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Lightning Web Components!

What is the use of Dev Hub?
Enabling the dev Hub in your org allows for the creation of multiple scratch

What is SLDS?
SLDS is Salesforce Lightning Design System. The Developer Library and
Lightning Web Component are essential resources for those working on
code and design in the Salesforce platform.
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Lightning Web Components!

Explain Data Binding in LWC?

LWC is designed with a one-way data binding approach by default. To

understanding Data Binding we need to understand property and attributes

When we declare a value in JavaScript file, we say it as property.

in the below image greeting is the property which holds text sfdcamplified.
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To access any JavaScript property (in this case – greeting) in template,

surround that property with curly braces - {property}

When we use property in HTML, we call it as attribute.

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If we want based on user input automatically UI gets updated, then

how will we do it in LWC?

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Lightning Web Components!
the answer is Event Listener - we must fire an event and handle that

event to update the code in your controller.


We have defined the function handleChange(event){} in the lightning input

JavaScript File - we are handling onchange HTML event in the javascript

with the function, hence we have written (event) in brackets. Basically

whenever action happens it dispatches an event.

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What is the meaning of this keyword?

Eg - this.firstName =

If property is inside the class, then use this. It specifies the current context.

this.firstName : The variable name which we have defined, we are just

recalling it in the function to assign its changed value. targets element where change is fired

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Lightning Web Components! : This means from the onchange event I want the

targeted value

Meaning, whatever is there in value take that.

What is Conditional Rendering?

If you want to hide some of the components from the HTML and show it

based on conditions, then use conditional rendering.

How to iterate over multiple items in LWC?

To iterate over list we can use two directives



Whenever we use for:each or Iterator we need to use key directive on the

element on which we are doing iteration. Key gives unique id to each item.
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Lightning Web Components!
Remember, without key we cannot do iteration.When a list changes, the

framework uses the key to rerender only the item that changed.

How can you render multiple templates in LWC?

In LWC, we can display multiple templates conditionally based on the

component's state using the if:true directive.

Here's an example of how to display multiple templates in LWC:

<template if:true={showTemplate1}>
<p>This is template 1</p>
<template if:true={showTemplate2}>
<p>This is template 2</p>

In this example, the if:true directive is used to conditionally render each

template based on the
component ‘showTemplate1’ and ‘showTemplate2’ properties. When
the ‘showTemplate1’ property is true, the first template is rendered, and
when the ‘showTemplate2’ property is true, the second template is

Explain Component Communication In LWC?

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Lightning Web Components!
lightning web component can be nested and there are 4 possibilities for

communication between components.

• Parent to child communication

• Child to parent communication

• Communication between two separate components.

• Lightning Web Component to aura component

What is a decorator?

Decorator is a part of ECMA script and is used to add extra functionality in

your function or methods.

• These Decorators dynamically change the functionality of property or


• They are identified with the symbol ‘@’ as prefixed before a method

or a variable name.

• Whenever we want to use any decorator, we must need to explicitly

import it from ‘lwc’

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import {LightningElement, decoratorName} from 'lwc';

There are some built-in decorators provided by LWC that we can use to
define properties and methods in components:

• @api: This annotation is used to define a public property that can be

accessed by other components.
• @wire: This annotation is used to connect a component to an Apex
method or a wire adapter.
• @track: This annotation defines a reactive property that causes the
component to re-render when the property changes.

How to pass data from Parent to child communication?

To pass data down in the component hierarchy, the child component

must declare a public API. There are two forms in the public API of a


• public properties

• public methods

Define parent to child communication using Public Property?

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Lightning Web Components!

If you want to make the property to be called from another component, you

need to declare this property with @api decorator in the calling

component. Along with decoration you have to import this in your js file


import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';

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Along with this, if the value changes on this property, the component will be

re-rendered automatically.

Define parent to child communication using Public Property?

Created a method and used api decorator before it so as to expose it in

parent component.
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Lightning Web Components!
What are lifecycle hooks in Lightning Web Component?

Lightning web components have callback method, that are used to handle

lifecycle of the components. These are called lifecycle hooks. You can

override these hooks to modify the behavior.

Note: All lifecycle hooks are part of HTML custom element specification

except renderedCallback() and errorCallback() which are specific to LWC.

• constructor()

• connectedCallback()

• rendered()

• renderedCallback()

• disconnectedCallback()

• errorCalllbback()

Explain Lifecycle in LWC?

1.Constructor is called
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2.Public property are set on parent

3.Parent is inserted to DOM

4.Once parent is inserted to DOM, Connected callback is called on parent

5.From this connected callback as parent is already inserted, you can

reference different DOM elements.

6.Parent is rendered

7.Once parent is rendered, Constructor is called on the child

8.Public property of child are set

9.Child is inserted to DOM

10.Once child is inserted to DOM, Connected callback is called on child

11.Child is rendered

12.Once child is rendered, rendered callback is called

13.Once child components are rendered on the screen, then parents

rendered callback is called.
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Too hard to remember?

