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Application note
Using the hardware real-time clock (RTC) in low-power modes with
STM32L0 Series and STM32L4 Series MCUs

A real-time clock (RTC) is a computer clock that keeps track of the current time. Although
the RTCs are often used in personal computers, servers and embedded systems, they are
also present in almost any electronic device that requires an accurate time keeping. The
microcontrollers supporting the RTC can be used for chronometers, alarm clocks, watches,
small electronic agendas, and many other devices.
This application note describes the features of the real-time clock (RTC) controller embedded
in the ultra-low-power STM32L0 Series and STM32L4 Series microcontrollers and the steps
required to configure the RTC for the use with the calendar, alarm, periodic wakeup unit,
tamper detection, timestamp and calibration applications.
Software examples are then provided to show how to use the RTC in the low-power modes
and how to ensure the tampering detection and timestamp while the main supply is switched
off and the MCU is supplied by an alternate battery.
The X-CUBE-RTC embedded software package is delivered with this application note,
containing the source code of the RTC examples and all the embedded software modules
required to run the examples.

May 2016 DocID028310 Rev 1 1/45 1
Contents AN4759


1 Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.1 RTC calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.1.1 Software calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.1.2 RTC hardware calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.1.3 Initializing the calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.1.4 RTC clock configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2 RTC alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
1.2.1 RTC alarm configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2.2 Alarm sub-second configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3 RTC periodic wakeup unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.3.1 Programming the auto-wakeup unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.3.2 Maximum and minimum RTC wakeup period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.4 Digital smooth calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.5 Synchronizing the RTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.6 RTC reference clock detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.7 Time-stamp function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.8 RTC tamper detection function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.8.1 Edge detection on tamper input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.8.2 Level detection on tamper input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.8.3 Timestamp on tamper detection event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.9 Backup registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.10 Alternate function RTC outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.10.1 RTC_CALIB output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.10.2 RTC_ALARM output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1.11 RTC security aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.11.1 RTC register write protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.11.2 Enter/exit initialization mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.11.3 RTC clock synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

2 Advanced RTC features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3 Reducing power consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.1 Using the right power reduction mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

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AN4759 Contents

3.2 Use tamper pin internal pull-up resistor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4 STM32L4 API and application examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

4.1 STM32 Cube firmware libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.2 STM32 Cube expansion firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.3 Application example project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.3.1 Hardware Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.3.2 Software setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.3.3 LED meaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.3.4 Tampering detection during normal operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.3.5 Tampering detection when main power supply is off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

5 STM32L0 API and application examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

5.1 STM32 Cube firmware libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.2 STM32 Cube expansion firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.3 Application example project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.3.1 Hardware setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.3.2 Software setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.3.3 LED meaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.3.4 Tampering detection during normal operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

6 Reference documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

7 Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

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List of tables AN4759

List of tables

Table 1. Steps to initialize the calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Table 2. Calendar clock equal to 1 Hz with different clock sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Table 3. Steps to configure the alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Table 4. Alarm combinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Table 5. Alarm sub-second mask combinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Table 6. Steps to configure the auto-wakeup unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Table 7. Timebase/wakeup unit period resolution with clock configuration 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Table 8. Min. and max. timebase/wakeup period when RTCCLK= 32768 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Table 9. Time-stamp features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Table 10. Tamper features (edge detection) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Table 11. Tamper features (level detection) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Table 12. RTC_CALIB output frequency versus clock source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Table 13. Advanced RTC features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Table 14. Tampering detection status when Power-On-Reset is detected. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Table 15. Tampering detection status when tamper event is detected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Table 16. Tampering detection status when reset is detected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Table 17. Tampering detection status when tamper event is detected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Table 18. Document revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

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AN4759 List of figures

List of figures

Figure 1. RTC calendar fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Figure 2. Example of calendar displayed on an LCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Figure 3. STM32L0 Series RTC clock sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Figure 4. STM32L4 Series RTC clock sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Figure 5. Prescalers from RTC clock source to calendar unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Figure 6. Alarm A fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Figure 7. Alarm sub-second field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Figure 8. Prescalers connected to the timebase/wakeup unit for configuration 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Figure 9. Prescalers connected to the wakeup unit for configurations 2 and 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Figure 10. Smooth calibration block. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Figure 11. RTC shift register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Figure 12. RTC reference clock detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Figure 13. Time-stamp event procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Figure 14. Tamper with edge detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Figure 15. Tamper with level detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Figure 16. Tamper sampling with precharge pulse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Figure 17. RTC_CALIB clock sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Figure 18. Alarm flag routed to RTC_ALARM output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Figure 19. Periodic wakeup routed to RTC_ALARM pinout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Figure 20. Application example flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Figure 21. STM32L476 evaluation board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Figure 22. STM32L053R8 Nucleo board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Figure 23. LED LD2 behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

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Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC AN4759

1 Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC

The real-time clock (RTC) embedded in STM32Lx Series microcontrollers acts as an

independent Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) timer/ counter. The RTC can be used to provide
a full-featured calendar, alarm, periodic wakeup unit, digital calibration, synchronization,
time-stamp, and an advanced tamper detection.
Refer to Table 13: Advanced RTC features for the complete list of features available on
each device.

1.1 RTC calendar

A calendar keeps track of the time (hours, minutes and seconds) and date (day, week,
month, year). The STM32Lx Series RTC calendar offers several features to easily configure
and display the calendar data fields:
• Calendar with:
– Sub-seconds (not programmable)
– Seconds
– Minutes
– Hours in 12-hour or 24-hour format
– Day of the week (day)
– Day of the month (date)
– Month
– Year
• Calendar in binary-coded decimal (BCD) format
• Automatic management of 28-, 29- (leap year), 30-, and 31-day months
• Daylight saving time adjustment programmable by software

Figure 1. RTC calendar fields

'$7( KRUKIRUPDW 7,0(

:HHN $0

57&B'5 57&B75 57&B665


1. RTC_DR, RTC_TR are RTC Date and Time registers.

2. The sub-second field (RTC_SSR) is the value of the synchronous prescaler’s counter. This field is not

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AN4759 Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC

1.1.1 Software calendar

A software calendar can be a software counter (usually 32 bits long) that represents the
number of seconds. The software routines convert the counter value to hours, minutes, day
of the month, day of the week, month and year. This data can be converted to BCD format
and displayed on a standard LCD. Conversion routines use a significant program memory
space and are CPU-time consuming, which may be critical in certain real-time applications.

1.1.2 RTC hardware calendar

When using the STM32Lx Series RTC calendar, the software conversion routines are no
longer needed because their functions are performed by hardware.
The STM32 RTC calendar is provided in BCD format. This avoids binary to BCD software
conversion routines, which use significant program memory space and a CPU-load that may
be critical in certain real-time applications.

Figure 2. Example of calendar displayed on an LCD

09:40:28:09 PM
SUN AUG 23 2015

1.1.3 Initializing the calendar

Table 1 describes the steps required to correctly configure the calendar time and date.

