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July 6, 2017

Dear George,

To give you and the others a more exact and complete picture of what has gone on in this country I have
put together an Executive Synopsis so that everyone is on the same page.

Round One of the Great Fraud

In 1819, the actual land jurisdiction American states, which are each sovereign nations, ratified the Titles
of Nobility Amendment (TONA) to The Constitution for the united States of America. This amendment
merely put some teeth into a provision already in the actual Constitution forbidding the use of titles of
nobility and conflicts of interest. The new Amendment stipulated actual losses and punishments
prohibiting members of the Bar Associations (Admiralty Law practitioners) from holding office in our

In 1860, Abraham Lincoln, a Bar attorney, was elected President of the United States (Trading Company),
the foreign British interest commercial company in charge of exercising the nineteen delegated "powers"
and providing the services stipulated in the actual Constitution.

What ensued here was to become a template for crime and infamy throughout the world. Lincoln, acting
as President of the private, mostly foreign-owned trading company doing business as the United States,
was not eligible to serve as President of the United States of America (the actual doing business name of
the unincorporated government). People knowing this at that time, objected, because the Titles of
Nobility Amendment prohibited attorneys from holding any office in our actual government.

Those in favor of Lincoln argued that there was no prohibition against him holding private office as the
CEO of the United States Trading Company, only against him holding the public office as President of the
United States of America. This same argument was used in favor of Barack Hussein Obama and with the
same results.

Lincoln promptly began working on bankrupting the original United States (Trading Company) and three
years later, in 1863, he succeeded. Obama did the same thing with the UNITED STATES in 2015, seven
years after he took over as President of the UNITED STATES.

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Lincoln began his career of fraud and deceit by issuing what appeared to be a declaration of war and
moving Union troops into South Carolina. A closer examination shows that Lincoln was careful to avoid
actually doing any such thing. Only the land jurisdiction Congress is competent to declare war, and no
such declaration of war was ever made. This means that the entire "American Civil War" was not a war.
It was an illegal commercial mercenary action from start to finish: a gigantic fraud.

Just as it was never declared, it was never ended by any Peace Treaty. President Andrew Johnson declared
peace on the land through three separate public declarations, but no official peace treaty could be issued
for a "war" that was never declared. You can search for twenty years, as we have, and never find a
Congressional declaration of war nor a peace treaty related to the so-called "American Civil War".

That basic fraud from that time to this, has been the template for criminality and manipulation of the
"stand in" government that resulted ever since.

Contrary to Lincoln's plan, the American states and people were never told the truth and never allowed
to reorganize their actual government on the land jurisdiction of the United States. Instead, he was
murdered and the fraud continued with the organization of a "parallel" government, one operating on
the land and one operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea, both nominally controlled by the
same usurpers responsible for the criminal actions leading to the bogus war.

The bankruptcy trustees of the old United States (Trading Company) which Lincoln bankrupted in 1863,
forced all the actual states to rewrite their original state constitutions which produced new organizations
named like this: Ohio State, Virginia Commonwealth, and California State.... At the same time, a new
corporation merely calling itself the "United States of America" Incorporated was formed and new
franchises of this corporation adopted the names of the original states of the Union and these commercial
corporation franchises deceitfully began doing business as the "State of Connecticut" and "State of
Maine" and so on, giving people here and elsewhere the deliberately false impression that they were the
actual state governments owed to the people of this country.

The articles of incorporation for this Pretender was published in 1868 as "The Constitution of the .!J_nited
States of America". It was a look-alike, sound-alike copycat of the actual Constitution owed to our country,
and most people unschooled in the law could not discern the difference between it (a merely charter and
articles for an incorporated business entity like any other) and the tri-lateral international treaty it was
patterned after: The Constitution for the ynited States of America.

Since then the same exact fraud scheme has been used by the same perpetrators to undermine and
secretively overthrow the actual governments of many countries via usurpation, bogus bankruptcies, and
forced take overs by "bankruptcy trustees".

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The same basic thing was done in England at the same time. The English people were "enfranchised"
without full disclosure and their seized-upon assets were used as collateral to fund the Raj in India. The
corruption spread throughout the British Empire.

Round Two of the Great Fraud

By 1907 the original incorporated 1868 version of The United States of America, Inc., was bankrupt. The
ensuing meltdown impacted the entire world and led inexorably to World War I.

The fraud artists barely missed a beat and immediately created yet another incorporated entity calling
itself the United States of America, Inc. --- and once again, the deceptively similar names deceit worked
on the trusting public. Most people never noticed the change from "The United States of America" to the
"United States of America". And nobody disclosed that both of these were nothing but "doing business
as" names of private, mostly foreign-owned governmental services corporations.

