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Teaching Strategies

Suggested Teaching Strategies for English

S# Teaching Strategies Description Some Essentials

A strategy that fosters idea creation. It In order to get the children
involves the contribution of a number of started the teacher can give
spontaneous ideas related to a given some ideas to encourage
topic. Brainstorming acts a useful brain students’ active participation.
1 Brainstorming
starter/ice breaker technique that gets
the children working who start speaking
and sharing ideas as a result of A
sudden response to a stimulus
Role play remains one of the most Encourage students to draft
useful activities for kinesthetic learners. their own role plays which will
It helps learners activate their creative foster the skills of creating
faculties. It also gives a chance of writing among the learners. If
application of the actual concepts to the the students find it difficult to
students. Tell the children to perform draft their own dialogues on a
2 Role play
role plays in front of the class and it will given situation then help them
boost their confidence immensely. by exposing them to a similar
role play dialogue and then ask
the children to change it slightly
and perform it in front of the
Read aloud is a strategy where the While reading, ask students to
teacher reads a text aloud to the repeat a certain word or a line or
students with varying pitch, pace, tone the teacher can also ask
and volume. This strategy helps the questions to check students’
learners’ active engagement with the understanding.
3 Reading aloud text. The students also improve their
pronunciation, intonation and other
phonological skills through this
technique. Reading aloud also builds
and supports students’ speaking and
listening skills.
It is a collaborative strategy where It is suggested that the groups
students think and share their ideas in a formed are smaller in size so as
group. The students discuss the ideas in to facilitate communication.
a group which helps them to build
4 Think, pair and share
arguments and communication skills. In
this activity a student thinks and share
sit with a partner and then the partner
shares the idea with the whole group.
Pair work is an important collaborative Pair up a proficient learner with
5 Pair work strategy. Pair work also results in a struggling one.
learning to cooperate and fosters
sharing of ideas. It also helps in
fostering learners’ negotiating skills.

Verbal explanation of certain concepts While explaining, keep inviting

while learners’ responses in the form
inviting the learners’ responses is a of examples.
6 Verbal explanation
that helps learners in understanding the
concepts clearly
Group activities also come under the Assign tasks that require
collaborative strategies that help cooperation.
7 Group activities
learners develop skills such as
cooperation and leadership.
Teaching grammar concepts through Encourage students to use the
reading passages facilitate learners in learnt grammar concepts for
Learning through reading
8 deducing the meaning and also fosters real life communication.
and writing
holistic learning. Writing serves as a tool
for both practice and assessment.
Tell students the basic points on which Pair up students’ self-
they can self-assess their work. Show assessment with your
them videos of their speeches and assessment of their work so
9 Self-assessment
presentations and ask them to explain that they get the whole picture
how they think they performed. and know where they have to
work to get better.
Making predictions is a strategy in which Show pictures to help the
readers use information from a students predict and ensure
text(including titles, headings, pictures, equal participation. Give hints in
10 Prediction
and diagrams) and their own personal the form of words.
experiences to anticipate what they are
about to read (or what comes next).
More fluent readers can be paired with Make sure that a fluent reader is
struggling readers or children who read paired up with struggling reader.
11 Paired/Peer Reading at the same level can be paired to reread While the pairs read and
a story they have already read and discuss, monitor them without
discuss the main ideas in pairs. interrupting.
A group discussion refers to a Assign roles and explain the
communicative task clearly to the students and
Situation that allows its participants to ensure that all the members of
share their views and opinions with the group participate.
other participants. It is a systematic
12 Group discussion
exchange of information, views and
opinions about a topic, problem, issue or
situation among the members of a
group who share some common
A mind map is a graphic always to Prepare a mind map and tell the
13 Mind mapping
represent ideas and concepts. It helps in students how useful it is.
the Organization of ideas.
Sequencing is an essential strategy in Make pairs so that collaborative
comprehension, and the overall purpose learning takes place.
of reading is comprehension. When
students sequence a story, they often
14 Sequencing
look for signal words such as: first, then,
next, and finally. It
helps students use their critical and
Organizational skills
A drill is a classroom technique used to Listen to how the students
practice new language. It involves the reproduce the sentences or
teacher modeling a word or a sentence words. Focus on their
and the learners repeating it. There are pronunciation and accuracy.
15 Drills different kinds of drilling, such as choral
drill, which involves the whole class, and
substitution drill, where Teacher
changes the cue words after each
The goal of interactive discussions is to The teacher monitors the
engage students by finding ways for students and act as a moderator
them to interact with their classmates. It while the students discuss.
helps in the development of analytical
and debating skills.
16 Interactive discussion
It is an effective strategy that helps the
learners negotiate meaning while
them chances with speaking the
Starter activities help lay the foundation The teacher should try that the
for the lesson. They also help the activities are related to the topic
17 Starter activities
teacher in getting the attention of the that he/she intends to teach in
students. the class.
Outlining is used to organize one's Start with short outlines and
thoughts and information. It helps then ask the students to keep
students clarify their ideas and in on adding to them to make a
18 Outlining
structuring and organizing large detailed outline.
volumes of information. It is the first
step in the writing process
Use pictures and flash cards to help Make sure the pictures are
Use of flash cards and
19 students brainstorm ideas related to the relevant and clear.
Activity Based Teaching Method. Activity Monitor the activities of the
method is a technique ad opted by a students while they perform.
teacher to emphasize his or her method
20 Activity based teaching
of teaching through activity in which the
students participate rigorously and bring
about efficient learning experiences. It is
a child- centered approach.
It involves telling what is important in Help students by telling them
the story without telling too much. that what are the basic
Retelling helps readers recall what is components of the story that
happening in the story, develop a sense must be included while retelling
21 Retelling a story
of story structure, and become more and the details that they can
accurate in monitoring their omit.
understanding. Furthermore, it also
helps students practice speaking skills.
In language classrooms, when students Guided writing emphasizes on
do guided writing, they are given an the support and clear instruction
22 Guided writing outline in words or pictures to help them provided by teacher. The
write. teacher should make the
instructions clear.

