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An introduction to

Indoor Air Quality ( IAQ )

Ir Ng Yong Kong
Board Member , MGBC
B. Eng. ( UM ), MBA ( Hull ) , MIEM
ASHRAE STD 62.1-2013 Ventilation For Acceptable
For Indoor Air Quality

Ventilation is the key to

Sustainable IAQ and
ASHRAE Standard 62.1
is the most widely used
Standard by most Local
Authorities and HVAC
Engineers in the world.

Minimum IAQ Performance


Acceptable Indoor Air Quality is defined as air in

which there are no known Contaminants at harmful
Concentrations as determined by Cognizant
Authorities and with which a substantial majority
( 80% or more ) of the people exposed do not
express dissatisfaction.
IAQ Definitions by WHO

• The physical and chemical nature of indoor air, as

delivered to the breathing zone of building occupants,
which produces a complete state of mental, physical
and social well‐being of the occupants, and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity.

• In commercial buildings, indoor air quality arise when

there is insufficient quantity of ventilation air being
provided for the amount of air contaminants present
in the conditioned space.
Indoor Air Quality
• Good IAQ leads to more productive and happier
• IAQ problems can be costly
- lost work time
- lost of use of buildings
- expensive building/mechanical system repairs
- legal cost
- bad publicity
Causes of poor IAQ
All others 30% Microbes accounted for
Microbes 44%
nearly ½ of IAQ
contamination in a 13-
Exhaust, etc
Fungi year study:
Particulate Spores, -Healthy Buildings
matter etc International (953 Buildings
with 147 Million Square Feet)

Particles 26%
Indoor Air Pollutants
• Surfaces painted with volatile organic compounds (VOC) paints.

Green Seal environmental


• Only low VOC carpets and flooring will be used throughout the building
Factors that increase our exposure to
indoor air pollutants

Reduced ventilation rates to conserve energy

• The use of synthetic building materials and
• The use of chemically formulated personal
care products, pesticides, printing inks, and
household cleaners.
Pollutant Sources
Indoor sources Outdoor sources
• Combustion sources • Radon
• Building materials • Pesticides
and furnishings • Outdoor air pollution
• Asbestos-containing
• Household cleaning
• HVAC systems
• Occupants and activities
Sick Building Syndrome
• Illness that occur among occupants as a result of poor
indoor environmental quality
• Sometimes used to describe cases in which building
occupants experience acute health and comfort effects
that are apparently linked to the time they spend in
buildings, but in which no specific illness or cause can
be identified
• Contributing factors:
- Insufficient ventilation
- Low lighting levels and/or flickering light fittings
- Excessive odours
- High ambient noise levels
- Lack of local controls and other factors
Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)
™Symptoms associated with acute discomfort:
™ ‐ Headaches, Burning eyes
™ ‐ Wheezing, skin rashes
™ ‐ Upper respiratory problems
™ ‐ Nausea, Fatigue, lung irritation
™ ‐ Blurred vision, eye strain
™ ‐ Others
™Causes not easily recognizable
™Usually the symptoms disappear when the affected
person leaves the ‘mal‐functioning’ building and are
of short duration
Pollutants Types
Sick building syndrome (SBS)
•Typically inadequate ventilation may be due to insufficient
supplies of fresh air, excessive recirculation of air, poorly
maintained air handling units (i.e. filters not replace when
needed) or a poorly designed and / or installed ductwork
•Low light levels are the result of light fittings not being
replaced, the wrong type of fitting being used, poor lighting
controls and / or insufficient numbers of light fittings being
installed. Poor levels of daylighting can have the same
Sick building syndrome (SBS)
•Excessive odours may be due to a poorly
designed/installed kitchen ventilation system and
inadequate ventilation rates.
•High noise levels may be present due to the proximity of a
space to and adjacent busy road and / or a plant room,
insufficient sound insulation and lack of sound absorption
materials used on wall and ceiling surfaces. No local
controls may be available for an occupant not adjacent to
an openable window or window or an adjustable thermostat
(in many cases local thermostats may be disabled to
prevent excessive adjustment by occupants).
External (outdoor) air pollution

•Poor outdoor air quality will have significant impact on

indoor air quality. External pollutants include vehicle
exhausts, discharges from combustion appliances,
industrial process and power station exhausts.
•Fungal spores and pollen from vegetation may also cause
air quality problems. Vehicle exhausts include CO, CO2,
NOx and SO2, particulates (especially from diesel engines)
and VOCs (e.g from petrol and oil).
Outdoor Air Quality

Motorists passed a highway toll gate covered by thick haze in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
Thursday, Aug. 11, 2005.The ominous haze that has shrouded parts of Southeast Asia this
month is just one visible element of a much larger problem that is choking hundreds of
thousands to death every year across the region, the World Health Organization said. (AP
Photo/Andy Wong)
Pollutants Types
External (outdoor) air pollution

•Ozone is generated by the action of sunlight on nitrous

oxides (present in vehicle exhausts).
•Power station release the same pollutants to vehicles, but
are usually located in rural or semi-rural areas, so the
impact of their pollutants is much reduced.

