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The Project Gutenberg eBook of A Few Suggestions to

McGraw-Hill Authors
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Title: A Few Suggestions to McGraw-Hill Authors

Author: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company

Release date: February 10, 2017 [eBook #54146]

Language: English

Credits: Produced by Chris Curnow, Lesley Halamek and the Online

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The McGraw-Hill Book Company was formed on July 1, 1909, by a

consolidation of the book departments of the McGraw Publishing Company
and the Hill Publishing Company, then separate publishers of engineering
journals and books. For over twenty years, prior to the formation of the
McGraw-Hill Book Company, the several journals controlled by Mr.
McGraw and Mr. Hill (now published by the McGraw-Hill Company, Inc.,
a separate organization) had been producing books in their special fields;
but the publication of technical books had not been brought to the high
standard of technical journals.

From the beginning we adopted the slogan, Better Books in Text and
Manufacture. It was evident to the men who had brought the leading
technical journals of the country from comparative insignificance to
positions of influence that there was need of a new technical literature—a
literature for classroom and reference which should adequately supplement
their periodicals.

Our first efforts were largely in the field of engineering, but presently we
set new goals for ourselves. By processes which seemed natural to us, we
have extended our publishing not only into the fields of chemistry, physics,
mathematics and English, with a view always of supplying better
fundamental textbooks for students, but also into the fields of agriculture,
business administration and economics. Similarly our range of publishing
has broadened from the somewhat restricted field of applied science, to
include numerous works of high standard dealing with pure science.

In all these fields the aim has been, not only to produce a better grade of
text and reference book, but to put behind each book a selling organization
so competent that the maximum market, both in this country and abroad,
would be reached. Without this the possibility of persuading important men,
in all branches of science, to produce textbooks seemed futile, for the
author's return must always be in proportion to the distribution.

The association with the journals of the McGraw-Hill Company, which we

represent in all matters pertaining to the production of books, brings us into
close contact with the widest range of engineering and industrial activities.
The circulations of these journals include the leading engineers and
executives of the world. The list follows:
American Machinist
Electric Railway Journal
Electrical World
Engineering and Mining Journal-Press
Coal Age
Engineering News-Record
Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
Electrical Merchandising
Industrial Engineer
Bus Transportation
Journal of Electricity
Ingenieria Internacional

From these journals we draw both editorial guidance and marketing power.
They are the "natural resources" which simplified the problems of our early
years and made possible our rapid development and growth, until today, by
the application of the same editorial standards and marketing methods, in
broader fields, we are able to offer to the author of technical books a highly
developed machinery of publication and distribution.

Typing—Numbering the Pages—
Copy for Footnotes—Copy for
Illustrations—Subdividing the Text
—Some Details of Typography—
Bibliographies—Tables of Contents
—Indexes—Some Details of Style
—Copyright Infringements—
Shipping the Manuscript.
Line Drawings—Halftone
Illustrations—Wax Cuts—In
General—The Number of
Sample Galleys—Galley Proofs—
Page Proofs—Answering Queries—
Marketing a Book—Corrections and


The purpose of these suggestions is fourfold:

(1) To assist our authors in preparing their manuscripts and in

understanding the general process of publication.

(2) To lighten the burden of the editors, typesetters, and proof-readers

in securing uniformity and adherence to high standards.

(3) To avoid complications and delays and—worst of all—the item of

author's corrections.

(4) To obtain a standard of editorial details as uniformly high as that of

the subject-matter of our books.

Let it be understood, first of all, that these are suggestions, not rules.
Although we endeavor to maintain high standards, we do not insist upon
uniformity of style or consistency throughout the books in our widely
diversified list. The editor of a periodical or the proceedings of a society
properly insists upon uniformity, generally issues a style sheet to guide his
contributors, and edits all manuscript to fixed standards. But since our
books cover nearly all branches of science, we feel that absolute uniformity
would accomplish no good purpose.

Throughout a single manuscript, however, in details of punctuation,

spelling, abbreviation, compounding of words, side- and center-headings,
notation, bibliographic references, etc., we do ask for the adoption of a
conservative, well-recognized standard. Even uniformity throughout a
manuscript seems, curiously enough, most difficult to secure, although the
lack of it leads to misunderstandings, delays and author's corrections, with
their attendant avoidable expenses.

