Basal Implant The Save

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Implant Directions
Vol.2 No.3 September 2007

ISSN 1864-1199 / e-ISSN 1864-1237


Full leNgTh ARTIcle


Published by IF Publishing, Germany

Full Length Article

Basal implants: A safe and effective treatment option in dental implantology Dr. Sigmar Kopp Niklotstr. 39 DE-18273 Gstrow [email protected] Abstract The purpose of this four years study was to report on the outcomes after using a basal implant design for treating patients especially with poor quality and quantity of bone under immediate load conditions. From May 2003 to end of April 2007, 88 consecutive patients receiving 302 BOI-implants were enrolled in this study. No patients seeking implant treatment were turned away for any reason nor got screw type implants. The mean age at implant surgery was 50.1 years. All 88 patients and their implants were accounted for at the end of the followup period. All but one implant underwent immediate loading. Even in cases of severe bone atrophy, no augmentations were performed. We found a 95.7% implant survival rate among this consecutive group of patients with varying degrees of bone quality and quantity. All patients received a fixed temporary or permanent bridge within 24 hours after the implant procedure. All patients continued to possess fixed dentures, so the prosthetic outcome is 100%. Basal implants used for single tooth replacement showed the lowest survival rate (90.9%), but this was result of specific overload. No

other patient or implant related characteristics were found to be associated with a failure rate over 7%. The clinical application of basal implants is safe and effective and useful in a broad range of indications with immediate loading protocols and without the need for invasive, costly, and time consuming bone augmentation procedures. Keywords Basal implants, implant survival, immediate loading, poor bone, BOI, basal implants Introduction Survival rates for conventional dental implant systems are relatively high in normal healthy bone.1 However, there are subgroups of patients that are at an increase risk of implant or treatment failure. In particular, patients with reduced quantity or quality of bone present a significant challenge to the dental implantologist and have higher rates of implant failure (2-6). Disease, congenital anodontia, trauma, or atrophy due to the aging process leads to this poor quality or quantity of bone. A lack of physiological forces in fully- or partially edentulous patients often leads to a decrease in the residual alveolar ridge. Dental implants may help to preserve bone due to their positive load-related effects on the jawbone surrounding the implant; hence, appropriate solutions should be explored and discovered to facilitate this process in these challenging patients (7,8). The management of poor bone with rootform dental implants typically requires additional or augmentative procedures to ensure sufficient


stability, even if there are newer developments like Osseopore, a short conical implant design with sintered surface. Most of these short vertical integrated implants require a long functionless healing period. Bone augmentation may be necessary through procedures such as grafting, transplanting, or more novel therapies including augmentation of bone combined with substitutes and/or morphogenetic proteins (9). So all these methods typically add treatment steps to the procedure, delay loading, and increase the total risks and costs. With basal implants (BOI-brand of Dr. Ihde Dental AG, Switzerland) we avoid augmentation and reopening, have immediate function and generally do implantation simultaneously with the extraction, so these advantages make a study expedient.

Subjects From May 2003 to April 2007, 88 consecutive patients (55.7% female) receiving 302 basal implants (mean = 3.4 per person; SD=2.8; median = 2.0: range, 1 16) and 129 prosthetic constructions thereon were enrolled in this study. All patients seeking implant treatment have been treated by BOI only and included in the study. The surgical and prosthetic treatments were all performed by the same clinician. The mean age at implant surgery was 50.1 years (SD=14.1; range: 16 to 80 years).

Implants Titanium basal implants consist of a cylindrical part and a larger, cortically anchored base plate. Unlike the traditional root-form implants (i.e., screw and blade implants), which are inserted vertically and primarily designed to be supported by trabecular bone, these implants are inserted from the lateral aspect of the host bone providing multicortical support. Hence, are commonly called disk or lateral or basal implants. BOI implants possess one to three very pronounced threads or base-plates, which are securely anchored in the cortical bone, a bone area which is more stable during the remodeling/resorption process and which can respond successfully to immediate loading protocols, Figures 1, 2, 3. BOI implants allow for the favorable distribution of masticatory loads to the cortical regions. The site of force transmission is far away from the site of bacterial invasion allowing for early loading and resistance to infection. This, as well as the thin smooth shaft, may be a reason for their observed and reported equal success in smokers as in non smokers. While we used 11 different implant types in this series of patients with varying shaft lengths, they can be basically categorized in two major groups: BOI with single base plates and more than one base plate (up to three). The majority of the patients who received a single disk were those with poor available vertical bone especially in the distal jaws. But the atrophic bone in this area is frequently broad, which is ideal indication for basal implants due to their lateral placement, Figures 2-5. In a few cases (N=12; 4%), the residual cavities after teeth or implant displace-

