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Computer Arts and Technological College Inc.

S.Y 2023 - 2024

The Four Policies

and Interventions of
Agrarian Reform

Prepared by:
Joshua Santonia
Ken Espera
Grant Leopold III
Carl Justine Olavario
Manuel L. Roxas, the fifth president of the Philippines, implemented several
agrarian reform policies during his brief administration from 1946 to 1948. These
policies were aimed at addressing the widespread land inequality and tenancy
problems that plagued the country's agricultural sector.

President Manuel A. Roxas (1946-1948) enacted the following laws:

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 34 -- Established the 70-30 sharing arrangements and regulating share-tenancy
The administration of President Roxas passed Republic Act No. 34 to establish a 70 - 30 sharing arrangement
between tenant and landlord, respectively, and reduced the interest landowner's loans to tenants at six percent or
The government also attempted to redistribute Hacienda lands, falling prey to the woes of similar attemps since
no support was given to small farmers who were sold lands.

The 70% of harvest will go to the person who shouldered the expenses for planting. harvesting and for the work
animals. Also reduced the interest of landowner's loans to tenants at six percent or less.

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 55 -- Provided for a more effective safeguard against arbitrary ejectment of tenants.
This law, passed in 1946, provided stronger protection for tenants against arbitrary ejectment from their land. It
also established a Court of Agrarian Relations to adjudicate disputes between tenants and landlords.

Impact of Roxas agrarian reform policies:

Roxas' agrarian reform policies were modest in scope but were nonetheless significant in their impact on the
lives of tenants. The 70-30 sharing arrangement provided tenants with a larger share of the harvest, and the
strengthened protections against ejectment helped to improve their security of tenure. These reforms also helped
to raise awareness of the need for more comprehensive land reform in the Philippines.
While Roxas' agrarian reform policies were not without their critics, they were a step in the right direction
towards addressing the country's long-standing land reform challenges. His efforts laid the groundwork for
future land reform initiatives in the Philippines.
Elpidio Quirino, the sixth president of the Philippines, implemented several
agrarian reform policies during his administration from 1948 to 1953. These
policies aimed to address the widespread land inequality and tenancy problems that
plagued the country's agricultural sector.

Elpidio R. Quirino (1948-1953) enacted the following law:

Executive Order No. 355 issued on October 23, 1950 -- Replaced the National Land Settlement Administration
with Land Settlement Development Corporation (LASEDECO) which takes over the responsibilities of the
Agricultural Machinery Equipment Corporation and the Rice and Corn Production Administration.
The Land Settlement Development Corporation (LASEDECO) was established to accelerate and expand the
resettlement program for peasants.
Rice and Corn Production Administration (RCPA): Created in 1950, the RCPA aimed to increase
agricultural productivity and provide support to farmers through the provision of credit, technical assistance,
and marketing services.
Agricultural Machinery Equipment Corporation (AMEC): Established in 1951, the AMEC aimed to make
agricultural machinery and equipment more accessible to farmers by providing loans and other financial
Tenancy Reform: Quirino also implemented measures to improve the condition of tenants, such as regulating
tenancy contracts and providing security of tenure.

Impact of Quirino's agrarian reform policies:

While Quirino's agrarian reform policies had some positive effects, they were ultimately not successful in
addressing the deep-rooted land inequality and tenancy problems in the Philippines. The limited resources
available in the post-war period and the lack of strong political will to implement land reform effectively
hindered the progress of these initiatives.
Despite their shortcomings, Quirino's agrarian reform efforts laid the groundwork for future land reform
initiatives in the Philippines. The establishment of LASEDECO and the RCPA provided important institutional
structures for land reform implementation, and the policies aimed at improving tenant conditions helped to raise
awareness of the plight of landless farmers.
Ramon Magsaysay, the seventh president of the Philippines, made agrarian reform a
cornerstone of his administration. He believed that land reform was essential to
improving the lives of the country's poor farmers and reducing social unrest.
Ramon Magsaysay (1953-1957) enacted the following laws:

Republic Act No. 1160 of 1954 -- Abolished the LASEDECO and established the National Resettlement and
Rehabilitation Administration (NARRA) to resettle dissidents and landless farmers. It was particularly aimed at
rebel returnees providing home lots and farmlands in Palawan and Mindanao.

