `jB we‡ivax `‡ji me e¨vUvi‡K AvDU Kivi Rb¨ h‡_ó †Póv K‡i|

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 289

Serial Answer Answer explanation
(a) international /elite KviY, --- + adjective+ noun (game)
(b) our KviY, --- + possessive+ noun (country)
(c) cricket KviY, --- + noun+ noun (match)
(d) Each KviY, --- + distributive pronoun+ noun (team)
(e) well-maintained KviY, --- + noun phrase (A cricket field) + adjective
(f) Two KviY, --- + adjective+ noun (umpires)
(g) to resolve KviY, --- + verb (is required) + infinitive phrase
(h) Having KviY, --- + participle+ noun (the opportunity)
(i) a KviY, --- + indefinite pronoun+ noun (batter)
(j) hard enough KviY, --- + verb (try) + adverbial phrase
[N.B: COVID-19 Gi Kvi‡Y 2020, 2021 mv‡ji HSC/Alim Exam wU Auto cvk wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ nIqvq,
GLv‡b D³ mvj¸‡jv ms‡hvwRZ nqwb]
02. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces.
Arsenic is a (a)___ (pre-modify the noun) substance. It is (b)___ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the
adjective) dangerous for human health. (c)___ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun)
substance is found in the water of the tube well. There are (d)___ (use quantifier to pre-modify the
noun) villages in (e)___ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) country. Most of our (f)___ (use a
noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) people drink tube well water. As a result, many of them are
suffering from arsenic problem. This problem is (g)___ (pre-modify the verb) found in North
Bengal. We should take proper measures (h)___ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive phrase).
Government is trying to mark the tube wells having arsenic (i)___ (use a participle to post-modify
the verb) red colour. People should be refrained from drinking water of (j)___ (use demonstrative to
pre-modify the noun) tube wells. Otherwise, they will suffer from arsenicosis. [Dhaka Board-2019]
e½vbyev`: Av‡m©wbK GKwU ÿwZKviK c`v_©| GwU gvby‡li ¯^v‡¯’¨i Rb¨ AZ¨šÍ wec¾bK| bjK‚‡ci cvwb‡Z GB c`v_©wU cvIqv
hvq| Avgv‡`i †`‡k A‡bK MÖvg Av‡Q| Avgv‡`i MÖv‡gi †ewkifvM gvbyl bjK‚‡ci cvwb cvb K‡ib| dj¯^iƒc, Zv‡`i A‡b‡K
Av‡m©wbK mgm¨vq fzM‡Qb| GB mgm¨vwU DËie‡½ e¨vcKfv‡e cvIqv hvq| cvbxq Rj weï× Kivi Rb¨ Avgv‡`i h_vh_ e¨e¯’v
†bIqv DwPZ| Av‡m©wbKhy³ is jvMv‡bv bjK‚c¸wj jvj i‡O wPwýZ Kivi †Póv Ki‡Q miKvi| gvbyl‡K †mB bjK‚‡ci cvwb cvb
Kiv †_‡K weiZ _vK‡Z n‡e| Ab¨_vq Zviv Av‡m©wb‡Kvwm‡m fzM‡e|

Serial Answer Answer explanation

(a) harmful/dangerous/poisonous KviY, --- + adjective + noun (substance)
(b) very KviY, --- + adverb + adjective (dangerous)
(c) This KviY, Demonstrative + noun (substance)
(d) many/some KviY, --- + quantifier + plural noun (villages)
(e) our KviY, --- + possessive + noun (country)
(f) village KviY, --- + noun + noun (people)
(g) widely/usually/nowadays/generally KviY, --- + adverb + verb (found)
to purify the drinking water/to get rid of KviY, --- + verb (take) + --- + infinitive
this problem/to be safe/ to remain safe phrase
(i) painting with KviY, --- + verb (try) + participle
(j) those/these KviY, --- + demonstrative + noun (tube wells)
[N.B: COVID-19 Gi Kvi‡Y 2018 mv‡j mviv evsjv‡`‡k 2wU fv‡M Awfbœ c×wZ‡Z cixÿv AbywôZ nq| †mB cÖk¸
œ ‡jv
me‡k‡l ms‡hvwRZ n‡q‡Q]

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 290

GK bR‡i ¸iæZ¡c~Y© wKQz cÖkœ †h cÖk¸
œ ‡jv wewfbœ fwZ© cix¶vq G‡m‡Q| GLvb †_‡K aviYv bvI, Avmbœ cix¶v cieZ©x fwZ© cix¶vq
GB Aa¨v‡qi Dci wK ai‡bi cÖkœ Avm‡Z cv‡i|
1. Few students come to school today. Here 'few' is an adjective of-
(a) quality (b) quantity (c) numeral (d) none
2. Which one of the following is a cardinal numeral adjective?
(a) second (b) single (c) multiple (d) five
3. Say the same thing twice over. The underlined word is a-
(a) Demonstrative (b) Descriptive (c) Distributive (d) Indefinite Numeral
4. Gone are ___ days when we used to go fishing.
(a) these (b) that (c) this (d) those
5. Choose the sentence which shows possessive adjective:
(a) This is his car. (b) That book is mine.
(c) It's a business of their's. (d) This house is belongs to them.
6. Fill in the blank: The house was ___ building.
(a) a nice old stone (b) a nice stone old (c) a stone old nice (d) an old nice stone
7. The man was carrying a ____ bag.
(a) black small plastic (b) small and black
(c) small black plastic (d) plastic small black
8. The house was ____ building.
(a) a nice old stone (b) a stone old nice (b) a nice stone old (d) an old nice stone
9. Which of the following sentences has negative meaning?
(a) My friend is very clever. (b) Our new manager is too clever to be trusted.
(c) He is a good person. (d) He is interested in bad music.
10. Choose the correct sentence.
(a) I am very busy to talk to you. (b) I am very much busy to talk to you.
(c) I am so busy to talk to you. (d) I am too busy to talk to you.
11. When your body does not get ___, it does not make the glucose it needs.
(a) food as enough (b) food enoughly (c) enough the food (d) enough food
12. ___ parent plays a different but important role in a child's life.
(a) Each (b) One (c) Anyone (d) The
13. The ___ part of this book is interesting.
(a) last (b) later (c) latter (d) late
14. We will do our work ____.
(a) latter (b) later (c) longer (d) after
15. Her fever is ____ to ignore.
(a) too much high (b) so high (c) too high (d) high too much
16. The branch of tree is ___ high for the boy ___ climb.
(a) so, that (b) too, to (c) so, very (d) so, to
17. You were ___ make such a silly mistake.
(a) too foolish to (b) to wise to (c) to rash to (d) too intelligent to
18. The jacket costs —.
(a) too much (b) too many (c) many (d) expensive
19. It is now ___ expensive to repair the damage which has been done.
(a) very much (b) too much (c) many (d) too
20. A hard worker ___ put off his daily work for tomorrow.
(a) hard (b) ever (c) yet (d) hardly

