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Handbook of
Strategic Human

Armstrong on Reinventing Performance Management

Armstrong’s Essential Human Resource Management Practice
Armstrong’s Handbook of Management and Leadership for HR
Armstrong’s Handbook of Performance Management
Armstrong’s Handbook of Reward Management Practice (with Duncan
Armstrong’s Job Evaluation Handbook
Evidence-Based Reward Management (with Duncan Brown and Peter
How to Be an Even Better Manager
How to Manage People
Human Capital Management (with Angela Baron)
The Reward Management Toolkit (with Ann Cummins)
Seventh edition

Handbook of
Strategic Human
Improve business performance through
strategic people management

Michael Armstrong
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Hardback 978 1 78966 174 3

Paperback 978 1 78966 172 9
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British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Armstrong, Michael, 1928- author. | Armstrong, Michael, 1928-
Strategic human resource management.
Title: Armstrong’s handbook of strategic human resource management:
improve business performance through strategic people management /
Michael Armstrong.
Description: Seventh Edition. | New York: Kogan Page, 2020. | Revised
edition of the author’s Armstrong’s handbook of strategic human resource
management, 2016. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identiers: LCCN 2020039566 (print) | LCCN 2020039567 (ebook) | ISBN
9781789661729 (paperback) | ISBN 9781789661743 (hardback) | ISBN
9781789661736 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Personnel management.
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Introduction 1

PA R T O N E Strategic human resource

management (SHRM) 5

01 Human resource management 7

Introduction 7
The nature of HRM 8
The HR system 11
The impact of HRM on organizational performance 14
The ethical dimension 16
The state of HRM 17
References 20

02 Strategic management 24
Introduction 24
Strategic management dened 24
The meaning of strategy 25
Strategy in action 27
Developing strategy 28
References 32

03 The concept of strategic human resource

management 34
Introduction 34
Strategic human resource management dened 34
Characteristics of SHRM 35
Aims of SHRM 38
The process of SHRM 39
References 41
vi Contents

04 The evolution of SHRM 43

Introduction 43
Beginnings – focus on vertical integration or t 44
Recognizing the importance of horizontal as well as
vertical t 45
Views on the development of HR strategy – ‘best t’
or ‘best practice’ 45
Development of a conceptual framework for SHRM 50
Preoccupation with performance 54
Focus on implementation 54
A multi-stakeholder approach 54
What is happening to SHRM 55
References 57

05 The reality of SHRM 62

Introduction 62
The reality of SHRM 62
The limitations of SHRM 63
The case for people management 64
References 66

PA R T T W O People strategy in general 69

06 The concept of people management 71

Introduction 71
People management dened 71
Strategic people management 72
Conclusion 75
References 77

07 The nature and practice of people strategy 79

Introduction 79
The nature of people strategy 80
The features of people strategy 81
Broad statements of intent 82
Overall people management approaches 83
Contents vii

Evaluating people strategy 86

People strategy in action 87
References 97

08 Developing people strategy 99

Introduction 99
Development principles 99
The evidence-based approach to developing
people strategy 99
Limits to an entirely rationalistic approach 102
Formulating people strategy 103
Recommendations from practitioners 112
References 115

09 Implementing people strategy 117

Introduction 117
Implementation problems: the say–do gap 117
The implementation process 120
The role of line managers in implementing HR strategy 125
References 128

10 The strategic role of people professionals 130

Introduction 130
People professionals: their basic strategic role 130
The partnership role of people professionals 132
The strategic business partner model 133
People management strategic roles 135
References 139

PA R T T H R E E Specic people strategies 141

11 Organization development strategy 143

Introduction 143
Organization development dened 143
Organization development activities 144
Organization development strategy 146
Formulating and implementing organization
development strategy 147
viii Contents

Culture change 147

References 150

12 Human capital management strategy 151

Introduction 151
Aims of human capital management 152
The role of human capital management strategy 152
The link between HCM and business strategy 153
Developing a human capital management strategy 154
References 162

13 Knowledge management strategy 163

Introduction 163
The process of knowledge management 163
Sources and types of knowledge 164
Approaches to the development of knowledge management
strategies 165
Strategic knowledge management issues 165
Components of a knowledge management strategy 167
References 169

14 Corporate social responsibility strategy 170

Introduction 170
Corporate social responsibility dened 170
The rationale for CSR 171
Strategic CSR dened 172
CSR activities 173
Developing a CSR strategy 175
Role of the people management function 176
References 178

15 Organizational performance strategy 179

Introduction 179
The process of managing organizational performance 180
The strategic approach to managing organizational
performance 181
Contents ix

Organizational capability 184

Developing a high-performance culture 185
How people strategies enhance organizational performance 192
References 193

16 Individual performance strategy 195

Introduction 195
Performance and the factors that affect it 195
Performance management systems 197
Limitations of the model 199
The reality of performance management systems 201
Dealing with the issues – reinventing performance
management 203
References 205

17 Digital strategy for people management 207

Introduction 207
Purpose of a digital strategy 207
Components of a digital strategy 207
References 209

18 Employee engagement strategy 210

Introduction 210
What is employee engagement? 210
Why is engagement important? 211
What are the factors that inuence employee engagement? 212
The nature and content of employee engagement strategy 213
References 217

19 Resourcing strategy 219

Introduction 219
The rationale for strategic resourcing 219
The strategic approach to resourcing 220
Integrating business and resourcing strategies 220
The components of employee resourcing strategy 221
References 224
x Contents

20 Talent management strategy 225

Introduction 225
What is talent? 227
Strategic talent management 228
References 231

21 Diversity and inclusion strategy 232

Introduction 232
Diversity and inclusion strategy 233
Reference 234

22 Learning and development strategy 235

Introduction 235
The aim of strategic learning and development 235
Strategic learning and development philosophy 236
Strategy for creating a learning culture 238
Organizational learning strategy 239
Individual learning strategy 240
References 241

23 Reward strategy 242

Introduction 242
Reward strategy dened 242
Why have a reward strategy? 243
Characteristics of reward strategy 244
The basis of reward strategy 244
The content of reward strategy 247
Developing reward strategy 249
Effective reward strategies 251
Reward strategy and line management capability 252
The problem with the concept of reward strategy 252
References 255

24 Employment relationships strategy 256

Introduction 256
The employment relationship 256
A strategy for creating a constructive and positive employment
relations climate 258
Contents xi

A strategy for achieving mutual gains 259

A strategy for building trust 260
The nature of employment relations strategy 260
Partnership agreement strategy 261
Employee voice strategy 262
Trade union recognition strategy 263
References 264

25 Employee wellbeing strategy 266

Introduction 266
The case for a wellbeing strategy 266
Features of an employee wellbeing strategy 267
Factors affecting wellbeing 269
References 272

26 International people management strategy 274

Introduction 274
Strategic international people management dened 275
International strategic people management issues 275
International people management strategies 276
International reward management 280
References 284

Author Index 285

Subject Index 289
The rst part of this book deals with the concept of strategic human resource
management (SHRM) which is dened as the process of making decisions
on the intentions of the organization concerning people. SHRM focuses on
the need to ensure that the organization’s goals are achieved through its
human resources by means of the integration of HR strategies with the busi-
ness strategy and with each other. It is based on the fundamental proposi-
tion that the human resources of an organization play a strategic role in its
SHRM is based on a number of theories supported by research that ex-
plain and justify the process of adopting a strategic approach to HRM. It is
a construct in the sense of a subjective theory containing various conceptual
elements. It provides an insight into the process of HR strategy formulation
in organizations and the factors that affect it. As such the concept of SHRM
is something that HR or people professionals, indeed anyone who manages
people, need to know about.

A revised approach
However, a case can be made for adopting a revised approach to SHRM.
This could be described under the heading of ‘people management’.
Increasingly, we have People Directors or Heads of People Management
rather than HR Directors or Heads of HR. This change to ‘people manage-
ment’ could be justied simply on the grounds that ‘human resources’ conveys
the wrong message – that employees are factors of production who exist to
be exploited by the business. It is interesting to note that the extensive New
Profession Map produced by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Development (CIPD) in 2018 refers throughout to ‘the people profession’
and mentions HR only once in passing. There is no reference at all to strate-
gic HRM. The conclusion reached by the Institute for Employment Studies
based on their case study research into SHRM (Brown, Hirsh and Reilly,
2019: 43) was that: ‘We hope the term People Management leads to the
wider use of the term People Strategy to cover the big picture of employment
and workforce management.’
2 Introduction

But there is more to this than simply a name change. There are decien-
cies in the ways in which HRM is practised which need to be corrected.
They have been pointed out by a number of commentators, including British
writers such as Armstrong and Brown (2018), Delbridge and Keenoy (2010),
Dundon, Cullinane and Wilkinson (2017), Dundon and Rafferty (2018),
Guest (2017), Marchington (2008, 2015), Paauwe, Wright and Guest
(2013), Sparrow (2017) and Thompson and Harley (2007). Doubts have
also been expressed by American academics on how SHRM has evolved –
Beer (2015), Beer, Boselie and Brewster (2015), Cascio (2015), Delery and
Roumpi (2017) and Kaufman (2015). The thrust of all these criticisms has
been that HRM as originally conceived has lost its way. Instead of adopting
a multi-stakeholder approach as advocated by Michael Beer and his col-
leagues in 1984 in their seminal book on HRM, businesses are preoccupied
with the interests of only one of the stakeholders – the owners or sharehold-
ers, what Marchington refers to as a ‘vertical approach’.
However, this proposal is for a new approach not a radical change. The
fundamental notion of SHRM – the focus on the achievement of strategic
t – is still relevant. The underpinning concepts of SHRM – the resource-
based view, the behavioural perspective and AMO (Abilities, Motivation
and Opportunities) theory – are still important. The elements of a people
management system are still those present in an HR system. It is the way in
which these elements are applied that needs to be amended, not the elements
themselves. The proposed change is to build on the foundation provided by
the SHRM concept, not to replace it.

Plan of the book

The book begins with an analysis of the two elements that combine to create
SHRM: human resource management and strategic management. This is in
line with the view expressed by Allen and Wright (2007: 88) that SHRM
‘represents an intersection of the strategic management and human resource
management (HRM) literatures’. A description of the concept of SHRM fol-
lows. In the next chapter the ways in which SHRM has evolved since its
initiation in the 1980s are reviewed. This review covers the main features of
SHRM, namely the emphasis on strategic t, the choice between best practice
and best t, and its underpinning concepts and theories: the resource-based
view, the human capital and behavioural perspectives and stakeholder
theory. In the nal chapter of this part it is suggested that while, conceptually,
Introduction 3

SHRM has much to offer, it is more of an academic construct than a descrip-

tion of what practitioners actually do and its approach needs to change.
The second part of the book explains how change can take place under
the heading of people management. It begins with a denition of what is
meant by this term. It continues with descriptions of the nature and practice
of people strategy and how people strategies are developed and imple-
mented. It concludes with an analysis of the strategic role of people profes-
The third part covers the ways in which people strategies are developed
in 16 key areas of people management.

Allen, M R and Wright, P (2007) Strategic management and HRM, in The Oxford
Handbook of Human Resource Management, ed P Boxall, J Purcell and P
Wright, pp 88–107, Oxford University Press, Oxford
Armstrong, M and Brown, D (2018) Strategic Human Resource Management:
Back to the Future? A Literature Review, Report 517, Institute for Employment
Studies, Brighton
Beer, M (2015) HRM at a crossroads: comments on ‘evolution of strategic HRM
through two founding books: a 30th anniversary perspective on development of
the eld’, Human Resource Management, 54 (3), pp 417–21
Beer, M, Boselie, P and Brewster, C (2015) Back to the future: implications for the
eld of HRM of the multi-stakeholder perspective proposed 30 years ago,
Human Resource Management, 54 (3), pp 427–38
Beer, M, Spector, B, Lawrence, P, Quinn Mills, D and Walton, R (1984) Managing
Human Assets, The Free Press, New York
Brown, D, Hirsh, W and Reilly, P (2019) Strategic Human Resource Management:
Case Studies and Conclusions: from HR Strategy to Strategic People
resource-management-practice-case-studies-and-conclusions (archived at https://
Cascio, W F (2015) Strategic HRM: too important for an insular approach,
Human Resource Management, 54 (3), pp 423–26
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2018) New Profession Map, (archived at
Delbridge, R and Keenoy, T (2010) Beyond managerialism? International Journal
of Human Resource Management, 21 (6), pp 799–817
4 Introduction

Delery, J E and Roumpi, D (2017) Strategic human resource management, human

capital and competitive advantage: is the eld going in circles? Human Resource
Management Journal, 27 (1), pp 1–21
Dundon, T, Cullinane, N and Wilkinson, A (2017) A Very Short, Fairly Interesting
and Reasonably Cheap Book About Employment Relations, Sage, London
Dundon, T and Rafferty, A (2018) The (potential) demise of HRM? Human
Resource Management Journal, 28 (3), pp 377–91
Guest, D E (2017) Human resource management and employee wellbeing: towards
a new analytic framework, Human Resource Management Journal, 27 (1),
pp 22–38
Kaufman, B E (2015) The evolution of strategic HRM as seen through two
founding books: a 30th anniversary perspective on development of the eld,
Human Resource Management, 54 (3), pp 389–407
Marchington, M (2008) Where Next for HRM? Rediscovering the Heart and Soul
of People Management, IES Working Paper, 20,
resource/where-next-hrm (archived at
Marchington, M (2015) Human resource management (HRM): too busy looking
up to see where it is going longer term? Human Resource Management Review,
25 (2), 176–87
Paauwe, J, Wright, P M and Guest, D E (2013) HRM and performance: what do
we know and where should we go? in HRM and Performance, ed J Paauwe, D E
Guest and P M Wright, pp 2–13, Wiley, Chichester
Sparrow, P (2017) Academic’s Perspective: The Death of Strategic HRM and
Business Partnering: Failure to Deliver, or Wrong? Presentation at IES
Conference, 5 October
Thompson, P and Harley, B (2007) HRM and the worker: labour process perspec-
tives, in Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management, ed P Boxall, J
Purcell and P Wright, pp 147–65, Oxford University Press, Oxford
Strategic human
Human resource 01
Human resource management (HRM) is concerned with all aspects of how
people are employed, managed and developed in organizations. The concept
of HRM originated in the 1980s in the form of a philosophy on how people
should be managed. It replaced the term personnel management. Boxall
(2013: 13) explained that: ‘Human resources include the knowledge, skills,
networks and energies of people and, underpinning them, their physical and
emotional health, intellectual capabilities, personalities and motivations.’
HRM is delivered through the HR architecture of systems and structures,
the HR function and, importantly, line managers.
The notion of referring to people as resources as if they were any other
factor of production is often criticized. Osterby and Coster (1992: 31) ar-
gued that: ‘The term “human resources” reduces people to the same category
of value as materials, money and technology – all resources, and resources
are only valuable to the extent they can be exploited or leveraged into eco-
nomic value.’ Revulsion to the term human resources has encouraged the
use of ‘people management’ as an alternative but it has not been made clear
how people management differs from HRM and a clarication will be un-
dertaken in Chapter 6 of this book. However, in spite of its connotations,
HRM is the term which is still most commonly used, although it generally
refers to a set of practices – the HR system as described in a later section of
this chapter – rather than the original philosophy.
This chapter starts with an analysis of the nature of HRM and then ex-
amines how HRM is delivered through the HR system. Consideration is
then given to two aspects of HRM that affect the way HR strategy is devel-
oped, namely the impact HR has on performance and the ethical dimension
of HRM. Finally a review of the state of HRM today is undertaken.
8 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

The nature of HRM

HRM as rst conceived had a conceptual framework consisting of a phi-
losophy underpinned by a number of theories drawn from the behavioural
sciences and from the elds of strategic management, human capital man-
agement and industrial relations. The two basic models of HRM are those
produced by Beer et al (1984) and Fombrun et al (1984).

HRM philosophy
HRM philosophy is based on ‘the guiding principles that identify and char-
acterize the value and treatment of employees covered within a particular
HRM system’ (Kepes and Delery, 2007: 390). The following explanation of
the original HRM philosophy was made by Legge (1989: 25), whose analy-
sis of a number of HRM models identied the following common themes:

That human resource policies should be integrated with strategic business

planning and used to reinforce an appropriate (or change an inappropriate)
organizational culture, that human resources are valuable and a source of
competitive advantage, that they may be tapped most effectively by mutually
consistent policies that promote commitment and which, as a consequence,
foster a willingness in employees to act exibly in the interests of the ‘adaptive
organization’s’ pursuit of excellence.

Storey (2001: 7) noted that the beliefs of HRM included the assumptions
that it is the human resource that gives competitive edge, that the aim should
be to enhance employee commitment, that HR decisions are of strategic
importance and that therefore HR policies should be integrated into the
business strategy.
The HRM philosophy has been heavily criticized by some academics as
being managerialist and manipulative. But as noted by Storey (2007: 6): ‘In
its generic broad and popular sense it [HRM] simply refers to any system of
people management.’ HRM practice today is no longer governed by the
original philosophy, if it ever was.

Underpinning theories of HRM

The original notion of HRM had a strong theoretical base. Guest (1987:
505) commented that: ‘Human resource management appears to lean heav-
ily on theories of commitment and motivation and other ideas derived from
Human Resource Management 9

the eld of organizational behaviour.’ Resource-based theory, expressed as

‘the resource-based view’, is also important. This theory states that com-
petitive advantage is achieved if a rm’s resources are valuable, rare and
costly to imitate. It is claimed that HRM can play a major part in ensuring
that the rm’s human resources meet these criteria.

Models of HRM
Over the years a number of models have dened the philosophy of HRM.
Of these, the ‘Harvard framework’ and the ‘matching model’ have been the
most inuential.

The Harvard model of HRM

Beer et al (1984) produced what has become known as the ‘Harvard frame-
work’, as modelled in Figure 1.1. They started with the proposition that:
‘Human resource management (HRM) involves all management decisions
and actions that affect the nature of the relationship between the organiza-
tion and employees – its human resources’ (Beer et al, 1984: 1). They be-
lieved that: ‘Today… many pressures are demanding a broader, more com-
prehensive and more strategic perspective with regard to the organization’s
human resources’ (Beer et al, 1984: 4). They also stressed that it was neces-
sary to adopt ‘a longer-term perspective in managing people and considera-
tion of people as a potential asset rather than merely a variable cost’ (Beer et
al, 1984: 6). Michael Beer and his colleagues suggested that HRM had two
characteristic features: 1) line managers accept more responsibility for ensur-
ing the alignment of competitive strategy (thus they were the rst to under-
line the HRM tenet that it belongs to line managers and HR policies); 2) HR
has the mission of setting policies that govern how HR activities are devel-
oped and implemented in ways that make them more mutually reinforcing.
The importance of respecting the interests of all stakeholders – employees as
well as owners – was recognized; although little attention has since been
given to this aspect of the model.

The matching model of HRM

Fombrun et al (1984) proposed the ‘matching model’, sometimes called the
‘Michigan framework’, which indicated that HR systems and the organiza-
tion structure should be managed in a way that is congruent with organiza-
tional strategy. This point was made in their classic statement that: ‘The
critical management task is to align the formal structure and human resource

Figure 1.1 The Harvard HRM framework


• Shareholders
• Management
• Employees
• Government
• Unions
HRM policy choices HR outcomes Long-term
• Employee • Commitment
influence • Congruence • Individual wellbeing
• Human resource • Cost effectiveness • Organizational
flow effectiveness
Situational factors • Reward systems • Societal wellbeing
• Work systems
• Workforce
• Business strategy
and conditions
• Management
• Labour market
• Unions
• Task technology
• Laws and social

SOURCE Beer et al (1984)

Human Resource Management 11

systems so that they drive the strategic objectives of the organization’

(Fombrun et al, 1984: 37). Thus they took an early step towards the concept
of strategic HRM.

The HR system
HRM in organizations is delivered by the HR system. A system is a set of
practices or activities that t together and interact to achieve a purpose. In
a properly functioning HR system, its different parts are interrelated and
jointly supportive in order to enable HR goals to be achieved. The HR sys-
tem operates within the framework provided by the HR architecture.

HR architecture
The HR architecture is a comprehensive representation of all that is in-
volved in HR, not simply the structure of the HR function. As explained by
Becker, Huselid and Ulrich (2001: 12): ‘We use the term HR architecture to
broadly describe the continuum from the HR professionals within the HR
function, to the system of HR related policies and practices, through the
competencies, motivation and associated behaviours of the rm’s employ-
ees.’ It was noted by Hird et al (2010: 25) that: ‘this architecture is seen as a
unique combination of the HR function’s structure and delivery model, the
HR practices and system, and the strategic employee behaviours that these
Purcell (1999: 38) suggested that the focus should be on ‘appropriate HR
architecture and the processes that contribute to organizational perfor-
mance’. Becker and Huselid (2006: 899) stated that: ‘It is the t between the
HR architecture and the strategic capabilities and business processes that
implement strategy that is the basis of HR’s contribution to competitive
Activities such as organization development, selection interviewing and
testing, talent management, learning and development, performance man-
agement and total reward play an important part in the delivery of HR. But
there is the danger that new and seemingly different techniques become
‘avours of the month’, only to be quickly forgotten when they fail to per-
form. The effectiveness of HR depends on using techniques that are tried,
tested and appropriate, not those that have been promoted vigorously as
‘best practice’ without sufcient supporting evidence.
12 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

Features of the HR system

Becker and Huselid (1998: 95) observed that: ‘The HR system is rst and
foremost a vehicle to implement the rm’s strategy.’ Later (Becker and
Huselid, 2006), they argued that it is the HR system that is the key HR asset.
Boselie et al (2005: 73) noted that in its traditional form HR can be viewed
as ‘a collection of multiple discrete practices with no explicit or discernible
link between them. The more strategically minded system approach views
HR as an integrated and coherent bundle of mutually reinforcing practices’.

The components of the HR system

As illustrated in Figure 1.2, an HR system springs from an HR philosophy
that describes the overarching values and guiding principles adopted in man-
aging people. The HR activities carried out in the system can be divided into
two broad categories: 1) transformational activities such as organization
development and the formulation and implementation of HR strategies; 2)
transactional activities that cover the main areas of HR service delivery –
resourcing, learning and development, reward, employment relations and
employee wellbeing.
Taking account of the internal and external environments in which the
organization operates, the system incorporates:

● HR strategy, which denes the direction that HR intends to take in each

of its main areas of activity;
● HR policies, which set out what HR is there to do and provide guidelines
dening how specic aspects of HR should be applied and implemented;
● HR practices, which consist of the HR activities involved in managing and
developing people and in managing the employment relationship.

A strong HR system
Bowen and Ostroff (2004) advocated a ‘strong’ HR system to ensure the
more effective implementation of HRM practices. Their model of HRM
viewed HR practices as communications from the employer to employee
and they suggested that ‘when the HRM system is perceived as high in
distinctiveness, consistency, and consensus, it will create a strong situa-
tion’ (Bowen and Ostroff, 2004: 208). They argued that a strong HRM
system can signicantly affect rm performance by creating powerful,
Human Resource Management 13

Figure 1.2 The HRM System

Human resource

HR strategies, policies, processes,

practices and programmes

Internal context HR philosophies External context

Learning and Reward Employee

Organization Resourcing
development management relations

Workforce Organizational Job evaluation Industrial

Organization planning learning market surveys relations
design resource

Recruitment Individual Base pay Employee

Organization and
development learning management voice

Talent Management Contingent Communi-

Job/role design development pay cations

Health and Performance

safety management

Employee Knowledge
wellbeing management

HR services

focused organizational cultures that help to structure and direct em-

ployee behaviour and effort towards desired organizational goals. They
also emphasized the important role of implementation in translating the
intended HRM system into action. This point was later reinforced by
Nishii and Wright (2008) who observed that there are gaps between in-
tended and implemented HR systems and between implemented and per-
ceived HR systems.
14 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

The impact of HRM on organizational

The message of the resource-based view is that HRM delivers added value
and helps to achieve sustainable competitive advantage through the strate-
gic development of the organization’s human resources. Guest (1997: 269)
argued that: ‘The distinctive feature of HRM is its assumption that improved
performance is achieved through the people in the organization.’ If, there-
fore, appropriate HR policies and practices are introduced, it can also be
assumed that HRM will impact on rm performance.
Much research has been carried out which has shown that there is a cor-
relation between good HRM practice and organizational performance
(often measured in nancial terms). Notable examples in the UK are Guest
et al (2000a), Patterson et al (1997), Purcell et al (2003), Thompson (2002)
and West et al (2002). But Guest et al (2000b) observed that such research
left uncertainties about cause and effect. And Ulrich (1997: 304) pointed out
that: ‘HR practices seem to matter; logic says it is so; survey ndings conrm
it. Direct relationships between performance and attention to HR practices
are often fuzzy, however, and vary according to the population sampled and
the measures used.’ Guest (2011: 11) summed up his article on HRM and
performance with the comment that: ‘After hundreds of research studies we
are still in no position to assert with any condence that good HRM has an
impact on organization performance.’
It was suggested by Peccei (2004) that wellbeing has a key role in enhanc-
ing organizational performance. Peccei et al (2013: 15) pleaded that any
analysis of the link between HRM and performance should be more
employee-centred and look explicitly at the effect that HR practices have on
employee wellbeing.
As explained by Guzzo and Noonan (1994) and Rousseau (1995), HR
practices communicate important goals and desired employee behaviours
from the organization to the employee. They can be seen as ‘signals’ and are
interpreted as such by individual employees (Den Hartog, Boselie and
Paauwe, 2004). The signals of the HR system are, however, often not inter-
preted similarly or reacted to in the same way by each individual owing to
differences in experience, values or preferences. Wright and Nishii (2007)
explained that it is not the HR practices as intended by policy makers, but
rather how employees experience the HR practices that will affect employee
outcomes. Hence the growing attention to the concept of the employee expe-
rience (everything that people encounter, observe and feel during the course
Human Resource Management 15

of their employment from its beginning and onwards). This involves analys-
ing the nature of the experience and taking action to deal with any issues.
The AMO model as described below provides further guidance on the
factors affecting the impact of HRM.

How the AMO model explains the impact of HRM

The AMO model (Boxall and Purcell, 2003) states that performance de-
pends on the individual’s ability, motivation and opportunity. It provides
valuable information on the HRM practices that should be included in a
high-performance work system (bundles of HR practices that improve em-
ployee performance by enhancing their engagement, motivation and skill).
A meta-analysis by Jiang et al (2012) established that the three dimensions
of HR practices linked to the AMO formula – skills, motivation and oppor-
tunity enhancement – could lead to improved nancial performance. As em-
phasized later by Delery and Roumpi (2017: 3): ‘The systems approach that
emerged suggests that it is the appropriate combination of different HRM
practices rather than individual practices that can ensure the enhancement
of all three components of the AMO model and ultimately lead to high em-
ployee or workforce performance.’ They also commented (Delery and
Roumpi, 2017: 6) that:

Despite the lack of consensus regarding the HRM practices that are or
should be included under the umbrella term high performance work practices
(HPWPs), there is a common thread across the different proposed sets of
practices: they address the aspects of the AMO model. In other words, HRM
practices that combine as HPWPs can be viewed as ability-enhancing or skill-
enhancing, motivation-enhancing and opportunity-enhancing or empowerment-

The AMO model as a framework for performance-enhancing HRM prac-

tices is shown in Figure 1.3.

Summary: the impact of HRM

Any belief that HRM improves organizational performance is likely to be
based on three propositions: 1) that HR practices can make a direct impact
on employee characteristics such as engagement, commitment, motivation
and skill; 2) if employees have these characteristics it is probable that or-
ganizational performance in terms of productivity, quality and the delivery
16 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

Figure 1.3 The AMO model as a framework for performance-enhancing

HRM practices

• Sophisticated recruitment
and selection procedures
• Extensive learning and
development processes
• Talent management

• Performance management Individual and
HRM initiatives • Performance pay organizational
• Leadership development performance

• Job design
• Work design
• Career management

of high levels of customer service will improve; and 3) if such aspects of

organizational performance improve, the nancial results achieved by the
organization will improve. This can be described as the HR value chain.
The propositions highlight the existence of an intermediate factor be-
tween HRM and nancial performance. This factor consists of the HRM
outcomes in the shape of employee characteristics affected by HR practices.
Therefore, HRM does not make a direct impact on nancial performance.

The ethical dimension

HRM should have an ethical dimension, that of exercising concern for the
interests (wellbeing) of employees, bearing in mind Schneider’s (1987: 450)
view that ‘organizations are the people in them: … people make the place’.
Beer et al (1984: 13) emphasized that: ‘It is not enough to ask how well the
management of human resources serves the interests of the enterprise. One
should ask how well the enterprise’s HRM policies serve the wellbeing of the
individual employee’ (original emphasis). Ulrich (1997: 5) argued that HR
Human Resource Management 17

professionals should ‘represent both employee needs and implement manage-

ment agendas’. Boxall et al (2007: 5) contended that: ‘While HRM does need
to support commercial outcomes (often called “the business case”), it also
exists to serve organizational needs for social legitimacy.’
But ethical behaviour on the part of employers may not be regarded as
important and certainly does not necessarily happen. It was asserted by
Winstanley and Woodall (2000: 6) that ‘the ethical dimension of HR policy
and practice has been almost ignored in recent texts on HRM, where the
focus has shifted to “strategic t” and “best practice” approaches’. Grant
and Shields (2002) stated that the stress typically placed on the business case
for HRM suggests a one-sided focus on organizational outcomes at the ex-
pense of employees.

The state of HRM

As a description of people management activities in organizations, the term
HRM is in general use, even if it is applied diversely or only adopted as a
label to describe traditional personnel management practices. There have
been plenty of new interests and developments, including human capital
management, engagement, talent management, competency-based HRM,
e-HRM, high-performance work systems, and performance and reward
management. But these have not been introduced under the banner of the
HRM concept as originally dened.
As noted by Storey (2007: 6): ‘In its generic broad and popular sense it
[HRM] simply refers to any system of people management.’ It is just what
HR people and line managers do. A summary of what HRM means that
focuses on what HRM is rather than on its philosophy was provided by
Boxall et al (2007: 1).

Human resource management (HRM), the management of work and people

towards desired ends, is a fundamental activity in any organization in which
human beings are employed. It is not something whose existence needs to be
radically justied: HRM is an inevitable consequence of starting and growing
an organization. While there are a myriad of variations in the ideologies, styles,
and managerial resources engaged, HRM happens in some form or other. It is
one thing to question the relative performance of particular models of HRM in
particular contexts…. It is quite another thing to question the necessity of the
HRM process itself, as if organizations cannot survive or grow without making
a reasonable attempt at organizing work and managing people.
18 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

The practice of HRM can be diverse. Dyer and Holder (1988) concluded that
HRM goals vary according to competitive choices, technologies, characteristics
of employees (eg could be different for managers) and the state of the labour
market. Boxall (2007: 48) observed that: ‘Human resource management covers
a vast array of activities and shows a huge range of variations across occupa-
tions, organizational levels, business units, rms, industries and societies.’
Emphasis is placed on the need for HR to be strategic and business-like
and to add value, that is, to generate extra value (benet to the business) by
the expenditure of effort, time and money on HRM activities. The problem
with this approach is that the needs and rights of employees as key stake-
holders in the business can be neglected, even ignored.

Reservations about the practice of HRM today

A number of academics have expressed reservations about what is happen-
ing to HRM. A selection of comments is set out below.
Marchington (2008) made the accusation that HRM risks losing its di-
rection and raison-d’être. He thought that it was becoming uni-dimensional
and one-best-way-driven, elitist, overly focused on the needs (and short-
term nancial performance priorities and metrics) of investors and leaders,
and mis-focused, by ignoring how HRM is (or is not) put into effect by line
managers. He argued in favour of a future in which the HR function returns
to its distinctive roots in people management and refocuses in three ways:

● increasingly playing the role of strategic problem solver and broker,

attempting to balance the demands of different constituents and stakeholders,
rather than ‘providing the answers that leaders want to hear’;
● paying greater attention to employee wellbeing as the route to high per-
formance; and
● recognizing that what really matters is how line managers put HRM into

He returned to the fray in 2015 (Marchington, 2015: 176).

HRM has always been located at the interface of potentially conicting forces
within organizations. However, in its quest for legitimacy, HRM has tended
primarily to look up the hierarchy and focus on narrow performance goals, so
neglecting other long-standing values and stakeholders. Unless HRM reasserts
its independence, it is likely to wither both in academic and practitioner circles.
Human Resource Management 19

David Guest (2017: 22) made a similar point:

The mutual gains model suggests that HRM should benet both individuals and
organizations. However, the dominant models within HRM theory and research
continue to focus largely on ways to improve performance, with employee
concerns very much a secondary consideration.

Dundon et al (2017: 100) declared that many employers ‘simply view work-
ers as a disposable means to a protable end’. And Dundon and Rafferty
(2018: 377) argued that:

HRM is at risk of intellectual and professional impoverishment because of a pro-

market ontology rather than a more inclusive pro-business orientation. By pro-
business, we mean a focus on longer-term sustainability of both organizations
and people, rather than just immediate shareholder interests of prot-taking.
As an approach, it embraces a fuller recognition of the interests of wider
stakeholders beyond share-holders, including employees and community groups.

Sparrow (2017) deplored the prevalence in HRM practice of a top-down

relationship between management and employees and stressed the need to
make this relationship more of a horizontal one in which the link is pro-
vided by shared identities and values.
The views expressed above are those of some of the most distinguished
HRM academics, researchers and commentators in the UK. They should be
respected. They indicate that consideration should be given to what needs to
be done to reshape HRM practice to take account of the problems to which
they refer and also to reafrm the multi-stakeholder perspective advocated
by Michael Beer and his colleagues in 1984. This new approach could be
dened under the heading of ‘people management’ as described in Chapter 6.

Key learning points

● Human resource management (HRM) is concerned with all aspects of
how people are employed, managed and developed in organizations.
HRM is delivered through the HR architecture of systems and structures,
the HR function and, importantly, line management.
● Human resource management can be dened as a strategic, integrated
and coherent approach to the employment, development and wellbeing
of the people working in organizations.
20 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

 The main message of HRM philosophy is that human resource policies

should be integrated with strategic business planning and used to reinforce
an appropriate (or change an inappropriate) organizational culture.
● Resource-based theory expressed as ‘the resource-based view’ has had
the greatest inuence on the concept of HRM.
● The matching model and the Harvard framework have been the most
inuential models of HRM.
● HRM is delivered through the HR architecture of the HR system, the HR
function and, importantly, line management.
● There are three propositions on the impact HRM makes on performance:
1) that HR practices can make a direct impact on employee
characteristics such as engagement, commitment, motivation and skill;
2) if employees have these characteristics it is probable that
organizational performance will improve; and 3) if such aspects of
organizational performance improve, the nancial results achieved by
the organization will improve.
● HRM has an ethical dimension, that of exercising concern for the
interests (wellbeing) of employees.
● As a description of people management activities in organizations, the
term HRM is in common use even if it is applied diversely or only used as
a label to describe traditional personnel management practices.

Becker, B E and Huselid, M A (1998) High performance work systems and rm
performance: a synthesis of research and managerial implications, Research on
Personnel and Human Resource Management, 16, pp 53–101, JAI Press,
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Dundon, T, Cullinane, N and Wilkinson, A (2017) A Very Short, Fairly Interesting
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22 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

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Strategic 02
In this chapter strategic management is described as a way of managing a
business that stresses the need to think and act strategically, that is, to be
concerned with where the business is, where it should be going and how it
is going to get there. It is essentially a mind-set. But it is also about getting
things done – converting visions into reality. Strategic HRM (SHRM) adopts
a strategic management approach when intentions are being dened on how
HRM strategy should be developed in a manner that contributes to the
achievement of an organization’s goals, bearing in mind that these goals
should be to meet the needs of all the organization’s stakeholders, including
employees as well as shareholders and management.

Strategic management dened

As stated by Boxall and Purcell (2016: 46): ‘Strategic management is best
dened as a process. It is a process of strategy making, of forming and, if the
rm survives, reforming its strategy as the environment changes.’ Strategic
management was described by Johnson et al (2005: 6) as ‘understanding the
strategic position of an organization, making strategic choices for the future,
and turning strategy into action’. The purpose of strategic management was
expressed by Kanter (1984: 288) as being to ‘elicit the present actions for the
future and become action vehicles – integrating and institutionalizing mech-
anisms for change’.
The key strategic management activity identied by Thompson and
Strickland (1996: 3) is: ‘deciding what business the company will be in and
forming a strategic vision of where the organization needs to be headed – in
effect, infusing the organization with a sense of purpose, providing long-
term direction, and establishing a clear mission to be accomplished’. Truss
Strategic Management 25

et al (2012: 49) emphasized the action-orientated nature of strategic man-

agement. They dened it as ‘the process that enables organizations to turn
strategic intent into action’.
The focus is on identifying the organization’s mission and strategies,
but attention is also given to the resource base required to make it suc-
ceed. Managers who think strategically will have a broad and long-term
view of where they are going. But they will also be aware that they are
responsible, rst, for planning how to allocate resources to opportunities
that contribute to the implementation of strategy, and second, for manag-
ing these opportunities in ways that will add value to the results achieved
by the rm.
To summarize, strategic management deals with both ends and means. As
an end, it describes a vision of what something will look like in the future.
As a means, it shows how it is expected that the vision will be realized. To
understand how strategic management functions, it is necessary to appreci-
ate the meaning of strategy as discussed below.

The meaning of strategy

The classic denition of strategy was made by Chandler (1962: 13), who
wrote that it was: ‘The determination of the long-term goals and objectives
of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of
resources necessary for carrying out those goals.’ Boxall and Purcell (2016:
54) suggested that: ‘Strategies are the ways in which managers of rms un-
derstand their goals and develop resources – both human and non-human –
to reach them. Some strategies may be formally planned but it is inevitable
that much of a rm’s strategy emerges in a stream of action over time.’ A
businessman’s view on strategy was made by Julian Richer (2017: 144), who
dened it as simply the process of ‘identifying the direction we should be
moving in’.

Characteristics of strategy
Strategy has three fundamental characteristics. First, it is forward looking. It
is about deciding where you want to go and how you mean to get there. In
this sense, a strategy is a declaration of intent: ‘This is what we want to do
and this is how we intend to do it.’ Strategies dene longer-term goals but
26 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

they also cover how those goals will be attained. They guide purposeful ac-
tion to deliver the required result. A good strategy is one that works, one
that in Abell’s (1993: 1) phrase, ensures that organizations adapt to chang-
ing demands and circumstances by ‘mastering the present and pre-empting
the future’. As Boxall (1996: 70) explained: ‘Strategy should be understood
as a framework of critical ends and means.’
The second characteristic of strategy is the recognition that the organiza-
tional capability of a rm (its capacity to function effectively) depends on its
resource capability (the quality and quantity of its resources and their po-
tential to deliver results). This is the resource-based view.
The third characteristic of strategy is that it aims to achieve strategic t –
the need when developing functional strategies such as HR to achieve con-
gruence between them and the organization’s business strategies within the
context of its external and internal environment.

The content of strategy

Hambrisk and Fredrickson (2001) explained that a complete business strat-
egy needs to cover ve points:

1 Where the organization will be active – what type of products and services
it will offer, what markets it will serve.
2 How it will operate – where it will operate or get its products and services.
3 How it will win – what its competitive advantage will be.
4 What its moves will be – how it will change and grow.
5 How it will be protable – what business model it will follow, as discussed

Business model innovation

Strategy in the private sector is concerned with dening and developing
the business model of an organization – a picture of the business that
explains how it achieves competitive advantage and makes money. Business
model innovation is the process followed by an organization to introduce
a new business model or change an existing one in order to improve its
Strategic Management 27

Strategy in action
Examples of corporate strategies
The following are three examples of how strategies can be expressed formally.
The rst two were set out in the recent reports of the companies and, typi-
cally, are expressed in very broad terms. The third is an internal document
developed by a charity. This expresses the strategy in the form of a balanced
scorecard, a technique conceived by Kaplan and Norton (2001) for provid-
ing a balanced description of what an organization is intending to do, that is,
its strategy, and for measuring its performance. A balanced scorecard, as in
this example, consists of four related perspectives (see Figure 2.1).


GKN delivers innovative technologies that help our customers stay ahead in their
markets and enable us to maintain our competitive edge, ensuring we remain in
higher-value markets. We work with our customers to develop new technologies,
driven by global trends such as fuel efciency, the low-carbon agenda,
electrication, urbanization and population growth, exceptional quality and
customer service. At the same time, we aim to be an employer of choice with a
high-performance culture, motivated people and outstanding leaders, always
ensuring that safety is paramount in all our locations.


● Develop new formats and channels in the UK and internationally.

● Manage our offer to reect changing needs of our customer.
● Maximize returns from our space.
● Optimize efciency.
● Focused use of cash.
● The right people and skills.
● Operating responsibly.
28 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

Figure 2.1 Balanced scorecard in an international charity

Organizational effectiveness
• Programme development
• Programme delivery
• Process development and
• Cost-effectiveness

Financial perspective Stakeholder perspective

• Income growth • Impact on clients
• Enlistment and retention of • Relationships with key funding
supporters agencies and supporters
• Cost/income ratio • Development of brand
• Influence

People perspective
• Leadership behaviour
• Talent management
• Learning and development
• Employee engagement

Developing strategy
Developing strategy is a matter of creating a sense of direction and purpose
and ensuring strategic t. It used to be regarded as a logical, step-by-step affair.
This was described by Whittington (1993) as the classical approach – strategy
formulation as a rational process of deliberate calculation. Conceptually this
involves the following:

1 Dene the mission and the business model that will be used to achieve
that mission.
2 Set objectives.
3 Conduct internal and external scans to assess internal strengths and
weaknesses and external opportunities and threats (a SWOT analysis)
and to understand the political, economic, social, technological, legal
and environmental factors affecting the organization (a PESTLE analysis).
4 Analyse existing strategies and the business model to determine their
relevance in the light of the internal and external appraisal. This may
include gap analysis, which will establish the extent to which environmental
factors might lead to gaps between what could be achieved if no changes
were made and what needs to be achieved. The analysis would also cover
Strategic Management 29

resource capability, answering the question: ‘Have we sufcient human or

nancial resources available now or which can readily be made available in
the future to enable us to achieve our objectives?’ It should also include an
analysis of the interests and needs of the organization’s stakeholders, its
shareholders, management, employees, customers, suppliers and the
community (techniques of stakeholder analysis are described in Chapter 8).
5 Dene in the light of this analysis the distinctive capabilities of the
6 Dene the key strategic issues emerging from the previous analysis. These
will be concerned with such matters as product-market scope, delivering
value to customers, enhancing shareholder value, developing resource
capability, the need to change the business model and, importantly, the
wellbeing of employees.
7 Determine corporate and functional strategies for achieving goals and
competitive advantage, taking into account the key strategic issues. These
may include business strategies for growth or diversication, business
model innovation, broad generic strategies for innovation, quality or cost
leadership or specic corporate/functional strategies concerned with
product-market scope, technological development, talent management
or employee wellbeing.
8 Prepare integrated strategic plans for implementing strategies.
9 Implement the strategies.
10 Monitor implementation and revise existing strategies or develop new
strategies as necessary.

But this model assumes that the development of corporate strategy is a logi-
cal, step-by-step affair, the outcome of which is a formal written statement
that provides a denitive guide to the organization’s intentions. Many peo-
ple still believe and act as if this were the case, but it is a misrepresentation
of reality. In practice the formulation of strategy may not be as rational and
linear a process as some writers describe it or as some managers attempt to
make it. There are limitations to the totally logical model of management
that underpins the concept of strategic human resource management. In the
words of Mabey et al (1998: 74): ‘The reality is… that strategies may not
always be easy to discern, that the processes of decision making may be
implicit, incremental, negotiated and compromised.’
Sparrow et al (2010: 4) asserted succinctly that: ‘Strategy is not rational
and never has been.’ Strategy formulation can best be described as ‘problem
30 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

solving in unstructured situations’ (Digman, 1990: 53) and strategies will

always be formed under conditions of partial ignorance. Quinn (1980: 9)
stated that a strategy may simply be ‘a widely held understanding resulting
from a stream of decisions’. He believed that strategy formulation takes
place by means of ‘logical incrementalism’, that is, it evolves in several steps
rather than being conceived as a whole. Pettigrew and Whipp (1991: 26)
observed that: ‘strategy does not move forward in a direct linear way, nor
through easily discernable sequential phases. Quite the reverse; the pattern is
much more appropriately seen as continuous, iterative and uncertain.’
Another difculty is that strategies can sometimes be based on the ques-
tionable assumption that the future will resemble the past. Some years ago,
Heller (1972: 150) had a go at the cult of long-range planning: ‘What goes
wrong,’ he wrote, ‘is that sensible anticipation gets converted into foolish
numbers: and their validity always hinges on large loose assumptions.’
Faulkner and Johnson (1992: 17–18) said of long-term planning that:

It was inclined to take a denitive view of the future, and to extrapolate trend
lines for the key business variables in order to arrive at this view. Economic
turbulence was insufciently considered, and the reality that much strategy is
formulated and implemented in the act of managing the enterprise was ignored.
Precise forecasts ending with derived nancials were constructed, the only
weakness of which was that the future almost invariably turned out differently.

Strategy formulation is not necessarily a deterministic, rational and continu-

ous process, as was emphasized by Mintzberg (1987). He noted that, rather
than being consciously and systematically developed, strategy reorientation
happens in what he called brief ‘quantum loops’. A strategy, according to
Mintzberg, can be deliberate – it can realize the intentions of senior manage-
ment, for example to attack and conquer a new market. But this is not always
the case. In theory, he says, strategy is a systematic process: rst we think,
then we act; we formulate then we implement. But we also ‘act in order to
think’. In practice, ‘a realized strategy can emerge in response to an evolving
situation’ (Mintzberg, 1987: 68) and the strategic planner is often ‘a pattern
organizer, a learner if you like, who manages a process in which strategies
and visions can emerge as well as be deliberately conceived’ (Mintzberg,
1987: 73). This concept of ‘emergent strategy’ conveys the essence of how in
practice organizations develop their business and HR strategies.
Boxall and Purcell (2003: 34) suggested that: ‘it is better if we understand
the strategies of rms as sets of strategic choices some of which may stem from
planning exercises and set-piece debates in senior management, and some of
which may emerge in a stream of action’.
Strategic Management 31

Implementation of strategy
‘Implementation entails converting the strategic plan into action and then
into results’ (Thompson and Strickland, 1996: 20). Dreaming up a strategy
is fairly easy; getting it to work is hard. Kanter (1984: 305) noted that:
‘Many companies, even very sophisticated ones, are much better at generat-
ing impressive plans on paper than they are at getting “ownership” of the
plans so that they actually guide operational decisions.’
The changes taking place through strategy implementation impact on
people. They involve employees in planning and putting them into effect.
They are therefore the concern of the HR function as well as operational
management. HR has a major role in ensuring that innovation or change is
carried out effectively through people. HR needs to be involved in planning
the change and in implementing it by developing and facilitating the intro-
duction of appropriate HR strategies.

CASE STUDY Strategy in action

ARM’s business model

ARM is involved in designing chips for mobile phones and a growing number of
other small, low-powered devices, ranging from digital cameras to tablet
computers. But it does not actually make any of the six billion or so chips based
on its designs that are produced each year. Instead, its business model is to earn
revenues from licensing its design technology to semiconductor manufacturers
and from royalties paid each time an ARM-based chip is sold. This model means
that ARM has never had to bear the costs of building and operating its own
factories. At the same time, its customers are able to avoid having to design
chips for their own products from scratch by outsourcing much of their research
and development work to ARM. The business strategy is essentially about
building a partnership of many hundreds of customers.
The continued success of the business depends on people working effectively
together to produce innovative designs. HR activity in ARM is largely about
connecting employees – spread across 30 far-ung sites – with each other, with
their customers and with other external partners across different time zones,
national boundaries and cultures. That means delivering effective communications
and learning and development programmes, and acting with agility.
32 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

Key learning points

● The process of developing and implementing strategy is called strategic

● Strategic management deals with both ends and means. As an end, it
describes a vision of what something will look like in the future. As a
means, it shows how it is expected that the vision will be realized.
● Strategy is the approach selected to achieve specied aims in the future.
● Strategy has three fundamental characteristics: 1) it is forward looking;
2) it recognizes that the organizational capability of a rm (its capacity to
function effectively) depends on its resource capability (the quality and
quantity of its resources and their potential to deliver results); and 3) it
aims to achieve strategic t.
● A business strategy needs to cover ve points:
1 Where the organization will be active.
2 How it will operate.
3 How it will win.
4 What its moves will be.
5 How it will be protable.

● Developing strategy is a matter of creating a sense of direction and

purpose and ensuring strategic t.
● In practice the formulation of strategy may not be a rational or linear
● Implementing strategy entails converting the strategic plan into action
and then into results.

Abell, D F (1993) Managing with Dual Strategies: Mastering the present, pre-
empting the future, Free Press, New York
Boxall, P F (1996) The strategic HRM debate and the resource-based view of the
rm, Human Resource Management Journal, 6 (3), pp 59–75
Boxall, P F and Purcell, J (2003) Strategy and Human Resource Management,
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke
Strategic Management 33

Boxall, P F and Purcell, J (2016) Strategy and Human Resource Management,

4th edn, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke
Chandler, A D (1962) Strategy and Structure, MIT Press, Boston, MA
Digman, L A (1990) Strategic Management: Concepts, decisions, cases, Irwin,
Homewood, IL
Faulkner, D and Johnson, G (1992) The Challenge of Strategic Management,
Kogan Page, London
Hambrisk, D C and Fredrickson, J W (2001) Are you sure you have a strategy?
Academy of Management Executive, 15 (4), pp 48–59
Heller, R (1972) The Naked Manager, Barrie & Jenkins, London
Johnson, G, Scholes, K and Whittington, R (2005) Explaining Corporate Strategy,
7th edn, FT Prentice Hall, Harlow
Kanter, R M (1984) The Change Masters, Allen & Unwin, London
Kaplan, R S and Norton, D P (2001) The Strategy-Focused Organization: How
balanced scorecard companies thrive in the new business environment, Harvard
Business School Press, Boston, MA
Mabey, C, Salaman, G and Storey, J (1998) Human Resource Management:
A strategic introduction, 2nd edn, Blackwell, Oxford
Mintzberg, H T (1987) Crafting strategy, Harvard Business Review, July–August,
pp 66–74
Pettigrew, A and Whipp, R (1991) Managing Change for Competitive Success,
Blackwell, Oxford
Quinn, J B (1980) Strategies for Change: Logical incrementalism, Irwin,
Georgetown, Ontario
Richer, J (2017) The Richer Way, Business Books, London
Sparrow, P et al (2010) Introduction: performance-led HR, in Leading HR,
ed P Sparrow et al, pp 1–22, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke
Thompson, A A and Strickland, A J (1996) Strategic Management: Concepts and
cases, 9th edn, Irwin, Chicago, IL
Truss, C, Mankin, D and Kelliher, C (2012) Strategic Human Resource
Management, Oxford University Press, Oxford
Whittington, R (1993) What is Strategy and Does it Matter? Routledge, London
The concept of 03
strategic human

Strategic human resource management (SHRM) was described by Boxall
(1996) as the interface between strategic management and HRM. From the
former, SHRM derives its focus on providing a sense of purpose and long-
term direction and, in the words of Truss et al (2012: 49), turning ‘strategic
intent into action’. From the latter, SHRM absorbs the HRM belief as ex-
pressed by Boxall and Purcell (2016: 28) that: ‘Human resources belong to
people but they are critical for the basic survival and relative success of or-
The purpose of this chapter is to dene the concept of SHRM, its charac-
teristics and aims and the processes involved. The next chapter traces the
evolution of SHRM in terms of its underpinning concepts and theories from
its beginnings in the late 1970s to the present day. In Chapter 5, considera-
tion is given to the realities of SHRM and the case for changing the ap-
proach to a revised version of HRM – people management.

