10 All Subjects Pt3 Merged 2022 2023

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Name: ______________________________ Sec: ____ Roll No.

: ____
PERIODIC TEST - 3 : [2022-23]
Time: 1 Hours Maximum Marks: 40
1 The following passage have not been edited. There is an error in each 1x4=4
line. Write both the incorrect and the correct word. (L4 is MCQ.)
L1 Children are fond to coconut. It is the
L2 biggest of all the nuts, and are indeed a
L3 wonderful fruit. It grows on a tall palm tree and is find

L4 in tropical countries round a seashore.

a) In - on
b) Countries - country
c) round – rounds
d) a - the
2 Read the dialogue between Reema and Yash and complete the 1x4=4
sentences. (d- MCQ)
Reema: Hi Yash! How are you?

Yash. :1 am fine and fit.

Reema: Where were you yesterday?

Yash: I went to my maternal uncle'shome.

Reema: Did you have an important piece of work to do?

Yash : Yes, I had to attend my cousin's marriage.

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Reema met Yash and asked him(a).......... . Yash said that (b).......and
fine. Reema further asked him(c)...... . Yash said that (d)………..the
previous day.

i) he had gone to his maternal uncle’s house.

ii) he had went to his maternal uncle’s house.
iii) he has gone to his maternal uncle’s house.
iv) he have gone to his maternal uncle’s house.

3 Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow. 1x4=4
“Pistol in his left hand, pistol in his right,
And he held in his teeth a cutlass bright,
His beard was black, one leg was wood;
It was clear that the pirate meant no good.”
i Name the poem from where this line has been taken.
ii Who is ‘He’ in this stanza?
iii What did he look like?
iv What was his intention?
a) He did not have good intention.
b) He had good intention.
c) He had both good and bad intention.
d) None of the above.
4 Answer the following short questions within 40-50 words. 3x4=12
i How and why does Amanda say that she is an orphan?
ii What other interests besides science did Richard Ebright pursue?
iii What did Valli see out of the window on her first journey?
iv How does the fog spread over the harbour and the city?

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5 Answer the following long questions in 100-120 words. Attempt any 1x6=6
1 out of 2.
i Give a brief pen-portrait highlighting the strength and weakness of
Lomov’s character.
ii What was the single mistake that ruined the Loisel’s lives and
brought them so much sufferings? Could they have avoided such a

6 You had bought a mobile phone from a reputable showroom in 5

Kolkata but after a month it developed a serious fault. Write a
complaint letter to the manager asking for immediate repair or
replacement of the same. You are Sara/Soham, 123, TT Nagar,
Bhopal. (100-120 words).

7 The given pie chart represents the amount of money spent by a 5

family on different items in a month. Write an analytical paragraph
using the information given in the chart within 100-120 words.


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Name: ______________________________ Sec: ____ Roll No.: ____
PERIODIC TEST – 3 : (2022-23)
Class – X
Time: 1𝟏⁄𝟐 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 40
1. There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and 1x4
the correction.
1. A puppy can go on its new home
2. when it is six and eight weeks old.
3. Make sure your puppy have been
4. checked to a veterinarian.

2. Read the conversation given below. Based on your reading, fill 1x4
in the blanks appropriately.
Raj: Our school is celebrating its annual day tomorrow.
Sujit: Who is your chief guest?
Raj: Our chief guest is the Honourable President himself.
Sujit: That is quite incredible.
Raj told Sujit (a) ____________. Sujit wanted to (b)__________.
Raj replied that (c)___________. Sujit was surprised and
commented that (d)______________.

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3. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that 1x4
Suddenly, suddenly they heard a nasty sound
And Mustard growled and they all looked around.
Meowch! cried Ink, and ooh! cried Belinda,
For there was a pirate climbing in the winda.
(i) What is the name of the poem and the poet?
(ii) Name the poetic device used in the first line of the given extract?
(iii) What did Mustard do?
(iv) Whose nasty sound was it?

4. Attempt the following questions in 40-50 words each: 3x4

(i) What does the girl yearn for? What does this poem tell you about
(ii) Who were the important people in Ebright’s life? Why?
(iii) Why does Valli refuse to look out of the bus window on her way
(iv) How does the poet make the fog like a living creature?

5. Attempt ANY ONE of the following questions in 100-120 1x6

words each:
Describe the first meeting of Lomov and Natalya?
Write a character sketch of Matilda.

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6. You are Sangeet of 122, Arjun Nagar, New Delhi. A number of 5
scooters and cars are parked in your locality without any order,
causing blockage of the streets. Write a letter to the local Secretary
of the Resident’s Association complaining against this problem.
(100-120 words).

7. Below is a graph given showing birth and death rates in a 5

country from 1901 to 2101. Write an analytical paragraph
based on your study of the graph. (100-120 words)


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Name: _____________________________________ Sec: ____ Roll No.: ____
PERIODIC TEST-3: [2022-2023]

Time: 1 ½ Hrs. Maximum Marks: 40

General Instructions:
All questions are compulsory.


1. Answer the following questions: (1 x 6 = 6)

a. MUDRA stands for ____. 1
(i) Macro Units Development and Refinance Agency
(ii) Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency
(iii) Micro Units Development and Reliance Agency
(iv) Micro Units Development and Refinance Area
b. ____ invest in community projects and also provide financial 1
support for social causes like education, public health and so
c. State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE. 1
‘Entrepreneurs are the captions of their entrepreneurial ventures’
d. WCED stands for ____. 1
(i) World Commission on Engineering and Development.
(ii) Western Commission on Environment and Development.
(iii) World Commission on Environment and Development.
(iv) World Commission on Environment and Degradation.
e. Sustainability is the goal of ____ development. 1
f. State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE. 1
‘SDG1 is No Poverty’

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2. Answer the following questions: (1 x 4 = 4)

a. Duplication of data is called ____. 1

b. The ALTER TABLE command is a ____ command. 1
i. DML ii. TCL iii. DDL iv. none
c. State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE. 1
‘CREATE TABLE is a DDL command’.
d. The file extension of a BASE database is ____. 1


3. Answer the following questions: (2 x 6 = 12)

a. What are the major features of Start Up India scheme? 2

b. Name the two types of Equity Financing. 2
c. Name any four qualities that successful entrepreneurs should 2
d. What goals are mentioned in SDG 5 and SDG 10. 2
e. Out of the 5 P’s of Sustainable Development, mention any four of 2
f. Mention the two ways by which the challenge of finance for 2
SDGs can be overcome.

4. Answer the following questions: (2 x 3 = 6)

a. What is the difference between a flat database and relational 2


b. Categorize the following commands as DDL and DML: 2


c. (i). Write two examples of DBMS software. 2

(ii). What is meant by NULL value in SQL?

