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Senior High School

Quarter 1 - Module 1
Nature of Inquiry and Research

CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

Practical Research 2- Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1– Module 1: Nature of Inquiry and Research
First Edition, 2020

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Senior High School

Practical Research 2
Quarter 1 - Module 1
Nature of Inquiry and Research
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you
will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Describe the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative
research (CS_RS12-Ia-c-1);
2. Illustrate the importance of quantitative research across field (CS_RS12-Ia-c-2);
3. Differentiate the kinds of variables and their uses (CS_RS12-Ia-c-3);

What I Know

Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Encircle the letter of the correct

1. Which of the following statements is NOT a characteristic of quantitative research?

A. Its results are taken from a sample can be generalized to the population.
B. It delivers an in-depth understanding of the problem or study.
C. It provides a more credible and reliable result.
D. It involves statistical analysis of numerical data.

2. In an experiment, which group does not receive intervention?

A. The treatment group C. The control group
B. The participant group D. The experimental group

3. Which of the following research questions could be answered by using quantitative

research methods?
A. What is the most popular social media platform used by Senior High School
B. How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected career choices among college
C. What are the factors affecting depressive behavior?
D. None of the above.

4. Which statement below illustrates a weakness of quantitative research?

A. The responses of the participants are limited to what has been asked and the
choices given.
B. The researcher's perspective can influence interpretation of results.
C. Data gathering takes too much time.
D. There is low degree of subjectivity.

5. Which of the following is NOT a strength of quantitative research?

A. Speedy data analysis
B. Less expensive
C. Replicable
D. Objective

1 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

For items 6 and 7, identify whether the given research topic is:
A. Correlational C. Descriptive
B. Quasi- experimental D. Experimental

6. Determination of the degree of satisfaction of parents, teachers, and students on the

online and modular blended learning

7. The effects of non-renewal of the ABS-CBN franchise to the average television viewing
time of housewives

8. Which type of quantitative research seeks to determine relationship of one characteristic

to the other?
A. Correlational C. Ex-post facto
B. Experimental D. Descriptive

9. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the importance of Quantitative
A. It helps educators identify ways to improve learning
B. It helps improve crop production using safe organic fertilizers
C. It helps pharmaceutical companies explore safe and effective medicines
D. It helps understand victims of domestic violence perception of satisfaction

For items 10 to 12, determine if the statement is:

A. Always true C. Never true
B. Sometimes true D. Cannot be identified

10. A nominal variable is expressed in numbers.

11. The independent and dependent variables are applicable to ALL quantitative studies.

12. Dependent variables can be manipulated.

13. A group of students would like to know if spending time with a cat or dog decreases
the amount of stress and allows students to perform better on tests. Which of the
following is an extraneous variable?
A. Student’s feeling towards the cat or dog
B. Amount of time spent with a cat or dog
C. Test scores of students
D. Amount of stress

14. A famous vlogger wanted to know if changing the content of his vlogs (food review,
travel, study tips, etc.) will affect the number of views per uploaded video. The number
of views per uploaded video is the:
A. Confounding variable
B. Independent variable
C. Dependent variable
D. Continuous variable

15. Which of the following is an example of a continuous variable?

A. Learning modality used
B. Student’s test score
C. Student’s height
D. Student’s IQ

2 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1


What’s In

Practical Research I introduced you to the two main classifications of research

methods: quantitative and qualitative. You have learned that qualitative research is more of
describing a phenomenon in a narrative; hence, the data collected can be in the form of words,
images, or transcripts taken from a small sample, not generalizable to the population.
Choosing a small sample size makes room for in-depth data collection and interpretation. In
this lesson, you will learn about quantitative analysis, a more formal, objective, and systematic
approach to obtaining answers to a question or problem of the study.

