Alice Script

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CHESHIRE CAT 1 CHESHIRE CAT 2 CHESHIRE CAT 3 MATHILDA ALICE TALL ALICE SMALL ALICE WHITE RABBIT DOORKNOB DODO BIRD ROCK LOBSTERS TWEEDLE DUM TWEEDLE DEE ROSE PETUNIA LILY VIOLET DAISY CATERPILLAR MAD HATTER MARCH HARE ROYAL CARDSMEN QUEEN OF HEARTS KING OF HEARTS PROLOGUE (LIGHTS UP on a park. CHILDREN of every shape and size play on the most perfect day of the summer, ALICE enters with her sister MATHI 14, who reads aloud from a book, The CHILDREN sing to the audience while ALICE inspects the park with a huge magnifying glass.) DODGSOWLAWD (PT. 7) (AUCE TW WOWDERLIVD/R WORLD OF wy oww) 9 ABOY IN A WHITE VEST puts his hneco watch up to his ear; taps it. Rus to other kids, asking them for the proper time, al ag ns woatch. ASET OF TRIPLETS (three kids all ‘wearing the same horizontal-striped outfit) plays Keep-Awway with another LITTLE BOY'S big red ht. TWO KIDS practice an elaborate handshake, adding more and more Ievels to the standard greeting. Several other KIDS play a game of ROYAL CARDSMEN, like War or Go Fish. [Madeap Js2| 40-19 40 SS —————— One CHILD blows bubbles from a undred-bubble waffle blower, while 4. CHILDREN pop the bubbles. 50-57 (Big Band J-100] SEVERAL GIRLS wearing flowered dresses pick daisies. [Pop, with sass J=140] 58-64 © Disney Alice A BUNCH OF KIDS play a mad 2-3 RED LIGHT. Ring-Around-the-Rosie, spinning in a fast KID, wearing a red circle chain until they all fall down. shirt, acts as the Red Light, spinning i around, trying to catch kids moving.) | [Frantic J= [More frantic 2-160) Fast march J-168| 77-8 85.88 ches —_8 ab 4 ee Z o > Abice in Won-der-land— How do you get to 99 O-ver the hill or un-der land or 102 just be-hind the tree?___ When clouds go - === | = br " f Zz = = = o aed “> roll-ing by they roll a-way and leave the Where is the land bey-ond the eye that people can-not see? TTR Saeed :D LIGHT. ing a red in spinning ids moving.) 99.95 ple can-not see? [Polite march J-106] > Where can it be? (ALICE sneaks up on MATHILDA. She raises the magnifying glass and makes huge, funny faces behind her sister's back.) MATHILDA And during the American Revolution, King George the Third, or Old Mad George, as some have so called him... blah blah blah blah.. (MATHILDA's voice fades out as she continues mouthing the history lesson.) [Easy swing 2-160 ALICE: Cats and rab-bits would re- side in fancy lit-tle houses and be dressed in shoesand hats and trousers ALL: world of your own. MATHILDA .. and he was so angry at General George Washington, that he made all his own royal soldiers dress in bright red uniforms that... blah blah blah blah... “Alice in Wonderland JR. Stucent Book iM — All the , SSS aa Would have ver - y ex-tza speccia 139 ye ae & 2 == z # Sei They could sit and talk to me for i a 2 ho-urs When I’m _lone-| na world of your [March J-106] [rif. ae 145-153, 154.155 Gin 5 o MATHILDA and of course these bright red uniforms made them look just like giant walking lobsters that went (looking up into ALICE's huge face) Feeeek!!! taking the magnifying glass away from ALICE) Alice, honestly, when are you ever going to grow up? ALICE Look, Mathilda, I'm a lion! Roooarrrrrr!! (ALICE slinks through the grass, pretending to be a lioness.) MATHILDA Alice, you're just a silly little girl pretending to be a lion. Remember what the Immortal Bard said: "To thine own self be true." Oh, let me find that book and I'll show you. ALICE: \Il the (MATHILDA searches for The Complete Works of Shakespeare while ALICE gets comfy on the grass.) DODGSOWILAWD (PT. 7) extra spe-cial (CAUCE TW WOWDERLAWD/ A WOWLD OF WY OWW) Swing 4-160] ALICE: alk to. me for T Books are boring! I would rather live my life ex- | ; = ploring, Like Co-lum-bus: on a voy-age, tour - ing. world of your 158-159 through a world of her own MATHILDA Columbus discovered the New World, What are you going to look just like | discover except more trouble, just like you always do... 10-12 No more trouble, For the ness.) © Disney great-est prob-lem would be things a child could un-der- ‘ = Gi oe = fla = i — 25 pik ae al eS = S55 oe © ¥ = = MATHILDA: Well, Miss Columbus, just remember to look before you leap, ‘so you don’t get hurt searching for your little wonderland. 26 (Suddenly dreamy J=160 —————— — e A Poe land! Life could be a Won-der - a 4, — 4 ; u a ——S Life could be a won-der land! —— i Now, getting back to Mad King George, wail, let me find the page. tice: (yawn)..yes, a wonderland thats all my own where - (yawn)... anythingis.. (yawn)... possible... zzzzzzz. ——=— —= ==! ! 2 re = Z =o decide tees set Life could bea Wonder- 8 SS Life could be a wonder - land! (iin Woerana TR— Sudan BOOK) Life could be a wondei ——= = Life could be a wonder - land! a wonder... jg (AS ALICE fils asleep, the CHILDREN turn into WONDERLAND CHARACTERS) = Just re = mem-ber “Look out be-fore you leap." It’s a - der - you leap, world of wonders; The memor-ies are yours to keep. [Swing J-160 2 Won-der - won-der-land, Where is the path to the page won-der-land? O-ver the hill or here or there? @ Wonder - “Alice in Wonderland JR_— Student Book iP (The CHESHIRE CAT enters with a stage mand and flashes a big smile.) er's clipboard CHESHIRE CAT 1 Alice is about to discover that Wonderland is nothing like she expected! CHESHIRE CAT 2 It's a land filled with racing Lobsters, singing Flowers, painting Cards and even a Cheshire Cat, that's me! CHESHIRE CAT 3 He means us. But I— CHESHIRE CAT 1 Meaning me— CHESHIRE CAT 3 That is, we— CHESH CAT 1 Come in later. First— CHESHIRE CAT 2 Alice meets a