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Working with Person with Disabilities

Working with persons with disabilities is a privilege yet challenging. People with
disabilities most of the time get discouraged or underestimated because of their condition.
Some disabilities can affect a person’s ability to perform effectively on their job and they are
numerous and varied. They can be physical or mental to invisible disabilities such as chronic
pain or fatigue. The seven most common disabilities that can affect job performance such as
Low Vision, Blindness, Hearing Impairment, Speech Impairment, Specific Learning Disabilities,
Mobility Impairment, and Health Impairments.

One of the challenges that employers may encounter with working with a person
with disabilities is meeting their needs. Employers must understand and provide support. It is
important to be patient and take the time to learn how to support and guide them. Developing a
relationship with each individual will create a better understanding. It is also important for them
to provide an environment where there is no judgment by creating boundaries it will gain each
other’s rights and privacy. Regardless of the challenges they may encounter, there are still
advantages to working with people with disabilities. People with disabilities often have unique
perspectives and can bring unique ideas to the workplace. They can also help develop the
workplace to have better policies and practices.

Some jobs still consider working with persons with disabilities, but some are not.
Some workplaces have rules, and they provide regulations before they accept the employee. All
of the disabilities that I have mentioned are difficult, but there are other alternatives to perform.
In that way, they can still participate. For instance, for people with Low Vision it may be difficult
for them to do certain tasks but providing large fonts or better lighting will help them do their
work. Blindness, people who are blind can still participate in jobs by audio description. Specific
Learning Disabilities, they may experience difficulties in comprehending information but
accommodating to give them extra time will make it easier for them to do their tasks.

Most importantly, everyone needs to acknowledge each individual’s strengths and

weaknesses. Everyone will experience difficulties; it only depends on us on how we will
overcome our difficult situations. Employers should be aware of everyone’s needs to ensure that
everyone will have the opportunity to succeed in the workplace.

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