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First term Examination questions

1. Enter the toilet with your ____ (a) head (b) right hand (c) left leg (d) right leg
2. Do not talk while you are in the ____ (a) house (b) mosque (c) toilet (d) school
3. Enter ____ with your right leg (a) the market (b) the shop (c) the mosque (d) the hospital
4. Do not make ______ of the lost items in the mosque (a) Raka'at (b) Salat (c) announcement (d) Azkar
5. Do not face or turn your back to qibla when you are in the _____ (a) school (b) hospital (c) toilet (d)
6. ______ is the act of worship past of or the whole body to remove impurities (a) Salat (b) Ramadhan (c)
Purification (d) Toilet
7. ____ means prayer or supplication (a) Zakat (b) Hajj (c) As Salah (d) School
8. The act of devotion which begins with the Takbiratul Ihram and terminates with _____ (a) Sujud sahwy
(b) sujudu Qobli (c) Tesleem (d) Iqoomah
9. As Salah, devotional worship is the _____ of Islam after Iman.(a) fourth(b) third (c) second (d) first
10. In Islam Purification is required for performance of ____ and touching the Qur'an (a) dancing (b)
sleeping (c) Salat (d) reading
11. At-Tayammum is part type of purification (a) none above (b) fore (c) true (d) maybe
12. ____ which may be used for purification (a) Cloth (b) Soap (c) Water (d) clay
13. These parts of Obligatory prayer except this (a) salatul maghrib (b) salatul subh (c) salatul with (d)
salatul Asr
14. The Friday prayer is _____ for every Muslim (a) nafila (b) non-emphatic (c) obligatory (d) daily prayer
15. The Friday prayer is for every Muslim except ____and ____ ( a) teachers and students (b) fathers and
mothers (c) slaves and sickness (d) Imam and mu'allim
16. Allah says about the Friday's prayers in the Quran 62 verse ____ (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 8
17. Imam will commencement the khutbah (sermon) in ____ service (a) Subhi prayer (b) Asr prayer (c)
Friday prayer (d) ishai prayer
18. With means _____ (a) add (b) addition (c) odd (d) omission
19. It is type of Salah that is being observed everyday after salatul _____ (a) zuhr (b) maghrib (c) 'ishai (d)
20. Salatul witr can be a Raka'at or three or ____ (a) six (b) two (c) five (d) eight
21. Tahiyyatul masjid itbis two Raka'at performed whenever a person enters the _____ before he sits (a)
house (b) school (c) mosque (d) toilet
22. The Muslims celebrate Eidu 'l- Fitr on the first day of the luner month of ______ (a) Ramadhan (b)
Dhul-Hijjah (c) Shawwal (d) muharam
23. The Idu-l- Adha is celebrated on the 10th of the luner month of ____ (a) soffar (b) rabiyul awwal (c)
Dhul-Hijjah (d) dhul-qodar
24. _____ consist of eight or ten Raka'at to be observed after Ishai prayer in the month of Ramadhan and
before salatul witr (a) Salatul Witr (b) Salatul Subh (c) salatul Tarawih (d) Salatul Eidi
25. Tahiyyatul masjid means _____ (a) 5 Raka'at before sits (b) 1 rakat before sits (c) 2 Raka'at before sits
(d) 2 Raka'at after sits
26. Salatul Subh is part of _____ prayer (a) obligatory (b) supererogatory (c) emphatic (d) non-emphatic
27. Tahajjud means _____ (a) to break the sleep and get up (b) to break the Ramadhan (c) to continue the
sleeping (d) to sleep over tonight
28. It is recommended in the Qur'an 73 verse ____ (a) 1-9 (b)10-12 (c) 73-77 (d) 13-14
29._____ is non-emphatic prayer (a) Tahajjud (b)Istisqai (c) Khusuf (d) Wa -l- Kusuf
30. What is Istikharah literally _____ (a) "to desire good and seek well being" (b) "to break the sleep" (c)
"as service for rain" (d) "the eclipses of the moon and the sun"
Theory section B
Q1. What is As Salah literally (5 marks)
Q2. What is Purification Linguistically (5 marks)
Q3. What is Purification Technically (5marks)
Q4. Write types of Salah (10 marks)
Q4b. Write the Obligatory prayer (5 marks)

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