pallid, long-eared, carrot-munching quadruped known only as, CHESHIRE CAT 1,2,3 The White Rabbit! (The CHESHIRE CAT gestures offstage, setting up a big entrance Nothing. They look at each other and throw a huge smil audience.) CHESHIRE CAT 1 Ahem, I saaiiidd, first she meets, CHESHIRE CAT 1,2,3 The White Rabbit! | | | (Nothing. We hear crickets chirping.) CHESHIRE CAT 2 ‘Oh, he's always late. CHESHIRE CAT 3 (pelling offstage) Yo, White Rabbit, you're on! (The WHITE RABBIT runs on, dressed in a white vest and carrying a big pocket watch. ALICE wakes up and sees him.) WHITE RABBIT Oh dear! ALICE How cool is that! I wonder what's the right thing to say to a talking rabbit? WHITE RABBIT Oh dear, dear, dear! ALICE What's up, doc? No, huh? Uhm, I mean... hi, my name is— Did You Know? 2122} BuILO>YUO},, PueLePUON Aousiq payeuilue ue Ut 424s 03,221, UOR; au) se paounouue y>ea aiam siaGoy 196! Arey sivas alaow snowiey ‘sawn 1UEI2WIp, pue padoyanap sem spreogAsoys Jo 425 IU JayOUR EFGL UL Pur “EB UI Asays ap inyineag jo sauas & paye21> [eH PIA’ ‘wy yyBuaf|iny e se puopepuoy ul 224 0} apesap 2 uel aJ0U 12A0 siduiaye jeianas sig EM ‘Alice in Wonderland /R.— Student Book. SS @ 4 Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, — no! Oh, no! I'm ” & 4 3 om . late, Fim late No ood - bye” Hel-lo! I'm late! Ym late! I'm SS hep 1 wish that 1 could == dan-ger if I © Disney eis ae ~ (Oh, no! I'm Tate, I'm rab -bit late! I'm here's the rea-son why: We know! You're late. We: why are you still here? ‘I'll nev-er make it now, I fear... You're late! You're late! tice: But where are you running to? wotrre RaBerT: Well, since you asked, you see, the Queen of Hearts is 49.53 throwing this. 5 ALL: He's got to go! I think my wateh is . ? wound it up, but now it’s wound, It (CHESHIRE CAT 5 mmekes a fanny idk - img sound. Tick tock, tit — rath-er like thanks to that have to run When I'd pre-fer to “Alice in Wonderland IR. — Student book ee + | mn SS SS S554) Bee wen He really hates trash ash rach It | n 6 i a ss uo 6 = Ee makes him aw - fly diz-2y But sill its al - ways wr : ee mush mush mush It hap - pens when you're busy! —= v 19 SS . ad ee Yes! Yes! ind ew con guess No a St 3 Bus-y SS == & time to el You're late! You're late! You're Tie den @ ‘uriouser and curiouser! Hadn't you better be going, then? wattre RaBerr: (appearing to cain down) I don’t believe I've explained myself quite fully. (In Gilbert and Sullivan) You have! You have! ‘wire RABBIT: Please be quiet: Time is of the essence! Polite J-123] [Crazed J-138] 87-93 time is real-ly flying by; We must be hav-ing fun now there's no de - ny-ing... Why, have-n't yet be - must -n't stay. There must be no de - == lay. And now you must be on your way. I'm Now don’t for - get to write; We know your sched - ule’s ‘Alice in Wonderland JR Stuient Book 2 Sj == SH SS f SS SS SS | we. (—— oar = 3 a oT q | (realizing the time) (scurries of then | _— pokes his hi k | = = x = ] — x at e Late! What?!?t be there and te! Late! off then his nend back) bi37 \ U (shouting him off YOU'RE LATE!!! (The WHITE RABBIT jumps into a rabbit hole. ALICE follows him but stops short of the hole.) CHESHIRE CAT 1 Alice followed the White Rabbit to the edge of the Rabbit Hole. ALICE Should I or shouldn't I? You know what they say: "If you don't explore, you'll never discover." But my sister Mathilda always says, "Look before you leap." Well, I'm looking and it looks pretty deep and dark and I can't see the bottom and maybe it goes all the way to the center of the earth and I'll be burnt to a crisp in the molten core like the bad marshmallow we've all heard so much about! (pause) Or not. (pause) Ok, | looked. Now it's time to leap! (ALICE jumps down the rabbit hole and falls a long way. Her dress acts as a parachute.) CHESHIRE CAT 1 Alice jumped into the dark rabbit hole— CHESHIRE CAT 2 And fell for what seemed like three and a half weeks. CHESHIRE CAT 3 More like four and a quarter. CHESHIRE CAT 2 She fell and fell and fell. ESHIRE CAT 1 But she wasn't alone! (As ALICE falls through the dark, WONDERLAND CHARACTERS fall past her and offer advice.) ‘Alice in Wonderland JR. Student Book. e my- self js ver-y good ad-vice But I ver-y sel-dom fe ‘CHORUS: es ots z fol-low it Trou - ble that T 63S That ex-plains the trou-ble that you're al-ways ou're al - ways in ver - y good ad-vice, But _— the But you'll ICE 50] ALICE: the change should some - thing strange be - yer-y sel-dom you're al-ways Should some - thing strange be ALICE: mee Im s know right from wrong cHoRus: And you have the best in-ten-tions ife should be such a mer-ry song But there ALICE: “Alice n Wonderland JR. Stucent Book. chorus: = But you sel-dom i ms eS Seas i give my-self ver-y good ad-vice SS fol- low it =. the things she () should? MAD HATTER The price of your hat is not always the measure of your brain. QUEEN OF HEARTS Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it DODO BI Necessity is the mother of invention ROSE Beauty without virtue is a flower without perfume WHITE RABBIT Tempus fugits! Don't worry, be happy ® 46-52 rf ee cHorus: y ver-y sel-dom 1 give myself very good ad-vice But you ver-y seldom follow it Will she ev-er learn ALICE: to Will I ev-er learn ;-er learn to ae ©. big fall-off =I do the things—— she should?. _ to do the things 1 Abbht. yur brain, (ALICE lands, at first daintly, but then with a big thud, on her bottom.) CHESHIRE CAT 1 Finally... CHESHIRE CAT 3 Alice landed... CHESHIRE CAT 2 Right in front of a little door, “Alice in Wonderland, SCENE 2 ALICE This is where the White Rabbit went. Ihave to get in. (ALICE tugs on