Teaching vocabulary through games is Try to involve the students and

an effective strategy that helps the have them interact with each
23 Vocabulary games learner learns while having fun. Some of other more.
the games include Cross words,
scrabble, puzzles, and hangman.
Inculcating listening exercises in English The teacher should make sure
lesson plans, helps the learners be that the audio is level and age
Inculcating listening
24 exposed to language that will help them appropriate for the students.
work on their pronunciation and listening
Scenario-based learning (SBL) or Present scenarios that are
situation based learning uses interactive relevant to the students‟
scenarios to support active learning background and personal
25 Situation based learning
strategies such as problem-based or experiences.
case-based learning. It promotes
problem solving skills of the learners.
Substitution helps the learners use their Provide the children with some
26 Substitution in dialogues creative skills in changing the whole words that can be used in the
scenario. place of the substituted words.
A cloze passage is a reading Ask the students to make their
comprehension exercise in which words own cloze passages after you
have been omitted in a systematic have taught them how to make
27 Cloze passages fashion. Students fill in the blanks, and them.
their responses are counted correct if
they are exact matches for the missing
Summarizing teaches students how to Tell the students that in
discern the most important ideas in a summary we only include the
text, how to ignore irrelevant main or the core information
28 Summarizing
information, and how to integrate the and skip extra and minute
central ideas in a meaningful way. details.
Teaching students to summarize
improves their memory for what is read.
Showing videos can help the learners Ask questions after the video to
deduce meaning of words based on the check Students’ understanding.
29 Showing videos
context. It is an effective strategy that Ask questions related to
helps and promotes holistic learning. vocabulary words as well.
Jumbled up sentences help the students The teacher can also jumble up
30 Jumbled up sentences work on the syntax (arrangement of events in a story and ask the
words in a sentence). students to sequence them.
Presentations allow students to Make presentations an essential
communicate using verbal as well as feature of the classroom
non-verbal cues. Through presentations, timetable. Provide feedback and
31 Presentations the students work on their presentation keep a record of students‟
skills and confidence. performance to show them how
they have evolved as affective
Retrieval practice is a strategy in Which The teacher should formulate
bringing information to mind enhances such exercises and activities
and boosts learning. Deliberately that help the learner activate
32 Retrieval practice
recalling information forces us to pull prior knowledge and connect it
our knowledge “out” and examine what with the new.
we know.
Reading silently improves students' The teacher is advised to read a
understanding because it helps them book silently as well While
concentrate on what they are reading, monitoring the students to
33 Silent reading rather than the pronunciation of encourage students’ focus and
individual words. When we read silently, motivation. Ask questions at the
we can form mental pictures of the topic end to check understanding.
being read and discussed.
Use real life objects to clarify the The teacher can allow students
concept of nouns. Bring objects like rice, to use realia while performing
34 Use of realia sugar, apples to the class to teach role plays.
countable and uncountable nouns and
articles a/an.
Teach grammatical structures using Assign a movie day and follow it
contexts with a question answer session.
35 Contextualized teaching
such as using story books, narratives,
dialogues, movies etc.
It refers to using contexts and Introduce new vocabulary in a
encouraging students to infer the context. If students have
Using context to learn
36 meaning of difficult words. difficulty in inferring the
meaning, increase the
surrounding text.
Make the students read autobiographies Bring autobiographies of
before they write one. different people and then ask
Imitation using modeling
37 the students to share about the
from authentic literature
read autobiographies with each
Allow the students to practice free Refrain from assigning a topic.
writing so that they gain fluency in their Allow the students to write on
38 Free writing
writing whatever they wish to.
With this strategy, teachers verbalize Ask the students what they have
aloud while reading a selection rally. learnt about analyzing meaning
Their verbalizations include describing from the texts.
things they're doing as they read to
39 Think aloud
monitor their comprehension. The
purpose of the think aloud strategy is to
model for students how skilled readers
construct meaning from a text.
Intensive reading involves learners Make the learning aims and
reading in detail with specific learning tasks clear for the students.
aims and tasks. It can be compared with
extensive reading, which involves
40 Intensive reading learners reading texts for enjoyment and
to develop general reading skills.
The learners read a short text and put
events from it into chronological order.
Skimming and scanning are reading Clarify the aims of both the
techniques that use rapid eye movement techniques for the students.
and keywords to move quickly through
text for slightly different purposes.
41 Scanning and skimming
Skimming is reading rapidly in order to
get a general over view of the material.
Scanning is reading rapidly in order to
find specific facts.