What I Need to Know

Vital to the conduct of a quantitative research project is a deep understanding of its
characteristics. When you know its strengths and different classifications, you will be able to
identify what kind of questions you should ask and what approach is most suited to find
answers to these questions. The identification of its weaknesses, on the other hand, aids in
recognizing the questions or topics that are inappropriate to this course. At the end of this
lesson, you will have a good grasp of quantitative research that will prepare you in crafting a
good research study and instrumental to building lifelong skills.

What’s New

Activity 1: Finding clues

Directions: Group the following word clues if they are characteristics of Quantitative Research
(Box A) or Qualitative Research (Box B).

1. Measurable 6. Text-based 11. Subjective

2. Behavior 7. Intervention 12. Small sample
3. Statistical 8. Experimental group 13. Tables and charts
4. Narrative 9. Unstructured observation 14. Deductive
5. Objective 10. Inductive 15. Generalizable
A. Quantitative Research B. Qualitative Research

3 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

Activity 2: Let’s match

Directions: Match the following quantitative research title under column A to its classification
(research design) in column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space

Column A Column B
______1. Investigating the effects of formalin treated A. Experimental
eggplants on mice
______2. Factors affecting job satisfaction among Tech-Voc B. Descriptive
______3. Prevalence of domestic violence in cities declared C. Ex post facto
under Enhanced Community Quarantine during the
Covid-19 pandemic
______4. The effects of age on social media platform choice D. Quasi-
______5. The relationship between intelligence and sports E. Correlational
choices among high school students
F. Case Study

What Is It

Quantitative Research
You have learned from Practical Research 1 that research method is classified into
two main types: quantitative and qualitative. While both methods utilize a specific data
gathering procedure, the former is generally concerned with understanding phenomenon
relating to or involving quality or kind. The latter, on the other hand, is based on the
measurement or quantity. In this module, we will focus on quantitative methods of research
and its different kinds.

Quantitative research uses scientifically collected and statistically analyzed data to

investigate observable phenomena. A phenomenon is any existing or observable fact or
situation that we want to unearth further or understand. It is scientific for the fact that it uses
a scientific method in designing and collecting numerical data. Once data is collected, it will
undergo statistical analysis like Pearson’s r, t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for
analysis. Since data is analyzed statistically, it is imperative that the data obtained must be
numerical and quantifiable, hence its name quantitative research.

Numerical data are generally easier to collect than descriptions or phrases used in
qualitative research. Information like student’s grades in different subjects, number of hours

of engagement in social media platforms of teens, percentage of consumers who prefer the
color blue for soap packaging, and average of daily Covid-19 patient recovery per region are
just few examples of research data expressed in numbers. Some data, on the other hand, are
not directly countable and thus require conversion from non-numerical information into
numerical information. For instance, determining which brand of canned sardines is the best
choice for consumers in terms of taste cannot be expressed in numbers unless we do a survey
using a rating scale. Several forms of rating scales are available, e.g., the Likert scale that we
can use to quantify data. Usually, they come in a selection of numbers with a corresponding
meaning for each choice, for example: 1= tastes very good, 2 = satisfactory, or 3 =
undesirable. Numerical choices convert texts into numbers so the researcher can perform
mathematical operations for faster, more accurate, and more objective analysis.

4 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is commonly used in natural sciences research problems

because of the following characteristics:

1. Large Sample Size. To obtain more meaningful statistical result, the data must come
from a large sample size.

2. Objectivity. Data gathering and analysis of results are done accurately, objectively,
and are unaffected by the researcher’s intuition and personal guesses.

3. Concise Visual Presentation. Data is numerical which makes presentation through

graphs, charts, and tables possible and with better conveyance and interpretation.

4. Faster Data Analysis. The use of a statistical tools gives way for a less time-
consuming data analysis.

5. Generalized Data. Data taken from a sample can be applied to the population if
sampling is done accordingly, i.e., sufficient size and random samples were taken.