The land naturally belonging to the American states and people was put up as collateral backing the debts
of the perpetrators and the American people were forced to buy back their own land by the bankruptcy
trustees. In 1953 the land titles seized upon as collateral for the debts of The United States of America,
Inc. were released when that bankruptcy settled. The vermin responsible claimed that the actual owners
of the land were "unknown, missing, presumed dead" and upon this vacuous claim of abandonment,
rolled the land belonging to the American states and people over into a massive land trust.

Similar mechanical operations involving the undisclosed bankruptcy of government services corporations,
unlawful attachment of actual assets belonging to Third Parties merely "presumed" to be "franchises" of
these corporations, all followed by self-serving claims of abandonment became the norm throughout
Europe, the Americas, and parts of Asia and Africa.

Round Three of the Great Fraud

In May of 1930, attendees at the Geneva Conventions representing the government corporations running
the then-GS nations voted to all go bankrupt by international treaty. The wheels were set in motion for
Round Three of the Great Fraud. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, soon to be "President of the United States
{Inc.)" signed in behalf of the United States.

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By 1933, the Roosevelt Administration had hit upon the means to deliver the next great stride forward for
the criminals. It was an idea stunning in its simplicity, and could be applied worldwide.

All people throughout the world land jurisdiction operated via Trade Names --- the familiar Upper and
Lower Case Names that everyone is taught to use in grade school, styled like this: John Michael Doe.

FDR simply chose to "interpret" all those names as being the names of Foreign Situs Trusts operating in
the international jurisdiction of the sea as franchises of the bankrupt United States of America, Inc. As a
result of his largely undisclosed "presumption" millions of Americans and their private property were
included as chattel collateral backing the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc. For the next 66
years, these innocent millions would be taxed for debts they never owed and labor under mortgages they
never owed, to pay back the debts of a private, mostly foreign-owned governmental services corporation
merely calling itself the "United States of America" (Inc.)

There was no way to visually tell the difference between "John Michael Doe" --- a landsman's Trade Name
and "John Michael Doe" - a seaman's Foreign Situs Trust, but one operates on the land jurisdiction of
each nation, and the other is subject to the international jurisdiction of the sea.

In one stroke, FDR unlawfully converted the labor and resources of an entire nation from the land to the
sea, effectively press-ganging the victims and their resources, and transporting/kidnapping them from
national to international jurisdiction. He had no actual authority granted to him to do this. There was no
Due Process involved. It was simply a fraud scheme and all that followed, the embezzlement, pillaging
and plundering by the British Crown and the members of the Bar Association, was all based on an
inexorable "process of debt assumption" as millions of Americans trusted their government and accepted
the tax burdens and mortgages and other debts foisted off on them by the secretive foreign interlopers.

Roosevelt claimed that all the newly created out of thin air Foreign Situs Trusts were "franchises" of the
second "United States of America" Inc.

The stage was thus set for World War II -- the greatest war for profit the world has ever seen.

In a way, the America states and people slept through all of it, deluded by constant lies and propaganda
being thrust at them from every side, their news media taken over by foreign cartels from the outside and
strangled by "government" gag orders and "national security concerns" on the inside. Even most of the
journalists didn't suspect the truth, and when they found evidence of corruption in one department or
branch of the government, they didn't follow through and suspect corruption of the whole government.
The fraud was just too gigantic, too long-standing, too outrageous for people to comprehend. Most

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Americans believed whole-heartedly in Mom and apple pie and George Washington chopping down the
cherry tree.

Round Four of the Great Fraud

This is where we are now. On November 7, 1999, the bankruptcy of the second incorporated version of
the "United States of America" ended and all the names of the Foreign Situs Trusts that FDR created were
released by the bankruptcy settlement. Claims could no longer be brought against "John Michael Doe".
Queen Elizabeth promptly dubbed these "disregarded entities" and her government claimed that they
were "stateless" --- that is, fair game to prey upon, in international jurisdiction.

All of this is evidence of Gross, Purposeful Breach of Trust by the Queen and her government, committed
against the American states and people who were always owed due diligence and protection from their
Trustee on the "High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways".

So, the "presumed to be" Foreign Situs Trust Names were finally free, but still adrift, still stuck in
international jurisdiction, and since none of the victims were told about this chicanery in the first place,
how could they ever possibly get home again to the land jurisdiction they were heir to?

We did it, nonetheless, by a process the Queen cannot deny--- but that is another story. The bottom line
is that we did return home and we did re-establish our Trade Names on the land jurisdiction of the
unincorporated United States of America.

The Con Artists running the governmental services corporations had been successful for several
generations. They had, they thought, completely and lastingly overcome the Americans. So, when they
set the stage for their final coup and bid to cla im ownership and control of the entire world, where else
to set up the fraud scheme but in America?