Table 1. Steps to initialize the calendar

Step What to do How to do it Comments

Write "0xCA" and then

Disable the RTC registers write
1 "0x53" into the RTC registers can be modified
RTC_WPR register
Set INIT bit to ‘1’ in The calendar counter is
2 Enter Initialization mode
RTC_ISR register stopped to allow its update
Wait for the confirmation of It takes around 2 RTCCLK
Poll INITF bit of in
3 Initialization mode (clock clock cycles due to clock
RTC_ISR until it is set
synchronization) synchronization.
RTC_PRER register:
By default, the RTC_PRER
Program the prescaler values if Write first the prescalers register is initialized
4 synchronous value and
needed to provide 1Hz to the Calendar
then write the
unit when RTCCLK = 32768Hz
asynchronous value
Load time and date values in Set RTC_TR and
5 -
the shadow registers RTC_DR registers

Configure the time format (12h Set FMT bit in RTC_CR FMT = 0: 24 hour/day format
or 24h) register FMT = 1: AM/PM hour format

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Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC AN4759

Table 1. Steps to initialize the calendar (continued)

Step What to do How to do it Comments

The current calendar counter is

Clear the INIT bit in automatically loaded and the
7 Exit Initialization mode
RTC_ISR register counting restarts after 4
RTCCLK clock cycles
Enable the RTC Registers Write "0xFF" into the RTC Registers can no longer
Write Protection RTC_WPR register be modified

1.1.4 RTC clock configuration

RTC clock source
The RTC calendar can be driven by three clock sources LSE, LSI or HSE (see Figure 3 and
Figure 4).

Figure 3. STM32L0 Series RTC clock sources



/6(26& /6(
N+] 57&&/.


/6,5& /6,


Note: The RTCSEL[1:0] bits are the RCC Control/status register (RCC_CSR) [17:16] bits

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AN4759 Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC

Figure 4. STM32L4 Series RTC clock sources

/6,5& /6,

/6,5& 57&6(/>@
/6(26& /6( 7R57&
N+] 57&&/.

+6(26& +6(  +6(B57&


Note: The RTCSEL[1:0] bits are the backup domain control register (RCC_BDCR) [9:8] bits

How to adjust the RTC calendar clock

The RTC features several prescalers that allow delivering a 1 Hz clock to the calendar unit,
regardless of the clock source.

Figure 5. Prescalers from RTC clock source to calendar unit

35(',9B$ 35(',9B6


The formula to calculate ck_spre is:

ck_spre = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( PREDIV_A + 1 ) × ( PREDIV_S + 1 )

• RTCCLK can be any clock source: HSE_RTC, LSE or LSI
• PREDIV_A can be 1,2,3,..., or 127
• PREDIV_S can be 0,1,2,..., or 32767

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Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC AN4759

Table 2 shows several ways to obtain the calendar clock (ck_spre) = 1 Hz.

Table 2. Calendar clock equal to 1 Hz with different clock sources

RTCCLK Prescalers
Clock source PREDIV_A[6:0] PREDIV_S[14:0]
124 7999
HSE_RTC = 1MHz 1 Hz
(div125) (div8000)
127 255
LSE = 32.768 kHz 1 Hz
(div128) (div256)
127 249
LSI = 32 kHz(1) 1 Hz
(div128) (div250)
124 295
LSI = 37 kHz(2) 1 Hz
(div125) (div296)
1. For STM32L4xx, LSI = 32 KHz, but LSI accuracy is not usually suitable for calendar application.
2. For STM32L0xx, LSI = 37 KHz, but LSI accuracy is not usually suitable for calendar application.

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AN4759 Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC

1.2 RTC alarms

1.2.1 RTC alarm configuration

The STM32Lx Series RTC embeds two alarms, alarm A and alarm B, which are similar. An
alarm can be generated at a given time or/and date programmed by the user.
The STM32Lx Series RTC provides a rich combination of alarms settings, and offers many
features to make it easy to configure and display these alarms settings.
Each alarm unit provides the following features:
• Fully programmable alarm: sub-second (this is discussed later), seconds, minutes,
hours and date fields can be independently selected or masked to provide a rich
combination of alarms.
• Ability to exit the device from low power modes when the alarm occurs.
• The alarm event can be routed to a specific output pin with configurable polarity.
• Dedicated alarm flags and interrupt.

Figure 6. Alarm A fields






1. RTC_ALRMAR is an RTC register. The same fields are also available for the RTC_ALRMBR register.
2. RTC_ALRMASSR is an RTC register. The same field is also available for the RTC_ALRMBSSR register.
3. Maskx are bits in the RTC_ALRMAR register that enable/disable the RTC_ALARM fields used for alarm A.
For more details, refer to Table 4.
4. Mask ss are bits in the RTC_ALRMASSR register.
An alarm consists of a register with the same length as the RTC time counter. When the
RTC time counter reaches the value programmed in the alarm register, a flag is set to
indicate that an alarm event occurred.
The STM32Lx RTC alarm can be configured by hardware to generate different types of
alarms. For more details, refer to Table 4.

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Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC AN4759

Programming the alarm

Table 3 describes the steps required to configure alarm A.

Table 3. Steps to configure the alarm

Step What to do How to do it Comments

Write "0xCA" and then

Disable the RTC registers Write
1 "0x53" into the RTC registers can be modified
RTC_WPR register.
Clear ALRAE(1) bit in
2 Disable alarm A -
RTC_CR register(2).
It takes around 2 RTCCLK
Check that the RTC_ALRMAR Poll ALRAWF(3) bit until
3 clock cycles due to clock
register can be accessed it is set in RTC_ISR.
Configure The alarm hour format must be
4 Configure the alarm RTC_ALRMAR(4) the same(5) as the RTC
register. Calendar in RTC_ALRMAR.
Set ALRAE(6) bit in
5 Re-enable alarm A -
RTC_CR register.
Enable the RTC registers Write Write "0xFF" into the RTC registers can no longer be
protection RTC_WPR register. modified
1. Respectively ALRBE bit for alarm B.
2. RTC alarm registers can only be written when the corresponding RTC alarm is disabled or during RTC
Initialization mode.
3. Respectively ALRBWF bit for alarm B.
4. Respectively RTC_ALRMBR register for alarm B.
5. As an example, if the alarm is configured to occur at 3:00:00 PM, the alarm will not occur even if the
calendar time is 15:00:00, because the RTC calendar is 24-hour format and the alarm is 12-hour format.
6. Respectively ALRBE bit for alarm B.

Configuring the alarm behavior using the MSKx bits

The alarm behavior can be configured using the MSKx bits (x = 1, 2, 3, 4) of the
RTC_ALRMAR register for alarm A (RTC_ALRMBR register for alarm B).
Table 4 shows all the possible alarm settings. As an example, to configure the alarm time to
23:15:07 on monday (assuming that the WDSEL = 1), configure the RTC_ALRMAR register
(resp. RTC_ALRMBR register) with the MSKx bits set to 0000b. When the WDSEL = 0, all
the cases are similar, except that the Alarm Mask field compares with the day number and
not the day of the week, and MSKx bits must be set to 0000b.

Table 4. Alarm combinations

MSK3 MSK2 MSK1 MSK0 Alarm behavior

All the fields are used in the alarm comparison:

0 0 0 0
The alarm occurs at 23:15:07, each Monday.
The seconds do not matter in the alarm comparison
0 0 0 1
The alarm occurs every second of 23:15, each Monday.
The minutes do not matter in the alarm comparison
0 0 1 0
The alarm occurs at the 7th second of every minute of 23:XX, each Monday.