6. Fast and Easy Data Collection. Depending on the type of data needed, collection
can be quick and easy. Quantitative research uses standardized research instruments
that allow the researcher to collect data from a large sample size efficiently. For
instance, a single survey form can be administered simultaneously to collect various
measurable characteristics like age, gender, socio-economic status, etc.

7. Reliable Data. Data is taken and analyzed objectively from a sample as a

representative of the population, making it more credible and reliable for policymaking
and decision making.

8. High Replicability. The Quantitative method can be repeated to verify findings

enhancing its validity, free from false or immature conclusions.

Advantages of Quantitative Research

The following are the advantages of quantitative research or its strengths:

1. Very objective
2. Numerical and quantifiable data can be used to predict outcomes.
3. Findings are generalizable to the population.
4. There is conclusive establishment of cause and effect
5. Fast and easy data analysis using statistical software.
6. Fast and easy data gathering
7. Quantitative research can be replicated or repeated.
8. Validity and reliability can be established

Disadvantages of Quantitative Research

The following are the disadvantages of quantitative research or its weaknesses:

1. It lacks the necessary data to explore a problem or concept in depth.
2. It does not provide comprehensive explanation of human experiences.
3. Some information cannot be described by numerical data such as feelings, and beliefs.
4. The research design is rigid and not very flexible.
5. The participants are limited to choose only from the given responses.
6. The respondents may tend to provide inaccurate responses.
7. A large sample size makes data collection more costly.

5 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

Kinds of Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is a broad spectrum that it can be classified into smaller and
more specific kinds: descriptive, correlational, ex post facto, quasi-experimental, and

Descriptive design is used to describe a particular phenomenon by observing it as it occurs

in nature. There is no experimental manipulation, and the researcher does not start with
a hypothesis. The goal of descriptive research is only to describe the person or object of
the study. An example of descriptive research design is “the determination of the different
kinds of physical activities and how often high school students do it during the quarantine

The correlational design identifies the relationship between variables. Data is collected by
observation since it does not consider the cause and effect, for example, the relationship
between the amount of physical activity done and student academic achievement.

Ex post facto design is used to investigate a possible relationship between previous events
and present conditions. The term “Ex post facto” which means after the fact, looks at the
possible causes of an already occurring phenomenon. Just like the first two, there is no
experimental manipulation in this design. An example of this is “How does the parent’s
academic achievement affect the children obesity?”

A quasi-experimental design is used to establish the cause-and-effect relationship of

variables. Although it resembles the experimental design, the quasi-experimental has
lesser validity due to the absence of random selection and assignment of subjects. Here,
the independent variable is identified but not manipulated. The researcher does not
modify pre-existing groups of subjects. The group exposed to treatment (experimental)
is compared to the group unexposed to treatment (control): example, the effects of
unemployment on attitude towards following safety protocol in ECQ declared areas.

Experimental design like quasi- experimental is used to establish the cause-and-effect

relationship of two or more variables. This design provides a more conclusive result
because it uses random assignment of subjects and experimental manipulations. For
example, a comparison of the effects of various blended learning to the reading
comprehension of elementary pupils.

What’s More

Activity 3: True or False

Directions: On the space provided, write TRUE if the statement describes quantitative
research and FALSE if it is incorrect.
_______1. Quantitative data can be presented using tables and graphs.
_______2. The results of quantitative research can be used to generalize and predict.
_______3. Quantitative research is flexible so at any stage, the study may change.
_______4. Quantitative data are more credible, reliable, and useful than qualitative data.
_______5. The research study cannot be replicated or repeated because it is unique in every
_______6. Data are in the form of numbers and analyzed statistically.
_______7. Data analysis is an on-going process. It can be done at any stage of the process.
_______8. The behavior of the participants is observed and is critical to the analysis of results.
_______9. Analysis of data is less time-consuming.
______10. In quantitative research, the researcher participates and engages the participants
in the study

6 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

Activity 4: Yes or No

Direction: Write YES on the blank if the question requires for quantitative approach and NO if
it does not.

