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Kumpulan Text Report Kamis, 4 Desember 2008 21:08:06 - oleh : admin Dibaca oleh: 272.

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Report (Laporan hasil pengamatan)

Ciri Umum: (a) Tujuan Komunikatif Teks: Menyampaikan informasi tentang sesuatu, apa adanya, sebagai hasil pengamatan sistematis atau analisis. Yang dideskripsikan dapat meliputi gajala alam, lingkungan, benda buatan manusia, atau gejala-gejala sosial. Deskripsi sebuah teks report dapat berupa simpulan umum, misalnya, ikan paus termasuk binatang mamalia karena ikan tersebut melahirkan anaknya. Untuk membuat laporan semacam ini, siswa perlu mengamati dan membandingkan ikan paus dengan binatang lainnya yang memiliki ciri-ciri yang sama. Siswa dapat mencoba membuat teks laporan tentang, misalnya, rumah sangat sederhana, warung tegal, sekolah, rumah sakit dsb. dengan mendekripsikan ciri-ciri subyek tersebut sehingga disebut rumah sederhana, dsb.

(b) Struktur Teks:

Pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan, keterangan, dan klasifikasinya. (General Clasification) Deskripsi lanjutan dari General Classification (Description:tells what the phenomenon under discussion ; in terms of parts, qualities, habits or behaviors).

Contoh: HEART The heart is the most important part of the body. It is the center of life. However, the heart is only as big as a closed hand. ( General Classification)

The heart is a muscle and it beats about seventy times per minute throughthout a persons life. (Description) The heart pumps blood from your heart to all parts of your body. The heart is made up of four chambers or small rooms. The top chamber are called the right and left auriclesand the botttom chambers are the right and left ventricles. (Description) When blood enters the heart. It is in dark reddish color because it countains carbon dioxide. The blood enters the right auricle and then the right ventricle. When the heart contracts, it forces the blood to the lungs where the blood receives oxygen. It then goes to the left auricle. The heart contracts again, and the blood goes to the left ventricle and is then forced out into the body. The blood gathers carbon dioxide and returns to the heart, and the process begins again. (Description)

PLANT Plants are living beings. They need food, water and air for survival. (General Classification) Plants derive their food from the earth and the air. If you look at their roots, you will find that ends of these roots are like fine fibers. We call them root-hairs. They absorb water and minerals, then transport them upwards to the leaves through the trunk and the branches. It is the leaves which prepare the food. (Description) The green material, chlorophyll, prepares the food like a machine. It converts the carbon dioxide taken from the air and water from the ground into sugar with the help of sunlight. This chemical reaction is called photosynthes. In fact, the chlorophyll takes energy from the sunlight and uses it to synthesize the hydrogen from water and carbon from carbon dioxide for making sugar. This reaction also gives out oxygen and water which are excreted by the leaves. (Description)

AUSTRALIA Australia is a large continent. It has six states and two territories. The capital city of Australia is Canberra. It is in the Australian Capital Territory. The The population of Australia is about 20 million. The first inhabitants to live in Australia were Aboriginal people. After that people came from all over the world. The main language is English, however many other languages are spoken. There are many plants and animals that are only found in Australia, e.g. kangaroos, platypuses, gum trees and Waratahs.

The main products and industries are wool, minerals, oil, coal, cereals and meat. Some famous landmarks are the Harbour Bridge, the Opera House and Uluru (Ayers Rock).

Report (Laporan Hasil Pengamatan) Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (Communicative Purpose) Menyampaikan informasi tentang sesuatu apa adanya, sebagai hasil pengamatan sistematis atau analisis. Sesuatu yang dapat dideskripsikan dapat meliputi gejala alam, lingkungan benda buatan manusia, atau gejala-gejala sosial. Deskripsi sebuah teks report dapat berupa simpulan umum, misalnya ikan paus termasuk binatang mamalia karena ikan tersebut melahirkan anaknya. Untuk membuat laporan semacam ini, siswa perlu mengamati dan membandingkan ikan paus dengan binatang lainnya yang memiliki ciri-ciri yang sama. Siswa dapat mencoba membuat teks laporan tentang, misalnya rumah sangat sederhana, warung tegal, sekolah, rumah sakit, dsb. a. Struktur Teks (Text Structure) Pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan, keterangan dan klasifikasinyaTujuan Kegiatan Deskripsi b. Ciri kebahasaan menggunakan: General nouns, seperti Reptil in Comodo Island, dsb. Relating verbs untuk menjelaskan ciri, misalnya reptile are scaly animal (ciri ini berlaku untuk semua reptilia),dsb. Section verbs dalam menjelaskan perilaku, misal lizards cannot fly, dsb. Present tense untuk menyatakan suatu yang umum, misalnya komodo dragon usually weigh more than 160 kg, dsb. Istilah tekhnis, misalnya water contains oxygent and hydrogen, dsb. Paragraf dengan topic sentences untuk menyusun sejumlah Informasi. c. Contoh teks Report

The white pelican is one of the most succesful fish eating birds.