the DOORKNOB, which yelps in pain.) DOORKNOB w! Leggo my schnazzola already! Yeeoooww ALICE Oh, I'm sorry. I have to find the White Rabbit. DOORKNOB Who taught you to go around pulling on people's proboscises. es5e5s... $5. ALICE You're not a person, you're a piece of housing material. DOORKNOB Well, doorknobs have feelings too. ALICE I'm very sorry I pulled on your proboscis, but I have to find the White Rabbit. | DOORKNOB You're far too big to enter Wonderland, ALICE Oh no, no! But I just have to get in, I just have to! (ALICE starts to cry.) DOORKNOB Don't cry, please don't cry. Maybe if you drank some of the magic potion in that convenient, floating-nearby bottle, you might fit in. (CHESHIRE CAT 2 brings out a bottle with a large label that says "DRINK ME" and floats it in front of ALICE.) ALICE Remember, Alice: Look before you leap. I really don't know what's in this bottle, but it looks so pretty. But it could be poison, or mayonnaise, or floor polish, or a frothy combination of all three! But I have to find the White Rabbit. Oh well, if you don't explore, you'll never discover. Bottom's up! Fant T= Sea (ALICE drinks from the bottle. Instantly, she shrinks in size. SMALL ALICE replaces ALICE.) CHESHIRE CAT 1 With one gulp of that drink, Alice shrank to three inches tall! CHESHIRE CAT 2 You mean three inches short. CHESHIRE CAT 3 It was a very tall three inches. SMALL ALICE Oh, look at me. I'm the right size! DOORKNOB I believe someone forgot about the key waaaaaay up there on that shelf, (CHESHIRE CAT 3 stands on a chair, holding up a key.) SMALL ALICE Now I'm too small to reach the key! Oh no, no, no. (ALICE starts to cry again.) DOORKNOB Please try to suppress your emotional outbursts. Have a cookie, (CHESHIRE CAT 2 reveals a big cookie jar labeled "EAT ME" to SMALL ALICE.) SMALL ALICE ‘Well, it looks delicious. But how do I know what's in it? Don't be silly, Alice - what harm can one cookie do? (SMALL ALICE takes a bite and starts to grow. TALL ALICE replaces SMALL ALICE.) CHESHIRE CAT 1 Alice grew so big with just one tiny bite. CHESHIRE CAT 2 ‘That she filled the entire room. ‘TALL ALICE Now I'm too big! “licen Wonderland JR. Student Book Gam DOORKNOB Sorry kid, you'll never fit in Wonderland now. Try Pittsburgh. TALL ALICE But I want to see the White Rabbit. (ALICE cries and cries and cries.) CHESHIRE CAT 1 Alice cried and cried and cried and cried— CHESHIRE CAT 2 And cried and cried and cried and cried— CHESHIRE CAT 3 And cried and cried and cried and cried CHESHIRE CAT 1,2,3 Until the entire room was filled with an ocean of tears! What should I do? DOORKNOB Hurry, take another drink from the bottle. It's our only hope! (CHESHIRE CAT 1 runs the bottle over to TALL ALICE. She drinks it down and is replaced by SMALL ALICE, who starts swimming.) CHESHIRE CAT 1 Alice shrank back down and swam into the ocean of tears— CHESHIRE CAT 2 Doing the backstroke through the keyhole— CHESHIRE CAT 3 And swam all the way to Wonderland! (As SMALL ALICE swims, the WONDERLAND CHARACTERS swim by her. ROCK LOBSTERS row the DODO BIRD in a boat.) OCEAW OF TEAWS spurgh. vis Mysterious Js [aunty J=110| 1617 Dopo BIRD: | monarch of the sea, The ru-ler of — the queen’s Na - 29 ROCK LOBSTERS: | vy. We sail the o-cean blue, and our sau-cy ship’s a beau-ty, We are lob -sters brave and y hope! | She | starts | | true and at - ten - tive... | i as — | © Disney | ACTERS ita boat.) DO BIRD (to the ROCK LOBSTERS). Stroke, you hard-shelled crust and eat you for brunch! (SMALL ALICE lands on the shore and joins the ROCK LOBSTERS and WALKING FISH and other CREATURES gather in a circle.) SMALL ALICE sans! Stroke or I'll boil some butter as they Yech, I'm all wet! Anybody got a towel? A blow dryer? An extra pinafore? DODO BIRD My dear young damsel, the only way to get yourself dry in Wonderland is to initiate an officially sanctioned Caucus Race! Dopo BIRD: J Ev-'ry-bod-y take your place be creatures: [if] SS e fore we start the caucus race. 8 Faster J-100] == =— E SSS] o SI os feet and fins, soon the race be - gins 5 Don- key and el-e-phant in the rain - = lect to race ‘til Dopo BIRD: when you hear them sneeze and © Disney == SS cough, They're GROUP 1: putter off! GROUP 2: (Cough!) e For- ward, back-ward, in - 27 long as you don’t e might wear 31 ver, no one ce “ti (CREATURES: Prizes, (Sneeze!) out priz-es, ® GROUP 2: GROUP 1: (Cough!) They're off? Sneeze!) ovo BIRD: They're off! ward, out-ward, bot-tom to the top, ‘SMALL ALICE: no dif-f'rence where = you run as SMALL CREATURES: ALICE = stop. Nev-er an-y fin - ish line You CREATURES: your shoes! But when the race is ‘SMALL ALICE: Dopo rep: | accel. ev-er seems to lose, Priz-es! [Faster J=110 priz-es! For - ward, back - ward, in - ‘ice in Wonderland JR Student Book ward, out-ward, bot-tom to the top, ning there = = oe Started it to - mor - row but we'll fin-ish yes-ter-day. we go Un Round and round — and round out-ward, come and join the chase Noth - ing could be than a jol GROUP 1: GROUP 2: Jol-ly cau - Jol-ly cau - -free and gay Jol - ly cau-cus race! (ALL collapse in a heap. The WHITE RABBIT runs on.) SCENE 3 “W YATE (reese) yes ter-day. [Hurried 1-152] Vm re be - hind p| ver-y im-por-tant date! Dack-ward, in- cHorus: lo," Good - bye! He's late! © Disney ‘Alice in Wonderland JR. Student Book (The WHITE RABBIT runs off.) SMALL ALIC Oh, Mr. Rabbit, wait up! Wait for me! (SMALL ALICE pulls herself fiee from the mad dance and chases after the WHITE RABBIT.) DODO BIRD But my dear, come back — you're a natural! And you forgot your Gold Medal Flour winner's cookie! (The DODO BIRD hands