__________1. Are high grades in Mathematics a good indicator for employment after
__________2. Will taking brain enhancers increase examination scores?
__________3. Are there changes in consumer behavior before and after online selling was
__________4. Do online learning materials enhance the computer skills of students?
__________5. Are there changes in the study habits of public-school students before and after
the Covid-19 pandemic?
__________6. What kind of pick-up lines are most appealing to both genders at the early adult
__________7. Is there a difference in the academic performance of students using online,
blended and modular learning modalities?
__________8. Will student’s and parent’s attitudes towards distance learning change over
__________9. Which of the four SHS tracks (Academic, Tech-Voc, Sports, Arts & Design) is
greatly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic?
__________10. What are the factors affecting the delayed completion and submission of
assignments/tasks given to students using modular learning modality?

What I Have Learned

Directions: Write your learning about the following:

1. What is quantitative research?


2. What are the characteristics of quantitative research?


3. Discuss the strengths of quantitative research.


4. Discuss the weaknesses of quantitative research.


5. Describe each type of quantitative design and give one (1) example for each kind.
A. Descriptive design. ________________________________________________

7 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

B. Correlational design. _______________________________________________

C. Ex post facto design. _______________________________________________


D. Quasi-experimental design. __________________________________________


E. Experimental design. _______________________________________________


What I Can Do

Directions: Read and identify ten (10) different quantitative research titles and classify them
as to which quantitative design they belong.












8 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1


What’s In

You have learned from Lesson 1 that quantitative research is a formal, deductive, and
systematic process that focuses mainly on obtaining and analyzing numerical data. The
method of data collection is objective and replicable. At the same time, its analysis is statistical
and generalizable to the population making the findings of quantitative research very credible
and useful for administrators, law makers, scientists, decision-makers and business owners.
It is for these reasons that quantitative analysis can be applied and very useful to various fields
of study. In this lesson, you will uncover the role of quantitative research in the advancement
of knowledge across disciplines.

Key Question: How is quantitative research applicable across fields?

What I Need to Know

People indulge in research to know more, to solve problems, or to improve existing
conditions. More and more institutions promote research studies while younger individuals
indulge in research projects not only because they are required to but also because they came
to realize the value and benefits research has to offer. The quantitative research’s systematic
way of finding the answers forges its pertinence regardless of the area or sector. The more
you perceive the value of quantitative research to different groups or field of study, the more
you appreciate it, hence, igniting your interest from knowing that you may make use of it in
your own chosen track.

What’s New

Activity 1: Where do I belong?

Direction. Listed in Column A are the important inventions, innovations or discoveries in

history. Identify which field in Column B do these discoveries have great
Column A Column B
_______1. Vaccine A. Agriculture and Fisheries
_______2. Refrigeration B. Natural and Physical Science
_______3. Printing press C. Business and Accounting
_______4. Computer D. Information and Communications Technology
_______5. Airplane E. Arts
_______6. Photo finishes F. Education
_______7. Social media G. Sports
_______8. Paint H. Humanities and Social Science
I. Mathematics

9 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

Activity 2: Expanding your vocabulary!

Directions: Read through the text of this lesson and look for an underlined word that has the
same meaning as the word in the list below. Write the word on the space provided.
1. Intercession - _________________
2. To find out – __________________
3. Salable - _____________________
4. Quicken, expedite - _____________
5. Relationship - _________________
6. Create, produce - _______________
7. Compatibility - __________________
8. Toughest - _________________
9. Changeable - ______________
10. Global, widespread - ________________

What Is It

Importance of Quantitative Research Across Fields

The value of quantitative research to man’s quest to discover the unknown and
improve underlying conditions is undeniable. Throughout history, quantitative research has
paved the way to finding meaningful solutions to difficulties. For instance, the development of
vaccines to strengthen our immunity against viruses causing highly communicable diseases
like polio, influenza, chickenpox, and measles to name a few, underwent thorough
experimental trials. You bet, scientists and medical experts all over the world today are
working their best to fast track the development, testing and release of the vaccine for the
Corona Virus Disease of 2019 (Covid-19) as the pandemic has critically affected the world
economy, education, as well as physical and emotional well-being of people.