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 327

Rules Based on Previous Questions
Connector ev Linking Word `ywU independent clause ev ¯^vaxb ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ ms‡hvM ¯’vcb K‡i ev‡K¨i A_©‡K cÖevngvb
iv‡L| Zvn‡j `yBwU ¯^vaxb ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ ms‡hvM ¯’vcbKvix kãmg~n‡K Connector/Linker e‡j|
Note: Full stop Gi ci ev †Kvb sentence-Gi ïiæ‡Z ms‡hvM ¯’vcbKvix †h kã e‡m, Zv‡K connector e‡j Avi GKwU
sentence-Gi †fZ‡i ms‡hvM ¯’vcbKvix †h kã e‡m, Zv‡K Linker e‡j|
For example:
i. He decided to go to England. Then he informed his mother of the matter.
ii. At present, this problem has become a great problem.
iii. I know the man who met me last year.
iv. Study a lot until success comes.
jÿYxq, Dc‡i (i) I (ii) bs evK¨‡Z "Then Ges At present " connector wn‡m‡e e‡m‡Q|
Ges (iii) I (iv) bs evK¨‡Z "who Ges until " linker wn‡m‡e, ev‡K¨i gv‡S e‡m‡Q|
D‡jøL¨, Standard English-G connector Ges linking word wfbœ wKQz bq|
weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ we‡kølY Ki‡j †h mKj connectors †ewk e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q ‡m¸‡jvi GKwU list wb‡P Zz‡j aiv
Connectors mgv_©K connectors hLb e‡m
1. Above all- m‡e©vcwi After all/ In fact †Kv‡bv K_vi ¸iæZ¡ cÖKvk Kivi †ÿ‡Î|
2. As a result- djkÖæwZ‡Z/ d‡j Consequently c~‡e© msNwUZ Kv‡Ri dj cÖKvk Kivi ‡ÿ‡Î|
3. As a matter of fact- Avmj welq Obviously g~j welq‡K Bw½Z Ki‡Z|
4. At the same time- GKB mg‡q At once cÖvmw½K †Kv‡bv welq‡K we‡kl K‡i †Rvi cÖ`vbv‡_©|
5. At present- eZ©gv‡b Now eZ©gv‡b †Kv‡bv KvR msNwUZ n‡j|
6. At last- Ae‡k‡l Finally/ Last of all me‡k‡li NUbv/ welq eY©bv‡_©|
7. But- wKš‘ However m¤ú~Y© wecixZ †Kv‡bv welq wb‡q K_v ejvi †ÿ‡Î|
8. Besides- ZvQvovI Apart from this/ nevertheless evowZ Z_¨ hy³ Ki‡Z|
9. Because- KviY †Kv‡bv NUbvi Kvib cÖKvkv‡_©|
Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly,
ch©vqµ‡g †Kvb wKQzi ÒµgÓ eY©bvi †ÿ‡Î|
10. Finally- cÖ_gZ, wØZxqZ,
G‡ÿ‡Î G‡Ki AwaK †Kv‡bv NUbv ewY©Z n‡e|
Z…ZxqZ, Ae‡k‡l
11. For example- D`vniY ¯^iƒc For instance/ Such as wKQz D`vniY ¯úó K‡i †`Iqvi †ÿ‡Î|
12. Furthermore- Av‡iv Moreover evowZ Z_¨ w`‡q c~‡e©i NUbv‡K mg„× Ki‡Z|
13. In the same way- GKB fv‡e Similarly c~‡e©i NUbvi mv‡_ c‡ii NUbvi wgj cvIqv †M‡j|
14. If- hw` kZ©g~jK ev‡K¨i †ÿ‡Î|
15. Indeed- cÖK…Zc‡ÿ Actually/ Naturally/ Truly me©‡kl †Kv‡bv NUbvi ¯úóZv cÖKvkv‡_©|
16. No doubt- wbtm‡›`‡n Undoubtedly ب_©nxbfv‡e †Kv‡bv K_v‡K cÖgvY Ki‡Z|
17. On the other hand- cÿvšÍ‡i on the contrary wfbœ †Kv‡bv NUbv‡K c~‡e©i NUbv †_‡K Avjv`v Ki‡Z|
18. Specially- we‡klZ †Kv‡bv GKwU welq‡K we‡kl fv‡e nvBjvBU Ki‡Z|
19. Therefore- AZGe So c~‡e©i NUbv †_‡K me©‡kl †Kv‡bv wm×v‡šÍ DcbxZ n‡j|
20. This is why- GB Kvi‡Y That is why/ For this Av‡Mi NUbv Abyhvqx c‡ii †Kv‡bv Kvh© m¤úbœ n‡j|
21. Thus- GBfv‡e In this way c~‡e©i K_vi ‡ik a‡i c‡ii NUbv cÖevn eY©bv‡_©|
22. Though- hw`I Although m¤ú~Y© wecixZ aviYv cÖKvkv‡_©|
Av‡Mi welqwUi ci hLb wØZxq Av‡iKwU welq
23. Then- Zvici After that
¸iæZ¡c~Y© nq|
24. When- hLb As/ since KviY/mgq cÖKvkv_©K ev‡K¨|