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ment were so large, that it seemed appropriate to fill them with synthetic material (Nanobone - brand of Artoss GmbH, Germany). Data Analysis Descriptive statistics were calculated for baseline variables. The primary outcome of interest was implant failure defined as any reason for having to remove an implant. Survival was based on the period from implant placement to final follow-up. Because BOI implants are immediate load implants, it was not possible to distinguish between a healing phase and a loading phase and especially in circular restorations all implants were loaded under full masticatory loads. All failures were counted immediately if they were observed. The log-rank test was used to test statistical significance comparing survival rates among risk factors. Results Patients were followed for a mean of 637 days (Median=540; SD=427; range: 27 - 1472 days). Because we found the highest loss rate in the first days (~4.4% when including the first month and up) and to show the tendency in survival rates, we included the youngest cases with short follow up time. The survival rate increases by time in situ up to 100% for three years and more. None of the patients disappeared or dropped out of the series reported here for any reason. Of the 302 implants, 162 (53.6%) were placed in the upper jaw and 140 (46.4%) in the lower jaw. Subantral, the distal lower jaw and often subnasal are regions with poor bone. Here were 189 (62.6%) implants inserted. 157 implants (52%) were inserted into fresh alveoli

of extracted teeth or crestal and basal implants (N=20; 6.6%). Of all implants 156 (51.7%) were single disks and 146 (48.3%) were multiple disks (> 1 disk). Shaft height used was primarily 8mm (58.6%). Due to our broad inclusion criteria, we placed between 1 and 16 per patient (Mean= 3.4; Median=2), but no more than 8 each jaw. Prosthetic classes included single crowns, linear bridges on teeth and implants, or on implants only, as well as circular bridges on mostly four implants. With the exception of one implant which underwent closed healing, remaining implants (99.7%) were loaded immediately or within the first 24 hours after the implantation. Fixation of the permanent prosthetic construction followed after surgery (Mean=47; SD=30.6; Median=44; range 0-156 days). Thirteen implants failed (Mean=391; Median=432; SD=273; range 41- 841 days) during the follow-up period giving an overall survival rate of nearly 96%. The survival curve for the entire series of implants is shown in Figure 6. Survival rates stratified by different factors are shown in Table 1. The number of base plates induced a significant (p<0.05) difference in survival rates of 1.7%. Only in the single crown group a higher but nonsignificant failure rate was observed (9.1%). There were no implant failures in the implant groups longer than three years in situ set subnasal used in combination with Nanobone, or when fixed horizontally by bone screws, Table 1. All patients in this series continue to maintain healthy fixed crowns or bridges giving a prosthetic success rate of 100%.


Discussion We found a nearly 96% implant survival rate among a consecutive series of 88 patients receiving 302 BOI implants and fixed dentures with varying degrees of bone quality and quantity. The only statistically significant factor on success we found, is implant design (p<0.05). The survival rate in multiple disk implants (96.6%) is 1.7% higher than in those with single disk (94.9%). This confirms clinical observations, because multiple disks will be used in higher but narrow bone ridges, single disk implants when vertical bone loss is extreme, so leverage differences are obvious. Patients who received a single crown had the lowest survival rate (90.9%; p>0.05). Here were two failures among 22 implants, but these suffered from non-physiological, uncompensated forces. No other patient or implant related characteristics were found to be associated with a failure rate over 7%. The non-significant difference in bone status results brings a strong evidence for immediate placing of basal implants. So even post extraction healing periods can be avoided. There are limitations to the present study. While we were all inclusive and did not turn any patients away who desired implants, we did not quantify bone quantity and quality. Had we done this, we feel we would make an even stronger case for the use of BOI implants in patients with poor bone, Figures 3-5. However, we did report a similar rate of survival among patients who received single-disk implants (94.9%) versus multi-disk implants (96.6%). Patients who received single-disks generally had very little vertical bone available and therefore this group