We have used the phrase "conservative, well-recognized standard"

advisedly. Departure from such standards, either in spelling, punctuation,
systems of notation or otherwise, is not advisable, for whatever convictions
the author and the publisher may have it is quite certain that the majority of
the readers of any given book will be conservative and more often annoyed
than otherwise by any radical departures from common practice.

Without reference to our own views on simplified spelling, for example, we

are confident that the radical simplified speller is neither surprised nor
disturbed to find in a book what he would term old-fashioned spelling. The
conservative speller, on the other hand, is shocked even at tho and thru, and
the book suffers accordingly. Nevertheless, we have no quarrel with sulfur
in our manuscripts on chemical subjects, or with any other spelling which
has been approved officially by the leading technical society in the
particular field of the manuscript.

To secure consistency in details throughout his manuscript it is best for an

author to adopt as his guides, at the very beginning of his work, some
standard unabridged dictionary and an authoritative writer's manual, and to
stick to these alone until his book is on the market. By this method he will
give his book not only a high standard but uniformity in details.


The first requisite of good manuscript is obviously legibility. To this end we

suggest the following:

Typing.—Manuscript should be typewritten in black on one side of white

paper, uniform in size and preferably 8½×11 inches. A paper of reasonable
thickness and toughness is desirable. Thin, "manifold" paper should not be
used for the publisher's copy.

The same spacing should be used as far as practicable on each sheet to

facilitate estimates as to the number of words in the complete manuscript. A
margin of at least an inch should be left at top, bottom, and left-hand side.
Single spacing should be avoided.

A carbon copy should invariably be made and retained by the author, both
for his reference and to protect him against possible loss of the original. The
original or ribbon copy should be sent to the publisher.

Numbering the Pages.—Sheets should be numbered consecutively in

the upper right-hand corner from beginning to end and arranged in order of
their numbers. Interpolated pages may be marked 36a, 36b, and so forth, in
accordance with the number of the preceding page. If any pages are
removed from the manuscript for any reason, the preceding page should be
double numbered, as, for example: 36 & 7 or 36-40.

Copy for Footnotes.—Footnotes, if used, should be put into the body of

the manuscript immediately following the reference and separated from the
text by parallel lines above and below. The number referring to the footnote
should be placed in the text and before the footnote. Generally speaking, we
prefer the use of arabic numerals for footnotes,1 which should be carried
out consecutively through each chapter, when the footnotes are numerous,
with a new series for each chapter. In cases where footnotes are relatively
few, the numerals may be repeated without risk of confusion from page to
page as the footnotes occur.

1: This footnote is to show the size of type (8 point) which we generally use for
footnotes. Incidentally this booklet is set up in 10 point, and in the general
typographical style of our reference and textbooks, as distinguished from handbooks.
The dimensions of the type page and the trimmed size of the page are those we
usually adopt for the standard 6×9-inch book.

Copy for Illustrations.—Drawings and photographs, which are

discussed more fully later, should not be inserted in the manuscript, because
illustrations are sent to the engraver at the same time that the manuscript is
sent to the printer. Small drawings should be pasted on separate sheets of
paper, one drawing to the sheet, but large drawings and photographs should
not be treated in this manner. Mounted photographs are entirely satisfactory,
but unmounted photographs should not be pasted on sheets or mounted,
except by an expert. All illustrations should be referred to by figure
numbers in the text and numbered correspondingly for identification on the
copy. We prefer to have illustrations numbered consecutively from the
beginning to the end of the manuscript.

Subdividing the Text.—In modern textbooks and scientific works the

tendency is toward clearly marked subdivisions of the text. To this end
center-headings, side-headings, and subheadings are constantly used. It is in
general advisable that all manuscripts be prepared in this way. As far as is
possible the divisions should be of reasonable length in order that the text
may be broken up sharply into its subdivisions. In the case of textbooks
intended for classroom use, we find that teachers generally prefer divisions
of approximately equal size and not over a page in length. Where the
division is longer than a page, subdivisions with side-headings in italics
may be used.

Bold-face headings may be indicated in the manuscript either by the letters

b. f. or by underlining with a wavy line. Italics may be indicated by
underlining with a straight line. If bold-face capitals are required, mark b. f.
In the designation of headings and subheadings particular care should be
taken to follow a consistent and easily understood plan.