Coming out of World War II, they set up the UN Corporation and the IMF in France, and they set up the
UNITED STATES {INC.) and the USA {INC.) to go along with their plan.

Please note that the UN Corporation was set up several years before the charter of the United Nations
was signed and the IMF was founded by the same American Robber Baron families that were partially
responsible (together with their European collaborators) for the debacles of the First and Second World

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Much of the world had to be rebuilt after World War II and the governments ravaged by it had neither
the material nor the labor resources left to do it. So once again, the Americans were the goats. Instead
of declaring peace in 1945, the vermin created "The Cold War'' and used it as an excuse to continue a
vicious arms race (improving their own profits tremendously at our expense) and also as a means to
continue enforcing gag orders on our "Free" Press, and to maintain such wartime practices as the "Victory
Tax" which they used as an excuse to conscript new generations of Americans as "franchises" of their
awful corporations.

Under the system established after World War II, the "US Government" adopted a bookkeeping system
invented by Al Capone's bookkeeper, Easy Eddie O"Hara, known as the "double accrual system" --- or
more popularly, "keeping two sets of books". This patently and purposefully dishonest means of
accounting was forced upon the GAO in the name of "national security" and yet another fraud game

Ever since 1946 the income coming into the coffers of the UNITED STATES and the USA has not been made
public. The income stream to the governmental services corporations has instead been split into
"budgeted" and "non-budgeted" streams. All the public was ever allowed to see was the "budgeted"
money. All the rest go slush funded and siphoned off, sequestered, or put into "externally managed
investment programs" and government pension funds. Anyone who bothers to look will quickly discover
the true extent of the embezzlement and fraud against the American states and people.

Also as part of the 1946 Fraud-A-Thon, the UNITED STATES created new franchises for itself, Cestui Que
Vie ESTATE Trusts run as franchises of the Municipal United States---- the International City-State
government of Washington, DC, which the "US Congress" presides over as plenary oligarchs.

Like the bogus Foreign Situs Trusts created by FDR, these new municipal Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trusts
were knowingly, purposefully created and named after living Americans, and the accounts associated with
these ESTATE trusts were all named and styled like this: JOHN MICHAEL DOE.

So what is a Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trust? Think of Robinson Crusoe, marooned on a desert island for
twenty years or more. What happens to his estate back home? Well, the courts take over and give it to
his next of kin, and if he has no known next of kin, they roll over ownership of his estate to the local

Imagine the sweet spot the criminals found themselves in? They rolled over all the assets, all the property
owed to John Michael Doe (who was mysteriously missing from the land jurisdiction, right?) into the care

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of these Municipal franchise trusts doing business as JOHN MICHAEL DOE, and they used the labor and
the investment income and the collateral represented by his home and his land and his businesses and
his income to benefit what? The State of Wisconsin and the State of Wyoming--- their own formerly
bankrupt franchises of the United States of America, Inc.

Not only did they saddle John Michael Doe to pay off all their bills owed by the United States of America
and its franchises, but they then seized upon "his" property assets even after the bankruptcy was over,
and used them as collateral - the JOHN MICHAEL DOE ESTATE - to borrow more money to invest and
benefit themselves--- all at the expense of the living man of the same name.

The actual living man named "John Michael Doe" got to pay off the debts of the "State of Wisconsin" at
the same time as the "State of Wisconsin" acted as the "presumed" Beneficiary of the "JOHN MICHAEL

The real Spin Up for Round Four and what the perpetrators fully intended to be World War Ill began with
G.W. Bush and his administration, which literally laid the groundwork for the 2008 debacle. We now know
and have the evidence that the USAG and Office of the United States Attorney General which owned Wells
Fargo Bank, acted in collusion to create the entire cataclysm, TARP, and the Foreclosure Mill that has
devastated our country and put millions of Americans out of their homes and on the streets.

Essentially, they foreclosed upon the ESTATE Trust doing business as "JOHN MICHAEL DOE" with one
hand, and then used the credit owed to "John Michael Doe" to buy the home of the actual man named
John Michael Doe --- and evicted him - with the other hand.

Barack Hussein Obama was elected under exactly the same scenario as Abraham Lincoln. He was never
eligible to serve as President of the United States of America, only as President of the United States. Like
Lincoln, he set to work immediately to bankrupt the UNITED STATES, and he did a fine job of it. Not only
did he render the UNITED STATES insolvent, but he also bankrupted the USA, INC. and left it in Chapter

As a result, both the major governmental services corporations acting as "the federal government" came
under the receivership of foreign bankruptcy trustees named by the colluding banks. Mr. Obama, to keep
the gravy train running at all, created a whole new class of supposed federal franchises named after living
Americans ---- public transmitting utility franchises all operated under names styled like this: JOHN M.
DOE. This can't even be recognized as a "legal name" for lack of specificity, but by now, the con artists
were so bold, that such trivialities as law didn't enter into it.