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 329

gRvi welq n‡jv-
D‡jøwLZ connector ¸‡jvB mvaviYZ †ewkifvM passage-G connector wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| GwU fv‡jvfv‡e cvivi Rb¨
passage -Gi evsjv A_© Rvbv Riæix| Passage -Gi evsjv ey‡S k~b¨¯’v‡b Dc‡i D‡jøwLZ connectors ev mgv_©K connector
¸‡jv emv‡Z n‡e|
D‡jøL¨, A‡bK mgq cix¶v_©x‡`i e¨envi Kiv Avjv`v Avjv`v connectorsI cixÿvq mwVK n‡Z cv‡i| myZivs, Connectors -
Gi A_©MZ m~² cv_©K¨ †evSv Riæix|
mZK©evYx I Lywki K_v:
Òcixÿvi njÓ †_‡K †ei n‡q `yBRb eÜz A_ev evÜex cÖkœ wgwj‡q KL‡bv GUv fve‡e bv †h Connector Topic-G `yÕR‡bi DËi
GKB ai‡bi n‡e|
Lywki K_v n‡jv, mwVK A_© ey‡S mwVK connector ewm‡q _vK‡j `yR‡bB cixÿK KZ…©K mgvb b¤^i cv‡e|

01. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage.
Happiness is a relative term. (a)___, it depends upon some factors. (b)___, contentment is the key
to happiness. (c)___, contentment varies from person to person. (d)___, a beggar may be contented
with only ten taka. (e)___, a wealthy person may be dissatisfied even after getting one million
taka. (f)___, it is said that contentment brings happiness. (g)___, we must learn to be contented
with what we have. (h)___, this learning is the simplest way to remain happy. (i)___, we must
remember that our life is short. (j)___, in this short life we can not get everything (k)___ we want.
(l) ___ we want everything, we will not get happiness. (m)___, we will get frustrated and we will
plunge into the world of sadness. (n)___, it is always better to be contented with what we have
than to live in eternal sadness. [Dhaka Board-2023]
e½vbyev`: myL GKwU Av‡cw¶K kã| ZvB, GwU wKQy wRwb‡mi Dci wbf©i K‡i| ZvQvov Z…wßB my‡Li PvweKvwV| hvB‡nvK, Z…wß
e¨w³‡f‡` cwiewZ©Z nq| †hgb, GKRb wf¶yK gvÎ `k UvKvqB mš‘ó n‡Z cv‡i| Gw`‡K `k jvL UvKv †c‡qI GKRb abx
e¨w³ Amš‘ó _vK‡Z cv‡ib| dj¯^iƒc, ejv nq †h Z…wß myL Av‡b| ZvB Avgv‡`i hv Av‡Q ZvB wb‡q mš‘ó _vK‡Z wkL‡Z n‡e|
cÖKZ… c‡¶, GB wk¶v myLx _vKvi me‡P‡q mnR Dcvq| Dciš‘, Avgv‡`i g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h Avgv‡`i Rxeb †QvU| ZvB GB
†QvÆ Rxe‡b Avgiv PvB‡jI me wKQy †c‡Z cvwi bv| mewKQy PvB‡j Avgiv myL cve bv| eis, Avgiv nZvk ne Ges Avgiv
`yt‡Li RM‡Z Wz‡e hve| AZGe, AbšÍ `yt‡L †eu‡P _vKvi †P‡q Avgv‡`i hv Av‡Q Zv‡Z mš‘ó _vKv me©`v fvj|

Serial Connectors/Linkers Explanation

(a) As 'KviY/Rb¨/‡h‡nZy' A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z 'as/since' e¨envi Kiv nq|
e³‡e¨ AwZwi³ wKQy †hvM Ki‡Z ev evowZ wKQy ej‡Z ‘moreover/
(b) Moreover/Furthermore/Also
furthermore/also’ e¨eüZ nq|
Av‡Mi †Kv‡bv e³‡e¨i mv‡c‡¶ wKQyUv ev cy‡ivcywi wecixZ ev Av‡ivI
(c) However
¸iæZ¡c~Y© wKQy wjL‡Z 'however' e¨envi Kiv nq|
D`vniY wn‡m‡e wKQy †hvM Ki‡Z 'for example/for instance '
(d) For example/for instance
e¨eüZ nq|
Meanwhile/On the other c~‡e©i †Kv‡bv e³‡e¨i wecixZ e³e¨ wjL‡Z 'on the other
hand hand/meanwhile' e¨envi Kiv nq|
c~‡e© †Kv‡bv KviY D‡jøL _vK‡j, †m Kvi‡Yi cÖfve eySv‡Z 'as a
(f) Consequently/As a result
result/consequently' e¨eüZ nq|
†Kv‡bv KvR ev NUbvi djkÖæwZ ev djvdj †evSv‡Z 'Therefore'
(g) Therefore
e¨eüZ nq|
‘Actually’ A_© 'cÖK„Zc‡¶'| †Kv‡bv gšÍ‡e¨i Dci †Rvi w`‡Z GUv
(h) Actually
e¨eüZ nq|
e³‡e¨ AwZwi³ wKQy †hvM Ki‡Z ev evowZ wKQy ej‡Z ‘additionally’
(i) Additionally
e¨eüZ nq|

