Extra-Bodily States in Buddhism Tsenshap Serkong Rinpoche

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Extra-bodily States in Buddhism

Tsenshap Serkong Rinpoche

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 Illusory Body
 Dream Body
 Disturbances in the Subtle Body
 Side Effects of Visualization Practices
 Bodies of Mixed States of Existence
 Entering the Citadel of Another Body
 Possession
 Extra-Bodily Experience Due to Previous Meditation Practice
 Extra-Bodily Experience Due to Maladies
 Conclusion

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The Buddhist literature and oral tradition record many instances of
consciousness traveling with a subtle form outside the rough body. Such
phenomena have also been noted in the West and often labeled as "astral body
travel." Although it is difficult to correlate experiences and identify individual
cases from one culture to another within the classification scheme of that other
culture, nevertheless it may be useful to outline some varieties of this
phenomenon as found in the Buddhist traditions of Indian and Tibet.

Illusory Body

Through intensive, deep meditation practice, it is possible to achieve an illusory

body (sgyu-lus) (See: What is Meditation?). This is the result of extremely
advanced complete stage (rdzogs-rim, completion stage) practice in the highest
class of tantra, anuttarayoga. It is with this body that one gains the
nonconceptual realization of voidness with a clear light subtlest mind. In this
form, it is possible to travel extensively outside the limitations of one’s physical
body, working for the benefit of others.

In order to attain an illusory body, it is necessary to have achieved beforehand

renunciation of suffering, a bodhichitta aim to achieve Buddhahood in order to
be able to help all others achieve the same, and a correct
conceptual understanding of voidness. In addition, one must have attained
single-pointed absorbed concentration (ting-nge-‘dzin, Skt. samadhi), received
the proper tantric empowerments from a fully qualified tantric master, kept all
the vows purely, and attained proficiency in the generation stage (bskyed-rim)
and the initial complete stage practices of anuttarayoga tantra.

Dream Body

Through much meditation, one may also gain use of a dream body (rmi-lam-gyi
lus). This form is particularly well suited for single-pointed attention, since while
asleep one does not have the distraction of sense consciousness. Therefore,
practitioners often cultivate it in order to make further progress in their studies.
Having gained control over the dream state and mastered this type of emanation,
one can set out books in one’s room and memorize them while asleep. However,
as the dream body is unable to make contact with concrete objects and cannot
turn pages, it is necessary to arrange several copies of the books so that there is
no need for page turning.

Moreover, both dream and illusory bodies are connected to the rough body
merely by karma. There are no physical links between the two.
Disturbances in the Subtle Body

What is known as the subtle body (lus phra-mo) is not a body that can leave one's
gross physical form. Rather, it is the subtle energy system within one’s gross
body. It is the network of invisible energy-channels (rtsa, Skt. nadi) and energy-
nodes (rtsa-‘khor, Skt. chakra), the creative energy-drops (thig-le, Skt. bindu)
located in them, and the energy-winds (rlung, Skt. prana) that flow through them.
Parts of this system are involved in the normal functioning of sense perception.
With absorbed concentration and advanced yogic training, it is possible to make
special use of this system to gain extraphysical and extrasensory powers, such as
telepathy and clairvoyance. However, there are also many sicknesses that result
from disturbances and imbalances of the energy-winds. Such disorders may
produce hallucinations and abnormal perception, such as the sensation of being
outside one’s body.

Side Effects of Visualization Practices

In addition, there are many types of meditation in which one cultivates and
harnesses the powers of imagination in order to make spiritual progress. For
instance, by learning to visualize all beings as skeletons, one can lessen one’s
compulsive attraction and craving for the body, and thus eliminate the suffering
and anxiety of longing desire. One can train one's mind to visualize in all
directions simultaneously and even to see the internal organs of the body. With
mastery of such practices, it is possible to have such extended perception even
outside one’s meditation sessions. Being able to see all around, one may feel as
though one were beyond the limits of one’s own body.