Let's use the Domino's Pizza website scenario to illustrate this in a more
relatable way:

Imagine you're visiting the Domino's Pizza website to order a pizza. The
process you go through on the website is like how components are
rendered in LWC. Here’s how it works:

1. Constructor is called (Parent & Child):

This is like you deciding to order pizza from Domino's and opening their
website. The website's main page (parent) starts loading, and this is
analogous to the constructor method being called. The main page is setting
up resources, initializing state.

2. Public property is set on the parent:

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Lightning Web Components!

Now, the website asks for your location to deliver the pizza. This is like
setting a public property on the parent; the website can't proceed without
this info, much like a component might need input data to function properly.

3. Parent is inserted into the DOM:

With your location set, the website displays the Domino's branch closest to
you along with the menu. This stage is like the parent component being
inserted into the DOM; it's now part of the webpage and you can interact
with it.

4. Connected callback is called on the parent:

As you browse the menu, the website might load special offers based on
your location or previous orders. This is like the connected callback; now
that the parent component is in the DOM, it can handle tasks like loading
data or setting up event listeners.

5. Parent is rendered:

You're now looking at the menu and deciding what pizza to order. The
parent component (the main page) is fully rendered and visible.

6. Constructor is called on the child:

You decide on a pizza and click on it. This action loads a new component:
the pizza customization page. This is like the child component's constructor
being called; the child (pizza customization page) begins its initial setup.

7. Public property of child is set:

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- The customization page knows which pizza you selected and shows
you the correct toppings and price. This is like public property being set on
the child; it needs this data to display the correct information.

8. Child is inserted into the DOM:

You're now viewing the customization options and perhaps choosing

different toppings or a different crust. The child component is now in the

9. Connected callback is called on the child:

As you interact with the options, the page might display calorie counts or
update the price in real-time. This is like the child's connected callback; it
can now react to changes and update itself accordingly.

10. Child is rendered:

You finalize your pizza with your preferred toppings and it's now ready to
be added to the cart. This is like the child component being fully rendered.

11. Rendered callback is called (Child & Parent):

After adding the pizza to your cart, maybe you decide to add a drink too.
The page updates the cart total. This is like the rendered callback; the
components have been rendered and now any post-render activities occur.
First, this happens in the child (updating the cart), then in the parent
(maybe updating the total items in the header's cart icon).
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Lightning Web Components!
💥Crack the Code: 100 Interview Questions on
Lightning Web Components!

Explain Lifecycle hooks with real world example?

let's imagine we're dealing with a "Pizza Tracker" component on the

Domino's Pizza website. This component allows customers to see the real-
time status of their pizza order. Here's how lifecycle hooks would work in
this scenario:

1. Order Initiation (Construction): As soon as you place your order for a

delicious pizza, the "Pizza Tracker" component is created. At this point, the
tracker is like a blank screen ready to display stages like 'Preparing,'
'Baking,' 'Quality Check,' 'Out for Delivery,' and 'Delivered.'

2. Tracker Activation (Connected Callback): The blank "Pizza Tracker" is

now live on your screen, but it hasn't started tracking your order just yet. It's
like having the tracker board up with all the stages, but no progress
indicated. So, the website sends a request to Domino's system asking.

3. Progress Update (Rendered Callback): As the Domino's kitchen gets

busy with your order, the system sends updates back to the "Pizza
Tracker." First, the 'Preparing' stage lights up, followed by 'Baking,' and so
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on. Your screen reflects these updates in real-time, getting you more
excited as the delivery time approaches. If there's a delay or a rush, the
tracker adjusts the progress display accordingly.

4. Unexpected Hiccups (Error Callback): If something goes wrong — let's

say the 'Quality Check' fails, and they decide to remake your pizza — the
tracker might not get the usual progress data. This stage catches such
issues and might display a message like, "Your pizza is being remade to
ensure top quality. Thank you for your patience!" This keeps you informed
and reassured, rather than just seeing the progress halt with no

5. Pizza Arrival (Disconnected Callback): Hooray! Your pizza arrives, you're

ready to eat, and you close the "Pizza Tracker." The tracker understands
that its job is done so it shuts off its lights and goes to rest.

Explain constructor?
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Lightning Web Components!
• Hook that fires when a component instance is created.

• The first statement must be super() with no parameters. This call

establishes the correct prototype chain and value for this. Always call

super before touching this.

• Don’t use a return statement inside the constructor body, unless it is

a simple early-return (return or return this).

• At that point, the component properties won’t be ready yet.

• It flows from parent to child.

Do not assign any property in Constructor because they are not ready at

this point. The flow of Constructor is flows from parent to child. It means if

there are child components in LWC, then first parent constructor will be

called, followed by child constructor.

import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class App extends LightningElement {

constructor() {
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console.log('In Constructor');

What is connectedCallback?