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 330

a b c d e f g h i j
13 Unfortunately However/
so that /In fact Truly rather as soon as if whatever as So
a b c d e f g h i j
14 Unfortunately However/
so that /In fact Truly rather as soon as if whatever as So
a b c d e f g h i j
15 But/So/As In fact/
When and so When But when However as But
a result Naturally
a b c d e f g h i j
16 On the Truly
but if Therefore In fact which than If In order to
other hand speaking
a b c d e f g h i j
17 In So/ Initially/ wards/ Indeed/In So/As a
But However Unfortunately tly/As a
fact/Indeed Therefore First Then/After fact result
a b c d e f g h i j
18 Likewis Truly
In the past At present Now Recently As a result Firstly Secondly So/Hence
e speaking
a b c d e f g h i j
19 Although/
that due to as who if/when as well as and eventually which
a b c d e f g h i j
20 like/
who Generally It is said that Firstly Secondly Thirdly Fourthly above all
such as

GK bR‡i ¸iæZ¡c~Y© wKQz cÖkœ †h cÖk¸

œ ‡jv wewfbœ fwZ© cix¶vq G‡m‡Q| GLvb †_‡K aviYv bvI, Avmbœ cix¶v cieZ©x fwZ© cix¶vq
GB Aa¨v‡qi Dci wK ai‡bi cÖkœ Avm‡Z cv‡i|
1. 2a equals 10 and ___ a equals 5.
(a) eventually (b) thus (c) therefore (d) thereby
2. ___ all his attempt to solve the problem, he failed.
(a) After (b) Because (c) Before (d) Despite (e) During
3. ___ his becoming a teacher, he does not have any moral scruples.
(a) Although (b) Despite of (c) In spite of (d) Instead of
4. ___ she can't drive, she has bought a car.
(a) even (b) Even if (c) Even though (d) Even when
5. While going to office, take your umbrella ___ it rains.
(a) in case (b) if (c) if not (d) perhaps
6. The flight will take off ___ that the weather is good.
(a) if (b) unless (c) until (d) provided
7. She said she studied hard for the test; ___ she got a very low score.
(a) despite (b) whereas (c) only (d) yet
8. A baby might show fear of an unfamiliar adult, ___ he is likely to smile and reach out to
another infant. Fill in the gap-
(a) if (b) whenever (c) so that (d) whereas
9. They treated me ___ I were a child.
(a) when (b) like (c) as (d) as if (e) if
10. ___ the exams are over, we can plan for a tour.
(a) Even now (b) Now that (c) Now and then (d) Now or never

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 374

Rules Based on Previous Questions
hvi evsjv A_©-Òmgv_©K ev cÖwZkãÓ
GKB fvlvq e¨eüZ GKB wKsev cÖvqmgiƒc A_© cÖKvk K‡i Ggb wfbœ kã‡K Synonym e‡j|
†hgb: "Sharp-wZÿè" Gi mg_©K (synonym) kã n‡Z cv‡i "Cleaver-PvjvK, Acute-Zxeª, Bitter-wZ³" BZ¨vw`|
hvi evsjv A_©- ÒwecixZv_©K kãÓ
†Kvb kã †h fve ev A_© cÖKvk K‡i Zvi wecixZ A_© cÖKvkK kã‡K Antonym e‡j|
†hgb: "Kind-`qvjy" Gi wecixZv_©K (antonym) kã n‡Z cv‡i "Cruel-wbôzi, Merciless- wbôzi, Unkind- wb`©q"
cixÿvq Avmv Synonym & Antonym ‡ei Kivi †ÿ‡Î †h welqwU cÖ_‡g g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e:
g~j kãwU †h Form-G _vK‡e A_ev †h Parts of Speech-G _vK‡e DËi wn‡m‡e †mB Form ev Parts of Speech-Gi
mv‡_ wgj _vK‡Z n‡e|

welqwU D`vni‡bi gva¨‡g Clear Kiv hvK:

hw` ejv nq "Fail"-Gi Antonym wK, Zv wjL| G‡ÿ‡Î cÖ_‡gB †f‡e wb‡Z n‡e "Fail" kãwU "Verb" hvi evsjv A_©
e¨_© nIqv|
"Fail"-Gi Antonym Aek¨B "Verb" n‡e|
AZGe, "Fail"-Gi Antonym "Succeed- mdj nIqv" †Kbbv "Succeed" GKwU "Verb"
Gevi †R‡b †bIqv hvK-
cixÿvq Synonym & Antonym -GB cÖkwœ U‡Z †Kb GKwU passage ‡`Iqv nq? Ges wbw`©ó 10wU word -Gi wb‡P
underline Kiv nq?
GKUz Av‡M †R‡b‡Qv-
g~j kãwU †h parts of speech -G n‡e answer ev synonym/antonym -GKB parts of speech -G n‡e| cÖk‡œ Z
KL‡bv parts of speech wPwb‡q †`Iqv _vK‡e bv| †m‡ÿ‡Î †h passage wU †`Iqv _vK‡e, Zv‡Z D‡jøwLZ g~j kãwU †Kvb
Ae¯’v‡b e‡m‡Q| †mwU †`‡LB †Zvgv‡K ey‡S wb‡Z n‡e g~j kãwU †Kvb parts of speech| Ges †mB Abyhvqx Zzwg †hB
synonym ev antonym DËi wn‡m‡e wjL‡Z Pv‡”Qv, †mUv D‡jøwLZ parts of speechGB n‡Z n‡e|
GKwU evK¨ jÿ¨ K‡iv: Mercy is the noblest form of revenge. (GLv‡b hw` ejv nq "revenge" -Gi synonym
†ei K‡iv)
Zvn‡j Zzwg †h synonym wU wjL‡e †m‡ÿ‡Î Aek¨B Zv noun form -G n‡Z n‡e| †Kbbv preposition "of" -Gi ci
"revenge" noun n‡q‡Q|
D‡jøL¨, "revenge" -GKB mv‡_ noun I verb DfqB nq|
Synonym & Antonym-Gi wbw`©ó †Kvb aivevav wbqg ev suggestion nq bv| GwU gyL¯’ wbf©i welq ZvB cÖ_‡g [Level-
01] Ges [Level-02] wk‡ivbv‡g ¸iæZ¡c~Y© k‡ãi Synonym & Antonym ‡`Iqv nj| G¸‡jv m¤ú~Y©Uv †kl K‡i weMZ
eQ‡ii cÖkœ Ges Zvi DËi †kl ch©v‡q †`‡L wb‡e| Synonym & Antonym-Gi †ÿ‡Î Gi †_‡K Avi †Kv‡bv fv‡jv Way
_vK‡Z cv‡i bv|