The findings of the quantitative study can influence leaders’ and law-makers’ decisions
for crafting and implementing laws for the safety and welfare of the more significant majority.
For example, a community with high cases of Covid-19 positive patients is mandated by law
to be under Enhanced Community Quarantine where only the most essential businesses can
operate. On the other hand, cities with less or zero case will be under General Community
Quarantine where some businesses, public and private offices are already allowed to operate.

Using quantitative design helps us determine and better understand relationships

between variables or phenomenon crucial to reducing the range of uncertainty because the
mathematics (more of this in the last module) behind quantitative studies helps us make close
estimates of the outcome (dependent variable) from a given condition/s (independent
variable). Relationship between demand and supply, age and health, discipline and academic
achievement, practice and winning at sports, depression and suicidal rates, algae population
and Oxygen demand are just few examples of real-life applications of correlation studies in
the past that we still apply today.

Most inventions and innovations are products of quantitative studies. Before you can
enjoy the uses and features of a smart phone, it took years of research to establish compliance
to standards for interoperability, to find the most cost-effective raw materials, and to identify
the sleekest and sturdiest design, the fastest data saving and processing power, and most
marketable add-ons according to consumer needs. Indeed, mankind will dwell in the darkness
of ignorance if not for the people who conducted their research before reading about it from
books or manuals.

10 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

The table below shows some of the contributions of quantitative research to other fields
and their example.

Field Contribution/Application Example

Social Science • Show effects of intervention to The effects of pandemic
group behavior on social behavior and
• Understand cultural or racial economic stability
• Human satisfaction and
Natural and Physical • Investigate the effectiveness of Antidiabetic properties of
Sciences a product or treatment to common Philippine herbs
• Finding or enhancing alternative
energy sources
• Advancement in material
Agriculture and • Increase the yield of crops The effectiveness of
Fisheries • Prevent and cure crops and organic and inorganic
livestock diseases fertilizer to vegetable
Sports • Enhance athletic performance Diet and exercise
techniques for different
kinds of sports
Business • Offer device marketing Effectiveness of Facebook
strategies ads on sales.
• Improve marketability
Arts and Design • Show relationship between The effects of music on
color and architectural space learning and behavior.
• Maximize use of Multimedia and
adaptation for recreation,
business marketing and lifestyle
Environmental Science • Determine Cause and effects of The environmental factors
climate change affecting natural calamities

11 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

What’s More

Directions: In a separate sheet, make a concept map (example below) of all other
fields/disciplines where you think quantitative research can be applied. Explain
why quantitative research is important to these fields.


Anthropology History



12 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

What I Have Learned

Directions: Answer the following questions clearly and briefly.

A. How is quantitative research relevant to different discipline?


B. Briefly explain the importance or contribution of quantitative research to each of the

following fields of study.

Field Importance / Contribution

Natural and Physical Science



Arts and Design

Agriculture and Fisheries

Information and
Communication Technology

Social Science

Business and Accounting

13 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

What I Can Do

Directions: Search online or from a book or publication one particular quantitative study for
every field below and indicate its contribution to the development of knowledge
to that field.

Field Title, Author/s, Year published Contribution

Education The Better You Feel the Better You Finds a way to improve
Learn: Do Warm Colours and Rounded learning through colors
Shapes Enhance Learning Outcome in and shapes.
Multimedia Learning? Munchow, H,
Mengelkamp, C, Bannert, M. (2017)


Food Industry



Social Science




14 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1


What’s In

You have learned from the previous lessons that quantitative research is concerned
about numerical or measurable values that we can analyze statistically. How do we measure
such values? Is it measurable at all times? Do these values change? Are these values
applicable for descriptive, correlational, ex post facto, quasi-experimental and experimental
research? In this lesson, you will learn about the different classifications of data used in
quantitative research and their examples.