SMALL ALICE a cookie.) SMALL ALICE Thanks! After all that swimming and racing, I could use a pick-me-up! (SMALL ALICE nibbles the cookie. MEDIUM ALICE replaces her.) CHE Alice took a bite of that cooki SHIRE CAT 3 CHESHIRE CAT 2 And grew back to her regular size ALICE Curlouser and curiouser CHESHIRE CAT 1 Alice decided to go with the flow. ALIC Totally cool! CHESHIRE CAT 2 And chased after the White Rabbit— CHESHIRE CAT 3 But ran into Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum— CHESHIRE CAT Literally (ALICE bowls into TWEEDLE DEE and FWEEDLE DUM - identical oddballs — and all three fall down.) ALI Oh, I'm sorry! ot your Gold a pick-me-up! laces her.) M ~ identical TWEEDLE DUM Oh, how do you do, Sorry! I'm Tweedle Dum. TWEEDLE DEE And I'm Tweedle Dee. I've never met anyone named Sorry before. (ALICE and the TWEEDLES shake hands at the same time in a confusing, elaborate handshake.) ALICE Oh, I'm sorry, but I'm not Sorry. I'm sorry. TWEEDLE DEE. Oh, how do you do! _ I'm Tweedle Dee. TWEEDLE DUM. No, I'm Tweedle Dee. (ALICE and the TWEEDLES shake hands.) TWEEDLE DEE. No, I'm Tweedle Dee. You're Tweedle Dum. TWEEDLE DUM Oh, am I? I'm sorry. TWEEDLE DEE, What a coincidence! So is she! TWEEDLE DUM (to ALICE) Are we related?! ALICE, I'm sorry? TWEEDLE DUM. Oh, how do you do! I'm Tweedle Dum. TWEEDLE DEE Then I must be Tweedle Dee. (ALICE and the TWEEDLES shake hands.) ALICE Don't you know who you are? TWEEDLE DUM Well, there's no need to attack us! @ TWEEDLE DEE Yes, we've only just met! ALICE I thought you knew each other, I'm sorry Oh, how do you do? I'm Tweedle Dum. WEEDLE DEE. And I'm Tweedle Dee (ALICE and the TWEEDLES shake hands.) ALICE And I'm out of here! It's been fun, but I have to find the White Rabbit, (ALICE tries to leave.) TWEEDLE DUM Meeting and running ain't very polite TWEEDLE DEE Don't you have no couth? TWEEDLE DUM There's a right way— And a wrong way To do things! Can you think of other stories where humans and animals can talk with each other? nosay ay UOBDIC 5,a}q “yoo ay] aiuuyyy ‘oj21apUry Tera T ce) Wow D’‘YE DO AWD SWAWE WAWDS [Dumdeedum J=n6| 19 When first you meet. a gen-tle-man of, TWEEDLE DEE: cal - i-ber and class, You don’t just meet and ‘TWEEDLES: run, my dear; That's cal - lous, coarse and crass! So- ‘TWEEDLE DUM: ci-e-ty has set the rules by which we all must play. So ‘TWEEDLE ELE [molto rail. listen while we spell them out you'll be dis-tin - jolly J=136 ‘TWEEDLES: “How do you do?” and shake hands, shake hands, “How do you do?” and shake hands, State your name and © Disney “Alice in Wonderland JR. — Student Book tice: Well, that's just. TWEEDLE DUM: Ah, ah, ab. auice: (resigned) How do you do? TWEEDLE DEE: Excellent, excellent And... (ALICE offers her hand.) 39 TWEEDLES: (delighted) Perfect! . 40-41 2 229 TWEEDL 2S SS — 8 +t bus - ‘ness. If k eee i man - nets could pre = vail, (And you do not act like i, TWEEDLES: — i SSS SS SS pig!) [snort] [snort] The probJems that the world presents mig ALICE: 5 = sS=75 in = $> 2 SSS not seem quite so big. A bow or curtsey (more or less) — — —} 5 ey brighten up the day, And if you know what fork to use. — = + es ae oat 5 : id TR Sta BOK) um 4.-116| ‘TWEEDLES: If jot act like a d presents might ——. ye or less) can fork to use... (ALICE maneuvers so that the TWEEDLES shake each other's hans in various combinations and positions.) n [fotly 36] “How do you do?” and shake hands, ALICE: ‘TWEEDLES: ALL: shake hands, shake hands, “How do you do?” and 18 81-82 shake hands, State your name and bus-‘ness. How do you do! (The TWEEDLES end the song tied-up in an elaborate hand- shake knot.) TWEEDLE DUM Uh oh. I think we're stuck. TWEEDLE DEE How déclassé. Now what do we do? ALICE I believe it's proper to start with an introduction. Tweedie Dum, meet Tweedle Dee. Tweedle Dee, meet Tweedle Dum “Alice in Wonderland Tweedle Dum? I'm Tweedle Dee. Oh, how do you do, IWEEDLE DEE L beg to differ, but I believe I'm Tweedle Dee Tv But if you're Tweedle Dee, then I'n mean I'm shaking my own hand EDLE DUM m Tweedle Dum and that would 'WEEDLE DEF But you're shaking my hand. So you must be Tweedie Dee Oh dear! SS = “Vow do you do?” and shake hands, shake hands, How do you do?” and — shake hands, State your name — and © Disney Gin would i) (ALICE tiptoes away as the TWEEDLES exit in their continuous greeting.) CHESHIRE CAT 3 Alice left the Tweedles to sort out their late-onset identity crisis and acute co-dependency— CHESHIRE CAT 1 And chased after the White Rabbit. CHESHIRE CAT 2 She trailed him through the woods to his house— CHESHIRE CAT 3 (like a real-estate agent) A comfy little velveteen 2-up, 3-down, one-man-on-third, A-frame, watership-down hideaway warren just perfect for such an innnnteresting rabbit. ALICE Oh there you are. My name is— oh, wait (extending her hand in greeting) Tmean, how do you do, my name is— WHITE RABBIT Mary Anne, Mary Anne, hurry, I can't find my gloves— ALICE But my name isn't— WHITE RABBIT Mary Anne, Ginger, Gilligan, I don't care what your name is, don't argue with me, you're making me later than I already am. Hurry hurry my gloves, somewhere in my house, I'm late!!! (ALICE runs insidle, looks arourul inside the WHITE RABBIT's house.) ALICE Mary Anne? 1 should think I know my own name! Boy, I never knew rabbits could be so pushy. Next I'll be taking orders from my pet iguana. (CHESHIRE CAT 1 reveals the cookie jar.) Oh look, another coo! notice. I really shouldn't, but he'll never even ‘Alice in Wonderland JR. = Student BOOK (ALICE eats the cookie and spins offstage.) CHESHIRE CAT 2 Famous last words. CHESHIRE CAT 3 