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 376

 A, B 
Serial Word & Meaning Synonym & Antonym
Adulterateverb - ‡fRvj Synonym: defile-KjywlZ Kiv, infect-`~wlZ Kiv
Kiv Antonym: Refine-weï× Kiv, sanitize-RxevYygy³ Kiv, cleanse-cwi”Qbœ Kiv
Amiableadj-AgvwqK/ Synonym: affable-AgvwqK, congenial-mgg‡bvfvevcbœ, gracious-m`q
kvwšÍc~Y© Antonym: inimical-kÎæfvevcbœ, antagonistic-we‡ivax
Synonym: friendship-eÜzZ¡, harmony-wgj, tranquility-kvšÍ Ae¯’v
3. Amitynoun -eÜzZ¡
Antonym: enmity-kÎæZv/ we‡Øq, animus- we‡Øl, hostility-kÎæZv
Synonym: revoke-evwZj Kiv, repeal- evwZj Kiv, withdraw- cÖZ¨vnvi Kiv
4. Annulverb- evwZj Kiv
Antonym: confirm- wbwðZ Kiv, validate-ejer Kiv
Synonym: nameless- bvgnxb, unnamed- bvgnxb
5. Anonymousadj -bvgnxb
Antonym: named- bvghy³, signed-¯^vÿihy³
Synonym: moderate-mshZ Kiv, soothe- kvšÍ Kiv, mollify-cÖkwgZ Kiv
6. Assuageverb -cÖkwgZ Kiv
Antonym: worsen- AwaKZi Lvivc Kiv, intensify- ZxeªZv e„w× Kiv
Synonym: disinclined-wegyL, loath- Zxeª N„Yv, reluctant- Awb”QzK
7. Averseadj -wegyL
Antonym: avid-DrmyK, eager-AvMÖnx, enthusiastic-Drmvnx
Synonym: nadir-me©wb¤œ we›`y, bottom-Zj‡`k, foundation-wfwË
8. Basenoun - wfwË
Antonym: acme-P~ov, apex-kxl© we›`y
Synonym: partial-cÿcvZc~Y©, influenced cÖfvweZ
9. Biasedadj - cÿcvZc~Y©
Antonym: impartial-wbi‡cÿ, unbiased- cÿcvZnxb, neutral-wbi‡cÿ
Synonym: genuine-LuvwU, reliable-wbf©i‡hvM¨, legitimate-AvBb m½Z
10. Bonafideadj-LuvwU
Antonym: fake-Rvj, phony-bKj/AmZ¨, pretense-fvb
 C,D 
Serial Word & Meaning Synonym & Antonym
Synonym: retain-a‡i ivLv, assume- a‡i †bIqv, embrace-Avwj½b Kiv
11. Captureverb-e›`x Kiv
Antonym: release- gy³ Kiv, liberate-gy³ Kiv
Synonym: blame- †`vlv‡ivc Kiv, condemn- wb›`v Kiv, reproach- wb›`v Kiv
12. Censureverb-wb›`v Kiv
Antonym: commend-cÖksmv Kiv, extol-cÖksmv Kiv
Synonym: disorder-wek„•Ljv, mess-weåvwšÍ, turmoil-MÛ‡Mvj
13. Chaosnoun-wek„•Ljv
Antonym: ordered-k„•Ljc~Y©, neatness-cwi”QbœZv
Synonym: haphazard-G‡jv‡g‡jv/wek„•Lj, messy-‡bvsiv, untidy-AcwicvwU
14. Chaoticadj-wek„•Lj
Antonym: organized-k„•Ljc~Y©, planned-cwiKwíZ, tidy-cwicvwU
Synonym: fastidious-LyuZLyu‡Z fussy-LyuZLyu‡Z, meticulous-AwZ mZK©
15. Choosyadj-LyuZLyu‡Z
Antonym: clumsy-Avbvox hasty- `ªæZ
Synonym: inept-A`ÿ, bungling-Avbvox, gauche- †KŠkjnxb
16. Clumsyadj-Avbvox
Antonym: connoisseur-cwÐZ wePviK, proficient-`ÿ
Synonym: anxiety-D‡ØM, apprehension-Dcjwä, distress-hš¿Yv
17. Concernnoun-D‡ØM
Antonym: apthy-D`vmxbZv, indifference-D`vmxbZv
Synonym: numerous-AmsL¨, multiple-eû Ask, myriad-AmsL¨ msL¨v
18. Copiousadj-cÖPzi
Antonym: few-‡bB ej‡jB P‡j, light-nvjKv, sparse-weij
Synonym: gullible-wek¦vm cÖeY, naive-mv`vwm`v
19. Credulousadj-wek¦vm cÖeY
Antonym: suspicious-m‡›`nRbK, untrusting-wek¦vm K‡i bv Ggb
Synonym: cautious-mZK©, considerate-mywe‡ewPZ
20. Deliberateadj-mywPwšÍZ
Antonym: accidental-AvKw¯§K, rash-nVKvix, imprudent-AwePÿY