Some of our editors strongly recommend that every chapter should begin
with an uncaptioned introductory paragraph to avoid the bald-headed
appearance that results if a chapter begins immediately with a bold-face

If a text is designed for one of the numerous series which we publish, the
author should consult the editor of the series for his preference in this and
similar matters.

Some Details of Typography.—For classroom use the majority of

teachers seem to prefer to have the side-headings numbered consecutively
throughout the book.

Tables and illustrations should be numbered consecutively throughout the

book but in separate series. Tables should have an appropriate caption
above, and, generally speaking, illustrations should have a descriptive
legend below. Tables should be arranged, if possible, so that they can be
printed across the page.

When equations and formulas are numerous, and especially in books

designed for classroom use, it is often advantageous to number them
consecutively throughout the text.

For chapters and tables roman numerals should be used; for all other series,

Excerpts from the works of other authors (when they are more than a phrase
or sentence), problems, examples and test questions are generally set in
smaller type than the body of the text itself. Accordingly they should be
clearly marked.
Bibliographies.—Bibliographic references by footnotes serve in most
books. Bibliographies of greater extent should be arranged alphabetically at
the end of each chapter of the book, or numbered serially and referred to by
numbers in the text. The custom is to print the titles of books in roman and
the titles of periodicals in italics. Abbreviations should conform to the well-
established style sheets of technical societies. We recommend particularly
the abbreviations of:

Issued by the American

Society of
ENGINEERING INDEX Mechanical Engineers, 29
West 39th
Street, New York.
Issued by the American
CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS Society, 1709 G Street, N.
Washington, D. C.
Issued by the Board of
Control of
Botanical Abstracts, Dr.
Reddick, Business
Manager, Cornell
University, Ithaca, N. Y.
Issued by the Zoological
RECORD London, Regent's Park,
THE INTERNATIONAL Issued by the Royal Society

The extent of the bibliography will vary, of course, with the nature of the
subject and the treatment. The tendency to-day appears to be toward rather
excessive bibliographies, which do not seem to us generally to be justified.
For a simple rule, we recommend "bibliographies of easily accessible

Tables of Contents.—Detailed tables of contents to run in the front of

the book serve a useful purpose. They should, however, be kept down to
reasonable limits.

There are three forms of contents used in our books:

(1) A simple list of chapter headings. In many cases this is sufficient.

(2) Chapter headings with all articles or sub-headings given

underneath. These may either be listed or "run in." With a good index,
such a full table of contents seems hardly to serve a useful purpose.

(3) The chapter headings with the outstanding sub-headings listed or

"run in" underneath. When these headings are selected carefully they
give a quick but comprehensive picture of the contents.

Lists of illustrations are nowadays generally regarded as unnecessary in a

technical book, and should be prepared only for the guidance of the author
and the publisher.

Indexes.—A good subject index is necessary in all technical works. A

widely-read periodical in New York at one time published regularly the
following notice of subject books which were submitted to it for review and
found to be without indexes:

The publisher and the author did not think well enough of this book to
supply it with a suitable index. We feel, therefore, that it is hardly
worthy of a review in our columns.

A good index is one which enables the reader or student to locate readily
the subject or item which he seeks. It is usually best for an author to make
his own index. A professional indexer is inclined to overload an index; the
author, with his knowledge of the subject and a little study, will generally
produce a better working index.
Our usual style of index is two columns to the page, set in 8-point type,
with not more than two indentions. The following example shows the use of
the single and double indentions:


Acetylene starters, 263 Battery, effect of overcharging, 245
Air cooling, 125 overfilling,
valve, 425 257
auxiliary, undercharging,
72 245
dashpot, freezing temperature of,
74 250
Alcohol, heating value, 70 ignition systems, 159
use in radiator, 128 care of, 186
Alignment of wheels, 421 timing, 185
Alternating current generator, jars and covers, 242
simple, 280 markings, 244
Ammeter, method of connecting, necessity of pure water in,
133 247
operation of, 337 operation of, 245
Ampere, definition of, 132 rundown, causes, 260
Anti-friction bearings, 364 sediment, 260
Armature type magneto, 191 specific gravity, change
Arm, torque, 400 in, 247
Atwater-Kent ignition systems, sulphation, 256
163, 167 testing with hydrometer,
247, 248
voltmeter, 255
voltage, 244