Suggested Teaching Strategies for Mathematics

S# Teaching Strategies Description Some Essentials

Prior knowledge is the knowledge learner Pre-task activities are a good
already has before he meets new way to explore and share prior
information. A learner's understanding of knowledge. Making predictions
a text can be improved by activating their about content, answering true
1 Prior Knowledge
prior knowledge before dealing with the or false questions, agree on “5
text, and developing this habit is good things you know about...” and
learner training for them. class or group brainstorming
are all effective tools.
Storytelling is the art to tell stories in Stories can link not only
order to engage an audience. The between the world of
2 Storytelling storyteller conveys a message, classroom and home but also
information and knowledge, in an between the classroom and
entertaining way. Literary techniques and beyond.
nonverbal language are his tools.
Students are set up to potentially The key to a good
conceptualize class material more demonstration is for the
effectively as shown in a study. The audience to be able to go
Demonstration by demonstrations often occur when home and do what you have
Teacher students have a hard time connecting taught him how to do.
theories to actual practice or when
students are unable to understand the
application of theories.
An effective way to help students grasp Demonstration by students
important concepts and principle, it refers may be “interdisciplinary” in
to a wide variety of potential educational the sense that they require
projects, presentations, or products students to apply skills or
Demonstration by through which students “demonstrate” investigate issues across
Students what they have learned. A demonstration many different subject areas
by students is typically both a learning or domains of knowledge.
experience in itself and a means of
evaluating academic progress and
Hands-on activity or work involves Children use all of their senses
actually doing a particular thing, rather it helps the brain create
than just talking about it or getting pathways that make it easier
someone else to do it. Students learn best and quicker to retain
5 Hands-on activity
when learning is active, when they are information.
engaged in hands-on classroom games
and activities, and involved in what they
are learning.
Individual Practice is the part of the It is usually an activity that the
lesson cycle where students are given the students accomplish
opportunity to practice the concept individually, with a partner, or
presented during the Introduction to New in small groups while the
6 Individual Practice
Learning and is a time for students to teacher monitors the work.
work towards mastery of the
knowledge/skills presented in the lesson
before an assessment is given.
The concrete level of understanding is the Students have ample
most basic level of mathematical opportunities to manipulate
understanding. It is also the most crucial concrete objects to problem
level for developing conceptual solve. For students who have
Teaching through
7 understanding of math concepts/skills. math learning problems,
concrete objects
explicit teacher modeling of
the use of specific concrete
objects to solve specific math
problems is needed.
Explanation by teacher is the use of It is important for children to
8 Explanation by teacher straightforward, explicit teaching have a good understanding of
techniques, usually to teach a specific different concepts as it assists
skill. It is a teacher-directed method, in their ability to follow
meaning that the teacher stands in front instructions and be specific in
of a classroom and presents the what they are talking about.
Learning by doing refers to a theory of Students learn better when
education expounded by American they engage the material
9 Learning by doing philosopher John Dewey. He theorized deeply and are mindful of their
that learning should be relevant and own learning.
practical, not just passive and theoretical.
Motivation is an internal impulse that Motivational activities in the
brings children to carry-out and achieves classroom can help lead to a
what we propose and plays a large role in united classroom and
learning. Without motivation, there is no motivated students who want
10 Motivational activity
action. to work together to learn.
These activities can easily be
implemented into any
classroom as a helpful tool.
Pair work is an important collaborative Pair up a proficient learner with
strategy. Pair work also results in learning a less proficient one
Pair work to enhance
11 to cooperate and fosters sharing of ideas.
It also helps in fostering learners’
negotiating skills
The process of working through details of Problem solving gives
a problem to reach a solution. Problem students a context to help
solving may include mathematical or them make sense out of the
systematic operations and can be a gauge mathematics they are learning.
12 Problem Solving
of an individual's critical thinking skills. Problems can be used to
introduce new concepts and
extend previously learned