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 377

Synonym: gutless-mvnmnxb, timorous-fxiæ
98. Pusillanimousadj-fxiæ
Antonym: valorous-weµgkvjx/ mvnmx, plucky-mvnmx/ †ZwR
Synonym: obstinate-‡R`x/ GK¸u‡q, intractable-A`g¨/`yM©g
99. Recalcitrantadj-Aeva¨
Antonym: compliant-eva¨, submissive-AbyMZ
100. Rummageverb-ZbœZbœ Synonym: ransack-ZbœZbœ K‡i †LuvRv, search thoroughly-cyY©v½fv‡e †LuvRv
K‡i †LuvR Antonym: abscond-AvZ¥‡Mvcb Kiv

 R, S, T, V, W 
Serial Word & Meaning Synonym & Antonym
Synonym: fastidious-LyuZLyu‡Z, painstaking-LyuZLyu‡Z
101. Scrupulousadj-we‡eKevb
Antonym: careless-Amveavb
Synonym: apocryphal-m‡›`nRbK, dubious-m‡›`nRbK, pseudo-QÙ/ Rvj
102. Spuriousadj-Rvj
Antonym: legitimate-AvBbm½Z, official-AvbyôvwbK
Synonym: lavish-Ace¨qx, opulent-wejvmeûj, splendid-PgrKvi
103. Sumptuousadj-wejvmeûj
Antonym: impoverished-`vwi`ªcxwoZ, indigent-Afvex
Synonym: commotion-‰n‰P, hubbub-‰n‰P, hullabaloo-‡kvi‡Mvj
104. Tumultnoun-‡kvi‡Mvj
Antonym: stillness-w¯’iZv, harmony-mv`„k¨/ wgj
Synonym: Formidable-A`g¨, fortitude-ex‡ivwPZ ˆah©¨, gallant-mvnmx
105. Valiantadj-mvnmx
Antonym: craven-fxiæ, scared-fxZ
Synonym: candid-AKcU, righteous-bxwZevb, upright-mij/ †mvRv
106. Veraciousadj-mZ¨ev`x
Antonym: deceit-cÖZviYv, mendacity-cÖZviYv
Synonym: denounce-Rbmg‡ÿ Awfhy³ Kiv, revile-MvjvMvj Kiv
107. Vilifyverb-wb›`v Kiv
Antonym: acclaim-Zzgyj KiZvwj †`Iqv, entrust-wek¦vm ¯’vcb Kiv
Synonym: lively-cÖvYe¯Í, bubbly-ey×z`c~Y©, chirpy-cÖvYešÍ/ nvwm-Lywk
108. Vivaciousadj-cÖvYešÍ
Antonym: lackluster-Aby¾j/ wb®úÖf, drab-GK‡Nu‡q
Whimsicaladj-‡Lqvjx/ Synonym: capricious- †Lqvjx, inconstant-w¯’i bq Ggb, mercurial-PUc‡U
A™¢zZ Antonym: steady-`„p, sturdy-k³mej/ gReyZ

01. Read the passage and then write the antonym or synonym of the words as directed below.
A good writer may be a good reader. A good reader may be a good speaker or make good
recitation. Nothing of this is impossible for a man if he is not lazy. The main thing is sincerity.
Seriousness should also be taken under consideration. If a man is serious, he can make impossible
to be possible. If we become serious in our intention we can shine in life.
(a) good (antonym); (b) writer (synonym); (c) speaker (synonym); (d) recitation (synonym); (e)
impossible (antonym); (f) lazy (antonym); (g) main (antonym); (h) sincerity (synonym); (i)
seriousness (synonym); (j) consideration (synonym); (k) serious (antonym); (l) possible (antonym);
(m) intention (synonym); (n) shine (synonym). [Dhaka Board-2023]
e½vbyev`: (a) fv‡jv; (b) ‡jLK; (c) e³v; (d) Ave„wË; (e) Am¤¢e; (f) Ajm; (g) cÖavb; (h) AvšÍwiKZv; (i) ¸iæZ¡; (j)
we‡ePbv; (k) ¸iæZi; (l) m¤¢e; (m) AwfcÖvq/D‡Ïk¨; (n) mdj nIqv/ R¡jR¡j Kiv|

Serial Synonym/Antonym evsjv A_©

(a) bad Lvivc
(b) author †jLK
(c) lecturer/ orator cÖfvlK/ e³v
(d) lesson/ reading/ study cvV/ cov/ Aa¨qb