Serious objection is properly made to numerous page references under a

single heading. For example, in a book on Petroleum, references to every
page on which the word petroleum appears would obviously be valueless.
The solution lies in concise qualifications of the main titles to reduce to the
minimum the actual number of page references opposite each heading.
In the preparation of an index the use of 3×5-inch cards, or paper of
sufficient weight to be handled easily and of similar dimensions, is
advisable. This enables the author to arrange his subject matter
alphabetically and assemble his duplicate references easily. The single and
double indentions should be marked on these cards, and the guide words
stricken out when indentions are indicated. For single indentions use this
mark ◻. For double indentions use ◻◻. If, after the cards are so
arranged and marked, it is possible for the author to have the index
typewritten in manuscript form, the risk of mixing and loss of cards is
minimized and the work of the printer is facilitated.

Some Details of Style.—Because we do not seek uniformity throughout

our entire list of books but ask only for uniformity within a manuscript
itself, with adherence to any conservative and well-recognized standard, we
do not issue a style sheet.

The periodicals with which we are associated (the publications of the

McGraw-Hill Company, Inc., Tenth Avenue and 36th Street, New York)
have a sheet which is excellent, and which may well serve as a guide to the
author who is undertaking the preparation of a manuscript. Or the author
may use as his guide any good writer's manual. At the risk of monotonous
repetition, however, we urge once more the importance of uniformity
throughout the manuscript itself. To this end, we suggest the following:

Spelling.—Follow any one of the standard and well-recognized dictionaries,

but follow it consistently. We encounter difficulties especially in the matter
of hyphenated words; in using hyphens follow the dictionary.

Abbreviations.—Again, any well-recognized standard will satisfy us.

Dictionaries do not, in general, cover the abbreviations of scientific words
to a satisfactory extent. We would suggest, therefore, that the author secure
the style sheet of one of the leading technical societies in the field in which
he works.

For Chemistry . . . . . . American Chemical Society

For Civil Engineering American Society of Civil Engineers
For Electrical American Institute of Electrical
Engineering . . . . . Engineers
For Mechanical American Society of Mechanical
Engineering . . . Engineers
For Mining and American Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy . . . . Metallurgical Engineers
For Economics and American Economic Association
Business . .

All of these technical societies have not only worked out their style sheets
with care, but they have, in general, accustomed their numerous members to
the details of these style sheets.

Copyright Infringements.—All publishers have noted in recent years a

great increase in the number of copyright infringement cases. Many of these
appear to spring from the habit of first preparing lecture notes, which are
compiled or dictated from various sources without thought of publication.
By the time the plan to produce a book matures, the source of the original
material is often entirely forgotten.

No question is more common in the technical publishing field than "How

far can I make excerpts, with credit but without permission, from the
writings of other authors?"

To this question no definite and entirely satisfactory answer can be given.

Certainly, where illustrations, tables, or important abstracts are to be made,
the author should ask permission of the publisher or author from whose
work he wishes to quote. In addition he should take special pains to see that
full credit is given in the form required by the author or publisher from
whom he has secured permission.

The copyright law and the penalties for infringement of copyright are
drastic, but the decisions which have been rendered in cases that have gone
to trial do not furnish any particularly safe guide.
In our experience the safest guide is a simple rule of courtesy. Neither the
author nor the publisher of a work will refuse any reasonable request,
though he may greatly resent borrowing without the courtesy of a request. It
is safer, therefore, to obtain permission from author or publisher before
borrowing from another work.

Shipping the Manuscript.—Manuscript should invariably be shipped

flat, not folded or rolled.

Manuscript and drawings should be sent together and not in instalments.

Except in rare instances, we do not undertake piecemeal manufacture of a
book. In our experience such publication methods save little or no time and
more often result in confusion and expense.

Manuscript, before it has been set up in type, should be shipped by express

with a suitable valuation placed thereon. After the manuscript has been set
up in type, the manuscript and proof may best be sent by parcel post,
special delivery.


In technical work such as ours the illustrations are of two classes: (1) line
drawings; (2) photographic or halftone illustrations.