Strategic human resource

management dened
Strategic human resource management (SHRM) is dened as the process of
ensuring that key issues of human resource management are dealt with stra-
tegically in order to support the achievement of organizational goals.
The Concept of SHRM 35

Dealing with HR issues strategically means deciding what needs to be done

now and in the longer term through the integration of HR strategies with
business strategy and with one another, and then ensuring that what needs
to be done is done. SHRM can be regarded as a mind-set rather than a col-
lection of prescribed techniques.
There are many denitions of SHRM. One of the best known was by
Wright and McMahan (1992: 298) who described it as: ‘The pattern of
planned human resource deployments and activities intended to enable an
organization to achieve its goals.’ They stated that the domain of strategic
HRM consisted of ‘the determinants of decisions about HR practices, the
composition of human capital resource pool, the specication of the required
human resource behaviours, and the effectiveness of these decisions given var-
ious business strategies and/or competitive situations’ (p 298). They also noted
that ‘SHRM is ultimately the means through which human resources can serve
as a competitive advantage’ (p 312).
Other denitions include:

● ‘An approach to management which encompasses those HR strategies

designed to improve organizational performance and measures the impact
of these strategies on organizational performance.’ (Boxall, 2007: 1)
● ‘The choice, alignment, and integration of an organization’s HRM system
so that its human capital resources most effectively contribute to strategic
business objectives.’ (Kaufman, 2015: 404)
● ‘All those activities affecting the behaviour of individuals in their efforts
to formulate and implement the strategic needs of the business.’ (Schuler,
1992: 30)

The common factor in these denitions is that the purpose of SHRM is to

further the objectives of the organization. As Fombrun et al (1984: 37)
stated: ‘The critical managerial task is to align the formal structure and
human resource systems so that they drive the strategic objectives of the

Characteristics of SHRM
One of the earlier descriptions of SHRM was made by Hendry and Pettigrew
(1986: 4) who suggested that it had four meanings:

1 the use of planning;

36 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

2 a coherent approach to the design and management of HR systems based

on an employment policy and manpower strategy and often underpinned
by a ‘philosophy’;
3 matching HRM activities and policies to some explicit business strategy;
4 seeing the people of the organization as a ‘strategic resource’ for the
achievement of ‘competitive advantage’.

Wright and McMahan’s (1992: 298) explanation of the characteristics of

SHRM as illustrated in Figure 3.1 stated that vertically, ‘it entails the linking
of human resource practices with the strategic management process of the
organization’, and horizontally, ‘it emphasizes the coordination or congru-
ence among the various human resource practices through a pattern of
planned action’. They listed the following four theoretical models or groups
of models that affect the operation of SHRM:

1 The resource-based view of the rm is that it is the range of resources in

an organization, including its human resources, that produces its unique
character and creates competitive advantage. It focuses on the relationships
among strategy, HR practices and the HR capital and is therefore placed
on the left side of the model.
2 The behavioural approach states that different strategy types require
different types of employee role behaviours and that HR practices should
be used to ensure those behaviours take place. It is concerned with how
strategy, HR practices and HR behaviours are interrelated and is thus
placed on the right side of the model.
3 Cybernetic and agency/transaction cost models examine the relationships
among strategy, HR practices, and both the HR capital pool and HR
behaviours and are therefore placed near the centre of the model. Cyber-
netic models describe organizations as input–throughput–output systems
involved in transactions with their environment; inputs can be regarded as
skills and abilities, throughput as behaviours, and outputs as performance
and outcomes. Agency/transaction costs arise when one party requires
services from another in the form of a transaction involving costs associated
with negotiating, monitoring, evaluating and enforcing exchanges between
the parties.
4 Resource dependence and institutional theories examine the effects of
political and institutional factors on HR practices and are placed in the
upper right corner of the model. Resource dependence theory indicates
that HR strategies in organizations are strongly inuenced by the need to
The Concept of SHRM 37

attract, retain and motivate high-quality people. Institutional theory is

concerned with how organization structures and systems affect behaviour.

Becker et al (1997) observed that: ‘The strategic HRM literature tends to

emphasize the entire HRM system as the unit of analysis, in contrast to the
traditional focus on individual policies or practices.’ Schuler and Jackson
(1987: 5) stated that it is fundamentally about ‘systematically linking people
with the rm’.
In essence, SHRM is conceptual. It is underpinned by a number of well-
established theories. But it also deals with the practice of HRM by empha-
sizing the importance of ‘strategic t’. As indicated by Brown et al (2019: 4):
‘The idea of strategic HRM implies that HRM policies are aligned in linear
fashion with and driven by the business strategy; and the HRM strategy in
turn translates the people aspects of that business strategy into a plan for
action on the people aspects of the business and drives the HR activity de-
signed to support that process.’

Figure 3.1 A conceptual model of theoretical frameworks for studying strategic

human resource management


Resource- Resource
based view of HRM practices dependence,
the firm institutional

Cybernetic Behavioural
agency/ approach
transaction costs

Firm-level outcomes
HR capital pool (performance,
HR behaviours
(skills, abilities) satisfaction,
absenteeism, etc)

SOURCE Wright and McMahan (1992)

38 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

Strategic HRM and HRM

One of the characteristics of HRM is that it is strategic, so what’s the differ-
ence between HRM and strategic HRM? An answer to this question was
provided by Truss and Gratton (1994: 666) who wrote that: ‘We should
perhaps regard SHRM as an overarching concept that links the manage-
ment and development of people within the organization to the business as
a whole and its environment, while HRM could be viewed as an organizing
activity that takes place under this umbrella.’

Strategic HRM and HRM strategy

What’s the difference, if any, between SHRM and HRM strategy? The an-
swer is that SHRM is an overall approach which provides guidance on how
key issues of human resource management can be dealt with strategically in
the sense that they support the achievement of corporate goals. But SHRM
only becomes real when it produces actions and reactions that can be re-
garded as strategic, either in the form of overall or specic people strategies
or strategic behaviour on the part of HR professionals working alongside
line managers. SHRM provides the conceptual framework within which in-
dividual strategies are devised and implemented.

Aims of SHRM
The fundamental purpose of strategic HRM is to generate strategic capabil-
ity by ensuring that the organization has the skilled, committed and well-
motivated employees it needs to achieve sustained competitive advantage. It
has two further aims: rst, to achieve t or integration – tting or aligning
HR strategies vertically with business strategies and integrating HR strate-
gies with one another – and second, to provide a sense of direction in an
often turbulent environment so that the business needs of the organization
and the individual and collective needs of its employees can be met by the
development and implementation of coherent and practical HR policies and
When considering the aims of SHRM, account ought to be taken but too
often isn’t of ethical considerations – the interests of all the stakeholders in
the organization, employees in general as well as owners and management,
The Concept of SHRM 39

and the responsibilities of the organization to the wider community. In

Storey’s (1989) terms, soft strategic HRM will place greater emphasis on the
human relations aspect of people management, stressing continuous devel-
opment, communication, involvement, security of employment, the quality
of working life and work–life balance. On the other hand, hard strategic
HRM will emphasize the yield to be obtained by investing in human re-
sources in the interests of the business. SHRM should but often doesn’t at-
tempt to achieve a proper balance between the hard and soft elements. All
organizations exist to achieve a purpose and they must ensure that they have
the resources required to do so, and that they use them effectively. But they
should also take into account the human factors contained in the concept of
soft strategic HRM. In the words of Quinn Mills (1985), they should plan
with people in mind, taking into account the needs and aspirations of all the
members of the organization. The problem is that hard considerations in
many businesses will come rst, leaving soft ones some way behind.
Organizations must also consider their responsibilities to society in gen-
eral on the grounds that because they draw resources from society, they
must give something back to society. The exercise of corporate social re-
sponsibility (CSR), dened by McWilliams et al (2006: 1) as ‘actions that
appear to further some social good beyond the interests of the rm and that
which is required by law’, may be regarded as outside the scope of human
resource management. But because CSR relates to ethical actions in the in-
terests of people, there is a strong link, and it is therefore an aspect of or-
ganizational behaviour that can legitimately be included in the strategic
portfolio of HR specialists.

The process of SHRM

Strategic HRM provides the basis for developing and implementing ap-
proaches to people management which enable the organization to achieve
its objectives and take into account the changing context in which the rm
operates and its longer-term requirements.
As modelled in Figure 3.2, strategic HRM is about both people strategies
and the strategic management activities of HR professionals. There is al-
ways choice about those strategies and the strategic role of HR, and this
choice is based on strategic analysis as conducted in strategic reviews.
40 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

Figure 3.2 Strategic HRM model

Strategic HRM

People strategies – Strategic management –

overall/specific strategic role of HR

Strategic choice

Strategic analysis

Key learning points

● SHRM dened
● Strategic human resource management (SHRM) is an approach to
managing people that deals with how the organization’s goals will be
achieved through its human resources by means of integrated HR
strategies, policies and practices. It is based on the fundamental
proposition that the human resources of an organization play a
strategic role in its success.
● Strategic HRM is the interface between HRM and strategic
● SHRM described
● In essence, SHRM is conceptual. It is underpinned by a number of
well-established theories. But it also deals with the practice of HRM
by emphasizing the importance of ‘strategic t’ – the achievement of
integration or ‘t’ between HR and business strategies and between
individual HR strategies, and by stressing the benets of taking a
longer-term view of where HR should be going and how it should get
The Concept of SHRM 41

● Aim of SHRM
● The aim of strategic HRM is to generate organizational capability by
ensuring that the organization has the skilled, engaged, committed
and well-motivated employees it needs to achieve sustained
competitive advantage.
● SHRM as a mind-set
● SHRM is a mind-set which only becomes real when it produces
actions and reactions that can be regarded as strategic, either in the
form of overall or specic people strategies or strategic behaviour on
the part of HR professionals working alongside line managers.

Becker, B E et al (1997) HR as a source of shareholder value: research and
recommendations, Human Resource Management, 36 (1), pp 39–47
Boxall, P F (1996) The strategic HRM debate and the resource-based view of the
rm, Human Resource Management Journal, 6 (3), pp 59–75
Boxall, P F (2007) The goals of HRM, in Oxford Handbook of Human Resource
Management, ed P Boxall, J Purcell and P Wright, pp 48–67, Oxford University
Press, Oxford
Boxall, P F and Purcell, J (2016) Strategy and Human Resource Management, 4th
edn, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke
Brown, D, Hirsh, W and Reilly, P (2019) Strategic Human Resource Management:
Case Studies and Conclusions: from HR Strategy to Strategic People
resource-management-practice-case-studies-and-conclusions (archived at https://
Fombrun, C J, Tichy, N M and Devanna, M A (1984) Strategic Human Resource
Management, Wiley, New York
Hendry, C and Pettigrew, A (1986) The practice of strategic human resource
management, Personnel Review, 15 (5), pp 2–8
Kaufman, B E (2015) The evolution of strategic HRM as seen through two
founding books: a 30th anniversary perspective on development of the eld,
Human Resource Management, 54 (3), pp 389–407
McWilliams, A, Siegel, D S and Wright, P M (2006) Corporate social responsibility:
strategic implications, Journal of Management Studies, 43 (1), pp 1–12
Quinn Mills, D (1985) Planning with people in mind, Harvard Business Review,
July–August, pp 97–105
42 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

Schuler, R S (1992) Strategic human resource management: linking people with the
strategic needs of the business, Organizational Dynamics, 21 (1), pp 18–32
Schuler, R S and Jackson, S E (1987) Linking competitive strategies with human
resource management practices, Academy of Management Executive, 1 (3),
pp 207–19
Storey, J (1989) From personnel management to human resource management, in
New Perspectives on Human Resource Management, ed J Storey, pp 1–18,
Routledge, London
Truss, C and Gratton, L (1994) Strategic human resource management: a conceptual
approach, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 5 (3),
pp 663–86
Truss, C, Mankin, D and Kelliher, C (2012) Strategic Human Resource
Management, Oxford University Press, Oxford
Wright, P and McMahan, G (1992) Theoretical perspectives for human resource
management, Journal of Management, 18 (2), pp 295–320
The evolution 04

This chapter deals with how the notion of strategic HRM (SHRM) emerged
in the 1980s and what has happened to it since. Initially, it covers the devel-
opment of the important concept of strategic t (vertical and horizontal in-
tegration). As Wright and McMahan (1992: 52) observed, strategic t refers
to the two dimensions that distinguish SHRM: ‘First, vertically, it entails the
linking of human resource management practices with the strategic manage-
ment processes of the organization. Second, horizontally, it emphasizes the
coordination or congruence among the various human resource manage-
ment practices.’ This idea is fundamental to SHRM. Schuler (1992:18)
stated that:

Strategic human resource management is largely about integration and

adaptation. Its concern is to ensure that: (1) human resources (HR) management
is fully integrated with the strategy and strategic needs of the rm (vertical
t); (2) HR policies cohere both across policy areas and across hierarchies
(horizontal t); and (3) HR practices are adjusted, accepted and used by line
managers and employees as part of their everyday work.

Initially SHRM theorists focused on vertical t, but the importance of hori-
zontal t (a ‘congurational’ approach involving both vertical and horizon-
tal t) was quickly recognized.
The idea of strategic t is associated with the issue of what should be
done about formulating HR strategies where the basic choice is between the
principles of ‘best t’ or ‘best practice’. The development of views on this
issue is covered in the second section of the chapter.
SHRM is inuenced by a number of theories that support the principle of
adopting a strategic approach to managing people (the resource-based view)
or explain the factors that affect strategy and should be taken into account
44 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

in formulating it (human capital and behavioural factors, AMO theory and

stakeholder theory). These are described in the third section of this chapter.
As SHRM evolved, various preoccupations emerged. These are reviewed
in the fourth section of the chapter and are concerned with the impact of
SHRM on performance, an increased focus on implementation and the need
for a multi-stakeholder approach.
The development of SHRM has not been linear. Different concepts have
emerged concurrently and in some respects it could be characterized as a
circular process. And while a convincing case for SHRM has been made by
many commentators, doubts can be expressed about its reality – what does
SHRM mean in practice? These doubts are explored in the next chapter.

Beginnings – focus on vertical

integration or t
The rst suggestion that people resource planning and strategic planning
should be linked came from Walker (1978). This was followed by Tichy
et al, (1982: 47) who argued that: ‘The fundamental strategic management
problem is to keep the strategy, structure and human resource dimensions of
the organization in direct alignment.’ As noted by Wright et al (2001: 701),
‘Walker’s call signied the conception of the eld of SHRM, but its birth
came in the early 1980s with Tichy et al’s article devoted to extensively ex-
ploring the link between business strategy and HR.’ Lengnick-Hall et al
(2009) pointed out that early strategic HRM literature emphasized a contin-
gency perspective in which the focal point was t between HR policies and
practices and various strategy elements (vertical t or integration).
This view was expressed clearly by Dyer and Holder (1988: 3) who wrote
that in strategic HRM: ‘Strategies are business-driven and focus on organi-
zational effectiveness; thus, in this perspective, people are viewed primarily
as resources to be managed toward the achievement of strategic business
It was during this early period that the two seminal books on human re-
source management were published – Beer et al (1984) and Fombrun et al
(1984). Both acknowledged the need to t HR strategy to the business strat-
egy, that is, vertical t.
The Evolution of SHRM 45

Recognizing the importance of horizontal

as well as vertical t
Baird and Meshoulam (1988) expanded the notion of t to incorporate both
vertical and horizontal components. Vertical t is aligning a rm’s HR prac-
tices with its strategy, whereas horizontal t is aligning a rm’s HR practices
with one another, thus enabling them to mutually reinforce each other, a pro-
cess that became known as ‘bundling’. The signicance of horizontal t as a
means of achieving high employee performance also emerged in the writings
of Wright and McMahan (1992) and MacDufe (1995). Research in US au-
tomotive assembly plants carried out by the latter established that innovative
HR practices affect performance not individually but as interrelated elements
in an internally consistent HR bundle. He explained the concept of bundling
as follows: ‘Implicit in the notion of a “bundle” is the idea that practices
within bundles are interrelated and internally consistent, and that “more is
better” with respect to the impact on performance, because of the overlapping
and mutually reinforcing effect of multiple practices (MacDufe, 1995: 197).
Dyer and Reeves (1995: 656–57) stated that: ‘The logic in favour of bundling
is straightforward... Since employee performance is a function of both ability
and motivation, it makes sense to have practices aimed at enhancing both.’
Research in an international furniture rm in Holland by Paauwe et al
(2013) established that an important contributory factor to the company’s
success was its pursuit of t in strategic HR planning

Views on the development of HR strategy –

‘best t’ or ‘best practice’
The emergence of the notions of vertical and horizontal t sparked a debate
at about this time on the relative merits of what became known as ‘best
practice’ and ‘best t’.

Perspectives on HRM
Delery and Doty (1996: 802–03) led the debate by identifying three HRM

1 The universalistic perspective – some HR practices are better than others

and all organizations should adopt these best practices. There is a universal
relationship between individual ‘best’ practices and rm performance.
46 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

2 The contingency perspective – in order to be effective, an organization’s

HR policies must be consistent with other aspects of the organization.
The primary contingency factor is the organization’s strategy. This can be
described as ‘vertical t’.
3 The congurational perspective – ‘In order to be effective, an organization
must develop an HR system that achieves both horizontal and vertical t.
Horizontal t refers to the internal consistency of the organization’s HR
policies or practices, and vertical t refers to the congruence of the HR
system with other organizational characteristics such as rm strategy. An
ideal conguration would be one with the highest degree of horizontal t.’

An alternative way of presenting these perspectives was suggested by Guest

(1997) who referred to t as an ideal set of practices (a universalistic or best
practice approach), t as contingency (a best t approach) and t as bundles
(a congurational approach).
The third congurational (bundle) approach was generally accepted but
the choice between best practice or best t was more controversial.

The best practice approach

This ‘universalist’ approach is based on the assumption that there is a set of best
HRM practices and that adopting them will lead to superior organizational
performance. They are universal in the sense that they are best in any situation.
The following well-known list of best practices was produced by Pfeffer

1 Employment security.
2 Selective hiring.
3 Self-managed teams.
4 High compensation contingent on performance.
5 Training to provide a skilled and motivated workforce.
6 Reduction of status differentials.
7 Sharing information.

The ‘best practice’ rubric was attacked by Cappelli and Crocker-Hefter

(1996:7) who commented that the notion of a single set of best practices has
been over-stated: ‘There are examples in virtually every industry of highly suc-
cessful rms that have very distinctive management practices. We argue that
these distinctive human resource practices help to create unique competencies
that differentiate products and services and, in turn, drive competitiveness.’
The Evolution of SHRM 47

In accordance with contingency theory, which emphasizes the importance

of interactions between organizations and their environments so that what
organizations do is dependent on the context in which they operate, it is dif-
cult to accept that there is any such thing as universal best practice. What
works well in one organization will not necessarily work well in another
because it may not t its strategy, culture, management style, technology or
working practices. However, a knowledge of what is assumed to be best
practice can be used to inform decisions on what practices are most likely to
t the needs of the organization, as long as it is understood why a particular
practice should be regarded as a best practice and what needs to be done to
ensure that it will work in the context of the organization. Perhaps it is best
to think of ‘good practice’ rather than ‘best practice’.

The best t approach

The best t approach emphasizes that HR or people strategies should be
related to the context of the organization, its circumstances and its type.
There is a choice of models, namely: lifecycle, competitive strategy and stra-
tegic conguration.

The lifecycle model

The lifecycle model is based on the theory that the development of a rm
takes place in four stages: start-up, growth, maturity and decline. This is in
line with product lifecycle theory. The basic premise of this model was ex-
pressed by Baird and Meshoulam (1988: 117) as follows:

Human resource management’s effectiveness depends on its t with the

organization’s stage of development. As the organization grows and develops,
human resource management programmes, practices and procedures must
change to meet its needs. Consistent with growth and development models it
can be suggested that human resource management develops through a series of
stages as the organization becomes more complex.

Best t and competitive strategies

Three strategies aimed at achieving competitive advantage were identied
by Porter (1985):

1 Innovation – being the unique producer.

2 Quality – delivering high quality goods and services to customers.
3 Cost leadership – the planned result of policies aimed at ‘managing away
48 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

It was contended by Schuler and Jackson (1987) that to achieve the maxi-
mum effect it is necessary to match the role characteristics of people in an
organization with the preferred one of these.

Strategic conguration
Another approach to best t is the proposition that organizations will be
more effective if they match one of the ideal types dened by theories such
as those produced by Mintzberg (1979) and Miles and Snow (1978). This
increased effectiveness is attributed to the internal consistency or t between
the patterns of relevant contextual, structural and strategic factors.
The typology of organizations produced by Mintzberg classied them
into ve categories: simple structure, machine bureaucracy, professional bu-
reaucracy, divisionalized form, and adhocracy. Miles and Snow identied
three types of what they called ‘ideal’ organizations:

1 Prospectors, which operate in an environment characterized by rapid and

unpredictable changes.
2 Defenders, which operate in a more stable and predictable environment
than prospectors and engage in more long-term planning.
3 Analysers, which are a combination of the prospector and defender types.
They operate in stable environments, like defenders, and also in markets
where new products are constantly required, like prospectors.

Comments on the concept of best t

The best t model seems to be more realistic than the best practice model.
As Dyer and Holder (1988: 31) commented: ‘The inescapable conclusion is
that what is best depends.’ It can therefore be claimed that best t is more
important than best practice.
But there are limitations to the concept of best t. Paauwe (2004: 37)
argued that: ‘It is necessary to avoid falling into the trap of contingent deter-
minism, ie acting as if the context absolutely determines the strategy. There
is, or should be, room for making strategic choices.’
The difculty of mechanistically matching HR policies and practices
with strategy should be noted. It is not credible to claim that there are sin-
gle contextual factors that determine HR strategy, and internal t cannot
therefore be complete. Boxall (2007: 61) contended that: ‘It is clearly im-
possible to make all HR policies reective of a chosen competitive or eco-
nomic mission.’
The Evolution of SHRM 49

Purcell (1999: 35) referred to the concept of ‘idiosyncratic contingency’

which ‘shows that each rm has to make choices not just on business and
operational strategies but on what type of HR system is best for its pur-
poses’. He commented (p 37) that: ‘The search for a contingency or matching
model of HRM is also limited by the impossibility of modelling all the con-
tingent variables, the difculty of showing their interconnection, and the way
in which changes in one variable have an impact on others, let alone the need
to model idiosyncratic and path dependent contingencies.’
Youndt et al (1996) compared the universalistic (best practice) with con-
tingency (best t) perspectives of SHRM in a study of 97 manufacturing
plants. The results supported the contingency approach. They found that
an HR system focused on human capital enhancement in organizations
pursuing a quality enhancement strategy improved multiple dimensions of
operational performance. But the researchers argued that universalistic and
contingency perspectives are not necessarily mutually exclusive, an asser-
tion that Boxall and Purcell (2008) also made. In other words, it has been
suggested that universal ‘best practices’ can provide a foundation for
SHRM activities, but in order to achieve a higher level of performance,
contingent factors should be considered.
Michie and Sheehan (2005) tested the universalistic (best practice) con-
tingency (best t), and congurational (pattern of HR practices) perspec-
tives on a sample of UK manufacturing and service-sector rms. They found
that the relationship between HR policies and practices and performance is
dependent upon business strategy (the contingency perspective) and that
companies pursuing an integrated approach to HR perform best.
Some support for the best practice viewpoint was provided by Ahmad and
Schroeder (2003) who examined the relationship between HRM practices
and operations management across a number of countries and industries.
They found a relationship between Pfeffer’s (1994) seven best HRM practices
and organizational performance across three industries and four countries.
The concept of best practice should not be dismissed out of hand in fa-
vour of best t. Stavrou et al (2010: 952, 973) suggested that both could be

There may be merit in both approaches where the debate is between general
principles/bundles (training and development, stafng, compensation and benets,
communication and participation, and planning) and the manner in which they
are carried out… It seems that the ‘best t’ and ‘best practice’ approaches of the
HR–performance relationship are not necessarily mutually exclusive. On the
contrary, they may be combined to provide a more holistic picture of the subject.
50 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

Development of a conceptual framework

for SHRM
SHRM is essentially conceptual. The notion of adopting a strategic ap-
proach to managing people has been underpinned by a number of theories
that highlight the signicance of SHRM and explain what it involves, as
described below.

The resource-based view

The resource-based view (RBV) rst appeared as an underpinning theory for
SHRM at the same time as the initial descriptions of SHRM were being
made. According to Delery and Roumpi (2017), the RBV arguably consti-
tutes one of the most popular theoretical frameworks in the management
literature. It indicates that it is the range of resources in an organization,
including its human resources, that produces its unique character and cre-
ates competitive advantage. The RBV is founded on the ideas of Penrose
(1959: 24–25), who wrote that the rm is ‘an administrative organization
and a collection of productive resources’ and saw resources as ‘a bundle of
potential services’. It was expanded by Wernerfelt (1984: 172), who ex-
plained that strategy ‘is a balance between the exploitation of existing re-
sources and the development of new ones’. Resources were dened by Hunt
(1991: 322) as ‘anything that has an enabling capacity’.
The concept was developed by Barney (1991: 102), who stated that ‘a
rm is said to have a competitive advantage when it is implementing a value-
creating strategy not simultaneously being implemented by any current or
potential competitors and when these other rms are unable to duplicate the
benets of this strategy. This will happen if their resources are valuable, rare,
inimitable and non-substitutable.’ He noted later (Barney 1995: 49) that an
environmental analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
(SWOT analysis) was only half the story: ‘A complete understanding of
sources of a rm’s competitive advantage requires the analysis of a rm’s
internal strengths and weaknesses as well.’ He wrote (p 60):

Creating sustained competitive advantage depends on the unique resources and

capabilities that a rm brings to competition in its environment. To discover
these resources and capabilities, managers must look inside their rm for
valuable, rare and costly-to-imitate resources, and then exploit these resources
through their organization.
The Evolution of SHRM 51

The following rationale for resource-based strategy was produced by Grant

(1991: 13):

The resources and capabilities of a rm are the central considerations in

formulating its strategy: they are the primary constants upon which a rm can
establish its identity and frame its strategy, and they are the primary sources
of the rm’s protability. The key to a resource-based approach to strategy
formulation is understanding the relationships between resources, capabilities,
competitive advantage and protability – in particular, an understanding of the
mechanisms through which competitive advantage can be sustained over time.
This requires the design of strategies which exploit to maximum effect each
rm’s unique characteristics.

Resource-based SHRM can produce what Boxall and Purcell (2016) refer to
as ‘human resource advantage’. The aim is to develop strategic capability.
This means strategic t between resources and opportunities, obtaining
added value from the effective deployment of resources, and developing
managers who can think and plan strategically in the sense that they under-
stand the key strategic issues and ensure that what they do enables the stra-
tegic goals of the business to be achieved. In line with human capital theory,
the resource-based view emphasizes that investment in people increases
their value to the rm. It proposes that sustainable competitive advantage is
attained when the rm has a human resource pool that cannot be imitated
or substituted by its rivals.
Boxall (1996: 66) observed that the strategic goal emerging from the
resource-based view was to ‘create rms which are more intelligent and ex-
ible than their competitors by hiring and developing more talented staff and
by extending their skills base’. Resource-based strategy is therefore concerned
with the enhancement of the human or intellectual capital of the rm.

The human capital perspective

Human capital theory is associated with the resource-based view. It states
that the unique nature of human capital resources within the rm have the
potential to generate sustainable competitive advantage (Nyberg et al, 2014;
Ployhart et al, 2014). However, as pointed out by Delery and Roumpi
(2017: 9), human capital is different from other types of resources in that it
is owned by employees and can be transferred to other rms if they leave.
Therefore it is critical for rms to use HRM systems to enhance existing
levels of human capital, initially by attracting high-quality people and
52 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

providing them with development opportunities, and then preventing the

loss of their human capital investments to other rms by enhancing the
commitment of employees to the rm and applying retention policies. As
Wright et al (1994: 320) noted: ‘Sustained competitive advantage is achieved
only by the interaction between the human capital pool and the HR prac-
Skaggs and Youndt (2004) investigated a sample of 234 service organiza-
tions and found strong empirical support to indicate that if t is achieved
between human capital and the organization’s strategic positioning, the re-
sult is positive organizational performance.

The behavioural perspective

The behavioural perspective emerged in the late 1980s. Schuler and Jackson
(1987) asserted that different strategy types (cost reduction, quality improve-
ment, and innovation) require different types of employee role behaviours.
They also argued that once the desired employee role behaviours have been
identied to t the strategy, HR practices should be used to ensure those
behaviours take place. As described by Lepak and Shaw (2008), the behav-
ioural perspective suggests that HRM practices affect rm performance by
encouraging needed role behaviours that are aligned to the organization’s
strategy. It offered a new dimension to the practice of SHRM, one as much
concerned about people as about prot. Paauwe et al (2013) referred to re-
search (Bowen and Ostroff, 2004) which suggested that a coherent and con-
sistent HR system sent messages to employees regarding desired behaviours.
Cabrera and Bonache (1999) conducted research that highlighted the
need to align an organization’s culture with its strategy. As they noted, a
culture will be an asset for an organization if it encourages behaviours that
support its intended strategy. They argued that a strong strategic culture can
be created through two processes: planning HR practices that are aligned
with the organization’s strategy to promote the desired behavioural norms,
and deliberately selecting candidates who share the desired values.
Dyer and Ericksen (2005) extended the behavioural perspective to argue
that the future of HRM in terms of creating value lies in the ability of the
HRM system to achieve workforce agility and exibility. Technological
changes often force organizations to be uid, and the structures and pro-
cesses emanating from the HRM system must follow suit. They stated (Dyer
and Ericksen, 2005: 187) that: ‘Agile enterprises require guiding principles
that encourage the inow and outow of talent in ways that facilitate and
The Evolution of SHRM 53

only minimally disrupt internal uidity.’ Thus the behavioural perspective

enhanced the resource-based view and the human capital movement to pro-
vide a conceptual framework for talent management.

The AMO model

The AMO model as expressed by Boxall and Purcell (2003) is associated
with the behavioural perspective but is also linked to the preoccupation
with the link between HRM and performance which started in the later
1990s. It states that performance depends on the individual’s ability, motiva-
tion and opportunity. Employees must have the ability to perform well and
the motivation to do so, while organizations must ensure that they are given
the opportunity to perform.
Boxall and Purcell (2016: 155) formulated the AMO framework as P =
f(A,M,O) and explained that:

Individuals perform when they have:

● the ability (A) to perform (they can do the job because they have the necessary
knowledge, skills and aptitudes);
 the motivation (M) to perform (they will do the job because they want to do
it or feel they must do it); and
● the opportunity (O) to perform (their work structure and environment provide
the necessary support and avenues for expression).

They also noted that someone’s ability, motivation and opportunity to per-
form would depend on two groups of factors: 1) the individual’s experience,
intelligence, health, personality etc; 2) the situational factors of HR policies
and practices orientated to creating ‘AMO’ and related variables in the pro-
duction system and the organizational context.

Stakeholder theory
Stakeholder theory as developed by Freeman (1984) states that a number of
different groups are stakeholders in organizations, including shareholders,
managers, employees, customers, government and the public at large. He
quoted (Freeman, 1984: 31) the Stanford Research Institute’s 1963 deni-
tion of stakeholders as ‘those groups without whose support the organiza-
tion would cease to exist’. Organizations must take account of these various
interests when formulating and implementing HR strategy and policies.
54 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

Preoccupation with performance

A notable characteristic of the development of SHRM from the 1990s onwards
was the quantity of research conducted to demonstrate that effective SHRM
generates improved organizational performance. In the UK, studies such as
those conducted by Birdi et al (2008), Carlson et al (2006), Guest et al (2000),
Purcell et al (2003) and West et al (2002) have shown that good HRM practice
and rm performance are correlated. In the United States, extensive research on
the impact of HRM on performance was conducted by Arthur (1994), Combs
et al (2006), Huselid (1995) and Ichniowski et al (1997). Lengnick-Hall et al
(2009: 79) commented that:

The most recent period of SHRM research is characterized by a number of

established ideas and issues either further examined or tweaked, and a few new
ideas or avenues that offer promise for enhancing our knowledge of this eld.
First, evidence continues to accumulate that there is a relationship between HR
systems and organizational performance, although the causal sequence may be
more reciprocal than direct.

Focus on implementation
SHRM commentators began in the 2000s to focus more on implementation
issues (Barney, 2001, Bos-Nehles et al, 2006, Guest and Bos-Nehles, 2013).
As Lengnick-Hall et al (2009: 79) observed:

There is a growing recognition that intended SHRM practices may be different from
realized SHRM practices and to simply rely upon what is stated rather than what is
actually in place may lead to ineffective implementation as well as ambiguous results
in studies of the relationship between HR practices and organizational performance.
The construct of employee line-of-sight to strategic objectives provides more insight
into the implementation process. If employees don’t understand or know how to
contribute to strategic objectives, they are unlikely to be effective in doing so.

A multi-stakeholder approach
Early researchers such as Schuler and Jackson (1987) and Becker et al (1997)
concentrated largely on the business perspective, implying that the only stake-
holders who matter are the shareholders. Delery (1998) commented on the
The Evolution of SHRM 55

failure in many SHRM studies to consider more than bottom-line perfor-

mance. Kaufman (2015: 1487) noted that ‘most strategic HRM studies place
primary emphasis on organizational performance outcomes, including corpo-
rate nancial performance’.
Recent developments have paid more attention to the arguments in fa-
vour of a multi-stakeholder approach, with a particular focus on employee
wellbeing. Paauwe et al (2013: 75) observed that ‘little attention has been
paid to the meaning of performance from the perspective of other stake-
holders’, and proposed ‘a multi-dimensional concept of performance taking
different types of stakeholder into account’.
Beer (2015) has also revived attention to the multi-stakeholder approach
that he and his colleagues advocated way back in 1984. He emphasized that
strategic HRM, while it must be concerned with the vertical integration of
HR strategies with business strategies, should also take account of the needs
of employees. As Paul Sparrow (2017: 12) commented: ‘People in organiza-
tions should be linked horizontally by shared identities and values.’
Beer et al (2015: 428) argued that the added value focus that existed in
SHRM and performance research ‘dened outcomes mainly in terms of eco-
nomic value (productivity and efciency), and neglected employee wellbeing
and societal well-being’. Jiang (2018: 20) conrmed that the eld of strategic
HRM has traditionally focused its efforts on understanding the effect of HRM
systems on unit and rm performance. However, he noted that there has been
a growing interest in understanding the effects such systems have on employee
outcomes, particularly outcomes related to employee wellbeing.

What is happening to SHRM

The following conclusions were reached by Kaufman (2015: 396) on what
has happened to SHRM in the 30 years since Beer et al and Fombrun et al
published their pioneering HRM books:

SHRM’s basic conceptualization has remained the same over the three decades.
The central elements are: HRM as the people management component of
organizations, a holistic systems view of individual HRM structures and
practices, a strategic perspective on how the HRM system can best promote
organizational objectives, HRM system alignment with organizational strategy
and integration of practices within the system, and emphasis on the long-run
benets of a human capital/high-commitment HRM system.
56 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

But a literature review of SHRM by Delery and Roumpi (2017) led to the con-
clusion that the eld is going in circles as it is evolving. They suggested that
attempts to explain the ‘black box’ between HRM practices and rm perfor-
mance have shown that human capital resources are at least partially the link
between HRM practices and rm performance. But there is nothing new in this.
SHRM researchers such as Barney and Wright (1998) noted this relationship
from the very beginning. Delery and Roumpi argued that this brings the eld
full circle to the basic quest of specifying the HRM practices and their combina-
tions that are associated with higher levels of organizational effectiveness.
A model of the evolution of SHRM is shown in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1 The evolution of strategic HRM

Strategic human resource


HRM • The Harvard framework
• The Michigan framework


practice concepts approach

Strategic fit: The Human

vertical and resource- capital
horizontal based view management

Best fit vs best AMO

Implementation Performance
The Evolution of SHRM 57

Key learning points

The evolution of SHRM has not been linear. Different concepts have often
emerged concurrently and to a certain extent the process has been
circular. The main concepts are:

● Vertical t or integration – aligning HR practices with the business strategy.

● Internal t – aligning a rm’s HR practices with one another (ie, mutually
reinforcing each other) to form bundles of mutually supporting practices.
● ‘Best t’ v ‘best practice’ – a debate about which approach was most
important. The consensus is that both have their uses.
● The resource-based view (RBV) – this indicates that it is the range of
resources in an organization, including its human resources, that
produces its unique character and creates competitive advantage. It
provides a rationale for the enhancement of the human capital of the rm
(the human capital perspective).
● The behavioural perspective – this suggests that HRM practices affect
rm performance by encouraging needed role behaviours that are
aligned to the organization’s strategy.
● The AMO model – this states that performance depends on the
individual’s ability, motivation and opportunity.
● Preoccupation with performance – a huge quantity of research has been
carried out in order to demonstrate that effective SHRM generates
improved organizational performance.
● Focus on implementation – an increasing awareness of the critical
nature of the effective implementation of HR strategies and of the
problems of doing so.
● A multi-stakeholder approach – recent developments have focused more
on the arguments in favour of a multi-stakeholder approach, with
particular attention being paid to employee wellbeing.

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Management Journal, 9 (3), pp 26–41
The Evolution of SHRM 61

Purcell, J et al (2003) Understanding the People and Performance Link: Unlocking

the black box, CIPD, London
Schuler, R S (1992) Strategic human resource management: linking people with the
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The reality of 05

The reality of strategic HRM (SHRM) as it has evolved over the years is that
it has remained over-concerned with the interests of the business and its
shareholders. But it is also an academic construct that seems to leave practi-
tioners cold. In this chapter the reality and limitations of the SHRM concept
are discussed and a case is made for modifying the approach.

The reality of SHRM

The rationale for SHRM is the perceived advantage of having an agreed and
understood basis for developing and implementing approaches to human
resource management which takes into account the corporate plans and
priorities of the organization and the changing context in which it operates.
As Dyer and Holder (1988: 13) remarked, SHRM should provide ‘unifying
frameworks which are at once broad, contingency based and integrative’.
This is compelling stuff. But a literature review of SHRM by Armstrong
and Brown (2018) left them the impression that it is more of an academic
construct than a description of the reality of strategy formulation and imple-
mentation in organizations. Brown et al (2019: 43) commented following
their research for the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) that: ‘Maybe
the proponents of strategic HRM had some very pertinent ideas but used
jargon which got in the way of people management becoming genuinely
more strategic.’ The IES researchers were struck by the absence in current
HR language of the term strategic human resource management. It is inter-
esting to note that the CIPD’s New Profession Map (CIPD, 2018) setting out
its professional standards does not mention it.
The Reality of SHRM 63

Strategic HRM is a concept of some academic importance but less practi-

cal signicance. It only becomes real when people management profession-
als and line managers jointly practise strategic management and together
develop and implement people strategies which address the people and
business requirements and issues facing their organization.

The limitations of SHRM

As emphasized by Armstrong and Brown (2018), a fundamental problem
with SHRM is that it has been over-concerned with the interests of one set
of stakeholders – meeting the needs of the shareholders and business lead-
ers – and has been much less concerned with the interests of the other stake-
holders, especially employees. This issue was raised by Kaye (1999) who
asked the question: ‘Does SHRM benet employees as well as their organi-
zations?’ He observed that virtually all SHRM research takes the manage-
rial/organizational perspective, with an emphasis on the consequences for
organizational performance. This, he wrote, suggests that SHRM may
be improving the bottom line of companies, but may also be hurting
employees – especially when workers are viewed as commodities.
Cascio (2015: 424) argued that: ‘In SHRM research, organizational
performance is sometimes viewed only in terms of operational outcomes (pro-
ductivity, quality, service, innovation) and nancial outcomes (return on assets,
return on equity, sales growth, overall nancial performance).’ Yet as Beer et al
(1984) emphasized in their seminal work, performance has to be framed more
broadly to include meeting corporate ethical and social responsibilities,
including job satisfaction, industrial democracy and distributive justice. They
advocated a multi-stakeholder approach to HRM, commenting:

HRM policies are and indeed should be inuenced by the interests of

various stakeholders: shareholders, management, employees, community
and government. Unless these policies are inuenced by all stakeholders, the
enterprise will fail to meet the needs of these stakeholders in the long run and it
will fail as an institution. (Beer et al, 1984: 15)

In his 2015 article ‘HRM at a crossroads’, Michael Beer looked at what had
happened to SHRM in the 30 years since he and his colleagues wrote
Managing Human Assets. He commented on the pluralistic view expressed
in that book, with its emphasis on the need to adopt a multi-stakeholder
64 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

approach. He observed that this perspective has largely disappeared from

HRM, with scholars focusing on proving that human assets are causal to
nancial performance, especially in the United States but not so much in
Europe. He also argued that ‘the eld must reorient itself to producing use-
ful, and I would add, usable (actionable) knowledge, if it is to remain rele-
vant to practitioners’ (Beer, 2015: 420).
Beer et al (2015: 427) reviewed the state of this perspective after 30 years.
They stated that ‘we need to take a wider, more contextual, more multi-
layered approach founded on the long-term needs of all relevant stakehold-
ers’. They also argued that ‘Fundamental to a multi-stakeholder approach
must be the creation, maintenance, and development of a culture of trust
among the different stakeholders. Considering HRM as a social system, in
contrast to the dominant individual perspective, puts the relationships
between stakeholders at the centre of our studies’ (p 432).

SHRM: the assumptions and the reality

SHRM is based on three assumptions:

● HR strategies should be vertically integrated with the business strategy.

● HR strategies should be horizontally integrated with one another.
● HR strategies should take account of the interests of all the organization’s
stakeholders (the multi-stakeholder view).

As often described, SHRM focuses on the rst of these assumptions, pays lip
service to the second and to a large extent ignores the third. A different
approach is required and this can be described under the heading ‘people

The case for people management

A case for adopting the term people management rather than strategic HRM
was made by the Institute for Employment Studies based on their research
(Brown et al, 2019: 43):

Reecting on the case study interviews the IES team was struck by the absence
in current HR language of the term Strategic Human Resource Management.
Indeed, although the function commonly calls itself HR, and often wants to be
more strategic in its orientation, it tends not even to talk much about Human
The Reality of SHRM 65

Resource Management. While the somewhat confusing mix of terms may not be
helping academics to dene and study the concept and HR functions to attract
the recognition they seek, the perhaps less jargon-ridden and less alienating term
‘People Management’ does seem to be coming to the fore again and can apply
both at strategic level and to management practice. We hope the term People
Management leads to the wider use of the term People Strategy to cover the big
picture of employment and workforce management as we have found it a useful
term in reecting on this research. Maybe the proponents of strategic HRM
had some very pertinent ideas but used jargon which got in the way of people
management becoming genuinely more strategic.

The idea of people strategy provides a broader view of the ways in which
people should be managed in organizations than that of strategic HRM.
A denition is required of the difference between people management
and human resource management (it should not just be a name change).
This is done in the next chapter.

Key learning points

● Rationale for SHRM

● The rationale for SHRM is the perceived advantage of having an
agreed and understood basis for developing and implementing
approaches to human resource management which takes into
account the corporate plans and priorities of the organization and the
changing context in which it operates.
● Problems with SHRM
● A literature review of SHRM by Armstrong and Brown in 2018 left the
impression that SHRM is more of a construct (in the sense of a
subjective theory containing various conceptual elements) than a
description of the reality of strategy formulation and implementation
in organizations.
 Strategic HRM is a concept of some academic importance but less
practical signicance. It is fundamentally conceptual.
● A fundamental problem with SHRM is that it has been over-concerned
with the interests of one set of stakeholders – meeting the needs of
the shareholders and business leaders – and has been much less
concerned with the interests of the other stakeholders.
66 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

● People management
● ‘People management’ is increasingly being used as an alternative to
‘human resource management’ but it should mean more than just a
change to a more acceptable name.
● The fundamental aim of people management is to ensure that the
organization has the knowledgeable, skilled, engaged and productive
people it needs. This is, of course, the same as the basic aim of
human resource management. But the ways in which it is achieved
are different.
● People management aims to achieve a balance between the needs of
employees and those of the other stakeholders. It pursues
employment policies that are socially legitimate and produce benets
for both employees and employers.
● Strategic people management is concerned with the ways in which
people in an organization should be managed in order to satisfy the
interests and needs of its stakeholders now and in the future.
● The idea of strategic people management provides a much broader
view of the ways in which people should be managed in organizations
than that of strategic HRM.

Armstrong, M and Brown, D (2018) Strategic Human Resource Management: Back
to the Future? A Literature Review, Institute for Employment Studies, https://les/resources/les/519.pdf (archived at
Beer, M (2015) HRM at a crossroads: comments on ‘evolution of strategic HRM
through two founding books: a 30th anniversary perspective on development of
the eld’, Human Resource Management, 54 (3), pp 417–21
Beer, M, Boselie, P and Brewster, C (2015) Back to the future: implications for the
eld of HRM of the multi-stakeholder perspective proposed 30 years ago,
Human Resource Management, 54 (3), pp 427–38
Beer, M et al (1984) Managing Human Assets, The Free Press, New York
Brown, D, Hirsh, W and Reilly, P (2019) Strategic Human Resource Management:
Case Studies and Conclusions: from HR Strategy to Strategic People
resource-management-practice-case-studies-and-conclusions (archived at https://
The Reality of SHRM 67

Cascio, W F (2015) Strategic HRM: too important for an insular approach,

Human Resource Management, 54 (3), pp 423–26
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2018) New Profession Map, (archived at
Dyer, L and Holder, G W (1988) Strategic human resource management and
planning, in Human Resource Management: Evolving roles and responsibilities,
ed L Dyer, pp 1–46, Bureau of National Affairs, Washington, DC
Kaye, L (1999) Strategic human resources management in Australia: the human
cost, International Journal of Manpower, 20 (8), pp 577−87
People strategy
in general
The concept of 06
‘People management’ is increasingly being used as an alternative to ‘human
resource management’. But it is not a synonym; it should not simply be a
change to a more acceptable name. A philosophy of people management is
required, based on the principle that employees should be regarded as people
rather than as exploitable resources. Rawls (1973: 183) wrote that: ‘We must
treat persons solely as ends and not in any way as means.’ Employee wellbe-
ing is important. Evidence produced by Peccei (2004), PricewaterhouseCoopers
(2008), Guest (2017) and Krekel et al (2019) of the Saïd Business School has
shown conclusively that attention to wellbeing has a major impact on or-
ganizational performance as a result of improvements to the employee ex-
perience and higher levels of engagement, motivation and job satisfaction.
A people management system that embraces the principle stated above
will cover the same areas as an HRM system but will apply them differently.

People management dened

People management adopts a multi-stakeholder approach to managing the
employment relationship. This recognizes the need to satisfy the interests of
the owners (the shareholders) of a business or the requirements of those
72 People Strategy in General

responsible for the operation of a public or voluntary sector organization. It

also recognizes the interests of the management of the organization and the
organization’s responsibilities to its suppliers and the public at large
(the community). Equally, however, it recognizes the interests of the people
the organization employs and acts accordingly. People are not simply treated
as resources – commodities or disposable factors of production who exist to
be exploited at the behest of the owners and management.
People management aims to achieve a balance between the needs of em-
ployees and those of the other stakeholders. It pursues employment policies
that are socially legitimate and produce benets for both employees and
employers. It avoids the temptation to look upwards and focus on the stra-
tegic (business) aims of the organization at the expense of the wellbeing of
the people in the organization. It is concerned with the employee experi-
ence – everything that people encounter, observe and feel during the course
of their employment from its beginning and onwards. Managing the em-
ployee experience is a ‘bottom up’ rather than a ‘top down’ process. The
starting point is to gain understanding of how employees perceive their ex-
perience of working in the organization and, from that analysis, identify
what needs to be done to deal with any issues and enhance that experience.

Comparison between HRM and people management

A comparison of the characteristics of HRM with those of people manage-
ment is given in Table 6.1.

Strategic people management

Strategic people management is concerned with the development of ap-
proaches to the management of people in an organization that satisfy the
interests and needs of all its stakeholders now and in the future. The differ-
ences between strategic human resource management and strategic people
management are set out in Table 6.2.
The ve strategic pillars are shown in Figure 6.1.
The Concept of People Management 73

Table 6.1 Comparison between HRM and people management

HRM People management

(Resource-based view version) (Organizations are the people
in them… people make the
place: Gerald Schneider)
Concept/ Calvinism (focus on the Quakerism (emphasis on
philosophy values of order and regularity) non-authoritarian fellowship)
Darwin (survival of the ttest) Rawls (treat people as ends,
not means)
Ownership Shareholder/senior Multi-stakeholder with
and priority management driven employees as key
Employees regarded as Focus on employee wellbeing
factors of production
Approach Fads and avours of the month Evidence based
Employment Unitary perspective Pluralist perspective
relationship Legal employment Psychological contracts
contracts Voluntarism
Compliance Partnership/mutual gains
Derecognition Focus on both inclusion and
Focus on managing diversity diversity
Formal joint consultation Importance attached to all
processes forms of employee voice
Work Work intensication Emphasis on job quality
Mechanistic Flexible working
Learning and Systematic training Workplace/experiential/
development Learning organization self-managed/social learning
E-learning Organizational learning
Blended learning
Talent Buy in the best talent and Grow everyone’s talents
management win the talent war Inclusive approach
Exclusive approach Grow your own (talent on
Elitist meritocracy demand)
Performance Financial Balanced scorecard
emphasis Individual Collective
Rewards and Financial emphasis Total reward and recognition
incentives Highly differentiated More widely shared
Individual performance Prot sharing
pay and bonuses
Performance Results and pay focus Strengths based and
management Formal annual event development focus
Continuous dialogue and

SOURCE Adapted from an unpublished paper by Dr Duncan Brown

74 People Strategy in General

Table 6.2 Comparison between strategic HRM and strategic people management

Strategic HRM Strategic people management

Focus on strategic t (vertical and Recognizes the importance of

horizontal integration) but the stress is strategic t but the emphasis is on a
largely on vertical t – SHRM as a multi-stakeholder approach –
means of furthering the interests of furthering the interests of the people
the business and its owners working in the business as well as its
(shareholders). owners.
Sees performance mainly in terms of Sees performance not only in nancial
nancial results. Tendency to put terms but also as the capacity of the
prots before people. business to meet the needs of all its
stakeholders, including the
Takes the laudable but somewhat The focus is on a more realistic
unrealistic view that it is not only approach to the development and
desirable but also feasible to develop implementation of people strategies
and apply an interconnected set of that work. It is these people strategies
overarching and comprehensive HR that count – abstract analyses of the
strategies that holistically drive meaning and implications of strategic
business performance. HRM are immaterial.
‘The idea of strategic HRM implies that ‘What we have seen in the case
organizations will have something one studies is something that, in today’s
might recognize as an HR strategy, more unpredictable and fast-changing
probably in the form of a written and a environments, is more complex,
formally agreed document. This is layered, adaptive, interactional and
assumed to be “aligned” in linear multi-directional.’ Institute for
fashion with and driven by a formal Employment Studies (Brown et al,
business strategy; and it in turn 2019: 43)
translates the people aspects of that The IES has produced a model of
business strategy into some kind of strategic people management that
plan for action on the people aspects represents this complexity (see
of the business.’ Institute for Figure 6.1).
Employment Studies (Brown et al,
2019: 43)

(continued )
The Concept of People Management 75

Table 6.2 (Continued)

Strategic HRM Strategic people management

The most important underpinning The most important underpinning

theory is the resource-based view. This theories are behavioural theory and
is supported by human capital theory. AMO theory. Both of these adopt a
Both these treat people as factors of humanistic point of view.
production, which means that,
potentially, they are there to be
Performance is seen in nancial terms, Performance is seen in broader terms
the aim being to increase shareholder as success in meeting the needs of all
value. stakeholders – employees as well
shareholders, also suppliers and the
The conceptual focus on such things The focus is more on the practicality
as the desirability of strategic t of people strategies – what needs to
distracts from the need to develop HR be done to achieve effective
strategies that work. implementation.