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5. Answer the following questions: (4 x 3 = 12)

a. Look at the table structures shown below and do as directed: 4

Indentify the column(s) out of the given three, which should not
be present in each of the following tables:
(i) Table 1 : Item
Item_No. Item_Roll_No Item_Quantity

(ii) Table 2 : Book

Admno. Price Publisher

(iii) Table 3 : Employee

Emp_Name Salary Date_of_Manufacture

(iv) Table 4 : Medicine

Medicine_Name Date_of_Birth Date_of_Expiry

b. Consider the following Vendor table and write the queries: 4

VendorID VName Location

: : :
(i) Write a query to display all records. (1)
(ii) Write a query to add a new row with the following
details (‘V005’, ‘Vadilal’, ‘Pune’). (1)
(iii) Write a query to modify the locations of V003 from
Kolkata to Gujrat. (2)

c. Write down the descriptions of the following constraints: 4

(iii) UNIQUE
(iv) CHECK


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Name: __________________________________ Sec: ____ Roll No.: ____


PERIODIC TEST-3 : [2022-2023]

Time: 1 Hours Maximum Marks: 40
General Instructions:
1. Question paper is divided into two sections:
Section- A and Section- B
2. All questions must be attempted in correct order.
3. The maximum time allowed is 90 Minutes.
1. a. __________means raising finance in your startup against [1]
a share of equity.
b. __________ are companies/funds that raise funds from [1]
various sources and use the corpus to further fund
a. Angel Investors b. Venture Capitalist
c. Debt Financing d. none
c. Which of the following is a myth about entrepreneurship? [1]
a. Entrepreneurship means quick wealth.
b. Entrepreneurial mind is a born Talent/Asset.
c. You need lots of money to be an entrepreneur.
d. All of the these.
d. How many sustainable development goals are there? [1]
a.15 b.20 c.17 d.8
e. Out of 17 SDGs Goal 5 is ___________ [1]
a. No Poverty b. Zero Hunger
c. Quality Education d. Gender Equality
f. The government has entrusted _________ to monitor the [1]
implementation of SDGs.
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2. a. A ________ is a statement that gives you filtered data [1]
according to your conditions and specifications.
a. Query b. Forms c. Tables d. Reports
b. A ________ is a field that uniquely identifies the records [1]
in a table.
a. Alternate Keys b. Foreign Keys
c. Primary keys d. none
c. The default extension of OOo Base is _________. [1]
a. .odx b. .odb c. .odp d. .odc
d. __________ refers to arrangement of data in a specific [1]
order on the basis of a field’s values.
a.Sorting b. Scanning d. Cropping d. Saving

3. a. Name any four qualities that makes an entrepreneur [2]
b. Mention the quick tips for startup success.[4 points] [2]
c. Mention any four roles of an entrepreneur. [2]
d. Name any four challenges in attaining SDGs in India. [2]
e. Mention the first four SDGs included in Agenda 2030. [2]
f. What do you mean by sustainable development? [2]
4. a. Look at the table called “Product” given below and [2]
answer the question.

PId PName PStock PDOP Quantity


(a)Suggest the datatypes of all the fields.

(b)Which field can act as the Primary Key from the above

b. Give any four advantages of using a database. [2]

c. Define Form. [2]

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5 a. Consider the following table named “SOFTDRINK”. [4]
Write commands of SQL for (i) to (iv).
101 Lime and 20.00 120
102 Apple 18.00 120
103 Nature 15.00 115
104 Green 15.00 140
105 Aam Panna 20.00 135
106 Mango 12.00 150

(i)To display the names and drink codes of those drinks

that have more than 120 calories.
(ii)To display drink codes, names and calories of all
drinks, in descending order of calories.
(iii)To display names and price of drinks that have price
in the range 12 to 18 (both 12 and 18 included).
(iv)Increase the price of all drinks in the given table by
b. Consider the following Vendor table and Write the [4]
Table: Vendor
VendorID Number(10)
VName Varchar(50)
DateofRegistration Varchar(15)
Location Varchar(70)
(i) Write the Query to create the table.
(ii) Write the Query to display all records.
(iii) Write a Query to add a new row with the
following details
(1005, ‘Vadilal’, ‘2010-03-20’, ‘Puna’)
(iv) Write a query to modify the location of
Page 3 of 4
1003from Kolkata to Gujrat.

c. The following table shows part of the information kept on [4]

children attending the Helping Hands Nursery.

Child FirstName Surname DOB Special Group

ID Diet
141 Caroline Forbes 29/02/10 Yes 2A
124 Stefan Salvatore 24/02/10 Yes 1B
132 Tylor Lockwood 15/01/10 No 1A
152 Damon Salvatore 12/11/09 No 2A
289 Elena Gilbert 01/11/09 No 2B
112 Niklaus Mickelson 12/12/10 Yes 1B
521 Elijah Mickelson 05/05/09 No 2A

(i) State the number of records in the table above

(ii) State the number of fields in the table above.
(iii)State the Primary Key in the table above.
(iv) Define Primary Key.


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Name: _______________________ Sec: ____ Roll No.: ____
PERIODIC TEST-3: [2022-23]
Time: 1 Hours Maximum Marks: 40
i) This question paper has 5 Sections A-E.
ii) Section A has 10 MCQs.
iii) Section B has 2 questions carrying 2marks each.
iv) Section C has 4 questions carrying 3marks each.
v) Section D has 2 questions carrying 5marks each.
vi) Section E has 1 question carrying 4marks.
vii) All questions are compulsory. However an internal choice
in 1 question of 5 marks, 1 question of 3 marks and 1
question of 2 marks is provided. An internal choice has
been provided in part (ii) question of Section E.
viii) Draw neat figures wherever required. Take 𝝅 = 22/7
wherever required if not stated.

1 For which value (s) of k the quadratic equation 2𝑥2−𝑘𝑥 + 𝑘 =
0 has equal roots is/are
(a) 0 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 0, 8 1
2 If the angle of depression of an object from a 75 m high tower
is 300, then the distance of the object from the tower is
(a) 25√3m (b)50 √3m (c) 75 √3m (d) 150 m 1
3 If one root of the quadratic equation a𝑥 2+𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 = 0 is the
reciprocal of the other, then
(a) b=c (b) a=b (c) ac = 1 (d) a= c 1

Page 1 of 4
4 Find the area of a quadrant of a circle whose circumference is
22 cm.
77 77 77 77 1
(a) cm2 (b) cm2 (c) cm2 (d) cm2
16 8 4 2
5 If the height and length of the shadow of a man are the same,
then the angle of elevation of the sun is,
(a) 450 (b) 600 (c) 900 (d) 1200 1
6 If a circular grass lawn of 35 m in radius has a path 7 m wide
running around it on the outside, then the area of the path is
(a) 1450 m2 (b)1576 m2 (c)1694 m2 (d) 3368 m2 1
7 If 1 is a root of the equation 𝑥 2+𝑘𝑥 − 5 = 0 , then the value of
2 4
k is
1 1
(a) 2 (b) −2 (c) (d) 1
4 2
8 The area of the sector of a circle with radius 14cm if angle of
sector is 450.
(a) 76 cm2 (b) 77 cm2 (c) 66 cm2 (d) 55 cm2 1
9 The height of a tree, if it casts a shadow 15 m long on the
level of ground, when the angle of elevation of the sun is 450,
is 1
(a) 10 m (b) 14 m (c) 8 m (d) 15 m
10 The quadratic equation 2𝑥 2−√5𝑥 − 1 = 0 has
(a) two distinct real roots (b) two equal real roots
(c) no real roots (d) more than 2 real roots 1


11 A tree is broken by the wind. The top struck the ground at an

angle of 300 and at distance of 10 m from its root. Find the 2
total height of the tree.