Line Drawings.—Copy for line drawings should be made two to three

times the dimensions of the completed illustration. The weight of line, and
especially the lettering, should be carefully worked out to give desired
results. The following illustrations, taken from "Engineering Drawing," by
Thomas E. French, will serve as a guide to the draftsman preparing these
illustrations. We suggest, however, that when the completed copy for a few
characteristic illustrations is ready, the author send the samples to us in order
that we may determine their suitability or even, if desirable, reproduce the
samples in order that the author may examine the results with us. When
difficulty is encountered in securing suitable lettering, which will give a
finished appearance to the illustrations, we are willing to accept the drawings
with the lettering penciled in. We, in turn, engage draftsmen, who are
experienced in lettering for reproduction, to finish the work. As this often
leads to errors, however, we prefer the completed drawings ready for

Line drawings from periodicals, catalogues and other publications can be

reproduced direct without material reduction in size, when the copy is
suitable for the book, and, of course, when permission to reproduce has been
secured by the author.

Halftone Illustrations.—Halftone illustrations can be made satisfactorily

only from photographs or wash drawings. Photographs on a high-finish or
glossy paper produce the best results. We cannot produce good results by
making a halftone from a halftone print. A halftone engraving is
photographed through a screen, and when we undertake to reproduce a
halftone from a halftone print we throw one screen upon the other. In rare
cases passable results can be obtained in this way, but such copy should be
used most sparingly.

Drawing for one-half reduction.

One-half reduction.

If photographs are unmounted, they should not be mounted or pasted on

sheets of paper. Smoothly mounted photographs present no difficulties to the

Numbers, letters or marks should not be placed on the face of photographic

prints or wash drawings. If numbers or letters are called for, they should be
indicated in pencil at the proper point on the back of unmounted prints. This
can be done easily by holding the print against a window facing a strong
light. In the case of mounted photographs, a fly leaf of thin paper pasted on
the back of the photograph at the top and folded over the face of the
photograph, can be used for the numbers or letters. In both cases the engraver
adds the numbers or letters on the print in the manner best suited to

Drawing for two-thirds reduction.

Two-thirds reduction.

Manufacturers' cuts can sometimes be used when the nature of the text calls
for them. If possible the manufacturer should be asked to supply the original
photograph or drawing. If this is not available, then the original cut—not an
electrotype—should be secured. Electrotypes can often be used, but the
results are not of the standard which we like to maintain.

Wax Cuts.—Formerly many textbooks were illustrated by engravings made

by the wax process. This is the process ordinarily used for the production of
maps. The cost of these engravings has risen, however, to a point which
makes them now practically out of the question for the average book. They
may be used in special cases. Their chief advantage is that they can be made
from rough pen or pencil sketches and do not call either for finished lines or
careful lettering.

In General.—Wherever possible illustrations to occupy a full page should

stand vertically on the page. This is, we think, obviously more satisfactory to
the user of the book.

Folded plates and charts should be avoided as far as possible, not only
because they involve an unreasonable expense, but because American
readers, at least, do not like them. Furthermore any considerable number of
inserted charts weakens the binding of the book.

Color plates and maps in color are prohibitively expensive for most technical
books, but systems of shading and cross-hatching can be employed as a
substitute for colors in many forms of illustration.
The Number of Illustrations.—The cost of engravings of all types has
risen out of all proportion to the costs of other details of book manufacture,
and there is no present prospect of a reduction in the scale of prices. This
proves to be especially burdensome to the publishers of technical and
scientific books where the texts generally contain a large number of
illustrations. Accordingly we ask authors to consider carefully the
possibilities of reducing the number of illustrations. In books of the character
of ours illustrations are essential, and wherever they aid the reader in
grasping the subject or are essential to the understanding of the subject, they
cannot be eliminated. But we do not believe in illustrations that are merely
"pictures" and are not essential to the understanding of the text. Wherever
they can be dispensed with, without injury to the text, they should be
eliminated in order that the retail price of the book may be kept within
reasonable limits.


Sample Galleys.—When the manuscript has been prepared in our offices

for the printer, and the time has come to undertake the manufacture of the
book, we ask the printer, first, to set a few pages of the manuscript and
submit them to us in galley proofs. These are in turn submitted to the author
in order that he may study the typography and inform us if we have in any
way misunderstood his manuscript and the marks on it. This step is, of
course, dispensed with if a definite agreement has been reached in advance
as to the typographical details of the book.