The concept of strategic people management is built on the ideas contained
in the concept of strategic HRM. But it provides a broader view of the ways
in which employees should be treated. The differences between these ap-
proaches were outlined in Table 6.1.
The main precepts of strategic people management are the needs for stra-
tegic t, a multi-stakeholder approach and, as Walton (1974) proposed
some time ago (although just as relevant today), the development of human
capacities, growth and security, social integration, rights and representation,
the social relevance of work, a safe and healthy working environment,
work–life balance and adequate and fair rewards. But a fundamental char-
acteristic of strategic people management is that it is about adopting a prag-
matic approach to both the development and implementation of people

Figure 6.1 A model of strategic people management

Business strategy Key employment

Key planks of business issues
model Labour market purpose, values
Strategic business Legislation and culture
capabilities and
priorities Socio/political pressures

Long(er) term Strategic

People management
business plan workforce plan
strategy Work plan for
Numbers HR function
Shorter term / Competencies Pillars
operational business
plans and budgets

Annual HR operating plan / budget

HR and people management practice HR processes and services

Underpinning capabilities
Senior leaders and HR work together on strategic people issues
Professional and business capabilities of HR
People management capability in the line
HR metrics and information systems

SOURCE Brown, Hirsh and Reilly (2019)

The Concept of People Management 77

Key learning points

● ‘People management’ is increasingly being used as an alternative to
‘human resource management’ but it should mean more than just a
change to a more acceptable name.
● A philosophy of people management is required based on two
interrelated principles. The rst is that a multi-stakeholder approach
should be adopted. The second is that employees should be regarded as
people rather than as exploitable resources.
● The fundamental purpose of people management is to ensure that the
organization has the knowledgeable, skilled, engaged and productive
people it needs. This is, of course, the same as the basic purpose of
human resource management. But the ways in which it is achieved are
● People management aims to achieve a balance between the needs of
employees and those of the other stakeholders. It pursues employment
policies that are socially legitimate and produce benets for both
employees and employers.
● Strategic people management is concerned with the ways in which
people in an organization should be managed in order to satisfy the
interests and needs of its stakeholders now and in the future.
● The idea of strategic people management provides a much broader view
of the ways in which people should be managed in organizations than
that of strategic HRM.

Brown, D, Hirsh, W and Reilly, P (2019) Strategic Human Resource Management:
Case Studies and Conclusions: from HR Strategy to Strategic People Management,
Institute for Employment Studies, London,
conclusions (archived at
Krekel, C, Ward, G and DeNeve, J-E (2019) Employee Wellbeing, Productivity, and
Firm Performance, Saïd Business School, Oxford
78 People Strategy in General

Peccei, R (2004) Human Resource Management and the Search for a Happy
Workplace, Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Rotterdam
PricewaterhouseCoopers (2008) The Business Case for Wellness Programmes,
PWC, London
Rawls, J (1973) A Theory of Justice, Oxford University Press, Oxford
Walton, R E (1974) Improving the quality of working life, Harvard Business
Review, May/June, pp 12–16
The nature and 07
practice of
people strategy
People strategy species what the organization intends to do about people
management. The differences between strategic people management and
strategic HRM were set out in Chapter 6. The differences between people
strategy and the traditional approach to HR strategy broadly correspond
with these. In essence, people strategy adopts the two guiding principles of
strategic people management: 1) that a multi-stakeholder approach is
needed which aims to balance the interests and needs of the two major
stakeholders, owners (shareholders) and employees, as well as catering for
the requirements of other stakeholders – customers, suppliers and the com-
munity; 2) that employees should be regarded as people rather than as
disposable means to achieve protable ends. In contrast, the traditional ap-
proach to HR strategy tended to focus more on meeting the needs of the
business and supporting its aim to increase shareholder value (or in not-for-
prot and government organizations, fullling their purpose).
People strategy as described in this chapter covers broadly the same areas
of people management as HR strategy. Traditionally, commentators, including
those quoted in this chapter, referred mainly to HR strategy. The shift to peo-
ple strategy has taken place more recently, led by the Institute for Employment
Studies as cited in Chapter 5. But the question may be posed: ‘What’s in a
name?’ Many strategies described as HR strategies, such as those in the case
study organizations described later in this chapter, will adopt a people man-
agement approach. Strategies called people strategies will have characteristics
that resemble traditional HR strategies. The answer to the question is that
there is a difference, although this is one of perspective and emphasis rather
than of content. People management recognizes that high levels of economic
or operational performance need to be sustained. It was argued by Boxall
80 People Strategy in General

(2013: 59) that: ‘HR strategy is part and parcel of a larger business model, and
it fails if it does not serve the economic imperatives that are essential to that
model.’ But it is also recognized that organizations have obligations to all
their stakeholders. The standards produced by the CIPD (2018) state that:
‘Stakeholders and their interests are integral to the best interests of the or-
ganization and stakeholders include both employees and owners… Every or-
ganization is part of wider society and has a responsibility to respect its social
contract as a corporate citizen and operate in a manner that is sustainable.’
These concerns are the fundamental tenets of people strategy.
This chapter covers the nature and features of people strategy and ap-
proaches to its evaluation. It also includes four case studies produced by the
Institute for Employment Studies.

The nature of people strategy

People strategy sets out what the organization wants to do about its people
management policies and practices and how they should be integrated with
the business strategy and each other. It should be based on the values that an
organization believes govern its approach to people management. Strategic
people management as described in the previous chapter provides a concep-
tual framework for people strategy, especially its emphasis on strategic t.
People strategy is concerned with setting future directions, but it is not just
a long-term plan. It should be immediately relevant. The dictum of Fombrun
et al (1984) that business and managers must perform well in the present to
succeed in the future should be borne in mind. Purcell (2001: 72) observed
that: ‘Strategy in HR, like in other areas, is about continuity and change,
about appropriateness in the circumstances, but anticipating when the cir-
cumstances change. It is about taking strategic decisions.’
Paraphrasing Dyer and Reeves (1995: 656), people strategies can be de-
scribed as internally consistent bundles of people management practices. In
the words of Boxall (1996: 61), they provide ‘a framework of critical ends
and means’. People strategy was dened by Boxall and Purcell (2016: 26) as
‘the critical set of economic and socio-political choices that managers make
in building and managing a workforce’.
Research by the Institute for Employment Studies (Brown et al, 2019)
established that people strategy has to balance explicit business alignment
with the need in certain circumstances to keep exible. The following was
the key feature of the strategies in the organizations they examined:
The Nature and Practice of People Strategy 81

Prioritization seems to be the clear goal and requirement of people management

strategies today. One HR director told us that extremely lengthy and over-
ambitious HR strategies have bedevilled the function and given HR a bad
reputation in the past for over-promising and under-delivering. Focus and delivery
seem to be the new watchwords for people management. (Brown et al, 2019: 4–5)

People strategy should be distinguished from people policy. People strategy

is purposeful and dynamic. It provides a sense of direction and constantly
adjusts to meet changed circumstances. People policy is more about the here
and now. It denes ‘the way things are done around here’. It may evolve, but
this is not necessarily the result of a strategic choice. It is when a deliberate
decision is made to change a policy that a strategy for achieving this change
may have to be formulated.

The features of people strategy

Because all organizations are different, all people strategies are different.
Research into HR strategy conducted by Armstrong and Long (1994) and
Armstrong and Baron (2002) revealed many variations. Some articulated
strategies are simply very general declarations of intent or statements of the
values that the organization has adopted for managing people. Others go
into much more detail.
People strategy may not be deliberate. It was pointed out by Mintzberg
(1987: 67) that: ‘An organization can have a pattern (a realized strategy)
without knowing it, let alone making it explicit.’ As Mintzberg et al (1988)
suggested, strategies can simply exist in the ‘collective minds’ of the people
on whom they make an impact. The fact that they have not been articulated
may not matter too much as long as people in the organization share the
same perspective through their intentions and their actions.
Mintzberg’s concept of ‘emergent strategy’ rings true, but Grant (1998)
has argued that the Mintzberg approach, which downplays the role of sys-
tematic analysis and emphasizes the role of intuition and vision, fails to pro-
vide a clear basis for reasoned choices. However, Mintzberg (1987: 69)
accepted that ‘purely emergent strategy making precludes control’. He took
the realistic position that there is no such thing as a purely deliberate strategy
or a purely emergent one, and that ‘deliberate and emergent strategy form
the end points of a continuum along which the strategies which are crafted
in the real world may be found’. Thompson and Strickland (1996: 20) noted
that ‘a company’s actual strategy is partly planned and partly reactive to
changing circumstances’.
82 People Strategy in General

Three types of people strategy can be identied: 1) broad statements of intent

under various headings; 2) overall strategies concerned with high-performance
working, high-commitment management or high-involvement management; 3)
specic strategies relating to the different aspects of people management such as
talent management, learning and development, and reward.

Broad statements of intent

People strategy may simply consist of a broad statement of intent, which
provides the framework for more specic strategic plans in individual people
management areas. Mintzberg (1987) referred to this approach as ‘umbrella
strategy’ in which senior management sets out broad guidelines, leaving the
specics to people lower down in the organization.
The CIPD-sponsored research conducted by Armstrong and Baron (2002)
found in the organizations they studied that the overall objectives of their
HR strategy were typically to modify values, behaviours and attitudes.
However, the paths taken to get there were quite different.
Research into the formulation of HRM strategy in a number of US com-
panies by Wright et al (2004: 43) established that ‘the core components of
HR strategies seem to be building a performance culture, developing leader-
ship capability, attracting and retaining the best talent, and providing state
of the art HR systems, processes, and services’. The following are UK exam-
ples of broad strategic statements of intent.

UK examples of broad strategic statements of intent


The Human Resources Integrated Approach aims to ensure that from

whatever angle staff now look at the elements of pay management,
performance, career development and reward, they are consistent and linked.


‘The biggest challenge will be to maintain (our) competitive advantage and

to do that we need to maintain and continue to attract very high calibre
The Nature and Practice of People Strategy 83

people. The key differentiator on anything any company does is

fundamentally the people, and I think that people tend to forget that they are
the most important asset. Money is easy to get hold of, good people are not.
All we do in terms of training and manpower planning is directly linked to
business improvement’. (Managing Director)


We want GSK to be a place where the best people do their best work.

Lands’ End

The overall HR strategy is based on the principle that staff who are enjoying
themselves, are being supported and developed, and who feel fullled and
respected at work, will provide the best service to customers.

Overall people management approaches

The second category of people strategy consists of the deliberate introduc-
tion of overall approaches to people management such as high-performance
management, high-involvement management or high-commitment manage-
ment as described below. There is some overlap between these approaches,
especially the latter two.

High-performance management
High-performance management aims to make an impact on the perfor-
mance of the organization through its people in such areas as productivity,
quality, levels of customer service, growth, prots and, ultimately, the deliv-
ery of increased shareholder value. The objective is to achieve this by rigor-
ous recruitment and selection procedures, extensive and relevant training
and management development activities, incentive pay systems and perfor-
mance management processes. As a bundle, these practices are often called
high-performance work systems (HPWS).

High-involvement management
High-involvement management practices were described by Wood (2010:
410) as follows:
84 People Strategy in General

High-involvement management includes rst, practices such as teamworking,

exible job descriptions, and idea capturing schemes, which are means of ensuring
greater exibility, proactivity and collaboration; and second, practices that give
workers the opportunities for the acquisition of skills and knowledge that are
needed to ensure they have the capacities to work in an involved way. They
include intensive training geared towards teamworking, functional exibility and
information sharing, particularly about the economics and market of the business.

The practices included in a high-involvement system have sometimes expanded

beyond this original concept and included high-performance practices. For
example, as dened by Benson et al (2006: 519): ‘High-involvement work
practices are a specic set of human resource practices that focus on employee
decision-making, power, access to information, training and incentives.’

High-commitment management
One of the characteristics of the concept of HRM is the notion of mutuality,
the belief expressed by Walton (1985) that organizations consist of people
with shared interests – management and employees are interdependent and
both benet from this interdependency. According to Walton, this meant
that organizations had to abandon their traditional emphasis on control and
replace it with a commitment strategy, which involved giving employees
broader responsibilities, encouraging them to contribute and helping them
to achieve satisfaction from their work. This was the basis for the approach
known as high-commitment management, described by Wood (1996: 41) as:
‘A form of management which is aimed at eliciting a commitment so that
behaviour is primarily self-regulated rather than controlled by sanctions and
pressures external to the individual, and relations within the organization
are based on high levels of trust.’

Specic people strategies

Specic people strategies set out what the organization intends to do in
areas such as:

● Organization design and development – designing and modifying organi-

zation structures and planning and implementation of programmes
designed to enhance the effectiveness with which an organization functions
and responds to change.
The Nature and Practice of People Strategy 85

● Human capital management – obtaining, analysing and reporting on

data, which informs the direction of value-adding people management
strategic, investment and operational decisions.
● Knowledge management – creating, acquiring, capturing, sharing and
using knowledge to enhance learning and performance.
● Corporate social responsibility – a commitment to managing the business
ethically in order to make a positive impact on society and the environment.
● Diversity and inclusion – acknowledging cultural and individual differences
in the workplace, valuing the different qualities which people bring to
their jobs and ensuring that people with different backgrounds are included
as part of the organization on the same terms as everyone else.
● Engagement – the development and implementation of policies designed
to increase the level of employees’ engagement with their work and the
● Performance – strategies for improving organizational and individual
● Resourcing – attracting and retaining high-quality people.
● Talent management – how the organization ensures that it has the
talented people it needs to achieve success.
● Learning and development – providing an environment in which
employees are encouraged to learn and develop.
● Reward management – dening what the organization wants to do in the
longer term to develop and implement reward policies, practices and
processes which will further the achievement of its business goals and
meet the needs of its stakeholders.
● Employment relationships – dening the intentions of the organization
about what needs to be done and what needs to be changed in the ways
in which the organization manages its relationships with employees and
trade unions.
● Employee wellbeing – providing a framework for the introduction of
policies and practices designed to increase the level of wellbeing among the
employees of an organization. The strategy is concerned with the quality
of working life of individual employees in terms of their experience of
work and how they function there physically, psychologically and socially.

These strategies may be developed individually or, preferably, the people

strategy includes specic and articulated plans to create ‘bundles’ of HR
practices and develop a coherent HR system.
86 People Strategy in General

CASE STUDY The people strategy at Diageo

The three broad strands to the Organization and People Strategy at Diageo are:

1 Reward and recognition: use recognition and reward programmes to

stimulate outstanding team and individual performance contributions.
2 Talent management: drive the attraction, retention and professional growth of
a deep pool of diverse, talented employees.
3 Organizational effectiveness: ensure that the business adapts its organization
to maximize employee contribution and deliver performance goals.

It provides direction to the company’s talent, operational effectiveness and

performance and reward agendas. The company’s underlying thinking is that the
people strategy is not for the human resource function to own but is the responsibility
of the whole organization, hence the title ‘Organization and People Strategy’.

Evaluating people strategy

A good strategy is one that works. People strategy should be evaluated by
comparing achievements against goals. This is difcult where strategies are
emergent rather than deliberate. In this case they can only be judged by ref-
erence to the degree to which the organization is successful in achieving its
objectives through people, in so far as this judgement is possible. As Boxall
and Purcell (2003: 28) observed, ‘strategy is best discerned in behaviour’.
The criteria for deliberate strategies are the extent to which they:

● ‘indicate something of genuine signicance for the future of the rm’

(Boxall and Purcell, 2003: 30);
● meet the needs of the business and its employees;
● are founded on detailed analysis and study, not just wishful thinking;
● can be turned into actionable programmes which anticipate implementa-
tion requirements and problems;
● are coherent and integrated, being composed of components which t
with and support each other.
The Nature and Practice of People Strategy 87

The processes involved in developing and implementing people strategies

are examined in Chapters 8 and 9 respectively.

People strategy in action

Detailed case studies of people management strategy in action were con-
ducted by the Institute for Employment Studies in 2018 (Brown et al, 2019).
The outcomes of these studies are set out below.

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local

Government (MHCLG)

Strategic aim
The overall strategic aim of the MHCLG people strategy is ‘to help create
great places to live and work right across the community and to back com-
munities to come together and thrive’.

The People Plan

The People Plan of the MHCLG sits alongside a new and comprehensive
Strategic Workforce Plan, based on a detailed analysis of workforce trends
and needs, and guiding the growth in the department. It has also been in-
formed by and aims to complement the overall Civil Service Workforce Plan
which aims to create ‘Brilliant Civil Service through high quality people
management practices and standards’.
The overall goal of the People Plan is to ensure that the department
has ‘skilled, talented, diverse and talented people, who are proud to work
for MHCLG and are supported and trusted by empowering and trusted
All the policies and initiatives to support this are organized into ve con-
stituent priorities or pillars, each in turn with at least three priority initia-
tives and activities as illustrated in Figure 7.1. The pillars were selected as
being most important in supporting and contributing to the business perfor-
mance of the department: ‘Driving towards our ambition on key people is-
sues, for example diversity and inclusion… and ensuring that we have a
tailored, excellent, clearly signalled support and development offer which
will attract and retain talent and is among the best in the Civil Service.’

Figure 7.1 The ve strategic pillars at MHCLG

Our goal is to have skilled, talented, diverse and high-performing people, who are proud to work for
MHCLG and are supported and trusted by empowering and inclusive leaders.

We have the right We are diverse We have confident

We are one MHCLG people in the right We offer great careers managers and
roles, at the right time and inclusive empowering leaders

Improved cross-site First-year induction Supporting your Comprehensive Building managerial

working programme career journey D&J strategy capability

Regional resourcing ‘Agile Resourcing’ Early careers offer Health and Performance
plans strategy including ‘Advance’ wellbeing offer management review

Supporting the MHCLG Success profiles, Core curriculum, Employee assistance, SCS leadership offer,
Group improved job design, developing professions, specialist training inclusive
attraction strategy accelerating talent and support leadership for G6/7
The Nature and Practice of People Strategy 89

The people management team at MHCLG remarked that what they had
learned in developing and implementing the plan was more than the impor-
tance of the vertical alignment of HR priorities with the business strategy. In
addition, they had learned that the plan had to be exible and emerge from
discussions with members of the department and their leaders. That exibil-
ity and involvement had to operate around a core of continuing key areas
and priorities.
The team noted that the People Plan had been invaluable because it helped
them to focus activity and not respond to every short-term ‘bright idea’.

The London School of Economics (LSE)

The LSE is one of the UK’s top universities, ranked second in the world for
social sciences (QS World University Rankings, 2018). It is as well known
for the quality of its research as its impact on politics and society. It is a
highly international institution with almost half of its 3,000 staff and two-
thirds of its 12,000 students from overseas.

The HR strategy
Each department and function in LSE is subject to a review by the School’s
Senior Management Committee every ve years of its purpose, activities and
effectiveness. The last review led to the HR Division’s 5–10-year strategic
plan. This plan has six pillars, as illustrated in Figure 7.2, to coordinate and
focus the division’s activities. Each pillar is split further into two themes and
subsidiary work streams which are specied and planned. Shorter-term pri-
orities are set out in a rolling three-year Strategic Priorities paper which is
an aggregated series of annual operational plans and current priorities that
are reviewed and updated each year. This duality of approach, with long-
term strategy and shorter-term annual plans, is critical to being able to de-
liver on their longer-term growth and development aims, while also being
exible and responsive and being seen to deliver on HR’s key functions.
It is noteworthy that the rst pillar in the Strategic Plan is ‘Delivering
operational effectiveness and infrastructure’. As observed by the Head of
HR Policy and Employee Relations, unless routine HR systems and work-
ows are effective and efcient and the measures are in place to demonstrate
this, and unless HR staff have the capability to support managers and staff
effectively, then HR will not have the time nor the credibility to address a
more strategic and inuential agenda.

Figure 7.2 The six core pillars of HR activity at LSE

operational Enhancing Strengthening Providing Developing
effectiveness Building an reward, employee grounded HR leadership and
and excellent benefits and engagement policy, advice management
infrastructure workforce recognition and wellbeing and support capability

Ensure that there Support the school

Support are robust and to increase Further develop a
Continue to departments to increasingly nimble employee policy framework
improve systems, recruit intelligently, reward and engagement and that promotes good
workflows, and attracting the very recognition develop greater practice in the Develop and
team structures to best applicants and systems in place to opportunities for workplace that support career
allow for greater providing a positive promote both employee remains cognisant paths
efficiency and recruitment timely and participation, with of changes and
effectiveness experience for appropriate means an increased focus modernization in
candidates for excellence to upon staff the world of work
be recognised wellbeing

Contribute towards
Continue to Conduct a
Improving the a development
develop reward structured
quality of culture where all Proactively pursue
and benefit series of
information and staff are both operational Provision of
strategies that internally and
data that is encouraged to and policy proactive and
enable LSE to externally run
available to the become the best opportunities to pragmatic HR
differentiate itself programmes
school to support they can be in their improve equity, advice and support
from its immediate designed to
greater evidence- roles, and to be in diversity and through the HR
peers and that are significantly
based decision a position to inclusion across partner model
reflective of LSE’s enhance senior
making on staffing pursue the career the school
unique character leadership
matters opportunities
and position capability
available to them
The Nature and Practice of People Strategy 91

Development and implementation of the plan

An HR Advisory Group (HRAG) has been set up, formed of senior manage-
ment representatives from all the major functions and departments across
the School, as well as the Chief Operating Ofcer (COO) and Chief Financial
Ofcer (CFO). This focuses on the HR annual work plan and advises and
approves implementation proposals for HR policies and procedures and
monitors their impact.
Clear metrics and measures of progress in implementing the strategic
plan are in operation. Each pillar and theme has dened monitoring meth-
ods and mid-way (2.5 years) and end-point (ve years) goals and targets.
For example, the target for research staff is to have regular programmes on
transferable skills and teaching effectiveness in place by the mid-point and
90 per cent take-through blended learning at the plan’s end-point.

Indi Seehra, Director of Human Resources, and Louise Handley, Head of
Policy and Employee Relations, point out that the challenges of an increas-
ingly complex and unpredictable Higher Education environment, in which
multiple performance goals and stakeholder agendas are having to be ad-
dressed, make the requirements for an HR Strategy even more essential and
relevant now than in the past.
But they emphasize the need for strategy to be a process rather than just
a plan, a process which links the macro and the micro, the longer-term
human capital development objectives with shorter-term HR operational
activity and service delivery needs, and which engages people to deliver on
the plans – senior managers to shape and fund the activity, and staff to re-
spond with higher levels of engagement and performance.

Anchor Homes
Anchor Homes, the care home division of Anchor Trust, is England’s largest
provider of residential care for older people. Anchor’s workforce was over
9,000 people in 2018. Anchor Trust has recently merged with Hanover
Housing Association to form Anchor Hanover.

The HR strategy and process

Rather than having a separate, written HR strategy, people issues are fully
embedded in the main strands of the business plan. HR strategy is therefore,
92 People Strategy in General

in effect, driven by the whole leadership team. This integrated approach to

business and employment strategy creates an ownership of the people issues
in the top team. The whole management population is involved in the peo-
ple approach so everyone owns and has an opinion about the people strategy.
Senior HR people see this broad and deep involvement of the management
population in HR matters as a positive. Managers do not expect to have to
nd a way round the HR culture. HR needs to be genuinely close to the
business and to understand it commercially, not just in HR terms. And the
business needs to be genuinely people-focused in its strategy, investing in
employees in this low-paying, low-margin sector for the long-term returns
delivered by the high-quality care they provide.

The HR strategy and content

The Anchor strategic business plan has four main themes or ‘planks’:

1 Best customer service.

2 Best place to work.
3 Best run company.
4 Growth.

The HR management and employment strategy is woven through this busi-

ness plan, which determines the areas of HR that need attention and HR
priorities. These have included supporting greater organizational efciency,
enabling a performance-focused culture, ensuring a compelling yet afforda-
ble employee value proposition and improving people data and analytics.

Implementation and delivery in practice

With a large number of front-line and unit managers, spread across so many
work locations, implementing this approach to business and employment
strategy requires careful consideration of how the HR function can best sup-
port local managers in delivering the business plan.
The HR function has re-thought how it offers personalized support,
which Jane Ashcroft, CEO Anchor Hanover, described as ‘stripping out cost
without stripping out value’. HR previously operated with a fairly tradi-
tional face-to-face control and support model. But now HR staff visits to
care homes have largely been replaced by an HR telephone helpline for
managers. It is important for the function to listen to managers in order to
understand the issues they need support with and then to provide effective
information and advice.
The Nature and Practice of People Strategy 93

Revolution Bars
Revolution Bars currently manage an estate of 79 bars under two brands,
Revolution and Revolución de Cuba. Retailers have been facing a difcult
climate of rising costs and falling footfall on the high street and Revolution
Bars is no exception; there are nancial problems. But the company is sur-
viving and as the chairman has put it: ‘Revolution’s 3,200 people, most of
whom work in the bars, provide the outstanding customer experience that
is at the heart of our strategy.’

The People Development Plan

The People Development Plan, which is updated annually, guides the budget,
activities and outputs of the department. It is contained in a large, regularly
updated spreadsheet, with a series of activity headings highlighting issues to
address, and gures setting out the current state and improvement targets.
Each activity in the People Development Plan has dened key outputs and
targets, for example for recruitment, reducing average days to ll posts,
costs-per-hire and rst year turnover. Linked to it are quite sophisticated
workforce plans, which run right down to people plans at the individual bar
level. Current issues are:

● succession planning and talent management and refocusing of training

and development;
● recruitment review;
● new reward and recognition strategy;
● improving quality of life/team engagement;
● developing and improving the appraisal process.

Characteristics of the plan

In a competitive, fast-moving and rapidly changing environment, the People
Development Plan has to be very exible and HR needs to be able to react
rapidly to external events and internal changes. The People Development
Director, Fiona Regan, and her team regularly undertake PESTLE and risk
analyses on their activities and priorities, answering questions such as ‘How
will the minimum wage move next year?’ ‘What changes are likely to the
apprenticeship levy?’ ‘What might happen if a Labour government gets
elected?’ ‘How will Brexit impact our labour supply?’
94 People Strategy in General

The existence of the plan means that there is a much clearer overall direc-
tion for all people management initiatives aligned to the business strategy
and the culture and values supporting its delivery. Increasingly, the people
development strategy and HR initiatives are being adapted and used to shift
the culture and behaviours in the company so as to better t the current and
future environment on the high street. The planning process has changed
from a ‘maintain’ people plan focused on solving immediate problems to
something much more transformational.

Advice for practitioners

The advice from the case study interviewees for other practitioners is sum-
marized in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1 Advice to practitioners

Highlighted points and tips for others Quotes

Ministry of ● Attract and develop leaders who ‘The real value of

Housing, genuinely understand and ‘get’ people, the People Plan
Communities culture/values and their importance to was in the
and Local the organization and performance. discussion and
Government ● Be brave. For HR to be taken seriously process of
it needs not just to listen and know its developing it… our
stuff but also to be ‘able to speak truth Leaders really
to power’. “got” people and
● Be really strong on consultation and then the People
involvement, not just with leaders, but Plan has been the
also right across staff levels and programme of
functions and locations. actions to deliver
● Be strongly evidence based, with
Christine Hewitt
progress particularly on the HR
Director of People
operational side demonstrated through
Capability and
regular reporting and discussion of
appropriate HR metrics.
● Tailor the approach to suit your

(continued )
The Nature and Practice of People Strategy 95

Table 7.1 (Continued)

Highlighted points and tips for others Quotes

London ● Get an HRM strategy but keep it close ‘Never make your
School of to immediate operational needs. HR strategy too
Economics ● Recognize the need for the strategy to strategic –
be a process rather than just a plan: a operations need to
process which links the macro with the be closely linked to
micro, the longer-term capital strategy.’
development objectives with the Indi Seehra
shorter-term HRM operational activity Director of Human
and service delivery needs. Resources
● Engage people to deliver the plans:
senior managers to shape and fund the
activity and staff to respond with higher
levels of engagement and performance.
● Shape and tailor your strategy to suit
your own specic setting.
● Recognize that how you develop and
deliver the strategy is at least as
important as the content.
● Keep it within the ‘sphere of the
possible’ and ensure that your
strategies are realistic and grounded.

Anchor ● Make sure that the HR agenda is not a ‘Have a Board that
Homes specialist agenda worked on in a understands the
darkened room by HR professionals. people agenda as
Make sure business strategies and well as nance.
policies fully incorporate HR issues. Make sure the
● Focus on the priorities from both a Board scrutinizes
customer and a workforce perspective. progress, not just
● Ensure that the HR function stays close setting direction
to the business and listens to what and agreeing
managers say they want from HR. procedures.’
Jane Ashcroft
● Adopt a transparent management style
CEO Anchor
and communicate with, listen to and
involve staff.
● Balance necessary control with giving
people the chance to feel like
individuals, use initiative and take
responsibility for their work.
(continued )
96 People Strategy in General

Table 7.1 (Continued)

Highlighted points and tips for others Quotes

Revolution ● Be curious, get into and really ‘HR Directors must

Bars understand every aspect of the always be
organization. connected to the
● Get a good understanding of the realities of the
environment and the industry so that organization. While
you can show how people development you need to stay
programmes will address the key close to the
challenges facing the business and how executive and their
you are meeting them. priorities, you have
● Ensure your people plan provides to understand the
vertical alignment with business behaviours and
priorities and horizontal integration habits throughout
across all people management and the organization if
development activities and staff. you are going to
inuence cultural
● Be curious, get into and understand
norms to support
every aspect of the organization’s
this type of
culture, as this is essential if you want
to inuence and change it.
change and ensure
● Be approachable and honest, be that the overall
accessible to staff at all levels, listen to objectives of the
the good and the bad, put procedures in company are
place to do this and react to what you achieved.’
learn. Fiona Regan

SOURCE Institute for Employment Studies, Brown et al (2019)

Key learning points

● People strategy species what the organization intends to do about people
management generally or in particular areas to support the achievement
of corporate goals and meet its obligations to its stakeholders. It sets out
how its people management policies and practices should be integrated
with the business strategy and with each other.
The Nature and Practice of People Strategy 97

● People strategy should be distinguished from people policy. People

strategy is purposeful and dynamic. It provides a sense of direction and
constantly adjusts to meet changed circumstances. People policy is
more about the here and now. Because all organizations are different, all
people strategies are different.
● Three types of people strategy can be identied: 1) broad statements of
intent under various headings; 2) overall HR strategies concerned with
high-performance working, high-commitment management or high-
involvement management; 3) specic strategies relating to the different
aspects of people management such as talent management, learning
and development, and reward.
● People strategy should be evaluated by comparing achievements
against goals.

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International Journal of Human Resource Management, 7 (1), pp 41–58
Wood, S (2010) High involvement and performance, in The Oxford Handbook of
Participation in Organizations, ed A Wilkinson et al, pp 407–26, Oxford
University Press, Oxford
Wright, P M, Snell, S A and Jacobsen, H H (2004) Current approaches to HR
strategies: inside-out versus outside-in, Human Resource Planning, 27 (4),
pp 36–46
Developing 08
people strategy

This chapter starts with a denition of the principles governing the develop-
ment of people strategy. It is then suggested that an evidence-based approach
is desirable but that there are limits to an entirely rationalistic one. A de-
scription of the process of formulating people strategy follows and the chap-
ter concludes with recommendations from practitioners on how this should
be done.

Development principles
There are three principles governing the development of people strategy:

1 Strategic t – the strategy should further the interests of the organization

and its employees and should be aligned with other people strategies,
thus enabling them to reinforce each other.
2 Multi-stakeholder approach – the strategy should meet the needs of all
the stakeholders of the organization.
3 Focus on implementation – the strategy should not be too hard to
implement both by the people management function and, importantly, by
line managers.

The evidence-based approach to developing

people strategy
The concept of strategic people management is grounded on the belief that
strategic t is crucial. To achieve this it is necessary to base the development
100 People Strategy in General

of people strategy on an understanding of the circumstances in which the

development is taking place and an appreciation of the factors affecting the
future direction to be taken. Perkins and Shortland (2006) have highlighted
the merits of what they call ‘informed premeditation’. An analytical ap-
proach is required and this means the use of evidence-based management
supported by people analytics.
Pfeffer and Sutton (2006: 70) declared that evidence-based management
‘features a willingness to put aside belief and conventional wisdom – the
dangerous half-truths that many embrace – and replace these with an unre-
lenting commitment to gather the necessary facts to make more intelligent
and informed decisions’. It has also been said (Rousseau and Barends 2011:
221) that: ‘Blind faith has no place in professional practice. Human resource
management needs to be evidence-based.’
Evidence-based people management uses the information obtained from
the analysis and evaluation of data about people management practices in
the organization and the analysis of the messages delivered by benchmark-
ing and research. The purpose is to inform decisions on people management
innovations and to ensure that such decisions are made by reference to the
best available evidence. As observed by Reay et al (2009:13), the watch-
words are ‘evidence before action’.
Rousseau and Barends (2011: 223) stated that at its core, evidence-based
people management combines four fundamental features into everyday
management practice and decision making:

1 use of the best available scientic evidence from peer-reviewed sources;

2 systematic gathering of organizational facts, indicators and metrics to
better act on the evidence;
3 practitioner judgement assisted by procedures, practices and frameworks
that reduce bias, improve decision quality and create more valid learning
over time;
4 ethical considerations weighing the short- and long-term impacts of
decisions on stakeholders and society.

Evidence-based management becomes a way of thinking that people man-

agement professionals apply to any situation or issue by asking themselves:

● What are we trying to do here, what’s important to this organization,

how do we measure that?
● How are current people management practices helping or hindering what
we are trying to do and what evidence do we have of this?
Developing People Strategy 101

● How might people management changes improve the delivery of desired

 How can we best implement improvements and how can we show
ourselves that they are working?

The use of people analytics is an essential part of evidence-based people

management. It applies data analysis to provide the basis for assessing the
impact of people management practices and the contribution made by peo-
ple to organizational performance in order to provide guidance on policy
and practice. It is about ‘data mining’ – getting as much out of people data
as possible and then going on to nd links, correlations and, ideally, causa-
tion between different sets of the data. As Angrave et al (2016) put it: ‘Much
of the value of HR data is realized by using it to answer strategic questions
about how people create value for the organization, so that value can be
captured and leveraged.’ A worldwide survey by the CIPD published in
2018 established that a strong people analytics culture leads to good busi-
ness outcomes and that people analytics continues to be an evolving practice
for the people management profession and its partners across the business.
People analytics can be used to:

● measure levels of engagement;

● assess the quality of the employee experience;
● improve employee retention rates;
● reduce absenteeism;
● evaluate the effectiveness of different sources of recruits;
● evaluate the effectiveness of learning and development activities;
● investigate the effectiveness of performance management or performance-
related pay in improving performance;
● measure the impact of organizational development interventions;
● reduce accident rates.

An analysis of possible people analytics and their use is given in Table 12.2.
In each area the analysis would investigate trends and, whenever possi-
ble, the interrelationships between different types of data and between the
data and performance. This evidence could be used to reach conclusions
about any action required or to evaluate the effectiveness of action already
taken. Predictive analytics uses data to predict trends and therefore provide
guidance on people strategy, and it is the most advanced form of people
102 People Strategy in General

Limits to an entirely rationalistic approach

The formulation of people strategy is not such a straightforward process as
some people believe. There are limits to excessively rationalistic models of
strategic planning. Hendry and Pettigrew (1990) observed that strategies
could emerge from the actions and reactions of managers and others.
Johnson (1987: 12) pointed out that:

Strategic decisions are characterized by the political hurly-burly of organizational

life with a high incidence of bargaining, a trading off of costs and benets of one
internal group against another, all within a notable lack of clarity in terms of
environmental inuences and objectives.

Anyone who, like the writer of this book, has sat for a number of years on
an executive board and played a full part in business decisions knows that
this is the way in which strategic decisions are typically made at the top level
in an organization.
When considering approaches to the formulation of people strategy it is
therefore necessary to emphasize the interactive (not unilinear) relationship
between business strategy and people strategy. Boxall (1993) stressed that
the strategy formation process is complex, and excessively rationalistic
models that advocate formalistic linkages between strategic planning and
people planning are not particularly helpful to our understanding of it.
Process is important. Following their research in 30 well-known UK com-
panies, Tyson and Witcher (1994: 22) concluded that:

The process of formulating HR strategy was often as important as the content

of the strategy ultimately agreed. It was argued that by working through
strategic issues and highlighting points of tension, new ideas emerged and a
consensus over goals was found.

They also commented that: ‘The different approaches to strategy formation

reect different ways to manage change and different ways to bring the
people part of the business into line with business goals. In developing HR
strategies, process may be as important as content’ (Tyson and Witcher,
1994: 24).
Mintzberg (1987: 66) made it clear that strategic management is a learn-
ing process: ‘Formulation and implementation merge into a uid process of
learning through which creative strategies evolve.’
Developing People Strategy 103

Strategic options and choices

The process of developing people strategy involves generating strategic op-
tions and then making appropriate strategic choices. It was noted by Cappelli
(1999: 8) that: ‘The choice of practices that an employer pursues is heavily
contingent on a number of factors at the organizational level, including their
own business and production strategies, support of HR policies, and coop-
erative labour relations.’ It is necessary to adopt a contingent approach in
generating strategic HRM options and then making appropriate strategic
choices. There is seldom if ever one right way forward.
Choices should relate to but also anticipate the critical needs of the business
and the people in it. As described earlier, an analytical evidence-based approach
is required. It should incorporate the experienced and collective judgement of
top management about organizational requirements while also taking into ac-
count the needs and views of line managers and employees generally. The
emerging strategy should anticipate the problems of implementation that may
arise if line managers are not committed to the strategy and/or lack the skills
and time to play their part. Strategy should always be formulated with imple-
mentation in mind.

The rhetoric/reality gap

There is too often a wide gap between the rhetoric of strategic people man-
agement and the reality of its impact. Gratton et al (1999) maintained that
good intentions can too easily be subverted by the harsh realities of organi-
zational life. For example, strategic objectives such as increasing commitment
by providing more security and offering training to increase employability
may have to be modied or even abandoned because of external pressures
such as COVID-19.

Formulating people strategy

Research conducted by Wright et al (2004) identied two approaches that
can be adopted to HR strategy formulation. The ‘inside-out’ approach be-
gins with the status quo HR function (in terms of skills, processes, technolo-
gies and so on) and then attempts (with varying degrees of success) to
identify linkages to the business (usually through focusing on ‘people is-
sues’), making minor adjustments to HR activities along the way.
104 People Strategy in General

The preferred ‘outside-in’ starts with the customer, competitor and other is-
sues the business faces. The HR strategy then derives directly from these chal-
lenges to ‘create real solutions and add real value’ (Wright et al, 2004: 37). They
made the point that ‘the most advanced linkage was the “integrative” linkage
in which the senior HR executive was part of the top management team, and
was able to sit at the table and contribute during development of the business
strategy’ (p 37). Their recommendations on adopting an outside-in approach
were (pp 45–46):

1 Develop a formal process for involving line executives in the development

of HR strategy.
2 Have formal mechanisms for tracking developments in the external
environment as part of the process.
3 Begin with the assumption that everything the current HR function is
doing is either wrong or does not exist.
4 Identify the key business and people metrics that will determine or
indicate the success of the business, then constantly track and communicate
those metrics to the entire internal HR community.
5 Based on the business issues and metrics, develop the HR strategy that
will maximally drive performance on those metrics.
6 Remember that the HR strategy is a process, not a document, intervention,
or event. Any strategy is a pattern in a stream of decisions, and as business
and people issues change or obstacles appear, the pattern (strategy) will also
have to change.

CASE STUDY Formulating HRM strategy at Boots

The Director of HR explained that:

I start with the top line, the four or ve things which are the strategic
platform for the company. I get my managers together to look at the
implications. We then pull it together so that it is all derived from the
original strategic platforms and then work top-down and bottom-up to get
the amalgam of what we can achieve. This then feeds into the nal
operating plan so we can agree budgets.
Developing People Strategy 105

The formulation of people strategy involves the following steps:

1 Scan the internal and external environment and analyse the implications.
2 Conduct a stakeholder analysis.
3 Analyse the effectiveness of existing people strategies and the implications
for the future.
4 Conduct a diagnostic review, drawing on the outcomes of steps 1 to 3.
5 Consider how vertical integration or t can be achieved, ie linking the
HR strategy to the business strategy.
6 Consider how horizontal integration can be achieved, ie linking different
HR practices together so that they are mutually supportive and therefore
complement and reinforce each other (bundling).
7 Set out the HR strategy.

Step 1 Scan the internal and external environments

The analytical frameworks set out in Tables 8.1 and 8.2 can be used for this

Table 8.1 Analysis of the internal environment

Question Response for HR strategy
1 What are the key objectives of our business
2 What are the main drivers of success in our
3 What are the core values of the organization?
4 What evidence is there that these values are
used in the everyday life of the organization?
5 What are the implications of the type of
business we are in on our HR strategy?
6 What characteristics do we look for in our
7 What do the people we want, want?
8 What is our employee value proposition and
does it help to attract and retain high-quality
(continued )
106 People Strategy in General

Table 8.1 (Continued)

Question Response for HR strategy
9 What are we doing about developing the
talented people we need?
10 How engaged are our people? (as
established by employee surveys)

Table 8.2 Analysis of the external environment

External factor Impact on HR policy and practice
Competitive pressures
Business/economic trends
Employment and demographic trends
Availability of key skills
Market rates of pay

Step 2 Conduct a stakeholder analysis

Stakeholders are the people or bodies who have a legitimate interest in an
organization. They can include shareholders (owners), management, em-
ployees, suppliers, customers and the community or public at large. Account
should be taken of their various interests when formulating and implement-
ing people strategy and policies. This is done through stakeholder analysis,
the process of identifying the stakeholders and establishing what their con-
cerns are.
Stakeholder analysis provides answers to the following questions:

1 Who are the people who are likely to have legitimate interests in or
concerns about what we are proposing to do?
2 What are those interests and concerns?
3 To what extent does our proposed course of action meet or conict with
these interests and concerns?
4 In the light of the answer to question 3, do we need to modify the proposal?
5 How should we take account of these interests and concerns in our plans
for implementing the proposal?
Developing People Strategy 107

A stakeholder matrix as illustrated in Table 8.3 can be used.

An example of another approach to stakeholder analysis is given in
Figure 8.1.

Table 8.3 Stakeholder analysis matrix

Stakeholder Interests/concerns Potential impact Action
Senior management
Line management
Trade union(s)
Shareholders (owners)
The community

Figure 8.1 The Selfridges stakeholder value model

Great choice Reward
Fun Development
Good value Membership
Service excellence Communication
Customers Employees
Selfridges plc

Suppliers Community
Financial stability Social responsibility
Growth opportunities Employment opportunities
Partnership Improved quality of local life
Quality presentation

Return on investment
Accountability and credibility
Market leadership
108 People Strategy in General

Step 3 Analyse the eectiveness of existing people

Table 8.4 Analysis of eectiveness of existing people management strategies

If partly or not at
Not all, what needs to
To what extent does HR strategy: Wholly Partly at all be done about it?
1 Support the achievement of
business goals?
2 Promote the wellbeing of all
3 Contribute to enhancing the levels
of employee engagement?
4 Enable the organization to recruit
and retain the talented people it
5 Enable the organization to develop
the talented people it needs?
6 Focus on improving organizational
7 Focus on improving individual
8 Ensure that people are rewarded
according to their contribution?
9 Contribute to the creation of a
positive employee-relations climate?

Step 4 Conduct a diagnostic review

To draw the threads of the analyses in steps 1 to 3 together, the diagnostic
framework shown in Table 8.5 can be used.

Step 5 Integrate business and people strategy

It is not enough to simply list a set of strategic priorities. It is also necessary
to see that they are integrated with the business strategy. In doing this, ac-
count should be taken of the fact that strategies for change have also to be
integrated with changes in the external and internal environments. Fit may
Developing People Strategy 109

Table 8.5 Diagnostic framework

Actions required
Issues identied Reasons for Proposals to
to implement
by analysis issues deal with issues
the proposals

exist at a point in time, but circumstances will change and t no longer ex-
ists. An excessive pursuit of ‘t’ with the status quo will inhibit the exibility
of approach, which is essential in turbulent conditions. This is the ‘temporal’
factor in achieving t identied by Gratton et al (1999). An additional factor
which will make the achievement of good vertical t difcult is that the busi-
ness strategy may not be clearly dened – it could be in an emergent or
evolutionary state. This would mean that there could be little or nothing
with which to t the people strategy.
The process of integration should start with an analysis of the business
model. As dened by Magretta (2002: 87), business models ‘are at heart
stories – stories that explain how enterprises work… They answer the fun-
damental questions every manager needs to ask: How do we make money in
this business? What is the underlying economic logic that explains how we
can deliver value to customers at an appropriate cost?’ She explained that a
business model ‘focuses attention on how all the elements in a system t into
a working whole’ (Magretta, 2002: 90). It is essential for those responsible
for formulating people strategy to understand the business model and how
it affects people management.
It is also essential to remember that business models develop and change –
the process of ‘business model innovation’. The role of the people manage-
ment function in dealing with business model change was spelt out by
Sparrow et al (2010: 14–15) as follows:

A central task for HR directors is to identify how they as a leader, and how their
function’s own delivery model, structure, and the people processes it manages,
add value during periods of business model change. In order for organizations
110 People Strategy in General

to make their models work, they have to understand the potentially deep
implications they have for people management. People management experts
have to make sure that those engineering the new business models are working
on assumptions that can reasonably be executed.

Within the context of the business model analysis, a more detailed analysis
of the business strategy should be conducted, using a framework such as that
illustrated in Table 8.6 to identify any specic people management areas that
need to be developed to support the achievement of the business strategy.

Table 8.6 HR implications of business strategy and business drivers

What needs
Possible HR to be done
Content supporting activities about it?

● Growth – revenue/prot  Workforce planning

● Maximize shareholder value  Talent management
Business strategy

● Growth through  Skills development

acquisitions/mergers  Targeted
● Product development recruitment
● Market development  Retention policies
● Cost leadership  Leadership
 Other

● Attract and retain talented  Enhance

people (more talented than engagement
those employed by  Talent management
competitors)  Performance
Business driver

● Innovation management
● Maximize added value  Reward
● Productivity management
● Customer service  High-performance
● Quality working*
● Satisfy stakeholders –  Smart working*
investors, shareholders,  Agile working*
employees, elected  Other

*Described in Chapter 15
Developing People Strategy 111

Step 6 Achieving horizontal integration (bundling)

Horizontal integration or t takes place when the various people strategies
cohere and are mutually supporting. It can be attained by the process of
‘bundling’, which is carried out by rst identifying appropriate people man-
agement approaches, second by assessing how the items in the bundle can be
linked together so that they reinforce one another and nally by drawing up
programmes for the development of these practices, paying particular atten-
tion to the links between them.
Bundling can take place in a number of ways. For example, compe-
tency frameworks could be devised which are used to specify recruitment
standards, identify learning and development needs and play an impor-
tant part in assessment and development centres. They could also be in-
corporated into performance management processes in which the aims
are primarily developmental and competencies are used as criteria for
reviewing behaviour. Job evaluation could be based on levels of compe-
tency, and competency-based pay systems could be introduced. Grade
structures could dene career ladders in terms of competency require-
ments (career family structures) and thus provide the basis for learning
and development programmes. They can serve the dual purpose of den-
ing career paths and pay progression opportunities. Total reward policies
‘bundle’ various elements of nancial and non-nancial rewards together.
A high-performance work system bundles a number of people manage-
ment practices together, as does talent management.

Step 7 Set out the people strategy

The outcomes of steps 1 to 6 form the basis for deciding on the strategy.
How this is done will vary according to the circumstances of the organiza-
tion, but the following are the typical areas that might be covered in a formal

● A denition of guiding principles – the values that have been adopted in

formulating the strategy.
● A statement of intent – the people management initiatives that it is
proposed should be taken.
● A rationale – the reasons why the proposals are being made. The
rationale should make out the case for the proposals, indicating how
112 People Strategy in General

they will meet the needs of both the business and the people it employs.
The costs and the benets should be spelt out.
 An implementation plan – how, when and by whom the people strategy
initiatives will be implemented. The plan should indicate what steps will
need to be taken and should take account of resource constraints and
the need for communications, involvement and training. The priorities
attached to each element of the strategy should be indicated and a
timetable for implementation drawn up. The plan should state who will
be responsible for the development and implementation of the strategy.

A ow chart for the development of a specic people strategy (reward

management) is shown in Figure 23.1 (p 250).