Republic Act No. 1199 (Agricultural Tenancy Act of 1954) -- governed the relationship between landowners
and tenant farmers by organizing share-tenancy and leasehold system. The law provided the security of tenure
of tenants. It also created the Court of Agrarian Relations.
Agricultural Tenancy Act basically governed the relationship between landholders and tenant-farmers. This law
helped protect the tenurial rights of tenant tillers and enforced fair tenancy practices

Republic Act No. 1400 (Land Reform Act of 1955) -- Created the Land Tenure Administration (LTA) which
was responsible for the acquisition and distribution of large tenanted rice and corn lands over 200 hectares for
individuals and 600 hectares for corporations.
Land Reform Act or known as “Land to the Landless” Program, which sought improvement in land tenure and
guaranteed the expropriation of all tenanted landed estates

Republic Act No. 821 (Creation of Agricultural Credit Cooperative Financing Administration) -- Provided
small farmers and share tenants loans with low interest rates of six to eight percent.
Under this administration, the Agricultural Credit and Cooperative Financing Administration (ACCFA) was
created. This is a government agency formed to provide
warehouse facilities and assist farmers to market their products and established the organization of the Farmers
Cooperatives and Marketing Associations (FACOMAs).
With the passing of RA 1160 of 1954, President Magsaysay pursued the resettlement program through the
National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration (NARRA). This law established the government’s
resettlement program and accelerated the free distribution of agricultural lands to landless tenants and farmers.
It particularly aimed to convince members of the HUKBALAHAP movement to return to a peaceful life by
giving them home lots and farmlands.
Diosdado Macapagal, the ninth president of the Philippines, furthered the agrarian
reform efforts initiated by his predecessor, Ramon Magsaysay. He recognized the
importance of land reform in addressing social inequality and promoting economic
President Diosdado P. Macapagal (1961-1965) enacted the following law:

Agricultural Land Reform Code of 1963 (Republic Act No. 3844): This landmark legislation aimed to
transform the Philippine agricultural landscape by abolishing share tenancy and establishing a leasehold system.
Tenants were given the opportunity to become landowners, fostering a sense of ownership and incentivizing

Land Reform Program: The government implemented a comprehensive Land Reform Program to facilitate the
transfer of land from landlords to tenants. This involved identifying and prioritizing landholdings for reform,
conducting land surveys, and providing financial assistance to farmers.

Strengthening of the Land Reform Agency: Macapagal strengthened the Land Reform Agency, providing it
with the necessary resources and personnel to effectively implement the Land Reform Code. The agency was
tasked with identifying and acquiring land for redistribution, providing support services to land reform
beneficiaries, and resolving agrarian disputes.

Resettlement of Landless Farmers: The government undertook a resettlement program to provide land to
landless farmers in underdeveloped areas. This initiative aimed to improve the livelihoods of these marginalized
groups and contribute to the development of frontier regions.

Provision of Credit and Support Services: Recognizing the need for financial assistance, the government
provided credit and support services to land reform beneficiaries. These services included loans for agricultural
inputs, training programs, and extension services to enhance farming practices.

This Code abolished share tenancy in the Philippines and prescribed a program to convert tenant-farmers to
lessees and later on owner-cultivators. It also aimed to free tenants and emphasize owner-cultivatorship and
farmer independence, equity, productivity improvement, and public land distribution.
Macapagal's agrarian reform policies made significant strides in addressing land inequality and empowering
farmers. The Land Reform Code of 1963 remains a cornerstone of Philippine agrarian reform efforts, and the
Land Reform Program continues to play a crucial role in improving the lives of Filipino farmers.

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