may serve as a surrogate for patients with poor vertical bone, as well as the difficult regions (95.2%), Table 1. We have only placed basal implants in our practice during the observation period and therefore a direct comparison to traditional root-form implant is not possible. This is a case series and can only be compared to historical publications; however, our survival rates are very similar to those found in the literature. The strengths of this study are many. Since we did not exclude any patients who presented to our clinic, even those send away by colleagues, we feel that our findings are generalizeable. Even patients who typically may be turned down due to poor bone quality or recommended to receive bone augmentation procedures, are smoking or show periodontal involvement are, according to our findings, good candidates for basal implants. This is a consecutive series of patients and hence does not represent a convenience sample or select group. Diskimplants are similar in form and function to BOI implants and have reported rates of successful osseointegration of 97% with relatively long follow-up periods. Scortecci performed a prospective case series of 783 implants (627 Diskimplants), placed in 72 patients with completely edentulous maxillae using an immediate load protocol. Follow-up ranged from 6 48 months. At 6 months, 98% of implants were osseointegrated, with all fixed prostheses remaining functional during the study period.10 Scortecci combined crestal and basal implants, which makes it difficult to distinguish between the merits of basal and crestal implant

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designs. Our study shows that basal implants by themselves are safe and effective. Ihde and Mutter performed a retrospective case series of 275 BOI implants in 228 patients over a period of five years. Molars were replaced with BOI implants in combination with natural abutments. Osseointegration was achieved in 254 implants at final follow-up. Fifteen implants were lost (11). This study shows that basal implants work well in combination with natural abutments. Donsimoni et al performed a retrospective case series evaluating 1352 consecutive basal implants placed over a 10 year period in 234 circular bridges (12). Osseointegration was achieved in 97%. Of the 41 implants that failed, 25 had to be replaced. Only one full upper bridge had to be permanently removed rendering a clinical success of 99.9%. Interestingly, smokers and non-smokers experienced similar rates of implant losses. This may indicate that smokers, reported as having a higher risk of implant loss in conventional implants (14), may benefit from BOI implant treatment. Donsimoni et al used only basal implants in their study, however they inserted a greater number of basal implants per jaw (up to 12) compared to us (<= 8). Nevertheless the results presented in this article match well with our findings. The found missed influence of patients age, sex, and the time of placement of the implant after tooth extraction correlated with Haas et al (18). The better survival rate in implants longer in situ comes from their survival of initial threats

as possible infections, malocclusions and surgical and prosthodontic mistakes. A similar result is found in literature, where the secondary bone loss like crater in crestal implants begins about eight years after implantation (19). Checkup of this cohort about ten years after implantation may bring significant findings regarding the implant loss after functional use. Conclusion The standard procedure for placing basal implants includes one surgery followed by immediate loading, thus reducing time, cost, and stress to the patient (10,14-17). With the emphasis on lateral rather than vertical placement, preimplantological bone augmentation was never necessary. Estimated decrease in cost treatment time is ~ 50%16. There is no hospital residence needed, no time period without proper masticatory function, no second surgery. Complications associated with basal implants are rare and have proven to be easy to handle. The clinical application of BOI implants is safe and effective and useful in a broad range of indications.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Gapski R, Wang HL, Mascarenhas P and Lang NP: Critical review of immediate implant loading. Clin Oral Implants Res. 14: 515-27, 2003. Becker W, Hujoel PP, Becker BE and Willingham H: Osteoporosis and implant failure: an exploratory case-control study. J Periodontol. 71: 625-31, 2000. Blomqvist JE, Alberius P, Isaksson S, Linde A and Hansson BG: Factors in implant integration failure after bone grafting: an osteometric and endocrinologic matched analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 25: 63-8, 1996. Bryant SR and Zarb GA: Outcomes of implant prosthodontic treatment in older adults. J Can Dent Assoc. 68: 97-102, 2002. Rocci A, Martignoni M and Gottlow J: Immediate loading of Branemark System TiUnite and machined-surface implants in the posterior mandible: a randomized open-ended clinical trial. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 1: 57-63, 2003. Truhlar RS, Morris HF and Ochi S: Implant surface coating and bone quality-related survival outcomes through 36 months post-placement of root-form endosseous dental implants. Ann Periodontol. 5: 109-8, 2000. Sanfilippo F and Bianchi AE: Osteoporosis: the effect on maxillary bone resorption and therapeutic possibilities by means of implant prostheses--a literature review and clinical considerations. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 23: 447-57, 2003. von Wowern N: General and oral aspects of osteoporosis: a review. Clin Oral Investig. 5: 71-82, 2001. Boyne PJ, Lilly LC, Marx RE, Moy PK, Nevins M, Spagnoli DB and Triplett RG: De Novo Bone induction by recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) in maxillary sinus floor augmentation. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 63: 1693-707, 2005. Scortecci G: Immediate function of cortically anchored disk-design implants without bone augmentation in moderately to severely resorbed completely edentulous maxillae. J Oral Implantol. 25: 70-9, 1999. Ihde S and Mutter L: Versorgung von Freiend-Situationen mit basal osseointegrierten Implantaten (BOI) bei reduziertem ver tikalen Knochenangebot. Dtsch Zahnrztl. Zeitschr. 58: 94-102, 2003. Donsimoni JM, Dohan A, Gabrieff D and Dohan D: Les implants maxillofaciaux a plateaux dassise. Implantodontie. 13: 217-228, 2004. Liran L and Schwartz-Arad D: The effects of cigarette smoking on dental implants and related surgery. Implant Dentistry. 14: 357-361, 2005. Ihde SK: Fixed prosthodontics in skeletal Class III patients with partially edentulous jaws and age-related prognathism: the basal osseointegration procedure. Implant Dent. 8: 241-6, 1999. Ihde S: Restoration of the atrophied mandible using basal osseointegrated implants and fixed prosthetic superstructures. Implant Dent. 10: 41-5, 2001. Ihde S and Eber M: Case report: Restoration of edentulous mandible with 4 boi implants in an immediate load procedure. Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 148: 195-8, 2004. Ihde S: Principles of BOI. Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 3-540-21665-0, 2005 Haas R, Mendorff-Pouilly N,Mailath G, Bernhard T: Five-year results of maxillary intramobile Zylinder implants. Br J Oral Maxilofac Surg, 36,2,123-8, 1998 Ihde S, Konstantinovic V: Comparison and definition of the pathological phenomena occurring after a tooth replacement and the possible therapeutic stages implying basal and crestal implants, Implantodontie, 14, 176-185, 2005