Recommendations from practitioners

Senior practitioners in the case study organizations examined by the Institute
for Employment Studies (Brown, Hirsh and Reilly, 2019) made the following
recommendations on the approach to adopt when developing people strategy:

 Be really strong on consultation and involvement, not just with leaders, but
also right across staff levels and functions and locations.
● Be strongly evidence based, with progress particularly on the HR
operational side demonstrated through regular reporting and discussion
of appropriate HR metrics.
● Shape and tailor your strategy to suit your own specic setting.
● Keep it within the ‘sphere of the possible’ and ensure that your strategies
are realistic and grounded.
● Focus on the priorities from both a customer and a workforce perspective.
● Ensure that the HR function stays close to the business and listens to
what managers say they want from HR.
● Get a good understanding of the environment and the industry so that
you can show how people development programmes will address the key
challenges facing the business and how you are meeting them.
● Be curious, get into and understand every aspect of the organization’s culture –
this is essential if you want to inuence and change it.
Developing People Strategy 113

CASE STUDY Strategic review of human resource management


UNICEF’s total staff complement is 8,594, drawn from 178 nationalities located at
Headquarters (New York and Geneva) and in eight Regional Ofces.
Purpose of the strategic review

‘How well is UNICEF managing and enhancing its human resource capacity to
reach its strategic objectives?’
Key questions

The review will address the following key questions:

1 Does UNICEF have clear and workable HR policies relevant to the strategic
goals of the organization? What impact is UNICEF HR policy and practice
having on the achievement of UNICEF strategic goals?
2 How well suited are UNICEF HRM policy, process, employment contracts and
budgeting to the long-term maintenance of a skilled UNICEF workforce?
3 Are the accountabilities for HRM clear, understood and fullled?
4 What progress has been made in the implementation of the Brasilia strategy
and what factors underlie UNICEF achievements and failings in improving
5 To what extent do UNICEF staff have the appropriate competencies to meet
the organization’s strategic goals?
6 To what extent do managers in UNICEF have the competencies to effectively
manage resources (human and nancial) to achieve the organization’s goals
and motivate their teams?
7 To what extent do UNICEF management culture, management structures and
HR systems encourage or constrain effective HRM?
8 To what extent do UNICEF (non-nancial) rewards, incentives and sanctions
encourage managers to be effective in their management of human
9 To what extent is UNICEF HRM helped or constrained by the HR regulations
and procedures of the United Nations system, and to what extent is it free to
be creative in generating its own HRM solutions?
114 People Strategy in General

10 Does UNICEF have the appropriate HR expertise to support the realization of

its strategic goals, both in Division of Human Resources (DHR) and across the
11 To what extent do UNICEF levels of investment in HR personnel and systems
encourage or constrain effective HRM?
12 How efciently and cost-effectively deployed are the staff resources within
the DHR, and other HR-related posts globally?

Key learning points

● There are three development principles governing the development of

people strategy:
1 Strategic t – the strategy should further the interests of the
organization and its employees and should be aligned with other
people strategies, thus enabling them to reinforce each other.
2 Multi-stakeholder approach – the strategy should meet the needs of
all the stakeholders of the organization.
3 Focus on implementation – the strategy should not be too hard to
implement both by the people management function and, importantly,
by line managers.
● The concept of strategic people management is grounded on the belief
that strategic t is crucial. To achieve this it is necessary to base
decisions on an understanding of the circumstances in which they have
to be made and an appreciation of the factors affecting the future
direction to be taken.
● An analytical approach to strategic people management is required and
this means the use of evidence-based management and people
● The formulation of people strategy is not such a straightforward process
as some people believe. The considerations which affect how it takes
place are:
● the limits of an entirely rationalistic approach;
● the existence of strategic options and choices;
● the rhetoric/reality gap.
Developing People Strategy 115

● These limitations need to be taken into account when formulating people

strategy but they do not preclude it. There is everything to be said for
thinking ahead about what needs to be done and for planning the
changes required.
● Two approaches that can be adopted to strategy formulation were
identied by Wright et al (2004): the inside-out approach and the
preferred outside-in approach.
● The formulation of people strategy involves the following steps:

1 Scan the internal and external environment and analyse the

2 Analyse the effectiveness of existing people strategies and the
implications for people strategy.
3 Conduct a stakeholder analysis.
4 Conduct a diagnostic review, drawing on the outcomes of steps 1 to 3.
5 Consider how vertical integration or t can be achieved, ie linking the
people strategy to the business strategy.
6 Consider how horizontal integration can be achieved, ie linking
different people management practices together so that they are
mutually supportive and therefore complement and reinforce each
other (bundling).
7 Set out the people strategy.

Angrave, D et al (2016) HR and analytics: why HR is set to fail the big data
challenge, Human Resource Management Journal, 26 (1), pp 1–11
Boxall, P F (1993) The signicance of human resource management: a reconsidera-
tion of the evidence, International Journal of Human Resource Management,
4 (3), pp 645–65
Brown, D, Hirsh, W and Reilly, P (2019) Strategic Human Resource Management:
Case Studies and Conclusions: from HR Strategy to Strategic People
resource-management-practice-case-studies-and-conclusions (archived at https://
116 People Strategy in General

Cappelli, P (1999) Employment Practices and Business Strategy, Oxford University

Press, New York
CIPD (2018) HR Analytics Fact Sheet,
q=people+analytics+cipd (archived at
Gratton, L A et al (1999) Strategic Human Resource Management, Oxford
University Press, Oxford
Hendry, C and Pettigrew, A (1990) Human resource management: an agenda for
the 1990s, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1 (1),
pp 17–44
Johnson, M G (1987) Strategic Change and the Management Process, Blackwell,
Magretta, J (2002) Why business models matter, Harvard Business Review, May,
Mintzberg, H (1987) Crafting strategy, Harvard Business Review, July–August,
pp 66–74
Perkins, S J and Shortland, S M (2006) Strategic International Human Resource
Management, Kogan Page, London
Pfeffer, J and Sutton, R I (2006) A matter of fact, People Management, 28
September, p 24
Reay, T, Berta, W and Kohn, M K (2009) What’s the evidence on evidence-based
management? Academy of Management Perspectives, November, pp 5–18
Rousseau, D M and Barends, E G R (2011) Becoming an evidence-based
practitioner, Human Resource Management Journal, 21 (3), pp 221–35
Sparrow, P et al (2010) Using business model change to tie HR into strategy:
reversing the arrow, in Leading HR, ed P Sparrow et al, pp 68–89, Palgrave
Macmillan, Basingstoke
Tyson, S and Witcher, M (1994) Human resource strategy emerging from the
recession, Personnel Management, August, pp 20–23
Wright, P M, Snell, S A and Jacobsen, H H (2004) Current approaches to HR
strategies: inside-out versus outside-in, Human Resource Planning, 27 (4),
pp 36–46
Implementing 09
people strategy

The challenge of people strategy is putting it into effect: what counts is what
works. As Gratton (2000: 30) commented: ‘There is no great strategy, only great
execution.’ Strategies cannot be left as generalized aspirations or abstractions.
But implementation is not always easy: intent does not necessarily lead to
Too often, strategists act like Charles Dickens’ character Mr Pecksmith,
who was compared by Dickens (Martin Chuzzlewit, 1843, 2004: 23) to ‘a
direction-post which is always telling the way to a place and never goes
there’. It is necessary to avoid saying, in effect: ‘We need to get from here to
there but we don’t know or care how.’
This chapter starts with an examination of the problems raised by imple-
mentation and continues with descriptions of the approach to implementa-
tion and the processes involved. It concludes with analyses of the role of line
managers and people management specialists.

Implementation problems: the say–do gap

Organizations sometimes say they are going to do something and then don’t
do it. This is the ‘say–do gap’ which can easily occur when people strategy is
involved. Fombrun et al (1984: 26) noted that new HR strategy initiatives
often yield only modest results and lack staying power because in many
companies ‘much time and thought had gone into analysing and planning
strategy yet very little time into its implementation’. Guest (1999) suggested
that the impact of HR practices on attitudes and behaviour is likely to de-
pend more on employee perception and evaluation of these practices than
on the intended HR practices or policies themselves.
118 People Strategy in General

Wright and Nishii (2013) commented that HR strategies are not always
implemented and if they are, may be implemented in ways that differ from
the original intention. As pointed out by Khilji and Wang (2006), it is neces-
sary to distinguish between ‘intended HRM’ which refers to HR practices
formulated by policy makers, and ‘implemented HRM’, which refers to HR
practices as operationalized in organizations.

Lengnick-Hall et al (2009: 79) observed that:

There is a growing recognition that intended SHRM practices may be different

from realized SHRM practices and to simply rely upon what is stated rather
than what is actually in place may lead to ineffective implementation as well
as ambiguous results in studies of the relationship between HR practices and
organizational performance. The construct of employee line-of-sight to strategic
objectives provides more insight into the implementation process. If employees
don’t understand or know how to contribute to strategic objectives, they are
unlikely to be effective in doing so.

Research by Guest and Conway (2011: 1700) led to the conclusion that:
‘There are three elements in a logical model of HR effectiveness. HR prac-
tices must be present, they must be effective and they must be effectively
Gratton (1999: 202) noted ‘the disjunction between rhetoric and reality
in the area of human resource management, between HRM theory and
HRM practice, between what the HR function says it is doing and how that
practice is perceived by employees, and between what senior management
believes to be the role of the HR function, and the role it actually plays’. The
factors identied by Gratton which contribute to creating this gap were:

● Complex or ambiguous initiatives that may not be understood by

employees or will be perceived differently by them, especially in large,
diverse organizations.
● It is more difcult to gain acceptance of non-routine initiatives.
● The initiative is seen as a threat.
● Inconsistencies between corporate strategies and values.
● The extent to which senior management is trusted.
● The perceived fairness of the initiative.

To which could be added failure to take account of the strategic needs of the
business (which may be difcult because they are changing too rapidly or no
Implementing People Strategy 119

one really understands them); inadequate assessment of the environmental

and cultural factors, including internal politics, that affect the content of the
strategies; the development of ill-conceived, unmanageable and irrelevant
initiatives, possibly because they are current fads or because there has been
a poorly digested analysis of ‘best practice’ which does not t the organiza-
tion’s requirements; and, importantly, failure to involve stakeholders, in the
shape of managers and employees, in the formulation of strategy. These
problems are compounded when insufcient attention is paid to practical
implementation problems, particularly where line managers are concerned,
and there is a need for supporting systems. The role of line managers is vital.
López-Cotarelo (2018) conducted a case study in a large UK-based fash-
ion retailer and found that the important contribution made by line manag-
ers to the effective implementation of people management systems was
achieved by exerting their cognitive and political abilities to bring about
decisions that are well suited to their local situations.
The ndings from research in a London hospital, conducted by Woodrow
and Guest (2014) on the implementation of an anti-bullying policy, revealed
that while the policy reected best practice, implementation was uneven,
resulting in persisting high levels of bullying which negatively affected staff
wellbeing and performance. The results indicated that it is misleading to
look just at HR practices, and that even ‘best HR practices’ are unsuccessful
unless implemented effectively. The following explanation was given by
Woodrow and Guest (2014: 50) for failures in implementing the policy:

Poor quality or non-existent policy implementation was attributed to a number

of factors by interviewees… These attributions fell into two broad categories.
The rst concerned difculties which managers faced when attempting to
implement policy, particularly where they lacked either the condence or the
time to do so… The second broad set of factors to which interviewees attributed
poor management of bullying concerned management competency. Several
participants, including those with management responsibility, felt that a lack of
training in either conict resolution or general leadership skills led to failures in
policy implementation.

Nisshi et al (2008) carried out research in a US supermarket chain to investi-

gate how employees reacted to HR innovations. They established that to
achieve a satisfactory reaction, organizations should ‘communicate the inten-
tions of HR practices in an unambiguous and salient manner, both through
formal organizational communications and also more indirectly through line
managers’ (Nishii et al, 2008: 41).
120 People Strategy in General

Research by Trevor (2011: 201) into the implementation of pay strat-

egy in seven large consumer goods British companies led to the following

All rms encounter signicant difculties when attempting to implement

strategic pay systems with the result that in the majority of cases, what is
realized operationally as pay practice is neither what was desired nor intended
strategically. As a result of the gap between intended policy and achieved
practice, between the espoused and the realized, pay within a number of the
case companies does not full the strategic objectives of motivating managerial,
professional and technical employees to work harder. It does not engender
commitment or loyalty as outcomes, nor does it equip management with the
behavioural ‘lever’ promised by standard theory. Despite the best efforts of
leading companies, and the rhetoric of their espoused pay practice, pay practice
is operationally non-strategic.

A model by Jonathan Trevor of the gap between strategy and execution is

shown in Figure 9.1.

The implementation process

A model for the implementation of people (HR) strategy was produced by
Guest and Bos-Nehles (2013: 80–81). They identied four stages, each one
being a necessary requirement for any that follow:

1 decision to introduce HR practices (HR managers and senior executives);

2 quality of HR practices (HR managers);
3 implementation of HR practices (line managers);
4 quality of implementation (line managers).

Implementation involving these stages is more likely to be effective if the

following steps are taken.

1 Formulate practical strategies

A practical strategy is one that can be put into effect without too much dif-
culty. People strategy should take into account all the barriers that create
the say–do gap. Particularly careful thought has to be given to the practical
issues involved in implementing them. It is necessary to consider the role of
Figure 9.1 The gap between strategy and execution



Corporate HR HR Organizational
strategy strategy Design HR practice ? outcomes performance

Operation Learning and


The gap

SOURCE Adapted from Jonathan Trevor (2011)

122 People Strategy in General

line managers in delivering people strategy as well as that of people manage-

ment specialists. The aims should be to 1) keep it simple; 2) spell out how
the strategy is to be implemented as well as what is to be implemented; 3)
ensure that support is given to line managers in the shape of advice, guid-
ance and training.

2 Involve
Involve as many line managers and other employees as possible in formulat-
ing the strategy – people support what they help to create. Everyone can be
involved by conducting an employee survey asking for reactions to a pro-
posed policy or practice. The survey should be followed up by discussions on
its implications for HR strategy and practice. This can be done through for-
mal consultation processes or through workshops and focus groups whose
members are representative of the different constituencies in the organization
and who can be encouraged to pass on what they have been doing to their
colleagues. Involvement can make use of the analytical tools described in
Chapter 8. The questions can be answered individually and then discussed by
a group to gain greater understanding and as much consensus as possible.

3 Communicate
It is essential to communicate details of the strategy to line managers and
employees. The communication should explain what is proposed, why it has
been proposed (indicating the benets both to the organization and employ-
ees), how it will work, who will be affected and the timetable for introduc-
tion. As far as possible it should be by word of mouth to individuals or
through team brieng or brieng group arrangements involving everyone in
an organization, level by level, in face-to-face meetings to present, receive
and discuss information.

4 Build skills
New strategies may require the use of new skills or the development of exist-
ing ones. This applies to employees generally as well as line managers, who
should be trained in what they have to do to implement the strategy. Skills
can be built through formal off-the-job training courses, but there is much
to be said for coaching and mentoring.
Implementing People Strategy 123

5 Monitor and evaluate

The introduction of people strategy should be monitored in order to evalu-
ate its effectiveness. Corrective action in the shape of modications to the
strategy or training can then be taken.

 Manage change
The implementation of people strategy involves change, which can be hard
to introduce and may be resisted. The problems of implementing strategic
change were summed up by Lawler and Mohrman (2003: 24) as follows:

Most strategies, like most mergers, fail not because of poor thinking, but
because of poor implementation. Implementation failures usually involve
the failure to acknowledge and build the needed skills and organizational
capabilities, to gain support of the workforce, and to support the organizational
changes and learning required to behave in new ways. In short, execution
failures are often the result of poor human capital management. This opens the
door for HR to add important value if it can deliver change strategies, plans and
thinking that aid in the development and execution of business strategy.

Implementing change can indeed be difcult. Research by Carnall (1991) in

93 organizations identied the following explanations for failures to imple-
ment change effectively:

● Implementation took more time than originally allowed.

● Major problems that had not been identied beforehand emerged during
● Coordination of implementation activities was not effective enough.
● Competing activities and other crises distracted management from
implementing the change decision.
● The capabilities of the employees involved were not sufcient.
● Training and instruction to lower-level employees was inadequate.
● Uncontrollable factors in the external environment had an adverse effect
on implementation.

The following suggestions on how to minimize such problems were put for-
ward by Nadler and Tushman (1980):

● Motivate in order to achieve changes in behaviour by individuals.

124 People Strategy in General

● Manage the transition by making organizational arrangements designed

to ensure that control is maintained during and after the transition and
by developing and communicating a clear image of the future.
● Shape the political dynamics of change so that power centres develop that
support the change rather than block it.
● Build in stability of structures and processes to serve as anchors for
people to hold on to – organizations and individuals can only stand so
much uncertainty and turbulence, hence the emphasis by Quinn (1980)
on the need for an incremental approach.

As reported by Surowiecki (2013: 44), Professor Michael Roberto of Bryant

University suggested that: ‘Anytime you’re trying to change the ways you
do things, small wins are important. Small wins help you build support
both internally and externally, and they make it easier for people to buy in.’
The role of the people management function in facilitating change was
described by Vere and Butler (2007: 34) as follows:

● The issue needs to be on the strategic business agenda and managers must
see how action will improve business results: that is, there needs to be a
sound business case for the initiative. HR managers need to be able to
demonstrate the return on the planned investment.
● The change needs to have the active backing of those at the top of the
organization, so it is for the HR Director to gain the commitment of the
top team and engage them in a practical way in taking the work forward.
● HR needs to engage managers in the design of change from the outset (or,
if this is a business-driven change, HR needs to be involved at the outset).
 The programme needs to be framed in the language of the business to
have real meaning and achieve ‘buy in’ for all parties; if there is too much
HR jargon, this will be a turn-off.
● Project and people management skills are crucial to ensure the programme
is well planned and resourced and risks are assessed and managed.
● As in all change programmes, the importance of communication is
paramount, to explain, engage and commit people to the programme.
● In this respect the crucial role that HR can play is to ensure that
employees are fully engaged in the design and implementation of the
● HR needs to draw on others’ experience and learning.
Implementing People Strategy 125

The role of line managers in implementing

HR strategy
Implementing and enacting policies is the task of line managers. As Purcell
et al (2003: x) stressed, it is front-line managers who ‘bring policies to life’.
It is necessary rst to involve line managers in the development of people
strategy – bearing in mind that things done with line managers are much
more likely to work than things done to line managers. Second, ensure that
the people policies they are expected to put into practice are manageable
with the resources they have available, including their time. Third, provide
managers with the training, supporting processes and on-the-spot guidance
they need.
Jonathon Trevor (2011) established through his research into the imple-
mentation of reward strategy that, too often, line managers compromised,
even sabotaged, the implementation of strategies because they were not con-
vinced that they were necessary or lacked the skills or motivation to put
them into practice. It could be said that the people management function
may propose but line managers dispose – line managers can bring people
policies to life but they can also put them to death.
People management professionals have an important role to play in pro-
viding support and guidance to managers. Their overall strategic role is
analysed in Chapter 10.

CASE STUDY Implementing people strategy: change

management at the Children’s Trust

A few years ago the Children’s Trust was facing a chronic skills shortage, high
staff turnover and loss of morale. There was a culture of avoidance when it came
to tackling difcult HR issues such as poor performance or sickness absence.
There was also a ‘can’t do’ attitude, because people were constantly under
pressure as a result of staff shortages. Following the change programme
summarized below, which was planned and managed by the new head of HR, the
Trust has won awards from both Charity Times and Nursing Times for being a great
place to work, based on the views of its staff. The change programme consisted of
a series of sensible, well-planned HR interventions, spearheaded by the head of
HR and implemented gradually over 18 months with the full backing of the board.
126 People Strategy in General

The main features of the change programme were:

● HR issues were put on the senior team’s agenda which met more often and
considered issues such as recruitment and retention.
● A development programme for senior managers was delivered by an external
consultancy to help them improve their skills and condence; it included a
training needs analysis, psychometric testing and 360-degree appraisal.
● Everything was done in a low-key, non-threatening way that emphasized
development opportunities rather than the need for change.
● Nurses and carers were asked what they liked about working for the Trust and
said that they had time to build relationships and really care for the children, that
there was high-quality training on offer – and that ‘everyone smiles around here’.
● These personal testimonials were used to devise new recruitment campaigns
for nurses and, as a result, the number of job applications soon increased,
helped by a recruitment video lmed at the Trust.
● Pay scales for carers were reviewed and the time it would take them to reach
higher rates shortened.
● The Trust’s NVQ course in health and social care was developed and it
became an accredited centre, able to issue its own awards.
● New job descriptions were produced with ve to seven headings detailing
their accountabilities, plus a series of behavioural competencies.
● A new performance management system was implemented.
● Better sick pay was provided, combined with tools to help managers handle
absence more effectively, with the result that it fell 10% in the rst year and
12% in the next year.
● A fast-track nursing training programme was developed to build a cavalry of
cross-trained nurses that would allow the Trust to react quickly to changing

Key learning points

● The ultimate challenge of people strategy is putting it to work.
● Organizations sometimes say they are going to do something and then
don’t do it. This is the ‘say–do gap’ which can easily occur when people
strategy is involved.
Implementing People Strategy 127

● The factors that contribute to creating this gap are:

● Complex or ambiguous initiatives that may not be understood by
employees or will be perceived differently by them, especially in
large, diverse organizations.
● It is more difcult to gain acceptance of non-routine initiatives.
● The initiative is seen as a threat.
● Inconsistencies between corporate strategies and values.
● The extent to which senior management is trusted.
● The perceived fairness of the initiative.
● Failure to take account of the strategic needs of the business.
● Inadequate assessment of the environmental and cultural factors that
affect the content of the strategies.
● The development of ill-conceived, unmanageable and irrelevant
● Insufcient attention being paid to practical implementation problems,
particularly where line managers are concerned and there is a need
for supporting systems.
● To provide for the effective delivery of people strategy it necessary to:
● formulate practical strategies;
● involve people;
● communicate;
● build skills;
● monitor and evaluate.
● The implementation of people strategy involves change, which can be
hard to introduce and may be resisted.
● The role of the people management function in facilitating change is to:
● produce a sound business case;
● gain the commitment of top management;
● engage managers in the design of change from the outset;
● frame the programme in the language of the business;
● deploy effective project and people management skills;
● ensure that employees are fully engaged in design and
128 People Strategy in General

● To provide for the effective delivery of people strategy it necessary to:

● formulate practical strategies;
● involve people;
● communicate;
● build skills;
● monitor and evaluate.
● People strategies have to be converted into policies and practices and
these have to be implemented by line managers.
● The people management function has to adopt a partnership approach
with line managers when implementing the strategy. Partnership
involves working with line managers using a joint approach to dealing
with issues, solving problems and, importantly, introducing new HR
policies and practices.

Carnall, C (1991) Managing Change, Routledge, London
Dickens, C (1843) Martin Chuzzlewit, Chapman & Hall (Penguin Classics, 2004),
Fombrun, C J, Tichy, N M and Devanna, M A (1984) Strategic Human Resource
Management, Wiley, New York
Gratton, L A (1999) People processes as a source of competitive advantage, in
Strategic Human Resource Management, ed L A Gratton et al, Oxford
University Press, Oxford
Gratton, L A (2000) Real step change, People Management, 16 March, pp 27–30
Guest, D E (1999) Human resource management: the workers’ verdict, Human
Resource Management Journal, 9 (2), pp 5–25
Guest, D E and Bos-Nehles, A (2013) HRM and performance: the role of effective
implementation, in HRM and Performance, ed J Paauwe, D E Guest and P M
Wright, pp 79–96, Wiley, Chichester
Guest, D E and Conway, N (2011) The impact of HR practices, HR effectiveness
and a ‘strong HR system’ on organizational outcomes: a stakeholder
perspective, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22 (8),
pp 1686–702
Implementing People Strategy 129

Khilji, E and Wang, X (2006) ‘Intended’ and ‘implemented’ HRM: the missing
linchpin in strategic human resource management research, International
Journal of Human Resource Management, 17 (7), pp 1171–89
Lawler, E E and Mohrman, S A (2003) HR as a strategic partner: what does it take
to make it happen?, Human Resource Planning, 26 (3), pp 15–29
Lengnick-Hall, M L et al (2009) Strategic human resource management: the
evolution of the eld, Human Resource Management Review, 19 (2), pp 64–85
López-Cotarelo, J (2018) Line managers and HRM: a managerial discretion
perspective, Human Resource Management Journal, 28 (2), pp 255–71
Nadler, D A and Tushman, M L (1980) A congruence model for diagnosing
organizational behaviour, in Resource Book in Macro-organizational Behaviour,
ed R H Miles, Goodyear Publishing, Santa Monica, CA
Nishii, L H, Lepak, D P and Schneider, B (2008) Employee attributions of the ‘why’
of HR practices: their effects on employee attitudes and behaviours, and
customer satisfaction, Cornell University Working Paper, Ithaca, NY, pp 1–53
Purcell, J et al (2003) People and Performance: How people management impacts
on organizational performance, CIPD, London
Quinn, J B (1980) Managing strategic change, Sloane Management Review, 11
(4/5), pp 3–30
Surowiecki, J (2013) The turnaround trap, The New Yorker, 25 March, p 44
Trevor, J (2011) Can Pay Be Strategic? Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke
Vere, D and Butler, L (2007) Fit for Business: Transforming HR in the public
service, CIPD, London
Wright, P M and Nishii, L H (2013) Strategic HRM and organizational behaviour:
integrating multiple levels of analysis, in HRM and Performance: Achievements
and challenges, ed J Paauwe, D Guest and P Wright, pp 97–110, Wiley,
Woodrow, C and Guest, D E (2014) When ‘good’ HR gets bad results: a case of
failure to implement policies to prevent bullying and harassment, Human
Resource Management Journal, 24 (1), pp 38–56
The strategic 10
role of people

People strategy is put into effect through the strategic behaviour of people
management specialists working with their line management colleagues
to ensure that the business or operational goals of the organization are
achieved and its values are put into practice. This chapter starts with an
examination of the strategic and partnership roles of people professionals.
It continues with a review of the strategic business partner model. It con-
cludes with analyses of the strategic roles of people directors, heads of peo-
ple management functions, people business partners and people advisers or

People professionals: their basic

strategic role
The strategic role of people professionals is to understand the strategic mis-
sion of the organization and support the achievement of that mission by
developing and helping to implement appropriate people strategies. This is
a demanding task, and Brown et al (2019: 56) emphasized that to meet it
required the following capabilities:

a real understanding of the business and ability to work closely with senior
leaders; the ability to identify and prioritize people issues; understand the time-
frames on which they need to be addressed; and help managers to see practical
The Strategic Role of People Professionals 131

solutions. This sometimes means challenging the views of senior people and
reminding them of the importance of taking a customer and employee perspec-
tive, not just seeing the business from their own point of view.

The work of people professionals can be divided into two main activity
areas: transactional, and transformational or strategic. Transactional activi-
ties consist of the service delivery aspects of people management – recruit-
ment, training and dealing with people issues, legal compliance and employee
services. People management strategic activities involve the development
and implementation of forward-looking people strategies such as talent
management and performance management that are integrated with one
another and aligned to business objectives. Importantly, strategic people
professionals work with their line management colleagues in the continuous
formulation and execution of the business strategy. But people professionals
must not pursue business objectives at the expense of ethical considerations.
It is necessary to get the correct balance between strategic and transac-
tional activities. In its anxiety to enhance the standing of the people profes-
sion, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (the CIPD)
sometimes gives the impression that the only thing that counts is ‘being
strategic’. Forget about the boring transactional stuff. Rosabeth Moss
Kanter (1984: 294) thought that ‘“strategic” is clearly an overused word’.
Alvesson (2009: 57) noted that ‘HR people are redening themselves “from
being administrators and managers to becoming “strategists”’. He felt that:
‘Sometimes one gets the impression that there is very little “non-strategic”
HRM going on.’
People management must get its transactional service delivery activities
right – that’s what it’s there to do, day-by-day, and its reputation with line
managers largely depends on this. As an HR specialist commented to
Caldwell (2004: 203): ‘My credibility depends on running an extremely ef-
cient and cost effective administrative machine…. If I don’t get that right,
and consistently, then you can forget about any big ideas.’ Another person
interviewed during Caldwell’s research referred to HR people as ‘reactive
pragmatists’, a realistic view in many organizations. Syrett (2006: 63) com-
mented that: ‘Whatever strategic aspirations senior HR practitioners have,
they will amount to nothing if the function they represent cannot deliver the
essential transactional services their internal line clients require.’
But the credibility of people professionals, especially at the highest level,
also depends on their ability to make a strategic contribution which ensures
that the organization has the quality of skilled and engaged people it needs.
Sparrow et al (2010: 88) observed that: ‘HR must be fully responsive to the
132 People Strategy in General

strategy and business model of the business. HR is not a rule to itself. It is

not “HR for HR”, but HR (as broadly dened across the competing stake-
holders whom HR has to satisfy) for the business.’ The strategic nature of
people management has been expressed in the strategic business partner
model as described later in this chapter.

The partnership role of people professionals

Members of the people management function have to adopt a partnership ap-
proach with line managers when formulating and implementing people strat-
egy. This is a necessary component of the role besides the more obvious
activities of communicating the strategy, setting up and managing involvement
programmes, coaching and training, monitoring implementation, evaluating
the effectiveness of the strategy and proposing any remedial action required.
Partnership means working with line managers using a joint approach to
dealing with issues, solving problems and, importantly, introducing new
people management policies and practices. Traditionally, many people spe-
cialists have tended to lay down the law to their line manager clients: ‘This
is the policy, this is what you have to do about it, this is how I am going to
help you.’ In a partnership mode, they will still explain what the policy is
and what the responsibilities of the manager are in implementing it, and they
will still provide guidance and advice. But in adopting a partnership ap-
proach the HR professional will be more concerned with understanding the
particular preoccupations and concerns of individual managers and working
alongside them to produce a joint agreement on how to proceed based on
that understanding. It will be a matter of agreeing rather than prescribing.
When acting as partners, people professionals should demonstrate to line
managers that they understand the situation in which the latter operate and
the pressures they face. People specialists need to be appreciated as col-
leagues who understand the business and will listen to managers when they
make suggestions or express doubts about a new policy. They will discuss
possible approaches and agree modications to t particular circumstances
as long as these do not fundamentally affect the policy. They will work
alongside line managers when the new policy is being introduced, not as
prescriptive trainer but as, in effect, a coach. To do this they need the com-
munications and political skills that emerged from the research conducted
by the Institute for Employment Studies (Brown et al, 2019) as being critical
to the effective formulation and delivery of people management strategies.
The Strategic Role of People Professionals 133

An HR specialist interviewed by Pritchard (2010: 182) gave the follow-

ing advice on partnership:

I think the way you change their [the business clients’] behaviours in the longer
term is by getting to be a trusted advisor, and the way to become a trusted advi-
sor is to know your individual, to know your client and to know how to hook
the individual, right?

The strategic business partner model

The strategic business partner model operationalizes the concept of the part-
nership role carried out by people professionals. In 1985, Tyson, anticipat-
ing Dave Ulrich by 12 years, described them as business managers who have
the capacity to identify business opportunities, to see the broad picture and
to understand how their role can help to achieve the company’s business
objectives. They integrate their activities closely with top management and
ensure that they serve a long-term strategic purpose. They anticipate needs,
act exibly and are proactive.
The notion of strategic partner was introduced by Dyer and Holder
(1988: 31–32), not by Ulrich as is generally assumed. They described the
role as follows.
The recommended role for the HR function is that of ‘strategic partner’.
This role typically has four aspects:

1 Top HR executives cooperate with their line counterparts in formulating

HR strategies.
2 Top HR executives fully participate in all business strategy sessions as
equals to chief nancial ofcers and other top executives thus permitting
early evaluation of proposals from an HR perspective.
3 HR executives work closely with line managers on an ongoing basis to
ensure that all components of the business strategies are adequately im-
4 The HR function itself is managed strategically.

Ulrich and Lake (1990: 95–96) popularized the idea of the HR strategic
business partner. They argued that:

To ensure that management practices become a means for gaining a sustained com-
petitive advantage, human resource professionals need to become strategic business
134 People Strategy in General

partners and gear their activities to improving business performance. To do this

they require a good working knowledge of the organization and its strategies. In
assessing the role of human resources in an organization, management needs to
determine the extent to which these professionals meet the following criteria:
1 Spend time with customers and clients – diagnosing, discussing and responding
to needs.
2 Actively participate in business planning meetings and offer informed insights
on strategic, technological and nancial capabilities.
3 Understand business conditions.
4 Demonstrate competence in business knowledge particularly customer relations,
delivery of world-class management practices and management of change.

Ulrich (1997: 5) made an important addition to this list when he wrote that
HR professionals should ‘represent both employee needs and implement
management agendas’. In other words, they should adopt a multi-stakeholder
Schuler and Jackson (2007: xiv) commented later that: ‘Today, human
resource professionals are being challenged to learn more about the busi-
ness, its strategy, its environment, its customers, and its competitors.’
The notion of strategic business partner was taken up enthusiastically
within the HR profession and its professional body in the UK – the CIPD –
which explained in 2007 that the task of strategic business partners was to
work closely with business leaders, inuencing strategy and steering its
The term ‘strategic business partner’ has been shortened in common par-
lance to ‘business partner’. Conceptually, business partners work closely
with line managers and are often embedded in a business unit or a line func-
tion. They are there to gain understanding of the strategies and activities of
their unit or function and appreciate the role they can play as partners to the
line managers with whom they work in ensuring that business goals are
achieved. Business partners help those line managers to achieve their objec-
tives through their people.
However, the concept does not always work, especially when it is installed
as a fashionable approach without considering how well it will match the
way in which the business operates. Another problem is that the qualities
required by HR business partners are demanding and people with those
qualities may be hard to nd. As quoted by Stephens (2015: 36), Stuart
Woollard, Director of King’s College London’s HRM learning centre, claimed
that: ‘The implicit promise of an HR business partner role is to contribute to
The Strategic Role of People Professionals 135

the value of an organization through facilitating more effective human capi-

tal management.’ In reality, he says: ‘Business partners have become part of
a dominant HR structure that remains reactive, procedurally focused and
transaction-orientated.’ Stephens noted that the CIPD showed that the cred-
ibility of the business partner concept was fragile when its 2013 research
found that a misalignment existed between what business partners thought
were the priorities for the business and those reported by business leaders.

People management strategic roles

The strategic roles of people directors, heads of people management func-
tions, strategic business partners and advisers or assistants are summarized

The strategic role of people directors

The strategic role of people directors is to promote the achievement of the
organization’s goals and values by 1) developing and implementing people
strategies that are integrated with the business strategy and are coherent and
mutually supportive; 2) ensuring that a strategic approach is adopted which
provides that people management activities support the business and add
value; 3) taking into account the ethical dimension of people management.
To carry out this role people directors need to:

● understand the strategic goals of the organization;

● appreciate the business or operational imperatives and performance driv-
ers relative to these goals;
● in a commercial business, understand the business model of the organiza-
tion (how it makes money), play a part in business model innovation and
comprehend how sustainable competitive advantage can be obtained
through the people employed in the organization and know how people
management practices can contribute to the achievement of strategic goals;
● in a public or not-for-prot organization, appreciate its aims and purpose
and how it provides the services it is required to offer;
● be aware of the critical factors governing organizational success so that
they can encourage and contribute to the development of initiatives designed
to improve overall organizational performance such as smart working;
136 People Strategy in General

● contribute to the development of the business or corporate strategy on an

‘outside-in’ basis (Wright, Snell and Jacobsen, 2004), starting from an
analysis of the customer, competitor, business or operational issues the
organization faces; the people strategy then derives directly from these
challenges to create solutions, add value and ensure that the organization
has the distinctive people required to make an impact;
● contribute to the development for the organization of a clear vision and
a set of integrated values;
● ensure that senior management understands the people implications of its
corporate or business strategy;
● see the big picture, including the broader context (the environment and
the business, economic, social, legal and governmental factors that affect
it) in which the organization operates;
● think in longer terms of where people management should go and how to
get there;
● understand the kinds of employee behaviour required to execute the cor-
porate strategy successfully;
● believe in and practise evidence-based management;
● be capable of making a powerful business case for any proposals on the
development of people strategies;
● fully embrace ethical considerations when developing and implementing
people strategy.

The strategic role of heads of people

management functions
The strategic role of heads of people management functions is fundamen-
tally the same for their function as that of people directors for the whole
organization. They promote the achievement of the organization’s goals by
developing and implementing functional strategies that are aligned with the
corporate strategy and integrated with the strategies for other people man-
agement functions, and adopt a strategic approach in the sense of ensuring
that people management activities support the organization, add value and
are ethical. To carry out this role, heads of people functions should:
● understand the strategic goals of the organization as they affect their
● appreciate the imperatives and performance drivers relative to these
The Strategic Role of People Professionals 137

● help senior management to understand the implications of its strategy for

the people management function;
 know how people management practices in the function can contribute
to the achievement of the strategic goals;
● ensure that their activities provide added value for the organization;
● be aware of the broader context (the competitive environment and the
business, economic, social, legal factors that affect it) in which the func-
tion operates;
● think in terms of the bigger and longer-term picture of where people
strategies for the function should go and how to get there;
● believe in and practise evidence-based management;
● be capable of making a powerful business case for any proposals on the
development of people strategies for the function;
● fully embrace ethical considerations when developing and implementing
people strategy for their function.

The strategic role of PM business partners

The strategic role of people management (PM) business partners is to pro-
mote the achievement of the business or operational goals of the organiza-
tional unit or function in which they work. To carry out this role they should:

● understand the organization and its environment;

● understand the goals of their part of the organization and its plans to
attain them;
● ensure that their activities provide added value for the unit or function;
● build relationships founded on trust with their line management clients;
● provide support to the strategic activities of their colleagues;
● align their activities with business or operational requirements;
● believe in and practise evidence-based management;
● be proactive, anticipating requirements, identifying problems and pro-
ducing innovative and evidence-based solutions to them;
● see the broad picture and rise above the day-to-day detail;
● fully take into account ethical considerations when performing their
business partner role.
138 People Strategy in General

The strategic contribution of PM advisers or assistants

The role of people management advisers or assistants is primarily that of
delivering effective services within their function or as a member of a PM
service centre. While they will not be responsible for the formulation of
people strategies, they may contribute to them within their own speciality.
They will need to understand the goals of the departments or managers for
whom they provide services in order to ensure that these services support
the achievement of those goals. They should also fully take into account
ethical considerations when performing their role.

CASE STUDY The strategic role of HR at Smiths Industries

The HR Director of Smiths Industries commented on the strategic role of HR

as follows:

I do not believe that you can have stand-alone HR strategies. You have to
develop strategies that are an integral part of the business objectives. I
don’t see HR standing alone in an ivory tower. Everything we do has to
have a value-added benet for the business. If it doesn’t have a positive
benet for the business, we don’t do it. If you can make a business case,
then it will be supported.
There are issues where it is appropriate for the HR director to lead, but
in the main we try to go for an integrated approach. If we are reorganizing
a business to respond to a particular market situation, then we would be
developing strategies to help the managing director of that business to get
to where he or she needs to be.

Key learning points

● The work of people professionals is divided into two main areas:

transactional activities and strategic activities.
● The credibility of people professionals, especially at the highest level,
also depends on their ability to make a strategic contribution which
ensures that the organization has the quality of skilled and engaged
people it needs. But PM must also get its transactional service delivery
activities right.
The Strategic Role of People Professionals 139

● Human resource professionals need to become strategic business

partners concerned with improving business performance. But they
should not pursue business objectives at the expense of ethical
● The strategic role of people directors is to promote the achievement of
the organization’s goals and values by 1) developing and implementing
people strategies that are integrated with the business strategy and are
coherent and mutually supportive; 2) adopting a strategic approach in
the sense of ensuring that people activities support the business and add
value is adopted throughout the people management function; 3) taking
into account the ethical dimension of people management.
● The strategic role of heads of people functions is fundamentally the
same for their function as that of people directors for the whole
● The strategic role of people business partners is to promote the
achievement of the business or operational goals of the organizational
unit or function in which they work.
● The role of people advisers or assistants is primarily that of delivering
effective PM services within their function or as a member of a PM
service centre. While they will not be responsible for the formulation of
people strategies, they may contribute to them within their own

Alvesson, M (2009) Critical perspectives on strategic HRM, in The Routledge
Companion to Strategic Human Resource Management, ed J Storey, P M Wright
and D Ulrich, pp 52–67, Routledge, Abingdon
Brown, D, Hirsh, W and Reilly, P (2019) Strategic Human Resource Management:
Case Studies and Conclusions: from HR Strategy to Strategic People
resource-management-practice-case-studies-and-conclusions (archived at
Caldwell, R (2004) Rhetoric, facts and self-fullling prophesies: exploring
practitioners’ perceptions of progress in implementing HRM, Industrial
Relations Journal, 35 (3), pp 196–215
140 People Strategy in General

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2007) HR Business Partnering,

CIPD, London
Dyer, L and Holder, G W (1988) Strategic human resource management and
planning, in Human Resource Management: Evolving roles and responsibilities,
ed L Dyer, pp 1–46, Bureau of National Affairs, Washington, DC
Kanter, R M (1984) The Change Masters, Allen & Unwin, London
Pritchard, K (2010) Becoming an HR strategic partner: tales of transition, Human
Resource Management Journal, 20 (2), pp 175–88
Schuler, R S and Jackson, S E (2007) Strategic Human Resource Management,
Blackwell, Oxford
Sparrow, P et al (2010) Using business model change to tie HR into strategy:
reversing the arrow, in Leading HR, ed P Sparrow et al, pp 68–89, Palgrave
Macmillan, Basingstoke
Stephens, C (2015) Are business partners a dying breed? People Management,
February, pp 36–37
Syrett, M (2006) Four reections on developing a human capital measurement
capability, What’s the Future for Human Capital? CIPD, London
Tyson, S (1985) Is this the very model of a modern personnel manager? Personnel
Management, May, pp 22–25
Ulrich, D (1997) Human Resource Champions, Harvard Business School Press,
Boston, MA
Ulrich, D and Lake, D (1990) Organizational Capability: Competing from the
inside out, Wiley, New York
Wright, P M, Snell, S A and Jacobsen, H H (2004) Current approaches to HR
strategies: inside-out versus outside-in, Human Resource Planning, 27 (4),
pp 36–46
Specific people
Organization 11
Organization development strategy is concerned with what needs to be done
to improve how well the business functions. This chapter starts with a de-
nition of organization development and a brief description of the processes
involved. It continues with an examination of the purpose and content of an
organization development strategy and concludes with a discussion of an
important aspect of strategic organization development – the management
of culture change.

Organization development dened

Organization development (OD) is a systematic approach to improving or-
ganizational capability, that is, the capacity of an organization to function
effectively in order to achieve desired results. It is concerned with process –
how things get done. An early denition by Beer (1980: 10) stated that or-
ganization development operates as ‘a system wide process of data collec-
tion, diagnosis, action planning, intervention and evaluation’. The CIPD
(Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 2010: 1) dened or-
ganization development as a ‘planned and systematic approach to enabling
sustained organization performance through the involvement of its people’.
The original version of organization development, or ‘OD’ as it was
known, was based on behavioural science concepts relating to the study of
human behaviour. It was practised through what were called ‘interventions’.
During the 1980s and 1990s a number of other approaches were developed.
More attention was paid to culture change activities and organization-wide
144 Specifc People Strategies

processes such as high-performance working and total quality management

(TQM). Further changes occurred in the following decade during which a
more strategic focus was adopted and business-orientated activities such as
smart working came to the fore.

Organization development activities

There is a wide range of organization development activities, as shown in
Table 11.1.

Table 11.1 Organization development activities

activity Brief description Objective

Business model The process followed by To obtain insight into the

innovation an organization to develop business issues facing the
a new business model or organization, leading to plans for
change an existing one practical interventions that
address those issues
Change The process of planning To achieve the smooth
management and introducing change implementation of change
systematically, taking into
account the likelihood of it
being resisted
Culture change The process of changing To improve the ability of an
the organization’s culture organization to achieve its goals
in the shape of its values, by making effective use of the
norms and beliefs resources available to it and to
ensure that the organization’s
core values are put into practice
Engagement, The development of To ensure that people are
enhancement of improved levels of job and committed to their work and the
organizational organization and motivated to
engagement achieve high levels of performance
High- Developing work system To impact on the performance of
performance processes, practices and the organization through its
working policies to enable people in such areas as
employees to perform to productivity, quality, levels of
their full potential customer service, growth and
(continued )
Organization Development Strategy 145

Table 11.1 (Continued)

activity Brief description Objective

Knowledge Storing and sharing the To get knowledge from those

management wisdom, understanding who have it to those who need it
and expertise in order to improve organizational
accumulated in an effectiveness
organization about its
processes, techniques
and operations
Lean* A process improvement To deliver value to customers
methodology, which
focuses on continuous
improvement, reducing
waste and ensuring the
ow of production
Organizational The acquisition and To facilitate performance
learning development of improvement and major changes
knowledge, in strategic direction
understanding, insights,
techniques and practices
Organization The process of deciding To ensure that people work
design how organizations should effectively together to achieve
be structured in terms of the overall purpose of the
the ways in which the organization
responsibility for carrying
out the overall task is
allocated to individuals
and groups of people and
how the relationships
between them function
Performance A systematic process To improve organizational
management involving the performance by developing the
agreement of performance of individuals and
performance expectations teams
and the review of how
those expectations have
been met
(continued )
146 Specifc People Strategies

Table 11.1 (Continued)

activity Brief description Objective

Smart working* An approach to organizing To drive greater efciency and

work through a effectiveness in achieving job
combination of exibility, outcomes
autonomy and
collaboration, in parallel
with optimizing tools and
working environments for
Team building Using interactive skills To increase group cohesion,
training techniques to mutual support and cooperation
improve the ways in
which people in teams
work together
Total reward The combination of To blend the nancial and
nancial and non-nancial non-nancial elements of reward
rewards available to into a cohesive whole so that
employees. It involves together they make a more
integrating the various powerful and longer-lasting
aspects of reward impact on job satisfaction and

* Covered in more detail in Chapter 15

Organization development strategy

The strategic nature of organization development is based on the role it can
play in the implementation of business strategy. For example, business
model innovation as a strategy could result in the need for new organization
processes. This would involve organization development and change man-
agement activities.
Organization development strategy sets out intentions on how the
organization is going to cope with new demands arising from system-wide
change, the management of culture change and the need to improve organi-
zational processes involving people, such as teamwork and communica-
tions. These intentions will be converted into actions on structure design,
systems development and, possibly, OD-type interventions.
Organization Development Strategy 147

Formulating and implementing organization

development strategy
The formulation and implementation of organization development strategy
can take place through the process of integrated strategic change as con-
ceived by Worley et al (1996). The steps required are:

1 Carry out strategic analysis, a review of the organization’s strategic

orientation (its strategic intentions within its competitive environment)
and a diagnosis of the organization’s readiness for change.
2 Develop strategic capability – the ability to implement the strategic plan
quickly and effectively.
3 Integrate individuals and groups throughout the organization into the
processes of analysis, planning and implementation to maintain the rm’s
strategic focus, direct attention and resources to the organization’s key
competencies, improve coordination and integration within the
organization and create higher levels of shared ownership and
4 Create the strategy, gain commitment and support for it and plan its
5 Implement the strategic change plan, drawing on knowledge of
motivation, group dynamics and change processes, dealing with issues
such as alignment, adaptability, teamwork and organizational and
individual learning.
6 Allocate resources, provide feedback and solve problems as they arise.

Culture change
The implementation of organization development strategy can involve a cul-
tural change programme. The aim of such a programme is to ensure that
people are aware of what the change involves for them and will act accord-
ingly. The change programme may be wide-ranging, aimed at the develop-
ment of a strong and pervasive culture that will keep organization members
pulling in the same direction. This could take the form of transformational
change involving fundamental and comprehensive alterations in structures,
processes and behaviours which have a dramatic effect on the ways in which
148 Specifc People Strategies

the organization functions. Or it may focus on a specic issue, for example

in a bank, ensuring that all its operations, especially those in its foreign
exchange trading function, conform to the values of integrity and fair deal-
ing which have been espoused by top management. But because cultural
values and norms are often deeply embedded, a change programme can
present considerable difculties. To mitigate these problems the following
steps need to be taken:

1 Analysis – an analysis of the existing culture. This could make use of a

diagnostic tool such as the Organizational Culture Inventory devised by
Cooke and Lafferty (1989).
2 Diagnosis – a review of the analysis to identify any cultural issues or
3 Denition of the desired culture – this might take the form of a statement
of core values as produced by Johnson and Johnson.

CASE STUDY Statement of core values by Johnson and Johnson

● We believe our rst responsibility is to the doctors, nurses and patients, to

mothers and all others who use our products and services.
● Our suppliers and distributors must have an opportunity to make a fair prot.
● We must respect the dignity of our employees and recognize their merit.
● We must maintain in good order the property we are privileged to use,
protecting the environment and natural resources.
SOURCE Aguilar and Bhambri (1983)

4 Plan the action required – this could include communicating the details of
the change, covering how people will be affected and the part they are
expected to play in implementing it, and brieng and educational
5 Implement – this is where HR can play a major part.
6 Monitor – review how well the change has been or is being implemented
and take corrective action if it is not going according to plan.
Organization Development Strategy 149

A successful change programme is more likely to be achieved if top manage-

ment demonstrates its commitment to the change, plays a major part in
implementing it, and is seen to be acting in accordance with the values as-
sociated with the change. Involving managers and other employees in each
of the six steps set out above is very desirable.
People professionals help by acting as change agents to facilitate the
change. A change agent was dened by Caldwell (2001: 139–40) as ‘an in-
dividual or team responsible for initiating, sponsoring, managing and imple-
menting a specic change initiative or complete change programme’. Alfes
et al (2010) noted that change agents establish what is required, involve
people in planning and managing change, advise on how change should be
implemented and communicate to people the implications of change.
Ulrich (1997: 7) observed that HR professionals should be ‘as explicit
about culture change as they are today about the requirements for a success-
ful training program or hiring strategy’. He later emphasized that: ‘HR
should become an agent of continuous transformation, shaping processes
and a culture that together improve an organization’s capacity for change’
(Ulrich, 1998: 125).

C A S E S T U DY Managing culture change in Cisco

The management of Cisco, the global technology giant, with over 12,000
employees working in 62 countries, wanted to steer the company towards a
more collaborative leadership culture, fully embracing the company’s own virtual
communications technology. The strategic aim was to ensure that leaders
exhibited the essential behaviours for a globally connected business. This
heralded a move away from autocratic leadership towards collaborative
leadership, from functions and silos in isolated country branches to cross-
departmental, global team working.
Leaders who once ran a small team in a single ofce could now nd
themselves leading a team of remote workers dispersed around the globe. It was
necessary to ensure that leaders could still lead in this new kind of environment.
Leaders were given the freedom to translate organizational change as they
saw t within their regions, but they had to demonstrate that they were viable
and in touch.
HR’s role in this development was to guide and support business leaders, but
the process is continually evolving.
150 Specifc People Strategies

Key learning points

● Organization development is a systematic approach to improving

organizational capability, ie the capacity of an organization to function
effectively in order to achieve desired results.
● The strategic nature of organization development is based on the role it
can play in the implementation.
● Organization development strategy is concerned with mapping out
intentions on how the organization is going to cope with new demands,
on system-wide change in elds such as reward and performance
management, on how change should be managed, on what needs to be
done to improve organizational processes involving people, such as
teamwork, communications and participation.
● The implementation of an organization development strategy may involve
a culture change management programme.