Pernyataan The success is largely due to its command hunting behavior. A group, perhaps tentang subjek two dozen birds, will gather in a curved src some distance off shore. The bird laporan then begin to move forward towards the shore, beating the water furiously with their wings, driving the fish before them Deskripsi When the water is shallow enough for the bird to reach the fish, the formaion breaks up as each dips its bill into the water to scoops up its meal. As the bird lifts its head, the water drains from its bill leaving the fish which are then swallowed Pelicans are among the oldest group of birds. Fossils of this genus have been found dating back 40 million years. .

September 12, 2008

Dear students There are so many questions about Report. Im going to to give you short explanation. hope youll understand easily. Well, its absolutely different between REPORT text and Laporan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Report as one of the genres that we learn does not mean laporan in Indonesia. So, what is a report text? Report means a text which describe things in general. Its a little bit different from descriptive text which describe specific thing. To tell the facts of the things described, the writer usually uses present simple tense. Kecuali bendanya sudah punah, seperti dinosaurus. Penulis atau pembicara akan menggunakan simple past tense jika benda yang diceritakan sudah punah, alias dah jadul. Report text contains the class or subclass of the topic described, and then followed by telling the shape, parts, behaviour, etc in details. Kalian pasti pernah mendeskripsikan sesuatu, bisa berupa hewan, tumbuhan, benda, dan hal lain secara umum. Contoh nyata jika ada turis asing yang meminta kalian menjelaskan tentang karakteristik orang Indonesia, kalian pasti akan mendeskripsikan orang Indonesia secara umum bukan mendeskripsikan diri kamu sendiri tentunya. Atau dalam pelajaran Biologi, kalian biasanya mempelajari karakteristik hewan secara umum, baik itu kelasnya (classification) hingga mempelajari sifat-sifat hewan tersebut secara detail (description). Dalam bahasa Indonesia kita mengenal teks deskripsi. Namun dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris teks deskripsi dibedakan menjadi dua bagian, yaitu descriptive dan report. Yang harus diingat adalah Report adalah jenis teks yang mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara umum. Beda dengan Descriptive yang mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara spesifik atau tertentu (alias cuma satu). Contoh: Ada dua teks tentang komputer yaitu Computer dan My Own Computer, kalau dilihat dari judulnya kedua teks tersebut beda jenis teksnya: Computer (Umum; jenis teksnya Report); My own computer (Khusus, kan cuma komputer saya, makanya jenis teksnya Descriptive). For example:
For many years, many people believed that the cleverest animals after man were the chimpanzees. Now, however, there is proof that dolphins may be even cleverer than these big apes. Although a dolphin lives in the sea it is not a fish. It is a mammal. It is in many ways, therefore, like a human being. Dolphins have a simple language. They are able to talk to one another. It may be possible for man to learn how to talk to dolphins. But this will not be easy because dolphins cannot hear the kind of sounds man can make. If man wants to

talk to dolphins, therefore, he will have to make a third language which both he and the dolphins can understand. Dolphins are also very friendly toward man. They often follow ships. There are many stories about dolphins guiding ships through difficult and dangerous water.

Text di atas menjelaskan tentang dolphin secara umum. Di paragraf kedua tercantum jelas bahwa dolphin belongs to mammal. Ini menjelaskan bahwa dophin termasuk ke dalam kelas mamalia. Di paragraf ketiga dan selanjutnya menjelaskan tentang kebiasaan dari dolphin secara umum. Contoh lain:
A razor is a tool which is found in nearly every bathroom. A man who has thick hair on his face may have to shave twice a day. It is a habit which can be dangerous. For many years, a razor was a handle with a long piece of steel which was sharp and flat at one end. These razors had a long open blade. But todays razors are safer and more convenient to use. The thing which makes todays razor safe is that the blade is small thin sharp piece of steel. The person who invented razor blades was a man called King Gillette. He was a clever man who had many ideas for new inventions. He wanted to make a blade that was safe and which could be used several times. In 1891, he invented a new type of razor blade. It was short and it was held in a special handle. The sharp edge of the blade did not stick out very far. It was a razor which was safe to use. It was more difficult to cut yourself than with the older type of razor. Gillettes razor blade became popular. It was an invention which worked well and which everybody need because each blade only lasted 8 to 10 times. Gillette sold many of his new safety blades and soon became a millionaire.

Teks di atas menceritakan tentang benda mati yaitu razor. Di paragraf awal menggambarkan tentang suatu alat berupa razor secara umum. Di paragraf berikutnya menjelaskan tentang bagian dan bentuk dari razor. Its clear that both of the texts above describe things in general. Report teks biasanya kita temukan dalam buku-buku ilmiah, science khususnya. Social Function: Describe the way things are (for example: a man-made thing, animals, plants). The things must be a representative of their class. Text organization/Generic Structure:

1. General classification (Introduce the topic of the report, such as: the class or the subclass) 2. Description (tell the shape/form, parts, behaviour, habitat, way of survival)

Language Feature:
1. 2. 3. 4. The The The The use use use use of of of of general nouns relating verbs present tense behavioral verbs

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