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Part 3- Biology Paper 1

Infection and Response

Application Questions

AQA Biology (8461) from 2016 Topic B4.3 Infection and response
Topic Student Checklist R A G
Explain what a pathogen is and how pathogens are spread (inc how viruses, bacteria, protists and fungi
are spread in animals and plants)
Explain how pathogenic bacteria and viruses cause damage in the body
Explain how the spread of diseases can be reduced or prevented
Describe measles, HIV and tobacco mosaic virus as examples of viral pathogens
4.3.1 Communicable diseases

Describe salmonella food poisoning and gonorrhoea as examples of bacterial pathogens

Describe the signs, transmission and treatment of rose black spot infection in plants as an example of
fungal pathogens
Describe the symptoms, transmission and control of malaria, including knowledge of the mosquito vector
as an example of a protists pathogen
Describe defences that stop pathogens entering the human body (inc skin, nose, trachea & windpipe,
Recall the role of the immune system
Describe how white blood cells destroy pathogens
Describe how vaccination works, including at the population level
Explain how antibiotics and painkillers are used to treat diseases, including their limitations
Describe how sources for drugs have changed over time and give some examples
Describe how new drugs are tested, including pre-clinical testing and clinical trials (inc double blind trials
and placebos)

A Infection and Response part 1 – Communicable diseases (viral, bacterial, fungal and

1. Tuberculosis (TB) is a communicable disease caused by a bacterium. TB is spread by droplets in the air when an

infected person sneezes or coughs.

a) Suggest which organ will be infected first when a person contracts TB. (1)


b) Explain why people who live in densely populated areas are more likely to be infected with tuberculosis than

people who live in less densely populated areas. (3)




c) Give reasons why a person infected by a very small number of TB bacteria may not actually develop the disease.





2. Polio is a communicable disease caused by a virus. It can cause irreversible paralysis which often leads to death.

The following data shows the number of cases reported and deaths in the UK.

Year Total cases of Polio reported Total deaths due to Polio

1959 1028 87

1960 378 46

1965 91 19

1968 24 15

1975 3 18

1985 4 29

1990 1 1

1996 1 1

a) Use the graph paper and a suitable method to display the data relating to deaths from polio using the table. (4)
(Remember to add labels)

b) Calculate the percentage decrease in deaths from 1959 to 1975. (2)

Give your answer to 2 significant figures.

Show your working:


c) Suggest an explanation for the fall in the number of cases between 1959 and 1960 (1)




d) Suggest why there are more deaths than reported cases in some years. (1)



3. Measles is a highly infectious viral disease which can be fatal. Children are normally vaccinated at 1 year of age
and then again at 3 years 4 months of age.

a) Explain how the disease spreads from one person to another. (2)

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b) Suggest 2 explanations why children need a follow up vaccination at 3 years 4 months of age. (2)




4. Explain why plants with Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) usually have stunted growth. (2)





5. Smoking can cause diseases such as cancer. Explain why this is not a communicable disease. (2)





6. Extended response question:

A group of Year 12 students are going from a school in the UK to Central Africa. They have purchased insecticide

treated malaria nets. Explain why these nets are more effective than non- insecticide nets.

Suggest what other control measures should be put in place and why they reduce the chance of becoming

seriously ill with malaria. (6)













B. Infection and response part 1b - Human defence systems, Vaccination, Antibiotics and


1. The Andaman Islands of India are very remote and remain untouched by modern civilization.
A British expedition visited in order to carry out a survey of the islands. In a strategy to try and demonstrate
friendliness, the expedition kidnapped an elderly couple and 4 children. The prisoners were taken to the mainland
and given lots of food and gifts. After a couple of days, the prisoners were taken back to the Islands and released
with gifts for the tribe.

The British expedition team was accused of starting a measles outbreak amongst the Andamese people. The
outbreak killed the elderly couple and left many others very ill. Nobody on the expedition team was ill.

Explain how this could be possible.





2. The measles vaccine is now combined with that for two other serious diseases - mumps and rubella. This is called
the MMR vaccine. Measles can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia, blindness, miscarriage in
pregnant women and inflammation of the brain (encephalitis).

The table below shows the risk of a complication occurring in children who have had the MMR vaccine and in

unvaccinated children who get infected with measles.

Statistical Risk associated with Statistical Risk associated with

the MMR vaccine a measles infection
Diarrhoea 0 1 in 6 people

Ear Infection 0 1 in 20 people

Pneumonia 0 1 in 25 people

Fits (convulsions) 1 in 1000 people 1 in 200 people

Meningitis/encephalitis 1 in 100 000 people 1 in 1000 people

Severe allergic reaction 1 in 24 000 people 0

Death 0 1 in 5000 people

Serious brain complications 0 1 in 8000 people

Using the information from the table above and your own knowledge, describe the benefits to the individual,

family and wider community of a parental decision to vaccinate their child and suggest why some parents may

decide not to vaccinate their child. (5)














3. The sketch graph shows the rate of antibodies production when a person becomes infected with the chicken pox
virus. Annotate the graph below to describe what is occurring at each of the 4 stages of the immune response to
the pathogen. (5)

4. Extended response question: D

A salmon farm uses large quantities of antibiotics to increase fish production. Large numbers of salmon of similar
ages are kept together in tanks

Describe the economic benefits and costs of this approach. (6)


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