Aguilar, E and Bhambri, A (1983) Johnson & Johnson, HBS Case Services, Boston,
Alfes, K et al (2010) Creating an Engaged Workforce, CIPD, London
Beer, M (1980) Organization Change and Development: A systems view, Goodyear,
Santa Monica, CA
Caldwell, R (2001) Champions, adapters, consultants and synergists: the new
change agents in HRM, Human Resource Management Journal, 11 (3),
pp 39–52
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2010) Organization
Development Fact Sheet, CIPD, London
Cooke, R and Lafferty, J (1989) Organizational Culture Inventory, Human
Synergistics, Douglas, Isle of Man
Ulrich, D (1997) Judge be my future not my past, Human Resource Management,
36 (1), pp 5–8
Ulrich, D (1998) A new mandate for human resources, Harvard Business Review,
January–February, pp 124–34
Worley, C, Hitchin, D and Ross, W (1996) Integrated Strategic Change: How
organization development builds competitive advantage, Addison-Wesley,
Reading, MA
Human capital 12
Human capital management (HCM) is concerned with obtaining, analysing
and reporting on data which inform the direction of people management
strategy. An HCM strategy is closely associated with strategic HRM.
Manocha (2005: 29) suggested that it can also provide ‘evidence of a robust
people strategy mapped to the business strategy’.
The dening characteristic of HCM is the use of people analytics (metrics)
to guide an approach to managing people who are regarded as assets rather
than costs. It emphasizes that competitive advantage is achieved by strategic
investments in those assets through employee engagement and retention, talent
management, and learning and development programmes. HCM is a bridge
between people and business strategy. It provides the basis for ‘evidence-based
people management’, that is, the process of ensuring that decisions and propos-
als on the development and application of people strategies and practices are
backed up with hard data derived from research, benchmarking, and the anal-
ysis and evaluation of the organizational context and management activities.
The Accounting for People Task Force Report (DTI, 2003: 3) stated that
HCM involves ‘the systematic analysis, measurement and evaluation of how
people policies and practices create value’. HCM was dened as ‘an ap-
proach to people management that treats it as a high level strategic issue
rather than an operational matter “to be left to the HR people”’ (DTI,
2003: 7). The Task Force Report expressed the view that HCM had been
under-exploited as a way of gaining competitive edge.
Scarborough and Elias (2002: 3) dened human capital as ‘something
that employees bring to the organization but is also developed through
training and experience within the organization’. Nalbantian et al (2004;
75) described human capital as ‘the accumulated stock of skills, experience
and knowledge that resides in an organization’s workforce and drives
152 Specifc People Strategies

productive labour’ and suggest that human capital management involves

‘putting into place the metrics to measure the value of these attributes and
using that knowledge to effectively manage the organization’.
HCM is sometimes dened more broadly without the emphasis on meas-
urement, and this approach makes it almost indistinguishable from strategic
HRM. Chatzkel (2004: 139) claimed that: ‘Human capital management is an
integrated effort to manage and develop human capabilities to achieve sig-
nicantly higher levels of performance.’ Kearns (2004: 14) asserted that ‘eve-
rything done in the name of HRM is done in the name of value’. He described
HCM as: ‘The total development of human potential expressed as organiza-
tional value.’ He emphasized that it is about creating value through people
and that it is ‘a people development philosophy, but the only development that
means anything is that which is translated into value’ (Kearns, 2004: 205).

Aims of human capital management

The four fundamental aims of HCM are to develop and use people analytics

● determine the impact of people on the business and their contribution to

● demonstrate that people management practices produce value for money
in terms, for example, of return on investment;
● provide guidance on future people and business strategies;
● provide data that will inform strategies and practices designed to improve
the effectiveness of people management in the organization.

As Manocha (2005: 28) observed: ‘Essentially, it [HCM] is a discipline that

enables organizations to identify how their people contribute to and drive
business performance.’

The role of human capital management

Human capital management strategy was dened by Nalbantian et al (2004:79)
as ‘a blueprint for securing, managing and motivating the workforce needed to
support the organization’s strategic goals. To be effective, the management
Human Capital Management Strategy 153

practices that inuence the workforce should be consistent with one another
and mutually reinforcing’. The whole area of human capital management pre-
sents both an opportunity and a challenge – an opportunity to recognize
people as assets that contribute directly to organizational performance, and a
challenge to develop the skills needed to identify, analyse and communicate
that contribution and ensure it is recognized in business decision making. By
developing strategies to generate better and more accurate information in the
form of HR analytics and communicating this information both internally and
externally, organizations will not only improve their business decision making
but also enable stakeholders to make more accurate assessments about the
long-term future performance of the organization. There is evidence of a
growing demand, from the investment community in particular, for better in-
formation to explain intangible value. Many organizations are beginning to
understand that in an increasingly knowledge-intensive environment, the key
to good management lies in understanding the levers that can be manipulated
to change employee behaviour and develop commitment and engagement.
This, in turn, encourages individuals to deliver discretionary behaviour or will-
ingly share their knowledge and skills to achieve organizational goals.
Human capital management strategy involves planning the use of people
metrics which help management and people professionals to understand
factors that will have a direct impact on employees. It can also help execu-
tives to understand and identify areas in which there are issues regarding the
effective management of staff and to design management development
programmes to address these.

The link between HCM and business strategy

HCM and business strategy are closely linked and an HCM approach
provides guidance on both people and business strategy. For example:

● ‘By linking good HR practice and strategic management to human capital

measurement rms are able to make a number of better informed
decisions that will help to ensure long-term business success.’ (Scarborough
and Elias, 2002: 17)
● ‘If HR people can demonstrate they can articulate the worth and
contribution of the organization’s people by linking the human capital
strategy to the overall business strategy, they will not only prove invaluable
but play a part in improving management practices.’ (Manocha, 2005: 28)
154 Specifc People Strategies

● The HCM proposition ‘emphasizes the connections and value ows

between strategy, statistical analysis and the key stakeholders – employees,
customers and investors’. (Donkin, 2005: 3)

The issue is to determine what this link is and how to make it work. A
proposition that HCM informs people strategy, which in turn informs busi-
ness strategy, tells us nothing about what is involved in practice. If we are
not careful we are saying no more than that all business strategic plans for
innovation, growth and price/cost leadership depend on people for their
implementation. This is not a particularly profound or revealing statement
and is in the same category as the discredited cliché ‘Our people are our
greatest asset’. We must try to be more specic, otherwise we are only doing
things – more training, succession planning, performance management,
performance-related pay and so on – in the hope rather than the expectation
that they will improve business results.
One way of being more specic is to use HCM assessments of the impact
of people management practices on performance to justify these practices
and improve the likelihood that they will work. The future of HCM as a
strategic management process largely depends on getting this done.
A second way of specifying the link is to explore in more detail the people
implications of business strategy and, conversely, the business implications
of people strategy. This can be done by analysing the elements of the busi-
ness strategy and the business drivers and deciding on the people manage-
ment supporting activities and supporting data required in the form of
people analytics, as illustrated in Table 12.1.
A third, and potentially the most productive, way of linking people and
business strategy is to relate business results to people management prac-
tices to determine how they can best contribute to improving performance.

Developing a human capital management

The programme for introducing human capital management is illustrated in
Figure 12.1.
Human Capital Management Strategy 155

Table 12.1 Analysis of business strategy and business drivers

Content of Business HR Supporting Supporting Data
Strategy Activities Required
Business ● Growth – revenue/ ● Human ● Workforce
strategy prot resource composition
● Maximize planning ● Attrition rates
shareholder value ● Talent ● Skills audit
● Growth through management ● Outcome of
acquisitions/ ● Skills recruitment
mergers development campaigns
● Growth in ● Targeted ● Learning and
production/ recruitment development
servicing facilities ● Retention activity levels
● Product policies ● Outcome of
development ● Leadership leadership
● Market development surveys
● Price/cost
Business ● Innovation ● Talent ● Balanced
drivers ● Maximize added management scorecard data
value ● Skills ● Added value
● Productivity development ratios (eg added
● Customer service ● Total reward value per
management employee,
● Quality
Performance added value per
management £ of
stakeholders – employment
investors, ● Develop
shareholders, high-
● Productivity
employees, elected
smart/agile ratios (eg sales
working revenue per
employee, units
● Enhance
produced or
serviced per
● Leadership

(continued )
156 Specifc People Strategies

Table 12.1 (Continued)

Content of Business HR Supporting Supporting Data

Strategy Activities Required
● Outcomes of
opinion survey
and other
surveys covering
engagement and
and performance
● Analysis of
● Analysis of
● Analysis of
● Analysis of
outcomes of
total quality
● Return on
investment from
training activities
● Internal
promotion rate
● Succession
Human Capital Management Strategy 157

Figure 12.1 Developing an HCM strategy

Decide human capital

management (HCM) goals

Identify measures required

and available

People HR function Employee Business Employee Human Causal links

processes effectiveness opinion data performance performance capital between
(HR data data evaluation human
scorecard) (balanced capital and
scorecard) business

Develop and implement

HCM strategy

The development programme starts with a denition of the aims of the
HCM strategy, for example, to:
● obtain, analyse and report on data which inform the direction of people
strategies and processes;
● inform the development of business strategy;
● use measurements to prove that superior people strategies and processes
deliver superior results;
● reinforce the belief that people strategies and processes create value
through people;
● determine the impact of people on business results;
● assess the value of the organization’s human capital;
● improve the effectiveness of the PM function;
● provide data on the performance of the organization’s human capital for
the Operating and Financial Report;
● demonstrate that people processes provide value for money.

People analytics development

The programme continues with the identication of possible people analytics
and how they can be used as set out in Table 12.2.
158 Specifc People Strategies

Table 12.2 Possible people analytics and their use

Possible use – analysis leading
Possible analytics to action
Workforce composition – gender, ● Analyse the extent of diversity
race, age, full-time, part-time ● Assess the implications of a
preponderance of employees in
different age groups, eg extent of
losses through retirement
● Assess the extent to which the
organization is relaying on part-time
Length of service distribution ● Indicate level of success in retaining
● Indicate preponderance of long- or
short-serving employees
● Enable analyses of performance of
more experienced employees to be
Skills analysis/assessment – ● Assess skill levels against requirements
graduates, professionally/ ● Indicate where steps have to be taken
technically qualied, skilled to deal with shortfalls
Attrition – employee turnover ● Indicate areas where steps have to be
rates for different categories of taken to increase retention rates
management and employees ● Provide a basis for assessing levels of
Attrition – cost of ● Support business case for taking steps
to reduce attrition
Absenteeism/sickness rates ● Identify problems and need for more
effective attendance management
Average number of vacancies as a ● Identify potential shortfall problem
percentage of total workforce areas
Total payroll costs (pay and ● Provide data for productivity analysis
Compa-ratio – actual rates of pay ● Enable control to be exercised over
as a percentage of policy rates management of pay structure
Percentage of employees in ● Demonstrate the extent to which the
different categories of contingent organization believes that pay should
pay or payment-by-result schemes be related to contribution
(continued )
Human Capital Management Strategy 159

Table 12.2 (Continued)

Possible use – analysis leading

Possible analytics to action
Total pay review increases for ● Compare actual with budgeted payroll
different categories of employees increase costs
as a percentage of pay ● Benchmark pay increases
Average bonuses or contingent ● Analyse cost of contingent pay
pay awards as a percentage of ● Compare actual and budgeted
base pay for different categories increases
of managers and employees ● Benchmark increases
Outcome of equal pay reviews ● Reveal pay gap between male and
female employees
Personal development plans ● Indicate level of learning and
completed as a percentage of development activity
Training hours per employee ● Indicate actual amount of training
activity (note that this does not reveal
the quality of training achieved or its
Percentage of managers taking ● Indicate level of learning and
part in formal management development activity
development programmes
Internal promotion rate ● Indicate extent to which talent
(percentage of promotions lled management programmes are
from within) successful
Succession planning coverage ● Indicate extent to which talent
(percentage of managerial jobs for management programmes are
which successors have been successful
Percentage of employees taking ● Indicate level of performance
part in formal performance management activity
Distribution of performance ● Indicate inconsistencies, questionable
ratings by category of staff and distributions and trends in
department assessments
Accident severity and frequency ● Assess health and safety programmes

(continued )
160 Specifc People Strategies

Table 12.2 (Continued)

Possible use – analysis leading
Possible analytics to action
Cost savings/revenue increases ● Measure the value created by
resulting from employee employees
suggestion schemes
Measures of impact of PM ● Evaluation of effectiveness

The analysis of possible analytics leads to the development of a strategy for

introducing and using them. It is often best to start with information that is
readily available and extend the range of data as experience is gained. And
it is important to remember that it is the quality of the information that
counts, not the quantity.

CASE STUDY Use of HCM measures in Standard Chartered Bank

Standard Chartered Bank began at the strategic level when it came to designing
HCM measures. Their starting point for the development of metrics was the
identication of people levers for the achievement of business strategy. Next, the
Bank set out a series of questions designed to inform progress against these
people levers. The Bank has avoided reporting on data that are readily available
but do not address the strategic business questions that had been identied.

Key learning points

● Human capital management (HCM) is concerned with obtaining,

analysing and reporting on data (HR analytics) which inform the direction
of value-adding people management.
● HCM involves the systematic analysis, measurement and evaluation of
how people policies and practices create value.
Human Capital Management Strategy 161

● The four fundamental objectives of HCM are:

1 To determine the impact of people on the business and their
contribution to value.
2 To demonstrate that HR practices produce value for money in terms,
for example, of return on investment.
3 To provide guidance on future HR and business strategies.
4 To provide data which will inform strategies and practices designed
to improve the effectiveness of people management in the

● By developing strategies to generate better and more accurate

information on human capital and communicating this information both
internally and externally, organizations will not only improve their
business decision making but also enable stakeholders to make more
accurate assessments about the long-term future performance of the
● A human capital management strategy that includes the systematic
collection and analysis of human capital data in the shape of HR metrics
can help managers to begin to understand factors that will have a direct
impact on the people they manage.
● HCM assessments of the impact of HR practices on performance can be
used to justify these practices and improve the likelihood that they will work.
● The development programme starts with a denition of the aims of the
HCM strategy, for example, to:
● obtain, analyse and report on data which inform the direction of HR
strategies and processes;
● inform the development of business strategy;
● use measurements to prove that superior HRM strategies and
processes deliver superior results;
● reinforce the belief that HRM strategies and processes create value
through people;
● determine the impact of people on business results;
● assess the value of the organization’s human capital;
● improve the effectiveness of HR;
162 Specifc People Strategies

● provide data on the performance of the organization’s human capital

for the Operating and Financial Report;
● demonstrate that HR processes provide value for money.
● The programme continues with the identication of possible HR analytics
and how they can be used.

DTI (2003) Accounting for People Task Force Report, DTI, London
Chatzkel, J L (2004) Human capital: the rules of engagement are changing,
Lifelong Learning in Europe, 9 (3), pp 139–45
Donkin, R (2005) Human Capital Management: A management report, Croner,
Kearns, P (2004) Human Capital Management, Personnel Today, London
Manocha, R (2005) Grand totals, People Management, 7 April, pp 27–31
Nalbantian, R et al (2004) Play to Your Strengths: Managing your internal labour
markets for lasting competitive advantage, McGraw-Hill, New York
Scarborough, H and Elias, J (2002) Evaluating Human Capital, CIPD, London
Knowledge 13

The purpose of knowledge management strategy is to capture an organiza-
tion’s collective expertise and distribute it to where it can be best used. It
ensures that knowledge is shared by linking people with people and by link-
ing them to information so that they learn from experiences. This is in ac-
cordance with the resource-based view of the rm which, as argued by
Grant (1991), suggests that the source of competitive advantage lies within
the rm (ie in its people and their knowledge), not in how it positions itself
in the market. A successful company is a knowledge-creating company.
This chapter covers the process of knowledge management, the sources
of knowledge, approaches to developing knowledge management strategy,
the issues involved in developing a strategy, and its components.

The process of knowledge management

Knowledge management was dened by Scarborough et al (1999: 1) as ‘any
process or practice of creating, acquiring, capturing, sharing and using
knowledge, wherever it resides, to enhance learning and performance in or-
ganizations’. They suggested that it focuses on the development of rm-
specic knowledge and skills that are the result of organizational learning
processes. Knowledge management is concerned with both stocks and ows
of knowledge. Stocks include expertise and encoded knowledge in computer
systems. Flows represent the ways in which knowledge is transferred from
people to people or from people to a knowledge database.
164 Specifc People Strategies

The purpose of knowledge management is to transfer knowledge from

those who have it to those who need it in order to improve organizational
effectiveness. It is concerned with storing and sharing the wisdom and un-
derstanding accumulated in an organization about its processes, techniques
and operations. It treats knowledge as a vital resource. It can be argued that
in the information age, knowledge rather than physical assets or nancial
resources is the key to competitiveness.
Knowledge management is as much concerned with people and how they
acquire, exchange and disseminate knowledge as it is about information
technology, if not more so. That is why it has become an important strategic
people management area. Scarborough et al (1999: 59) believe that people
professionals should have ‘the ability to analyse the different types of knowl-
edge deployed by the organization. … (and) to relate such knowledge to
issues of organizational design, career patterns and employment security’.
The concept of knowledge management is closely associated with intel-
lectual capital theory in that it refers to the notions of human, social and
organizational or structural capital. It is also linked to the concept of or-
ganizational learning.

Sources and types of knowledge

Strategies for knowledge management should be founded on an understand-
ing of the sources and types of knowledge to be found in organizations.
Knowledge can be stored in databanks and found in presentations,
reports, libraries, policy documents and manuals. It can be moved around
the organization through information systems and by methods such as meet-
ings, workshops, courses, ‘master classes’, written publications, disks, e-
mails and social media. An intranet provides an effective medium for
communicating knowledge.
As argued by Nonaka (1991) and Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995), knowl-
edge is either explicit or tacit. Explicit knowledge can be codied – it is
recorded and available and is held in databases, in corporate intranets and
intellectual property portfolios. Tacit knowledge exists in people’s minds. It
is difcult to articulate in writing and is acquired through personal experi-
ence. Hansen et al (1999) suggested that it includes scientic or technologi-
cal expertise, operational know-how, insights about an industry and business
judgement. The main challenge in knowledge management is how to turn
tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge.
Knowledge Management Strategy 165

Approaches to the development of

knowledge management strategies
Two approaches to knowledge management have been identied by Hansen
et al (1999):

1 The codication strategy – knowledge is carefully codied and stored in

databases where it can be accessed and used easily by anyone in the
organization. Knowledge is explicit and a ‘people-to-document’ approach
is used. This strategy is therefore document driven. Knowledge is extract-
ed from the person who developed it, made independent of that person
and re-used for various purposes. It will be stored in some form of elec-
tronic repository for people to use and allows many people to search for
and retrieve codied knowledge without having to contact the person
who originally developed it. This strategy relies largely on information
technology to manage databases and also on the use of the intranet.
2 The personalization strategy – knowledge is closely tied to the person
who has developed it and is shared mainly through direct person-to-
person contacts. This is a ‘person-to-person’ approach which is concerned
with tacit knowledge. The exchange is achieved by creating networks and
encouraging face-to-face communication between individuals and teams
by means of informal conferences, ‘communities of practice’ (groups of
people bound together by shared expertise who meet together to share
knowledge), workshops, brainstorming and one-to-one sessions.

The research conducted by Hansen et al established that companies which

use knowledge effectively pursue one strategy predominantly and use the
second strategy to support the rst. Those who try to excel at both strategies
risk failing at both.

Strategic knowledge management issues

The following issues need to be addressed in developing knowledge manage-
ment processes.

The pace of change

How can the strategy ensure that knowledge management processes keep up
with the pace of change and identify what knowledge needs to be captured
and shared?
166 Specifc People Strategies

Relating knowledge management strategy

to business strategy
Hansen et al (1999: 109) contended that it is not knowledge per se but the
way it is applied to strategic objectives that is the critical ingredient in com-
petitiveness: ‘A company’s knowledge management strategy should reect
its competitive strategy: how it creates value for customers, how that value
supports an economic model, and how the company’s people deliver on the
value and the economics.’

Technology and people

Technology is central to organizations adopting a codication strategy. But
for those following a broader and potentially more productive personaliza-
tion strategy, IT assumes more of a supportive role. As Hansen et al (1999:
113) commented: ‘In the codication model, managers need to implement a
system that is much like a traditional library – it must contain a large cache
of documents and include search engines that allow people to nd and use
the documents they need. In the personalization model, it’s more important
to have a system that allows people to nd other people.’
Scarborough et al (1999: 35) suggested that ‘technology should be viewed
more as a means of communication and less as a means of storing knowledge’.
Knowledge management is more about people than technology. As research
by Davenport (1996) established, managers get two-thirds of their informa-
tion from face-to-face or telephone conversations (the latter would now be
mainly e-mails and enterprise social networks and social media). There is a
limit to how much tacit knowledge can be codied. In organizations relying
more on tacit than explicit knowledge, a person-to-person approach works
best, and IT can only support this process; it cannot replace it.

The signicance of process and social

capital and culture
A preoccupation with technology may mean that too little attention is paid
to the processes (social, technological and organizational) through which
knowledge combines and interacts in different ways (Blackler, 1995). The
key process is the interactions between people. This is the social capital of an
organization, that is, the ‘network of relationships [that] constitute a valua-
ble resource for the conduct of social affairs’ (Nahpiet and Ghoshal, 1998).
Knowledge Management Strategy 167

Social networks can be particularly important to ensure that knowledge is

shared. What is also required is another aspect of social capital: trust. People
will not be willing to share knowledge with those whom they do not trust.
The culture of the company may inhibit knowledge sharing. The norm
may be for people to keep knowledge to themselves as much as they can
because ‘knowledge is power’. An open culture will encourage people to
share their ideas and knowledge.

Components of a knowledge
management strategy
A knowledge management strategy could be concerned with organizational
people management processes that help to develop an open culture. This will
be one in which the values and norms emphasize the importance of sharing
knowledge and facilitate knowledge sharing through networks. It might aim
to encourage the development of communities of practice, dened by Wenger
and Snyder (2000: 139) as ‘groups of people informally bound together by
shared expertise and a passion for joint enterprise’. The strategy could refer
to methods of motivating people to share knowledge and rewarding those
who do so. The development of processes of organizational and individual
learning, including the use of seminars and symposia that will generate and
assist in disseminating knowledge, could also be part of the strategy.

CASE STUDY The communities of practice approach at ABB

Engineering company ABB has made a considerable commitment to developing

face-to-face communities among its service engineers.
The engineers always had an informal network whereby they telephoned
each other for advice on technical problems, which was generally on a one-to-
one basis. However, the company’s senior management wanted to share
knowledge more systematically and use it to add value.
Accordingly, they divided the engineers into three regional groups, each of
which met for a day every month. Half of the time at these meetings was spent
listening to ideas and updates about the company from their manager, and the
other half involved running through reports prepared by the engineers. But after
12 months it was established that most participants were not completing their
reports and that the meetings had become a top-down process.
168 Specifc People Strategies

The engineers then made a number of proposals, which were accepted. They
minimized the reporting requirements so that a one-line e-mail would be
acceptable; they elected the coordinator of each community from their own
number; the agenda of meetings was driven much more by the needs of the
engineers themselves; and the coordinators of the three groups met regularly to
share experiences and ideas.

Ke y learning points

● Knowledge management involves transforming knowledge resources

within organizations by identifying relevant information and then
disseminating it so that learning can take place.
● Knowledge management is ‘any process or practice of creating,
acquiring, capturing, sharing and using knowledge, wherever it resides,
to enhance learning and performance in organizations’ (Scarborough
et al, 1999).
● The purpose of knowledge management is to transfer knowledge from
those who have it to those who need it in order to improve organizational
effectiveness. Knowledge can be stored in databanks and found in
presentations, reports, libraries, policy documents and manuals.
Knowledge is either explicit or tacit.
● Knowledge management strategy aims to capture an organization’s
collective expertise and distribute it to where it can be best used. It
ensures that knowledge is shared by linking people with people and by
linking them to information so that they learn from documented
● Two approaches to knowledge management are: the codication
strategy and the personalization strategy.
● The pace of change, relating knowledge management strategy to
business strategy, technology and people, and the signicance of
process and social capital and culture are issues that need to be
● A knowledge management strategy could be concerned with
organizational people management processes which help to develop an
open culture. It might aim to encourage the development of communities
of practice.
Knowledge Management Strategy 169

Blackler, F (1995) Knowledge, knowledge work and experience, Organization
Studies, 16 (6), pp 16–36
Davenport, T H (1996) Why re-engineering failed: the fad that forgot people, Fast
Company, Premier Issue, pp 70–74
Grant, R M (1991) The resource-based theory of competitive advantage:
implications for strategy formation, California Management Review, 33 (3),
pp 14–35
Hansen, M T, Nohria, N and Tierney, T (1999) What’s your strategy for managing
knowledge? Harvard Business Review, March–April, pp 106–16
Nahpiet, J and Ghoshal, S (1998) Social capital, intellectual capital and the
organizational advantage, Academy of Management Review, 23 (2), pp 242–66
Nonaka, I (1991) The knowledge creating company, Harvard Business Review,
November–December, pp 96–104
Nonaka, I and Takeuchi, H (1995) The Knowledge Creating Company, Oxford
University Press, New York
Scarborough, H, Swan, J and Preston, J (1999) Knowledge Management: A
literature review, Institute of Personnel and Development, London
Wenger, E and Snyder, W M (2000) Communities of practice: the organizational
frontier, Harvard Business Review, January–February, pp 139–45
Corporate social 14

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy is concerned with planning
how to ensure that the organization conducts its business in an ethical way,
taking account of the social, environmental and economic impact of its op-
erations and going beyond compliance. As Windsor (2006: 99) commented:
‘Ethical managers engage in impartial moral reection beyond the law.’
Wood (1991: 695) reected that: ‘The basic idea of corporate social re-
sponsibility is that business and society are interwoven rather than distinct
entities; therefore, society has certain expectations for appropriate business
behaviour and outcomes.’ CSR is largely a strategic matter that impinges
strongly on the behaviour of organizations as it affects their stakeholders.
Strategic people management has an important contribution to make. This
chapter covers:

● the rationale for CSR;

● the role of strategic CSR;
● the scope of CSR activities;
● the role of the people management function in CSR;
● how to develop a CSR strategy.

Corporate social responsibility dened

As dened by McWilliams et al (2006: 1), CSR refers to the actions
taken by businesses ‘that further some social good beyond the interests
of the rm and that which is required by law’. CSR was described by
Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy 171

Husted and Salazar (2006) as being concerned with ‘the impact of business
behaviour on society’. Porter and Kramer (2006: 83) argued that to advance
CSR: ‘we must root it in a broad understanding of the interrelationship be-
tween a corporation and society while at the same time anchoring it in the
strategies and activities of specic companies’. They see CSR as a process of
integrating business and society.

The rationale for CSR

The philosophy of CSR is largely based on stakeholder theory, which was
originated by Freeman (1984). This proposes that managers should tailor
their policies to satisfy a number of constituents, not just shareholders.
Stakeholding is based on the idea that a company is responsible not just to
its shareholders but to a plurality of groups. The inclusion of such groups
assumes that they all have an interest in the operation of the company.
Investors, employees, suppliers and customers come into this category.
The rationale for CSR as dened by Hillman and Keim (2001) is based
on two propositions: rst, there is a moral imperative for businesses to ‘do
the right thing’ without regard to how such decisions affect rm perfor-
mance (the social issues argument), and second, rms can achieve competi-
tive advantage (achieving and sustaining better results than business rivals,
thus placing the rm in a competitive position) by tying CSR activities to
primary stakeholders (the stakeholders argument). Their research in 500
rms implied that investing in stakeholder management may be complemen-
tary to shareholder value creation and could indeed provide a basis for
competitive advantage as important resources and capabilities are created
that differentiate a rm from its competitors (the resource-based view). The
arguments identied by Porter and Kramer (2006) which support CSR are:

1 The moral appeal – companies have a duty to be good citizens.

2 Sustainability – an emphasis on environmental and community
stewardship. As expressed by the World Business Council for Sustainable
Social Development (2006: 1), this involves ‘meeting the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs’.
3 Licence to operate – every company needs tacit or explicit permission
from government, communities and other stakeholders to do business.
172 Specifc People Strategies

4 Reputation – CSR initiatives can be justied because they improve a

company’s image, strengthen its brand, enliven morale and even raise the
value of its stock.

Much research has been conducted on the impact of CSR. Russo and Fouts
(1997) found that there was a positive relationship between environmental
performance and that CSR results in an improvement in rm performance.
Waddock and Graves (1997) established that CSR results in an improve-
ment in rm performance. But McWilliams and Siegel (2000) discovered
only a neutral relationship between CSR and protability.
The opposing view was expressed forcibly by marketing expert Theodore
Levitt. In a Harvard Business Review article, ‘The dangers of social respon-
sibility’ (Levitt, 1958: 44), he contended that: ‘The essence of free market
enterprise is to go after prot in any way that is consistent with its own
survival as an economic system.’ Milton Friedman (1970), the Chicago
monetarist, expressed the same sentiment. His view was that the social
responsibility of business is to maximize prots within the bounds of the
law. He argued that the mere existence of CSR was an agency problem
within the rm in that it was a misuse of the resources entrusted to manag-
ers by owners which could be better used on value-added internal projects
or returned to the shareholders.
But it can be argued, as do Moran and Ghoshal (1996), that what is good
for society does not necessarily have to be bad for the rm, and what is good
for the rm does not necessarily have to come at a cost to society. This
notion may support a slightly cynical view that there is room for enlightened
self-interest – doing well by doing good.

Strategic CSR dened

CSR can be an integral element of a rm’s business and corporate-level
differentiation strategies. Therefore, it should be considered as a form of
strategic investment. Even when it is not directly tied to a product feature or
production process, CSR can be viewed as a form of reputation building or
maintenance. Baron (2001) pointed out that CSR is what a rm does when
its business and marketing strategy is concerned with the public good. And
Husted and Salazar (2006: 83) commented that: ‘There are additional ben-
ets that the rm extracts from a given level of social output… precisely
because the rm has designed a strategy so as to appropriate such benets.’
Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy 173

Strategic CSR is about deciding initially on the extent to which the rm
should be involved in social issues and then creating a corporate social
agenda – deciding what social issues to focus on. Porter and Kramer (2006:
85) thought that: ‘It is through strategic CSR that the company will make
the greatest social impact and reap the greatest business benets.’ They also
stressed that: ‘Strategy is always about making choices, and success in cor-
porate social responsibility is no different. It is about choosing which social
issues to focus on… organizations that make the right choices and build
focused, proactive and integrated social initiatives in concert with their core
strategies will increasingly distance themselves from the pack’ (Porter and
Kramer, 2006: 91). McWilliams and Siegel (2001) suggested that CSR ac-
tivities should be included in strategy formulation and that the level of
resources devoted to CSR be determined through cost/benet analysis.
CSR strategy needs to be integrated with the business strategy but it is
also closely associated with people strategy. This is because it is concerned
with ethical behaviour both outside and within the rm – with society
generally and with the internal community. In the latter case, this means
creating a working environment where personal and employment rights are
upheld and HR policies and practices provide for the fair and ethical
treatment of employees.

CSR activities
CSR activities as listed by McWilliams et al (2006) include incorporating
social characteristics or features into products and manufacturing processes,
adopting progressive human resource management practices, achieving
higher levels of environmental performance through recycling and pollution
abatement, and advancing the goals of community organizations.
Business in the Community (2007) surveyed the CSR activities of 120
leading British companies and summarized them under four headings:

1 Community – skills and education, employability and social exclusion

were frequently identied as key risks and opportunities. Other major
activities were support for local community initiatives and being a
responsible and safe neighbour.
2 Environment – most companies reported climate change and resource-
use as key issues for their business. Eighty-ve per cent of them managed
their impacts through an environmental management system.
174 Specifc People Strategies

3 Marketplace – the issues most frequently mentioned by companies were

research and development, procurement and supply chain, responsible
selling, responsible marketing and product safety. There was a rising
focus on fair treatment of customers, providing appropriate product
information and labelling, and on the impacts of products on customer
4 Workplace – this was the strongest management performing area as most
companies have established employment management frameworks that
can cater for workplace issues as they emerge. Companies recognized the
crucial role of employees in achieving responsible business practices.
Increasing emphasis was placed on internal communications and training
to raise awareness and understanding of why it is relevant to them and
valuable for the business. Attention was being paid to health and
wellbeing issues as well as the traditional safety agenda. More work was
being done on diversity, both to ensure the business attracts a diverse
workforce and to communicate the business case for diversity internally.

Business in the Community also reported a growing emphasis on responsi-

ble business as a source of competitive advantage when rms move beyond
minimizing risk to creating opportunities.

CASE STUDY First Choice Homes Oldham – the live well


By involving colleagues in setting up a health and wellbeing programme, First

Choice Oldham created an action plan that has led to healthier, happier and
better-motivated staff with improved physical and mental wellbeing. Priorities
were set using sickness statistics, health and wellbeing information from a
colleague survey and general health information from the Borough of Oldham.
Staff can now access health and lifestyle assessments, a health kiosk, and
help to stop smoking, and as a result awareness of cancer risk and mental health
has been raised.
Employee engagement has increased as healthier employees demonstrate
higher levels of commitment, and sickness absence has been reduced.
SOURCE Business in the Community (2007)
Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy 175

Developing a CSR strategy

The basis for developing a CSR strategy is provided by the Competency
Framework of the CSR Academy (2006), which is made up of six character-

1 Understanding society – understanding how business operates in the

broader context and knowing the social and environmental impact that
the business has on society.
2 Building capacity – building the capacity of others to help manage the
business effectively. For example, suppliers understand the business’s
approach to the environment and employees can apply social and
environmental concerns in their day-to-day roles.
3 Questioning business as usual – individuals continually questioning the
business in relation to a more sustainable future and being open to
improving the quality of life and the environment.
4 Stakeholder relations – understanding who the key stakeholders are and
the risks and opportunities they present. Working with them through
consultation and taking their views into account.
5 Strategic view – ensuring that social and environmental views are included
in the business strategy, as they are integral to the way the business
6 Harnessing diversity – respecting that people are different, which is
reected in fair and transparent business practices.

To develop and implement a CSR strategy based on these principles it is

necessary to:

● understand the business and social environment in which the rm

● understand the business and HR strategies and how the CSR strategy
should be aligned to them;
● know who the stakeholders are (including top management) and nd out
their views and expectations on CSR;
● identify the areas in which CSR activities might take place by reference to
their relevance in the business context of the organization and an
evaluation of their signicance to stakeholders;
● prioritize as necessary on the basis of an assessment of the relevance and
signicance of CSR to the organization and its stakeholders and the
practicalities of introducing the activity or practice;
176 Specifc People Strategies

● draw up the strategy and make the case for it to top management and the
● obtain approval for the CSR strategy from top management and key
● communicate information on the whys and wherefores of the strategy
comprehensively and regularly;
● provide training to employees on the skills they need to use in implementing
the CSR strategy;
● measure and evaluate the effectiveness of CSR.

Role of the people management function

The CIPD (2003:5) stated that: ‘The way a company treats its employees
will contribute directly to the picture of a company that is willing to accept
its wider responsibilities’. The CIPD (2009: 2) also expressed the view that:
‘HR has a key role in making CSR work. CSR without HR runs the risk of
being dismissed as PR or shallow ‘window-dressing’. And CSR is an oppor-
tunity for the people management (PM) function to demonstrate a strategic
focus and act as a business partner.
The arguments for people management or HR specialists taking the CSR
agenda seriously were summarized by the CIPD (2003, 2009) as follows:

● Companies are increasingly required to take account of the impact of

their activities on society.
● The credibility of CSR is dependent on delivery, not on rhetoric, and HR
is responsible for many of the key systems and processes (eg recruitment,
training, communications) on which effective delivery depends.
● HR people have relevant knowledge and skills in relation to CSR, eg
organizational learning and culture change.
● Managing trust and risk raises fundamental issues about how people are
● CSR offers the PM community opportunities to demonstrate its strategic
● PM policy and practice on the way an organization treats its employees,
including what it does about diversity, employee representation and
development, will contribute to the picture of a company that is willing
to accept its wider responsibilities.
Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy 177

● PM already works at communicating and implementing ideas, policies,

and cultural and behavioural change across organizations. Its role in
inuencing attitudes and links with line managers and the top team
means it is ideally placed to do the same with CSR.

Key learning points

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy is concerned with planning

how to ensure that the organization conducts its business in an ethical way,
taking account of the social, environmental and economic impact of how it
operates and going beyond compliance.
● The philosophy of CSR is largely based on stakeholder theory, which was
originated by Freeman (1984). This states that managers should tailor
their policies to satisfy a number of constituents, not just shareholders.
● The rationale for CSR as dened by Hillman and Keim (2001) is based on
two propositions: rst, there is a moral imperative for businesses to ‘do
the right thing’ without regard to how such decisions affect rm
performance (the social issues argument), and second, rms can
achieve competitive advantage by tying CSR activities to primary
stakeholders (the stakeholders argument).
● CSR can be an integral element of a rm’s business and corporate-level
differentiation strategies. Therefore, it should be considered as a form of
strategic investment.
● McWilliams and Siegel (2001) suggest that CSR activities be included in
strategy formulation and that the level of resources devoted to CSR be
determined through cost/benet analysis.
● CSR activities as listed by McWilliams et al (2006) include incorporating
social characteristics or features into products and manufacturing
processes, adopting progressive human resource management practices,
achieving higher levels of environmental performance through recycling and
pollution abatement, and advancing the goals of community organizations.
● The way a company treats its employees will contribute directly to the
picture of a company that is willing to accept its wider responsibilities.
The people management function has a key role in making CSR work
(CIPD, 2003; 2009: 2).
178 Specifc People Strategies

Baron, D (2001) Private policies, corporate policies and integrated strategy, Journal
of Economics and Management Strategy, 10 (1), pp 7–45
Business in the Community (2007) Benchmarking Responsible Business Practice, (archived at
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2003) Corporate Social
Responsibility and HR’s Role, CIPD, London
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2009) Corporate Social
Responsibility, CIPD, London
CSR Academy (2006) The CSR Competency Framework, Stationery Ofce, Norwich
Freeman, R E (1984) Strategic Management: A stakeholder perspective, Prentice
Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Friedman, M (1970) The social responsibility of business is to increase its prots,
New York Times Magazine, September, p 13
Hillman, A and Keim, G (2001) Shareholder value, stakeholder management and social
issues: what’s the bottom line? Strategic Management Journal, 22 (2), pp 125–39
Husted, B W and Salazar, J (2006) Taking Friedman seriously: maximizing prots
and social performance, Journal of Management Studies, 43 (1), pp 75–91
Levitt, T (1958) The dangers of social responsibility, Harvard Business Review,
September–October, pp 41–50
McWilliams, A and Siegel, D (2001) Corporate social responsibility: a theory of the
rm perspective, Academy of Management Review, 26 (1), pp 117–27
McWilliams, A and Siegel, D S (2000) Corporate social responsibility and nancial
performance: correlation or misspecication? Strategic Management Journal, 21 (5),
pp 603–09
McWilliams, A, Siegel, D S and Wright, P M (2006) Corporate social responsibility:
strategic implications, Journal of Management Studies, 43 (1), pp 1–12
Moran, P and Ghoshal, S (1996) Value creation by rms, Best Paper Proceedings,
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH
Porter, M E and Kramer, M R (2006) Strategy and society: the link between
competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility, Harvard Business
Review, December, pp 78–92
Russo, M V and Fouts, P A (1997) A resource-based perspective on corporate
environmental performance and protability, Academy of Management Review,
40 (3), pp 534–59
Waddock, S A and Graves, S B (1997) The corporate social performance–nancial
performance link, Strategic Management Journal, 18 (4), pp 303–19
Windsor, D (2006) Corporate social responsibility: three key approaches, Journal
of Management Studies, 43 (1), pp 93–114
Wood, D J (1991) Corporate social performance revisited, Academy of
Management Review, 16 (4), pp 691–718
World Business Council for Sustainable Social Development (2006) From Challenge to
Opportunity: The role of business in tomorrow’s society, WBCSSD, Geneva
Organizational 15

Developing and implementing a strategy for the management of organiza-
tional performance is the continuing responsibility of top management who
plan, organize, monitor and control activities and provide leadership to
achieve strategic goals and satisfy the needs and requirements of stakehold-
ers. Individual performance management systems as covered in Chapter 16
play an important part. But they function within the context of what is done
to manage organizational performance.
Top management will devise and implement the corporate strategy for
improving organizational performance. But the people management (PM)
function in its strategic role has an important part to play by being involved
in both the formulation and implementation of the strategy. It is people who
implement the corporate plan. To carry out this role it is necessary for mem-
bers of the PM function, especially the more senior ones, to understand
what is involved. This is strategic people management in action – people
strategies affecting performance (and they all do) must be integrated with
the business strategy.
Any strategy for improving organizational performance inevitably fo-
cuses on individual performance through practices like high-performance
work systems as described in this chapter. But it is also necessary to consider
more specically how people management strategies and practices, includ-
ing performance management systems, can impact on individual performance
either separately or, better, when ‘bundled’ together through the process of
horizontal integration. This is dealt with in Chapter 16.
180 Specifc People Strategies

This chapter covers:

● the process of managing performance;

● the strategic approach to managing organizational performance;
● the development of organizational capability;
● developing a high-performance culture;
● how PM strategies support the business performance strategy.

The process of managing organizational

As Gheorghe and Hack (2007) observed: ‘Actively managing perfor-
mance is simply running a business – running the entire business as one
entity. It’s a continuous cycle of planning, executing, measuring results
and planning the next actions. In the context of a larger strategic initia-
tive, that means continuous improvement.’ They noted that the manage-
ment of organizational performance is a strategic approach that takes
place on a number of dimensions. It has to take account of the needs of
multiple stakeholders, and makes use of business performance manage-
ment systems.

The dimensions of managing organizational

Sink and Tuttle (1990) stated that managing organizational performance
includes ve dimensions:

1 creating visions for the future;

2 planning – determining the present organizational state, and developing
strategies to improve that state;
3 designing, developing and implementing improvement interventions;
4 designing, redesigning, developing and implementing measurement and
evaluation systems;
5 putting support systems in place to reinforce progress.
Organizational Performance Strategy 181

How organizational performance is managed

The management of organizational performance as described in the rest of
this chapter is based on the practice of strategic performance management
supported by the use of a business performance management system. It is
concerned with developing organizational capability through such processes
as high-performance work systems, lean working, agile working, quality
management and the supporting people management activities of talent
management, learning and development, and the enhancement of engage-
ment and motivation.

The strategic approach to managing

organizational performance
A strategic approach to managing organizational performance means taking
a broad and longer-term view of where the business is going and then man-
aging performance in ways that ensure this strategic thrust is maintained.
The objective is to provide a sense of direction in a ‘VUCA’ environment,
(one characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) so
that the business needs of the organization and individual needs can be met
by the development and implementation of integrated systems for managing
and developing performance.
Organizational performance management systems are strategic in the
sense that they are aligned to the business strategy of the organization and
support the achievement of its strategic goals. They focus on developing
work systems and the working environment as well as developing individu-
als. To create the systems and make them function effectively it is necessary
to ensure that the strategy is understood, including, as Kaplan and Norton
(2000) put it: ‘The crucial but perplexing processes through which intangi-
ble assets will be converted into tangible outcomes.’ They originated the
concept of the balanced scorecard to ensure that all aspects of the perfor-
mance of a business could be understood and measured from four related
perspectives: the customer, internal processes, innovation and learning, and
nance. The notion of mapping strategy was also initiated by them.
Strategy maps show the cause-and-effect links by which specic improve-
ments create desired outcomes. They describe the elements of the organiza-
tion’s systems and their interrelationships and therefore provide a route map
for systems improvement leading to performance improvement. They also
182 Specifc People Strategies

give employees a clear line of sight into how their jobs are linked to the
overall objectives of the organization and provide a visual representation of
a company’s critical goals and the relationships between them that drive
organizational performance. Bourne et al (2003) call them ‘success maps’
that act as diagrams showing the logic of how the goals of the organization
interact to deliver overall performance. An example of a strategy map is
given in Figure 15.1.
This map shows an overall objective to improve protability as meas-
ured by return on capital employed. In the next line the map indicates that
the main contributors to increased protability are increases to the gross
margin (the difference between the value of sales and the cost of sales),
improvements to operational capability and better cost management. At
the next level down, the objective is to increase sales turnover in order to
increase the gross margin. How this is to be achieved is set out in the next
group of goals and their interconnections, comprising increases in cus-
tomer satisfaction and sales force effectiveness, innovations in product/

Figure 15.1 A strategy map

(return on capital

Gross margin Operational

Cost capability

Sales turnover

Product/market Customer
development satisfaction/loyalty

Sales force
Human performance/lean
capital working

Learning and Employee Talent Performance

development engagement management management
Organizational Performance Strategy 183

market development and marketing, and improvements in customer ser-

vice and quality levels. The key objective of improving operational capa-
bility is underpinned by developments in high-performance working and
the contribution of the organization’s human capital. The latter is sup-
ported by human resource management goals in the elds of performance
management, talent management, employee engagement, and learning and
The overall objective of increasing protability in this example addresses
the concerns of only one section of the stakeholders of an organization – the
investors. This need would probably be given precedence by many quoted
companies. But there are other goals, which relate to their other stakehold-
ers, for example those related to corporate social responsibility. These could
be catered for in separate strategy maps. Better still, they could be linked
to their commercial goals. Public and voluntary sector organizations will
certainly have goals, which relate to all their stakeholders as well as their
overall purpose. A stakeholder approach to the strategic management of
performance is required.
Organizational performance strategy is based on the resource-based view
that it is the strategic development of the organization’s rare, hard to imitate
and hard to substitute human resources that produces its unique character
and creates competitive advantage. The strategic goal will be to ‘create rms
which are more intelligent and exible than their competitors’ (Boxall,
1996) by developing more talented staff and by extending their skills base.

C A S E S T U DY A strategic approach to the management of

organizational performance as described by
Johnson & Johnson

As we embarked on developing an integrated performance and development

process into the organization, we knew that driving change and an enhanced
process requires a cultural shift within an organization. The best performance
management becomes a continuous process and is not a one-time event; it takes
time and effort and a dedication to developing people. We also knew that from a
business standpoint it was critical to build and develop the talent pipeline of the
organization to meet the aggressive business goals and dynamically changing
184 Specifc People Strategies

Implementing strategic organizational performance

Strategic organizational performance management starts with a denition
of the areas of activity and achievement, which are most important to the
organization. These could be called organizational key result areas. They
might include all or a selection of the following:

● Financial (protability, shareholder value, cost control etc).

● Market share.
● Sales.
● Productivity.
● Quality.
● People management.
● Customer service.
● Innovation.
● Corporate social responsibility.

In each of these areas, strategic goals are set to which individual goals can
be aligned as described in Chapter 16. Alignment is a key aspect of a perfor-
mance management system for individuals.

Organizational capability
Organizational capability is the capacity of an organization to function ef-
fectively. It is about the ability of an organization to identify its critical suc-
cess factors, guarantee high levels of performance for each of these factors,
achieve its purpose, deliver results and meet the needs of its stakeholders.
The development of organizational capability is concerned with the organi-
zation as a system, in line with the belief expressed by Coens and Jenkins
(2002) that to ‘focus on the overall “system” of the organization yields bet-
ter results than [simply] trying to get individual employees to improve their
The aim is to improve organizational processes such as the formulation
and implementation of strategy and the achievement of high quality and
levels of customer service, facilitating the management of change, and ob-
taining better performance from people, getting them to work well together.
Organizational Performance Strategy 185

This has to take place in a situation where organizations are increasingly

embracing a new management culture based on inclusion, involvement and
participation, rather than on the traditional command, control and compli-
ance paradigm. Flaherty (1999) claimed that this paradigm ‘cannot bring
about the conditions and competence necessary to successfully meet the
challenges of endless innovation; relentless downsizing, re-engineering, and
multicultural working holistically’. A new management paradigm requires
the development of a high-performance work culture through management
practices that value and support achievement, growth and learning. It also
calls for facilitative behaviours that focus on employee empowerment, learn-
ing and development. In other words, it needs performance management.

Developing a high-performance culture

High-performance cultures are ones in which the improvement of perfor-
mance levels is a way of life. The characteristics of such cultures are:

● Management denes what it requires in the shape of performance

improvements, sets goals for success and monitors performance to ensure
that the goals are achieved.
● People know what’s expected of them – they understand their goals and
● People feel that their job is worth doing, and there is a strong t between
the job and their capabilities.
 There is strong leadership from the top, which engenders a shared belief
in the importance of continuing improvement.
● There is a focus on promoting positive attitudes that result in an engaged,
committed and motivated workforce.
● Work practices such as ‘lean’ are adopted and there is an emphasis on
agility and exibility.
● There is a climate of trust and teamwork, aimed at delivering a distinctive
service to the customer.
● A clear line of sight exists between the strategic aims of the organization
and those of its departments and its staff at all levels.

Organizations develop high-performance cultures through the systems of

work they adopt, but these systems are managed and operated by people.
186 Specifc People Strategies

Ultimately, therefore, high-performance working is about improving per-

formance through people. But this process can be facilitated through such
methods as high-performance work systems, smart working, agile work-
ing, lean manufacturing and organization restructuring, as described below.

High-performance work systems

A high-performance work system (HPWS) was dened by Dundon and
Rafferty (2018: 384) as one ‘that includes a bundle of innovative HR prac-
tices and work processes that are mutually reinforcing, and which corre-
late to performance improvements at both the individual employee and
organizational levels’. The components of such a system could consist of
strategies for:

● enhancing engagement;
● talent management;
● learning and development, with special consideration being given to
leadership development;
● nancial and non-nancial rewards;
● the development and use of individual performance management systems.

Examples of high-performance work systems in action are given in Table 15.1.

Table 15.1 High-performance work systems in action

Organization High-performance working ingredients
Halo Foods ● A strategy that maintains competitiveness by
increasing added value through the efforts and
enhanced capability of all staff.
● The integration of technical advance with people
● Continuing reliance on teamworking and effective
leadership, with innovation and self and team
management skills.
Land Registry ● Organizational changes to streamline processes, raise
skill levels and release talents.
● Managers who could see that the problems were as
much cultural as organizational.
● Recruitment of people whose attitudes and aptitudes
match the needs of high-performance work practices.

Organizational Performance Strategy 187

Table 15.1 (Continued)

Organization High-performance working ingredients

Meritor Heavy ● Skill enhancement, particularly of management and
Vehicle Braking self-management skills using competence frameworks.
Systems ● Teamworking skills and experience used on
improvement projects.
● Linking learning, involvement and performance
Orangebox ● A strategy that relies on constant reinvention of
operational capability.
● Engagement and development of existing talent and
initiative in productivity improvement.
● Increasing use of cross-departmental projects to tackle
wider opportunities.
PerkinElmer ● A vision and values worked through by managers and
● Engagement of everyone in the organization and
establishment of a continuous improvement culture.
● Learning as a basis for change.
United Welsh ● Linking of better employment relations with better
Housing performance.
Association ● Using staff experience to improve customer service.
● Focusing management development on the cascading
of a partnership culture.

Developing a high-performance work system

The steps required are described below. The more line managers and other
employees can be involved at every stage, the better.

