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Maylien Ching BSN 3B


Venturi masks are designed to deliver constant

Simple face masks (also called Hudson masks) are typically used FiO2 regardless of the patient’s respiratory rate and flow
to treat mild to moderate hypoxia.The mask delivers 30 – 40% pattern (i.e. a fixed-performance device). They are
O2 (flow rate 5-10 L/min). The mask is positioned over used to deliver oxygen to patients with chronic obstructive
the patient’s.
pulmonary disease (COPD) due to the risk of type 2
respiratory failure. The Venturi mask fits over the
patient’s nose and mouth like other face masks.

Nasal cannulae (NC) are used for mild hypoxia, typically in non-
acute situations. Nasal cannulae deliver 24 – 30% O2 (maximum
flow rate of 4L/min). The NC tubing is placed around a patient’s An oxygen face tent is a unique device that delivers oxygen
face with the prongs positioned at the nostrils. The NC tubing to patients who are unable to use standard oxygen delivery
can be secured behind the patient’s head or around their ears. methods due to facial injuries or surgeries.

Non-rebreather masks (also called reservoir masks) are used to

treat patients with a significant degree of hypoxia (moderate to
severe).Non-rebreather masks can deliver high
FiO2 concentrations as the oxygen is inhaled from both the
reservoir bag as well as the direct oxygen source.This mask
delivers approximately 70% O2 when used with a 15L oxygen flow
rate.The mask fits over the patient’s nose and mouth and can be
secured to the face using elastic straps.
Name: Mr. M.B Age: 66 years old

Attending Physician: Dr. Buenaflor Sex: Male

Cues Nursing Objectives Nursing Rationale Evaluation

Diagnosis Intervention

Subjective Data: Inefficient General objectives Independent: Goals Met

“Gainubo ako ag ro removal of
akong ubo hay may airway  To facilitate the -Established rapport -To gain trust and
plema nga nalisdan obstructions maintenance of with patient cooperation to the After nursing
ko ipaguwa” as due to the a supply client interventions, the
verbalized by the build-up of of oxygen to all patient will be able to
body -To serve as baseline data reduced mucus
patient. mucus in the -Monitored vital
respiratory cells. accumulation
sign especially
system, through expectoration,
respiratory rate and
Objective Data: resulting in performed
Specific Objectives: oxygen
challenges in -To determine if there are effective coughing
 RR-20 saturation.
phlegm any changes in the exchange technique and spit
After 2hours of
expulsion. -Monitored the of gas. the phlegm.
 Non Productive rendering nursing care
cough the patient will be able patient’s breathing
to: pattern.
 thick sputum -To distinguish normal
-Assessed breath respiratory
 restlessness  Reduce mucus sounds sounds from abnormal ones.
-Put patient in an up -To relax the muscles that
right or high fowlers wrap around
position your breathing tubes
 Perform (airways) allowing the tubes
effective to become larger and easier
couhing to to breath trough.
mucus -Keep the head
secretions. elevated
It can help to drain phlegm
from the
sinuses and prevent it from
pooling in
the back of the throat.

-Demonstrated the
-Helps to remove mucus
patient to do proper
from airways,
coughing technique.
to prevent the spread of
respiratory illnesses
-Advised the patient
to perform activity
like splinting chest -To help make the cough
and effective stronger and
coughing. less painful

-Instruct the patient

to consume warm -To provide relief for a stuffy
fluids such as soup nose and
and tea to loosen phlegm

- a treatment that provides
Ceftriaxone 1g IV you with
q8H supplemental oxygen.

Ceftriaxone is a broad-
cephalosporin antibiotic used
for the treatment of
bacterial infections in
various locations, such as in
Salbutamol + respiratory tract,
Ipratropium neb
500mcg/2.5mg -Ipratropium bromide is an
agent which, based on
animal studies,
appears to inhibit vagally-
reflexes by antagonizing the
of acetylcholine, the
transmitter agent
released at the
junctions in the lung.

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