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 382

(e) possible/ feasible/ practical m¤¢e/ e¨envwiK
(f) active/ diligent/ energetic mwµq/ Aa¨emvqx/ kw³kvjx
(g) minor/ secondary/ subordinate gva¨wgK/ Aa¯Íb
(h) honesty/ cordiality/ heartiness mZZv/ †mŠnv`¨©
(i) gravity/ stiffness/ hardness K‡VviZv
(j) sympathetic/ thoughtful/ prudent mnvbyf~wZkxj/ wPšÍvkxj/ weP¶Y
(k) playful/ unwise/ frivolous †KŠZyKc~Y©/ Awe‡ePbvc~Y©
(l) impossible/ unlikely/ implausible Am¤¢e/ Am¤¢ve¨/ AKíbxq
(m) motive/ purpose/ aim D‡Ïk¨/ j¶¨
(n) shimmer/ glaze/ sparkle PKPK Kiv/ R¡jR¡j Kiv
[N.B: COVID-19 Gi Kvi‡Y 2020, 2021 mv‡ji HSC/Alim Exam wU Auto cvk wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ nIqvq,
GLv‡b D³ mvj¸‡jv ms‡hvwRZ nqwb]
02. Read the passage and then write the antonym or synonym of the words as directed below.
After the fight of Yuri Gagarin, the first human being to travel to outer space in 1961, the Soviet
Union decided to send a woman in space. Proletarian Valentina Tereshkova was selected for this
project from among more than four hundred applicants. Since the successful launch of the
spacecraft Vostok-5 on 14 June 1963, Tereshkova began preparing for her own flight. On 16 June
1963, she was dressed in space-suites and taken to the space shuttle launch pad by a bus. After
completing her communication and life support checks, she was sealed inside Vostok-6. Finishing
a two-hour countdown, Vostok-6 launched faultlessly. Although Tereshkova experienced nausea
and physical discomfort for much of the flight, she orbited the earth 48 times and spent almost
three days in space. She also maintained a flight log and took photographs of the horizon, which
were later used to identify aerosol layers within the atmosphere.
(a) outer (antonym); (b) proletarian (synonym); (c) launch (synonym); (d) prepare (synonym); (e)
began (antonym); (f) faultless (antonym); (g) nausea (synonym); (h) discomfort (antonym); (i)
maintain (synonym); (j) later (antonym). [Dhaka Board-2019]
e½vbyev`: (a) evB‡ii; (b) me©nviv/`wi`ªZg †kÖbx; (c) ïiæ Kiv; (d) cÖ¯‘Z Kiv; (e) ïiæ; (f) †`vlnxb; (g) ewg ewg fve;
(h) A¯^w¯’; (i) eRvq ivLv; (j) c‡i|

Serial Synonym/Antonym evsjv A_©

(a) inside/ interior/ inner wfZ‡i/ Af¨šÍi/ Af¨šÍi
(b) simple/ ordinary/ common mvaviY/ mvaviY/ mvaviY
(c) commencement/ starting m~Pbv/ ïiæ
(d) arrange/ get ready e¨e¯’v/ cÖ¯‘Z Kiv
(e) completed/ finished/ ended mgvß/ mgvß/ mgvß
(f) faulty/ defective/ imperfect ÎæwUhy³/ ÎæwUhy³/ Am¤ú~Y©
(g) sickness/ vomiting Amy¯Z ’ v/ ewg
(h) comfort/ ease/ easiness Avivg/ ¯^v”Q›`¨/ ¯^v”Q›`¨
(i) follow/ have/ keep AbymiY Kiv/ Av‡Q/ ivLv
(j) earlier/ former c~‡e©/ cÖv³b
[N.B: COVID-19 Gi Kvi‡Y 2018 mv‡j mviv evsjv‡`‡k 2wU fv‡M Awfbœ c×wZ‡Z cixÿv AbywôZ nq| †mB cÖk¸
œ ‡jv
me‡k‡l ms‡hvwRZ n‡q‡Q]
03. Read the passage and then write the antonym or synonym of the words as directed below.
Sports are a popular form of entertainment. Many international sporting events are organized from
time to time. Most of the events are sponsored by multinational manufacturing companies and
business firms. They pay for the sports events in exchange for the right to advertise their products
during those events. These events are telecast worldwide by satellite and people all over the world

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 383

Rules Based on Previous Questions
GKRb ‡jL‡Ki g‡bi fve my¯úófv‡e cÖKvk Ki‡Z I ev‡K¨i A_© mnR fv‡e †evSvi †ÿ‡Î Punctuation Marks Gi e¨envi
Punctuation kãwUi DrcwË Latin kã "punctum" ‡_‡K| Punctum k‡ãi A_© we‡kl wPý ev we›`y| †Kv‡bv sentence
wjLvi gv‡S ev †k‡l weiwZ Ávc‡bi Rb¨ ev Aí wej¤^ Kivi †ÿ‡Î Avgiv †h mg¯Í wPý e¨envi Kwi ZvÕB English grammar-G
Punctuation Marks wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ|
‡÷kb Qvov †Uªb †hgb Pj‡ZB _vK‡e, KL‡bv MšÍ‡e¨ †cuŠQv‡e bv, †Zgwb fv‡e Punctuation Marks Qvov ev‡K¨i A_© nq
AšÍmvik~b¨ Ges Amxg|
Punctuation Marks mvaviYZ 12 ai‡bi:
i. Fullstop (.) vii. Apostrophe (’)
ii. Comma (,) viii. Dash (−)
iii. Semicolon (;) ix. Hyphen (-)
iv. Colon (:) x. Parenthesis/Bracket ( )
v. Question Mark (?) xi. Asterisk (*)
vi. Exclamation Mark (!) xii. Quotation Marks / Inverted Comma (“”)
gRvi e¨vcvi:
weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ we‡køl‡Y †`Lv hvq, GB 12wU Punctuation Marks -Gi ga¨ †_‡K 6wUi e¨enviB evi-evi n‡q‡Q|
‡m¸‡jv n‡jv:
i. Use of Full Stop
ii. Use of Question Mark
iii. Use of Comma
iv. Use of Inverted Comma
v. Use of Exclamation Mark
vi. Use of Apostrophe

Full stop g~jZ `xN©Zg weiwZ wb‡`©k K‡i|
Assertive, Imperative, Optative Ges Narration Gi ‡ÿ‡Î indirect speech Gi †k‡l full stop e‡m|
For example:
i. Incorrect : I cook food properly the problem is with you. [RB: 2016]
Correct : I cook food properly. The problem is with you.
ii. Incorrect : Thank you [JB: 2016]
Correct : Thank you.
iii. Incorrect : Thank you very much, Sir [BB: 2016]
Correct : Thank you very much, sir.
i. He has reached there. (Assertive sentence)
ii. Sit beside me. (Imperative sentence)
iii. May you prosper in life. (Optative sentence)
iv. He said to me, "What do you want?" (Direct sentence)
Indirect G hv n‡e: He asked me what I wanted.