When the author has looked over these first galleys, not with the idea of
proof-reading but of determining upon the style, we instruct the printer to
proceed with the typesetting.

Galley Proofs.—These proofs in duplicate (one set is for the author's

files) are first submitted to the author, and accompanying these is a cut
dummy which shows the illustrations reproduced as they will appear in the

Galley proofs should be read with extreme care, and wherever possible the
author should call in some associate or assistant to read them as well, for it
is our experience that the author who has spent a great deal of time in the
preparation of a manuscript often reads with his memory rather than his
eyes and passes the most obvious errors.

When the author returns the galleys with his corrections marked thereon, he
should at the same time return the original manuscript. At this time also
figure numbers and captions should be added to the illustrations, and an
indication should be made by number in the margin of the galleys of the
approximate location of the illustrations.

Illustrations are inserted in the pages by the printer as near the point of
reference as the limitations of make-up will permit. If, as happens in rare
cases, an illustration must be inserted in a given paragraph, this should be
clearly indicated on the galley proof.

Page Proofs.—The printer then proceeds to make the book up into pages,
and duplicate page proofs are forwarded to the author. These again should
be read carefully to make sure that all corrections which were indicated in
the galleys have been properly made, and returned to us for final casting
into plates. Changes, and additions other than typographical corrections,
which involve the overrunning and rearranging of lines or pages, often
mean the remake-up of many pages of type and an expense that is usually
out of all proportion to the good accomplished. Corrections and changes
should, therefore, always be made in the galley proofs, to avoid the difficult
question of author's corrections, which is discussed on page 18.

The duplicate set of page proofs should be retained by the author for use in
preparing his index, in order that the copy for the index may be forwarded
as soon after the final shipment of page proofs as possible.

Answering Queries.—Frequently the proof-readers query certain points

in the manuscript on the galley or page proofs. It is important that the
author note these queries in all cases and indicate his decision regarding the
questions so raised.

Proof-reading.—In technical books especially, good proof-reading is

essential. We use every effort to submit proofs which follow closely the
original copy, but the experienced author knows that he himself cannot
exercise too much care in proof-reading. The amount of damage which has
been done to the reputation and sales of many otherwise excellent technical
books, by carelessness in proof-reading, would astound the inexperienced
One set of galley and one set of page proofs which the author receives are
marked with the printer's corrections, generally in green or red ink. The set
containing the printer's marks should be returned with the author's
corrections added. The duplicate set the author should keep for his own

For the guidance of those who are inexperienced in proof-reading, we give

herewith a reproduction of a sheet showing the ordinary proof-reading
marks. It is helpful if the author follows this general system in marking his
proofs. It is essential that the corrections be clearly marked.

Insert the letter, word or punctuation mark

Insert or substitute a period at the place
Insert an apostrophe.

Insert quotation marks.

Insert a hyphen.

Make a space at the point indicated.

Close up or join separated letters or words.
Delete or take out.
Change from capital to small letter.
Change to capital letter.
Change to small caps.
Change to italics.
Change to roman type.
Wrong font letter.
Words or letters inclosed by line should change
Paragraph here.
No paragraph here.
Restore word or sentence mistakenly marked
Is this right?
Broken letter.
Move to left.
Move to right.
Push down space.

In preparing copy for the printer the writer should underline:

One line, words to be put in italics.

Two lines, words to be put in small caps.

Three lines, words to be put in large caps.

Wave line (~~~~~~), words to be put in heavy face type.

Author's Corrections.—No problem in the publishing of technical
books gives the publisher and the author more trouble than the question of
author's corrections. The term "author's corrections" covers, technically,
changes made in content, arrangement or typographical style, or additions
to the manuscript, after the type has been set.

The publisher, to protect himself against the author who practically rewrites
his manuscript after it has been set up in type, usually provides in his
contract that corrections in excess of a certain percentage of the cost of
composition shall be charged to and paid for by the author. The printer
makes a careful distinction between printer's corrections and author's
corrections. Corrections marked in galley and page proofs of a book where
the printer has not followed copy are printer's corrections. Author's
corrections are changes and additions made in the proof. Obviously, where
these changes make a distinct improvement in the text—that is, a better
book—the publisher takes a sympathetic attitude; but when the item of
author's corrections runs to a total of twenty-five or fifty per cent or more of
the cost of setting up the book, there is clear indication that the author did
not complete his book in the manuscript but in the proof.