Alice took one bite and grew as big as a house. CHESHIRE CAT 1 The White Rabbit's house to be exact CHESHIRE CAT 2 Her arms and legs stuck out the windows and doors. CHESHIRE CAT And the roof sat on the top of her head! TALL ALICE enters wearing the house like a dress and the roof as @ hat.) TALL ALICE Oh, no. I can't go out in public in this house dress. I've got to do something, WHITE RABBIT Help help there's a monster in my house! And I'm late TALL ALICE I'm not a monster, I'm a little girl. Okay, a very big little girl VHITE RABBIT Help help there's a very big little girl in my house, And I'm still late! (DODO BIRD, ROCK LOBSTER and the other SEA CREATURES n on, stand back and look up in awe at TALL ALICE wearing iouse.) DODO BIRD Whoa! Love the hat I'm late! Help me! Help me! DODC Thave the answer! CHESHIRE ( (to the audience) And there was much rejoicing! the roof got to do ALL Yea! DODO BIRD We'll burn the house down! ‘WHITE RABBIT, TALL ALICE Nooooo! DODO BIRD Hurry up now, gather the wood. Anybody got a light? I'm all out. TALL ALICE Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with matches? WHITE RABBIT Just hurry!!! Pleeeease!!! I'm— ALL Late. We know. ‘TALL ALICE Oh dear, I better do something fast. Maybe if | eat one of those carrots growing in the rabbit's garden! (CHESHIRE CAT 2 holds up a bunch of carrots. TALL ALICE igrabs one and eats it fast.) (CHESHIRE CAT 1 When Alice ate that carrot, can you guess what happened? CHESHIRE CAT 2 ‘That's right! CHESHIRE CAT 3 Cue Small Alice! SCENE 4 (SMALL ALICE replaces TALL ALICE and runs away into the garden.) CHESHIRE CAT 1 Alice ran away through the blades of grass and explored the jungles of. CHESHIRE CAT (like a horror movie) ‘The Garden! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! SMALL AL Up, down, big, small — no matter how hard I try, I never seem to fit in! ROSE Up, down— Big, small— PETUNIA, DAISY, VIOLET Inever seem to fit iiiiiiin. Feuuuuummumumumuue! (The FLOWERS laugh with major attitude.) SMALL ALICE Oh how pretty you all are! (snottily) We know! Right, Daisy? That's right, Rosey. VIOLET Everybody loves us because w FLOWERS The Girls of the Golden Afternoon. The Golden Afternoon? What's that? UL It's the name of our very exclusive garden club, right Petunia? Totally affirmative, Lily. If you want to be cool, you have to be one of us! ROSE No one gets in unless we say And we don't let in just anyone ® | FLOWERS ger seem £0 fit | Mm, mm, mm! | TWE GOLIDEW AFTERWOOW [Spectoral girl-group Lid FLOWERS: Rose and Vi-o-let got in last Sep - tem-ber, and Pe - tu-nia made the cut in June. eas-y to be- come a mem-ber of the “Gol-den AF - ter - noon.” noon, “Golden Af - ter - Ev-‘ty day you have to preen and — prune If you want to keep your stem and © Disney “Alice in Wonderand JR. — Student Book — eo “Golden Af - ter-noon. mee arr gas tye: af - ter PETUNIA: we're swarmed by DAISY: ¥ weeds that we've ex ote VIOLET: = cluded are the Thistle! bow in tune Flowers: Eewuuuu! A noon! Oh, we Sy ae by wan-na bees, ig =e the weeds we Redgerow! as: Eeuuuu! If you learn this Oth-er - wise you're just a dried wall - flow-er to the “Gol - den AF - ter = ~— noon!” AF = ter ~ noon, af - ter - noon, af ~- ter - noon! SMALL ALICE Oh, I wish I could be just like you! LILY Keep dreaming, crabgrass! PETUNIA You're just a silly little uncool weed. SMALL ALICE I'm not a weed. I'm a little girl ROSE Violet, she says she's a little girl! FLOWERS Eeeceuuuuuuuuuu! VIOLET Whatever! PETUNIA You're way too uncool to become a Girl of the Golden Afternoon SMALL ALICE, You wouldn't talk to me like that if I weren't three inches tall. ROSE (cackling) But you are, Alice, you are three inches tall! “Alice in Wonderland JR. — Student Book LILY Beat it slug, before you wind up on the bottom of somebody's shoe DAISEY Look girls, 1 think she has bugs! FLOWERS Eeeeeeeeeeuuuuuu! (The FLOWERS laugh at SMALL ALICE as she stomps away.) SMALL ALICE (Oh, they make me so mad! They think they can be mean to me just because I'm smaller than they are. (The CATERPILLAR enters, blowing bubbles.) CATERPILLAR Oh, don't let those dried out little annuals get you down, kid. SMALL ALICE I wish | could be as pretty as they are, then life would be so easy CATERPILLAR sweetiepie, lambchop, honeydew — they're just gonna wind up sitting around in somebody's imitation cut glass vase for three days 'til the} wither and die, then it's "thanks a lot" and out with the garbage! But enough about them. Whoooos, pray tell, are youuuuuuu? SMALL ALICE My name is Alice, Whooo, pray tell, are youuuu? CATERPILLAR 1am whoever you want me to be, if I, in fact, am indeed whoever | say | am or someday hope to be. You dig? Uhm, no. Yes CATERPILLAR (snaps his fingers) I'm the Caterpillar, kiddo, your wonder of wonders, your miracle of miracles, your happy, happy day! SMALL ALICE Oh, I'm so confused. Nothing makes any sense here. Life can be so re only three inches tall. hard when you' TN snebodly’s shoe. ps away.) mean to me just own, kid, d be so easy. awind up sitting jee days 'til they the garbage! But auuu? leed whoever I Our miracle of life can be so @ \TERPILLAR Alice, the caterpillars gonna share two magical, hyphenated little words with you, guaranteed to make even your very worst day simply absolutely fabulous! Ready? SMALL ALICE Ready. CATERPILLAR Repeat after me: Zip-a-dee-doo-dah— SMALL ALICE Zip-a-dee-doo-dah— CATERPILLAR Zip-a-dee-ay! SMALL ALICE Zip-a-dee-ay. Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay! CATERPILLAR You've been holding out on me! Hit it! other stories where the ‘ter or characters journey gic portal to another world? Wodg pup sqoUYypag ‘yIooqOL WoIDYY BY UD YPM 2uyR “UOT ay 'Z0 JO puozIM aUL CATERPILLAR: This is just the kind of day you dream about: When you o-pen up your mouth, a song pops out! — eee == —— SS Zip - a-dee doo - dah Zip-a-dee- ay oh osm a won - der - ful day! be SS SF = = SS ty of sun - shine head-ing my way, 15 os f Fs == = Hey” 5 — a Zip-adee doo - dah —Zip-a-dee-ay © Disney SMALL ALIC But what does it mean? AW : CATERPILLAR Thave no idea, but it sure makes you feel good when you say it! Now you try! ‘bout: When you Zip-a-dee doo - dah Zip-a-dee-ay My, oh my,— what & 24 s out! won - dar ful day! Plen - ty of sun - shine head-ing my way, Zip - a-dee doo - dah 28 CATERPILLAR: Zip - adee-ay — Mis-ter_ Bub - bles on my CATERPILLAR: shoul “der. Wes the truth! I's. acctual. >s2 s —- Ev-ty-thing is sat - is - fac-tual. Zip - a-dee doo - dah Zip-adeeay Wonderful feel - ing, — won-derful day! CATERPILLAR You see? SMALL ALICE 1 do feel a little better. CATERPILLAR A little better? Girl, you got to try! SMALL 37.39 7 CATERPILLAR: ALICE: CATERPILLAR: wb : SS i —— = Peet = © = Now say, “Zip.” Zip. No, (alittle more) MALL ALICE: __ CATERPILLAR: CATERPILLAR: —— St = Zip! Zip. C'mon, Zip! Zip!! Yeah! 44 fg Zip!!! Zip!!! That's it, say zip zip Zip-a-deedoo 16 4 CATERPILLAR ALL: __ CATERPILLAR: oes = SSS ES ~ ~ aa aL acca x xX rm ‘ = — =F Zip-adee doo - dah day—— I say zip zip Zipadeedah Now, thas the doo - dah _—_ way Doo Doo - dah, — doo-dah Doo - Serre eed TeECee Tee TEECaETTE | @ 30 As ALL: | a | dah, doo - dah Doo - dah, — doo- dah 31 CATERPILLAR: ALL: o Doo - dah, doo - dah Doo - dah, doo - dah ALL E; CATERPILLAR: oe © eel Zip-a-dee doo - dah day Oh, Zip-adee doo - dah Zip. CATERPILLAR: SF : Zip-a-dee-ay My, oh my,—what a won-der - ful day! ip vy Yy, Ny y! Mieedoo Plen = ty of sun head -ing CATERPILLAR: lah Now, Won-derful feel - ing, a-wuh awuh awuh awuh a wuh wuh — woh wuh won der-ful day! CATERPILLAR: ai SSS Zip - a - dee doo - dah day! Zip! Eas ie © “Alice in Wonderland JR. Student Book. (The CATERPILLAR sprouts big butterfly wings and flies away fiom the rest of his body.) DEE-DOO-DAW "(Pt AY OFF) =5S Ss=s5 Zip zip zip-a-dee-doo _—_Zip-a-dee-doo-dah-day —_Doo- GROUP 2: Group ah, doo - dah, Doo doo-dah, Doo - GROUP 2: a dah, doo-dah, Doo - dah, doo-dah. © Disney ‘alc in Wonderland JR. NYC Workshop SMALL ALICE You're a butterfly!! CATERPILLAR Just getting in touch with my Inner Fabulousity, kiddo, and so can you! SMALL ALICE But what should I do? CATERPILLAR Be yourself and be happy! SMALL ALICE No, I mean about being three inches tall! CATERPILLAR You wanna grow big and strong, you gotta eat the right foods. Try one of these magic cookies. Simply deee-lectible! Hasta la vista, baby! (The CATERPILLAR/BUTTERELY flies away. The CHESHIRE CAT reveals the cookie jar.) CHESHIRE CAT 1 As the Caterpillar-slash-Butterfly flapped away, Alice ate the magic cookie. (SMALL ALICE pulls out a cookie and takes a bite. CHESHIRE CAT 3 Uh oh, CHESHIRE CAT 2 ‘Cue Medium Alice! (ALICE replaces SMALL ALICE.) SCENE 5 CHESHIRE CAT 1 Alice grew back to a more medium size, but she was still confused. ALICE I'm so confused! CHESHIRE CAT 2 Until she meets me. mderland JR. Student BOOK CHESHIRE CAT 1 CHESHIRE CAT 3 We! CHESHIRE CAT I~ We are the Cheshire Cat. Aloha, Alice. ALICE Oh how do you do? I have a cat named Dinah just like you. HESHIRE CAT 2 Oh, really? CHESHIRE CAT 3 Just like us, huh? CHESHIRE CAT 1,2,3 Can Dinah stand on her head like this? (The CHESHIRE CAT rearranges his body parts, so he is standing on his own head.) ALIC No, I'm sure she can't. Though I'm not sure of anything anymore. I'm not even sure of who | am. I thought Wonderland would be everything I always dreamed about, but everyone wants me to be something else! CHESHIRE CAT 1 Somebody having a bad day? ALIC Maybe the White Rabbit can help me, but I can't find him anywhere. CHESHIRE CAT You might ask the Mad Hatter CHESHIRE He knows where everything is. CHESHIRE CAT Trouble is, he keeps it all under his hat. ALICE A Mad Hatter? I don't want to make anyone mad. CHESHIRE CAT 1,2,3 Haven't you noticed we're all a little mad? (CHESHIRE CAT 2 and 3 disappear, leaving only the floating smile.) Why, | myself am not all here! 1 ry the Red Zinger ~ does wonderful things for growing pains. ke you. (ALICE stumbles upon a Mad Tea Party attended by the MAD HATTER, MARCH HARE and other WONDERLAND CHARACTERS. They are playing Musical Chairs.) (PT. 7) iis Mad 210] rit.] [Slower J-140] [accel. MAD HATTER: is — A ver-y mer-ry un - ing anymore. om cHorus: diwould be his me to be F vee birth-day to you! To you! A ver-y mer-ry un- oe MAD HATTER: [Je25 lim anywhere. birth-day to you! To you! Its great to drink to chorus: some-one and I guess that you will — do. A (shouting to the one left Standing) ver-y mer-ry un - bitth-day to © Disney ALIC Oh excuse me, I didn't mean to crash your birthday party MARCH HARE it’s not a birthday party, it's an unbirthday party ALICE An unbirthday party? MAD HATTER Well, you only have one birthday each year, but you have 364 unbirthdays! ALL Happy Unbirthday! TWE UWB" CS a eo birthday to $ite= ay = birthday to If there areno ob CHORUS: PE jections let it be un-an-i - mous; A ver-y mer) un- © Disney Bak) @ varty. 23 (Shouting to the two left standing) birthday tous! Out! Outtt! 