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AN4759 Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC

Table 4. Alarm combinations (continued)

MSK3 MSK2 MSK1 MSK0 Alarm behavior

0 0 1 1 The minutes and seconds do not matter in the alarm comparison

0 1 0 0 The hours do not matter in the alarm comparison
0 1 0 1 The hours and seconds do not matter in the alarm comparison
0 1 1 0 The hours and minutes do not matter in the alarm comparison
The hours, minutes and seconds do not matter in the alarm comparison
0 1 1 1
The alarm is set every second, each Monday, during the whole day.
The week day (or date, if selected) do not matter in the alarm comparison
1 0 0 0
The alarm occurs all the days at 23:15:07.
1 0 0 1 The week day and seconds do not matter in the alarm comparison
1 0 1 0 The week day and minutes do not matter in the alarm comparison
1 0 1 1 The week day, minutes and seconds do not matter in the alarm comparison
1 1 0 0 The week day and hours do not matter in the alarm comparison
1 1 0 1 The week day, hours and seconds do not matter in the alarm comparison
1 1 1 0 The week day, hours and minutes do not matter in the alarm comparison
1 1 1 1 The alarm occurs every second

Caution: If the second field is selected (MSK0 bit reset in RTC_ALRMAR or RTC_ALRMBR), the
synchronous prescaler division factor PREDIV_S set in the RTC_PRER register must be at
least 3 to ensure a correct behavior.

1.2.2 Alarm sub-second configuration

The STM32Lx Series RTC unit provides programmable alarms, sub-second A and B, which
are similar. They generate alarms with a high resolution (for the second division).
The value programmed in the alarm sub-second register is compared to the content of the
sub-second field in the calendar unit.
The sub-second field counter counts down from the value configured in the synchronous
prescaler to zero, and then reloads a value from the RTC_SPRE register.

Figure 7. Alarm sub-second field






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Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC AN4759

Note: Mask ss is the most significant bit in the sub-second alarm. This bit is compared to the
synchronous prescaler register.
The alarm sub-second can be configured using the mask ss bit in the alarm sub-second
register. Table 5: Alarm sub-second mask combinations shows the configuration
possibilities for the mask register and provides an example with the following settings:
• Select LSE as the RTC clock source (for example LSE = 32768 Hz).
• Set the Asynchronous prescaler to 127.
• Set the Synchronous prescaler to 255 (the calendar clock is equal to 1Hz).
• Set the alarm A sub-second to 255 (put 255 in the SS[14:0] field).

Table 5. Alarm sub-second mask combinations

MASK SS Alarm A sub-second behavior Example result

There is no comparison on sub-second for alarm. The alarm is The alarm is activated every
activated when the second unit is incremented. 1 second
Only the AlarmA_SS[0] bit is compared to the RTC sub-second The alarm is activated every
register RTC_SSR (1/128) s
Only the AlarmA_SS[1:0] bit is compared to the RTC sub-second The alarm is activated every
register RTC_SSR (1/64) s
Only the AlarmA_SS[2:0] bit is compared to the RTC sub-second The alarm is activated every
register RTC_SSR (1/32) s
Only the AlarmA_SS[3:0] bit is compared to the RTC sub-second The alarm is activated every
register RTC_SSR (1/16) s
Only the AlarmA_SS[4:0] bit is compared to the RTC sub-second The alarm is activated every
register RTC_SSR 125 ms
Only the AlarmA_SS[5:0] bit is compared to the RTC sub-second The alarm is activated every
register RTC_SSR 250 ms
Only the AlarmA_SS[6:0] bit is compared to the RTC sub-second The alarm is activated every
register RTC_SSR 500 ms
Only the AlarmA_SS[7:0] bit is compared to the RTC sub-second
8 The alarm is activated every 1 s
register RTC_SSR
Only the AlarmA_SS[8:0] bit is compared to the RTC sub-second
9 The alarm is activated every 1 s
register RTC_SSR
Only the AlarmA_SS[9:0] bit is compared to the RTC sub-second
10 The alarm is activated every 1 s
register RTC_SSR
Only the AlarmA_SS[10:0] bit is compared to the RTC sub-second
11 The alarm is activated every 1 s
register RTC_SSR
Only the AlarmA_SS[11:0] bit is compared to the RTC sub-second
12 The alarm is activated every 1 s
register RTC_SSR
Only the AlarmA_SS[12:0] bit is compared to the RTC sub-second
13 The alarm is activated every 1 s
register RTC_SSR
Only the AlarmA_SS[13:0] bit is compared to the RTC sub-second
14 The alarm is activated every 1 s
register RTC_SSR
Only the AlarmA_SS[14:0] bit is compared to the RTC sub-second
15 The alarm is activated every 1 s
register RTC_SSR

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AN4759 Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC

Note: The overflow bit in the sub-second register (bit15) is never compared.

1.3 RTC periodic wakeup unit

The STM32Lx Series provides several low-power modes to reduce the power consumption.
The STM32Lx Series RTC features a periodic timebase and wakeup unit able to wake up
the system from low-power modes. This unit is a programmable down-counting auto-reload
timer. When this counter reaches zero, a flag and an interrupt (if enabled) are generated.
The wakeup unit has the following features:
• Programmable down-counting auto-reload timer.
• Specific flag and interrupt capable of waking up the device from low-power modes.
• Wakeup alternate function output which can be routed to RTC_ALARM output (unique
pad for alarm A, alarm B or Wakeup events) with configurable polarity.
• A full set of prescalers to select the desired waiting period.

1.3.1 Programming the auto-wakeup unit

Table 6 describes the steps required to configure the Auto-wakeup unit.

Table 6. Steps to configure the auto-wakeup unit

Step What to do How to do it Comments

Write "0xCA" and

RTC registers can be
1 Disable the RTC registers Write protection then "0x53" into the
RTC_WPR register
Clear WUTE bit in
2 Disable the wakeup timer.
RTC_CR register
It takes around
Ensure access to Wakeup auto-reload Poll WUTWF until it 2 RTCCLK clock cycles
counter and bits WUCKSEL[2:0] is allowed. is set in RTC_ISR due to clock
Set WUT[15:0] in
4 Program the value into the wakeup timer.
RTC_WUTR register See Section 1.3.2:
Program Maximum and minimum
5 Select the desired clock source. WUCKSEL[2:0] bits RTC wakeup period
in RTC_CR register
Set WUTE bit in The wakeup timer
6 Re-enable the wakeup timer.
RTC_CR register restarts counting down
Write "0xFF" into the RTC registers can no
7 Enable the RTC registers Write protection
RTC_WPR register more be modified

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Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC AN4759

1.3.2 Maximum and minimum RTC wakeup period

The wakeup unit clock is configured through the WUCKSEL[2:0] bits of RTC_CR1 register.
Three different configurations are possible:
• Configuration 1: WUCKSEL[2:0] = 0xxb for short wakeup periods
(see Periodic timebase/wakeup configuration for clock configuration 1)
• Configuration 2: WUCKSEL[2:0] = 10xb for medium wakeup periods
(see Periodic timebase/wakeup configuration for clock configuration 2)
• Configuration 3: WUCKSEL[2:0] = 11xb for long wakeup periods
(see Periodic timebase/wakeup configuration for clock configuration 3)