12 If the perimeter of a circle is equal to that of a square, then

find the ratio of their areas.
What is the diameter of the of a circle whose area is equal to
the sum of the areas of the two circles of radii 24cm and 7cm? 2

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13 A race track is in the form of a ring whose inner and outer
circumference are 437 m and 503 m respectively. Find the
area of the track. 3
14 Find the value of k for which the roots of the quadratic
equation 𝑘𝑥(𝑥 − 2) + 6 = 0 are equal.
Find the values of k such that the quadratic equation
𝑥 2−2𝑘𝑥 + (7𝑘 − 12) = 0 has equal roots. 3
15 From the top of a building 60m high, the angles of depression
of the top and bottom of a vertical lamp-post are observed to
be 300 and 600 respectively. Find the horizontal distance
between the building and the lamp-post and also find the
height of the lamp-post. [Use √3 = 1.732]. 3
16 1 2 6
Solve for x: + = , 𝑥 ≠0, 1, 2
𝑥−2 𝑥−1 𝑥 3

17 A motor boat whose speed is 18 km/h. in still water takes 1

hour more to go 24 km upstream than to return downstream to
the same spot. Find the speed of the stream.
A train travels at a certain average speed for a distance of
63km and then travels at a distance of 72 km at an average
speed of 6km/hr more than its original speed. If it takes 3 hrs
to complete total journey. What is the original average speed? 5

18 In the given figure, a square OABC is inscribed in a quadrant

OPBQ. If OA = 20cm, find the area of the shaded portion.
[use 𝜋 =3.14]


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19 Flight training is a course of study used when learning to pilot
an aircraft. The overall purpose primary and intermediate
flight training is acquisition and having of basic airmanship
During the training knowledge of trigonometry also plays an
important role. Mukul joined the flight training course in
Bangalore. During a session all the students were asked to
observed an aeroplane which was about to land.


B C Runway

On the basis of above information answer the following

questions :−
i) If angle of elevation changes from 300 to 450 . what will be
the distance of BC? 1
ii) what is the distance of aeroplane from point B?
OR 2
what is the distance between B and C ?
iii) If point B moves away from the point C. What will be the 1
angle of elevation of the aeroplane?


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Name: ___________________________ Sec: ____ Roll No.: ____
PERIODIC TEST-3: (2022-2023)
Time: 1 Hours Maximum Marks: 40
1) This question paper has 5 Sections A-E.
2) Section A has 10 MCQs.
3) Section B has 2 questions carrying 2marks each.
4) Section C has 4 questions carrying 3marks each.
5) Section D has 2 questions carrying 5marks each.
6) Section E has 1 question carrying 4marks.
7) All questions are compulsory. However an internal choice in 1
question of 5 marks, 1 question of 3 marks and 1 question of 2
marks is provided. An internal choice has been provided in part (ii)
question of Section E.
8) Draw neat figures wherever required. Take π =22/7 wherever
required if not stated.
Section-A consists of 10 questions of 1 mark each.
1. 1 5 1
If is a root of the equation x2+ kx – = 0, then the value of k is
2 4
1 1
(a) 2 (b) -2 (c) (d)
4 2
2. The difference between the circumference and radius of a circle is 1
37cm. Its diameter is
(a) 14cm (b) 28cm (c) 42cm (d) 56cm
3. The angle of depression of a car parked on the road from the top of 1
150m high tower is 300. The distance of the car from the tower
(in meters) is
(a) 50√3 (b) 150√3 (c) 150√2 (d) 75
4. Which of the following is a solution of quadratic equation 1
x2 - b2 = a(2x – a)?
(a) a+b (b) 2b - a (c) ab (d) a/b
5. If the perimeter of a circle is equal to twice that of a square, then the 1
ratio of their areas is
(a) 13:22 (b) 56:11 (c) 22:13 (d) 11:56
Page 1 of 4
6. If the angle of elevation of the sun increases from 0 0 to 900, then 1
change in the length of the shadow of the tower will be
(a) no change in the length of the shadow
(b) the length of the shadow increases
(c) the length of the shadow decreases
(d) the length of the shadow will be zero
7. If the sum and product of the roots of the equation kx2 + 6x + 4k =0 1
are equal, then k is
(a) -3/2 (b) 3/2 (c) 2/3 (d) -2/3
8. The diameter of a car wheel is 42cm. The number of complete 1
revolutions it will make in moving 132km is
(a) 104 (b) 105 (c) 106 (d) 103
9. Two vertical poles are 50m apart. The angle of depression of the top 1
of the first as seen from the top of the second is 450. If the height of the
second pole is 100m, then the height of the first pole is
(a) 200m (b) 150m (c) 75m (d) 50m
10. DIRECTION: In the question number 10, a statement of assertion(A) 1
is followed by a statement of Reason(R).
Choose the correct option.
Statement A (Assertion): The discriminant of the quadratic equation
2x2 – 4x +3 = 0, is -8 and hence nature of roots is no real roots.
Statement R (Reason): If b2 – 4ac < 0 the nature of root is no real
(a)Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is correct
explanation for Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is not correct
explanation for Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.


Section-B consists of 2 questions of 2 marks each.

11. From the top of a tower h metres high, the angles of depression of two 2
objects, which are in line with the foot of the tower are α and β (β>α).
Find the distance between the two objects.
12. A wire is bent to form a circle of radius 15cm and then again bent to 2
form a square. Find the area of the square.
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The area of a circular playground is 22176 m2. Find the cost of fencing
this ground at the rate of Rs. 50 per meter.

Section-C consists of 4 questions of 3 marks each.

13. 1 1 11 3
Solve: - = , x≠ - 4,7.
𝑥+4 𝑥−7 30
14. The length of the minute hand of a clock is 14cm. Find the area swept 3
by the minute hand in 5 minutes.
15. As observed from the top of a light house 100m above the sea level, 3
the angle of depression of a ship sailing directly towards it, changes
from 300 to 450. Determine the distance travelled by the ship during
this time. (Use √3 =1.73)
16. Find the values of k for which the quadratic equation: 3
(k+4) x2 + (k+1) x +1 = 0 has equal roots.
If one root of the quadratic equation 3x2 + px +4 =0 is 2/3, then find
the value of p and the other root of the equation.


Section-D consists of 2 questions of 5 marks each.

17. PQRS is a square lawn with side PQ = 42metres. Two circular flower 5
beds are there on the sides PS and QR with centre at O, the intersection
of its diagonals. Find the total area of the two flower beds.

18. 2 5
Two water taps together can fill a tank in 22 minutes. The tap of
larger diameter takes 10minutes less than the smaller one to fill the tank
separately. Find the time in which each tap can separately fill the tank.
A train travels 360km at a uniform speed. If the speed had been 5km/hr
more, it would have taken 1 hour less for the same journey. Find the
speed of the train.
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Case study based question is compulsory

19. An observer on the top of a 30m tall light house (including height of 4
the observer) observes a ship at an angle of depression 30 coming
towards the base of the light house along a straight line joining the ship
and the base of the light house. The angle of depression of the ship
changes to 450 after 10 seconds.

Use the above information to answer the questions that follows:

(i)Draw a neat well labelled figure to show the above situation
(ii)Find the distance of the ship from the base of the light house when
the angle of depression is 300.
Find the distance between the two positions of ship after 10 seconds.
(iii)What is the speed of the ship in m/sec?