27.33 [Move 2-154] [Slower J-165 aurce: [accel. have 364 A ver-y merry un - birthday to 38 ‘CHORUS: ALICE: CHORUS: os sOWG me! To who? To me! Oh, you. A ver-y merry un - birthday to 42 ALICE: CHORUS: ALICE: CHORUS: 256] accel. mt you! Who me? Yes, you. I see. Let’s all congra-tu - late ourselves: an- er-y merry un - oth-er cup of — teal A ver-y merty un - birthday to 7 ver-y merry un- bee (to three more unlucky chairless ones) we. Oui! Oui! Out! Out! Out! there areno ob - MAD HATTER: We ought to throw a par-ty to a Ver-y merry un- “Alice in Wonderland JR. ~ Student Book CHORUS: MARCH Harel ver-y special party... You mean? Guess ALICE: ae = t hate to be specéfic but this girl is terrific. You aS SSS do! This dam-sel is so wonder-ful, let's e 69 GROUP 1: GROUP 2: ee a | ov f =e A ver-y merry un - birthday GROUP 1: avery very merry un... verry ver-y merry un4 (at) birth - day 3 3 - you to you to you to you to you to you to [aa] (The WONDERLAND CHARACTE! ALICE out of her chair, and she loses.) Out!!! ——= ys: MARCH HARI | B=Se4 ALICE I 7 Fino? Say, where I come from we play by the rules! : (accel. MAD HATTER a Yes, but rules can be so limiting. = a MARCH HARE, | mean? We It's so much more fun to make up your own rules, ALICE == a But if everyone makes up their own rules, how do you know if you're playing the game right? treat her roy-al - MAD HATTER Well, that's part of the game, I guess. = ———— (The WHITE RABBIT enters, late as usual.) ver-y merry un- ALICE Oh, it's the White Rabbit! Hi, Mr. Rabbit, it's me, it's— UP 2: a VW LATE (werwrse) y very merry un - accel. [Harried 7-156 warTe I'm late, Tm late, for a you to you to ) CHARACTERS cheat ver-y im-por-tant date! No time to say, “Good - ‘ond she loses.) 0 WHITE WHITE cHorus: RABBIT: chorus: RABBIT: bye” Hel-lo! He's late! Tm late He's late! rm e © Disney “Alice in Wonderland JR. Student Book wurre raserr: Oh my will you Jook at the time! “ chorus: [ntempo cHorus eSSS5— Fi jy late, You're. Late MAD HATTER Did you say you were late? ALIC Only 354 times, Not that anyone's counting. WHITE RABBIT ing the MAD HATTER his pocket watch) (show See? MAD HATTER Well, your watch is slow, silly. Here, let me fix it for you (The MAD HATTER grabs the watch. He and the other WONDERLAND CHARACTERS huddle over it like surgeons over i a patient, The CHESHIRE CAT makes the sound of a heart monitor beeping.) Scalpel! MARCH HARE, Scalpel! Scalpel!!! MAD HATTER Forceps! MARCH HARE Forceps! ALL Forceps!!! MAD HATTER Axel Gre: Axel Grease! Seen BOOK ALL Axel Grease!!! MAD HATTER Peanut butter! WHITE RABBIT. Peanut butter?!? MARCH HARE Crunchy or smooth?! MAD HATTER Hurry, we're losing him! WHITE RABBIT Oh no no no! MAD HATTER Bring me the liverwurst! ‘- MARCH HARE , The liverwurst!! useons over heart ALL The liverwurstll! CHESHIRE CAT 1, 2, 3 (like Groucho Marx) ‘This is the worst liver I've ever seen! MAD HATTER (like a mad scientist) Live, live, I command you to liiiive (The CHESHIRE CAT makes the flatline sound: the watch is dead!) Oooops. You might want to get a new watch. ALICE Oh no, you broke it! MAD HATTER I know! Wasn't it fun? Let's do it again! WHITE RABBIT Oh noooo! Now I'll never get there on time! 1 Wonderland JR. Stucent Book Gino Sa (The WHITE RABBIT runs away. The party keeps going. ALICE ‘grabs the watch from the table.) Hey, wait, you forgot your watch! (ALICE puts the watch in her pocket, and runs after the WHITE RABBIT) CHESHIRE CAT 1 Alice ran after the White Rabbit, but he was nowhere to be found. ALICE Wonderland is too crazy for me. The rules keep changing and no one can tell me why. I want to go home, where I know I fit in no matter what size | am. If] can just find my way. CHESHIRE CAT 1 But Alice - in Wonderland, there's only the Queen's way. ALICE But I've never even met a queen Then this is your lucky day CHESHIRE CAT 3 You're going to meet the biggest Queen of all! CHESHIRE CAT 2 This way to the Royal Rose Garden. (The CHESHIRE CAT leads ALICE to the Royal Rose Garden.) CHESHIRE CAT 1 Cue the Royal Cardsmen! Royal Cardsmen, you're on deck! (ROYAL CARDSMEN race on with paint buckets.) GOR) PAIWTIVG TWE ut WOSES WED 3” y, os [Martial J=120 5 CARDSMEN: ping. ALICE Painting the ros-es red, We're painting the ros-es he WHITE > to be found. red. We dare not stop Or waste a drop so let the paint be aging and no ow [fit in no spread. Wé're painting the ros-es red, We're painting the ros-es way. 20 ONE: Two: > = red Gh, Painting the ros-es red and 26: THREE: FOUR: 2 # man-y a tear we shed be - cause we know they'll 29 CARDSMEN: Garden.) 2 = e cease to grow in fact they'll soon be — dead. and n deck! a - head painting the ros - es yet we go © Disney Group 2: a = Paint - ing ALICE: ——. == == =r Painting the ros-es (CARDSMEN:) red, they're song) -don me but thought that it was right (#hd We But Mis - ter Three why must you paint them SS at had-n’t e-ven come up-on this SS now we're in a pick-le For the Tempo” 54 ‘CARDSMEN: ¢ = Ee 2 | eG =o 2 56 TOYA mind is fick-le And it tured out that we were wrong. The Queen she likes ‘em red and_ if she saw white in- stead she'd raise a fuss and each of us would quickly lose his ALICE: CARDSMEN: head Oh my! Since this is a thought we dread GROUP 4: you paint them = painting the ros-es red. GROUP 2: White ‘cause w ee “+ le ‘cause we rae painting the ros-es Painting rosé, eo ie up-on this Painting the ros-es red, We're painting the ros - es Painting the ros - es For the “Alice in Wonderland JR. Student Book — == _SS= =e] tell the Queen what you have seen or SS f SS painting the ros-es red, red, Se z 22 say that’s whi painting the ros - es —— S45 oe say that’s what we re painting the ros-es red, GROUP 1: not pink, not green, not a-qua marine, 86 GROUP 2: eS SSS painting the ros-es, painting the ros - es, painting Sil (The WHITE RABBIT runs on, blasting a