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The main objectives behind the preparation of thisproject was to

collect knowledge of an organization.As I choose
to make the project on haldiram’s
, I come toknow about many facts which were very useful to me.The

meaning of the principle of fayol

Were theoretically clear out, preparation of such a
wonderfulproject helped me a lot to clear them by practically
experiencing their existence in haldiram
s Sweets.

According to the survey I conducted from the employees and the
interview with the shift manager of haldiram’s Sweets, green park,
the 14 principles by the Henri Fayol regarding management, are
mostly applicable.
haldiram’s Sweets, follows the principle of general management:-
Division of work, Authority &Responsibilities, Unity Of Direction,
Subordination Of Individual Interests To The General
Interests,Remuneration of Employees, Centralization &Decentralizat
ion, Scalar Chain, Order, Equity, Stability Of Personnel, Espirit De
Corps. It partially follows the principle of Discipline and principle of
Initiative & does not follow the principle of unity of command.
According to me, haldiram’s Sweets should become more
stringent towards application of these principles in its general
administration. This project work has been helpful in studying the
meaning, techniques and functions of principles of management given
by Henri Fayol in a better manner.

Unity of command not followed

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