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PERIODIC TEST ­3 (2022­2023)

�नद� शा: - सव�षां ��नानाम ् उ�तरा�ण सं�कृते �लखत–

1. अधो�ल�खतम ् ग�या�शम ् प�ठ�वा ��नानाम ् उ�तरा�ण �लखत –
य�द मनः �स�न: अि�त त�ह� वयं सवा��ण काया��ण स�यक् कतुम
� ्
ु :। मनः �ख�नम ् असंत�ु टम ् वा अि�त चेत ् अ�माकम ् �विृ �तरे व न
कु�ा�प भव�त । अतः मनस: �स�नतार�णम ् अ�य�तम ् आव�यकम ् ।
जयपराजययो: आर�भ: अ�प जनानाम ् मन�स भव�त । �नेह�य श�त
ु ाया:
वा आर�भ: अ�प जनानाम ् मन�स एव भव�त । जनै: सव�दा
भावा�मक�चंतनम ् करणीयम ् । अभावा�मक�चंतनकता� जीवने सव�� सदै व
क�टा�न एव अनभ
ु व�त । अतएव उ�तम ् – मन एव मन�ु यानाम ् कारणम ्
बंधमो�यो: ।
��ना: -
(I) एकपदे न उ�तरत – ½x2=1
(i) बंधमो�यो: कारणम ् �कम ् अि�त ?
(ii) क�य �स�नतार�णम ् आव�यकम ् अि�त ?
(II) पण
ू व
� ा�येनउ�तरत - 1x2=2
(i) कः जीवने सव�� सदै व क�टा�न अनभ
ु व�त ?
(ii) कदा वयं सवा��ण काया��ण स�यक् कतुम
� ् श�नम
ु : ?

Page 1 of 4
(III) भा�षक – काय�म ् – ½x2=1
(i) ु :’ इ�त ��यापद�य �कं कतप
‘श�नम �ृ दम ् अन�
ु छे दे �य�
ु तम ् ?
(A) कता� (B) मनः
(C) वयम ् (D) �वम ्
(ii) ‘अथवा’ इ�त पद�य �कं पया�यपदम ् अन�
ु छे दे �य�
ु तम ् ?
(A) अ�प (B) वा
(C) त�ह� (D) एतत ्
(IV) अ�य ग�यांश�य समु�चतम ् शीष�कम ् �लखत । 1
(2) भवतः नाम स�म: अि�त, छा�ावासे च भवान ् वस�त । अज�ता – एलोरा
गुहासु या�ायै ग�तुम ् इ�छ�त। अनम
ु �तम ् �ा�तुम ् �व�यालय�य
�धानाचाय�म ् ��त प�म ् �लखत । ½x10=5
सेवायाम ्,
�ीमान ् �धानाचाय�ः (i) ------------
रं गनाथन – सं�कृत – �व�यालयः ,
(ii) ------------- �द�ल� ।
(iii) -------------,
स�वनयम ् �नवेदया�म यत ् मम �ैमा�सक� पर��ा समा�ता जाता । अधन
ु ा
अहम ् अज�ता एलोरा – गह
ु ानाम ् (iv)---------- ग�छा�म । अहं (v) ---------
इ�छा�म । या�ाथ�म ् (vi) ------------ ददतु ।(vii)---------
(viii) -----------,
भवद�य: (ix) ------------
(x) ------------ ।
ू ा – (स�म:, छा�:, अनम
ु �तम ्, या�ायाम ्, त� ग�तुम ्, महोदय !
ध�यवाद;, महोदय:, पटे लनगरम ्, भव�त:)
Page 2 of 4
3. �च�ाधा�रतम ् सं�कृते प�च व�या�न �लखत – 1x5=5

4. प�च सरलवा�याना�सं�कृतभाषायाम ् अनव

ु ादम ् कु�त – 1x5=5
(i) वह सं�कृत पढ़ती है ?
(ii) म� दशमी क�ा म� पढ़ता हूँ।
(iii) आपका घर कहाँ है ?
(iv) मेरा घर दरभंगा है ।
(v) छा�� म� कौन �े�ठ है ?
5. सं�धम ् वा �व�छे दम ् कु�त – 1x4=4
(i) बाल�चल�त = ---------- + ----------
(ii) धन�ु टं कार: = ---------- + ----------
Page 3 of 4
(iii) ह�र�शेते = ------------- + ---------
(iv) �या�ो$�प = ----------- + ----------
6. अधो�ल�खतवा�येषु रे खां�कतपदम ् अश�
ु म् अि�त �द�त�वकलपे�यः
उ�चतम ्उ�तरम ् �च�वा �लखत – 1x3=3
(i) जनाः हयः आपणम ् ग�म�यि�त । (ग�छ�त, अग��न ्, ग�छ�स)
(ii) �वं �पतुः नाम �कम ् अि�त ? (तव, �वम ्, यय
ू म ्)
(iii) �वं कदा नाटकम ् ��यं�त । (��या�म, प�य�त, ��य�स)
7. अधो�ल�खतानाम ् श�दानाम ् प�
ु त: �वलोम श�दम ् �लखत – 1x3=3
(i) प�वम ् = ------------- (ii) �वम�
ू धी = ----------
(iii) कृत�ता = ------------
8. सम�तपदम ् �लखत – 1x3=3
(i) त��वाथ��य �नण�य: = ------------
(ii) वा�च पटु: = -------------- (iii) न कातर: = ------------
9. (I) एकपदे न उ�तरत – ½X2 =1
(i) वा�च �कं भवेत ् ?
(ii) आ�मन: �ेयः इ�छन ् नरः क��शम ् कम� न कुया�त ् ?
(II) पण
ू व
� ा�येन उ�तरत – 1x2=2
(i) सरस: शोभा केन भव�त ?
(ii) चातक: �कमथ�म ् मानी क�यते ?
10. अधो�ल�खतम ् �लोक�य अ�वयम ् मंजष
ू ातः श�दम ् नी�वा �र�त�थाना�न
परू यत – 1x4=4
एक एव खगो मानी वने वस�त चातक: ।
�पपा�सतो वा ��यते याचते वा परु ं दरम ् ।
अ�वय: - एक एव (i) ------------ खगः चातक: (ii) ------------- वस�त ।
वा (iii) ------------ ��यते परु ं दरम ् (iv) --------------- वा ।
ू ा – (याचते, मानी, �पपासते, वने)

Page 4 of 4
Set - A

PT-3 EXAMINATION (2022-2023)

Time : 1.5 Hrs. Max. Marks 40
i. The question paper is divided into four sections
ii. Section – A : Reading (Comprehension)
iii. Section – B : Creative Writing
iv. Section – C : Grammar
v. Section – D : Literature (Textbook and Supplementary Reader)
Reading (Comprehension)
1. 1×5=5

Page-1 of 6
Creative Writing
2. 1×5=5

Page-2 of 6


Page-3 of 6
Literature (Textbook and Supplementary Reader)
4. 1×5=5

Page-4 of 6
5. 5×1=5

6. 5×1=5

Page-5 of 6
7. 5×1=5


Page-6 of 6
Set - B

PT-3 EXAMINATION (2022-2023)