• Fires when a component is inserted into the DOM.

• The component properties will be ready, but the child elements

won’t be yet.

• It can fire more than once. For example, if you remove an element

and then insert it into another position, such as when you reorder a

list, the hook fires several times. If you want code to run one time,

write code to prevent it from running twice.

• It flows from parent to child.

• The equivalent in Aura is the init() event.

import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class App extends LightningElement {

console.log('In connectedCallback');
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What is the use of ConnectedCallback()

We generally use it when we need to do something when the component is

loaded. Example: query some data when the component is loaded.

The execution flow of connectedCallback is parent to child. So we cannot

access child elements in the connectedCallback, because they are not

inserted yet.


<lightning-input label="Name" value={greeting}>

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Lightning Web Components!

import { LightningElement} from 'lwc';

export default class App extends LightningElement {

this.greeting ='sfdcAmplified';

What is render?

• Hook that overrides the standard rendering functionality.

• Gets invoked after connectedCallback() and must return a valid

HTML template.

• It can fire more than once.

• It flows from parent to child.

import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class App extends LightningElement {

console.log('In render');
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What is Use Case of render method?

We have a salesTemplate and on click of which we are able to redirect to

service template.

In this use case we have following file structure:

• salesTemplate.html

• serviceTemplate.html

• salesTemplate.js

What is renderedCallback?

• Fires when a component rendering is done.

• It can fire more than once.

• It flows from child to parent.

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Lightning Web Components!
The renderedCallback() is unique to Lightning Web Components. In simple

words, if you are dealing with nested parent child component,

renderedCallback() method in child component will get fired first.

Note, You can set the properties in renderedCallback but best practice is

do not use renderedCallback() to change the state of a component, such as

loading values or setting properties. Use getters and setters instead.

import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class App extends LightningElement {

console.log('In renderedCallback');

What is Disconnected Callback. How is it used?

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• Fires when a component is removed from the DOM.

• It can fire more than once.

• It flows from parent to child.

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• The equivalent in aura was the unrender() methods of the custom

renderer file.

When this component removed form DOM, it will fire disconnectedCallback

and clear array.

1. Parent is removed from DOM

2. Disconnected Callback is called on parent

3. Child removed from DOM

4. Disconnected Callback on the child is called

import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class App extends LightningElement
console.log('In disconnectedCallback');

What is errorCallback?
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Captures errors that may happen in all the descendant components

lifecycle hooks.

errorCallback(error, stack) {

What is Use of lifecycle hooks?

Dynamic Rendering of Components (using the render hook):

Imagine you’re using Domino’s website to order your pizza. Depending on

the time of day, the website might show you different deals; for example, a

breakfast special if it's morning, a lunch deal around noon, and a dinner

combo in the evening.

What happens in LWC: Here’s where the lifecycle hook comes in. Before

the Domino’s website shows you any deals, it checks the time. Based on

this condition (morning, afternoon, or evening), the lifecycle hook method

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decides which template to load (breakfast, lunch, or dinner deals). So, you

see the most relevant offers when you're browsing, making your

experience smoother and more personalized.

2. Handling Errors Gracefully (using the errorCallback hook):

Let’s say you're tracking your order on the Domino's website, but suddenly

there's a system glitch, and the tracker can't get your pizza's status.

Without proper handling, this could confuse you – you might wonder if your

order got lost or cancelled.

What happens in LWC: This situation is where `errorCallback` plays a

crucial role. Instead of the tracker just freezing or showing a technical error

that might confuse you, the `errorCallback` function steps in. It catches this

issue and could display a friendly message like, "We're currently

experiencing a hiccup in our system, but don’t worry, your pizza is still on

its way!"
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Difference between Render and rendered call back?

In the context of Domino's "Pizza Tracker" example, the `render` and

`renderedCallback` methods in the Lightning Web Component (LWC)

lifecycle have specific roles that help the tracker function properly and

provide real-time updates to the user.

1. render method: This method is a part of the rendering lifecycle and is

responsible for rendering the template of the component. In our "Pizza

Tracker," the `render` method controls what the user sees initially. This

could be the tracker interface with the different stages like 'Preparing,'

'Baking,' 'Quality Check,' 'Out for Delivery,' and 'Delivered,' but with

no active status yet.

- In simpler terms, the `render` method sets up the stage, but the actors

(status indicators) haven't started performing.

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Lightning Web Components!
2. renderedCallback method: This method is invoked after the component

is rendered and whenever it rerenders. Every time there's a new update

from the kitchen about the pizza's status, the `renderedCallback` method

updates the UI to reflect this. So, when your pizza moves from 'Preparing'

to 'Baking,' this method is what updates the tracker on your screen, lighting

up the new status.

- Think of the `renderedCallback` as the stage manager in a play. When a

new scene begins (your order status updates), the stage manager ensures

the correct props are in place and the actors are ready (the tracker reflects

the new status).