•In urban areas, traffic is a significant contributor to external

pollution, with additional pollutant emissions coming from
building exhausts and industrial processes.
IAQ Definitions

• Building-Related Illness (BRI) is a term

referring to illness brought on by exposure to
the building air, where symptoms of
diagnosable illness are identified and can be
directly attributed to environmental agents in
the air.
Building Related Illness (BRI)
™ Diseases:
™ ‐ Legionnaire’s disease
™ ‐ Hypersensitive pneumonitis
™ ‐ Allergic rhinitis
™ ‐ Humidifier fever
™ ‐ Asthma
™ ‐ Mycotoxin intoxication
™ ‐ Endotoxin intoxication
™ Needs immediate attention
™ Characterized by clinical signs
™ Much more serious than SBS: prolonged recovery time
What is a Legionnaires’ Disease?
- Respiratory disease
-Bacteria – Legionella pneumophilia
-Found in any aquatic environment,
outbreaks have been traced to water
systems including domestic water
system ( tanks, showers), Cooling
towers, humidiers, evaporative
condensers,whirlpool/spas, decorative
fountains, fire sprinklers systems.
What is a Legionnaires’ Disease?

- Legionella pneumophila became a

recognised public health concern in 1976 after
34 people died and 221 people became ill
following the Legionnaires’ convention in
Philadelphia, US.
- Legionella also causes Pontiac fever
- Documented cases of Legionella traveling
hundreds of feet.
What is Legionnaires’ Disease?
Sporadic Outbreaks of Legionellosis continue to occur:
1999 - Flower show in Netherlands
2000 - Aquarium opening in Melbourne, Australia.
2001 – communities of Murcia, Spain.
2002 – Barrow-in-Furness, England
2003 – Hereford, England
2004 – Pas-de-Calais,France
• Sept.2012 – Montreal : A Legionnaire’s
disease outbreak in Quebec City has killed 10
people since late July , health authorities in
the French speaking Canadian city said. A total
of 165 people have so far been diagnosed
with the disease. Health authorities suspect
improper maintenance of air conditioning
systems are at fault for the outbreak – AFP
• Source: The Sun,
Sign and Symptoms of Legionnaires’ Disease
- Usually begins with a headache, pain in the muscles and
a general feeling un-wellness.
- High fever (up to 40°-40.5 deg C or about 104-105 deg.F)
and shaking chills.
- Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may occur
- Dry cough with muscle aches may occur
- 5 -15% of known cases have been fatal
Water Cooled Chiller System

(26.7°C) 54°F 50°F 110°F 97°F
(12.2°C) (10°C) (43.3°C) (36.1°C)

44°F 41°F 100°F 87°F cooling

55°F tower
(12.8°C) (6.7°C) (5.0°C) (37.8°C) (30.6°C)

Chilled Water Loop Refrigeration Loop Condenser Water Loop
Airside Loop (CHWP, Piping &
(AHU & Air Duct) (Water-cooled Chiller) (CWP, Piping & Cooling Tower)
Cooling Coil)
Counter‐flow Tower Cross‐flow Tower
Legionnaire Disease
Dissemination from a cooling tower by
drift and exposure to the contaminated
Objective of Water Treatment
- Minimize microbial growth.
- Minimize scale and corrosion.
- Minimize sediment / deposition of solids (organic or
inorganic) on heat transfer surfaces.
Effective water treatment program allows:-
- More efficient operation due to lower fouling
- Longer system life due to decreased corrosion
- Safer operation of the system due to the reduced chances
of microbial exposure to the public.
Reduced Air Flow

Scale and trash will reduce air flow.

How to Prevent Legionnaires’ Disease?

a) Good engineering practices in the operation and

maintenance of the system.
- Cooling towers should be inspected and thoroughly
cleaned at least once a year.
b) Corroded parts, such as drift eliminators should be
c) Algae and accumulated scale should be removed.
d) Cooling towers water should be treated constantly.
Factors affecting comfort and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

• Space Temperature
• Relative Humidity
• Air Velocity
• Noise and Acoustic Level
• Ventilation - Supply of Acceptable Air & removal of
Unacceptable Air
• Lack of Maintenance of ACMV ( HVAC ) system
( eg. Filters not cleaned or replace regularly )
What are the IAQ Problems in Buildings?