Periodic timebase/wakeup configuration for clock configuration 1

Figure 8 shows the prescaler connection to the timebase/wakeup unit and Table 7 gives the
timebase/wakeup clock resolutions corresponding to configuration 1.
The prescaler depends on the wakeup clock selection:
• WUCKSEL[2:0] =000: RTCCLK/16 clock is selected
• WUCKSEL[2:0] =001: RTCCLK/8 clock is selected
• WUCKSEL[2:0] =010: RTCCLK/4 clock is selected
• WUCKSEL[2:0] =011: RTCCLK/2 clock is selected

Figure 8. Prescalers connected to the timebase/wakeup unit for configuration 1

3UHVFDOHU 57&B:875



Table 7. Timebase/wakeup unit period resolution with clock configuration 1

Wakeup period resolution
Clock source
WUCKSEL[2:0] = 000b (div16) WUCKSEL[2:0] = 011b (div2)

LSE = 32 768 Hz 488.28 µs 61.035 µs

When RTCCLK= 32768 Hz, the minimum timebase/wakeup resolution is 61.035 µs, and the
maximum resolution is 488.28 µs. As a result:
• The minimum timebase/wakeup period is (0x0001 + 1) x 61.035 µs = 122.07 µs.
The timebase/wakeup timer counter WUT[15:0] cannot be set to 0x0000 with
WUCKSEL[2:0]=011b (fRTCCLK/2) because this configuration is prohibited. Refer to the
STM32Lx reference manuals for more details.
• The maximum timebase/wakeup period is (0xFFFF+ 1) x 488.28 µs = 32 s.

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AN4759 Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC

Periodic timebase/wakeup configuration for clock configuration 2

Figure 9 shows the prescaler connection to the timebase/wakeup unit corresponding to
configuration 2 and 3.

Figure 9. Prescalers connected to the wakeup unit for configurations 2 and 3

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If ck_spre (Synchronous prescaler output clock) is adjusted to 1 Hz, then:

• The minimum timebase/wakeup period is (0x0000 + 1) x 1 s = 1 s.
• The maximum timebase/wakeup period is (0xFFFF+ 1) x 1 s = 65536 s (18 hours).

Periodic timebase/wakeup configuration for clock configuration 3

For this configuration, the resolution is the same as for configuration 2. However, the
timebase/wakeup counter downcounts starting from 0x1FFFF to 0x00000, instead of
0xFFFF to 0x0000 for configuration 2.
If ck_spre is adjusted to 1 Hz, then:
• The minimum timebase/wakeup period is:
(0x10000 + 1) x 1 s = 65537 s (18 hours + 1 s)
• The maximum timebase/wakeup period is:
(0x1FFFF+ 1) x 1 s = 131072 s (36 hours).

Summary of timebase/wakeup period extrema

When RTCCLK= 32768 Hz and ck_spre (Synchronous prescaler output clock) is adjusted to
1 Hz, the minimum and maximum period values are listed in Table 8.

Table 8. Min. and max. timebase/wakeup period when RTCCLK= 32768

Configuration Minimum period Maximum period
1 122.07 µs 32 s
2 1s 18 hours
3 18 hours +1 s 36 hours

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Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC AN4759

1.4 Digital smooth calibration

The RTC clock frequency can be corrected using a series of small adjustments by adding or
subtracting individual RTCCLK pulses.The RTC clock can be calibrated with a resolution of
about 0.954 ppm with a range from -487.1 ppm to +488.5 ppm.
This digital smooth calibration is designed to compensate for the inaccuracy of crystal
oscillators due to the temperature, crystal aging.

Figure 10. Smooth calibration block








The user can compute the clock deviation using the RTC_CALIB signal, then update the
calibration block. It is possible to check the calibration result using the calibration output 512
Hz or 1 Hz for the RTC_CALIB signal. Refer to Table 13: Advanced RTC features.
A smooth calibration consists of masking and adding N (configurable) 32 kHz pulses that
are well distributed in a configurable window (8 s, 16 s or 32 s).
The number of masked or added pulses is defined using CALP and CALM in the
RTC_CALR register.
By default, the calibration window is 32 seconds. It can be reduced to 8 or 16 seconds by
setting the CALW8 bit or the CALW16 bit in the RTC_CALR register:

Example 1: setting CALM[0] to 1, CALP=0 and using 32 seconds as a calibration window

results in exactly one pulse being masked for 32 seconds.

Example 2: setting CALM[2] to 1, CALP=0 and using 32 seconds as a calibration window

results in exactly 4 pulses being masked for 32 seconds.
Note: Both the CALM and CALP can be used and, in this case, an offset ranging from -511 to
+512 pulses can be added for 32 seconds (calibration window).
When the asynchronous prescaler is less than 3, CALP cannot be set to 1.
The formula to calculate the effective calibrated frequency (FCAL), given the input
frequency (FRTCCLK), is:
FCAL = FRTCCLK x [1 + (CALP x 512 - CALM) / (220 + CALM - CALP x 512)].
A smooth calibration can be performed on the fly so that it can be changed when the
temperature changes or if other factors are detected.

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AN4759 Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC

Checking the smooth calibration

The smooth calibration effect on the calendar clock (RTC Clock) can be checked by:
• Calibration using the RTC_CALIB output (512 Hz or 1 Hz).
• Calibration using the sub-second alarms.
• Calibration using the wakeup timer.

1.5 Synchronizing the RTC

The RTC calendar can be synchronized to a more precise clock, “remote clock”, using the
RTC shift feature. After reading the RTC sub-second field, a calculation of the precise offset
between the time being maintained by the remote clock and the RTC can be made. The
RTC can be adjusted by removing this offset with a fine adjustment using the shift register

Figure 11. RTC shift register






It is not possible to check the “Synchronization” Shift function using the RTC_CALIB output
since the shift operation has no impact on the RTC clock, other than adding or subtracting a
few fractions from the calendar counter.

Correcting the RTC calendar time

If the RTC clock is advanced compared to the remote clock by n fractions of seconds, the
offset value must be written in SUBFS, which will be added to the synchronous prescaler’s
counter. As this counter counts down, this operation effectively subtracts from (delays) the
clock by:
Delay (seconds) = SUBFS / (PREDIV_S + 1)
If the RTC is delayed compared to the remote clock by n fractions of seconds, the offset
value can effectively be added to the clock (advancing the clock) when the ADD1S function
is used in conjunction with SUBFS, effectively advancing the clock by:
Advance (seconds) = (1 - (SUBFS / (PREDIV_S + 1))).

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Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC AN4759

1.6 RTC reference clock detection

The reference clock (at 50 Hz or 60 Hz) should have a higher precision than the 32.768 kHz
LSE clock. This is why the RTC provides a reference clock input (RTC_REFIN pin) that can
be used to compensate the imprecision of the calendar frequency (1 Hz).
The RTC_REFIN pin should be configured in input floating mode.
This mechanism enables the calendar to be as precise as the reference clock.
The reference clock detection is enabled by setting REFCKON bit of the RTC_CR register.
When the reference clock detection is enabled, PREDIV_A and PREDIV_S must be set to
their default values: PREDIV_A = 0x007F and PREDIV_S = 0x00FF.
When the reference clock detection is enabled, each 1 Hz clock edge is compared to the
nearest reference clock edge (if one is found within a given time window). In most cases, the
two clock edges are properly aligned. When the 1 Hz clock becomes misaligned due to the
imprecision of the LSE clock, the RTC shifts the 1 Hz clock a bit so that future 1 Hz clock
edges are aligned. The update window is 3 ck_apre periods.
If the reference clock halts, the calendar is updated continuously based solely on the LSE
clock. The RTC then waits for the reference clock using a detection window centered on the
Synchronous Prescaler output clock (ck_spre) edge. The detection window is 7 ck_apre
The reference clock can have a large local deviation (for instance in the range of 500 ppm),
but in the long term it must be much more precise than 32 kHz quartz.
The detection system is used only when the reference clock needs to be detected back after
a loss. As the detection window is a bit larger than the reference clock period, this detection
system brings an uncertainty of 1 ck_ref period (20 ms for a 50 Hz reference clock) because
it is possible to have 2 ck_ref edges in the detection window. Then the update window is
used, which brings no error as it is smaller than the reference clock period.
Assuming that ck_ref is not lost more than once a day. So the total uncertainty per month
would be 20 ms *1* 30 = 0.6 s, which is much less than the uncertainty of a typical quartz
(1.53 minute per month for 35 ppm quartz).