Time : 1.5 Hrs. Max. Marks 40
i. The question paper is divided into four sections
ii. Section – A : Reading (Comprehension)
iii. Section – B : Creative Writing
iv. Section – C : Grammar
v. Section – D : Literature (Textbook and Supplementary Reader)
Reading (Comprehension)
1. 1×5=5

Page-1 of 4
Creative Writing
2. 1×5=5


Page-2 of 4
Literature (Textbook and Supplementary Reader)
4. (MCQ) 5×1=5

Page-3 of 4
5. 1+2+2=5

6. 2+3=5

7. 1+2+2=5

Page-4 of 4
Set - A
PT-3 EXAMINATION (2022-2023)
Time : 1.5 Hrs. Max. Marks 40
g^r àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE -
1. {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE … 3×3=9

(H$) ehZmB© H$s Xþ{Z¶m ‘| Sw>‘am±d H$mo ³¶m| ¶mX {H$¶m OmVm h¡ ?
(I) {~pñ‘ëbm Im± H$mo ehZmB© H$s ‘§JbÜd{Z H$m Zm¶H$ ³¶m| H$hm J¶m
(J) ‘wha©‘ go {~pñ‘ëbm Im± Ho$ Ow‹S>md H$mo AnZo eãXmo ‘| {b{IE&
2. {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE … 3×3=9

(H$) bú‘U Zo dra ¶moÕm H$s ³¶m-³¶m {deofVmE± ~VmB©?

(I) naewam‘ Zo AnZo {df¶ ‘| g^m ‘| ³¶m-³¶m H$hm ?
(J) g§JVH$ma {H$Z-{H$Z ê$nm| ‘| ‘w»¶ Jm¶H$-Jm{¶H$mAm| H$s ‘XX H$aVo
h¢ ?
3. {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE … 4×2=8

(H$) boIH$ Zo {hamo{e‘m Ho$ {dñ’$moQ> H$m ^mo³Vm H$~ Am¡a {H$g Vah ‘hgyg
{H$¶m ?
(I) ""‘¢ ³¶m| {bIVm hÿ'± ' nmR> Ho$ AmYma na ~VmBE {H$ boIH$ H$mo H$m¡Z-
gr ~mVo§ {bIZo Ho$ {bE ào[aV H$aVr h¢ ? Page-1 of 2
4. (H$) {ZåZ{b{IV dm³¶m| Ho$ aMZm Ho$ AmYma na ^oX ~VmBE … 3
(i) gmB{H$b Iam~ hmoZo go Cgo n¡Xb AmZm n‹S>m&

(ii) bmoJm| Zo ’$moZ {H$¶m na§Vw nw{bg Zht AmB©&

(iii) Cg ~hÿ H$mo ~wbmAmo {OgZo Zrbr gm‹S>r nhZr h¡&

(I) {ZåZ{b{IV dm³¶m| Ho$ aoIm§{H$V Cndm³¶ H$m ^oX ~VmBE … 2

(i) bJVm h¡ {H$ dh AmO ~hþV Iwe h¡&

(ii) O~ [a¶m ¶hm± AmB© Wr V~ lo¶m ^r ¶hr Wr&

5. (H$) {ZåZ{b{IV n§{º$¶m| ‘| Ab§H$ma Ho$ ^oX {b{IE … 3

(i) ’y$bm| H$s Y‹S>H$Z ‘| gwZVr hÿ± Vw‘H$mo ‘¢&

(ii) Moham h¡ ‘mZmo Prb ‘| h±gVm hþAm H$‘b&

(iii) Vwåhmar ¶h X§Vw[aV ‘wgH$mZ

‘¥VH$ ‘| hr S>mb XoJr OmZ&

(I) (i) CËàojm Ab§H$ma H$m EH$ CXmhaU Xr{OE& 1×2=2

(ii) "nmZr J¶¡ Z D$~a¡ ‘moVr ‘mZwf MyZ' - H$mì¶ n§{º$ {H$g Ab§H$ma

H$m CXmhaU h¡ ?
6. Amn AnZr N>moQ>r ~hZ Ho$ OÝ‘{Xdg na Cgo EH$ ~YmB© g§Xeo {b{IE& 4
OR (AWdm)

AnZo ~¢H$ Ho$ à~§YH$ H$mo nÌ {bIH$a AnZo AmYma H$mS>© H$mo ~¢H$ ImVo go
OmoS‹ >Zo H$m AZwamoY H$s{OE&

Page-2 of 2
Set - B
PT-3 EXAMINATION (2022-2023)
Time : 1.5 Hrs. Max. Marks 40
g^r àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE -
1. {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE … 3×3=9
(H$) H$mer ‘| hmo aho H$m¡Z-go n[adV©Z {~pñ‘ëbm Im± H$mo ì¶{WV H$aVo Wo?
(I) {~pñ‘ëbm Im± Ho$ ì¶{º$Ëd H$s H$m¡Z-H$m¡Z gr {deofVmAm| Zo AmnH$mo
à^m{dV {H$¶m ?
(J) gw{fa-dmX²¶m| go ³¶m A{^àm¶ h¡? ehZmB© H$mo "gw{fa dmX²¶m| ‘| emh'
H$s Cnm{Y ³¶m| Xr JB© hmoJr ?
2. {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE … 3×3=9
(H$) naewam‘ Ho$ H«$moY H$aZo na bú‘U Zo YZwf Ho$ Qy>Q> OmZo Ho$ {bE H$m¡Z-
H$m¡Z go VH©$ {XE ?
(I) "am‘-bú‘U-naewam‘ g§dmX' H${dVm Ho$ AmYma na XmoZm| (am‘-
bú‘U) Ho$ ñd^md H$s {deofVmE± AnZo eãXm| ‘| {b{IE&
(J) g§JVH$ma O¡go ì¶p³V g§JrV Ho$ Abmdm Am¡a {H$Z-{H$Z joÌm| ‘o§
{XImB© XoVo h¢ ?
3. {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE … 4×2=8
(H$) EH$ g§dXo Zerb ¶wdm ZmJ[aH$ H$s h¡{g¶V go {dkmZ H$m Xþén¶moJ
amoH$Zo ‘| AmnH$s ³¶m ^y{‘H$m h¡ ?
(I) {hamo{e‘m na {bIr H${dVm boIH$ Ho$ A§V… d ~mh²¶ X~md H$m
n[aUm‘ h¡ ¶h Amn H¡$go H$h gH$Vo h¢ ?
Page-1 of 2
4. (H$) {ZåZ{b{IV dm³¶m| ‘| aMZm Ho$ AmYma na ^oX ~VmBE … 3
(i) {Og b‹S>H$o Zo erem Vmo‹S>m Wm dh AmO Zht Am¶m&
(ii) N>mÌ H$jm ‘| ZmM aho h¢ Am¡a JrV Jm aho h¢&
(iii) Xmo gmb ~rVZo na ^r nwb Z ~Zm&
(I) {ZåZ{b{IV dm³¶m| H$mo {ZX}emZwgma ~X{bE … 1×2=2
(i) bVm ‘§Je o H$a H$m JrV gwZH$a ‘oam ‘Z àgÞ hmo J¶m& (g§¶ºw $
dm³¶ ‘|)
(ii) bú‘U Zo H$hm {H$ h‘ Zmar Om{V go R>Jo JE h¢& (Cndm³¶ H$m
^oX ~VmBE)
5. (H$) {ZåZ{b{IV H$mì¶ n§{º$¶m| ‘| Ab§H$ma Ho$ ^oX {b{IE … 4
(i) Cg H$mb ‘mao H«$moY Ho$ VZw H$m±nZo CZH$m bJm&
‘mZmo hdm Ho$ Omoa go gmoVm hþAm gmJa OJm&
(ii) G$VwAm| H$s amZr H$hbmVr&
nhZ ~g§Vr VmO h¡ AmVr&
(iii) XoI bmo gmHo$V ZJar h¡ ¶hr&
ñdJ© go {‘bZo JJZ ‘| Om ahr&
(iv) gw~aZ H$mo ImoOV {’$a¡,§ H${d, ì¶{^Mmar, Mmoa&
(I) ‘mZdrH$aU Ab§H$ma H$m EH$ CXmhaU Xr{OE& 1
6. AnZr ~hZ H$mo nÌ {bIH$a ¶moJmgZ H$aZo Ho$ {bE ào[aV H$s{OE& 4
OR (AWdm)
‘hmdra ñQ>o{S>¶‘, bIZD$ ‘§o bJZodmbo EH$ ì¶mnm[aH$ ‘obo Ho$ àMmamW© EH$
{dkmnZ V¡¶ma H$s{OE&