What I Need to Know

Variables play a significant role in quantitative research. When you intend to

accomplish something through research, the boundaries of your goal must be defined first to
direct your focus into a specific characteristic or condition through identifying the variables of
your research study. Doing such eliminates complexities and elaborate work especially for a
senior high school student like you. Knowing the different kinds of research variables also aids
in smooth data collection and analysis.

What’s New

Activity 1: Let’s review!

Directions: Read and analyze the following questions. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which variable is manipulated by the researcher?

A. Extraneous variable C. Dependent variable
B. Independent variable D. Confounding variable

2. Which of the following is an example of a quantitative variable?

A. Plant variety C. Hair color
B. IQ D. Race

3. Which of the following is an example qualitative variable?

A. Monthly sales C. gender
B. Basketball player number D. IQ

15 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

4. The variable is the presumed effect of the manipulation on the object/subject of the
A. Extraneous variable C. Dependent variable
B. Independent variable D. Confounding variable

5. A type of variable that represent categories and can be ordered.

A. Nominal C. Ordinal
B. Discrete D. Ratio

6. What type of variable is characterized by evenly dispersed range of numbers?

A. Nominal C. Dichotomous
B. Interval D. Ratio

7. The variable that has potential effect on the dependent variables that are not part of the
A. Extraneous variable C. Dependent variable
B. Independent variable D. Confounding variable

8. A variable that is used to name, categorize, or label the attributes being measured.
A. Nominal C. Ordinal
B. Interval D. Ratio

9. What type of variable is gender?

A. Nominal C. Dichotomous
B. Interval D. Continuous

10. What type of variable is height of students before and after taking growth enhancers for 2
A. Nominal C. Dichotomous
B. Interval D. Continuous

What Is It

To get an answer to an inquiry that they are investigating, researchers will observe and
measure the quality or quantity of the object of the study. It is therefore imperative for the
researcher to identify the variables significant in explaining observed effects or behavior.

A Variable is anything that has a quantity or quality that varies. For instance, during
the quarantine period, your mother planted tomato seedlings in pots. Now common
understanding from science tells you that several factors are affecting the growth of tomatoes:
sunlight, water, kind of soil, and nutrients in soil. How fast the tomato seedlings will grow and
bear fruits will depend on these factors. The growth of tomatoes and the number of fruits
produced are examples of the Dependent Variables. The amount of sunlight, water, and
nutrients in the soil are the Independent Variables. If there is an existing relationship between
the independent and dependent variables, then the value of the dependent variable varies in
response to the manipulation done on the independent variable. The independent variable is
also identified as the presumed cause while the dependent variable is the presumed effect. In
an experimental quantitative design, the independent variable is pre-defined and manipulated
by the researcher while the dependent variable is observed and measured. For descriptive,
correlational, and ex post facto quantitative research designs, independent and dependent
variables simply do not apply.

16 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

It is important to note other factors that may influence the outcome (dependent
variable) not manipulated or pre-defined by the researcher. These factors are called
Extraneous Variables. In our example above, the presence of pests and environmental
stressors (e.g. pets, extreme weather) are the extraneous variables. Since extraneous
variables may affect the result of the experiment, it is crucial for the researcher to identify them
prior to conducting the experiment and control them in such a way that they do not threaten
the internal validity (i.e. accurate conclusion) of the result. Controlling the extraneous
variable can be done by holding it constant or distribute its effect across the treatment. When
the researcher fails to control the extraneous variable that it caused considerable effect to the
outcome, the extraneous variable becomes a Confounding Variable. For example, if the
tomato had been infested by pests (confounding variable) then you cannot conclude that
manipulations in sunlight, water, and soil nutrients (independent variable) are the only
contributing factors for the stunted growth and poor yield (dependent variable) of the plant or
is it the result of both the independent variables and the confounding variable.