Figure 12. RTC reference clock detection

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AN4759 Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC

Note: The reference clock calibration and the RTC synchronization (shift feature) cannot be used
The reference clock calibration is the best (ensures a high calibrated time) if the 50 Hz is
always available. If the 50 Hz input is lost, the RTC accuracy is provided by the LSE crystal.
The reference clock detection cannot be used in Vbat mode.
The reference clock calibration can only be used if the user provides a precise 50 or 60 Hz

1.7 Time-stamp function

The Time-stamp feature provides the means to automatically save the current calendar.

Figure 13. Time-stamp event procedure

'$7( KRUK 7,0( 6XEVHFRQG

57&B'5 IRUPDW 57&B75 57&B665
:HHN $0


57&B7675 57&B75
2Q7LPH6WDPS 57&B76'5 57&B'5
HYHQW 57&B76665 57&B665

'$7( 7,0( 6XEVHFRQG

57&B76'5 57&B7675 57&B76665
:HHN $0


Provided that the time-stamp function is enabled, the calendar is saved in the time-stamp
registers (RTC_TSTR, RTC_TSDR, RTC_TSSSR) when an internal or external time-stamp
event is detected. When a time-stamp event occurs, the time-stamp flag bit (TSF) in the
RTC_ISR register is set.
The events that can generate a timestamp are:
– An edge detection on the RTC_TS I/O
– A tamper event detection (from all RTC_TAMP I/Os)
– A switch to VBAT when the main supply if powered off (STM32L4x devices only)

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Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC AN4759

Table 9. Time-stamp features

What to do How to do it Comments

Setting the TSE or ITSE bit

Enable Time-stamp ITSE is only available on L4
of RTC_CR register to 1
Detect a time-stamp event by Setting the TSIE bit in the An interrupt is generated when a time-
interrupt RTC_CR register stamp event occurs.
By polling on the time-
Detect a time-stamp event by stamp flags (TSF or To clear the flag, write zero on the TSF
polling ITSF(1)) in the RTC_ISR bit or ITSF.(2)
– To clear the flag, write zero in the
TSOVF bit.
– Time-stamp registers (RTC_TSTR
By checking on the time- and RTC_TSDR, RTC_TSSSR)
Detect a Time-stamp stamp over flow flag maintain the results of the previous
overflow event(3) (TSOVF(4)) in the RTC_ISR event.
register. – If a time-stamp event occurs
immediately after the TSF bit is
supposed to be cleared, then both
TSF and TSOVF bits are set.
1. TSF is set 2 ck_apre cycles after the time-stamp event occurs due to the synchronization
2. To avoid masking a time-stamp event occurring at the same moment, the application must not
write ‘0’ into TSF bit unless it has already read it to‘1’.
3. The time-stamp overflow event is not connected to an interrupt.
4. There is no delay in the setting of TSOVF. This means that if two time-stamp events are close
to each other, TSOVF can be seen as '1' while TSF is still '0'. As a consequence, it is
recommended to poll TSOVF only after TSF has been set.

1.8 RTC tamper detection function

The RTC includes up to 3 tamper detection inputs. The tamper input active level/edge can
be configured and each one has an individual flag (TAMPxF bit in RTC_ISR register).
A tamper detection event generates an interrupt when the TAMPIE or TAMPxIE bit in
RTC_TAMPCR register is set.
The configuration of the tamper filter, “TAMPFLT bits”, defines whether the tamper detection
is activated on edge (set TAMPFLT to “00“), or on level (TAMPFLT must be different from
Note: The number of tamper inputs depends on product packages. Each input has a “TAMPxF”
individual flag in the RTC_TAMP register.

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AN4759 Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC

1.8.1 Edge detection on tamper input

When the TAMPFLT bits are set to zero, the tamper input detection triggers when a rising
edge or a falling edge (depending on the TAMPxTRG bit) is observed on the corresponding
RTC_TAMPx input pin.

Figure 14. Tamper with edge detection




1. If the power consumption is not a concern, the internal 40 kΩ pull-up resistor can be used.
Note: With the edge detection, the sampling and precharge features are deactivated.

Table 10. Tamper features (edge detection)

What to do How to do it Comments

Set the TAMPxE bit of

Enable Tamper -
RTC_TAMPCR register to 1
Select Tamper active edge Select with TAMPxTRG bit
The default edge is rising edge.
detection in RTC_TAMPCR register
Set the TAMPIE or
Detect a Tamper event by An interrupt is generated when a tamper
TAMPxIE bit in the
interrupt detection event occurs.
RTC_TAMPCR register
Poll the time-stamp flag
Detect a Tamper event by To clear the flag, write zero in the
(TAMPxF) in the RTC_ISR
polling TAMPxF bit.

1.8.2 Level detection on tamper input

Setting the tamper filter “TAMPFLT” to a value other than zero means that the tamper input
triggers when a selected level (high or low) is observed on the corresponding RTC_TAMPx
input pin.
A tamper detection event is generated when either 2, 4 or 8 (depending on the TAMPFLT
value) consecutive samples are observed at the selected level.

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Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC AN4759

Figure 15. Tamper with level detection




Using the level detection (tamper filter set to a non-zero value), the tamper input pin can be
precharged by resetting TAMPPUDIS through an internal resistance before sampling its
state. In order to support the different capacitance values, the length of the pulse during
which the internal pull-up is applied can be 1, 2, 4 or 8 RTCCLK cycles.

Figure 16. Tamper sampling with precharge pulse




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Note: When the internal pull-up is not applied, the I/Os Schmitt triggers are disabled in order to
avoid an extra consumption if the tamper switch is open.
The trade-off between the tamper detection latency and the power consumption through the
weak pull-up or external pull-down can be reduced by using a tamper sampling frequency
feature. The tamper sampling frequency is determined by configuring the TAMPFREQ bits
in the RTC_TAMPCR register. When using the LSE at 32768 Hz as the RTC clock source,
the sampling frequency can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 Hz.