Page-2 of 2
Name: ______________________________ Sec: ____ Roll No.: ____
PERIODIC TEST - 3 : [2022-23]
Time: 1 Hours Maximum Marks: 40

General Instructions:

(i) This question paper consists of 17 questions in 5 sections. All

questions are compulsory.
(ii) This question paper is divided into five sections-A, B, C, D and
(iii) Section A-Questions no. 1, 3, 4 and 6 are MCQ type questions.
Each carry 1 mark and Questions 2, 5 and 7 are Reasoning-
Assertion type questions, each carrying 1 mark.
(iv) Section Bconsists of 3 Very Short questions carrying 02 marks
each. Answer to these questions should in the range of 30 to 50
(v) Section Cconsists of 3 Short Answer type questions carrying 03
marks each. Answer to these questions should in the range of 50
to 80 words.
(vi) Section Dconsists of 2 Long Answer type questions carrying 05
marks each. Answer to these questions should in the range of 80
to 120 words.
(vii) Section Econsists of 2 source-based/ case-based units of
assessment of 04 marks each with sub-parts.
(viii) Internal choices have been provided in some questions.Only one
of the alternatives has to be attempted.


Page 1 of 6
(Select and write one most appropriate option out of the four options given
for each of the questions 1 to 7.)

1. A student places some iron filings around a magnet. The iron 1

fillings arrange themselves as shown in the image.

The student labelled four different regions around the

magnet. Where would be the magnetic field be the strongest?

(a) P
(b) Q
(c) R
(d) S

2. The following question consists of two statements- 1

Assertion(A)and Reason(R).
Answer this question selecting the appropriate option given
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation
of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.

Assertion (A): - If a graph is plotted between the potential

difference and the current, the graph is a straight line passing
through the origin.
Reason (R): - The current is directly proportional to the
potential difference.

Page 2 of 6
3. The compound obtained on reaction of iron with steam 1
(a) Fe2O3(b) Fe3O4(c) FeO (d) Fe2O3 and Fe3O4
4. Which one of the following four metals would be displaced 1
from the solution of its salts by other three metals?
(a) Mg (b) Ag (c) Zn (d) Cu
5. The following question consists of two statements- 1
Assertion(A)and Reason(R).
Answer this question selecting the appropriate option given
(a)Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of
(b)Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation
of A.
(c)A is true but R is false.
(d)A is false but R is true.
Assertion(A): Carbon has a strong tendency to either lose or
gain electrons to attain noble gas configuration.
Reason(R): Carbon has four electrons in its outermost shell
and has the tendency to share electrons with carbon or other
6. The term pollination refers to 1
(a) fusion of pollen grains and ovules
(b) transfer of pollen grains to stigma
(c) transfer of pollen grains to ovule
(d) transfer of stamens to the carpels
7. The following question consists of two statements- 1
Assertion(A)and Reason(R).
Answer this question selecting the appropriate option given
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation
of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct
explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
Assertion (A): Biotic components of an ecosystem include
all the living organisms present in that ecosystem.
Reason (R): Biotic components also include
Page 3 of 6
(Q. no. 8 to 10 are very short answer questions.)

8. State right hand thumb rule. 2

Why do not two magnetic field lines intersect each other?

9. In electron dot structure, the valence shell electrons are 2

represented by crosses or dots.
(a) The atomic number of chlorine is 17. Write its electronic
(b) Draw the electron dot structure of chlorine molecule.

10. Why should biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes be 2

discarded in two separate dustbins?

(Q. no. 11 to 13 are short answer questions.)

11. 'X' is an amphoteric oxide. It is reduced to metal by using 3

suitable reducing agents such as carbon. Identify 'X'. Write
its reaction with acid as well as base.

What is thermit process? Where is this process used? Write
balanced chemical equation for the reaction involved.

12. Draw a labeled diagram of the longitudinal section of a 3

bisexual flower.

13. Why are food chains generally short, consisting of only three 3
or four steps? Explain with reasons.

What is biological magnification? Explain

Page 4 of 6
(Q. no. 14 to 15 are long answer questions.)
14. (a) Name any two factors on which the resistance of a wire 5
depends and state how it is affected by the factors stated by

(b) State Ohm’s law.


In the above circuit, if the current reading in the ammeter is

2A, what would be the value of R1?

15. (a) Name the functional groups present in the following 5

iii) CH3CHO
iv) CH3OH
(b) What is meant by isomers?

(Q. no. 16 to 17 are case-based/source-based questions with 2-3 short sub-
parts. Internal choice is provided in one of these sub-parts.)

16. When a north pole of a bar magnet is brought near the north 4
pole of a magnetic compass needle, then the needle of the
magnetic compass is deflected away from the north pole of
the bar magnet. To locate the magnetic field of a bar magnet,
we use iron filings or magnetic compass.
(a) What is meant by magnetic field?
(b) Draw magnetic field lines around a bar magnet
(c) Consider a circular loop of wire lying in the plane of the
table. Let the current pass through the loop clockwise. Apply
the right-hand thumb rule to find out the direction of
magnetic field inside and outside the loop.
Page 5 of 6
(c) Magnetic lines of force of two pairs of magnets are shown in
figure A and B. Out of these two figures, which one
represents the correct pattern of field lines? Name the poles
of magnets facing each other.

17. Organisms look similar because their body designs are 4

similar. If body designs are to be similar,the blueprints for
these designs should be similar. Thus,reproduction at its
most basic level will involve making copies of the blueprints
of body design.

(a) What is the ‘blueprint of body design’?

(b) Where is it present?
(c) What will happen if this ‘blueprint of body design’ changes?
(c) State two reasons of variation in a population.