In summary, the `render` method sets up the "Pizza Tracker" display, while

the `renderedCallback` ensures this tracker accurately and promptly

reflects each update to your pizza's journey from the oven to your doorstep.
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Lightning Web Components!
In Salesforce's Lightning Web Components (LWC), data from Salesforce is

often retrieved using either the `wire` service or imperative Apex. While

both approaches facilitate communication with the server and can call Apex

methods to retrieve data, they operate differently. Let's use the Domino's

website as an analogy to explain these concepts:

What is difference between wire and imperative in LWC?

1. Wire Service (Automatic and Reactive):

Imagine the Domino's website has a feature where the menu updates

automatically whenever a new pizza is added to their system. You, as a

customer, just open the menu page, and it always shows the current

offerings without needing to refresh the page or click anything.

In LWC: This is similar to the `wire` service. When you "wire" a function or

property, Salesforce automatically listens for changes that affect the data
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and retrieves fresh data when necessary. It's reactive; it updates the

component's data whenever the relevant Salesforce data changes.

import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';

import getPizzas from '@salesforce/apex/Dominos.getPizzas';

export default class PizzaMenu extends LightningElement {

@wire(getPizzas) pizzas;

In this example, `pizzas` gets updated automatically if the data in

Salesforce changes.

2. Imperative Apex (Manual and More Control):

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Lightning Web Components!
Now, imagine you're on Domino’s website, and you see a "Refresh Menu"

button. The menu only updates when you click this button. You have

control over when it happens, and it's not automatic.

In LWC: This is like using imperative Apex. You call Apex methods directly

at the specific times you decide, like in response to a user action (e.g.,

clicking a button), or a lifecycle event, etc.


Reactivity: `wire` is reactive and automatic, while imperative calls are

manual and only happen when specifically invoked.

Control: Imperative calls give you more control over error handling,

complex logic, and can be used for more than just fetching data (e.g.,

sending data, calling multiple methods consecutively, etc.), whereas `wire`

is mainly used for directly wiring data to properties or functions.

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Lightning Web Components!
`wire` is best when data should stay in sync with the server, and imperative

is better when you need more control over when and how data is fetched or


What are Events?

Events are actions that happen in the system we are programming — the

system produces a signal when an event occurs and provides a

mechanism by which action can be automatically taken when the event


For example, in an airport when the runway is clear for a plane to take off,

a signal is communicated to the pilot, and as a result, they commence

piloting the plane.

How to pass data from Child to Parent?

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Lightning Web Components!

Data must be passed up using Events. Events are just standard JavaScript

events that we fire from the child component and listen into the parent.

Note: To communicate down the component containment hierarchy, we

can pass properties to the child via HTML attributes, or public methods.

To communicate down the component hierarchy we don’t need events.

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How do we communicate between different components which don’t

have a relation?

To communicate between two different components that do not have any

direct relation, we use publish-subscribe utility.

What is Difference between event in Aura VS LWC?

Unlike component or application events in Aura , LWC uses Standard

DOM events.

In Aura component, we need to create a separate event file and register

the event, where event is fired.

Moreover, to handle the event, a handler is needed in component

hierarchy. In LWC, registering of events is not required.

Step 1: Create an Event

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new customEvent(eventName, props);

We need custom event to communicate up the component hierarchy.

Step 2: Dispatch an Event

Then, we can make an event target dispatch the created event invoking the

dispatchEvent standard method.

this.dispatchEvent(new customEvent(eventName, props);

Step 3 Handle an Event:

There are two ways to listen to an event.

• Declaratively from the component’s HTML template

• Programmatically using an imperative JavaScript API

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Lightning Web Components!
It’s better to listen from the HTML template since it reduces the amount of

code we need to write. To handle events, define methods in the

component’s JavaScript class

How to attach an Event Listener Declaratively?

Declare the listener in html of parent component

<c-child-component oneventName={listenerHandler}></c-child-
component >

Define the handler function listenerHandler, JavaScript file.


import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class Parent extends LightningElement {
// Code runs when event is received
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What is Event Propagation?

Event propagation is a mechanism that defines how events propagate or

travel through the DOM tree to arrive at its target and what happens to it


What is event bubbling and Capturing?

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Lightning Web Components!
The meaning of bubbling in real life is bubble goes from bottom of glass to

the top of the glass when we pour soda to the glass.

On a web page bubbling means when we have an event on an element,

the execution goes from lowest element to the top.

Example: We click a button; we not only click that button but you actually

clicking parent and its parent all the way to the body.
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What is meaning of bubbles : false and composed : false (Default


• This is the default behavior, and bubbles and composed are not

required to be defined explicitly.

• When this is in effect, the event would not bubble up the DOM, as

well as it would not cross shadow boundary.

• We can listen these event only via defining the event handler to

component that fires the event.