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Table 11. Tamper features (level detection)

What to do How to do it Comments

Set the TAMPxE bit of

Enable Tamper -
RTC_TAMPCR register to 1
Configure TAMPFLT bits in
Configure Tamper filter count -
RTC_TAMPCR register

Configure Tamper sampling Configure TAMPFREQ bits Default value is 1Hz

frequency in RTC_TAMPCR register

Configure tamper internal Configure TAMPPUDIS

pull-up and precharge and TAMPPPRCH bits in -
duration RTC_TAMPCR register
Select Tamper active Select with TAMPxTRG bit Edge or Level is depending on tamper
edge/Level detection in RTC_TAMPCR register filter configuration.
Set the TAMPIE or
Detect a Tamper event by An interrupt is generated when tamper
TAMPxIE bit in the
interrupt detection event occurs.
RTC_TAMPCR register
Poll the time-stamp flag
Detect a Tamper event by To clear the flag, write zero in the
(TAMPxF) in the RTC_ISR
polling TAMPxF bit.

1.8.3 Timestamp on tamper detection event

By setting the TAMPTS bit to 1, any tamper event (with edge or level detection) causes a
timestamp to occur. Consequently, the timestamp flag and timestamp overflow flag are set
when the tamper flag is set and work in the same manner as when a normal timestamp
event occurs.
Note: It is not necessary to enable or disable the timestamp function when using this feature.

1.9 Backup registers

The 32-bit backup registers (RTC_BKPxR) are reset when a tamper detection event occurs.
These registers are powered-on by VBAT when VDD is switched off (STM32L4xx devices
only), they are not reset by a system reset, and their contents remain valid when the device
operates in low-power mode.
The 32-bit backup registers (RTC_BKPxR) are not reset if the TAMPxNOERASE bit is set,
or if TAMPxMF (Tamper Mask Flag) is set in the RTC_TAMPCR register. Disabling the
backup register reset feature allows to trigger a LPTIM event from the tamper pin without
erasing the backup registers.This also allows to take benefit of the tamper input digital
filtering, either to generate triggers or to generate interrupts.
Note: The number of backup registers depends on the product. Please refer to Table 13:
Advanced RTC features.

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Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC AN4759

1.10 Alternate function RTC outputs

The RTC peripheral has two outputs:
• RTC_CALIB, used to generate an external clock.
• RTC_ALARM, a unique output resulting from the multiplexing of the RTC alarm and
wakeup events.

1.10.1 RTC_CALIB output

The RTC_CALIB output can be used to generate a 1 Hz or 512 Hz signal and used to
measure the deviation of the RTC clock when compared to a more precise clock.

Setting 512 Hz as the output signal

1. Select LSE at 32768 Hz as RTC clock source.
2. Set the asynchronous prescaler to the default value “128“.
3. Enable the output calibration by setting “COE” to ‘1’.
4. Select 512 Hz as the calibration output by setting COSEL to ‘0’.

Setting 1 Hz as the output signal

1. Select LSE at 32768 Hz as the RTC clock source.
2. Set the asynchronous prescaler to the default value “128“.
3. Set the synchronous prescaler to the default value “256“.
4. Enable the output calibration by setting “COE” to ‘1’.
5. Select 1 Hz as the calibration output by setting COSEL to ‘1’.

Figure 17. RTC_CALIB clock sources

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AN4759 Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC

Maximum and minimum RTC_CALIB 512 Hz output frequency

The RTC_CALIB output can also be used to generate a variable-frequency signal.
Depending on the user application, this signal can play the role of a source clock for an
external device, or be connected to a buzzer to generate sound.
The signal frequency is configured using the 6 LSB bits (PREDIV_A [5:0]) of the
asynchronous prescaler PREDIV_A[6:0].

Table 12. RTC_CALIB output frequency versus clock source

RTC_CALIB output frequency

RTC clock source Minimum Maximum

(PREDIV_A[5:0] = 111 111b) (PREDIV_A[5:0] = 100 000b(1))
(div64) (div32)

HSE_RTC = 1 MHz 15,625 kHz 31.250 kHz

512 Hz
LSE = 32768 Hz 1.024 kHz
(default output frequency)
LSI(2) = 32 kHz 500 Hz 1 kHz
LSI = 37 kHz 578 Hz 1.156 kHz
1. PREDIV_A[5] must be set to ‘1’ to enable the RTC_CALIB output signal generation. If PREDIV_A[5] bit is zero, no signal
is output on RTC_CALIB.
2. For STM32L4xx, LSI = 32 kHz.
3. For STM32L0xx, LSI = 37 kHz.

1.10.2 RTC_ALARM output

The RTC_ALARM output can be connected to the RTC alarm unit A or B to trigger an
external action, or connected to the RTC wakeup unit to wake up an external device.

RTC_ALARM output connected to an RTC alarm unit

When the calendar reaches the alarm A pre-programmed value in the RTC_ALRMAR
register (TC_ALRMBR register for alarm B), the alarm flag ALRAF bit (ALRBF bit), in the
RTC_ISR register, is set to ‘1’. If the alarm A or alarm B flag is routed to the RTC_ALARM
output (RTC_CR_OSEL[1:0] =”01” for alarm A, and RTC_CR_OSEL[1:0] =”10” for alarm B),
this pin is set to VDD or to GND, depending on the polarity selected. The output toggles
when the selected alarm flag is cleared.

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Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC AN4759

Figure 18. Alarm flag routed to RTC_ALARM output










RTC_ALARM output connected to the wakeup unit

When the wakeup downcounting timer reaches 0, the wakeup flag is set to ‘1’. If this flag is
selected as the source for the RTC_ALARM output (OSEL[1:0] bits set to ‘11’ in RTC_CR
register), the output will be set depending on the polarity selected and will remain set as
long as the flag is not cleared.

Figure 19. Periodic wakeup routed to RTC_ALARM pinout




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AN4759 Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC

1.11 RTC security aspects

1.11.1 RTC register write protection

To protect the RTC registers against possible parasitic write accesses after reset, the RTC
registers are automatically locked. They must be unlocked to update the current calendar
time and date.
Writing to the RTC registers is enabled by programming a key in the Write protection
register (RTC_WPR).
The following steps are required to unlock the write protection of the RTC register:
1. Write 0xCA into the RTC_WPR register.
2. Write 0x53 into the RTC_WPR register.
Writing an incorrect key automatically reactivates the RTC register write access protection.

1.11.2 Enter/exit initialization mode

The RTC can operate in two modes:
• Initialization mode, where the counters are stopped.
• Free-running mode, where the counters are running.
The calendar cannot be updated while the counters are running. The RTC must
consequently be switched to the Initialization mode before updating the time and date.
When operating in this mode, the counters are stopped. They start counting from the new
value when the RTC enters the Free-running mode.
The INIT bit of the RTC_ISR register enables the user to switch from one mode to another,
and the INITF bit can be used to check the RTC current mode.
The RTC must be in Initialization mode to program the time and date registers (RTC_TR
and RTC_DR) and the prescalers register (RTC_PRER). This is done by setting the INIT bit
and waiting until the RTC_ISR_INITF flag is set.
To return to the Free-running mode and restart counting, the RTC must exit the Initialization
mode. This is done by resetting the INIT bit.
Only a power-on reset can reset the calendar. A system reset does not affect it but resets
the shadow registers that are read by the application. They are updated again when the
RSF bit is set. After a system reset, the application can check the INITS status flag in the
RTC_ISR register to verify if the calendar is already initialized. This flag is reset when the
calendar year field is set to 0x00 (power-on reset value), meaning that the calendar must be

1.11.3 RTC clock synchronization

When the application reads the calendar, it accesses shadow registers that contain a copy
of the real calendar time and date clocked by the RTC clock (RTCCLK). The RSF bit is set
in the RTC_ISR register each time the calendar time and date shadow registers are updated
with the real calendar value. The copy is performed every two RTCCLK cycles,
synchronized with the system clock (SYSCLK). After a system reset or after exiting the
initialization mode, the application must wait for RSF to be set before reading the calendar
shadow registers.