trumpet. ALL snap to attention.) TER. Attention, attention, inhabitants and subjects and all other direct or indirect objects of Wonderland: fall to your knees and tremble before her majestic majesty, her royal regality, yes, folks, your favorite monarch of mean and mine, The One, The Only, Queen of Hearts!! SSSa you have seen or @ ros-es red, e rs-es red, GROUP 1: ——— Ee — Ess painting the ro - dttemble before favorite of Heartslt! (The KING OF HEARTS pokes around the curtain.) KING OF HEARTS And, uhm, well, let's not forget the King of Hearts. WHITE RABBIT Oh yeah, him too. (Much hubbub and shuffling of ROYAL CARDSMEN as they fall to their knees. Like Godzilla arriving in Tokyo, the QUEEN OF HEARTS stomps onstage.) PAIVTIWG TWE WOSES WED (wrrvwise) [Furious J-130 [Heavy J=120] queen OF HEARTS: Who's been painting my ro-ses ” ; QUEEN = OF HEARTS: red? Who's been painting her ro - ses réd? Who dares to taint with vulgar paint the roy-al flower bed? For > painting my ros-es red, someone will lose his 28 20F 3 OF cuue: DIAMONps: head! Your maj-es-ty, please! It’s all his fault... Not © Disney “Alice i Wonderland JR Student Book QUEEN Ace OF HEARTS: SPAG eee ee eee the Ace! The Ace! You? It was you! g QUEEN 20F IEARTS: Lugs: ae Deuce, you say? Not me, the Tres! That's enough nu - mer-ical stuff! E - nough of your scarlets arf SSS crimson ver-mil-lions and roug-es and cher-ries and reds! Off with your go-ing to lose your heads, You're go-ing to lose your heads) bp = E SS SS For painting the ros - es red! twas you! Oh sear-lets and a tempo reds!__ @ (The CHESHIRE CAT stands behind ALICE and nudges her forward. The QUEEN OF HEARTS turns her attention to ALICI who curtsies in fear.) QUEEN OF HEARTS And just what do we have here, hmmmmm? ALICE I believe you mean "whom do we have here." CHESHIRE CAT 2 And there was much hubbub. ROYAL CARDSMEN Hubbub, hubbub, hubbub! QUEEN OF HEARTS (bellowing) Silence! We speak the Queen's English here, you nameless little whelp! ALICE Yes, your Loudness. I mean your Largeness. I mean your Highness! And my name is Alice. ROYAL CARDSMEN (asping) Alice!? ALICE Yes, Alice. I think, At least it was when I got here. QUEEN OF HEARTS That's impossible, everyone knows Alice doesn't live here anymore! ALICE Okay, well, uhm, that works, too, because all | want to do is get out of here and find my way back home. ROYAL CARDSMEN (gasping) Her way home?!? QUEEN OF HEARTS Your way home?? You'll find my way home or we'll cut off your head! You'll be who I say you are and no one else, do you understand? “Alice in Wonderland JR. Student Book ALICE Oh, nothing makes sense here! QUEEN OF HEARTS And don't you forget it. Now, before you go anywhere, you'll have to beat me in Wonderland's favorite pastime. CHESHIRE CAT 3 And there was much rejoicing. ROYAL CARDSMEN Yea! ALICE Wonderland!s favorite pastime? (The CHESHIRE CAT whispers in ALICE's ear, gesturing wildly. ALICE gives the CHESHIRE CAT the thumbs up.) Well, Your Majesty, I bet you probably want to play a game of croquet using upside-down flamingos instead of croquet mallets, right? QUEEN OF HEARTS My dear young girl, croquet is so nineteenth-century. (to ALICE) Sorry. QUEEN OF HEARTS I want to play Simon Says! ALICE ‘simon Says? ROYAL CARDSMEN Simon Says!!! WHITE RABBIT All Royal for the royal tournament of Sim! Because the Queen says so, that (The ROYAL CARDSMEN and ALICE follow the QUEEN's commands.) SIWOW SHYS (Pr. 1) you'll have Strong Jay Slowly, deliberate J-<3] QUEEN OF HEARTS: Si-mon says, “curt-sey.” 8 # = = 2 = a ea ¢ wildly. Si-mon says, “bow.” Si- mon says, “gen-uflect.” 10 ame of et mallets, Si-mon says, “me-ow.” Si-mon says, “swim up-stream.” B A eS SS e Si - mon says, “think about what I'm say - ing.” Si- mon says, “scream.” Si-mon says, “grov-el at my ‘queen: Now stand up! (All but ALICE stand up.) Ididn’t say “Simon Says!” Off with their heads! Is [J=170] [J-230] of Simon Says! SS SS N's feet like spine-less dogs.” © Disney “Alice in Wonderland JR. — Student Book QUEEN OF HEARTS Now stand up. (All but ALICE stand up.) Oh, | didn't say Simon Saysil!!_ Off with their heads!!! (The CHESHIRE CAT leads the ROYAL CARDSMEN offstag I see you've played this game before. ALICE Oh, I love Simon Says QUEEN OF HEARTS (with cunning) But does Simon love you, I wonder? Simon Says stand up. Time for the Lightning Round! SIWOW SRYS (Pr. 7) (The pace is much faster. ALICE keeps up like a pro.) QUEEN OF HEARTS: Si - mon says, “hop on one leg.” 3 - =. o Si-mon says, “do jump-ing jacks.” Si-mon says, “leap like a frog.” = Si-mon says, “scream with no sound.” Si-mon says, “tap dance.” © Disney (Ge Wonerland R= Seen Woo) iiup. Time for 18 QUEEN OF HEARTS: Stand up. = Si- mon says, “sit onthe ground.” {ALL stand except ALICE. Simon says, “hold one foot behind ‘The CROWD gasps.) your back and wave your arms and Simon says, “stand up.” __sing at the top of your lungs.” rer [Annoying J. (QUEEN OF HEARTS: Oh, I loathe that song! Stop singing, before my ears explode! ALICE: Paint-ing the ro -ses red, paint-ing the ro-ses red, We (The QUEEN OF HEARTS holds her head in pain.) My anvils, my stirrups! dare not stop or waste a drop so let the paint be spread! We're (bellowing) Did you hear me? I said stop that singing! paint-ing the ro - ses red! © We're _paint-ing the ro - ses, Royal Cardsmen, drag her away!!! paint-ing the ro-ses, paint-ing the ro-ses, paint-ing the ro - ses, (The ROYAL CARDSMEN try to drag ALICE azny...) paint-ing the ro - ses, paint-ing the 10 - ses, “Alice In Wonderland JR. Student Book

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