Mental math refers to the practice of Mental math will not only serve
doing calculations mentally or all in your students well in school, it will
head. Mental math is an extremely help them outside of the
common and practical skill. classroom as well. Students
13 Mental Math
who master the technique of
mental math will find that the
strategy helps them in many
A strategy that fosters idea creation. It In order to get the children
involves the contribution of a number of started the teacher can give
spontaneous ideas related to a given some ideas to encourage
topic. Brainstorming acts as a useful brain students’ active participation.
14 Brainstorming
starter/ice breaker technique that gets the
children working who start speaking and
sharing ideas as a result of a sudden
response to a stimulus.
Guided Practice is an interactive The teacher leads the activity
instruction between teacher and students. but solicits help from students
15 Guided practice After the teacher introduces new learning, at predetermined points along
he/she begin the student practice process the way.
by engaging students in a similar task.
This real-world context is familiar enough Students who don’t see how to
and apply classroom lessons to the
imaginable to students and can therefore "real world" are in danger of
serve as a stepping-stone for thinking tuning out their education.
Learning from real-life about important mathematical concepts Weaving real-world examples
situation into learning can help children
understand why they’re in
school and how these lessons
lead to them achieving their
Discussion refers to communicative Assign roles and explain the
situation that allows its participants to task clearly to the students
share their views and opinions with other and ensure that all the
participants. It is a systematic exchange members of the group
17 Discussion
of information, views and opinions about participate.
topic, problem, issue or situation among
the members of group who share some
common objectives
Interpreting graphs involves Graphs are useful not just as a
understanding what the shape of a curve visual representation of a set
represents in real life situations. We of data, but for helping
18 Interpreting graphs
should also understand what slope means consolidate students’
and how to interpret what a high or low knowledge of gradients and
slope value represents. linear functions.
The purpose of a starter, prior to planning Having a starter which signals
it, gives a sense of direction in what might straight away how you expect
otherwise be an automatic task. As a them to behave, learn and
19 Starter
teacher, it is important you set the interact.
standards to which you want your
students to rise.

Peer teaching occurs when students, by Help from peers increases

design, teach other students. Peer learning both for the students
teaching involves one or more students being helped as well as for
20 Peer teaching
teaching other students in a particular those giving the help.
subject area and builds on the belief that
“to teach is to learn twice”.
Knowledge building can be considered as The teacher becomes a guide,
deep constructivism that involves making rather than a director, and
21 Building Knowledge a collective inquiry into a specific topic, allows students to take over a
and coming to a deeper understanding significant portion of the
through interactive questioning, dialogue, responsibility for their own
and continuing improvement of ideas. learning, including planning,
execution, and evaluation.
It is a collaborative strategy where It is suggested that the groups
students think and share their ideas in a formed are smaller in size so
group. The students discuss the ideas in a as to facilitate communication.
group which helps them to build
22 Think pair and share
arguments and communication skills. In
this activity a student thinks and shares it
with a partner and then the partner shares
the idea with the whole group.
Role-playing is the changing of one's It allows students to explore
behavior to assume a role, either realistic situations by
unconsciously to fill a social role, or interacting with other people in
23 Role play consciously to act out an adopted role a managed way in order to
develop experience and trial
different strategies in a
supported environment.