Bodies of Mixed States of Existence

It is recorded that due to previous karma, one may be reborn as a half-human,

half-ghost. Someone in that condition may find that when his human body is
unconscious or in some way inactive, the spirit-like part of his nature will travel
about together with his consciousness. There have also been cases known of
people who were half-human, half-celestials (gods). Here a celestial spirit had
taken a rough human body, but under certain conditions acted apart from this
form. The above cases involve the consciousness of only one living being, who
may have aspects, however, of two different states of existence.
Entering the Citadel of Another Body

It is also possible for an extra-bodily experience to involve more than one being.
There are certain advanced anuttarayoga tantric meditation practices called
"entering the citadel" of another body (grong-‘jug). With absorbed concentration,
one can project one’s mind into the body of a fresh corpse or of someone who is
unconscious. As this might easily be abused and undertaken for harmful
purposes, the direct oral lineage of its practice was broken in the eleventh
century before it could be brought from India to Tibet.


It is also possible for one’s own body or mind to be possessed by a being from the
spirit realm. This may occur for beneficial reasons, as in the case of oracles in
trance, or for harmful ones as with clutching ghosts (hungry ghosts). In the
Buddhist literature, there is also mention of beings who have died and been
reborn as spirits or hell-creatures and who have communicated from these states
with their former relatives and friends. This is based on strong karmic
connections, as is the recognition, for instance, of a donkey as having been one’s
deceased uncle.

Extra-Bodily Experience Due to Previous Meditation Practice

No matter what type of extra-bodily phenomenon someone untrained in

meditation might experience, it is the result of his or her previous actions of this
or former lives. Different people have varying experiences, and even one
individual will rarely experience the same thing twice. This is due to different
karma and instincts from previous lives.

If formerly one has trained one’s mind with the advanced Buddhist meditations
involving visualizations or the illusory, dream, or subtle bodies, one may be born
with strong instincts for these practices. Then, without any effort, extra-bodily
phenomenon may occur. In such instances, one would also have pronounced
inclinations for the other meditations and insights in the context of which these
advanced practices would have been undertaken. In other words, one would
have instincts for the entire body of practice, not only for its advanced points.
Thus from childhood one would also have had an intuitive feeling for cause and
effect, rebirth, renunciation, compassion, voidness, and so forth. At least one
would have an instinctive belief in past and future lives. For such people, it is
worthwhile to find a fully qualified spiritual master and receive the proper
meditation training to develop their potentials.

Extra-Bodily Experience Due to Maladies

If one does not have any inclination for the basic meditations, there may be other
karmic causes for one’s extra-bodily experiences. Should one’s experience be
preceded by a tight, anxious feeling in the solar plexus, rushes of energy from the
heart to the head, a ringing or hissing in the ears, a clenching of the teeth, periods
of unconsciousness and so forth, these may be indications of a disorder of the
energy system of the subtle body. With such symptoms, it is not advisable to
indulge in the abnormal states of perception that this type of disorder will
produce. A serious imbalance of energy in the body, particularly when centered
at the region of the heart, may lead to extreme paranoia, insanity, and even
death. One should consult a Tibetan doctor for treatment.

It may be that harmful spirits or forces are causing one to have altered
perceptions or to lose control of one’s consciousness. This is also a dangerous
situation and should be handled by a lama, a physician, or an oracle who is expert
in the rituals of exorcism. Should an extra-bodily sensation be the hallucination
caused by a drug, this too should not be pursued. Long-lasting effects may occur
from prolonged exposure to distortion of consciousness.


In summary, if, without meditation practice and specific training, one has an
uncontrolled extra-bodily experience, one should not treat it lightly or as an
amusing curiosity. The cause may be any of the above explanations, a
combination of factors, or something else entirely. Regardless of the cause,
should someone be startled while his or her consciousness is outside the physical
body, it is very easy for the connection between the two to be severed. Buddhist
literature records many cases of such deaths. Therefore, it is extremely
important not to experiment on one’s own with extra-bodily states. However,
with proper guidance, a good motivation, and intense meditation practice, such
states may be harnessed to expand one’s potentials for helping others and
oneself to the benefit of all.

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