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Over all Time in situ
30 days and more 60 days and more 90 days and more 180 days and more 1 year and more 2 year and more 3 year and more



Survival N


Sig.* p-value

297 266 253 252 197 103 49

98.3 88.1 83.8 83.4 65.2 34.1 16.2

284 255 143 242 190 101 49

95.6 95.9 96 96 96.4 98.1 100

Bonestatus (placed into)

Healed bone Fresh alveoli: of teeth/implants of implants only 145 157 20 48 52 6.6 138 151 20 95.2 96.2 100


Female patients Male patients 156 146 51.7 48.3 151 138 96.8 94.5


Upper jaw Lower jaw 162 140 53.6 46.4 154 135 95.1 96.4


Sub nasal Sub antral Distal lower jaw Summation difficult bone areas Upper canine & 1st premolar Between foramina in lower jaw Summation difficult bone areas 29 76 84 189 57 56 113 9.6 25.2 27.8 62.6 18.9 18.5 37.4 29 71 80 180 54 55 109 100 93.4 95.2 95.2 94.7 98.2 96.5


Implant design
Single disks Multiple disks 156 146 51.7 48.3 148 141 94.9 96.6


Shaft height in mm (range 3-11)

<8 =8 >8 82 177 43 27.2 58.6 14.2 78 169 42 95.1 95.5 97.7


Prosthetic class
Crown on implant Segmental bridge on implants only Bridge on implants with teeth Circular bridge on implants only 22 58 56 166 7.3 19.2 18.5 55 20 54 54 161 90.9 93.1 96.8 97


Added by Nanobone Initially fixed by osseous fixation screw Loaded immediately (within 24h)
*Log-rank test (Mantel-Cox)

12 6 301

4 2 99.7

12 6 289

100 100 95.7


Figure 1. Typical BOI shapes representing single, double and triple base-plate designs as well as three different supra structure connectors as external thread connection, integrated abutment and external octagon connector with internal screw (ITI-compatible).

Figure 2. Schematic drawing showing a typical basal implant after trans-osseous insertion in the distal mandible. This implant was inserted from the right side, achieving a bi-cortical support.

Figure 3. A typical patient with congenital anodontia and therefore a thin bone ridge is treated with BOI in an immediate loading protocol. The right 2nd incisor implant was primarily fixed by a osseous fixation screw. (Published with the patients

Figure 4. This X-ray shows an exemplary male patient nine months post surgery, where five residual teeth and removable dentures were replaced with two bridges on eight BOI in strategic position. The atrophic distal jaws are excellent regions for BOI. (Published with the patients consent)

Figure 5. Open implant region nearly one year after Implantation. The reopening was necessary, because the implants were bent forward by artificial forces by this male patient, the osseointegration did not suffer any harm. Two BOIs were added between the existent ones and a new bridge was fixed. (Published with the patients consent)

Figure 6. Kaplan-Meier survival curve for all implants in this consecutive case series.

CMF.Impl.Dir. Vol 3-2007



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