Crestfall-City of Fey Ruin

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Crestfall-City of Fey Ruin

#Contamination #RuinedCity #Homebrew #Crestfall

History of the Crestfall

Welcome to the ruined and ever terrifying ruins of Crestfall. A city where an oligrachy of ruelers
who sought to harness the rhealm of the Fey. As with all ideas which seek to harness pure
chaos; this ended in ruin. Portals rippled oupen and the city was flooded with fey of all sorts.
The survivors of the attacks fled, and the city now lays in a constant flux with a number of
lingering portals. The "Flux" a crackcling mist which permeates areas where portals exist, and
once were carry the effects of wild and eldritch magic. Some areas of the city seem overgrown
and vibrant, while others remain dark and steeped in mysterious shadows.

Many people of Crestfall who managed to escaped from the city spread out; escaping the
cursed city. While other individuals remained, leading to the reclamation of one ghost
settelment and a large influx in another. Along with offering hope to the refugees who await the
return of Crestfall's glory, adventuring parties gather and travel forth from therse locations.

Towns or Refuge

The town of Schistridge, a black ice mining settelment which had laid abandoned for many
years. The new settlement is cold, dusty, and sits infront of a large opening to the mine. #Town-

The town of Wlydburr was a tiny hamlet, a last minute stop before Cresfall. A city where the
most exciting thing was the birthing of new cattle; now the city houses adventureing parties and
a strange sorcerer who protects the town.

City Factions

The city of Crestfall remain in a tumultous state of chaos, as Fey and Factions fight for control
of the city. The riches and personal effects left behind have become treasure/ plunder within the
eyes of those brave enough to adventure within.

There are five factions vying for control of the city.

#Crestfall #Factions

Azura Guard #Azura_Guard

The Azure Guard are a new addition to the city of Crestfall. A small group of blue scaled
paladins who are seeking to push into the city. They are slow going on their efforts, but their
commitment to law and restoring the old ways is unwavering.

The Firebrands
Morally grey and flames are often the first thoughts which come to mind when the Firebrands
are mentioned. Self proclaimed "Cultists with a Cause" the group rests deep within a unknown
base within the city. Often agents work in pairs or as a solo agent. Their goals, while outworldly
expressed as positive, are unknown and elusive to the many adventuerers.

The Emerald Run

Not all residents avoided the Fey and their invasion. A small group of individuals turned to
embrace the influence of the Seelie Court. The Emerald Run seek to bring the Unseelie and the
darker fey to heel. It is their belief that the city is warpped beyond a point of return. Thier
intention is to establish inroads and peace with the Seelie and the remaining populace of

The Ruby Librarium

The scribes of the Ruby Librarium, lofty, calculating, and dangerous. The only offical guild of
magic, they seek to study and investigate the fate of Crestfall. While many would believe a
librarian to be frail, elderly, and weak; this is far from the truth. Each member harnesses various
forms of magic, each making them more volatile than the next when forced into conflict.

The Unseelie Flock

Shrouded in mystery, The Unseelie Flock lives within the connective sinew of myths and
legends. While very few have been seen first hand, signs of their acts have been found
throughout many deaths marked by feathers and a dagger. It is assumed that they operate
within the city, but their location has yet to be determined.

Player Character Options

Connecting Tissue

The players within the story have various means of connecting themselves to the story. These
can be done with backstory element. Each bring with them a boon or a bane, which adds to the
buy in and role play experience for the whole table.
Character Hooks #characterhooks

D8 Character Hook
1 One of the People
2 Plagued by Nightmares
3 Academic Pursuit
4 Portal Refugee
5 Outland Adventurer
6 Crestfall Guide
7 Wyld Cult Roots
8 Missing Loved One

One of the People

You are a resident of this land. You grew up when Crestfall was still the gleaming gem it once
was. When the portals ripped through the city, you watched as chaos descended upon the city
from the comfort of your home within Schistridge or Wlydburr. Since that fateful day, you have
seen all manners of adventureres enter and leave your town. Stories about the fire of battles
and creatures live within your imagination every day. It was when you came of adventuring age
and skill that you ventured forth to find a group and look for a darring story of your own.

Plagued By Nightmares
Throughout your life, you have been plagued by nightmares with a similar eary theme. While
every night isn't plagued by these events, the randomness of these terrors makes sleep a
stressful excercise. These nightmares scratch and naw at you, pulling you in the direction of

Academic Pursuits

You are intruiged by the arrival of the portals in Crestfall and are curious of how it works. You
have heard rumors about how that date came into existence. There are plenty of journals, eye
witness accounts, and other documents nustled deep within this city.

Portal Refugee
A bright and vibrant city you were going through the motions of the day. Then you saw a
blinding light, you say fey of all savage and bloodthirsty types. Your senses, overloaded with the
smell of ozone, burnt flesh, and wet vegetation. You ran, seeing your friends or family cutdown
or captured. Since that day you are plague with these vivid images etched into your mind.

Outland Adventurer

From a distant land or nation, you have heard tales of adventure, battles, and riches lying in
wait at Crestfall. Wether to prove your metal, or personal gain, you come to the city with
adventure in your heart.

Crestfall Guide

Not many would enter Crestfall without a plan, even fewer would seek to stay within it's walls.
You are among the very few, this makes you valuable. Your understanding of the city gives you
the ability take various scholars and adventurers through the various alleys and streets. For you
it is a job, but sometimes there are personal ties which connect you to what you do.

Wylde Cult Roots

You were raised among cultists who meddled within the Feywild. You saw the rituals, the
strange behaviours, and views. You made the decision to escape and avoid any conflict. When
the events of Crestfall transpired you couldn't help but feel connected in some way. You have
made your way to Crestfall with your history sitting firmly at the front of your mind.

Missing Loved Ones

A spouse, a sibling, or a lover; someone you cared for disapeared within the chaos of the
portals. You can't seem to shake the sense that they are still alive somewhere within the city.
You adventure forth, looking for any signs of your missing loved one.

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