1 Analyse the business strategy

{● What is the business model?
{● Where is the business going (what innovations to the model are
{● What are the strengths and weaknesses of the business?
{● What threats and opportunities face the business?
{● What are the implications of the above on the type of people required
by the business, now and in the future?
{● To what extent do we – can we – obtain competitive advantage through
188 Specifc People Strategies

2 Dene the desired performance culture of the business and the objectives
of the exercise – refer to the characteristics of an effective performance
culture set out earlier (p 185) and produce a list of desirable character-
istics that is aligned to the culture and context of the business, and a
statement of the objectives of developing an HPWS.
3 Analyse the existing arrangements – start from the headings dened at
stage 2 and analyse against each heading:
{● what is happening now in the form of practices, attitudes and behav-
iours (what do you want people to do differently?);
{● what should be happening;
{● what people feel about it (the more involvement in this analysis from
all stakeholders, the better).
4 Identify the gaps between what is and what should be – clarify specic
practices where there is considerable room for improvement.
5 Draw up a list of practices that need to be introduced or improved – at
this stage only a broad denition should be produced of what ideally
needs to be done.
6 Establish links – identify the practices that can be linked together in
‘bundles’ in order to complement and support one another.
7 Assess practicality – the ideal list of practices, or preferably, bundles of
practices, should be subjected to a reality check:
{● Is it worth doing? – what’s the business case in terms of added value?
What contribution will it make to supporting the achievement of the
organization’s strategic goals?
{● Can it be done?
{● Who does it?
{● Have we the resources to do it?
{● How do we manage the change?
8 Prioritize – in the light of the assessment of practicalities, decide on the
priorities that should be given to introducing new or improved practices.
Adopt a realistic approach. There will be a limit on how much can be done
at once or at any future time. Priorities should be established by assessing:
{● the added value the practice will create;
{● the availability of the resources required;
Organizational Performance Strategy 189

{● anticipated problems in introducing the practice, including resistance

to change by stakeholders (too much should not be made of this –
change can be managed, but there is much to be said for achieving
some quick wins);
{● the extent to which they can form bundles of mutually supporting
9 Dene project objectives – develop the broad statement of objectives
produced at stage 2 and dene what is to be achieved, why and how.
10 Get buy-in – this should start at the top with the chief executive and
members of the senior management team, but so far as possible it should
extend to all the other stakeholders (best to involve them at earlier stages
and communicate intentions in full).
11 Plan the implementation – this is where things become difcult. Deciding
what needs to be done is fairly easy; getting it done is the hard part. The
implementation plan needs to cover:
{● who takes the lead – this must come from the top of the organization;
nothing will work without it;
{● who manages the project and who else is involved;
{● the timetable for development and introduction;
{● the resources (people and money required);
{● how the change programme will be managed, including communica-
tion and further consultation;
{● the success criteria for the project.
12 Implement – too often, 80 per cent of the time spent on introducing an
HPWS is spent on planning and only 20 per cent on implementation. It
should be the other way round. Whoever is responsible for implementation
must have considerable project and change management skills.

Smart working
As dened by the CIPD (2008: 4), smart working is ‘An approach to organ-
izing work that aims to drive greater efciency and effectiveness in achieving
job outcomes through a combination of exibility, autonomy and collabora-
tion, in parallel with optimizing tools and working environments for em-
ployees’. The characteristics of smart working are:

● self-management – a high degree of autonomy and a philosophy of

190 Specifc People Strategies

● the use of virtual teams or work groups;

● focus on outcome-based indicators of performance;
● high-performance working;
● exibility in work locations and hours;
● use of more advanced communications technology;
● hot-desking and working from home;
● ways of working that are underpinned by or drive high-trust working
● alignment of smart working with business objectives.

Typical smart working arrangements identied by CIPD research include

exible working, high-performance working, ‘lean manufacturing’ and de-
signing jobs in which there is a higher degree of freedom to act.

Agile working
Agile working is an approach to running a business that enables it to re-
spond rapidly to change, new demands and increasing complexity. A report
by the Economist Intelligence Unit (2009) stated that the characteristics of
an ‘agile’ business were a high-performance culture, exibility of manage-
ment practices and resources, and organizational structures that support
collaboration, rapid decision making and execution. Nearly 90 per cent of
senior executives surveyed across the world by the Economist Intelligence
Unit believe that organizational agility (ability to anticipate and address the
forces affecting the business) is critical for business success.

CASE STUDY Agile working in Deloitte

Agile working in Deloitte, the professional services rm, is based on three


1 Outcomes, not inputs, matter: the focus had to be shifted from the visibility of
an individual in the ofce to the actual outputs of their work.
2 Mutual trust: an underlying assumption that the majority of employees are
motivated, ambitious and there to do a good job.
3 Two-way open communication between the manager, other team members
and the individual.
Organizational Performance Strategy 191

Research conducted by the CIPD (2014) found that the main methods or-
ganizations use to achieve agility are:

● exible working;
● providing the skills required to meet new demands through the use of
multiskilling and rapid retraining;
● workforce planning to ensure that the supply of people matches
● improving leadership and management capability; and
● organization restructuring.

Lean manufacturing
Lean manufacturing or lean production, often known simply as ‘Lean’, is a pro-
cess improvement methodology developed by Toyota in Japan. Lean focuses on
reducing waste and ensuring the ow of production in order to deliver value to
customers. It concentrates initially on the design of the process so that waste can
be minimized during manufacture. It then examines operations to identify op-
portunities to improve the ow of production, remove wasteful practices and
engage in continuous improvement. Various tools are available, such as ‘Five Ss’,
a workplace methodology involving sorting, straightening, systematic cleaning,
standardizing and sustaining. Reference to these enables a dialogue to take place
with employees on how work should be done.
But as noted by the CIPD (2008: 11), the success of lean depends not so
much on the tools as on its approach to work. Lean is implemented by com-
munities of people who carry out and supervise the work and may include
stakeholders such as customers. Lean team members are encouraged to think
exibly and be adaptable to change. They have a sense of ownership of what
they do and achieve.

Organization restructuring
Organization restructuring is about enabling people to work effectively to-
gether. It means deciding how the responsibility for carrying out the overall
task is allocated to individuals and groups of people, how the relationships
between them take place, and job design. There is no ideal structure, but in
any organization that depends on innovation and the ability to cope with
change and turbulence, the best outcomes are likely to be achieved when the
192 Specifc People Strategies

structure is informal, with at, lean and exible horizontal processes. Roles
are exible and enriched with more autonomy, and teams are self-managed.

How people strategies enhance

organizational performance
1 People strategies generally enhance organizational performance rst by
making a signicant contribution to the development of a high-performance
culture through such methods as high-performance, smart, or agile work-
ing. They may be involved in organization restructuring exercises and the
operation of organization development programmes. Marsh et al (2010)
suggested that organization design and organization development need
to be merged into one HR capability, with organization design taking
2 Specically, people strategies help to ensure that skilled, motivated and en-
gaged people are available to implement corporate plans for improving or-
ganizational performance. These strategies, as considered elsewhere in this
book, include those for managing individual performance, resourcing (work-
force planning), talent management, learning and development, developing
a positive employment relationship and looking after employee wellbeing.

Key learning points

● The management of organizational performance is the continuing

responsibility of top management.
● HR in its strategic role has an important part to play by being involved in
both the formulation and implementation of the strategy.
● Actively managing performance is simply running a business.
● A strategic approach to managing organizational performance means
taking a broad and longer-term view of where the business is going and
then managing performance in ways that ensure this strategic thrust is
● Strategic organizational performance management starts with a
denition of the areas of activity and achievement which are most
important to the organization.
Organizational Performance Strategy 193

● Organizational capability is the capacity of an organization to function

effectively. The aim is to increase organizational capability by obtaining
better performance from people, getting them to work well together,
improving organizational processes such as the formulation and
implementation of strategy and the achievement of high quality and
levels of customer service, and facilitating the management of change.
● High-performance working is about improving performance through
people. This can be done by the development and implementation of a
high-performance culture through such methods as high-performance
work systems and lean working and by increasing the agility with which
the organization responds to challenges and manages change.
● People strategies enhance organizational performance rst by making a
signicant contribution to the development of a high-performance
culture through such methods as high-performance, smart, or agile

Bourne, M, Franco, M and Wilkes, J (2003) Corporate performance management,
Measuring Business Excellence, 7 (3), pp 15–21
Boxall, P F (1996) The strategic HRM debate and the resource-based view of the
rm, Human Resource Management Journal, 6 (3), pp 59–75
CIPD (2008) Smart Working: The impact of work organisation and job design,
CIPD, London
CIPD (2014) HR: Getting smart about agile working, CIPD, London
Coens, T and Jenkins, M (2002) Abolishing Performance Appraisals: Why they
backre and what to do instead, Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco
Dundon, T and Rafferty, A (2018) The (potential) demise of HRM? Human
Resource Management Journal, 28, (3), pp 377–91
Economist Intelligence Unit (2009) Organisational Agility: How business can
survive and thrive in turbulent times, EIU, London
Flaherty, J (1999) Coaching: Evoking excellence in others, Butterworth-Heinemann,
Burlington, MA
Gheorghe, C and Hack, J (2007) Unied performance management: how one
company can tame its many processes, Business Performance Management,
November, pp 17–19
194 Specifc People Strategies

Kaplan, R S and Norton, D P (2000) Having trouble with your strategy? Then map
it, Harvard Business Review, September–October, pp 167–76
Marsh, C, Sparrow, P and Hird, M (2010) Improving organization design: the new
priority for HR directors, in Leading HR, ed P Sparrow et al, pp 136–61,
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke
Sink, D S and Tuttle, T C (1990) The performance management question in the
organization of the future, Industrial Management, 32 (1), pp 4–12
Individual 16

A strategy is required to indicate what an organization wants to do about
managing individual performance. The strategy has rst to take account of
the meaning of performance and the factors that affect it, and next decide
on how a new performance management system can be designed and imple-
mented or an existing one improved. As explained in the rst section of the
chapter, in doing this, systems factors (how the organization functions) and
a number of factors related to other aspects of people strategy such as en-
gagement, resourcing, and learning and development have to be considered.
But in practice, a performance management system as described in the sec-
ond section of this chapter often has limitations, and in the nal section of
the chapter the consequential need for a typical system to be reinvented to a
greater or lesser degree is discussed.

Performance and the factors that aect it

There are different views on what performance is and there are a number of
factors that affect it, as considered below. To manage performance it is nec-
essary to appreciate these views and understand the factors.

The meaning of performance

Performance could just mean outputs – the results obtained. Or it could
mean behaviour – how the results were obtained. Or it could be both results
and behaviour.
196 Specifc People Strategies

Performance as outputs
Kane (1996) argued that performance ‘is something that the person leaves
behind and that exists apart from the purpose’. Bernadin et al (1995) were
concerned that: ‘Performance should be dened as the outcomes of work
because they provide the strongest linkage to the strategic goals of the or-
ganization, customer satisfaction, and economic contributions.’

Performance as behaviour
Campbell (1990) explained that: ‘Performance is behaviour and should be
distinguished from the outcomes because they can be contaminated by sys-
tems factors.’ Aguinis (2005) was positive that: ‘performance is about be-
haviour or what employees do, and not about what employees produce or
the outcomes of their work’.
Campbell et al (1993) focused on the measurement of performance,
which they dened as behaviour or action relevant to the attainment of the
organization’s goals that can be scaled, that is, measured. They suggested
that performance is multidimensional and that each dimension is character-
ized by a category of similar behaviour or actions. The components consist
of: 1) job-specic task prociency; 2) non-job-specic prociency (eg or-
ganizational citizenship behaviour); 3) written and oral communication
prociency; 4) demonstration of effort; 5) maintenance of personal disci-
pline; 6) facilitation of peer and team performance; 7) supervision/leader-
ship; and (8) management/administration.
Borman and Motowidlo (1993) suggested the notion of contextual perfor-
mance, which covers non-job-specic behaviours such as cooperation, dedica-
tion, enthusiasm and persistence and is differentiated from task performance
covering job-specic behaviours. As Fletcher (2001) mentioned, contextual per-
formance deals with attributes that go beyond task competence and which fos-
ter behaviours that enhance the climate and effectiveness of the organization.

Performance as both outcomes and behaviour

It can be argued that a more comprehensive view of performance is achieved
if it is dened as embracing both behaviour and outcomes. When people are
said to be performing well, it does not solely refer to what results they de-
liver; it is also concerned with how they deliver them. Brumbach (1988)
explained that:

Performance means both behaviours and results. Behaviours emanate from

the performer and transform performance from abstraction to action. Not
just the instruments for results, behaviours are also outcomes in their own
Individual Performance Strategy 197

right – the product of mental and physical effort applied to tasks – and can be
judged apart from results.

Dening performance like this leads to the conclusion that when managing
the performance of individuals and teams, both outputs (results) and inputs
(behaviour) need to be considered. This is the generally accepted ‘mixed
model’ of performance management, which is concerned with both the
‘what’ and the ‘how’.
Levels of individual performance are affected by a number of inuences
and factors as discussed below.

Factors aecting individual performance

There are ve factors affecting individual performance:

1 The individual, who needs the right levels of knowledge and skills,
motivation, and engagement to perform effectively.
2 The individual’s job, which has to be designed to provide the opportunity
to use and develop skills and give an appropriate degree of autonomy in
carrying out the work.
3 The individual’s manager, who has to provide leadership and support
and act as a coach and mentor as required.
4 The individual’s work group, whose members will exercise a strong
positive or negative inuence on the attitudes, behaviour and performance
of the individual.
5 The organization, which has to provide a powerful, cohering vision and
operate a work system that facilitates high performance.

Performance management systems

A performance management system is a process designed to formalize the
conduct of the ve activities believed to be necessary to achieve performance
improvements: 1) agreeing goals for individuals; 2) aligning those goals with
the strategic goals of the organization; 3) planning performance to achieve
the goals; 4) reviewing and assessing progress; 5) developing the capabilities
of individuals.
The nature of a performance management system is described below, but
this is an idealized concept of how one ought to work rather than a realistic
picture of how, too often, it does work.
198 Specifc People Strategies

The dening features of an ideal performance management system are that

it operates in accordance with a set of principles and is a continuous process.

Principles of performance management

The overarching principles governing effective performance management
were dened as follows by Egan (1995: 36):

Most employees want direction, freedom to get their work done, and
encouragement not control. The performance management system should be
a control system only by exception. The solution is to make it a collaborative
development system in two ways. First, the entire performance management
process – coaching, counselling, feedback, tracking, recognition, and so forth –
should encourage development. Ideally, team members grow and develop through
these interactions. Second, when managers and team members ask what they need
to be able to do to do bigger and better things, they move to strategic development.

Performance management as a continuous process

A performance management system as modelled in Figure 16.1 ows
from the organization’s goals and then operates as a continuous and self-
renewing cycle.

Figure 16.1 The performance management cycle

Strategic goals of the


Performance planning –
performance agreement

• Role profile definition – key

result areas
Review • Performance goals – key
performance indicators Act
Joint analysis of
performance • Agree development plan Performance activities

• Dialogue and feedback • Carry out role

• Performance assessment • Implement development
• Agree strengths plan

Manage performance
throughout the year

• Monitor performance
• Provide regular feedback
Individual Performance Strategy 199

Limitations of the model

Like all models, the performance management system as described above
has its limitations. It is normative in that it seems to prescribe a norm or
standard pattern as best practice by presenting an ideal picture of what a
performance management system should look like and how it should work.
But how it works will be related to the context in which it operates. Fletcher
(1998) noted the evolution in many organizations of a number of separate
but linked processes applied in different ways according to the needs of local
circumstances and staff levels. Some organizations reject the concept of a
bureaucratic, centrally controlled and uniform system of performance man-
agement, which is implied by the model, and instead accept that, within an
overall policy framework, different approaches may be appropriate in dif-
ferent parts of the organization and for different people.
One problem with the model as presented here is that it can encourage an
over-elaborate approach. Systems designers may be tempted to cover every
aspect of the model in detail and turn what should be a natural and straight-
forward management process into a bureaucratic nightmare, with complex
procedures and intricate paper- or computer-based forms. Managers don’t
like this and won’t do it properly, if at all. Employees generally regard it as
yet another control mechanism imposed from above.
When developing a performance management system, the watchwords
are ‘keep it simple’. Terms such as role prole, key result areas or key perfor-
mance indicators make perfect sense as explanations of how the system
works. But to the managers and employees who have to run the system they
can appear to be impenetrable jargon – prime examples of managerese or
HR speak. Such terms should be avoided or at least minimized in communi-
cations about the scheme or during training.
Another problem with the model is the suggestion that there is a smooth
transition from the organization’s strategic goals to individual goals. But
this is much more difcult than it sounds. Strategic goals at organizational
level may not always translate easily into individual goals because organiza-
tional goals are not dened well enough or are too remote from the work of
individual employees. Many commentators have extolled the virtue of align-
ment; few have made practical suggestions about how it can be achieved. It
can also be argued that strategic goals will inevitably be determined by top
management without consulting employees, and that simply ‘cascading’
goals downwards contradicts the performance management principle that
people should be involved in agreeing their own objectives. The answer to
this concern is that, although at individual level account should be taken of
200 Specifc People Strategies

overarching goals, individuals can usefully take part in discussions on how

they can further the achievement of those goals.
Thereafter, the model indicates a steady progression through the stages of
performance management, each of them linked together. This is both logical
and desirable but in reality it may be difcult to achieve. The natural ten-
dency of managers is to compartmentalize these activities, if they carry them
out at all. They do not always appreciate how they are connected and what
they should do to ensure that the cycle does work smoothly.
Performance management is applied in many different ways according to
the context in which it is used. These ways will not necessarily conform to
those prescribed by the model. The contextual factors include the type of
operation and the organization’s structure. Importantly, they also include
the organization’s culture, as expressed in its philosophy or norms (explicit
or implicit) on how people should be managed, and the prevailing manage-
ment style, for example the degree to which it is controlling or participative.
As Stoskopf (2002) put it: ‘A [performance management] system with the
most academically correct competencies or performance measures may fail
if it does not t with the company’s culture or workforce.’ Pulakos, Mueller-
Hanson and O’Leary (2008) summed this up as follows:

Performance management is often referred to as the ‘Achilles heel’ of HRM. All

modern organizations face the challenge of how best to manage performance.
That is, they must determine the best ways to set goals, evaluate work and
distribute rewards in such a way that performance can be improved over time.
While all rms face similar challenges, the way a rm responds to these challenges
will depend on where the rm is located and the context within which it is
operating. Differences in culture, technology or simply tradition make it difcult
to directly apply techniques that have worked in one setting to a different setting.

CASE STUDY The performance management system at DHL

DHL is a global market leader in the international express and logistics industry,
with 45,000 staff in Europe.
DHL’s annual performance management process begins in August when the
core elements of the scheme are designed at the top level. Following this, in
mid-November, based on the aims decided upon in August, targets are set for the
year by a panel of senior staff. Once devised, these targets are cascaded down
the organization into individual personal objectives following discussions
between line managers and HR.
Individual Performance Strategy 201

The cascading process is designed to ensure that targets are rened and
altered to align with each individual’s actual job. Further discussions then take
place to decide what each target means for employees in practice and their
implications for competencies. Around the same time, attainment levels and
scoring based on the previous year’s performance take place to determine bonus
levels and salary rises. Following this, with targets already set, around the middle
of January, an outline for recording performance targets for personal and
nancial performance for the coming year is designed, and in mid-February the
company’s nancial results become known. This makes it possible to determine
the pot available for bonus payments and salary increases relating to the
previous year. Bonuses are paid in either March or April while salary reviews
takes place in April.
The initial stage of establishing overall objectives and the target-setting
framework sets the tone for the year. From year to year, conditions change, with
the priorities of senior management reecting the current state of affairs. As a
result, each year there are a number of overarching themes, such as serving
customers, for example, or health and safety. These core individual key
objectives (IKOs) are strictly adhered to, although local managers can determine
how to manage their attainment. In contrast, more exibility exists for other
objectives, with managers at lower levels able to alter them to align with their
particular needs. There is further exibility in the system with regard to its timing.

The reality of performance

management systems
Performance management systems are easy to conceive but hard to deliver.
Duncan Brown (2010) remarked that:

The problems [of performance management] are… not of ambition or

intent, but rather practice and delivery. Low rates of coverage and even
more frequently low quality conversations and non-existent follow-up are
commonplace, in the wake of uncommitted directors, incompetent line
managers, uncomprehending employees and hectoring HR with their still
complex and bureaucratic HR processes.

The many-faceted nature of performance was commented on as follows

by Cascio (2010): ‘It is an exercise in observation and judgement, it is a
feedback process, it is an organizational intervention. It is a measurement
202 Specifc People Strategies

process as well as an intensely emotional process. Above all, it is an inexact,

human process.’
As a human process, performance management can promise more than it
achieves. Coens and Jenkins (2002) delivered the following judgement:

Throughout our work lives, most of us have struggled with performance

appraisal. No matter how many times we redesign it, retrain the supervisors,
or give it a new name, it never comes out right. Again and again, we see
supervisors procrastinate or just go through the motions, with little taken to
heart. And the supervisors who do take it to heart and give it their best mostly
meet disappointment.

Shields (2007) argued that: ‘Ill-chosen, badly designed or poorly imple-

mented performance management schemes can communicate entirely the
wrong messages as to what the organization expects from its employees.’
The belief that employees were more demotivated than motivated by per-
formance management was expressed by 23 per cent of the respondents to
the 2014 e-reward performance management survey – a disturbingly high
The fundamental problem is that in a typical system the performance
review takes place once a year. Lip service may be paid to the need to make
it a continuous process but line managers and individuals still see it as a
yearly event and it can too easily become a dishonest, annual ritual.
This problem is compounded by the fact that performance reviews or ap-
praisals are often expected to full numerous functions, including perfor-
mance improvement, feedback, coaching, goal setting, skill development,
the assessment of potential, pay determination and the identication of
under-performers. No performance appraisal system can meet all these ends.
Peter Reilly (2015) commented that ‘all singing, all dancing performance
appraisal… requires managers to review a wide range of content (reward,
training needs, business alignment, etc) and use of multiple processes (eg
personal development planning, performance ranking, potential assessment
etc), but also to apply different modes of management – appreciation, evalu-
ation and coaching – which can be very tough on them to deliver’. It is no
wonder that line managers do not live up to the expectations of people
management specialists or that the perfunctory training in performance
management provided by most organizations fails to produce the multi-
skilled, multi-tasking paragon the system demands.
The problem may be the result of an inappropriate or over-engineered
system but the most typical reason is that line managers do not have the
skills or the inclination to manage the system properly. The skills required
Individual Performance Strategy 203

are considerable and it is all too easy for managers to go through the mo-
tions without really believing that what they are doing is worthwhile. This
is why attention must be given to involving them in developing the scheme,
brieng them thoroughly on the nature and importance of performance
management, emphasizing that managing performance is an important part
of their job and that they will be judged on how well they do it, providing
them with training and individual coaching, and monitoring how well they
carry out their performance management duties.

Dealing with the issues – reinventing

performance management
A number of companies have recently introduced radical changes to their
performance management systems. They have come to realize that tradi-
tional performance management is broken. As proposed by Buckingham
and Goodall (2015), it has to be reinvented. This particularly applies to the
annual performance review meeting.
The focus is now on continuous coaching and development rather than
one annual and stressful review. Accenture has scrapped annual appraisals
for its 300,000 plus workforce and instead instituted a ‘continuous feed-
back’ culture. Expedia has introduced a ‘Passport to Performance’ system of
regular performance and development conversations that are more coaching
Reinvention as explained above may be desirable but there is a funda-
mental question that should be answered: ‘To what extent is there any need
for the sort of formal and elaborate performance management system de-
scribed earlier in this chapter at all?’ Clearly it is essential to have some sort
of process for clarifying objectives, providing feedback on performance, re-
viewing performance and identifying development needs. But does it need to
be so elaborate?
The Institute for Employment Studies published in 2014 the results of
interesting research by Dilys Robinson of how managers who had achieved
high levels of engagement in their teams went about it. Here is what four of
those managers told her about how they managed performance:

● ‘So, the key for me is just one-to-one time, and they know what they’re
aiming for, and we talk about it regularly. So it never really gets to the
situation where there’s like a really great big formal sit-down to say let’s
review everything you’ve done.’
204 Specifc People Strategies

● ‘I think it’s regular dialogue… at least once a fortnight for an extended

period of time, just one to one and just about them and the work they’re
doing and what’s going on… just so that I understand what they’re doing
and so I can give a bit of a steer or give them a bit of coaching if they need
some coaching; help them if they want some help and support.’
● ‘Every week I have a one-to-one session with people who work for me.
And it’s half an hour; it’s the opportunity to talk things over with people.
I say to people it’s your time with me. But, to be honest, it’s not just that;
it’s me getting to talk to them.’
● ‘This organization has a very structured performance management
framework, as you would imagine from a big company. I try and avoid
using it unless I have to, I would rather try and develop the personal re-
lationship with someone, to understand their issue and try and improve
their performance by working with them, rather than going through pro-
cedural ways of managing performance.’

Perhaps the best strategy to deal with the annual performance review issue,
indeed the whole problem of making performance management work, is to
appoint and develop managers who can act like this, rather than compel
them to conform to the bureaucratic requirements of a typical performance
management system. These managers are managing performance, not oper-
ating a system. They are constantly communicating with their team mem-
bers, they clarify what has to be done and take swift action to deal with
under-performance, they praise when praise is due and they coach their
staff. To get this sort of manager is a matter of selection, development
through coaching and mentoring, and constant encouragement. It would
take a lot of time and effort but it would be time well spent.

Key learning points

● Performance management strategy denes the intentions of the organi-

zation on what it wants to do about performance management.
● A more comprehensive view of performance is achieved if it is dened
as embracing both behaviour and outcomes.
● There are ve factors affecting individual performance: 1) the individual;
2) the individual’s job; 3) the individual’s manager; 4) the individual’s work
group; 5) the organization.
Individual Performance Strategy 205

● An individual performance strategy can focus on the development of a

high-performance work system.
● A performance management system is a process designed to formalize
the conduct of the ve activities believed to be necessary to achieve
performance improvements: 1) agreeing goals for individuals; 2) aligning
those goals with the strategic goals of the organization; 3) planning
performance to achieve the goals; 4) reviewing and assessing progress;
5) developing the capabilities of individuals.
● A performance management system ows from the organization’s goals
and then operates as a continuous and self-renewing cycle.
● Performance management systems are easy to conceive but hard to
● The fundamental problem is that in a typical system the performance
review takes place once a year. Lip service may be paid to the need to
make it a continuous process, but line managers and individuals still see
it as a yearly event and it can too easily become a dishonest, annual
● A number of companies have recently introduced radical changes to
their performance management systems.
● The focus is now on continuous coaching and development rather than
one annual and stressful review.
● But perhaps a new radical approach should be adopted which relies
more on selecting and developing managers who can manage individual
performance effectively as one of their normal activities rather than
reluctantly having to use a bureaucratic system.

Aguinis, H (2005) Performance Management, Pearson Education, Upper Saddle
River, NJ
Bernadin, H K, Kane, J S, Ross, S, Spina, J D and Johnson, D L (1995)
Performance appraisal design, development and implementation, in G R Ferris,
S D Rosen, and D J Barnum (eds), Handbook of Human Resource
Management, Blackwell, Cambridge, MA
Borman, W C and Motowidlo, S J (1993) Expanding the criterion domain to
include elements of contextual performance, in Personnel Selection in
Organizations, ed N Schmitt and W C Borman, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco
206 Specifc People Strategies

Brown, D (2010) ‘Practice what we preach?’ Posted by Reward Blogger,

6 December, CIPD, London
Brumbach, G B (1988) Some ideas, issues and predictions about performance
management, Public Personnel Management, 17 (4), pp 387–402
Buckingham, M and Goodall, A (2015) Reinventing performance management,
Harvard Business Review, April, pp 40–50
Campbell, J P (1990) Modeling the performance prediction problem in industrial
and organizational psychology, in Handbook of Industrial and Organizational
Psychology, ed M P Dunnette and L M Hugh, Blackwell, Cambridge, MA
Campbell, J P et al (1993) A theory of performance, in Personnel Selection in
Organizations, ed N Schmitt and W Borman, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco
Cascio, W F (2010) Managing Human Resources: Productivity, quality of work
life, prots, 8th edn, McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York
Coens, T and Jenkins, M (2002) Abolishing Performance Appraisals: Why they
backre and what to do instead, Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco
Egan, G (1995) A clear path to peak performance, People Management, 18 May,
pp 34–37
e-reward (2014) Survey of Performance Management Practice, e-reward, Stockport
Fletcher, C (1998) Circular argument, People Management, 1 October, pp 46–49
Fletcher, C (2001) Performance appraisal and management: the developing research
agenda, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 74 (4),
pp 473–87
Kane, J S (1996) The conceptualization and representation of total performance
effectiveness, Human Resource Management Review, Summer, pp 123–45
Pulakos, E D, Mueller-Hanson, R A and O’Leary, R S (2008) Performance
management in the US, in Performance Management Systems: A global
perspective, ed A Varma, P S Budhwar and A DeNisi, Routledge, Abingdon
Reilly, P (2015) Performance Management: Improving the delivery/improving the
performance in practice, IES, Brighton
Robinson, D (2014) The engaging manager and sticky situations,les/resources/les/493.pdf (archived at
Shields, J (2007) Managing Employee Performance and Reward, Cambridge
University Press, Port Melbourne, Australia
Stoskopf, G A (2002) Taking performance management to the next level,
Workspan, 45 (2), pp 28–30
Digital strategy 17
for people

Digital strategy (sometimes called e-HRM strategy) is concerned with devel-
oping the use of digital technologies in the form of computer hardware and
software and such web-based applications as cloud technologies, social
media, chatbots and smart phones to help deliver people management ser-
vices for management and employees. It also involves strategies for the use
of articial intelligence (AI).

Purpose of a digital strategy

Basically, digital people management deals with the transactional activity of
maintaining the organization’s employee database. But it can do much more
than that and this will be the aim of a digital strategy. Marler and Fisher (2013:
20) stated that: ‘Organizational goals for e-HRM investments include cost re-
duction through streamlining HRM operations, improved effectiveness through
providing better delivery of HRM services and transformation of the HRM
function to a strategic business partner.’ Ulrich (2019: xix) broadened the agenda
when he suggested that: ‘Currently in most rms, technology is used to deliver
administrative efciency (phase 1), upgrade and innovate HR practices (phase
2), and deliver information (phase 3). Increasingly, technology should encourage
belonging through social and emotional connections among employees in an
organization and among employees and stakeholders outside an organization.’

Components of a digital strategy

A digital strategy will determine what the organization intends to do about
any of the following:
208 Specifc People Strategies

● Human resource information system (HRIS) – This is a computer-based

system for administering HR processes and procedures. It enables the
management of information by providing for the storage, processing and
analysis of people data.
● Cloud computing – This is a web-based platform that provides on-
demand shared computing resources and information.
● Social media – These use digital technologies that allow people to connect
with each other to create and share information. They are used exten-
sively in recruitment and for internal employee communications, includ-
ing giving a ‘voice’ to employees.
● Chatbots or bots – These are text-based applications that carry out a ‘natu-
ral language’ conversation by accessing a database of predetermined phras-
es. They can be used to provide answers to queries from employees about
conditions of employment or any other people management issue that af-
fects them. They can also personalize learning by tailoring it to the needs of
individual learners by answering questions and providing feedback.
● Smartphones – Users of smartphones were 68% of the total population in
2018 and this penetration is increasing steadily – the forecast usage in 2022
is 79%. People can easily be reached through their smartphones by employ-
ers. This facilitates two-way communications and can be used to deliver
learning material, sometimes through specially developed apps (learning on
the move). Smartphones can also be used for recruitment purposes.
● Articial Intelligence (AI) – This uses computers to engage in human-like
thought processes, such as learning, reasoning and self-correction. AI can
analyse data (‘data mining’) and handle questions by looking up an an-
swer in a data set. Its main applications are:
{● People analytics – gathering and analysing data and information on
people processes to guide decision making.
{● Recruitment and selection – matching candidates located in a database
to job/person specications; using natural language processing to
predict which words in job advertisements will make the most impact
on candidates.
{● Talent management – identifying eligibility for inclusion in a talent
development programme (a talent pipeline) by providing information
on performance histories.
{● Learning and development – developing and operating performance
support systems that provide on-the-job access to learning material.
Digital Strategy for People Management 209

{● Retention management – using data-mining algorithms to identify

potential leavers so that action can be taken as required to retain them.
{● Employee sentiment analysis – analysing large amounts of text, for
example e-mails, to identify employee attitudes, moods or sentiments.
{● Workforce scheduling – scheduling workers onto shifts and indicating
where it is best to allocate workers with specic skills.
{● Payroll – AI algorithms can be used to check initial payroll entries and

Key learning points

● E-PM or e-HRM uses computer hardware and software, cloud

technologies, bots, social media, smart phones and articial intelligence
(AI) to help deliver people management services.
● A strategy is required on how these technologies should be used.
● The goals for e-PM include cost reduction through streamlining PM
services, improving the delivery of those services and generally
supporting the strategic activities of the PM function.
● An e-PM strategy will determine how the organization intends to use
some or all of the following:
● human resource information systems (HRIS);
● cloud computing;
● social media;
● chatbots (bots);
● smartphones;
● articial intelligence.

Marler, J H and Fisher, S L (2013) An evidence-based review of e-HRM and
strategic human resource management, Human Resource Management Review,
23 (1), pp 18–36
Ulrich, D (2019) Foreword and forward thinking on digital HR, in e-HRM: Digital
Approaches, Directions & Applications, ed M Thite, pp xvi–xix, Routledge,
Employee 18
Employee engagement takes place when people are committed to their work
and the organization and are motivated to achieve high levels of perfor-
mance. According to the CIPD (2012: 13): ‘Engagement has become for
practitioners an umbrella concept for capturing the various means by which
employers can elicit additional or discretionary effort from employees – a
willingness on the part of staff to work beyond contract. It has become a
new management mantra.’ As David Guest (2014: 231) remarked: ‘One of
the attractions of engagement is that it is clearly a good thing. Managers are
attracted to the concept because they like the idea of having engaged em-
ployees and dislike the prospect of having disengaged employees.’
A strategic approach to enhancing employee engagement is required be-
cause organizations need to be clear about what they are proposing to do to
deal with this important factor affecting the behaviour of their employees,
taking account of information about employee engagement levels and trends.
Before examining the nature and contents of an engagement strategy, it is
necessary to answer three questions: 1) What is engagement? 2) Why is en-
gagement important? 3) What are the factors affecting engagement?

What is employee engagement?

Kahn (1990: 894) originated the notion of employee engagement, dening it as
‘the harnessing of organization members’ selves to their work roles; in engage-
ment, people employ and express themselves physically, cognitively, and
emotionally during role performances’. There have been dozens of denitions
since the explosion of interest in the concept during the 2000s. Harter et al
Employee Engagement Strategy 211

(2002: 269) stated that engagement was ‘the individual’s involvement and satis-
faction with as well as enthusiasm for work’. A later denition was produced by
Macey et al (2009: 7) who dened engagement as ‘an individual’s purpose and
focused energy, evident to others in the display of personal initiative, adaptabil-
ity, effort and persistence directed towards organizational goals’.
The term ‘engagement’ can be used in a specic job-related way to describe
what takes place when people are interested in and positive, even excited, about
their jobs, exercise discretionary behaviour in choosing to do more than is ex-
pected of them – ‘going the extra mile’ – and are motivated to achieve high
levels of performance. It is sometimes described as job or work engagement.
Truss et al (2006: ix) stated that: ‘Put simply, engagement means feeling positive
about your job.’ They went on to explain that: ‘The engaged employee is the
passionate employee, the employee who is totally immersed in his or her work,
energetic, committed and completely dedicated’ (Truss et al, 2006: 1).
Engagement can also be described as attachment to or identication with
the organization. The Conference Board (2006) dened employee engage-
ment as the heightened connection that employees feel for their organization.
Robinson et al (2004: 9) emphasized the organizational aspect of engagement
when they referred to it as ‘a positive attitude held by the employee towards
the organization and its values’. This concept of organizational engagement
resembles the traditional notion of commitment.
Perhaps the most illuminating approach to the denition of engagement
is to recognize that it involves both job and organizational engagement, as
suggested by Saks (2006) and Balain and Sparrow (2009).

Why is engagement important?

Truss et al (2014: 1) noted ‘the potential for employee engagement to raise
levels of corporate performance and protability’. Evidence for this had
been provided by Gallup (2006) who examined over 23,000 business units
and compared top quartile and bottom quartile nancial performance with
engagement scores. They found that:

● Those with engagement scores in the bottom quartile averaged 31–51 per
cent more employee turnover, 51 per cent more inventory shrinkage and
62 per cent more accidents.
● Those with engagement scores in the top quartile averaged 12 per cent
higher customer advocacy, 18 per cent higher productivity and 12 per
cent higher protability.
212 Specifc People Strategies

Other studies have also indicated that higher levels of engagement produce
a range of organizational benets, for example:

● higher productivity/performance – engaged employees perform 20 per

cent better than the average (Conference Board, 2006);
● lower staff turnover – engaged employees are 87 per cent less likely to
leave (Corporate Leadership Council, 2004);
● better attendance – engaged employees have lower sick leave (CIPD

What are the factors that inuence

employee engagement?
Research cited by IDS (2007) identied two key elements that have to be
present if genuine engagement is to exist. The rst is the rational aspect that
relates to an employee’s understanding of their role, where it ts in the wider
organization and how it aligns with business objectives. The second is the
emotional aspect, which has to do with how the person feels about the or-
ganization, whether their work gives them a sense of personal accomplish-
ment and how they relate to their manager.
Crawford et al (2014: 59–62) listed the following drivers of employee

● Job challenge – this takes place when the scope of jobs is broad and job
responsibility is high. It enhances engagement because it creates potential
for accomplishment and personal growth.
● Autonomy – the freedom, independence and discretion allowed to
employees in scheduling their work and determining the procedures for
carrying it out. It provides a sense of ownership and control over work
● Variety – jobs which allow individuals to perform many different activities
or use many different skills.
● Feedback – providing employees with direct and clear information about
the effectiveness of their performance.
● Fit – the existence of compatibility between an individual and a work
environment (eg job, organization, manager, co-workers) that allows
individuals to behave in a manner consistent with how they see or want
to see themselves.
Employee Engagement Strategy 213

● Opportunities for development – these make work meaningful because

they provide pathways for employee growth and fullment.
 Rewards and recognition – these represent both direct and indirect
returns on the personal investment of the time of employees in carrying
out their work.

By exercising leadership, line managers can make an important contribution

in all these areas.

The nature and content of employee

engagement strategy
Employee engagement strategy is concerned with what needs to be done
about enhancing engagement, bearing in mind the factors affecting levels of
engagement. When developing the strategy the rst step is to establish what
is happening now and, in the light of that, determine what should happen in
each of those areas. This means measuring levels of engagement in order to
identify trends, successes and failures and analyse any gaps between what is
wanted and what is happening. This can be done through published surveys
such as those operated by Gallup that enable benchmarking to take place
against the levels of engagement achieved in other organizations. Alter-
natively, organizations can create their own surveys to suit their circum-
stances. These are typically conducted annually, but ‘pulse’ surveys carried
out more frequently enable the organization to keep up to date with trends.
The strategy can be developed in the light of this information. It will be
concerned with what needs to done to provide a better work environment,
improve job design, offer opportunities for personal growth and ensure that
performance management is effective. In each of these areas, strategies, pol-
icies and practices can be developed for the organization by the people man-
agement function, but ultimately, the most important ingredient for enhanced
engagement is the leadership provided by line managers.

A leadership strategy is required that focuses on how line managers can take
the lead in increasing levels of engagement. The competencies they need to
do so are set out in Table 18.1.
214 Specifc People Strategies

Table 18.1 Employee engagement management competency framework

Competency Description
Autonomy and empowerment Trusts and involves employees
Development Helps to develop employees’ careers
Feedback, praise and recognition Gives positive feedback and praise and
rewards good work
Individual interest Shows concern for employees
Availability There when needed
Personal manner Positive approach, leads by example
Ethics Treats employees fairly
Reviewing and guiding Helps and advises employees
Clarifying expectations Sets clear goals and denes what is
Managing time and resources Ensures resources are available to
meet workload
Following processes and procedures Understands and explains processes
and procedures
SOURCE Adapted from Lewis, Donaldson-Feilder and Tharani (2012: 9)

These competencies need to be developed through learning programmes that

enable managers to understand how they are expected to act and develop the
skills they need to use. The programmes can include formal training (especially
for potential managers or those in their rst leadership role), but more impact
will be made by blending various learning methods such as coaching, mentoring
and e-learning. A blended approach ensures that managers are helped to learn
for themselves within a framework and with guidance. This is the best form of
The performance of managers in applying these competencies should be
reviewed and assessed.

The work environment

The work environment impacts on engagement by inuencing how people
regard their roles and carry them out. The strategy should aim to create an
environment which is enabling, supportive and inspirational. An enabling
environment will establish the conditions which encourage high performance
and effective discretionary behaviour. These include work processes,
Employee Engagement Strategy 215

equipment and facilities, and the physical conditions in which people work.
A supportive environment will be one in which proper attention is paid to
achieving a satisfactory work–life balance, emotional demands are not exces-
sive, care is taken to provide healthy and safe working conditions, job secu-
rity is a major consideration and personal needs are taken into consideration.
An inspirational environment is one in which effective leadership is provided
by managers, the work is challenging, feedback to employees ensures that
their contribution is recognized and rewarded, and there is plenty of scope
for career development.

Job design
The strategy should be to encourage, guide and as necessary train line man-
agers on how to increase job engagement by designing or modifying jobs
which meet the requirement to provide, as far as possible, challenge, au-
tonomy and variety.

Opportunities for personal growth

The engagement strategy should consider what steps are required to ensure
that people have the opportunity and are given the encouragement to learn
and grow in their roles and develop their future careers.

Performance management
The performance management activities of role denition, performance and
personal development planning, joint involvement in monitoring perfor-
mance, and feedback can all enhance engagement.

CASE STUDY Enhancing engagement at Telefónica O2 UK

The seven-point People Promise outlines O2’s commitment to creating the best
possible employee experience.
It promises its people a warm welcome, providing a full induction programme
and welcome day for all new starters.
216 Specifc People Strategies

People are given the opportunity to get on. Everyone forms a personal
development plan with their manager and talks through their career goals at
least twice a year. People can learn new skills by applying for a matched
contribution Learning Scheme or by using the online academies which offer
training on a broad range of subjects.
O2 wants to create a workplace where people trust their senior managers and
their line manager. It invests heavily in the leadership skills of its managers,
afrming your manager will be there for you.
O2 people are trusted to do a great job. They’re encouraged to suggest new
ways of doing things in adviser forums, manager forums, skip-level meetings and
Ignite, an online system enabling advisers to capture customer insights and
share their own.
O2 wants to be a great place to work. In the current economic climate, it is
focusing even harder on looking after its people and improving its total reward
offering by introducing new exible benets and a broad range of discounts with
high street retailers. Vielife, an online health and wellbeing programme, helps
people manage their sleep, nutrition, stress and physical activity. And O2
Condential offers free 24-hour advice on issues including benets, debt,
housing, and other nancial matters.
O2 people should feel part of something special. For example, people are
encouraged to volunteer for charities and may be afforded time out for their
chosen projects. And they can apply for awards or refer friends and family under
the It’s Your Community programme, which gives grants of up to £1,000 to
community projects all over the UK.
O2 says thanks for a job well done, praising its people and giving them
recognition for their work. A new scheme will highlight outstanding individual
and team contributions to strategic goals, offering people high street vouchers
and the chance to attend a glittering annual ceremony.

Key learning points

● Engagement happens when people are committed to their work and the
organization and motivated to achieve high levels of performance.
● Engaged people at work are positive, interested in, even excited about
their jobs and are prepared to put discretionary effort into their work
beyond the minimum to get it done.
● Job engagement can be distinguished from organizational engagement.
Employee Engagement Strategy 217

● A considerable amount of research has indicated that higher levels of

engagement produce a range of organizational benets.
● There is a close link between high levels of engagement and positive
discretionary behaviour.
● The factors affecting engagement are the quality of leadership, the work
environment, the work itself, management, opportunities for personal
growth, opportunities to contribute and commitment to the organization.
● When developing engagement strategies, the rst step is to establish
what is happening now and, in the light of that, determine what
strategies are required in each of the areas described above.

Balain, S and Sparrow, P (2009) Engaged to Perform: A new perspective on
employee engagement, Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2007) Working Life: Employee
attitudes and engagement, CIPD, London
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2012) Where Has All the Trust
Gone? London, CIPD
Conference Board (2006) Employee Engagement: A review of current research and
its implications, Conference Board, New York
Corporate Leadership Council (2004) Driving performance and retention through
employee engagement, Corporate Executive Board, Washington, DC
Crawford, E R et al (2014) The antecedents and drivers of employee engagement,
in Employee Engagement in Theory and Practice, pp 57–81, Routledge, London
Gallup (2006) Feeling Good Matters in the Workplace, Gallup Inc., Washington, DC
Guest, D E (2014) Employee engagement: fashionable fad or long-term xture? in
Employee Engagement in Theory and Practice, ed C Truss et al, pp 221–35,
Routledge, London
Harter, J K, Schmidt, F L and Hayes, T L (2002) Business-unit-level relationship
between employee satisfaction, employee engagement, and business outcomes: a
meta-analysis, Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, pp 268–79
IDS (2007) Building an engaged workforce, HR Studies Update, IDS, London
Kahn, W A (1990) Psychological conditions of personal engagement and disengage-
ment at work, Academy of Management Journal, 33 (4), pp 692–724
Lewis, R, Donaldson-Feilder, E and Tharani, T (2012) Management Competencies
for Enhancing Employee Engagement, CIPD, London
218 Specifc People Strategies

Macey, W H et al (2009) Employee Engagement, Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA

Robinson, D, Perryman, S and Hayday, S (2004) The Drivers of Employee
Engagement, Institute for Employment Studies, Brighton
Saks, A M (2006) Antecedents and consequences of employee engagement, Journal
of Managerial Psychology, 21 (6), pp 600–19
Truss, C et al (2006) Working Life: Employee attitudes and engagement, CIPD,
Truss, C et al (2014) Introduction, Employee Engagement in Theory and Practice,
Routledge, London
Resourcing 19
Resourcing is what organizations do to ensure they have the people they
need. Resourcing strategy is concerned with identifying how many and what
sort of employees are required and making plans to obtain and retain them
and to employ them efciently. Strategic resourcing is a key part of the stra-
tegic people management process, which is fundamentally about matching
people to the strategic and operational needs of the organization. It is
concerned not only with obtaining and keeping the number and quality of
employees required but also with selecting and promoting people who ‘t’
the culture and the strategic requirements of the organization. This chapter

● the rationale for strategic resourcing;

● the strategic approach to resourcing;
● the process of integrating business and resourcing strategies;
● the components of employee resourcing strategy.

The rationale for strategic resourcing

A rationale for developing a strategic resourcing ows from the suggestion
by Keep (1989: 122) that HRM should make a signicant effort towards:
‘obtaining the right basic material in the form of a workforce endowed with
the appropriate qualities, skills, knowledge and potential for future training.
The selection and recruitment of workers best suited to meeting the needs of
the organization ought to form a core activity upon which most other HRM
policies geared towards development and motivation could be built’.
The concept that the strategic capability of a rm depends on its resource
capability in the shape of people (the resource-based view) provides the
220 Specifc People Strategies

rationale for resourcing strategy. The aim of this strategy is therefore to en-
sure that a rm achieves competitive advantage by employing more capable
people than its rivals. These people will have a wider and deeper range of
skills and will behave in ways that will maximize their contribution. The
organization attracts such people by being ‘the employer of choice’. It retains
them by providing better opportunities and rewards than others and by de-
veloping a positive employment relationship that increases commitment and
creates mutual trust. Furthermore, the organization deploys its people in
ways that maximize the added value they supply.

The strategic approach to resourcing

People management places emphasis on nding people whose attitudes and
behaviour are likely to be congruent with what management believes to be
appropriate and conducive to success. In the words of Townley (1989: 92),
organizations are concentrating more on ‘the attitudinal and behavioural
characteristics of employees’. This tendency has its dangers. Innovative and
adaptive organizations need non-conformists, even mavericks, who can
‘buck the system’. If managers recruit people ‘in their own image’ there is the
risk of stafng the organization with conformist clones and of perpetuating
a dysfunctional culture – one that may have been successful in the past but
is no longer appropriate in the face of new challenges (as Pascale, 1990, put
it: ‘nothing fails like success’).
The people management approach to resourcing therefore emphasizes
that matching resources to organizational requirements does not simply
mean maintaining the status quo and perpetuating a moribund culture. It
can mean radical changes in thinking about the skills and behaviours
required in the future to achieve sustainable growth and cultural change.

Integrating business and resourcing

The philosophy behind the strategic people management approach to re-
sourcing is that it is people who implement the strategic plan. As Quinn Mills
(1985) observed, the process is one of ‘planning with people in mind’.
The integration of business and resourcing strategies is based on an
understanding of the direction in which the organization is going and the
determination of:
Resourcing Strategy 221

● the numbers of people required to meet business needs;

● the skills and behaviour required to support the achievement of business
● the impact of organizational restructuring as a result of rationalization,
decentralization, delayering, acquisitions, mergers, product or market
development, or the introduction of new technology – eg cellular
● plans for changing the culture of the organization in such areas as ability
to deliver, performance standards, quality, customer service, teamworking
and exibility, which indicate the need for people with different attitudes,
beliefs and personal characteristics;
● plans for introducing a high-performance work system or for creating a
leaner or more agile organization;
● plans for improving the employee experience – everything that people
encounter, observe and feel during the course of their employment from
its beginning and onwards;
● plans for increasing exibility in the use of people.

These factors will be strongly inuenced by the type of business strategies

adopted by the organization and the sort of business it is in, which may be
expressed in such terms as Miles and Snow’s (1978) typology of defender,
prospector and analyser organizations.
Resourcing strategies exist to provide the people and skills required to
support the business strategy, but they should also contribute to the formu-
lation of that strategy. People directors have an obligation to point out to
their colleagues the opportunities and constraints relating to people that will
affect the achievement of strategic plans. In mergers or acquisitions, for ex-
ample, the ability of management within the company to handle the new
situation and the quality of management in the new business will be
important considerations.

The components of employee resourcing

The components of employee resourcing strategy are:

● Workforce planning – assessing future business needs and deciding on the

numbers and types of people required.
222 Specifc People Strategies

● Developing the organization’s employee value proposition and its

employer brand following an analysis of the employee experience.
 Resourcing plans – preparing plans for nding people from within the
organization and/or for learning and development programmes to help
people learn new skills. If needs cannot be satised from within the
organization, longer-term plans have to be made for ensuring that
recruitment and selection procedures will satisfy them.
● Retention strategy – preparing plans for retaining the people the
organization needs.
● Flexibility strategy – planning for increased exibility in the use of people
resources to enable the organization to make the best use of them and
adapt swiftly to changing circumstances.
● Talent management strategy – ensuring that the organization has the
talented people it requires to provide for management succession and
meet present and future business needs (see Chapter 20).