Page 6 of 6
Name: ___________________________________ Sec: ____ Roll No.: ____

PERIODIC TEST - 3 : [2022-23]
Time: 1 Hours Maximum Marks: 40
General Instructions:

(i) This question paper comprises 17 questions. All

questions are compulsory.
(ii) This question paper is divided into five sections-A, B,
C, D and E.
(iii) Section A-Questions 1, 3, 4 and 6 are MCQ type
questions. Each carries 1 mark and Questions 2, 5
and 7 are Reasoning-Assertion type questions, each
carrying 1 mark.
(iv) Section B-Questions 8 to 10 are very short answer
type questions, each carrying 2 marks.
(v) Section C-Questions 11 to 13 are short answer type
questions, each carrying 3 marks.
(vi) Section D-Questions 14 and 15 are long answer type
questions, each carrying 5 marks.
(vii) Section E- Questions 16 and 17 are Case/Source
based questions, each carrying 4 marks.
(viii) Internal choices have been provided in some
questions. Only one of the alternatives has to be

Page 1 of 6

1. A student learns that magnetic field strength around a bar magnet 1

is different at every point. Which diagram shows the correct
magnetic field lines around a bar magnet?

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

2. The following question consists of two statements- 1

Assertion(A)and Reason(R).
Answer this question selecting the appropriate option given
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.

Assertion (A): - Longer wires have greater resistance and the

smaller wires have lesser resistance.
Reason (R): - Resistance is inversely proportional to the length
of the wire.

3. An element is soft and can be cut with a knife.It is very reactive 1

to air and cannot be kept in open air.It reacts vigorously with
water.Identify the element from the following:
(a)Mg (b)Na (c)P (d)Ca
Page 2 of 6
4. Which one of the following metals would be displaced from the 1
solution of its salts by other three metals?
(a)Ag (b)Mg (c)Zn (d)Cu
5. The following question consists of two statements- 1
Assertion(A)and Reason(R).
Answer this question selecting the appropriate option given
(a)Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b)Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of
(c)A is true but R is false.
(d)A is false but R is true.
Assertion(A):Methane is simplest saturated hydrocarbon which
is a major component of natural gas.
Reason(R):Methane belongs to alkene.
6. Budding is a method of asexual reproduction in 1
(a)Planaria (b) Hydra (c) Rhizopus (d) Amoeba
7. The following question consists of two statements-Assertion (A) 1
and Reason (R).
Answer this question selecting the appropriate option given
(a)Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b)Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of
(c)A is true but R is false.
(d)A is false but R is true.
Assertion(A): There are generally 3 or 4 trophic levels in a food
Reason(R): Great loss of energy at each trophic level is
responsible for shorter food chains.
8. (a) Define magnetic lines of force. 2
(b) List two properties of magnetic lines of force.


(a) What is meant by magnetic field?

(b) Why do not two magnetic field lines intersect each other?

Page 3 of 6
9. Nitrogen has atomic number 7. 2
(a) What would be its electronic configuration?
(b) Draw its electron dot structure.
10. What are the advantages of cloth bags over plastic bags during 2


11. (a) What is the difference between Calcination and roasting? 3

(b) What is cinnabar?
(a) Give reasons for the following:
(i) Hydrogen gas is not evolved when a metal reacts with nitric
(ii) Ionic compounds are solids and are somewhat hard.
(b) Name any two methods by which rusting of iron can be
12. (a) Name the parts of 1 to 5 of human female reproductive system. 3

(b) Name the part in which fertilization takes place in the system

13. Write a four trophic level food chain and represent it in the form 3
of ecological pyramid. Why the flow of energy in the food chain
is unidirectional? Justify.
Explain how ozone is formed in the atmosphere. How does it
protect living beings from harmful radiation of the Sun?

Page 4 of 6

14. (a) State Ohm’s law. Write mathematical form of Ohm’s law. 5
(b) A wire has a resistance of 16 Ω. It is melted and drawn into a
wire of half its original length. Calculate the resistance of the
new wire. What is the percentage change in its resistance?
(c) Five resistors, each of 3Ω, are connected as shown in figure.
Calculate the resistance (a) between the points P and Q, and (b)
between the points X and Y.

15. (a) Give two differences between saturated and unsaturated carbon 5
(b) Draw the structure of benzene and write its molecular formula.
(c) What is the general formula for alkenes?


16. Hans Christian Oersted, one of the leading scientists of the 19 th 4

century, play a crucial role in understanding electromagnetism.
In 1820, he accidentally discovered that a compass needle got
deflected when an electric current passed through a metallic wire
placed nearly. Through this observation Oersted showed that
electricity and magnetism were related phenomenon.

(a) Oersted experiment is used to explain which effect of electric

(b) Who discovered a relationship between electricity and
(c) Name and state the rule used to determine the direction of
magnetic field produced around a straight conductor carrying

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(c) In the diagram below, find the direction of magnetic field.

17. Ruchika planted three plants X, Y and Z of different species of 4

flowering plants in her garden. After sometime she observed that
fruits development occurred in plant X and Z but not in Y. She
also observed that plant Z has two slightly different types of

(a) Why do you think fruit formation did not take place in plant Y?

(b) Out of these three plants which one can be both self pollinated as
well as cross pollinated?

(c) Name four different parts of a flower.


(c) Define pollination.


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Name: _______________________ Sec: ____ Roll No.: ____
PERIODIC TEST - 3 : [2022-23]
Time: 1 Hours Maximum Marks: 40
General Instructions:
(i) This question paper comprises of 18 questions.
(ii) All the questions are compulsory. Attempt all questions.
(iii) Marks are indicated against each question.
(iv) Separate instructions are given with each question wherever
necessary. Read and follow these instructions very carefully.
(v) Answers should be brief and to the point.
1. Look at the picture given below and identify the publisher of the 1
music book titled “Dawn of the Century.”

a) E.T. Paull c) James Hargreaves

b) V.S Naipaul d) Richard Arkwright

2. Fill in the blank by choosing the appropriate option: 1

Smallpox - America: Rinderpest - ………………………
a) Canada c) Africa
b) Europe d) Australia

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3. Which one of the following statement is INCORRECT? 1
a) Jute, silk, bauxite and sugar are agro based industries.
b) Bauxite is the raw material used in aluminium smelting.
c) Electrical goods industries are light industries.
d) Telephone, radars, computers are required by the telecommunication
4. Which of the following is an important oilfield? 1
a) Nagarcoil c) Raniganj
b) Digboi d)Aravalli Range

5. Consider the following statements on political parties: 1

A. Political parties do not enjoy much trust among the people.
B. Political parties are often rocked by scandals involving top party
C. Political parties are not necessary to run governments.
Which of the statements given above are CORRECT?
a) A, B and C c) B and C
b) A and B d) A and C

6. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as 1

Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the following statements and
choose the correct option:
(a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is correct but R is wrong
(d) A is wrong but R is correct
Assertion (A): In India, no individual can refuse a payment made in
Reason (R): The Indian law legalizes the use of rupee as a
medium of payment that cannot be refused in settling transactions
in India.

7. Fill in the blank choosing the correct option: 1

____________ is one such organization whose aim is to liberalise
international trade.
a) ILO c) WTO
b) IMF d) WBO

Page 2 of 4
8. Rohan has taken a loan of Rs.5 lakhs from the bank to purchase a 1
house on 12% rate of interest. He has to submit papers of new
house and salary record to the bank. What is this process called?
a) Interest Rate c) Instalment
b) Principal Amount d) Collateral

9. Mention any two functions of a “Jobber” in the beginning of the 2

twentieth century.

