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Sheet 2

1. Assuming ideal op amps, find the voltage gain vo ⁄v1 and input resistance
R in of each of the circuits in Fig.1

2. You are provided with an ideal op amp and three 10- kΩ resistors.
Using series and parallel resistor combinations, how many different
inverting-amplifier circuit topologies are possible? What is the voltage
gain and the input resistances in each case?

3. For the circuit in Fig. 2, assuming an ideal op amp, find the currents
through all branches and the voltages at all nodes.


4. The circuit in Fig.3 can be considered

(a) Find the resistances looking into node 1, R1; node 2,R2; node 3,
R3; and node 4, R4.
(b) Find the currents I1, I2, I3, and I4, in terms of the input current I.
(c) Find the voltages at nodes 1, 2, 3, and 4, that is, V1, V2,V3, and
V4 in terms of (IR).
Fig 3
5. A weighted summer circuit using an ideal op amp has three inputs using
100-kΩ resistors and a feedback resistor of 50 kΩ. A signal v1 is
connected to two of the inputs while a signal v2 is connected to the
third. Express vO in terms of v1 and v2. If v1 = 2 V and v2 = –2 V, what is
6. Derive an expression for the voltage gain using an ideal op amp , of the
circuit in Fig.4

7. For the circuit shown in Fig.5, express vO as a function of v1 and v2.
a) What is the input resistance seen by v1 alone?
b) By v2 alone?
c) By a source connected between the two input terminals?

8. Assuming the op amp to be ideal, it is required to design the circuit
shown in Fig.6 to implement a current amplifier with gain iL/iI=10 A/A.
(a) Find the required value for R.
(b) If RL = 1 kΩ and the op amp operates in an ideal manner as long as
vO is in the range ±12 V, what range of iI is possible?
(c) If the amplifier is fed with a current source having a current of
1mA and a source resistance of 10 kΩ, find iL.


9. (a) Assuming ideal op amps in fig. 7, sketch the voltage waveforms at

nodes B and C for a 0.5-V peak-to-peak sine wave applied at A. Also
sketch vO.
(b) What is the voltage gain v0/vA?

Fig. 7
10.Design a Miller integrator with a time constant of 1 sec and an input
resistance of 100 kΩ. A dc voltage of 1volt is applied at the input at
time 0, at which moment vO =−10 V. How long does it take the output to
reach 0 V? 10 V?

11. An op-amp differentiator with 1-ms time constant is driven by the rate-
controlled step shown in Fig. 8.sketch v0 waveform.

Fig. 8
12. Derive the transfer function of the circuit in Fig. 9 (for an ideal op amp)
and show that it can be written in the form

where w1=1/R1C1 and w2=1/R2C2.

Fig. 9

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