Suggested Teaching Strategies for Science Scheme of Studies

S # Teaching Description Some Essentials

Children can relate the theoretical Make sure that the teacher has
1 Demonstrations knowledge with actual practice. Showing complete command on that
visuals and relating the material with the demonstration. The seating
basic knowledge acquired can help the arrangement of the children should be
students in the application and in such a way that each child can see
visualization of it. the demonstration clearly. Encourage
students’ participation and allow them
to ask questions.
Through reading children acquire and Before reading tell children about the
polish reading skills and also get a lot of purpose of reading, note down all the
information through the text. Once children key words on board and orient them
get confident and have acquired fair on them. While children are reading in
2 reading skills, they will start interacting groups, visit each group and help
with multiple reading materials which will them if required. Give proper time for
improve both; their knowledge and their reading and avoid rushing.
reading and their writing expression as
Children learn the best from each other. Give clear task to the children for peer
This will not only improve their confidence teaching. Give them topics and other
but also enhance their ability of expressing material required for teaching.
knowledge. Children can teach in a group or to
3 Peer teaching whole class. While children perform
peer teaching in groups, visit each
group and be a part of that group.
After peer teaching conclude the
session in a proper manner.
Through scaffolding children learn how to Design all the questions appropriately.
construct knowledge. Children share their Give time to the children to think
prior knowledge in response to the about the questions to reply properly.
questions and once they get the answer in Appreciate children’s replies and don’t
response to the series of questions, they discourage if any child gives a wrong
feel confident and take ownership of answer. Carefully conclude the
4 Scaffolding
learning. session and give them this
impression that they know a lot about
the concept and they have explored
the information so that the children
feel confident and take ownership of
Children start valuing book and its Give time to the children to read the
activities. They start interacting with the instructions of the book activities and
book in a proper manner. share them with teacher. Perform the
5 Book activities
activities mentioned in the book
according to the procedure mentioned
in the book.
It maintains children’s interest, motivation Use models for the teaching of
and concentration. complex concepts; make sure that the
Models, diagrams
models are appropriate and relevant
6 and
to the topic. Diagrams also help in
other visuals
explaining different concepts. Before
presenting diagrams, make sure that
the diagram is clear and well labeled
Children can connect pieces of and Teacher can draw mind maps on the
understand the link and progression of the board step by step while giving the
7 Mind maps content with its sub topics lecture. Structure of mind map should
be simple and understandable for the
This will not only be helpful for children Teacher must pronounce
while listening to lectures but will also help terminologies correctly and use
8 them in reading the content independently specific terminologies in routine
conversation with the children related
to the topic
Children can take notes of the session. Teachers must use the board carefully
They can understand the proceedings of and in an organized manner and
the session in a systematic manner. divide the board appropriately. For
example, a column on left side for
terminologies and difficult words, a
row for topic names and sub topic
9 Chalk and board
and leave some space for specifying
parts of diagrams and mind maps etc.
Teacher can divide the board for a
variety of purposes. The teacher
should use clear hand writing and
correct spellings.
Children get knowledge in a systematic Plan lecture in a proper manner.
manner. Ensure the availability of all the
required visuals and other resources
for the lecture beforehand. While
10 Interactive lectures
giving lecture don’t rush and
understand the mental capacity of the
children. Maintain eye contact and
involve the students.
Presentations improve children’s Appreciate children’s participation in
confidence level and their speaking skills. presentation and give them proper
Children, through presentations, learn time for preparation. After
11 Presentations
ways to express knowledge. presentation, ask relevant questions
from the children to check their
Children learn a way of expressing ideas Give clear instructions to children
and information in a variety of ways. regarding what they are expected to
write. Give them a format or some
12 Written expressions examples so that they can understand
the way they have to write. Appreciate
their writing. Guide them regarding
correct spellings.
Children can connect and elaborate the While planning your lesson,
13 Integration learned concept in an appropriate manner coordinate with other subject
while connecting the knowledge of one teachers and discuss about your plan
subject/area with the other. and include their ideas to make your
plan more integrative.

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