What happens when bubbles : true and composed : false ?

In this behavior, the event bubbles up the DOM, but don’t cross the shadow

boundary. In simple terms, It bubbles up inside the current template, in

which event is fired, but it would not cross it’s boundary.

For example :- There are two component, where parent component contain

child component. If event is fired inside child component, the event only
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bubbles up inside child component, and it would not cross it’s boundary,

and parent component will not be able to listen this event.

How to attach an Event Listener Programmatically?

In this case we will define listener and handler function in the JavaScript file


import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class Parent extends LightningElement {
constructor() {
this.template.addEventListener('listenerHandler', this.handleListener);
handleListener = () => {};

Step 1 – Create event- new customEvent(eventName, props);

Step 2 – dispatch event- this.dispatchEvent(new customEvent(eventName,

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Step 3: Attach Event Listener using addEventListener.

Step 4: Handle the event – Define the handler function

handleCustomEvent in JavaScript file.

Point to Remember: Events Up, Properties Down

In a complex component (one that contains several parent and child

components) we recommend you propagate the event up through the

component hierarchy, so parent components can respond to child

events. If you have other child components (not the one firing the event)

you can pass a property down to those children in response to the event.
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When don’t we need apex to get data from salesforce?

For below three approaches we don’t need to write apex to do get data:

• Use Lightning Data Service to access Salesforce Data

• Use Base Lightning Component to work with Salesforce records.

• Use Wire Service to get Salesforce Data

How to Use Apex to Access Salesforce Data?

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Step 1: call apex Method from apex class into JavaScript

Lightning web components can import methods from Apex classes.

Note: Before you use an Apex method, make sure that there isn’t an easier

way to get the data


import apexMethodName from


Step 2: Call an Apex method as function into Lightning Web


• Wire a property

• Wire a function

• Call a method imperatively

How to Expose Apex Methods to Lightning Web Components?

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To expose an Apex method to a Lightning web component

• method must be static

• method must be either global or public

• Annotate the method with @AuraEnabled

What is the use of Client-Side Caching?

• Annotating the Apex method with @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true)

improves the run time performance.

• To set cacheable=true, a method must only get data, it can’t mutate

(change) data.

• Marking a method as cacheable improves component’s

performance by quickly showing cached data from client-side

storage without waiting for a server trip.

• If the cached data is stale, the framework retrieves the latest data

from the server. Caching is especially beneficial for users on high

latency, slow, or unreliable connections.

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• To use @wire to call an Apex method, you must set cacheable=true

How to Wire an Apex Method to a Property?

If an Apex method is annotated with @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true), we

can invoke it from a component via the wire service.

import apexMethodName from

@wire(apexMethodName,{ apexMethodParams })propertyOrFunction;

• apexMethodName—A symbol that identifies the Apex method.

• apexMethodReference—The name of the Apex method to import.

• Classname—The name of the Apex class.

• Namespace—The namespace of the Salesforce organization.

• apexMethodParams—An object with parameters for the apexMethod,

if needed. If a parameter value is null, the method is called.

• propertyOrFunction—A private property or function that receives the

stream of data from the wire service.

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▪ If a property is decorated with @wire, the results are returned to

the property’s data property or error property.

▪ If a function is decorated with @wire, the results are returned in

an object with a data property or an error property.

Scenario – Get the list of contact records from Salesforce using wire?

• To get contact data, the component wires an Apex method

“getContactList”. The Apex method makes a SOQL query that returns

a list of contacts.

• Method must be static, and global or public. The method must be

decorated with @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true).

public with sharing class ContactMaster {

public static List<Contact> getContactList() {
List<Contact> conList= [SELECT Id, Name, Title, Phone, Email FROM
Contact LIMIT 10];
return conList;
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• The component’s JavaScript code imports the Apex method and

invokes it through the wire service.

• The wire service either gets the list of contacts to the

property, or returns an error to the contacts.error property.

import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';

import getContactList from

export default class contactList extends LightningElement {


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The template uses the if:true directive to check whether the property is true. If it is, it iterates over it and renders the

name of each contact.

<lightning-card title="ApexWireMethodToProperty" icon-
<div class="slds-m-around_medium">
<template if:true={}>
<template for:each={} for:item="contact">
<p key={contact.Id}>{contact.Name}</p>
<template if:true={contacts.error}>
<c-error-panel errors={contacts.error}></c-error-panel>

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Write a scenario to Wire an Apex Method to a Function?


• This component calls the Apex method as


• The method must be static, and global or public. The method must be

decorated with @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true).

public with sharing class ContactMaster {

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public static List<Contact> getContactList() {
List<Contact> conList= [SELECT Id, Name, Title, Phone, Email FROM
Contact LIMIT 10];
return conList;


• The component’s JavaScript code imports the Apex method and

invokes it via the wire service.

• The wire service gets the results to the wiredContacts() function via

an object with either an error or data property.