10. What is a political party? List any two of its components. 2

11. Name the non metallic mineral which can split easily into thin 2
sheets. Mention its uses.
"Mining effects health and environment both". Comment.

12. Describe the role of technology in promoting the globalization 2


13. Why did merchants move to the countryside Europe during the 3
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?
Who were the gomasthas? Why did the weavers and gomasthas

14. What is meant by a ‘national’ political party? State the conditions 3

required to be a ‘national’ political party.

15. What do you mean by manufacturing? Why is it considered the 5

backbone of development?
How do industries pollute the environment?

16. Explain any five functions of a political party 5

Why is there a lack of internal democracy within the political
parties in India? Explain.

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17. Read the given extract and answer the following questions: 4
Population growth from the late eighteenth century had increased the demand for
food grains in Britain. As urban centres expanded and industry grew, the demand
for agricultural products went up, pushing up food grain prices. Under pressure
from landed groups, the government also restricted the import of corn. The laws
allowing the government to do this were commonly known as the ‘Corn Laws’.
Unhappy with high food prices, industrialists and urban dwellers forced the
abolition of the Corn Laws.
After the Corn Laws were scrapped, food could be imported into Britain more
cheaply than it could be produced within the country. British agriculture was
unable to compete with imports. Vast areas of land were now left uncultivated,
and thousands of men and women were thrown out of work. They flocked to the
cities or migrated overseas.
(17.1) What led to the increase in the demand for food grains in
Britain? (1)
(17.2) Which laws were known as ‘Corn Laws’? (1)
(17.3) Write any two consequences of the removal of Corn
Laws? (2)

18. Read the given extract and answer the following questions: 4
Higher cost of borrowing means a larger part of the earnings of the
borrowers is used to repay the loan. In certain cases, the high interest rate for
borrowing can mean that the amount to be repaid is greater than the income of the
borrower. This could lead to increasing debt and debt trap. Also, people who
might wish to start an enterprise by borrowing may not do so because of the high
cost of borrowing.
For these reasons, banks and cooperative societies need to lend more. This would
lead to higher incomes and many people could then borrow cheaply for a variety
of needs. They could grow crops, do business, set up small-scale industries etc.
They could set up new industries or trade in goods.
(18.1) List any two informal sources of credit (1)
(18.2) Why does high interest rate lead to a situation of debt
trap? (1)
(18.3) What would happen if banks and cooperative societies
lend more? (2)


Page 4 of 4
Name: ______________________________ Sec: ____ Roll No.: ____
PERIODIC TEST - 3 : [2022-23]
Time: 1 Hours Maximum Marks: 40
General Instructions:
(i) This question paper comprises of 18 questions.
(ii) All the questions are compulsory. Attempt all questions.
(iii) Marks are indicated against each question.
(iv) Separate instructions are given with each question wherever
necessary. Read and follow these instructions very carefully.
(v) Answers should be brief and to the point
1. Who devised the Spinning Jenny? 1
a. Samuel Luke
b. Richard Arkwright
c. James Hargreves
d. James Watt

2. The main destination of Indian indentured migrants were the 1

a. Caribbean Islands
b. Fiji
c. Mauritius
d. All of these

3. Many industries tend to come together to make use of the 1

advantages offered by the urban centres known as
a. Industrial location
b. Manufacturing
c. Agglomeration economies
d. None of these

Page 1 of 6
4. Minerals are deposited and accumulated in the strata of which of the 1
following rocks?
a. Igneous
b. Sedimentary
c. Metamorphic
d. Lava

5. Which is a recognized political party ? 1

a) a party that is present in only one of the federal units .

b) a party that is based on regional and commercial diversity.

c) a party that is recognized by the Election Commission with all the

privileges and facilities.

d) a party that is present in several and all units of the federation.

6. Read the data in the table given below and answer the questions that 1
follow. Some sources of credit per Rupees 1000 of rural households
in India in 2012.

Money lenders 33%

Cooperative Society 25%
Commercial Banks 25%
Relatives and friends 8%
Government 1%

Why most of the rural people take loan from money lenders?

7. Choose the most appropriate option:- 1

The past two decades of globalisation has seen rapid movements in:-
a. Goods, services and people between countries
b. Goods, services and investments between countries
c. Goods, investments and people between countries
d. Goods, and services between countries

Page 2 of 6
8. Read the information given below and select the correct option. 1

Rohan has taken a loan of rupees 500000 from the bank to purchase
a house on 12% rate of interest. He has to submit papers of new
house and salary record to the bank.

What is this process called as?

a. Interest rate
b. Collateral
c. Principal amount
d. instalments
9. Why were the jobbers employed by Indian industrialists? 2
10. What is multi party system?Why does India adopt a multi party 2
11. What are placer deposits? 2
What is rat hole mining?
12. If Indian Government puts a tax on import of toys, how would it 2
affect the import of Chinese toys?
13. Why did some industrialists in the 19th century Europe prefer 3
handmade labour ?
Why did the women workers in Britain attack the spinning Jenny ?

14. How are political parties recognized as regional and national parties 3
in India?Explain with example.

15. How can industrial pollution of fresh water be reduced? 5

Write a short note on NTPC.
16. Highlight any 5 functions of a political party needed to strengthen 5
the democracy.


Examine the main challenges faced by the political parties?

Page 3 of 6
17. Read the given extract and answer the following questions: 4
The silk routes are a good example of vibrant pre modern trade and
cultural links between distinct parts of the world. The name silk route
points to the importance of west bound Chinese Silk cargoes along
the route, historians have identified several silk routes over land and
by sea knitting together vast regions of Asia, and linking Asia with
Europe and Northern Africa they are known to have existed since
before the Christian era and thrived almost till the 15 th century. But
Chinese pottery also travelled the same route as did textiles and
spices from India and southeast Asia. In return precious metals gold
and silver float from Europe to Asia trade and cultural exchange
always went hand in hand. Early Christian missionaries almost
certainly travel this route to Asia as did early Muslim preachers a
few centuries later much before all this Buddhism emerged from
eastern India and spread in several direction through intersecting
points on the silk routes.
a) What is meant by the silk route? (1)
b) Who else travelled these routes other than the traders? (1)
c) What has historians indentified? (2)

18. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. 4
In India, the Reserve Bank of India issues currency notes on behalf
of the Central Government. As per Indian law, no other individuals
or organisation is allowed to issue currency. Moreover, the law
legalises the use of rupee as a medium of payment that cannot be
refused in setting transactions in India.
No individual in India can legally refuse a payment made in a
Rupees. Hence, the rupee is widely accepted as a medium of
The other form in which people hold money is as deposits with
banks. At a point of time people need only some currency for their
day–to–day needs. For instance, workers who received their salaries,
at the end of each month have extra cash at the beginning of the
What do people do with this extra cash?
They deposit it with the banks by opening a bank account in their
name. Banks accept the deposits and also pay an amount as interest

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on the deposits.
In this way people’s money is safe with the banks and it earns an
amount as interest. People also have the provision to withdraw the
money as and when they require. Since the deposits in the bank
accounts can be withdrawn on demand, these deposits are called
demand deposits.

i. Why is there a need to legalise rupee as a medium of exchange? (1)

ii. Mention two uses of opening a bank account by the people. (1)
iii How demand deposits are useful for the banks as well as for the
people? (2)


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