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 420

"Wh. word / auxiliary verb + subject----" GB ai‡bi structure n‡j, mvaviYZ †k‡l question mark (?) nq|
For example:
i. Incorrect : What class are you in [DB: 2019]
Correct : What class are you in?
ii. Incorrect : Can you tell me a little about Dhaka [DinB: 2019]
Correct : Can you tell me a little about Dhaka?
iii. Incorrect : Isn’t the place safe [JB: 2017; SB: 2016]
Correct : Isn’t the place safe?
iv. Incorrect : The traveler said to the peasant “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn”
[SB: 2019]
Correct : The traveler said to the peasant, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?”
i. What do you want? (Wh. Word "What" + auxiliary verb + --- Øviv ïiæ)
ii. Can you help me? (Modal auxiliary verb "Can" + --- Øviv ïiæ)

Comma Aí weiwZ wb‡`©k K‡i| Punctuation marks Gi Av‡jvPbvq comma (,) Gi e¨envi me‡P‡q ‡ewk|
Vocative case / m‡¤§vabm~PK kã †Kv‡bv ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ n‡j comma Gi e¨envi wZb ai‡bi| D`vniY †`‡L ey‡S bvI|
For example:
i. Incorrect : how is your father rana said mr karim [CumB: 2017; DinB: 2016]
Correct : “How is your father, Rana?” said Mr. Karim.
i. Dear friend, come here. ("Dear friend" GKwU vocative case)
ii. Tell me, Mom, when you will cook rice. ("Mom" GKwU vocative case)
iii. Play confidently, guys. ("guys" GKwU vocative case)
Auxiliary verb w`‡q cÖkœ n‡j Dˇi Yes/No-Gi ci comma e‡m|
For example:
i. Incorrect : Yes come in. [CB: 2019]
Correct : Yes, come in.
ii. Incorrect : No sir. I did not come. [CB: 2019]
Correct : No, sir. I did not come.
i. Will you go with me? = Yes, I will go.
ii. Will you help me? = No, I will not help.
Direct Speech- G reporting verb-Gi Ae¯’vb Abyhvqx comma-Gi Ae¯’vb¸‡jv †`‡L bvI|
For example:
i. Incorrect : The traveler said to the peasant “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn”
[SB: 2019]
Correct : The traveler said to the peasant, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?”
ii. Incorrect : “Good morning where are you going” said the merchant. [CB: 2016]
Correct : “Good morning, where are you going?” said the merchant.
iii. Incorrect : how is your father rana said mr karim [CumB: 2017; DinB: 2016]
Correct : “How is your father, Rana?” said Mr. Karim.

Sure 60 for HSC Page | 421

†Kv‡bv word Gi GK/GKvwaK letter ev` w`‡Z Z`¯’‡j apostrophe e‡m|
For example:
i. Incorrect : I’m afraid, Ive lost it. [CB: 2017]
Correct : I’m afraid, I’ve lost it.
ii. Incorrect : Youve cut off your hair, asked Jim [RB: 2019]
Correct : “You’ve cut off your hair?” asked Jim
iii. Incorrect : You But youre very small in size. [JB: 2019]
Correct : You? But you’re very small in size.
i. Of the clock = O' clock
ii. Do not = Don't
iii. Did not = Didn't
iv. He will = He'll
v. Shall not = Shan't
vi. I have = I've
vii. I am = I'm
viii.You are = You're
AwaKvi A‡_© noun-Gi c‡i apostrophe "s" e‡m|
For example:
i. Mita's pen = wgZvi Kjg; Suzon's books = myR‡bi eB¸‡jv
ii. Parents' order = wcZvgvZvi Av‡`k; Girls' school = evwjKv we`¨vjq

01. There are ten errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text
correcting the errors.
Lion : How dare you wake me up
Mouse : Im sorry sir I did not mean to wake you I was just playing
Lion : Now im going to kill you.
Mouse : Oh please sir. Have mercy on me one day, I can be your help.
Lion : What rubbish How can a little mouse help a big lion [Dhaka Board-2023]

Lion : How dare you wake me up? (Avgv‡K RvMv‡bvi mvnm †Zvgvi Kx K‡i nj?)
Mouse : I’m sorry, Sir. I did not mean to wake you. I was just playing. (Avwg `ytwLZ, ûRyi| Avwg
Avcbv‡K RvMv‡Z PvBwb| Avwg ïay †LjwQjvg|)
Lion : Now, I’m going to kill you. (GLb, Avwg †Zvgv‡K †g‡i †dje|)
Mouse : Oh, please, sir. Have mercy on me! One day, I can be your help. (In, `qv Kiæb, ûRyi|
Avgvi cÖwZ `qv Kiæb! GKw`b, AvwgI Avcbvi Kv‡R Avm‡Z cvwi|)
Lion : What rubbish! How can a little mouse help a big lion? (wK ev‡R K_v! Kxfv‡e †QvU GKwU Bu`yi
GKwU eo wmsn‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cv‡i?)

[N.B: COVID-19 Gi Kvi‡Y 2020, 2021 mv‡ji HSC/Alim Exam wU Auto cvk wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ nIqvq,
GLv‡b D³ mvj¸‡jv ms‡hvwRZ nqwb]

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