• If the wire service provisions data, it’s assigned to this.contacts,

which is used in the template.

• If it provisions error, it’s assigned to this.error, which is also used in

the template. If the value of these properties change, the template


import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';

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import getContactList from

export default class contactDisplay extends LightningElement {


wiredContacts({ error, data }) {
if (data) {
console.log('data: ', data);
this.contacts = data;
console.log('this.contacts: ', this.contacts);
this.error = undefined;
console.log('this.error: ', this.error);

} else if (error) {
console.log('error ', error);
this.error = error;
console.log('this.error: ', this.error);
this.contacts = undefined;
console.log('this.contacts : ', this.contacts);

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• The template uses the if:true directive to check for the

JavaScript contacts property. If it exists, it iterates over it and renders

the name of each contact.

• If the error property exists, the component renders <c-error-panel>.

<lightning-card title="Apex Wire Method To Function" icon-
<div class="slds-m-around_medium">
<template if:true={contacts}>
<template for:each={contacts} for:item="contact">
<p key={contact.Id}>{contact.Name}</p>
<template if:true={error}>
<c-error-panel errors={error}></c-error-panel>

Scenario – Find contacts from Salesforce?

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The Apex method “findContacts” takes a string parameter “searchKey” and

returns a list of contacts

public with sharing class ContactMaster {

public static list<Contact> findContacts(String searchKey){
String key = '%' + searchKey + '%';
List<Contact> conlist = [SELECT Id,Name from Contact WHERE
Name LIKE :key LIMIT 10 ];
return conlist;

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The template uses “searchKey” as value in input field

title="Apex Wire Method With Params"
<div class="slds-var-m-around_medium">
<template if:true={}>
<template for:each={} for:item="contact">
<p key={contact.Id}>{contact.Name}</p>
<template if:true={contacts.error}>
<c-error-panel errors={contacts.error}></c-error-panel>


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• JavaScript shows the value of the searchkey parameter with $ to

indicate that it’s dynamic and reactive.

• It references a property of the component instance. If its value

changes, the template rerenders.

import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';

import findContacts from '@salesforce/apex/ContactMaster.findContacts';

export default class ContactDisplaywithParameters extends

LightningElement {

searchKey = '';

@wire(findContacts, { searchKey: '$searchKey' })


handleKeyChange(event) {
const searchValue =;
this.sexarchKey = searchValue;
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How do you create a Lightning App that embeds an LWC

<aura:application extends="force:slds">
<c:myLwcComponent />

In the above snippet, we have the component (myLwcComponent).

Suppose we need to embed this component in the lightning app. So, here
we can use the <c:> syntax used to reference the component within the

How to enable the LWC component cache?

We need to use the @wire decorator with

the getRecord or getListUi wire adapters. These adapters automatically
cache the results of the wire call in the browser's cache, which can help
improve performance.

How do you use the Salesforce REST API in LWC? What are the best
practices for integrating with external systems?

To use the Salesforce REST API in LWC, we can use the built-in fetch
method or a third-party library like axios or jQuery.

import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class MyComponent extends LightningElement {

connectedCallback() {
const endpoint =
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fetch(endpoint, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + authToken
.then(response => {
return response.json();
.then(data => {
.catch(error => {

Can you explain how to use the Lightning Message Service in LWC
and give an example?

To use the Lightning Message Service in LWC, we are required to follow

these steps:

• Define a message channel: A message channel defines the topic

or theme of the messages that will be published and subscribed to.
We can define a message channel using the
“lightning/messageService” module.

import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

import { createMessageChannel } from 'lightning/messageService';
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export default class MyComponent extends LightningElement {

channelName = 'myChannel';

connectedCallback() { = createMessageChannel({
channelName: this.channelName,
isSubscribe: true

Publish a message: After defining a message channel, we can publish

messages on that channel using the publish() method.

import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

import { createMessageChannel, publish } from

export default class MyComponent extends LightningElement {

channelName = 'myChannel';

handleClick() {
const message = {
publish(, message);
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Subscribe to a message: Finally, to receive and act upon messages
published on a message channel, we can use the subscribe() method.

import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

import { createMessageChannel, subscribe } from

export default class MyComponent extends LightningElement {

channelName = 'myChannel';

connectedCallback() { = createMessageChannel({
channelName: this.channelName,
isSubscribe: true

this.subscription = subscribe(,
message => {

disconnectedCallback() {

In this example, we define a method called connectedCallback() that

sets up a subscription to the "myChannel" message channel. When a
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message is received, the console.log() method is called with the recordId
property of the message.

To clean up the subscription when the component is removed from the

DOM, we define a disconnectedCallback() method that unsubscribes
from the channel.

What is the purpose of the Lightning Data Service in LWC?

The purpose of the Lightning Data Service in LWC is to provide a

declarative and efficient way to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update,
Delete) operations on Salesforce records. It is a framework-provided
service that works as a data layer between the LWC component and the
Salesforce database.