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They were sure nobody would catch them, and even if they were caught, they were sure that their
employees wouldn't prosecute them, so--- the door was wide open to pillage and plunder and criminals
could grease palms from here to breakfast and back with our money and our assets - all owed to the
actual American states and people.

But this time, pillaging and plundering America wasn't enough. This time, the perpetrators thought, well,
let's go for it all! Let's claim and control the whole world! So this is what they did.

They set up entities operated as municipal franch ises of the UNITED STATES and they called them:
and they made them all franchises of the UNITED STATES.

And, they set up more new entities operated as territorial franchises and called them: Canada, United
Kingdom, and Australia ...... just like they once set up the John Michael Doe Estate.

And then, in 2015, they bankrupted all of it. In bankrupting the UNITED STATES, they presumed to take
down all of its franchises, all the municipal governments worldwide, as well as all the people's ESTATES
that they had created and entrapped by deceit and fraud. Yes, the UNITED KINGDOM was going down
along with poor old JOHN MICHAEL DOE's ESTATE, and FRANCE was going down the tubes with MARILYN

When they bankrupted the USA, Inc., they took all those franchises into receivership, so there went the
Territorial governments, too, the "presumed Beneficiaries" of the original living landsman whose Trade
Name was John Michael Doe.

In two private bankruptcy actions they proposed to seize upon and control the governments and assets,
including all the people, worldwide. And, here's the kicker---- virtually none of the assets subsumed into
this unimaginably large Slush Pile actually belonged to them.

Instead, the actual beneficiaries and Paramount Security Interest Holders were ...... drumroll... ..the hapless
missing Americans, still "presumed" to be drifting around out at sea, clueless, and helpless "disregarded
entities" with no way to get home again and reclaim their property from this diabolical process of
bankruptcy fraud and probate fraud.

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Ahem ..... and then, well, it turned out that the Americans weren't so clueless and helpless after all. A few
of them, including the Hereditary Head of State of the unincorporated (actual ) United States of America,
figured it all out and step by step unraveled the fraud back to its root.

We came home. We seized upon our unclaimed Foreign Situs Trust Names and re-conveyed them as
Trade Names to the land jurisdiction of the organic states where we were each born. At each step we
provided Due Process to the vermin and heard back never a word, curing the claims one by one, and
placing liens as we went.

Not only did we come home, we brought the rest of the actual unincorporated United States of America,
with us. We placed liens on every Territorial Name and MUNICIPAL NAME. We placed liens on the UNITED
STATES and all its franchises, near and far. We placed liens on the USA, Inc. and all its franchises, too.

And we recorded our claim on the land jurisdiction of the United States and gave Notice to The United
States District Court for the District of Columbia.

We, the American states and people, doing business since 1781 as the unincorporated United States of
America, are the Paramount Security Interest Holders in all Municipal franchises and all Territorial
franchises on Earth. It's all ours by law and interest and right.

The plan, which was to count on the Americans never showing up and never claiming back their birthright,
and then making a claim on abandonment against their assets as Secondary Creditors--- has been soundly
defeated and foiled.

Now what?

Well, the Bad Guys and the Crooks responsible for this whole situation go home hungry to bed and worry
for the rest of their ignoble lives about which part of it is going to catch up to them. The rest of us get
busy cleaning up this Mess, returning stolen property, setting people free, setting aside Odious Debts,
restoring honest self-government, and dividing up the spoils that the perpetrators had set aside for

To that end, we invite all those who have worked on the GCR/RV from the "private side" to recoup and
gather the Slush Pile which you intended to redistribute anyway, to come forward and meet those who

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have worked the problem from the public side of the issues, who also desire the same kind of
redistribution and reclamation of national character and autonomy.

We are the lawful and legal owners of all that these evil men schemed to acquire by abusing our good
names, our labor, and our assets to also then defraud everyone else on Earth. We have the right and the
responsibility to act as true Fiduciaries for the entire planet in the public sense. By the Hand of God, it
has all come down to us and nobody --- not the "federal" government, and not the bankruptcy Trustees
chosen by the Secondary Creditors --- nobody can overcome our Paramount claim.

It is in our hearts to do justice and bring healing to our own country and throughout the Earth. We have
suffered this scourge ourselves and have no difficulty understanding the pain and suffering that these
devotees of the Father of All lies have inflicted on us all.

All that remains to be done is for the forces of peace and justice and goodwill to come together with a
meeting of the minds to settle the details of the GCR/RV and for the people of the entire world to
understand that the corporations that created all this suffering and promoted all this criminality never
were and still aren't the actual government of the United States of America.

We are. The American states and people.


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