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Chapter–1: Electric Charges and Fields


(A) Both Assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
(B) Both Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
(D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
1 Assertion: A point charge is brought in an electric field, the field at a nearby point will increase or
decrease, depending on the nature of charge.
Reason: The electric field is independent of the nature of charge.
2 Assertion: Mass of a body decreases slightly when it is negatively charged.
Reason: Charging is due to actual transfer of electrons.
3 Assertion: Mass of a body decreases slightly when it is negatively charged.
Reason: A charged body can induce charge in an uncharged body.
4 Assertion: If a conducting medium is placed between two charges, then electric force between them
becomes zero.
Reason: Dielectric constant or relative permittivity of a conducting medium is infinity.
5 Assertion: Electric lines of force cross each other.
Reason: Electric field at a point superimposes to give one resultant electric field.
6 Assertion: Insulators do not allow flow of current through themselves.
Reason: Insulators do not have any free charge carriers.
7 Assertion: In a cavity of a conductor, the electric field is zero.
Reason: Charges in a conductor reside only at its surface.
8 Assertion: When bodies are charged through friction, there is transfer of charge from one body to
Reason: This violates the law of conservation of energy.
9 Assertion: Electric lines of force cross each other.
Reason: The resultant electric field at a point is the superposition of the electric fields at that point.
10 Assertion: A charge q is placed on a height h/4 above the centre of a square of side b. The flux
associated with the square is independent of side length.
Reason: Gauss law is independent of the Gaussian surface.
11 Assertion (A): When a body is given a positive charge, there is a slight increase in the mass of the body.
Reason (R): During charging of a body, there is an actual transfer of electrons.
12 Assertion (A): An electric field produces the same acceleration in electron and proton.
Reason(R): For a given force, acceleration does not depend upon mass.


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13 Assertion (A): Two electric lines of force cannot intersect each other.
Reason (R): The tangent at any point of an electric lines of force gives the direction of electric field
intensity at that point.
14 Assertion (A): When air between two charges is replaced by mica, the force between the two charges is
Reason (R): The electrostatic force between two charges is inversely proportional to the dielectric
constant of the medium between the two charges.
15 Assertion (A): When bodies are charged through friction, there is transfer of charge from one body to
another. No charge is created or destroyed.
Reason (R): This is according to the law of conservation of electric charge.
16 Assertion (A): The electrostatics force increases with decrease the distance between the charges.
Reason (R): The electrostatic force of attraction or repulsion between any two stationary point charges is
inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
17 Assertion (A): The Coulomb force between two points charges depend upon the dielectric constant of the
intervening medium.
Reason(R): Coulomb’s force varies inversely with the dielectric constant of medium.
18 Assertion(A): The charge given to a metallic sphere does not depend on whether it is hollow or solid
Reason(R): The charge resides only at the surface of conductor.
19 Assertion (A): A proton is placed in a uniform electric field, it tend to move along the direction of
electric field.
Reason(R): A proton is placed in a uniform electric field it experiences a force.
20 Assertion (A): Electric field at the surface of a charged conductor is always normal to the surface at every
Reason(R): Electric field gives the magnitude & direction of electric force ( ) experienced by any charge
placed at any point.
21 Assertion: Electric field lines start at positive charge and end at negative charge.
Reason: Electric field lines are continuous curves without any breaks and they form closed loops.
22 Assertion: Coulomb’s law in vector form shows that the force between two charges is always equal and
Reason: Electrostatic force between two charges is a central force.
23 Assertion: There is no translator motion for an electric dipole placed in a uniform electric field.
Reason: The net force acting on both the charges of the electric dipole in a uniform electric field is equal
to zero.
24 Assertion: Total flux through a closed surface is zero if no charge is enclosed by the surface.
Reason: Gauss law is true for any closed surface, no matter what its shape or size is.
25 Assertion: If there exists Coulomb’s attraction between two bodies, both of them must be charged.
Reason: In Coulomb’s attraction, the two bodies must be positively charged.
26 Assertion-When the electric flux through a closed surface is zero then the net charge inside the surface
must be zero.

Reason -When the net charge inside a closed surface is zero then electric field at every point of the
Gaussian surface must be zero

27 Assertion-In electrostatics, electric lines of force can never be closed loops.

Reason-The number of electric lines of force originating from or terminating on a charge is proportional
to the magnitude of charge.


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28 Assertion- If a proton and an electron are placed in the same uniform electric field they experience
accelerations of different magnitudes

Reason-Electric force on a charge is independent of its mass

29 Assertion-When a charge is placed at a corner of a square, the flux passing through the square will be
Reason-When electric field and area vector are perpendicular each other at every point, then the flux
passing through that surface will be zero.
30 Assertion If more electric field lines leave a Gaussian surface than those which enter into it, then the net
charge enclosed by that surface will be positive

Reason- If the net flux passing through Gaussian surface is zero, then the net charge enclosed by that
surface will be zero.