C A S E S T U DY Recruitment and retention strategy at

Buckingham County Council

Attracting and retaining high-quality staff is considered key to the corporate

strategy of Buckingham County Council which employs around 14,000 people.
Developing and executing a resourcing and people strategy is one of the most
important things the Council does to improve performance.
Resourcing and people strategy

The resourcing strategy complements and reinforces the people strategy, which
has ve targets:

● being the best employer;

● bringing in additional talent;
● developing existing talent;
● championing diversity;
● transforming the organization.
Resourcing Strategy 223

The people dashboard

A people strategy dashboard has been created to ensure that human resources
are managed more effectively. This extends the people strategy targets and is
used to monitor progress in achieving them.

Improving recruitment and selection

This involved:

● strengthening the employer brand;

● developing a better recruitment website;
● developing a talent bank to ensure that vacancies were lled quickly;
● streamlining processes to reduce the time to ll vacancies;
● the development of a competency framework used for competency-based

Retaining talent

A holistic approach to retaining talent is adopted. This involves paying attention

to every aspect of the employment relationship and setting a best-employer
target. A staff survey is used to measure employee engagement.
Total reward strategy

A total reward approach is adopted, including the use of total reward statements.
Talent management

A talent management toolkit is used to identify and develop potential high

performers at every level in the organization.

Key learning points

● Resourcing is what organizations do to ensure that they have the people

they need.
● Resourcing strategy is concerned with identifying how many and what
sort of people are required and making plans to obtain and retain them
and to employ them efciently.
224 Specifc People Strategies

● The concept that the strategic capability of a rm depends on its

resource capability in the shape of people (the resource-based view)
provides the rationale for resourcing strategy. Resourcing strategies
exist to provide the people and skills required to support the business
strategy, but they should also contribute to the formulation of that
● Workforce planning determines the human resources required by the
organization to achieve its strategic goals and prepares and implements
programmes for satisfying those requirements. Although the notion of
workforce planning is well established in the HRM vocabulary, it does
not seem to be embedded as a key HR activity.
● Resourcing strategies shows the way forward through the analysis of
business strategies and demographic trends. This is converted into
action plans based on the outcome of a number of interrelated planning
● Resourcing strategy is concerned with shaping what the organization
has to offer to people who join and stay with the organization. This can
be done by developing and articulating an employee value proposition.
The employee value proposition can be expressed as an employer brand
that denes what is special, even unique, about an organization, which
will attract people to join it and encourage those already there to stay.

Keep, E (1989) Corporate training strategies: the vital component? in New
Perspectives on Human Resource Management, ed J Storey, pp 109–25,
Routledge, London
Miles, R E and Snow, C C (1978) Organizational Strategy: Structure and process,
McGraw-Hill, New York
Pascale, R (1990) Managing on the Edge, Viking, London
Quinn Mills, D (1985) Planning with people in mind, Harvard Business Review,
July–August, pp 139–45
Townley, B (1989) Selection and appraisal: reconstructing social relations? in New
Perspectives on Human Resource Management, ed J Storey, pp 92–108,
Routledge, London
Talent 20
Talent management is a comprehensive and integrated set of activities which
ensure that the organization attracts, retains, motivates and develops the
talented people it needs now and in the future. The term talent management
may refer simply to management succession planning and management de-
velopment activities, although this notion does not really add anything to
these familiar processes except a new (but admittedly quite evocative) name.
It is better to regard talent management as a more comprehensive and inte-
grated bundle of activities, the aim of which is to secure the ow of talent in
an organization, bearing in mind that talent is a major corporate resource.
The following somewhat elitist denition of talent management was pro-
duced by Collings and Mellahi (2009: 304):

Those activities and processes that involve the systematic identication of

key positions which differentially contribute to the organization’s sustainable
competitive advantage, the development of a talent pool of high potential
and high performing incumbents to ll these roles, and the development of a
differentiated human resource architecture to facilitate lling these positions
with competent incumbents and to ensure their continued commitment to the

The concept of talent management was based on an initiative by McKinsey &

Company who coined the phrase ‘the war for talent’ in 1997. A book on this
subject by Michaels et al (2001) identied ve imperatives that companies
226 Specifc People Strategies

need to act on if they are going to win the war for managerial talent. These

1 Creating a winning employee value proposition that will make your

company uniquely attractive to talent.
2 Moving beyond recruiting hype to build a long-term recruiting strategy.
3 Using job experience, coaching and mentoring to cultivate the potential
in managers.
4 Strengthening your talent pool by investing in A players, developing B
players and acting decisively on C players.
5 Central to this approach is a pervasive mind-set – a deep conviction
shared by leaders throughout the company that competitive advantage
comes from having better talent at all levels.

The McKinsey prescription has often been misinterpreted to mean that tal-
ent management is only about obtaining, identifying and nurturing high
yers. But this ignores the fth point made in the above list.
Pfeffer (2001: 252) had the following doubts about the notion of the
war for talent, which he thinks is the wrong metaphor for organizational

Fighting the war for talent itself can cause problems. Companies that adopt a
talent war mind-set often wind up venerating outsiders and downplaying the
talent already in the company. They frequently set up competitive zero-sum
dynamics that make internal learning and knowledge transfer difcult, activate
the self-fullling prophesy in the wrong direction (those labelled as less able
become less able), and create an attitude of arrogance instead of an attitude of
wisdom. For all these reasons, ghting the war for talent may be hazardous to
an organization’s health and detrimental to doing the things that will make it

As suggested by Younger et al (2007), approaches to talent management

include emphasizing ‘growth from within’, regarding talent development as
a key element of the business strategy, being clear about the competencies
and qualities that matter, maintaining well-dened career paths, taking
management development, coaching and mentoring seriously, and demand-
ing high performance. A policy of ‘talent on demand’ can be adopted as
advocated by Cappelli (2008), which means that talented people are avail-
able as required to meet emerging needs for senior managers or other key
Talent Management Strategy 227

There are many versions of talent management but in one way or another
its components can cover such traditional people management activities as
workforce planning, recruitment, managing employee retention, performance
management, potential assessment, leadership and management develop-
ment, succession planning and career planning. The difference is that talent
management is a wider-reaching approach which ‘joins up’ these practices.
If you are going to manage talent you have to understand what is meant
by talent, that is, who the talented people you are going to manage are.
Before considering talent management strategy in detail, it is therefore nec-
essary to examine the meaning of talent.

What is talent?
Talented people could be described broadly as those who have the skills and
ability to do something well. But it is necessary to be more specic about
which talented people will be the concern of talent management. An elitist
denition states that talent is a quality possessed by people with exceptional
ability who are going to go far.
A less elitist and more embracing denition would be that talent is what
any able person has who does well in their role and has growth potential.
This is broadly in line with the view expressed by the CIPD (2007: 8): ‘Talent
consists of those individuals who can make a difference to organizational
performance, either through their immediate contribution or in the longer
term by demonstrating the highest levels of potential.’
These two approaches could be described as exclusive or inclusive. The
CIPD (2007: 8) established from their research that: ‘On the one hand there
was an exclusive approach, in which talent is viewed on the basis of those
destined for the top positions. On the other hand there was an inclusive ap-
proach, in which talent is dened as all the employees who work for the
organization. The reality is that most organizations had a hybrid approach
to talent, in which both exclusivity and inclusivity are accommodated and
indeed driven by the changing needs of the workforce’ (and, they could have
added, the organization).
In the light of this, three views about talent management strategy have
emerged. The rst is based on the belief that everyone has talent and it is not
just about the favoured few. It is necessary to maximize the performance of
the workforce as a whole in order to maximize the performance of the
organization. Thorne and Pellant (2007: 9) wrote that: ‘No organization
228 Specifc People Strategies

should focus all its attention on development of only part of its human
capital. What is important is recognizing the needs of different individuals
within its community.’
The second view is that organizations should focus on the best. The argu-
ment is that it is not helpful to confuse talent management with overall
employee development – both are important, but talent management should
be concerned with those who are particularly talented and have considera-
ble potential.
The third view is that while talent management may concentrate on ob-
taining, identifying and developing people with high potential, this should
not be at the expense of the development needs of people generally. This
pragmatic approach has much to commend it.

Strategic talent management

Talent management is a strategic management process because, in the words
of Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (2005: 6), it involves ‘understanding
the strategic position of an organization, making strategic choices for the
future, and turning strategy into action’. Talent management concentrates
on understanding and satisfying the requirements of the business to achieve
organizational capability, growth and competitive advantage. It aligns its
policies with the organization’s strategic intent – its competitive strategy and
operational goals.
Talent management strategy is a declaration of intent on how the objec-
tive of acquiring and nurturing talent wherever it is and wherever it is
needed should be achieved. It is governed by the views of the organization
on what is meant by talent and therefore with whom the strategy should be
concerned. Talent management strategy is expressed in the form of a ‘bun-
dle’ of interrelated talent management processes that constitute the talent
Talent management strategy deals with each aspect of a ‘talent pipeline’
as shown in Figure 20.1.
The development and implementation of a talent management strategy
requires high-quality management and leadership from the top and from the
people management function. In some organizations a senior position of
head or director of talent management has been established to ensure the
delivery of the strategy.
Figure 20.1 The talent management pipeline

Attraction and

talent audit

Business Resourcing Career

strategy strategy management

External Management Management

HR strategy The talent pool
resourcing development succession

Internal Performance Learning and

resourcing management development

230 Specifc People Strategies

C A S E S T U DY Talent management strategy at BAE Systems

At BAE Systems there are ve mandated core business management processes
to support the delivery of corporate strategy and foster high performance. Talent
management is seen within a business performance context. An annual
Integrated Business Review Planning process is used by individual businesses to
establish and plan for the delivery of objectives in line with corporate strategy,
supported by quarterly business reviews, customer reviews and data from
employee surveys. Project performance is assessed by Contract Reviews.
Performance is reviewed throughout the year by the Performance Management
System. A Performance Centred leadership framework is used to integrate
management, resourcing and people development, focusing on the traditional
outcomes of performance (nancial, project and behavioural), reward and
development. There is behavioural performance feedback and a performance
potential rating (called Spectrum). Line leaders and functional directors ensure
the framework is implemented. HR’s role is one of assisting in development
interventions and providing some oversight and governance of the processes.
SOURCE Sparrow et al (2015)

Key learning points

● Talent management is the process of identifying, developing, recruiting,

retaining and deploying talented people.
● Talent management is a strategic management process because, in the
words of Johnson et al (2005: 6), it involves ‘understanding the strategic
position of an organization, making strategic choices for the future, and
turning strategy into action’.
● Talented people are those who have the skills and ability to do something
● Talent management takes the form of a ‘bundle’ of interrelated talent
management processes that constitute the talent pipeline.
● A talent management strategy consists of a declaration of intent on how
the processes in the talent pipeline should mesh together with an overall
objective – to acquire and nurture talent wherever it is and wherever it is
Talent Management Strategy 231

Cappelli, P (2008) Talent on Demand: Managing talent in an uncertain age,
Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2007) Talent: Strategy,
management, measurement, CIPD, London
Collings, D G and Mellahi, K (2009) Strategic talent management: a review and
research agenda, Human Resource Management Review, 19, pp 304–13
Johnson, G, Scholes, K and Whittington, R (2005) Explaining Corporate Strategy,
7th edn, FT Prentice Hall, Harlow
Michaels, E G, Handeld-Jones, H and Axelrod, B (2001) The War for Talent,
Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA
Pfeffer, J (2001) Fighting the war for talent is hazardous to your organization’s
health, Organizational Dynamics, 29 (4), pp 248–59
Sparrow, P, Hird, M and Cooper C L (2015) Do We Need HR?, Palgrave
Macmillan, Basingstoke
Thorne, K and Pellant, A (2007) The Essential Guide to Managing Talent, Kogan
Page, London
Younger, J, Smallwood, N and Ulrich, D (2007) Developing your organization’s
brand as a talent developer, Human Resource Planning, 30 (2), pp 21–29
Diversity 21
and inclusion
Diversity and inclusion strategy is about improving the ways in which an
organization handles the management of people from BAME (black, Asian
and minority ethnic) and LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender)
groups. Diversity refers to the differences between people – ‘the mix’.
Inclusion is the deliberate act of welcoming diversity and creating an envi-
ronment where different kinds of people can thrive and succeed. Diversity is
what you have. Inclusion is what you do about it. But you need to pay
attention to both diversity and inclusion.
Managing diversity involves ensuring, through recruitment, talent man-
agement, and learning and development policies and practices, that the right
sort of mix exists in the organization and that the skills and abilities of
typically underrepresented or marginalized groups are actively appreciated.
Managing inclusion means ensuring that members of each part of that mix
feel that they are treated the same in such terms as the work they do, the
rewards they get for doing that work and the opportunity to learn and
The following are the denitions produced by the CIPD (2019: 2):

● Diversity refers to demographic differences of a group.

● Inclusion is the extent to which everyone at work, regardless of their
background, identity or circumstance, feels valued, accepted and
supported to succeed at work.
Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 233

Diversity and inclusion strategy

The CIPD (2019: 20) conrmed that the strategy should be concerned with
both diversity and inclusion:

A core part of organizational inclusion is the presence of policies and

commitment to diversity which needs to recognize that some groups typically
face higher levels of discrimination at work or barriers to inclusion. This means
that a two-pronged approach needs to be taken. Policies might need to be
adapted or targeted for the needs of a particular group, recognizing the unique
needs of individuals.

The purpose of the strategy should be to ensure that cultural and individual
differences in the workplace are acknowledged, the different qualities which
people bring to their jobs are valued and people with different backgrounds
are included as part of the organization on the same terms as everyone else.
It should:

● acknowledge cultural and individual differences in the workplace and the

need to value the different qualities which people bring to their jobs;
● focus on fairness so that merit, competence and potential are the basis for
recruitment, promotion and development decisions and for reviews and
assessments of performance;
● ensure that everyone is alert to the inuence of conscious and unconscious
biases when dealing with people;
● pursue steps to achieve inclusion so that people with different backgrounds
and characteristics feel part of the same organization and are not treated
differently because of their background or characteristics;
● generally promote to everyone the organization’s commitment to
managing diversity and inclusion and how it is proposed to put that
commitment into effect;
● provide guidance, advice and, as necessary, training to managers and
team leaders on how to achieve inclusion and avoid bias.

Key learning points

● Diversity refers to the differences between people – ‘the mix’. Inclusion

is the deliberate act of welcoming diversity and creating an environment
where different kinds of people can thrive and succeed.
234 Specifc People Strategies

● Managing diversity involves ensuring that the right sort of mix exists in
the organization and that the skills and abilities of typically
underrepresented or marginalized groups are actively valued. Managing
inclusion means ensuring that members of each part of that mix feel that
they are treated the same in terms of the work they do, the rewards they
get for doing that work and the opportunity to learn and develop.
● The purpose of the strategy should be to ensure that cultural and
individual differences in the workplace are acknowledged, the different
qualities which people bring to their jobs are valued and people with
different backgrounds are included as part of the organization on the
same terms as everyone else.

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2019) Building Inclusive
Workplaces: Assessing the Evidence,
workplaces-report-sept-2019_tcm18-64154.pdf (archived at
Learning and 22
Strategic learning and development takes a broad and longer-term view
about how to ensure that the organization has the knowledgeable, skilled
and engaged workforce it needs. Learning and development strategy sup-
ports the achievement of the strategic aims of the organization. It does this
by creating a learning culture and through strategies for organizational and
individual learning, as described later in this chapter. But it also denes how
the organization intends to provide employees with the opportunity to grow
and develop, thus enhancing their engagement with their jobs and the
organization. The chapter covers:

● the meaning, aims and philosophy of strategic learning and development;

● the elements of learning and development;
● how to develop a learning culture;
● the nature of organizational learning strategies;
● the nature of individual learning strategies.

The aim of strategic learning

and development
The aim of strategic learning and development is to produce a coherent and
comprehensive framework for developing people through the creation of a
learning culture and the formulation of organizational and individual learn-
ing strategies. It is about developing the intellectual capital required by the
organization, as well as ensuring that the right quality of people are available
236 Specifc People Strategies

to meet present and future needs. The main thrust of strategic learning and
development is to provide an environment in which people are encouraged
to learn and develop. Strategic learning and development is business-led but
it also takes into account individual aspirations and needs.
Strategic learning and development is associated with strategic people
management. Both are concerned with investing in people and developing
the organization’s human capital. Keep (1989: 112) observed that:

One of the primary objectives of HRM is the creation of conditions whereby

the latent potential of employees will be realized and their commitment to the
causes of the organization secured. This latent potential is taken to include, not
merely the capacity to acquire and utilize new skills and knowledge, but also
a hitherto untapped wealth of ideas about how the organization’s operations
might be better ordered.

Strategic learning and development

The philosophy underpinning strategic learning and development is that:

● its plans and programmes should be integrated with and support the
achievement of business and people management strategies;
● it is performance-related – designed to achieve specied improvements in
corporate, functional, team and individual performance;
● everyone in the organization should be encouraged and given the
opportunity to learn – to develop their skills and knowledge to the
maximum of their capacity;
● the framework for individual learning is provided by personal development
plans that focus on self-managed learning and are supported by coaching,
mentoring and formal training;
● the organization needs to invest in learning and development by providing
appropriate learning opportunities and facilities, but the prime respon-
sibility for learning and development rests with individuals, who should
be given the guidance and support of their managers and, as necessary,
members of the learning and development or people management
Learning and Development Strategy 237

This involves creating a learning culture, the characteristics of which are

self-managed learning not instruction, long-term capacity-building not
short-term xes, and empowerment not supervision.

CASE STUDY People development strategy at AstraZeneca

A key strategic business objective of AstraZeneca is: To ensure a well-motivated

organization in which people are respected, enjoy their jobs and obtain

1 Our people development strategy applies to all employees, not just to

managers or people of high potential. It relates to the continuing development
of ability and contribution in each person’s current job and, if considered to
have the potential to advance further, towards subsequent jobs.
2 People development strategies are vital to the business but it is important that
they support the key business strategies. The appropriate resources must be
available to meet the key priorities for people development. Expenditure on
education, training and development is regarded as a necessary and calculated
investment yielding considerable pay-off in terms of enhanced business
performance. Managers have a clear responsibility to develop their
subordinates. Performance management, which is the key management process
that brings together the setting of personal work targets and development plans,
is the preferred integrated approach by which employees’ learning and
development are managed continually in relation to all work activities.
3 All employees must have a personal development plan jointly agreed with
their manager, and this plan must be progressed and regularly reviewed and
updated. It should be derived from the accountabilities of the jobholder and
their personal targets for the coming period, plus any anticipated future
needs. The plan should cover coaching and on-the-job and off-the-job
4 All employees are to be encouraged continually to develop their skills and
experience, both for their own benet and that of the business, through the
improved contribution that will result, thus maintaining and extending the
business’s competitive advantage.
5 Career planning will be a joint activity between the individual and the
manager, with employees having a major responsibility for their own career
management, including personal development.
238 Specifc People Strategies

6 The development of individuals must take into account that AstraZeneca is a

complex, globally managed business. Particular emphasis should be placed
on the need for good business understanding and teamwork across the
business worldwide. The nature of the business requires special attention in
the areas of organization development activities, team building, project
management and cross-cultural management skills.
7 People development activities will be regularly audited to ensure that
appropriate, cost-effective investment is made in all parts of the organization
to support current business activities.

Strategy for creating a learning culture

A fundamental objective of strategic learning and development is to create a
learning culture. A learning culture is one in which learning is recognized by
top management, line managers and employees generally as an essential or-
ganizational process to which they are committed and in which they engage
continuously. It is described by Reynolds (2004: 21) as a ‘growth medium’
that will ‘encourage employees to commit to a range of positive discretion-
ary behaviours, including learning’ and that has the following characteris-
tics: empowerment not supervision, self-managed learning not instruction,
and long-term capacity-building not short-term xes. Discretionary learning
as dened by Sloman (1999) happens when individuals actively seek to
acquire the knowledge and skills that promote the organization’s objectives.
The steps required to create a learning culture proposed by Reynolds
(2004: 12–20) are:

● Develop and share the vision – belief in a desired and emerging future.
● Empower employees – provide ‘supported autonomy’; freedom for
employees to manage their work within certain boundaries (policies and
expected behaviours) but with support available as required. Adopt a
facilitative style of management in which responsibility for decision
making is ceded as far as possible to employees.
● Provide employees with a supportive learning environment where
learning capabilities can be discovered and applied, eg peer networks,
supportive policies and systems, and protected time for learning.
Learning and Development Strategy 239

● Use coaching techniques to draw out the talents of others by encouraging

employees to identify options and seek their own solutions to problems.
● Guide employees through their work challenges and provide them with
time, resources and, crucially, feedback.
● Recognize the importance of managers acting as role models.
● Encourage networks – communities of practice.
● Align systems to vision – get rid of bureaucratic systems that produce
problems rather than facilitate work.

Organizational learning strategy

Organizations can be regarded as continuous learning systems, and organi-
zational learning has been dened by Marsick (1994: 28) as a process of
‘co-ordinated systems change, with mechanisms built in for individuals and
groups to access, build and use organizational memory, structure and cul-
ture to develop long-term organizational capacity’.
Organizational learning strategy aims to develop a rm’s resource-based
capability. This is in accordance with one of the basic principles of human
resource management, namely that it is necessary to invest in people in order
to develop the human capital required by the organization and to increase
its stock of knowledge and skills.
Five principles of organizational learning have been dened by Harrison

1 The need for a powerful and cohering vision of the organization to be

communicated and maintained across the workforce in order to promote
awareness of the need for strategic thinking at all levels.
2 The need to develop strategy in the context of a vision that is not only
powerful but also open-ended and unambiguous. This will encourage a
search for a wide rather than a narrow range of strategic options, will
promote lateral thinking and will orient the knowledge-creating activities
of employees.
3 Within the framework of vision and goals, frequent dialogue, communi-
cation and conversations are major facilitators of organizational learning.
4 It is essential to challenge people continuously to re-examine what they
take for granted.
240 Specifc People Strategies

5 It is essential to develop a climate that is conducive to learning and


Individual learning strategy

The individual learning strategy of an organization is driven by its people
requirements, which are expressed in terms of the sort of skills and behav-
iours that are required.
As Sloman (1999: 17) emphasized:

Interventions and activities, which are intended to improve knowledge and

skills, will increasingly focus on the learner. And he or she will be encouraged to
take more responsibility for his or her learning. Efforts will be made to develop
a climate, which supports effective and appropriate learning.

An individual learning strategy should take account of these points. It will

be based on:

● a systematic programme for identifying learning needs;

● an understanding of how people learn – people learn for themselves but
they also learn from other people and they tend to learn better from
experience than from what they have been told;
● a belief that most learning happens in the workplace and this therefore
needs to be encouraged;
● the use of training in its complementary role of accelerating learning;
● the combination of different approaches to learning (experience supple-
mented by training) so that they complement and support one another.

CASE STUDY Measuring the contribution of learning to business

performance at Lyreco Ltd (UK)

Lyreco UK is part of a large family-owned ofce supplies group operating

extensively in Europe, Canada and Asia.
Metrics are a central part of all management processes at Lyreco and these
inform the learning investment and planning processes. In eld sales, measures
include sales turnover, margin and new business, while in customer service the
Learning and Development Strategy 241

performance and productivity metrics include costs per line, abandoned call
rate, average call time and average wait time. Monthly performance results in all
areas are scrutinized to identify areas for attention, and the learning and
development team run learning sessions and activities aimed at helping people
to improve their performance. When sales margin was identied as an area for
attention, over 150 people attended focused workshops and subsequent
performance results were tracked to measure improvements. Similarly,
warehouse supervisors with the highest staff turnover attended learning
programmes and, as a consequence, staff turnover was at lowest-ever levels.

Key learning points

● Strategic learning and development aims to produce a coherent and

comprehensive framework for developing people through the creation of
a learning culture and the formulation of organizational and individual
learning strategies.
● It is driven by the organization’s people requirements, which are
expressed in terms of the sort of skills and behaviours they need.
● The strategy will be based on an understanding of how people learn. It
will indicate how learning needs should be identied and set out the
intentions of the organization on how those learning needs will be met,
through workplace learning (including coaching and mentoring), formal
training courses or programmes, or a combination of the two in the
shape of blended learning.

Harrison, R (1997) Employee Development, IPM, London
Keep, E (1989) Corporate training strategies: the vital component? in New
Perspectives on Human Resource Management, ed J Storey, pp 109–25,
Routledge, London
Marsick, V J (1994) Trends in managerial invention: creating a learning map,
Management Learning, 25 (1), pp 11–33
Reynolds, J (2004) Helping People Learn, CIPD, London
Sloman, M (1999) Seize the day, People Management, 20 May, p 31
Reward strategy 23
Reward strategy is concerned with the policies and practices required to
ensure that the value of people and the contribution they make to achieving
organizational, departmental and team goals is recognized and rewarded. It
is about planning and executing the design and implementation of reward
systems (interrelated reward processes, practices and procedures) that aim
to satisfy the needs of both the organization and its stakeholders and to
operate fairly, equitably and consistently. These systems will include
arrangements for assessing the value of jobs through job evaluation and
market pricing, the design and management of grade and pay structures,
performance management processes, schemes for rewarding and reorganiz-
ing people according to their individual performance or contribution and/or
team or organizational performance, and the provision of employee benets.
This chapter covers:

● the meaning of reward strategy;

● the reasons for having a reward strategy;
● the characteristics of reward strategy;
● the basis of reward strategy;
● the content of reward strategy;
● the guiding principles that should govern reward strategy;
● how to develop reward strategy;
● what makes an effective reward strategy;
● the signicance of line manager capability;
● the problem of the reward strategy concept.

Reward strategy dened

Reward strategy denes what an organization wants to do in the longer
term to address critical reward issues and to develop and implement reward
Reward Strategy 243

policies, practices and processes that will further the achievement of its busi-
ness goals and meet the needs of its stakeholders. It starts from where the
reward practices of the business are now and goes on to describe what they
should become.
Reward strategy provides a sense of purpose and direction, a pathway
that links the needs of the business and its people with the reward policies
and practices of the organization and thereby communicates and explains
these practices. It constitutes a framework for developing and putting into
effect reward policies, practices and processes that ensure that people are
rewarded for doing the things that increase the likelihood of the organiza-
tion’s business goals being achieved.
Reward strategy is underpinned by a reward philosophy. It is concerned
not only with what should be done but how it should be done; with imple-
mentation as well as planning. It is based on an understanding of the culture
of the organization and an appreciation of its needs and those of its people
within the context in which the organization operates. This provides the
basis upon which cultural t is achieved and needs are satised.

Why have a reward strategy?

In the words of Duncan Brown (2001: 44), ‘Reward strategy is ultimately a
way of thinking that you can apply to any reward issue arising in your or-
ganization, to see how you can create value from it.’ There are four arguments
for developing reward strategies:

1 You must have some idea where you are going, or how do you know how
to get there, and how do you know that you have arrived (if you ever do)?
2 Pay costs in most organizations are by far the largest item of expense –
they can be 60% and often much more in labour-intensive organizations –
so doesn’t it make sense to think about how they should be managed and
invested in for the longer term?
3 There can be a positive relationship between rewards, in the broadest
sense, and performance, so shouldn’t we think about how we can strength-
en that link?
4 As Cox and Purcell (1998: 65) wrote: ‘The real benet in reward strategies
lies in complex linkages with other human resource management policies
244 Specifc People Strategies

and practices.’ This is a good reason for developing a reward strategic

framework that indicates how reward processes will be linked to other
people management processes so that they are coherent and mutually

Characteristics of reward strategy

Armstrong and Murlis (2004: 33) pointed out that: ‘Reward strategy will be
characterized by diversity and conditioned both by the legacy of the past
and the realities of the future.’ All reward strategies are different, just as all
organizations are different. Of course, similar aspects of reward will be cov-
ered in the strategies of different organizations, but they will be treated dif-
ferently in accordance with variations between organizations in their
contexts, strategies and cultures.
Reward strategists may have a clear idea of what needs to be done, but
they have to take account of the views of top management and be prepared
to persuade them with convincing arguments that action needs to be taken.
They have to take particular account of nancial considerations – the con-
cept of ‘affordability’ looms large in the minds of chief executives and nan-
cial directors, who will need to be convinced that an investment in rewards
will pay off. They also have to convince employees and their representatives
that the reward strategy will meet their needs as well as business needs.

The basis of reward strategy

Reward strategy should be based on a detailed analysis of the present ar-
rangements for reward, which would include a statement of their strengths
and weaknesses. This could take the form of a ‘gap analysis’, which com-
pares what it is believed should be happening with what is actually happen-
ing and indicates which ‘gaps’ need to be lled. A format for the analysis is
shown in Table 23.1.
A diagnosis should be made of the reasons for any gaps or problems so
that decisions can be made on what needs to be done to overcome them.
Reward Strategy 245

Table 23.1 Reward strategy gap analysis

What is What needs
What should be happening happening to be done
1 A total reward approach is adopted that
emphasizes the signicance of both nancial
and non-nancial rewards.
2 Reward policies and practices are developed
within the framework of a well-articulated
strategy that is designed to support the
achievement of business objectives and meet
the needs of stakeholders.
3 A job evaluation scheme is used that properly
reects the values of the organization, is up to
date with regard to the jobs it covers, and is
4 Equal-pay issues are given serious attention.
This includes the conduct of equal-pay
reviews that lead to action.
5 Market rates are tracked carefully so that a
competitive pay structure exists that
contributes to the attraction and retention of
high quality people.
6 Grade and pay structures are based on job
evaluation and market rate analysis, are
appropriate to the characteristics and needs
of the organization and its employees,
facilitate the management of relativities,
provide scope for rewarding contribution,
clarify reward and career opportunities, are
constructed logically, operate transparently,
and are easy to manage and maintain.
7 Contingent pay schemes reward contribution
fairly and consistently, support the motivation
of staff and the development of a
performance culture, deliver the right
messages about the values of the
organization, contain a clear ‘line of sight’
between contribution and reward, and are
(continued )
246 Specifc People Strategies

Table 23.1 (Continued)

What is What needs
What should be happening happening to be done
8 Performance management processes
contribute to performance improvement,
people development and the management
of expectations; they operate effectively
throughout the organization and are
supported by line managers and staff.
9 Employee benets and pension schemes
meet the needs of stakeholders and are
10 A exible benets approach is adopted.
11 Reward management procedures exist that
ensure that reward processes are managed
effectively and that costs are controlled.
12 Appropriate use is made of computers
(software and spreadsheets) to assist in the
process of reward management.
13 Reward management aims and
arrangements are transparent and
communicated well to staff.
14 Surveys are used to assess the opinions of
staff about reward, and action is taken on
the outcomes.
15 An appropriate amount of responsibility for
reward is devolved to line managers.
16 Line managers are capable of carrying out
their devolved responsibilities well.
17 Steps are taken to train line managers and
provide them with support and guidance as
18 HR has the knowledge and skills to provide
the required reward management advice and
services, and to guide and support line

(continued )
Reward Strategy 247

Table 23.1 (Continued)

What is What needs
What should be happening happening to be done
19 Overall, reward management developments
are conscious of the need to achieve
affordability and to demonstrate that they are
20 Steps are taken to evaluate the effectiveness
of reward management processes and to
ensure that they reect changing needs.

The content of reward strategy

Reward strategy may be a broad-brush affair, simply indicating the general
direction in which it is thought reward management should go. Additionally,
or alternatively, reward strategy may set out a list of specic intentions deal-
ing with particular aspects of reward management.

Broad-brush reward strategy

A broad-brush reward strategy may commit the organization to the pursuit
of a total rewards policy. The basic aim might be to achieve an appropriate
balance between nancial and non-nancial rewards. A further aim could be
to use other approaches to the development of the employment relationship
and the work environment, which will enhance commitment and engage-
ment and provide more opportunities for the contribution of people to be
valued and recognized.
Examples of other broad strategic aims include: 1) introducing a more
integrated approach to reward management – encouraging continuous per-
sonal development and spelling out career opportunities; 2) developing a
more exible approach to reward that includes the reduction of articial
barriers as a result of over-emphasis on grading and promotion; 3) generally
rewarding people according to their contribution; 4) supporting the devel-
opment of a performance culture and building levels of competence; and 5)
clarifying what behaviours will be rewarded and why.
248 Specifc People Strategies

Specic reward initiatives

The selection of reward initiatives and the priorities attached to them will be
based on an analysis of the present circumstances of the organization and an
assessment of the needs of the business and its employees. The following are
examples of possible specic reward initiatives, one or more of which might
feature in a reward strategy:

● the development of a total reward approach in which each aspect of

reward, namely base pay, contingent pay, employee benets and non-
nancial rewards (which include intrinsic rewards from the work itself),
are linked together and treated as an integrated and coherent whole;
● the replacement of present methods of contingent pay with a pay for
contribution scheme;
● the introduction of a new grade and pay structure, eg a broad-graded or
career family structure;
● the replacement of an existing decayed job evaluation scheme with a
scheme that more clearly reects organizational values and is less
● the improvement of performance management processes so that they
provide better support for the development of a performance culture and
more clearly identify development needs;
● the introduction of a formal recognition scheme;
● the development of a exible benets system;
● the conduct of equal pay reviews with the objective of ensuring that work
of equal value is paid equally;
● communication programmes designed to inform everyone of the reward
policies and practices of the organization;
● training, coaching and guidance programmes designed to increase the
ability of line managers to play their part in managing reward.

C A S E S T U DY Reward Strategy at BT

Reward strategy at BT (British Telecom) is a fairly broad-brush affair simply

indicating the general direction in which it is thought reward management for the
90,000 staff at BT should go, with an emphasis on adopting a more holistic, total
Reward Strategy 249

reward approach. It is summarized as follows: Use the full range of rewards

(salary, bonus, benets and recognition) to recruit and retain the best people,
and to encourage and reward achievement where actions and behaviours are
consistent with the BT values.
Guiding principles

BT’s reward strategy is underpinned by a set of guiding principles dening the

approach the organization takes to dealing with reward. These guiding principles
are the basis for reward policies and provide guidelines for the actions contained
in the reward strategy. They express the reward philosophy of the organization –
its values and beliefs about how people should be rewarded. The six guiding
principles governing the design of the reward system at BT are as follows:

● business linkage;
● clarity and transparency;
● market competitiveness;
● performance differentiation;
● choice and exibility;
● equal pay.

The three principal elements driving individual reward are:

1 The individual’s performance and contribution in the role – what does it mean
to have high individual performance?
2 The competitiveness of the individual’s existing salary, together with the
actual (and anticipated) salary movement in relevant local markets – how
does salary align to the external market?
3 The company’s business results and ability to pay – can the company afford to
invest money in terms of additional reward?
4 Underpinning these pillars are the principles of clarity (a ‘focus on roles’),
equal pay and choice.

Developing reward strategy

The formulation of reward strategy can be described as a process for devel-
oping and dening a sense of direction. There are four key development
250 Specifc People Strategies

1 The diagnosis phase, when reward goals are agreed, current policies and
practices assessed against them, options for improvement considered and
any changes agreed.
2 The detailed design phase, when improvements and changes are detailed
and any changes tested (pilot testing is important).
3 The nal testing and preparation phase.
4 The implementation phase, followed by ongoing review and modication.

A step-by-step model for doing this is illustrated in Figure 23.1. This incor-
porates ample provision for consultation, involvement and communication
with stakeholders, who include senior managers as the ultimate decision
makers as well as employees and line managers.

Figure 23.1 A model of the reward strategy development process

Analyse business
strategy and
business needs

Develop HR strategy
Analyse present Assess needs of
HR and reward stakeholders – line
policies and managers and
practices other employees
Develop and justify
reward strategy and
Consult and define guiding Consult, involve
involve senior principles and communicate
management with employees

Prepare and test


Brief and train Implement plan Final communications

Review and modify

as required
Reward Strategy 251

In practice, however, the formulation of reward strategy is seldom as logical

and linear a process as this. Reward strategies evolve; they have to respond
to changes in organizational requirements that are happening all the time.
They need to track emerging trends in reward management and their views
may be modied accordingly, as long as they do not leap too hastily on the
latest bandwagon.
It may be helpful to record reward strategies formally as a basis for plan-
ning and communication. But this should be regarded as no more than a
piece of paper that can be torn up when the needs of the organization
change – as they will – not a tablet of stone.

C A S E S T U DY DSG International: aligning reward with the

business plan

In a difcult economic environment, DSG simplied their complex mix of reward

arrangements to establish a close alignment between rewards and the ve
components of a new business turnaround plan, primarily through the redesign
of executive incentive plans. The change was designed to enhance the
perception of line-of-sight between individual performance, group performance
and reward. It illustrates the vital role of communications to explain the ‘why’ of
reward change, what it means for the business and how each component of
reward links to a business plan.

Eective reward strategies

An effective reward strategy is one that provides clear guidance on develop-
ment planning and implementation and that achieves its objectives when
implemented. Duncan Brown (2001: 14–15) has suggested that effective re-
ward strategies have three components:

1 They have to have clearly dened goals and a well-dened link to business
2 There have to be well-designed pay and reward programmes, tailored to
the needs of the organization and its people, and consistent and integrated
with one another.
252 Specifc People Strategies

3 Perhaps most important and most neglected, there needs to be effective

and supportive people management and reward processes in place.

Reward strategy and line management

The people management (PM) function can initiate new reward policies and
practices but it is the line manager that has the main responsibility for im-
plementing them. The trend is, rightly, to devolve more responsibility for
managing reward to line managers. Some will have the ability to respond to
the challenge and opportunity; others will be incapable of carrying out this
responsibility without close guidance from PM; some may not be able to
cope. Managers may not always do what PM expects them to do, and if
compelled to, they may be half-hearted about it. This puts the onus on HR
and reward specialists to develop line management capability, to initiate
processes that can readily be implemented by line managers, to promote
understanding by communicating what is happening, why it is happening
and how it will affect everyone, to provide guidance and help where re-
quired, and to provide formal training as necessary.

The problem with the concept

of reward strategy
To what extent can pay be strategic? This question was posed by Trevor
(2009: 21) who noted that pay is seen as ‘a means of aligning a company’s
most strategic asset – their employees – to the strategic direction of the or-
ganization’ and that strategic pay theory is predicated on the notion of stra-
tegic choice. But he claimed that rationalism is limited and pointed out that
pay systems tend to be selected for their legitimacy (best practice as advo-
cated by institutions such as the CIPD and by management consultants)
rather than for purely economic reasons.
His research into the pay policies and practice of three large consumer
goods organizations revealed a gap between intended and actual practice –
intent does not necessarily lead to action. ‘Irrespective of the strategic desire
or the saliency of the design, ineffectual execution results in ineffectual pay
practice which then reacts negatively upon the pay outcomes experienced as
Reward Strategy 253

a result… Attempting to use strategic pay systems such as incentive pay,

results often in unintended consequences and negative outcomes that de-
stroy value rather than create it’ (Trevor, 2009: 34). The main implications
of the ndings from this research were that: ‘Theory is out of step with real-
ity and may represent a largely unattainable ideal in practice… an alterna-
tive approach for the use of pay systems in support of strategy is required:
one that acknowledges the relative limits on the ability of companies to
manage pay strategically’ (p 37). As Wright and Nishii (2006: 11) com-
mented: ‘Not all intended HR practices are actually implemented and those
that are may often be implemented in ways that differ from the original
A similar point was made by Armstrong and Brown (2006: 1–2) when
they described ‘the new reality’ of strategic reward management as follows:

When mostly North American concepts of strategic HRM and reward rst
entered into management thinking and practice in the UK we were both some of
their most ardent advocates, writing and advising individual employers on the
benets of aligning their reward systems so as to drive business performance.
We helped to articulate strategic plans and visions, and to design the pay and
reward changes that would secure better alignment and performance.
Some twenty years later, we are a little older and a little wiser as a result of
these experiences. We remain passionate proponents of a strategic approach to
reward management. But in conducting and observing this work we have seen
some of the risks as well as the opportunities in pursuing the reward strategy
path: of an over-focus on planning at the expense of process and practice; on
design rather than delivery; on the boardroom and the HR function rather than
on rst and front-line managers and employees; and on concept rather than
At times there has been a tendency to over-ambition and optimism in
terms of what could and couldn’t be achieved by changing pay and reward
arrangements, and how quickly real change could be delivered and business
results secured. At times the focus on internal business t led to narrow-minded
reward determinism, and a lack of attention to the increasingly important
external inuences and constraints on reward, from the shifting tax and wider
legislative, economic and social environment. And sometimes the focus on
designs and desires meant that the requirements and skills of line and reward
managers were insufciently diagnosed and developed.
254 Specifc People Strategies

Key learning points

● Reward strategy is concerned with the policies and practices required to

ensure that the value of people and the contribution they make to
achieving organizational, departmental and team goals is recognized and
● It is about planning and executing the design and implementation of
reward systems (interrelated reward processes, practices and
procedures) that aim to satisfy the needs of both the organization and its
stakeholders and to operate fairly, equitably and consistently. Reward
strategy is a declaration of intent.
● It denes what an organization wants to do in the longer term to address
critical reward issues and to develop and implement reward policies,
practices and processes that will further the achievement of its business
goals and meet the needs of its stakeholders.
● It starts from where the reward practices of the business are now and
goes on to describe what they should become.
● There are four arguments for developing reward strategy:
1 Reward strategy provides a sense of purpose and direction.
2 Pay costs in most organizations are by far the largest item of expense
and reward strategy can help to manage them properly.
3 The relationship between rewards and performance will be
4 A reward strategic framework will indicate how reward processes
will be linked to HR processes so that they are coherent and mutually
● Reward strategists have to:
● take account of the views of top management and be prepared to
persuade them with convincing arguments that action needs to be
● take particular account of nancial considerations;
● convince employees and their representatives that the reward
strategy will meet their needs as well as business needs.
Reward Strategy 255

● Reward strategy should be based on a detailed analysis of the present

arrangements for reward, which would include a statement of their
strengths and weaknesses.
● Reward strategy may be a broad-brush affair, simply indicating the
general direction in which it is thought reward management should go.
Additionally, or alternatively, reward strategy may set out a list of
specic intentions dealing with particular aspects of reward
● Guiding principles dene the approach an organization takes to dealing
with reward. They are the basis for reward policies and provide
guidelines for the actions contained in the reward strategy. They express
the reward philosophy of the organization – its values and beliefs about
how people should be rewarded.
● An effective reward strategy is one that provides clear guidance on
development planning and implementation and achieves its objectives
when implemented.
● HR can initiate new reward policies and practices but it is the line
manager that has the main responsibility for implementing them. The
trend is, rightly, to devolve more responsibility for managing reward to
line managers.
● There are limitations to the impact of reward strategy. Intent does not
necessarily lead to action.

Armstrong, M and Brown, D (2006) Strategic Reward: Making it happen, Kogan
Page, London
Armstrong, M and Murlis, H (2004) Reward Management, 5th edn, Kogan Page,
Brown, D (2001) Reward Strategies: From intent to impact, CIPD, London
Cox, A and Purcell, J (1998) Searching for leverage: pay systems, trust, motivation
and commitment in SMEs, in Trust, Motivation and Commitment: A reader, ed
S Perkins, pp 60–65, SRRC, Faringdon
Trevor, J (2009) Can pay be strategic? in Rethinking Reward, pp 21–46, ed S
Corby, S Palmer and E Lindop, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke
Wright, P M and Nishii, L H (2006) Strategic HRM and Organizational Behaviour:
Integrating Multiple Levels of Analysis, Working Paper 06-05, Cornell
University, Ithaca, NY
Employment 24
Employment relationships strategy denes the intentions of the organization
about what needs to be done and what needs to be changed in the ways in
which the organization handles relationships with employees and their trade
unions, if any. This is an area of people management where a strategic ap-
proach is particularly appropriate. Organizations need to have a clear idea
of the route they want to follow in developing a cooperative and productive
employment relations climate.
The foundation for the strategy is provided by the employment relation-
ship, which describes how employers and employees work together and
relate to one another. Because it is a fundamental aspect of employee rela-
tions, the nature of the employment relationship is examined in the rst
section of this chapter. Against this background, the next section deals with
the characteristics and concerns of employment relations. The next sections
cover two of the main aspects of employee relations: partnership and giving
employees a voice. Finally the chapter deals with trade union recognition

The employment relationship

As dened by Boxall (2013: 5), the employment relationship is ‘the primary
vehicle for “marrying” the needs of individuals and organizations’. As he
suggests: ‘Organizations have simultaneous needs for commitment and ex-
ibility, while individuals have enduring needs for security and community’
(p 8).
Employment Relationships Strategy 257

The employment relationship can also be described as being a largely

informal and constant process that happens whenever an employer has deal-
ings with an employee, and vice versa. Underpinning the employment rela-
tionship is the psychological contract, which expresses certain assumptions
and expectations about what managers and employees have to offer and are
willing to deliver.
The dimensions of the employment relationship as described by Kessler
and Undy (1996) are shown in Figure 24.1.
The dynamic nature of the employment relationship increases the dif-
culty of developing a strategy to manage it. The problem is compounded by
the inuence of a multiplicity of factors – the culture of the organization, the
prevailing management style, the values (espoused and practised) of top
management, the existence or non-existence of a climate of trust, day-to-day
interactions between employees and line managers, and the HR policies and
practices of the business.
Strategies for managing the employment relationship will therefore focus
on establishing overall intentions about how a constructive and cooperative
employment relations climate can be developed and what approaches are
adopted to achieving mutuality and trust.

Figure 24.1 Dimensions of the employment relationship

• Managers
• Employees
• Employees’ representatives
Operation Substance
• Level Individual:
• Process • Job
• Style • Reward
The employment • Career
relationship • Communications
• Culture
• Joint agreements
• Joint machinery
• Formal rules /procedures
• Informal understandings,
expectations and
258 Specifc People Strategies

A strategy for creating a constructive and

positive employment relations climate
The employment relations climate of an organization consists of the percep-
tions of management, employees and their representatives about the ways in
which employment relations are conducted and how the various parties
(managers, employees and trade unions) behave when dealing with one an-
other. An employment relations climate may be created by the management
style adopted by management or by the behaviour of the trade unions or
employee representatives (cooperative, hostile, militant etc) or by the two
interacting with one another. It can be good, bad or indifferent according to
perceptions about the extent to which:

● management and employees trust one another;

● management treats employees fairly and with consideration;
● management is open about its actions and intentions – employment
relations policies and procedures are transparent;
● harmonious relationships are generally maintained on a day-to-day basis;
● conict, when it does arise, is resolved without resort to industrial action
and resolution is achieved by integrative processes that result in a ‘win–
win’ solution;
● employees are generally committed to the interests of the organization
and, equally, management treat them as stakeholders whose interests
should be protected as far as possible.

A strategy for improving the climate may involve developing fair employ-
ment relations policies and procedures and making plans to implement them
consistently. Line managers and team leaders, who are largely responsible
for the day-to-day conduct of employment relations, need to be educated
and trained on the approaches they should adopt. Transparency can be
achieved by communicating policies to employees, and commitment in-
creased by involvement and participation processes. Importantly, as dis-
cussed below, the organization can address its obligations to the employees
as stakeholders and formulate strategies for mutual gains and building trust.
Employment Relationships Strategy 259

A strategy for achieving mutual gains

The concept of mutual gains was originated by Kochan and Osterman
(1994) who argued that rather than being blockages to productivity im-
provements, worker representatives, in collaboration with management and
underpinned with institutional supports, could engage in joint problem solv-
ing to improve both rm performance and returns for workers. Management
and workers are still held to maintain their own separate interests, but ulti-
mately seek to satisfy such contiguous interests through cooperation. They
suggested that: ‘Employees must commit their energies to meeting the eco-
nomic objectives of the enterprise. In return, owners (stakeholders) must
share the economic returns with employees and invest those returns in ways
that promote the long-run economic security of the workforce’ (Kochan and
Osterman, 1994: 46).
As described by Cullinane et al (2014: 810), the idea of mutual gains
‘outlines that whilst management and workers’ interests may diverge, there
is ample opportunity, through problem-solving arrangements, to create
shared benets for both parties’. They also observed that: ‘Mutual gains
rotates on an assumption that, in the process of problem-solving, both
sides exchange information to advance interests that are deemed benecial
to both parties, with the subsequent generation of options and nally, the
choosing of those that offer the highest joint returns’ (Cullinane et al,
2014: 819).
Boxall (2013: 5) set out three conditions under which the quality of em-
ployment relationships may facilitate the achievement of mutual gains: a)
capability match – t between employer’s need for a competent workforce
and employees’ need for a conducive work environment; b) commitment
match – t between employer’s need for employees’ commitment and em-
ployees’ need for job security and fair treatment from the employer; and c)
contribution match – the extent to which the employer and employees
perceive that their respective needs are being met.
The concept of mutual gains is associated with the notion of mutuality as
formulated by Walton (1985). Mutuality was dened by Guest and Peccei
(2001: 212) as ‘the idea of focusing on the shared interests and shared goals
of two or more interdependent parties while recognizing that they have
other potentially differing interests’. But the term mutual gains is used more
nowadays, perhaps because it conveys more clearly the outcomes of mutual-
ity by dening what happens when the principle of mutuality is applied, for
example, as a basis for negotiation.
260 Specifc People Strategies

A strategy for building trust

Trust is a rm belief that a person may be relied on. A climate of trust is
an essential ingredient in a positive employment relationship. It has been
suggested by Herriot et al (1988) that trust should be regarded as social
capital – the fund of goodwill in any social group that enables people
within it to collaborate with one another.
A strategy for building trust must focus on how it can be created and
maintained by managerial behaviour and by the development of better mu-
tual understanding of expectations – employers of employees, and employ-
ees of employers. The sort of behaviour by managers that should be fostered
by the strategy is being honest with people, keeping their word (delivering
the deal) and practising what they preach. Managements that espouse val-
ues (‘people are our greatest asset’) and then proceed to ignore them will be
low-trust organizations. More specically, trust will be developed if man-
agement acts fairly, equitably and consistently, if a policy of transparency is
implemented, if intentions and the reasons for proposals or decisions are
communicated both to employees generally and to individuals, if there is full
involvement in developing reward processes and if mutual expectations are
agreed through performance management.

The nature of employment relations

Like all other aspects of people strategy, employment relations strategy takes
account of the business strategy and aims to support it. Support will exist if
employee relations operate in a spirit of mutual gains and partnership, and
if this results in high levels of trust, cooperation and, ultimately, productivity.

Approaches to employment relations strategy

There are four approaches to employment relations strategy:

1 Adversarial: the organization decides what it wants to do and employees

are expected to t in. Employees only exercise power by refusing to
Employment Relationships Strategy 261

2 Traditional: a good day-to-day working relationship, but management

proposes and the workforce reacts through its elected representatives.
3 Partnership: the organization involves employees in the drawing up and
execution of the organization’s policies, but retains the right to manage.
4 Power sharing: employees are involved in both day-to-day and strategic
decision making.

Adversarial approaches are much less common today in most organizations.

The traditional approach is still the most typical, but more interest is being
expressed in partnership as discussed later in this chapter. Power sharing
is rare.