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Overview of the STM32Lx Series advanced RTC AN4759

When the system is woken up from low-power modes (SYSCLK was off), the application
must first clear the RSF bit, and then wait until it is set again before reading the calendar
registers. This ensures that the value read by the application is the current calendar value,
and not the value before entering the low-power mode.
By setting the “BYPSHAD” bit to ‘1’ in the RTC_CR register, the calendar values are taken
directly from the calendar counters instead of reading the shadow register. In this case, it is
not mandatory to wait for the synchronization time, but the calendar registers consistency
must be checked by the software. The user must read the required calendar field values.
The read operation must then be performed again. The results of the two read sequences
are then compared. If the results match, the read result is correct. If they do not match, the
fields must be read one more time, and the third read result is valid.
Note: After resetting the BYPSHAD bit, the shadow registers may be incorrect until the next
synchronization. In this case, the software should clear the “RSF” bit then wait for the
synchronization (“RSF” should be set) and finally read the shadow registers.

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AN4759 Advanced RTC features

2 Advanced RTC features

Table 13. Advanced RTC features

RTC features STM32L0 Series STM32L4 Series

RTC clock source (LSE, LSI, HSE with prescaler) X X

Asynchronous X (7 bits) X (7 bits)
Synchronous X (15 bits) X (15 bits)
12/24 format X X
Hour, minutes and
Time X X
Sub-second X X
Date X X
Daylight operation X X
Bypass the shadow registers X X
VBAT mode Not available X
Alarm A X X
Alarms available
Alarm B X X
12/24 format X X
Alarm Hour, minutes and
Time X X
Sub-second X X
Date or week day X X
Configurable input mapping X X
Configurable edge detection X X
Configurable Level detection (filtering,
Tamper sampling and precharge configuration on X X
detection tamper input)
3 inputs / 3 inputs /
Number of tamper inputs
3 events 3 events
VBAT mode pins Not available 3 inputs
Configurable input mapping X X(1)
Hours, minutes and
Time seconds

Time Stamp Sub-seconds X X

Date (Day, Month) X X
Time Stamp on tamper detection event X X
Time Stamp on switch to VBAT mode Not available X

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Advanced RTC features AN4759

Table 13. Advanced RTC features (continued)

RTC features STM32L0 Series STM32L4 Series

Alarm event X X
Wakeup event X X
RTC Outputs
512 Hz X X
1 Hz X X

RTC Coarse Calibration Not available(2) Not available(2)

Calibration Smooth Calibration X X
Synchronizing the RTC X X
Reference clock detection X X
Powered-on VBAT Not available X
Reset on a tamper detection X X
registers Reset when Flash readout protection is
Number of backup registers 5 32
1. Thanks to timestamp on tamper event.
2. Obsolete, replaced by smooth calibration.

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AN4759 Reducing power consumption

3 Reducing power consumption

The RTC is designed to minimize the power consumption: the Real-Time Clock functionality
only adds typically 300nA to the current consumption.
The RTC keeps working in reset mode and its registers are only reset by a VDD or VBAT
power-on, if both supplies have previously been powered off. As the RTC register values
are not lost after a system reset, the calendar keeps the correct time and date until VDD and
VBAT power down.
Note: In the STM32L0 Series, the VBAT mode is not available.

3.1 Using the right power reduction mode

Depending on the application constraints, such as the maximum or average current
consumption, the frequency of wake-ups, or alternatively the maximum wake-up time,
several low-power modes can be used.
The RTC peripheral can be active in the following low-power modes:
• Sleep mode
• Low-power Run mode
• Low-power Sleep mode
• Stop0, Stop1 and Stop2 modes if the RTC clock is provided by LSE or LSI(a)
• Standby mode if the RTC clock is provided by LSE or LSI
• Shutdown mode if the RTC clock is provided by LSE(b)
In order to select the most relevant mode, please refer to [5] and [6].

3.2 Use tamper pin internal pull-up resistor

The internal pull-up resistor in the Tamper Input pad is only applied for a short period of time
(1, 2, 4 or 8 RTCCLK cycles) so using the RTC internal pull-up resistor instead of standard
IO pull-up/pull-down or external pull-up/pull-down ensures the lowest power consumption.
The trade-off between the tamper detection latency and the power consumption by the RTC
internal pull-up can be optimized using TAMPFREQ field. It determines the frequency of the
tamper sampling from 128 Hz to 1 Hz when RTCCLK equals 32768 Hz.

a. In the STM32L0 Series, there is a unique Stop mode.

b. In the STM32L0 Series, the Shutdown mode is not available.

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STM32L4 API and application examples AN4759

4 STM32L4 API and application examples

4.1 STM32 Cube firmware libraries

The Real-Time Clock peripheral comes with:
• A firmware driver API abstracting the RTC features for the end-user. Refer to
stm32l4xx_hal_rtc.c and stm32l4xx_hal_rtc_ex.c files in
• A set of example projects so that the user can quickly become familiar with the RTC
peripheral. Refer to the examples in

4.2 STM32 Cube expansion firmware

This application note comes with the X-CUBE-RTC expansion software upon the STM32
Cube firmware libraries.
It shows a concrete example where a real-time clock must be maintained alive while using
as less power as possible. The firmware implements:
– A few hints order to ensure a low current consumption,
– A display in the debugger (date and time, timestamp date and time) and on LEDs
(power up events, reset events, tamper events, error)
– The tampering detection capability both when the main power supply (VDD) is
present and when the RTC is battery powered,
– The ability to timestamp the tampering event,
– The ability to erase the backup registers that may contain sensitive data upon
tamper detection.
The application flowchart is shown in Figure 20

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AN4759 STM32L4 API and application examples

Figure 20. Application example flowchart



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STM32L4 API and application examples AN4759

4.3 Application example project

4.3.1 Hardware Setup

In order to use the application example project, the user needs a STM32L476 evaluation
board (order code: STM32L476G-EVAL).

Figure 21. STM32L476 evaluation board






User LEDs

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AN4759 STM32L4 API and application examples

Supply the board using the USB cable. For this example to work, the user needs to tie PA0
(tamper pin 2) to 0. In order to do that :
• Remove jumper JP7
• Connect CN7 pin 37 to GND.
Note: PC13 (tamper pin 1) connected to the blue push-button was not used in this demonstration
firmware as it is connected to an external pull-down resistor preventing the use of the
tamper detection on level with internal pull-up (lowest consumption mode).
For more information, refer to [3].

4.3.2 Software setup

Open the project under the user’s favorite Integrated development environment. For IAR
EWARM, open the «project.eww» file. For Keil MDK-ARM, open the «project.uvprojx» file.
Compile and launch the debug session. This will load the program in the internal Flash
memory and execute it.
In EWARM debug session, the user can view the calendar and tamper event timestamp
(time and date) by opening a «Live watch» window (View -> Live Watch) and observe the
following global variables:
• aShowTime
• aShowDate
• aShowTimeStampTime
• aShowTimeStampDate
The same observation can be done using Keil/MDK-ARM development tools. To open
"Watch1" window, do View->Watch Windows -> Watch1.