31 Assertion: - In case of charging by induction, net charge on the body remains conserved.
Reason: - In this case, no charge transfer takes place. They rearrange themselves.
32 Assertion: - It is possible to have 2.3 × 10-17 C charge on a body
Reason : - The possible charge on a body follows quantization law.
33 Assertion: - When we move away from a point charge or small dipole, the electric field does not decrease
at uniform rate.
Reason: - For both point charge and small electric dipole, the field is inversely
proportional to the square of the distance from the charge or dipole
34 Assertion: - A metallic shield in form of a hollow shell may be built to block an external electric field.
Reason: - In a hollow spherical shield, the electric field inside it is zero at every point.
35 Assertion (A): Electric filed lines not form closed loops.
Reason(R): Electric filed lines are always normal to the surface of a conductor.
36 Assertion (A): A proton is placed in a uniform electric field, it tend to move along the direction of electric
Reason(R): A proton is placed in a uniform electric field it experiences a force
37 Assertion (A): In a non-uniform electric field, a dipole will have translatory as well as rotatory motion.
Reason (R): In non-uniform electric field a dipole experiences force as well as torque.



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1 C 13 B 25 C 37 A

2 D 14 A 26 C

3 D 15 A 27 B

4 A 16 A 28 B

5 D 17 A 29 A

6 A 18 A 30 B

7 A 19 B 31 A

8 C 20 B 32 D

9 D 21 C 33 C

10 A 22 B 34 A

11 D 23 A 35 A

12 D 24 B 36 A

Assertion Reason Question

Directions: In the following questions, a statement of assertion is followed by a statement of reason. Mark the
correct choice as:
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If both assertion and reason are false.

1 Assertion: The electric lines of the forces diverge from a positive charge and converge at a negative charge.
Reason: A charged particle free to move in an electric field always moves along an electric line of force.
2 Assertion: Charging is due to transfer of electrons.
Reason: Mass of a body decreases slightly when it is negatively charged.
3 Assertion: Range of coulomb force is infinite.
Reason: coulomb force acts between two charged particles.
4 Assertion: All the charge in a conductor gets distributed on whole of its outer surface.
Reason: In a dynamic system, charges try to keep their potential energy minimum.
5 Assertion: The tyres of aircrafts are made slightly conducting.


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Reason: If a conductor is connected to the ground, the extra charge included on the conductor will flow to the
6 Assertion: Mass of a body does not decrease, when it is negatively charged.
Reason: Charging is not mainly due to transfer of electrons.
7 Assertion : Electric lines of force cross each other
Reason: Electric field at a point does not superimpose to give one resultant electric field.
8 Assertion: Gauss’s law shows diversion when inverse square law is not obeyed.
Reason: Gauss’s law is a consequence of conservation of charges.
9 Assertion: A point charge is brought in an electric field, the field at a nearby point will increase or decrease,
depending on the nature of charge.
Reason: The electric field is independent of the nature of charge.
10 Assertion: In a cavity within a conductor, the electric field is zero.
Reason: Charges in a conductor reside only at its surface.
11 Assertion: Surface charge density of an irregularly shaped conductor is non-uniform.
Reason: Surface density is defined as charge per unit area.
12 Assertion: Acceleration of a charged particle in non uniform electric field does not depend on velocity of
charged particle.
Reason: Charge is an invariant quantity. That is the amount of charge on particle does not depend on frame of
13 Assertion: If the bob of a simple pendulum is kept in horizontal electric field, then its period of oscillation
will remain same.
Reason: If the bob is charged and kept in horizontal electric field, then the time period will be decreased.
14 Assertion: Electrons moves away from a region of lower potential to a region of higher potential.
Reason: An electron has a negative charge.
15 Assertion: Charge is quantized because only integral number of electrons can be transferred.
Reason : There is no possibility of transfer of some fraction of electron.
16 Assertion: In a non-uniform electric field, a dipole will have translatory as well as rotatory motion.
Reason: In a non-uniform electric field, a dipole experiences a force as well as torque.
17 Assertion : The basic difference between magnetic lines of force and electric lines of force is electric lines of
force are discontinuous and magnetic lines of force are continuous
Reason : Magnetic lines of force exist in a magnet but no electric lines of force exists in a charged body
18 Assertion: Electric lines of force cross each other.
Reason : The resultant electric field at a point is the superimposition of the electric fields at that point
19 Assertion: Using Gauss law, it is possible to find the electric field at any point.
Reason: Gauss law is applicable for any type of charge distribution.
20 Assertion: In a cavity in a conductor, the electric field is zero.
Reason : Charges in a conductor reside only at its surface
21 Assertion: Electric lines of force never cross each other.
Reason: Electric field at a point superimposes to give one resultant electric field.
22 Assertion: The Coulomb force is the dominating force in the universe.
Reason: The Coulomb force is weaker than the gravitational force.
23 Assertion: When bodies are charged through friction, there is a transfer of electric charge from one body to
another, but no creation or destruction of charge.
Reason: This follows from conservation of electric charges.
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24 Assertion: Coulomb force and gravitational force follow the same inverse-square law.
Reason: Both laws are same in all aspects.
25 Assertion: Range of Coulomb force is infinite.
Reason: Coulomb force acts between two charged particles.


1 C 6 D 11 A 16 A 21 B
2 C 7 D 12 A 17 A 22 D
3 B 8 C 13 A 18 D 23 A
4 A 9 B 14 C 19 C 24 C
5 A 10 A 15 A 20 A 25 B

Committee Members :
1- Sri Rajesh Dhawan (Principal K V MASIMPUR)
Mob.9401098099 , [email protected],
Mob. 80812333330, [email protected],
Mob. 8299179206, [email protected],
Mob. 8016819148, [email protected],
Mob. 9953473874, [email protected],
Mob. 7651999617, [email protected],


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