• IAQ during design and construction

• Lack of Commissioning
• Moisture in Building Assemblies
• Poor Outdoor Air Quality
• Moisture and Dirt in Ventilation
• Indoor Contaminant Sources
• Contaminants from Indoor Equipment and Activities
• Inadequate Ventilation Rates
• Ineffective Filtration and Air Cleaning
Minimum IAQ Performance

*EQ1: Minimum IAQ Performance

• Meet the minimum requirements of

ventilation rate in ASHRAE Standard
62.1:2007 or the local building code
whichever is the more stringent.
MS 1525:2007
Section 8.1.4 Ventilation
Outdoor Air-Ventilation
Rates should comply
with Third Schedule (By
Law 41) Article 12 (1) of
Uniform Building By
Laws, 1984 ( UBBL )
Building code requirements
Extract from Third Schedule (By-law 41)
MS 1525:2014

8. Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation (ACMV) System

Indoor Design Condition

Recommended Design DB Temperature 23 - 26ºC (73.4 – 78.8°F )
Minimum DB Temperature 22ºC
Recommended Design RH 55% - 70%
Recommended Air Movement 0.15 m/s – 0.50m/s
Maximum Air Movement 0.7 m/s

Outdoor Design Conditions

Recommended Outdoor Design 33.3ºC / 27.2ºC
Conditions DB / WB ( 92°F/ 81°F )
Industry Code of Practice on Indoor Air Quality 2010
DOSH Malaysia* Ministry of Human Resources
Table 1: List of Indoor Air Contaminants and the Maximum Limits
Acceptable Range for Specific
Physical Parameters – 2010

Parameter Acceptable range

(a) Air temperature 23.0 – 26.0 ºC

(b) Relative humidity 40 – 70%

(c) Air movement 0.15 – 0.50

List of Indoor Air Contaminants and acceptable limits

Indoor Air Contaminants Eight-hours time-weighted average airborne

ppm mg/m³ cfu/m³
Chemical contaminants
(a) Carbon dioxide C1000 - -
(b) Carbon monoxide 10 - -
(c) Formaldehyde 0.1 - -
(d) Ozone 0.05 - -
(e) Respirable particulates - 0.15 -
(f) Total volatile organic compounds 3 - -
Biological contaminants
(a) Total bacterial counts - - 500
(b) Total fungal counts - - 1000
CO2 Monitoring and Demand Control
The effect of CO2 on man
8,0% Convulsions, immediate
paralysis and death

Main alarm Muscular pain, unconsciousness,

convulsions and risk of death

Pre alarm Shortness of breath and

1,50% increased heart frequency

Hygienic limit value
0,10% Recommended indoor limit value
0,04% Fresh air
Carbon Dioxide and DCV
. Humans are the main indoor source of CO2.
• Indoor carbon dioxide concentrations can be
used to indicate specific and limited aspects of
indoor air quality but are not an overall indicator
of the quality of indoor air.
• Demand Control Ventilation adjusts ventilation
air based on the number of occupants and the
ventilation demands that the occupants create.
Typical Installation – AHU Room

Return Air

CO2 sensor AHU Room

Supply Air

Fresh Air

Fresh air damper

Damper Actuator
7.) Air Purification Systems

1.) Germicidal UV Lights ( UVGI )

2.) Magnetized Air Media Filtration
3.) Cold Plasma Bi‐Polar Ionization
4.) Photo‐Catalytic Oxidation
5.) Electrostatic Precipitation, EAC ( Electronic Air
Cleaners )
3b.) Air Cooled Split Units
Warm air (recirculating)

Fan Coil Unit

Cool air

Outdoor air

Condensing Unit
Air Cooled Split Units (ACSUs)

Both indoor and outdoor units are housed in

robust casings. The outdoor unit is basically the
same construction for all the various types of
indoor units. The difference lies in the type of
Wall unit.
Floor Standing

Ceiling Exposed
Air Cooled Split Units
Many Business Establishments are housed
in Small Premises using ACSUs.
Office Restaurant
ACSUs Application

Shop Office
ACSUs : Fresh Air Intake ?
The wall mounted,
floor standing and
under ceiling split
system has no
provision for intake
of outdoor air and/or
exhaust of stale
. air.
Room air is just
filtered and re-

Ir. Ng Yong Kong ( email: [email protected]) and others.

18th September 2014

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