What are the benefits of The Lightning Data Service?

• Declarative data binding: With the Lightning Data Service, you can
declaratively bind your component's UI elements to record data
without writing any Apex code or SOQL queries. This simplifies the
code and reduces the development time.
• Caching and automatic record updates: The Lightning Data
Service caches record data locally on the client side and
automatically updates it when changes occur in the database. This
improves performance and reduces the number of round trips to the
• Automatic CRUD operations: The Lightning Data Service provides
a set of methods to create, read, update, and delete records. These
methods are automatically implemented and available for use in
your LWC component.
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• Automatic sharing and field-level security: The Lightning Data
Service automatically enforces sharing rules and field-level
security when reading or modifying records.

What is the role of the Shadow DOM in LWC, and how does it differ
from the traditional DOM?

In LWC, the Shadow DOM is used to encapsulate the component's DOM

hierarchy and prevent CSS styles and JavaScript code from bleeding out
of the component and interfering with the rest of the page.

When we create an LWC component, its HTML template, and CSS styles
are automatically encapsulated in the Shadow DOM. The JavaScript
code can access the Shadow DOM via the “this.template” property,
but it cannot access the rest of the page's DOM directly.

Why do we use $ when passing property in wire function, what does it

$ prefix tells the wire service to treat values passed as a property of the
class and evaluate it as this.propertyName and the property is reactive. If
the property’s value changes, new data is provisioned and the component

@wire(getcoffee,{boatTypeId : ‘$coffeeTypeId})

Is wire method called multiple times during lifecycle of component ?

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What is the difference between event.StopPropogation() and

stopPropagation prevents further propagation of the current event in the
capturing and bubbling phases.

preventDefault prevents the default action the browser makes on that


What are type of Quick actions in LWC?

There are two types of quick actions in LWC :
Screen actions : Normal action which open a modal
Headless actions : Which don’t have any html file rather just logic written in
We mention action type as Screen action or Headless Action in xml file to
define type of action.
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Why do we extend Lightning Element ?

LightningElement is custom wrapper on HTMLElement which actually
contains all the lifecycle hooks methods over which Salesforce did some

If we parent component A and there are two component B and C as

child components. How can we communicate between B and C ?

We should fire up event from child component B to parent A then from A

call attribute / function exposed (as @api) and pass data into C component.

What does composed = true does in an event ?

These types of events can bubble up inside dom and also able to cross
shadow boundary.
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When do I use @track on a property? Do I still need it considering all

properties are by default reactive now?
After Spring 20 all the properties are made by default reactive so we don’t
need @track for primitive properties. We still need it for array or object type

Can I use multiple decorators on one property?

No we cant use multiple decorators on same property.

What is LMS?
LMS is defined as the standard publish-subscribe library that enables
communication with DOM across the components be it Visualforce Pages,
Aura components, and Lightning Web Components (LWC) all can use it to
publish message and listen to messages published by others.

Do we have application events in LWC?

Ans: We dont have application event as such in LWC like Aura rather we
have LMS in LWC to communicate between components which are not part
of same hierarchy.
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How can we navigate user from LWC component to record detail

We can do it using NavigationMixin service

Can I get current user ID in LWC without apex?

Yes we can get current user ID without apex by simply importing
import Id from ‘@salesforce/user/Id’

Can i call function annotated with @AuraEnabled(cacheable= true)

imperatively ?
Ans: Yes

Can we do DML in method annotated with @AuraEnabled(cacheable=

Ans: No we can’t do DML inside any method annotated with cacheable =
true , you will receive an error as DMLLimit Exception.

How to refresh cache when calling method imperatively?

We have to use getRecordNotifyChange(RecordIds) which refreshes the
LDS cache providing you the latest data this will work only if cacheable =
true was there. Otherwise we will have to call the function again from our js
to get the latest data.
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When do we face error of “Cant assign to Read only property” in

This error occurs when you are trying to make changes to a property which
is marked as @api , ideally you should clone the value then make the
changes to it.

How to query all lightning-input , combobox, radio buttons using one

querySelector or do I have to use multiple ?
We can query all of them using one query selector only no need to write
multiple for each tag. We can pass all tags (,) separated to query all.
const allValid = […this.template.querySelectorAll(‘lightning-input,lightning-

(…) spread operator before querySelectorAll because querySelector

returns you the nodelist and using spread operator we convert it to array of
items otherwise we wouldn’t be able to use array functions like map or

How do you handle errors and exceptions in LWC?

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Error handling in LWC can be done using try-catch blocks or by leveraging

the onError lifecycle hook. You can catch exceptions and display
appropriate error messages to the user, ensuring a smooth user experience.


try {

// Code that may throw an exception

} catch (error) {

// Handle the error and display an error message


How do you make an HTTP callout from a Lightning Web Component?