4.3.3 LED meaning

LD1 (Green): Tamper event detected
LD2 (Red): Power-On Reset occurred
LD3 (Red): Error (RTC or RCC configuration error, backup registers not erased)
LD4 (Blue): Reset occurred.

4.3.4 Tampering detection during normal operation

Disconnect the debugger. A Power-On Reset can be generated by removing the JP17
jumper and placing it again on STlk.
Open PA0 (input is now floating), the LD1 lits showing that a tamper event was detected.
Note that the user will observe a long delay (up to 2 seconds) before the tamper event is
detected. This is due to the trade-off in the tamper detection frequency (TAMPFREQ)
chosen which ensures the lowest power consumption.
A reset can be applied by pushing the black reset button. The application is now able the
detect a new tamper event.

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STM32L4 API and application examples AN4759

4.3.5 Tampering detection when main power supply is off

If the user supplies the VBAT pin with the external CR1220 battery (JP12 on BAT position),
the tamper event can be detected even if the main power supply is off. Proceed as follow:
• Remove the JP17 jumper
• Open PA0
• Tie PA0 to GND (this is simulating that the end-user takes care to close the box
containing the electronics before supplying it again)
• Set JP17 on STlk
• The LD1 lits showing that a tamper event was detected during power down
Note that if the user supplies the VBAT pin with 3V (JP12 on VDD position), the RTC is no
longer supplied when the main power supply is switched off. In this case, the application is
no longer able to detect the tampering event while the main power supply is off.

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AN4759 STM32L0 API and application examples

5 STM32L0 API and application examples

5.1 STM32 Cube firmware libraries

The Real-Time Clock peripheral comes with:
• a firmware driver API abstracting RTC features for the end-user. Refer to
stm32l0xx_hal_rtc.c and stm32l0xx_hal_rtc_ex.c files in
• a set of example projects so that the user can quickly become familiar with the RTC
peripheral. Refer to the examples in

5.2 STM32 Cube expansion firmware

This application note comes with the X-CUBE-RTC expansion software upon the STM32
Cube firmware libraries.
It shows a concrete example where a real-time clock must be maintained alive while using
as less power as possible. The firmware implements:
– A few hints order to ensure a low current consumption,
– A display in the debugger (date and time, timestamp date and time) and on a
single LED (power up events, reset events, tamper events, error)
– The tampering detection capability,
– The ability to timestamp the tampering event,
– The ability to erase the backup registers that may contain sensitive data upon
tamper detection.
The application flowchart is shown in Figure 20: Application example flowchart.

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STM32L0 API and application examples AN4759

5.3 Application example project

5.3.1 Hardware setup

In order to use the application example project, the user needs a STM32L053R8 Nucleo
board (order code STM32L053R8-NUCLEO).

Figure 22. STM32L053R8 Nucleo board

Supply the board using the USB cable. In this example, the user uses the B1 push button to
simulate the external tamper event. The user can observe the software "private variables"
on LED LD2 and CN5 Pin 6 (SCK/D13). Details regarding the LED LD2 behavior are
available in main.c file.

Figure 23. LED LD2 behavior






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AN4759 STM32L0 API and application examples

5.3.2 Software setup

Open the project under the user’s favorite integrated development environment. For IAR
EWARM, open the "project.eww" file. For Keil MDK-ARM, open the "project.uvprojx" file.
Compile and launch the debug session. This will load the program in the internal Flash
memory and execute it.
In EWARM debug session, the user can view the calendar and tamper event timestamp
(time and date) by opening a "Live watch" window (View -> Live Watch) and observe the
following global variables:
• aShowTime
• aShowDate
• aShowTimeStampTime
• aShowTimeStampDate
The user can add and follow these "private variables":
• LED1_Green_Tamper_event_detected
• LED2_Red_Power_On_Reset_occurred
• LED3_Red_Error
• LED4_Blue_Reset_occurred
The same observation can be done using Keil/MDK-ARM development tools. To open
"Watch1" window, do View->Watch Windows -> Watch1.

5.3.3 LED meaning.

Only one LED (LD2) is available on the STM43L053R8-Nucleo board. To match with the
STM32L4 examples, described in Section 4: STM32L4 API and application examples,
LED1, LED2, LED3 and LED4 are replaced by 4 integers:
• uint32_t LED1_Green_Tamper_event_detected:
Set when tamper1 event is detected.
Equivalent to LED1_Green in STM32L4 examples.
• uint32_t LED2_Red_Power_On_Reset_occurred:
Set when power-on reset is detected.
Equivalent to LED2_Red in STM32L4 examples.
• uint32_t LED3_Red_Error:
Set in errors cases.
Equivalent to LED3_Red in STM32L4 examples.
• uint32_t LED4_Blue_Reset_occurred:
Set when reset is detected (B2 black push button).
Equivalent to LED4_Blue in STM32L4 examples.

The user can observe these "private variables" using the live watch feature in the debugger.
The user can observe these "private variables" on LED LD2 and CN5 Pin 6 (SCK/D13).
Regarding the LED LD2 behavior, see details in main.c file.

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STM32L0 API and application examples AN4759

5.3.4 Tampering detection during normal operation

Step1: a Power-On-Reset can be generated by disconnecting/connecting the USB cable on

Table 14. Tampering detection status when Power-On-Reset is detected

Meaning Status LED LD2 (Blink)

LED1_Green_Tamper_event_detected 0 OFF
LED2_Red_Power_On_Reset_occurred 1 ON
LED3_Red_Error 0 OFF
LED4_Blue_Reset_occurred 1 ON

Step2: Push B1 to simulate a tamper event.

Table 15. Tampering detection status when tamper event is detected

Meaning Status LED LD2 (Blink)

LED1_Green_Tamper_event_detected 1 ON
LED2_Red_Power_On_Reset_occurred 1 ON
LED3_Red_Error 0 OFF
LED4_Blue_Reset_occurred 1 ON

Step3: Push B2 to simulate a reset.

Table 16. Tampering detection status when reset is detected

Meaning Status LED LD2 (Blink)

LED1_Green_Tamper_event_detected 0 OFF
LED2_Red_Power_On_Reset_occurred 0 OFF
LED3_Red_Error 0 OFF
LED4_Blue_Reset_occurred 1 ON

Step4: Push B1 to simulate a tamper event.

Table 17. Tampering detection status when tamper event is detected

Meaning Status LED LD2 (Blink)

LED1_Green_Tamper_event_detected 1 ON
LED2_Red_Power_On_Reset_occurred 0 OFF
LED3_Red_Error 0 OFF
LED4_Blue_Reset_occurred 1 ON

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AN4759 Reference documentation

6 Reference documentation

[1]. STM32L4x6 advanced ARM®-based 32-bit MCUs reference manual (RM0351)

[2]. Ultra-low-power STM32L0xx advanced ARM®-based 32-bit MCUs reference manuals
(RM0367, RM0376, RM0377)
[3]. Evaluation board with STM32L476ZGT6 MCU user manual (UM1855)
[4]. STM32 Nucleo-64 boards user manual (UM1724)
[5]. Optimizing power and performances with STM32L4 Series microcontrollers application
note (AN4746)
[6]. STM32L0xx ultra-low power features overview application note (AN4445)

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Revision history AN4759

7 Revision history

Table 18. Document revision history

Date Revision Changes

26-May-2016 1 Initial release.

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