For a general rule it should be kept in mind that corrections in the galley
proofs cost much less than corrections in the page proofs where remake-up
of pages involving a large expense may result from the addition of a single
line, or even a few words. But it is most important of all for the author to
realize that every correction made after the manuscript has been set up in
type is time-consuming and expensive, and that such delay and expense are
reduced to a minimum when the author submits a clean, carefully prepared
manuscript which embodies his final judgment of content and style.


Within a short period after the author returns the proofs of the index, the book is ready for publication. The
author's work is then practically done.

Immediately upon the arrival of the bound books from the bindery, the publisher places the work upon the
market, copyrights it in this country and abroad, and undertakes campaigns for its distribution.

This section of the Suggestions is intended to show the author how he can help in this work and to answer
certain questions which are asked constantly.

Marketing a Book.—We take pride in the thoroughness with which we seek the market for all books
bearing our imprint. The spirit of the agreement which we make with the author is that each book is a separate
business venture into which we have entered as a partner of the author.

In marketing his book the author can be of material assistance to us. He knows the subject better than we can
ever know it, and he knows the type of man to which he intends his book to appeal. For these reasons we
always welcome the assistance and suggestions of the author.

At the time when the author begins to receive page proofs of the book, we are outlining our campaign for its
distribution. At that time we like to receive from the author, first, a brief but exact definition of the scope and
purpose of the book. This we use, not for our advertising, but as the basis of our advertising. Second, we find
distinctly helpful a list of points to emphasize in our circular and periodical advertising, and for such a list we
look to the author. A cut-and-dried table of contents often fails to give as good a picture of a book as do a few
well-selected points.

At the same time the author's suggestions of special periodicals to which copies should be sent for review, and
of special lists which may well be circularized, will also be helpful. These we generally know about, but
sometimes we overlook obvious points of attack in our campaigns.

Corrections and Revisions.—In practically every instance our books are printed from electrotype plates.
Consequently the first printings are rarely large, because we are able to produce further copies, from our
electrotype plates, as needed.

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books is an indication of the date of the text—not of the reprint.

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arrange for as complete a revision as the condition of the text calls for. Since the printings of our books are
rarely large, we are able to arrange for the production of a new edition in normal cases as soon as the author
feels that it is required and can complete his portion of the work.

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cases, small. Translations must be regarded as a by-product.

Our attempts to market books in foreign languages from New York, or from one of our foreign agencies, have
not been encouraging. Accordingly, the first question, when we are endeavoring to arrange for a translation, is
for us to find a publisher in the country selected who will undertake the work of securing a translator and
publishing the book. When a translator offers his services, we find it necessary to ask him first to interest a
publisher in his own country in the venture.

Prompt Publication.—From the standpoint of both the author and the publisher it is desirable that a book
should be put on the market as soon as possible after the manuscript is completed.

From the moment the publisher undertakes to manufacture a book he has an investment which grows rapidly
and yields nothing until the sales of the book begin.

The production of technical books is delayed, generally, by one of the following causes:

(1) The author wishes to submit his material to his associates or to specialists in the field. Except for
purposes of proof-reading such submission should be made in manuscript.

(2) The author fails to return his proofs and manuscript copy promptly. The prompt reading and return of
proofs is of the greatest importance.

(3) The copy for the index does not follow closely upon the return of the final batch of page proofs.

The printer, the engraver, the paper manufacturer, the binder or the publisher may also interfere with prompt
publication; but if the author's end of the work is handled systematically and promptly, we are generally able to
control the manufacturing details.

Transcriber's Note

Sundry missing or damaged punctuation has been repaired.

Page 6, etc.: 'sub-headings', and 'subheadings' both appear in this book, as do 'proof-reader' and 'proofreader',
and some other instances of hyphenated and non-hyphenated words.

As it is a book of suggestions on layout and style from a respected publishing house, it can be assumed they
knew what they intended, so both hyphenated and non-hyphenated words have been retained.

Page 9: 'instalments'.

From Webster's Dictionary, 1913 Edition:

(http: //www.

(In*stall"ment) n. [Written also instalment.]

'instalments' has therefore been retained.


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