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I would like to earnestly acknowledge the sincere efforts and

valuable time given by my marketing teacher Mr.Shah Adnan sir.
His valuable guidance and feedback has helped me in completing
this project.

Also, I would like to mention the support system and considera-

tion of my parents who have always been there in my life.

Without them, I could never had completed this task.

Thanks a lot.
Marketing strategies of Zerodha

 By Harsh Raj
 Roll no.76
About Zerodha
 Zerodha Broking Limited is an Indian financial
services company offering retail brokerage, cur-
rencies and commodities trading, mutual funds,
and bonds. Founded in 2010, the company is
headquartered in Bangalore.
 Zerodha was founded in 2010 by Nithin Kamath
and Nikhil Kamath.The name Zerodha is a port-
manteau of words Zero and Rodha (Sanskrit word
for barrier).In June 2020, Zerodha attained a self-
assessed valuation of over $1 billion .
Zerodha replaces biggies as largest broker in India

 Zerodha revenue col-

 Here’s how Zerodha disrupts the stock market brokerage
business in India -:
 1. Standard Proposition
 When Zerodha entered the market, most of the stock brokers
were offering variable and non transparent pricing leading to
one on one negotiation with clients. Few brokers were insisting
of contract notes or turnover commitments for lowering the bro-
kerage rate. Zerodha offered a standard brokerage rate with
standard proposition without any commitments. The trans-
parency in the proposition actually played well in that given
scenario. Even today Zerodha is quite transparent in their
proposition with almost each and every details available on their
website. You may refer to this question on their support portal..
 Query on Zerodha Support desk Q. "1 trade in high volumes,
will Zerodha reduce my brokerage? Ans. No, we charge the
same fixed rates for all our clients. We do not offer different
plans to clients based on their trading volumes/funds in their
trading account."
Zerodha never had any Relationship Managers or Dealer pushing for turnover or
brokerage from their clients. All their focus remained on increasing the number of
clients. With increase in number of clients, today they are catering to more than 2.3
million clients. In the process, they didn't mind loosing on delivery brokerages
also. Today also, Zerodha offers Free Equity Investments and Direct Mutual funds.
Refer to a small abstrat that I have picked from their website
Abstract from
"We do not have relationship managers and not a single person on our 1200 mem-
ber team has revenue targets. This ensures that no one is under pressure to gen-
erate brokerage by inducing clients to trade."

3.Business Affiliates & Referral program rather than

Zerodha focused on Online self service platform as such they never require any full
service franchisee however they explored into the uncharted territory of online
bloggers. They offered attractive referral commissions and build a large workforce of
affiliates. This affiliate workforce helped Zerodha to get huge number of leads at no
upfront cost. Whereas, most of these last 10 years, traditional brokers were more
focused on revenue generating full service franchisee. As such, the competition for
Zerodha in this segment remained low for quite sometime.
4. Innovation & Technology
It remained the major and constant focus in the overall strategy. The
platform initially was very raw, but evolving. The traders though started
with basic platform but keep getting newer ones like Pi and then Kite,
API integrations and many other features. The constant addition of fea-
tures keeps them ahead of competition, even within discount brokers,
and also helped them to keep their customers loyal.
Today also the connection to third party decision making and other
tools as provided by Zerodha like small case, streak, sensibull, Golden
Pi etc are still not available with most of the stock brokers. On and Off, I
kept reading about a lot of issues on their trading platform on social
media but we can still realize the gravity of all these by seeing their ac-
tive number of clients, which is 1.2 million, highest in the industry.
5. Online Engagement & Digital Marketing
Zerodha never underestimated the power of online engagement. Their
blogs and varsity attracted many readers and helped Zerodha in active
engagement. Currently Finshots, Varsity and many other such content
are on their job to pull online traffic.
I remember an article stating almost each and every aspect of Income
tax filing for stock market transactions , that I need to refer many a
times for my own and family members' returns.
Such engagements not only helps in building a subscriber base but
also establishes your domain superiority among others. Readers
feel obliged and build a intangible trust which leads to a long term
Please note that I am not an employee, or ex employee of Zerodha.
However, witnessed all these points as an outsider in all these 70
years and I feel good efforts should be praised and should be taken
as inspiration.


‌Zerodha majorly targets its potential audience in Pune, Bengaluru,

and Hyderabad based on the average age group of people below
30 years. It focuses on those below 30 people who are new to their
jobs and already started saving from their salaries and are search-
ing for better saving and investing methods to increase their money
effectively. With its incredible services and products, it has gained
over a million active users.

 The technology used was old and can be a bummer for

many of us. Kamath's brother knew that it is time to
change and allure young minds with service that doesn't
require any technological expertise.

 Not just this, he knows that to attract youthful consumers,

he has to offer something out of the box. Many of the
young customers were put off by hefty commission fees
when it comes to trading. He took advantage of it. The
owner of the company believes that there is no better
marketing than word of mouth. He doesn't spend huge
chunks of money on the advertisement. Instead, they start
focusing on building brand credibility. The next thing they
start educating the millennials about trading.

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