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Performance characteristics:

1. Coupling Factor: This indicates the fraction of the input power (at P1) that is delivered to
the coupled port, P3
2. Directivity: This is a measure of the coupler’s ability to separate waves propagating in
forward and reverse directions, as observed at the coupled (P3) and isolated (P4) ports
3. Isolation: Indicates the power delivered to the uncoupled load (P4)
4. Insertion Loss: This accounts for the input power (P1) delivered to the transmitted (P2)
port, which is reduced by power delivered to the coupled and isolated ports.
The values of these characteristics in dB are:
Coupling = C = 10 log (P1/P3)
Directivity = D = 10 log (P3/P4)
Isolation = I = 10 log (P1/P4)
Insertion Loss = L = 10 log (P1/P2)

Types of Couplers
Directional Couplers:
This type of coupler has three accessible ports, as shown in Fig. 2, where the fourth port is
internally terminated to provide maximum directivity. The basic function of a directional coupler is
to sample the isolated (reverse) signal. A typical application is measurement of reflected power (or
indirectly, VSWR). Although it can be connected in reverse, this type of coupler is not reciprocal.
Since one of the coupled ports is internally terminated, only one coupled signal is available. In the
forward direction (as shown), the coupled port samples the reverse wave, but if connected in the
reverse direction (RF Input on the right), the coupled port would be a sample of the forward wave,
reduced by the coupling factor. With this connection, the device may be used as a sampler for signal
measurement, or to deliver a portion of the output signal to feedback circuitry.

Figure 2: 50-Ohm Directional Coupler

1. Performance can be optimized for the forward path
2. High directivity and isolation
3. The directivity of a coupler is strongly affected by the impedance match provided by the
termination at the isolated port. Furnishing that termination internally ensures high

1. Coupling is only available on the forward path
2. No coupled line
3. The coupled port power rating is less than the input port because the power applied to the
coupled port is almost entirely dissipated in the internal termination.

Mini-Circuits ZCDC20-E18653+ is a coaxial directional coupler with 20 dB nominal coupling
across the 18 to 65 GHz frequency range. This model provides RF input power handling up to 12W
and passes DC current up to 0.48A
Figure 3: Performance curves for Mini-Circuits’ ZCDC20-E18653+

Bi-directional couplers:
This coupler type has four ports, all accessible for the customer to use. It has a symmetric design,
allowing forward and reverse signals to be sampled simultaneously. It is the designer’s
responsibility to properly match or terminate both coupled ports.
Figure 4: Bi-directional coupler schematic

1. Symmetric design
2. Input and output ports are interchangeable
3. There are two transmission lines. Coupled line works the same as the mainline
4. It has forward and reverse coupling

1. Design is critical to maintaining good performance in both directions.
2. The directivity of the coupler depends on how well the isolated port is terminated.

Mini-Circuits’ ZGBDC35-93HP+ is a coaxial bi-directional coupler with 35 dB nominal coupling
across the 900 to 9000 MHz frequency range. This model provides 250W RF input power handling
and passes DC current up to 3A
Figure 5: Performance curves for Mini-Circuits ZGBDC-93HP+ bi-directional coupler.

Dual Directional Couplers:

This third type of coupler is a combination of two 3-port couplers with their main lines cascaded,
and their internally terminated ports facing each other at the interface between the couplers. This
configuration provides bi-directional coupler action, but with independent use of the coupled ports.
The primary advantage is that a mismatched load applied to either port will not affect the other.
Figure 6: Dual directional coupler schematic

1. Performance can be optimized for both forward and reverse paths
2. Higher directivity and isolation can be achieved
3. Provides forward and reverse coupling
4. Directivity of one path is not affected by mismatch present on the other path
5. Can also be used to simultaneously monitor both the forward and reverse power of a system

1. Usually involves two back-to-back directional couplers
2. Larger size compared to directional and bi-directional couplers
3. No coupled line is present (not accessible at both ends)
4. Higher insertion loss than the single directional and bi-directional coupler

Mini-Circuits DDCH-50-13+ is a stripline-based surface-mount dual-directional coupler with
a 50 dB nominal coupling ratio across the 20 to 1000 MHz frequency range. This model
provides up to 120W RF input power handling and DC current passing up to 4A.
Figure 7: Performance curves for Mini-Circuits DDCH-50-13+ dual directional coupler

Directional Coupler Applications

When connected as shown in Fig. 2, the coupler provides a sample of the reflected wave at the
coupled port. This allows measurement of reflected power, representing the degree of mismatch of
the load. When placed at the transmitter output, this configuration can monitor the VSWR of the
antenna system, both for measurement and monitoring. Many RF systems include adjustments for
minimum VSWR, while others include detection of excessive VSWR for circuit protection, usually
by either reducing power or shutting down.

Figure 8: Schematic of a 3-port directional coupler in a simple reflectometer setup.

Forward sampling
When connected in reverse, the coupled port provides a sample of the output (forward signal),
attenuated by the coupling factor. This sample can be used for waveform monitoring, spectrum
analysis, and other test and measurement functions.

Leveled generator
The sample may also be used to drive feedback circuitry. One important application of this type is
leveling the amplitude of a signal generator, providing a constant signal source for a test system.
Figure 9: Schematic of a 3-port directional coupler in a levelled generator setup.

Receiver intermodulation test setup

The test signals for 2-tone testing may be combined in either a directional coupler or a power
combiner. Both methods will provide the necessary isolation between the signal sources.

Figure 10: Schematic of a 3-port directional coupler in a receiver intermodulation test setup.

Bi-directional Coupler Applications

Forward and reverse sampling
Although reflected power or VSWR is important, it may be more useful to simultaneously sample
both forward and reflected signals. This function is provided by a bi-directional coupler, which
allows monitoring or measurement of output power (forward) and reflected power (reverse). Built-
in test (BIT) systems, production testing, and routine operational monitoring all benefit from bi-
directional coupling.
This is a circuit element that provides measurement of forward power and reflected power (typically
calibrated as VSWR). This is a common, and highly useful, test function in RF laboratory and
production test environments. A reflectometer may be either the sampling portion of a stand-alone
power/VSWR measuring instrument, or it may be implemented as a component within a test
system, communication equipment, or other RF system (e.g, MRI or RF heating).

Dual Directional Coupler Applications

Forward and reverse sampling
As noted above, and in Fig. 4, the dual directional coupler acts as a bi-directional coupler, but with
separate forward and reverse coupling paths. This provides isolation that eliminates the effects of
mismatch of one path on the other path.

Reflectometer (More accurate results than bi-directional)

The typical use of bi- and dual direction couplers is the reflectometer. When implemented using a
dual coupler, accuracy is improved, especially under conditions where one coupled port or the other
may have significant mismatch.

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