You can use the fetch API to make HTTP callouts in LWC. Import the fetch

method and use it to send requests to external services.

How can you make a Lightning Web Component available for use in

the Salesforce App Builder?

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Lightning Web Components!
You need to define a custom component in the meta.xml file of your LWC

and set the isExposed attribute to true.

What is the purpose of the lightning-record-edit-form component in


lightning-record-edit-form is used to create, view, or edit a record’s fields

using the Salesforce Lightning Data Service.

How can you communicate between sibling components in LWC?

You can use custom events and properties defined in a common parent

component to facilitate communication between sibling components.

What is the role of the lightning/navigation module in LWC?

The lightning/navigation module allows you to navigate users to different

pages within Salesforce, such as records, lists, or custom pages.

How do you unit test a Lightning Web Component?

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You can write unit tests for LWC using Jest framework, which is supported

by Salesforce. Test components, properties, and methods using Jest


How can we track the database changes in the Lightning web

component and refresh UI on data updates?

If we need to track the changes done by Lightning Data Service then we

can use the getRecordChangeNotifiy() function from the LDS.

But If you need to track data changed from other places like Apex Trigger,

Flow, API integrations then we need to use the Change Data Capture

(CDC). Or Platform event.

How to query elements based on a data attribute and its value?

We can query the components if the attribute is defined on the component

like below.
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Also, we can query the component if we need to query the component with

the value of the attribute like this.


You can also pass the string templates to the query selector function.


What is the role of the `lightning-datatable` component in


`lightning-datatable` component is used to display tabular

data in a customizable and user-friendly format. Here's an
1<!-- datatableExample.html -->
3 <lightning-datatable data="{data}" columns="{columns}" key-field="
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1// datatableExample.js
2import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';
4export default class DatatableExample extends LightningElement {
5 data = [
6 { Id: '001', Name: 'Account 1', Industry: 'Finance' },
7 { Id: '002', Name: 'Account 2', Industry: 'Technology' },
8 { Id: '003', Name: 'Account 3', Industry: 'Healthcare' },
9 ];
11 columns = [
12 { label: 'Account Name', fieldName: 'Name', type: 'text' },
13 { label: 'Industry', fieldName: 'Industry', type: 'text' },
14 ];

Scenario: Suppose you have written a LWC which has the @wire
decorator to get the data from apex. But you are unable to get the
data from the server. What could be one of the reason?

check whether you have used cacheable=true along with @AuraEnabled

annotation in the apex method.

How can i reference record ID of page in my component which is fired

from quick action?

To reference the record ID of the page in your Lightning Web Component

(LWC) fired from a Quick Action, you can use
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the `lightning/pageReferenceUtils` module. This module provides utility

functions to extract parameters, including the record ID, from the page

Here's how you can do it:

In your LWC component's JavaScript file (`yourComponent.js`), import

the `lightning/pageReferenceUtils` module.
1import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';
2import { getRecordId } from 'lightning/pageReferenceUtils';
Use the `getRecordId` function to extract the record ID.
1export default class YourComponent extends LightningElement {
2 recordId;
4 connectedCallback() {
5 this.recordId = getRecordId();
6 }
The `getRecordId` function will automatically fetch the record ID of the
page where the component is loaded, regardless of whether it is launched
from a Quick Action or any other context.

Now, the `recordId` property will hold the record ID, and you can use it in
your component's logic as needed.

When you place this component on a record page and trigger it from a
Quick Action, it will automatically fetch and display the record ID of the
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page where the Quick Action is invoked.

Can I call function annotated with @AuraEnabled(cacheable= true)

imperatively ?


How to ensure that your LWC respects FLS?

1. Use Standard Components Where Possible: Use Lightning Data

Service components

like `lightning-record-form`, `lightning-record-view-form`, and `lightning-

record-edit-form`, respect FLS automatically. Whenever possible, use
these components to handle data input/display.

<lightning-record-view-form record-id={recordId} object-api-


<lightning-output-field field-name="Name"></lightning-output-field>

<!-- other fields -->


In this example, FLS is enforced for the "Name" field of the "Account"
object, and if a user doesn't have permission to view the "Name" field, it
won't be displayed.

2. Check FLS in Apex:

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When writing Apex controllers that are called from your LWC, always check
FLS. Use the `SecurityEnforced` annotation.

public with sharing class AccountController {


public static Account getAccount(Id accountId) {

return [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Id = :accountId



The `WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED` clause ensures that the query

respects FLS, throwing an exception if the user lacks the necessary

3. Use Schema Methods in Apex:

Utilize Schema methods in Apex to check if the current user has read,
create, or edit access to a field. This is more manual but allows for fine-
grained control.

public with sharing class SecurityCheck {

public static Boolean isFieldAccessible() {

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return Schema.sObjectType.Account.fields.Name.isAccessible();

Here, `isAccessible()` checks if the current user has read access to the
Account's Name field.

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