The concerns of employment relations strategy

Overall, employment relations strategy is concerned with building stable
and cooperative relationships with employees that minimize conict. More
specically the strategy covers matters such as:

● the achievement of increased levels of commitment through involvement

or participation – giving employees a voice;
● developing a ‘partnership’ with trade unions, recognizing that employees
are stakeholders and that it is to the advantage of both parties to work
together – this could be described as a unitary strategy, the aim of which
is to increase mutual commitment (a unitary approach is based on the
belief that management and employees share the same concerns and it is
therefore in both their interests to work together);
● changing forms of recognition, including single union recognition, or
● changes in the form and content of procedural agreements which dene
the rules that regulate relationships between management;
● new bargaining structures, including decentralization or single-table bar-
gaining (negotiations are conducted simultaneously between manage-
ment and more than one trade union).

Partnership agreement strategy

A partnership agreement strategy aims to get management and a trade union
to collaborate to their mutual advantage and to achieve a climate of more
262 Specifc People Strategies

cooperative and therefore less adversarial industrial relations. Management

may offer job security linked to productivity and the union may agree to
more exible working.
The perceived benets of partnership agreements are that management
and unions will work together in a spirit of cooperation and mutuality,
which is clearly preferable to an adversarial relationship. Provision is made
for change to be introduced through discussion and agreement rather than
by coercion or power.

Employee voice strategy

The term ‘employee voice’ refers to the say employees have in matters of
concern to them in their organization. It describes a forum of two-way dia-
logue that allows employees to inuence events at work and includes the
processes of involvement, participation, upward problem solving and up-
ward communication. An employee voice strategy will indicate what voice
arrangements are to be made, if any.
The voice strategy appropriate for an organization depends upon the val-
ues and attitudes of management and, if they exist, trade unions, and the
current climate of employee relations. Strategic planning should be based on
a review of the existing forms of voice, which would include discussions
with stakeholders (line managers, employees and trade union representa-
tives) on the effectiveness of existing arrangements and any improvements
required. In the light of these discussions, new or revised approaches can be
developed but it is necessary to brief and train those involved in the part
they should play.

C A S E S T U DY Employee relations at Capgemini UK

Capgemini UK is part of a global IT services company providing management

consulting, outsourcing and professional services, with 112,000 employees
across the world and 9,000 employees in the UK.
Capgemini’s principal consultative mechanism is the ‘forum’, which includes
both union and non-union representatives. The forum approach was established
in 1999 using the works council model adopted by Capgemini in the Netherlands.
This is seen as a problem-solving model encouraging two-way communication,
as opposed to the more adversarial approach characteristic of consultation in
Employment Relationships Strategy 263

France. Local forums have been established covering individual business areas;
the UK National Works Council (NWC) is made up of nominated representatives
from each of the local forums and an international works council operates from
the global company headquarters in Paris.

Trade union recognition strategy

An organization may have to decide on a strategy for recognizing or derecog-
nizing a trade union. An employer fully recognizes a union for the purposes
of collective bargaining when pay and conditions of employment are jointly
agreed between management and trade unions. Unions can be derecognized,
although this is happening less frequently.
Employers in the private sector are in a strong position now to choose
whether they recognize a union or not, which union they want to recognize
and the terms on which they would grant recognition, for example a single
union agreement.
When setting up on greeneld sites, employers may refuse to recognize
unions. Alternatively, they can hold ‘beauty contests’ to select the union they
prefer to work with, one that will be prepared to reach an agreement in line
with what management wants.
An organization deciding whether or not to recognize or derecognize a
union should take some or all of the following factors into account:

● the perceived value or lack of value of having a process for regulating

collective bargaining;
● if there is an existing union, the extent to which management has freedom
to manage; for example to change working arrangements and introduce
exible working or multiskilling;
● the history of relationships with the existing union;
● the proportion of employees who are union members and the degree to
which they believe they need the protection their union provides;
● any preferences as to a particular union, because of its reputation or the
extent to which it is believed a satisfactory relationship can be maintained;
● if derecognition is contemplated, the extent to which the perceived
advantages of not having a union outweigh the disadvantages of upsetting
the status quo.
264 Specifc People Strategies

Key learning points

● Employment relations strategy denes the intentions of the organization

about what needs to be done and what needs to be changed in the ways
in which the organization handles relationships with employees and, if
any, their trade unions.
● The employment relationship is a largely informal and constant process
that happens whenever an employer has dealings with an employee, and
vice versa.
● Strategies for managing the employment relationship will focus on
establishing overall intentions about how a constructive and cooperative
employment relations climate can be developed and what approaches
are adopted to achieving mutuality and trust.
● Overall, employment relations strategy is concerned with developing the
employment relationship as discussed earlier in this chapter in order to
build stable and cooperative relationships with employees that minimize
● A strategy should be developed to achieve mutual gains through the
employment relationship.
● A partnership agreement strategy aims to get management and a trade
union to collaborate to their mutual advantage and to achieve a climate
of more cooperative and therefore less adversarial industrial relations.
● An employee voice strategy will indicate what voice arrangements are to
be made, if any. These can take the form of representative participation
(collective representation through trade unions or staff associations or
joint consultation) and/or upward communication through established
channels (consultative committees, grievance procedures, ‘speak-up’
programmes etc) or informally.
● An organization may have to decide on a strategy for recognizing or
derecognizing a trade union.

Boxall, P F (2013) Mutuality in the management of human resources: assessing the
quality of alignment in employment relationships, Human Resource
Management Journal, 23 (1), pp 3–17
Employment Relationships Strategy 265

Cullinane, N et al (2014) Regulating for mutual gains? Non-union employee

representation and the Information and Consultation Directive, International
Journal of Human Resource Management, 25 (6), pp 810–28
Guest, D and Peccei, R (2001) Partnership at work: mutuality and the balance of
advantage, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 39 (2), pp 207–36
Herriot, P, Hirsh, W and Riley, P (1988) Trust and Transition: Managing the
employment relationship, Wiley, Chichester
Kessler, S and Undy, R (1996) The New Employment Relationship: Examining the
psychological contract, IPM, London
Kochan, T A and Osterman, P (1994) The Mutual Gains Enterprise: Forging a
winning partnership among labor, management and government, Harvard
University Business Press, Boston, MA
Walton, R E (1985) Towards a strategy of eliciting employee commitment based on
principles of mutuality, in HRM Trends and Challenges, ed R E Walton and P R
Lawrence, pp 35–65, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA
Employee 25
Employee wellbeing has been dened by Warr (1987) as ‘the overall quality of
an individual’s subjective experience and functioning at work’. The wellbeing
of employees depends on the quality of working life provided by their em-
ployers – the work environment and the feelings of satisfaction and happiness
arising from the work itself. This chapter initially covers the case for having a
wellbeing strategy and then deals with the features of such a strategy.

The case for a wellbeing strategy

Employers have a duty of care. This means adopting a socially responsible
approach to looking after their people by creating a good work environ-
ment. As Brown et al (2019: 5–6) contended: ‘Employers seem to be becom-
ing more, not less, focused on the wellbeing of their employees, recognizing
that high performance in a service and knowledge-based economy generally
can’t be programmed and regulated into people; that they have to be en-
gaged, supported and enabled by leaders and HR professionals to deliver it.’
The moral case for caring about wellbeing is strong but there is also a
business case. Sir Cary Cooper (CIPD, 2019: 2) reported that academic and
practitioner evidence demonstrates that employee health, wellbeing and en-
gagement are important for organizational success. He observed that:

Compassionate leadership is a far from uffy concept. It is supported by a

hard business case showing desired outcomes such as improved relationships
as well as higher motivation and job satisfaction levels, all of which can lead to
enhanced performance and productivity. Not surprisingly, there is also a strong
Employee Wellbeing Strategy 267

association with better health and wellbeing because a compassionate culture is

one which engenders trust and openness, and where people feel more condent
to discuss any health issues and receive the support they need. Employers
who are intent on creating a healthy workplace could therefore benet from
considering how to integrate compassion as part of their wellbeing strategy.

In a meta-analysis, Peccei (2004) suggested that wellbeing had a key role in

enhancing organizational performance. An assessment of 55 wellness pro-
grammes throughout industry by PricewaterhouseCoopers (2008) found
that on average the interventions resulted in a 45 per cent reduction in sick-
ness absence, 18 per cent reduction in staff turnover, 16 per cent reduction
in accidents/injuries, an increase in employee job satisfaction of 14 per cent,
an 8 per cent increase in productivity and a drop of 8 per cent in health and
employer liability claims.
Krekel et al (2019) of the Saïd Business School surveyed the evidence in a
meta-analysis of 339 independent research studies, including the wellbeing
of 1,882,131 employees and the performance of 82,248 business units, orig-
inating from 230 independent organizations across 49 industries in the
Gallup database. A signicant and strong positive correlation was estab-
lished between employees’ satisfaction with their company and employee
productivity and customer loyalty, and a strong negative correlation with
staff turnover. Ultimately, higher wellbeing at work is positively correlated
with more business-unit-level protability.

Features of an employee wellbeing strategy

The CIPD (2019: 9) noted that:

Building and integrating a health and wellbeing strategy for the organization
that is contingent on its specic requirements is how employers can avoid the
pitfall of developing a ‘menu’ of initiatives that are not joined up or closely
linked to the needs of employees.

The purpose of an employee wellbeing strategy is to provide a framework

for the introduction of policies and practice designed to increase the level of
wellbeing among the employees of an organization. The following case for
developing and implementing a wellbeing strategy was made by Professor
Sir Cary Cooper and Ian Hesketh.
268 Specifc People Strategies

As Cooper and Hesketh (2019: 1) observed: ‘Stress at work is rising year on

year with long working hours seemingly becoming the norm. This is not only
having a detrimental effect on employee health, happiness and productivity,
but also impacting on the organization’s bottom line. Human resources
(HR) professionals are uniquely placed to manage this modern workplace
crisis by implementing a wellbeing strategy.’
Guest (2017: 30–31) suggested ve sets of practices that might be in-
cluded in a wellbeing strategy:

1 Investment in employees – enhancing competence through training and

development and providing a sense of an attractive career future leading
to a feeling of security and the development of self-efcacy, an important
antecedent of wellbeing.
2 Engaging work – the provision of opportunities for autonomy, control,
skill use and variety at work through the core HR practice of job design.
3 The creation of a positive social and physical environment – prioritizing
employee health and safety, providing opportunities for social interaction
at work, avoiding bullying and harassment, promoting equal opportunities
and diversity, ensuring fair rewards, often linked to high basic pay rather
than incentive schemes, and providing employment security, including
steps to maintain employability.
4 Enhancing the role of voice – extensive two-way communication, oppor-
tunities for individual expression of voice, including attitude surveys, and
relevant forms of collective representation.
5 The provision of organizational support – participative, supportive man-
agement, an organization climate that facilitates employee involvement,
participative and developmental rather than judgemental and potentially
punitive performance management and family-friendly and exible
working arrangements.

The strategy should be evidence based. Pulse surveys (ie ones taking
place on a quarterly, monthly or even weekly basis rather than the more
typical annual survey) should be conducted, possibly through an enter-
prise social network (a social network operated within an organization
that functions in the same way as social networks such as Facebook).
The surveys would measure the reactions of employees to key aspects of
Employee Wellbeing Strategy 269

wellbeing: the work environment, their jobs, relationships with their

managers and work–life balance. People analytics should be used to ana-
lyse the causes of any sickness absence to identify the incidence of stress
and to examine indicators of employee dissatisfaction such as absentee-
ism and disputes.
The evidence should indicate any areas in which prioritized action is re-
quired. Consideration should be given to possible developments in consulta-
tion with employees at meetings and/or through the enterprise social
network. When decisions have been agreed, the work of developing policy
and practices such as those set out in Table 25.1 can begin. Account should
be taken not only of the form and contents of the policy or practice but also
of how it is to be implemented.
Proposals should be discussed with those affected by them and man-
agers and employees enlisted to support their detailed development and
implementation. A change management programme may have to be
drawn up with provision for communications, further involvement and
any training required for those concerned. The implementation plan may
be phased or test runs could be carried out. The whole implementation
process should be carefully monitored to ensure that it is going accord-
ing to plan.
The wellbeing strategy should be aware of the implications of research
conducted by Alfes et al (2012: 422) which found that employees who per-
ceive people management practices positively experience higher levels of
wellbeing. This shows the advisability of reviewing all the key people man-
agement policies and practices that may affect wellbeing, including learning
and development, performance management and reward, to identify any
areas where changes may enhance it. Account should be taken of the inter-
nal and external factors listed below.

Factors aecting wellbeing

The internal factors that affect wellbeing and possible actions to deal with
them are set down in Table 25.1.
270 Specifc People Strategies

Table 25.1 Wellbeing factors and actions

factor Description Possible actions
The work Physical and mental wellbeing Provide a good work environment in
environment resulting from the system of terms of working conditions and
work, working conditions, and take account of the need to provide
health and safety a healthy and safe system of work,
considerations. including minimizing stress and
paying attention to ergonomic
considerations in the design of
equipment and work stations.
Provide amenities such as
subsidized restaurants, sports and
social clubs, gyms and childcare
Job design The extent to which the jobs Review job design practices to
and demands people have match their abilities ensure that the principles of good
and allow individuals to control design are being met.
their work (self-determination) Review job demands to ensure that
and use their skills and abilities. they are not excessive and therefore
The physical and mental negatively affect work–life balance
demands involved in meeting and lead to undue stress and even
job requirements, especially burnout.
when work intensication has Review working conditions and
taken place. ergonomic factors to ensure that
they provide for the physical
wellbeing of employees.
Relationships How people are treated at work Select people as managers who are
with line by their managers can strongly likely to have the leadership qualities
managers affect wellbeing. Research by to create and maintain good working
Pfeffer and Sutton (2006) found relationships with their team
that 60–75% of the employees members.
in the organization surveyed Make responsibility for employee
reported that the worst or most health and wellbeing an important
stressful aspect of their job was part of the line manager’s role so
their immediate supervisor. that they help to ensure employees
Line managers are in regular feel valued, content and able to
contact with the employees discuss any concerns before they
they are responsible for, so they reach a crisis point (NICE, 2009).
are in a good position to identify Provide training and coaching in
the early signs of stress. A line approaches to managing stress,
manager can have a signicant including the leadership skills
inuence on employee attitudes needed and the skills required to
and behaviours. plan tasks and design jobs.
(continued )
Employee Wellbeing Strategy 271

Table 25.1 (Continued)

factor Description Possible actions
Relationships The quality of social Provide facilities for socializing at
with relationships and the extent to work. Introduce robust bullying and
colleagues which negative behaviour such harassment policies and ensure that
as bullying and harassment they function effectively.
Work–life The achievement of a satisfying Introduce family-friendly policies
balance equilibrium between work and providing for a reasonable degree of
non-work (eg family) activities. A exibility. Minimize excessive job
survey by Eurofound (2013) demands.
established that poor ratings of
work–life balance were the
strongest predictor of stress.
Financial Financial wellbeing is dened by Pay people fairly. Provide counselling
wellbeing the CIPD (2017) as ‘a state of for employees with nancial
both emotional and physical worries.
wellbeing, produced by a set of
conditions and abilities. It
includes making the most of an
adequate income to enjoy a
reasonable quality of life and
having the skills and capabilities
to manage money well, both on
a daily basis and for the future’.
Stress Stress at work is a major factor. Take action as required in any of the
It can be caused by problems in areas set out above. Introduce an
any of the areas set out above. Employee Assistance programme
(EAP) to provide counselling and

External factors affecting employee wellbeing include the pressure on or-

ganizations from the government, regulatory authorities and the media to
behave responsibly in the way they treat their people. But there is also a
need for organizations to take account of the pressures their employees have
to face outside the organization; these include maintaining a reasonable bal-
ance between life and work, taking care of children and dependants, health
issues and nancial problems.
272 Specifc People Strategies

Key learning points

● Employee wellbeing has been dened by Warr (1987) as ‘the overall
quality of an individual’s subjective experience and functioning at work’.
● The wellbeing of employees depends on the quality of working life
provided by their employers – the work environment and the feelings of
satisfaction and happiness arising from the work itself.
● The moral case for caring about wellbeing is strong but there is also a
strong business case.
● The purpose of an employee wellbeing strategy is to provide a
framework for the introduction of policies and practices designed to
increase the level of wellbeing among the employees of an organization.
The strategy should be evidence based.
● Factors affecting wellbeing:
● the work environment;
● job design and demands;
● relationships with line managers;
● relationships with colleagues;
● nancial wellbeing;
● stress.

Alfes, K, Shantz, A and Truss, C (2012) The link between perceived HRM prac-
tices, performance and wellbeing: the moderating effect of trust in the employer,
Human Resource Management Journal, 22 (4), pp 409–27
Brown, D, Hirsh, W and Reilly, P (2019) Strategic Human Resource Management:
Case Studies and Conclusions: from HR Strategy to Strategic People
resource-management-practice-case-studies-and-conclusions (archived at https://
Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (2017) Employee Financial
Wellbeing, CIPD, London
Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (2019) Health and Wellbeing at
Work, CIPD, London
Employee Wellbeing Strategy 273

Cooper, C and Hesketh, I (2019) Wellbeing at Work, Kogan Page, London

Eurofound (2013) Monitoring Quality of Life in Europe: Subjective wellbeing,
Publications Ofce of the European Union, Luxembourg
Guest, D (2017) Human resource management and employee well-being: towards a
new analytic framework, Human Resource Management Journal, 27 (1),
pp 22–38
Krekel, C, Ward, G and DeNeve, J-E (2019) Employee Wellbeing, Productivity, and
Firm Performance, Saïd Business School, Oxford
NICE – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2009) Mental Wellbeing at
Work, (archived at
Peccei, R (2004) Human Resource Management and the Search for a Happy
Workplace, Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Rotterdam
Pfeffer, J and Sutton, R (2006) Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths and Total
Nonsense, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA
PricewaterhouseCoopers (2008) The Business case for Wellness Programmes, PwC,
Warr, P (1987) Work, Unemployment, and Mental Health, Clarendon Press,
International 26
International people management strategy deals with the development and
implementation of the policies and practices adopted for the management of
employees in multinational companies (MNCs). Its aim is to ensure that the
organization attracts, deploys, develops and engages the quality of people it
requires to achieve its international goals.
International PM is more complex than people management in one
country. Managing at a distance across international boundaries and in
diverse environments is demanding. It is necessary to understand the dif-
ferent local contexts. This means that sensitivity to different cultures and
different ways of doing business and managing people is required. As
Ulrich (1998: 126) commented, faced with globalization, organizations
must ‘increase their ability to learn and collaborate and to manage diver-
sity, complexity, and ambiguity’.
This chapter starts with a denition of strategic international people
management (SIPM) and continues with examinations of the issues involved
and the approach to dealing with those issues. Particular aspects of SIPM
concerned with resourcing, talent management, performance management,
reward management and the management of expatriates are described in the
nal sections of the chapter.
International People Management Strategy 275

Strategic international people

management dened
The aims of strategic international people management are to ensure that
HR strategies, policies and practices are developed and implemented that
will help the enterprise to operate protably in a number of different coun-
tries and ensure that each unit can function effectively within its context –
its culture and the legal, political and economic factors that affect it. The
research conducted by Brewster et al (2005: 949) identied three processes
that constitute global people management: 1) management and employer
branding; 2) global leadership through international assignments; and 3)
managing an international workforce and evaluation of the contribution
of people management professionals. They found that organizations such
as Rolls Royce had set up centres of excellence operating on a global basis
and observed that global people professionals are acting as the guardians
of the organization’s global culture.
Sparrow and Braun (2007: 173) advised that: ‘It is the utilization of or-
ganizational capabilities worldwide that provides multinational companies
with competitive advantage.’ In doing this, the organization has to bear in
mind the point made by Pucik (2007: 203) that: ‘The global rm must man-
age the contradictions of global integration, local responsiveness and world-
wide coordination.’

International strategic people

management issues
The fundamental strategic people management issue for MNCs is how to
cope with ‘complex cultural, geographical and constitutional pressures’
(Sparrow and Braun, 2007: 187). They have to ‘enhance the ability of
specic functions to perform globally’ (Sparrow and Braun, 2007: 188).
The specic issues that affect international as distinct from domestic peo-
ple management are the impact of globalization, the inuence of environ-
mental and cultural differences and the extent to which HRM policy and
practice should vary in different countries (convergence or divergence).
The last issue is of particular concern when framing international people
276 Specifc People Strategies

Convergence and divergence

According to Brewster et al (2002), the effectiveness of global people man-
agement depends on the ability to judge the extent to which an organization
should implement similar practices across the world or adapt them to suit
local conditions. This is a strategic decision. The dilemma facing all MNCs is
that of achieving a balance between international consistency and local au-
tonomy. They have to decide on the extent to which their people policies
should either ‘converge’ worldwide to be basically the same in each location,
or ‘diverge’ to be differentiated in response to local requirements.
Brewster (2004) thought that convergence may be increasing as a result
of the power of the markets, the importance of cost, quality and productiv-
ity pressures, the emergence of transaction cost economies, the development
of like-minded international cadres, and benchmarking ‘best practice’.
But Brewster, Sparrow and Harris (2005) suggested that it is quite possi-
ble for some parts of an HR system to converge while other parts diverge.
However, there is a choice. The factors that affect it include the extent to
which the unit is operating mainly at a local level, the strength of local
norms and the degree to which nancial, managerial, technical and people
resources ow from the parent company to the subsidiary. A further factor
is that some international companies are much more prone to the exercise
of central control than others, whatever the local circumstances.
Stiles (2007) noted that common practices across borders may be appro-
priate: ‘Organizations seek what works and for HR in MNCs, the range of
options is limited to a few common practices that are believed to secure high

International people management

International people management strategies are primarily concerned with
resourcing, talent management, performance management, reward manage-
ment and the management of expatriates. In each of these areas except that
of managing expatriates, the strategy will be affected by decisions on the
direction the company wants to go in the light of overall considerations re-
lating to convergence or divergence.
There are, however, a number of people management practices in which
the parent company will play a major part. Workforce planning and talent
International People Management Strategy 277

management for more senior staff may be centralized, as may be resourcing

decisions which affect the deployment of staff from the parent company or
from other countries (third country nationals). The remuneration of senior
staff and expatriates will certainly be centralized. While performance man-
agement systems will be administered by subsidiaries, the centre may want
to ensure that the processes involved conform to what is regarded as best
practice within the organization and provide the information required for
talent management and stafng decisions. An international people manage-
ment function may also be concerned with encouraging the actions required
to promote multicultural working throughout the organization.

Resourcing strategy
International resourcing strategy is based on workforce planning processes
which assess how many people are needed throughout the MNC (demand
forecasting), set out the sources of people available (supply forecasting) and,
in the light of these forecasts, prepare action plans for recruitment, selection
or assignment.
Workforce planning may be carried out by the parent company PM func-
tion, although it will focus mainly on managers, professional and technical staff
throughout the global organization and is linked to talent management.
Workforce planning for junior staff and operatives is more likely to be carried
out by subsidiaries, although the centre may require information on their plans.
By reference to workforce plans, resourcing in an international organiza-
tion means making policy decisions on how the stafng requirements of
headquarters and the foreign subsidiaries can be met, especially for manag-
ers, professionals and technical staff. Sparrow, Scullion and Farndale (2011:
42) emphasized that MNCs ‘increasingly demand highly-skilled, highly ex-
ible, mobile employees who can deliver the required results, sometimes in
difcult circumstances’.
Additionally or alternatively, a decision may be made to employ third
country nationals (TCNs) in certain posts. These might be easier to obtain
than home country nationals and could cost less. But as pointed out by
Dowling, Festing and Engle (2008), they might not want to return to their
own countries after assignment, the host government may resent the hiring
of TCNs and national animosities would have to be considered.

International talent management

Mellahi and Collings (2010: 143–44) dened international talent manage-
ment as:
278 Specifc People Strategies

The systematic identication of key positions which differentially contribute

to the organization’s sustainable competitive advantage on a global scale, the
development of a talent pool of high performing incumbents to ll these roles
which reects the global scope of the multinational enterprise, the development
of a differentiated human resource architecture to facilitate lling these
positions with the best available incumbent and to ensure their continued
commitment to the organization.

They suggested that enabling high-performing home country nationals to

become senior managers improves the performance of an international busi-
ness because it is able to respond effectively to the demands of local stake-
holders and provides incentives for retaining and motivating local talent.
The conduct of international talent management involves basically the
same methods as those used in a domestic setting as described in Chapter
20, namely, a pipeline consisting of processes for:

● talent planning;
● talent pool denition;
● identifying talent;
● recruiting talent;
● performance management;
● management development and career planning;
● assignment or promotion.

The global nature of multinational rms makes talent management a par-

ticularly complex issue. Mellahi and Collings (2010) identied three reasons
why global talent management often fails:

1 Subsidiary managers may believe that it is their interests to keep their

own best talent rather than bring them to the attention of headquarters
or other subsidiaries.
2 Decision makers at the centre do not always have access to accurate
information about the availability of talent elsewhere in the organization.
3 Even when information is available, the sheer volume, diversity and,
possibly, unreliability of the data hinder the centre’s ability to manage
talent in subsidiaries effectively.

Sparrow et al (2011: 48) commented that: ‘The coordination of interna-

tional talent management strategies in highly decentralized MNCs is more
problematic due to greater tensions between the short-term needs of the
operating companies and the long-term strategic needs of the business.’
International People Management Strategy 279

CASE STUDY International talent management at HSBC

HSBC has created a system of talent pools that track and manage the careers of
high potentials within the international rm. After those employees have been
identied, they are assigned to regional or business unit talent pools, which are
managed by local human resources and business unit leaders. They are then
selected initially for new assignments within their region or business and may
later be given positions that cross boundaries. Managers of the pools single out
people to recommend for the group talent pool, which represents the most senior
cadre of general managers and is administered centrally.

International performance management

Performance management systems in subsidiaries covering home and third
country nationals are the area of people management where there is likely
to be the most convergence. This means that a system based on the one used
in the parent company is applied completely or partly worldwide. As Briscoe
et al (2012: 347) observed: ‘There are some valid reasons which suggest
that… a standardized approach may be warranted for the sake of global
integration, culture cohesiveness, fairness, mobility of global employees, and
as a control mechanism.’
The trend towards convergence was conrmed by the Global HR Research
Alliance research as reported by Stiles (2007: 39), which concluded that:

In performance management we found little or no difference across the world.

We witnessed a concerted effort on the part of group HR departments to
maintain global standards supported by global competencies (at foundation,
managerial, technical and leadership level), common evaluation processes
and common approaches to rewards. It was difcult, therefore, to nd many
distinctive local practices.

The effectiveness of international performance management is limited by

the sheer complexity of international business and the distance separating
headquarters and subsidiaries. Briscoe and Claus (2008) noted that a chal-
lenge is provided by ‘the major differences that arise between host national
perceptions and those of the home ofce regarding what was being accom-
plished and the circumstances under which it was being achieved’.
280 Specifc People Strategies

Figure 26.1 International performance management at Standard Chartered

The process Objective setting (Jan)

• Global for all employees • Financial/business objectives
• In transition to accelerate a • 2 core management objectives
high-performing organization • Values objective for all

Performance coaching
(throughout the year)
• Regular open dialogue
• Integrates performance,
learning and development,
reward and individual
• Addresses performance
• Underperformance not

Final review (Nov/Dec) Interim review (July)

• 1–5 financial/business rating scale • Formal step-back
• A–D values rating scale • ‘Tracking’ rather than ‘rating’
• Effective differentiation
• Additional feedback form
• Cascaded ‘level down’ rating

The particular issues affecting international performance management are

the increased difculty in inuencing and controlling line managers, cultural
differences, the problem of achieving consistent rating results, and variable
levels of maturity among subsidiaries which affect relative performance.

International reward management

International reward management involves the management of all aspects of
rewards in organizations operating worldwide or at least in a number of
countries. Traditionally, discussions of international reward strategies and
practices have tended to focus on an elite of expatriate workers, sourced
from headquarter locations and rewarded in isolation from local country
staff. Today a diverse and complex pattern is emerging, requiring a more
strategic approach than simply copying the practices of other multinationals.
International People Management Strategy 281

International reward strategy is concerned with the development of an

integrated approach to building reward policies and practices across interna-
tional boundaries. It should be integrated in the sense that it takes into ac-
count the business goals and drivers of the parent company while at the same
time tting the strategy to the different contexts and cultures across the
globe. The issue of the extent to which the reward strategy should be central-
ized or decentralized (convergence or divergence) needs to be addressed.
Baeten and Leuven (2010) listed the following main concerns affecting
global reward strategy:

● the extent of centralization or decentralization of reward policies and

● balancing corporate and national cultures;
● global benchmarking of levels of pay.

The factors that are likely to impact on international reward strategy are the
corporate culture of the multinational enterprise, expatriate and local la-
bour markets, local cultural sensitivities, and legal and institutional factors.
A choice has to be made between on the one hand seeking internal consist-
ency by developing common reward policies in order to facilitate the move-
ment of employees across borders and preserve internal equity, and on the
other hand, responding to pressures to conform to local practices.
Briscoe et al (2012: 297) identied the following options for establishing
a worldwide reward system:

● Create worldwide salary levels at HQ with differentials for each subsidiary

according to their differing costs of living.
 Base pay on local levels (usually excluding executives and globally mobile
● Establish a global base per position where there is a global market for
particular occupations or for senior managers and global employees.
● Set up two classications – local and national – for pay. All local nationals
above a certain level are placed on the headquarters scale. The others are
paid on a local scale.

Managing expatriates
The management of expatriates on international assignments is a major fac-
tor determining success or failure in a global business. Expatriates are ex-
pensive. They can be difcult to manage because of the problems associated
282 Specifc People Strategies

with adapting to and working in unfamiliar environments and cultures, con-

cerns about their development and careers, difculties encountered when
they re-enter their parent company after a foreign assignment and questions
about how they should be remunerated.
A strategy for managing expatriates can relate to the global assignment
cycle described by Sparrow et al (2004: 145), the three phases of which are:

● Pre-departure – planning the assignment, selecting the individual, admini-

stering the relocation programme and conducting preparatory training
and development.
● Assignment – performance management, pay and benets, family support
and preparation for repatriation or reassignment.
● Post-assignment – retention by reintegrating returning international assignees
into organizational career systems.

Key learning points

● Strategic international people management (SIPM) is the process of
planning how best to develop and implement policies and practices for
managing people across international boundaries by multinational
● The fundamental strategic people management issue for multinational
companies is how to cope with complex cultural, geographical and
constitutional pressures.
● The specic issues that affect international as distinct from domestic
people management are the impact of globalization, the inuence of
environmental and cultural differences, the extent to which operations
should be centralized or decentralized, and the extent to which PM
policy and practice should vary in different countries (convergence or
divergence). The last two issues are of particular concern when framing
international PM strategies.
● The dilemma facing all multinational corporations is that of achieving a
balance between international consistency and local autonomy. They
have to decide on the extent to which their people policies should either
‘converge’ worldwide to be basically the same in each location, or
‘diverge’ to be differentiated in response to local requirements.
International People Management Strategy 283

● International PM strategies are primarily concerned with resourcing,

talent management, performance management, reward management
and the management of expatriates. In each of these areas except that
of managing expatriates, the strategy will determine the direction the
company wants to go in the light of overall considerations relating to
convergence or divergence.
● International resourcing is based on workforce planning processes
which assess how many people are needed throughout the MNC
(demand forecasting), set out the sources of people available (supply
forecasting) and, in the light of these forecasts, prepare action plans for
recruitment, selection or assignment.
● The conduct of international talent management involves basically the
same methods as those used in a domestic setting, namely, a pipeline
consisting of processes for talent planning, talent pool denition,
identifying talent internally, recruiting talent, performance management,
management development and career planning, assignment or
● The effectiveness of international performance management is affected
overall by the sheer complexity of international business and the
distance separating headquarters and subsidiaries. The particular issues
affecting international performance management are the increased
difculty in inuencing and controlling line managers, cultural
differences, the problem of achieving consistent rating results, and
variable levels of maturity among subsidiaries which affect relative
● International reward strategy is concerned with the development of an
integrated approach to building reward policies and practices across
international boundaries.
● The factors that are likely to impact on international reward strategy are
the corporate culture of the multinational enterprise, expatriate and local
labour markets, local cultural sensitivities, and legal and institutional
● The management of expatriates on international assignments is a major
factor determining success or failure in a global business.
284 Specifc People Strategies

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Abell, D F 26 Chandler, A D 25
Aguinas, H 196 Chatzkel, J L 152
Ahmad, S 49 Claus, L M
Alfes, K 149, 269 Coens, T 184, 202
Allen, M R 2 Collings, D G 225, 277–78
Alvesson, M 131 Combs, J 54
Angrave, D 101 Conway, N 118
Armstrong, M 2, 62, 63, 82, 244, 253 Cooke, R 148
Arthur, J 54 Cooper, C 266, 267–68
Coster, C 7
Baeten, X 281 Cox, A 243–44
Baird, L 45 Crawford, E R 212
Balain, S 211 Crocker-Heffer, A 46
Barends, E G 100 Cullinane, N 259
Barney, J B 50, 54, 56
Baron, A 82 Delery, J E 2, 8, 15, 45, 50, 51, 54–55, 56
Baron, D 172 Doty, H D 45
Becker, B E 11, 12, 37, 54 Dundon, T 2, 19, 186
Beer, M 2, 8, 9, 10, 16, 19, 44, 55, Dyer, L 18, 44, 45, 48, 52, 62, 80, 133
63–64, 143
Benson, G S 83 Egan, G 198
Bernadin, H K 196 Elias, J 151
Birdi, K 54 Ericksen, J 52
Blackler, F 166
Bonache, J 52 Festing, M
Borman, W C 196 Fisher, S L 207
Bos-Nehles, A C 54, 120 Flaherty, J 185
Bourne, M 182 Fletcher, C 196
Bowen, D E 12, 13, 52 Fombrun, C J 8, 35, 44, 55, 80
Boxall, P F 7, 15, 17, 24, 25, 30, 35, 48, 51, Fredrickson, J W 26
53, 79–80, 86, 102, 183, 256, 259 Freeman, R E 53, 171
Brawn W 275 Friedman, M 17, 172
Brewster, C 275, 276
Briscoe, D R 279, 281 Gheorghe, C 180
Brown, D 2, 62, 63, 64, 87, 130, 201, 243, Ghoshal, S 166
251, 253, 266 Goodhall, A 203
Brumbach, G B 196–97 Grant, D 17
Buckingham, M 203 Grant, R M 51, 81
Butler, L 124 Gratton, L A 38, 103, 118
Graves, S B 172
Cabrera, E F 52 Guest, D E 2, 8–9, 14, 19, 46, 54, 71, 118,
Caldwell, R 131, 149 119, 120, 208, 259, 268
Campbell, J P 196 Guzzo, R A 14
Cappelli, P 46, 226
Carlson, D S 54 Hack, J 180
Cascio W F 2, 63, 201–02 Hambrisk, D C 26
286 Author Index

Hansen, M T 164, 165, 166 McWilliams, A 171, 172, 173

Harrison, R 239–40 Mellahi, K 225, 277–78
Harter, J K 211–12 Meshoulam, I 45
Hendry, C 35 Michaels, E G 225–26
Herriot, P 260 Michie, J 49
Hesketh, I 267–68 Miles, R E 48, 221
Hillman, A 171 Mintzberg, H T 30, 48, 81, 82
Hird, M 11 Mohrman, S A 123
Holder, G W 18, 44, 48, 62, 133 Moran, P 172
Hunt, S 50 Motowidlo, S J 196
Huselid, M A 11, 12, 54 Murlis, H 244
Husted, B W 171–72
Nadler, D A 123
Ichniowski, C 54 Nahpiet, J 166
Nalbantian, R 151–52
Jackson, S E 37, 48, 52, 54, 134 Nishii, L H 13, 118, 253
Jenkins, M 184, 202 Nonaka, I 164
Jiang, K 15, 55 Noonan, K A 14
Johnson, M G 102 Norton, D P 27, 181
Nyberg, A J 51
Kahn, W A
Kane, J S 196 Osterby, B 7
Kanter, R M 24, 31, 131 Osterman, P 259
Kaplan, R S 27, 181 Ostroff, C 12, 13, 52
Kaufmann, B E 2, 35, 55
Kaye, L 63 Paawue, J 2, 45, 48, 52, 55
Kearns, P 152 Pascale, R 220
Keenoy, T 2 Patterson, M G 14
Keep, E 219, 236 Peccei, R 14, 71, 259, 267
Keim, G 171 Pellant, A 227
Kepes, S 8 Penrose, E 50
Kessler, S 257 Perkins, S J 100, 226
Khilji, E 118, Pettigrew, A 35–36, 102
Kochan, T A 259 Pfeffer, J 46, 49, 100, 270
Kramer, M R 171–72 Ployhart, R E 51
Porter, M E 47, 171–72
Lafferty, J 148 Pucik, V 275
Lake, D 133–34 Purcell J 11, 14, 15, 24, 25, 30, 49, 51, 53,
Lawler, E E 123 54, 80, 86, 243–44
Legge, K 8
Lengnick-Hall, M L 44, 54, 118 Quinn Mills, D 39, 220
Lepak, D P 52
Leuven, V 281 Rafferty, A 2, 19, 186
Levitt, T 172 Rawls, J 71
Lopez-Cotarelo, J 119 Reay, T 100
Reeves, T 45, 80
MacDufe, J P 45 Reilly, P 202
Macey W H 21 Reynolds, J 238
Magretta, J 109, 152 Richer, J 25
Manocha, R 151 Robinson, D 203
Marchington, M 2, 18 Roumpi, D 2, 15, 50, 51, 56
Marler, J H 207 Rousseau, D M 14, 100
Marsh, C 192
Marsick, V J 239 Saks, A M 211
McMahan, G 35, 36, 43 Salazar, J 171–72
Author Index 287

Scaggs, B C 52 Tuttle, T C 180

Scarborough, H 151, 163, 164 Tyson, S 102, 133
Schneider, B 16, 71
Schroeder, R 49 Ulrich, D 14, 16–17, 133–34, 149, 274
Schuler, R S 35, 37, 43, 48, 52, 54, 134 Undy, S 257
Shaw, J D 52
Shields, J 17, 201 Vere, D 124
Shortland, S N 100
Siegel, D S 172, 173 Waddock, S A 172
Sink, D S 180 Walker, J 44
Sloman, M 238, 240 Walton, R E 75, 84, 259
Snow, C C 48, 221 Wang, X 118
Snyder, W M 167 Warr, P 266
Sparrow, P R 2, 19, 29, 55, 109–10, 131–32, Wenger, E 167
211, 230, 275, 282 Wernerfelt, B 50
Stiles, P 2, 276, 279 West, M A 14, 54
Storey, J 8, 17, 39 Whittington, R 28
Strickland, A J 24, 31 Windsor, D 170
Surowiecki, J 124 Winstanley, D 17
Sutton, R I 100, 270 Witcher, M 102
Syrett, M 131 Wood, D J 170
Wood, S 84
Takeuchy, H 164 Woodall, J 17
Thompson, A A 24, 31 Woodrow, C 119
Thompson, M 14 Worley, C 146
Thompson, P 2 Wright, P M 2, 13, 35, 36, 43, 44, 56, 103,
Thorne, K N 227 118, 253
Townley, B 220
Trevor, J 120, 121, 252–53 Youndt, M A 49, 52
Truss, C 24–25, 34, 38, 211 Younger, J 226
Tushman, M L 123

added value 55 change management 123–24, 144, 149

agency/transaction cost model of strategic change agent 149
HRM 36 Chartered Institute of Personnel and
agile working 190 Development (CIPD) 1, 62, 80, 101,
agility 52 131, 134, 143, 176, 190, 210, 227,
alignment (vertical t) 44 232, 233, 267, 271
AMO model chatbots 208
the AMO framework dened 53 cloud computing 208
description 15 competency framework 111
factors affecting 53 competitive advantage
and the impact of HRM on and best t 47
performance 15, 16, 53 and business model innovation 26
and SHRM 2, 44 dened 171
Anchor Homes 91–92 and human capital management 52
Articial intelligence 208–09 and the resource-based view 50, 51
and resourcing 220
balanced core card 26, 28, 181 and strategy 26
BAME groups 232 congurational perspective of strategic
behavioural perspective of strategic HRM 43, 46
HRM 52–53 contingency model of HRM 49
behavioural science 143 contingency perspective of strategic
best t HRM 44, 46
approach to 47 convergence 276
and best practice 48 corporate social responsibility
and competitive strategies 47–48 (CSR)
life-cycle model 47 activities 173–74
limitations to the concept 48 and competitive advantage 171
strategic conguration 48 dened 85, 170
best practice developing a CSR strategy 175–76
and best t 48 rationale for 171–72
dened 46 role of people management 176–77
Pfeffer’s list of best practices 46 and strategic HRM 39
problems with the concept 46 as a strategic investment 172
and the rhetoric-reality gap 119 strategic CSR dened 173
support for 49 COVID-19 103
black box problem of the link between culture, see organization culture
HRM and performance 56 culture change 144, 147–48
achievement of 111 data mining 101
argument for 45 development of people strategy,
dened 45, 111 see people strategy
business model 26, 109 development of
business model innovation digital strategy
dened 26, 109 components of 207–09
and organization development 144, 156 dened 207
and strategy 26 purpose 207
business partner role of people discretionary learning 238
specialists 134, 137 divergence 276
290 Subject Index

diversity t
dened 232 best t 47
management of 232 as best practice 46
diversity and inclusion as bundles 46
dened 85 as contingency (best t) 46
strategy 233 horizontal t 43
temporal factor in achieving 108
e-HRM 17 see also digital strategy vertical t 43, 44, 45
emergent strategy 81 exibility strategy 222
employee engagement
dened 85, 210–11 grade structures 111
enhancement 144
factors inuencing 212–13 Harvard model of HRM 9, 10
importance of 211–12 high-commitment management 84
strategy 210, 213–15 high-involvement management 83–84
employee experience high performance culture, development
dened 14–15 of 185–86
and employee value proposition 222 high-performance management 83
management of 72 high-performance work systems
and people management 72 and bundling 111
employment relations strategy components of 186
approaches to 260–61 dened 15, 186
concerns of 261 development of 187–89
dened 256 high performance working 144
nature of 260 horizontal integration or t 43, 64
employee resourcing, see resourcing horizontal integration 43
employee value proposition 222 HR, see people management
employee voice strategy 262 HR analytics, see people analytics
employees as people not disposable ends 79 HR architecture 11
employee wellbeing HR policies 12
case for 266–67 HR practices 12
dened 85, 266 HR role in managing change 124
and the ethical dimension of HR 16 HR strategy
factors affecting 269–71 and economic imperatives 80
features of an employee wellbeing and people strategy 79
strategy 267–69 and strategic HRM 38
and HR 14 see also people strategy
and performance 71 HR system
and strategic HRM 55 and the HR architecture 11
employer brand 222 components of 12
employment relations climate strategy 258 dened 11
employment relationship 85, 256–58 features of 12
engagement, see employee engagement a ‘strong’ system 12–13
ethical behaviour and corporate social HRM, see human resource management
responsibility 173 human capital dened 151–52
ethical considerations 131 human capital management
ethical dimension of HRM 16–17 aims 152
evidence-based management 100 dened 85, 151
evidence-based people management 100, dening characteristic 151
151 development of human capital
evidence-based approach to developing management strategy 154, 157
people strategy 99–01 link with business strategy
151, 153–54
factors of production, people as 75 metrics 153
nancial wellbeing 271 strategy 152–53
Subject Index 291

human resource advantage 51 strategy, purpose of 163

human resource information system 207 and technology 166
human resource management
deciencies in concept 2 lean 145
dened 7 lean manufacturing 191
diverse practice of 18 learning culture
features of 9 characteristics of 237
HR system 11–13 creation of 238–39
impact on performance 14–16, 56 learning and development
matching model 9, 11 dened 85
meaning of 17 strategic approach to 235–36
Michigan framework 9 LGBT groups 232
models 9–11 line managers
multi-stakeholder perspective 19 and reward management 252
nature of 8 role in implementing people
and people management 17 strategy 119, 120, 122, 124
perspectives on 45 London School of Economics 89–91
and personnel management 7
philosophy of 8 matching model of HRM 9, 11
reservations about the practice of metrics 151
HRM 18–19 Michigan framework 9
as a social system 64 Ministry of Housing, Communities and
state of 17–19 Local Government 87–89
and strategic HRM 38 multi-stakeholder
perspective 2, 19, 54–55, 63, 64
IDS 212 and people management 71
inclusion and strategic people management 79
dened 232 mutuality 259
management of 232 mutual gains
individual learning strategy 240 concept 259
Institute for Employment Studies (IES) 1, model 19
62, 64, 87, 203 strategy 259
institutional theory 36
integration and SHRM 43 OD 143
intellectual capital theory 164 organization culture and strategy 52
interventions, organization organization design 84
development 143 organization development
international people management, activities 144
dened 274, see also strategic dened 84, 143
international people strategy 143, 146–47
management organizational capability 184–85
organizational learning
job design 270 dened 145
job evaluation 111 principles of 239–40
organizational performance, management of
key result areas 184 dimensions of 180
knowledge management how organizational performance is
dened 85, 145, 163 managed 181
process of 163 implementing strategy 184
purpose of 164 process of 180
relating to business strategy 166 role of people management function 179
social capital 166 role of top management 179
sources and types of knowledge 164 the strategic approach to managing
strategy, components of 167 organizational performance 181–83
strategy, development of 165 organizational restructuring 191–92
292 Subject Index

partnership agreement strategy 261–62 evidence-based approach to 99–01

people analytics integrate business and people
dened 101 strategy 108
and evidence-based management 101 limits to a rationalistic approach 101–02
and human capital management 151 the ‘outside-in’ approach 104
predictive analytics 101 principles of development 99
use of 101, 158–60 recommendations from practitioners 112
people directors, strategic role of 135–36 rhetoric/reality gap 103
people as factors of production 75 setting out 11–12
people management stakeholder analysis 106–07
as an alternative term to HRM 71 steps for formulating strategy 105–12
case for 64–65 strategic options and choices 103
dened 71 people strategy, implementation of
and the employee experience 72 the implementation process 120, 122–24
and HRM 17, 71, 72, 73 problems of 117
overall approaches to 83 performance
philosophy of 71 factors affecting individual
and SHRM 1 performance 197
people management function meaning of 195–97
role in facilitating change 124 strategy 85
role in developing organizational performance management
performance 179 as a continuous process 198
role in promoting corporate cycle 198
responsibility 176–77 limitations of the performance
people management strategic activities 131 management system model 199–200
people management strategic roles 135–38 principles of 198
people metrics 153 system 197
people policy 81 personnel management 7, 17
people profession 1 PESTLE analysis 28
people professionals predictive analytics 101
partnership role 132–33 PricewaterhouseCoopers 71
strategic role 130–31 pulse surveys 269
work of 131
people strategy resource-based theory 9
activities 131 resource-based strategy 51
advice for practitioners 94–96 resource-based view
criteria for 86 and competitive advantage 50
dened 79 dened 50
evaluation of 86 and human capital theory 51
features of 81–82 and human resource advantage 51
fundamental tenants 80 and HRM 9
and HR strategy 79 and knowledge management 163
justication for term 65 and performance 14
nature of 80–81 rationale for 51
and organizational performance 192 and strategic HRM 2, 36, 43
and people policy 81 resource dependence theory 36–37
specic people strategies 84–85 resources 50
statements of intent 82 resourcing
types of 82 competitive resourcing 221–22
people strategy, development of dened 85, 219
analysis of effectiveness of existing integrating business and resourcing
strategies 108 strategies 220
analysis of internal and external rationale for strategic resourcing 219–20
environments 105–06 strategic resourcing 219–20
conduct a diagnostic review 108 strategy 221
Subject Index 293

retention strategy 222 conceptual nature of 50

Revolution Bars 93–94 congurational perspective 46
reward management dened 85 contingency perspective 46
reward philosophy 243 cybernetic model 36
reward strategy dened 1, 34–35
basis of 244–47 ethical considerations 38
characteristics of 244 evolution of 56
content of 247–48 hard strategic HRM 39
dened 242–43 and HR strategy 38
development of 249–51 and HRM 34, 38
effectiveness of 251–52 human capital perspective 51–52
and line management capability 252 impact on performance 54
problem with concept 253–54 and institutional theory 36
reason for 243–44 limitations of 29, 63
rhetoric/reality gap 103, 118–19 and the matching model of HRM 11
multi-stakeholder approach 54–55, 63
Saïd Business School 71 and performance 54
service delivery, people management 131 process of 39–40
smart phones 208 rationale for 62
smart working 146, 189–90 reality of 62
social capital 166 resource-based SHRM 51
social media 208 and the resource-based view 36
social networks 167 and resource dependence theory 36–37
stakeholder analysis 106–07 soft strategic HRM 39
stakeholder approach to managing and stakeholders 38
performance 183 strategic t 2, 16, 23, 24, 28, 34, 38,
stakeholder theory 44, 53–54, 171 43, 44
stakeholders and strategic management 24, 34
and businesses 2 vertical integration or t 44, 45
dened 53 what is happening to strategic HRM
and HRM 9 55–56
involvement in strategy 119 strategic international people
multi-stakeholder perspective 19, management
54–55, 63, 64 convergence 276
and organizational performance 180 dened 275
and strategic management 24 divergence 276
strategic business partner model 133–35 expatriate strategy 281–82
strategic capability 51 performance management
strategic change, management of 123 strategy 279–80
strategic conguration 48 resourcing strategy 277
strategic t reward strategy 281
dened 37 strategic issues 275–76
as a fundamental concept of SHRM 2 strategies 276–82
and the resource-based view 51 talent management strategy
and strategy development 28 277–78
and SHRM 38, 43 strategic learning and development
strategic human resource management aim 235–36
(SHRM) dened 235
agency/transaction cost model 36 philosophy of 236–37
aims of 38–39 strategic management
AMO model 52 and strategic HRM 24
assumptions 64 dened 24, 25
behavioural approach to 36 key activity 24
behavioural perspective 52–53 strategic business partner model of people
characteristics of 35–37 management 134, 137
294 Subject Index

strategic people management and bundling 111

comparison with strategic HRM 74–75 components of 227
dened 72 dened 85, 225
fundamental characteristic of 75 imperatives for 336
guiding principles of 79 process of 226
model of 76 strategy 222, 228
precepts of 75 talent pipe line 228, 229
strategic talent management 228 talent on demand 226
strategy team building 146
and business model innovation 26 total reward 111, 146
characteristics of 25–26 trade union recognition strategy 263
content of 26 transaction cost model of strategic HRM 36
dened 24 transactional people management
development of 28–30 activities 131
implementation of 31 trust, strategy for building 260
meaning of 25
and organization culture 52 universalistic perspective of strategic
reality of 30 HRM 45, 49
strategy maps 181–83
stress 271 vertical integration or t 43, 44, 45, 74
‘strong’ HR system 12–13 vertical t, achievement of 108
SWOT analysis 28, 50
system 11 wellbeing, see employee wellbeing
work-life balance 39, 271
talent 227–28 workforce planning 221
talent management
approaches to 226 YUCA environment 181

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