The variables can also be classified according to their nature. The diagram below
shows the different classifications:




I. Quantitative Variables, also called numerical variables, are the type of variables used
in quantitative research because they are numeric and can be measured. Under this category
are discrete and continuous variables.

A. Discrete variables are countable whole numbers. It does not take negative values or
values between fixed points. For example: number of students in a class, group size
and frequency.
B. Continuous variables take fractional (non-whole number) values that can either be a
positive or a negative. Example: height, temperature.

Numerical data have two levels of measurement, namely:

A. Intervals are quantitative variables where the interval or differences between

consecutive values are equal and meaningful, but the numbers are arbitrary. For
example, the difference between 36 degrees and 37 degrees is the same as between
100 degrees and 101 degrees. The zero point does not suggest the absence of a
property being measured. Temperature at 0 degree Celsius is assigned as the melting
point of ice. Other examples of interval data would be year and IQ score.

17 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

B. Ratio type of data is similar to interval. The only difference is the presence of a true
zero value. The zero point in this scale indicates the absence of the quantity being
measured. Examples are age, height, weight, and distance.

II. Qualitative Variables also referred to as Categorical Variables are not expressed in
numbers but are descriptions or categories. It can be further divided into dichotomous,
nominal or ordinal.

A. Dichotomous variable consists of only two distinct categories or values, for example,
a response to a question either be a yes or no.

B. Nominal variable simply defines groups of subjects. In here, you may have more than
2 categories of equivalent magnitude. For example, a basketball player’s number is used
to distinguish him from other players. It certainly does not follow that player 10 is better
than player 8. Other examples are blood type, hair color and mode of transportation.

C. Ordinal variable, from the name itself, denotes that a variable is ranked in a certain
order. This variable can have a qualitative or quantitative attribute. For example, a
survey questionnaire may have a numerical rating as choices like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5ranked
accordingly (5=highest, 1=lowest) or categorical rating like strongly agree, agree,
neutral, disagree and strongly disagree. Other examples or ordinal variable: cancer
stage (Stage I, Stage II, Stage III), Spotify Top 20 hits, academic honors (with highest,
with high, with honors).

What’s More

Activity 2: Identifying variables

Directions: Identify the Independent, Dependent and Extraneous variable/s in each of the
following situations.

1. Three groups of students were placed in a classroom with controlled room temperatures
of 18°C, 20°C, 25°C. The math exam scores of the students were then taken and compared
to the other groups.
Independent variable: ____________________________________________________
Dependent variable: ______________________________________________________
Extraneous variable: _____________________________________________________

2. An online seller would like to know whether the indication of price on Facebook posts will
attract consumers more. He posted 50 products for sale on Facebook market, 25 of which
he indicated the price while the remaining 25 products, did not have prices. Buyers were
just instructed to send him a personal message (pm) if they want to know the price. He
then identified which products have greater sales.
Independent variable: ____________________________________________________
Dependent variable: ______________________________________________________
Extraneous variable: _____________________________________________________

18 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

3. A housewife wanted to know which soil is best for her pechay plants: the soil purchased
from an online seller, soil from her backyard compost or the soil underneath the nearby
bamboo tree. She planted 30 pechay seeds into each soil source and then compared the
growth of pechay after a month.
Independent variable: ____________________________________________________
Dependent variable: ______________________________________________________
Extraneous variable: _____________________________________________________

4. Jenny is only borrowing the cellphone chargers of her brother, sister and mother because
she lost her phone charger. All chargers are of the same specifications as hers even
though they have different phone brands. However, she would like to know which charger
and charging cable combination would fill her phone battery the fastest. She used the
following codes as her reference and charged her phone uninterrupted using the following
combination. The charging time of the phone was then compared.

Brother’s Charger: BB Sister’s Charger: SS Mother’s Charger: MM

Brother’s Cable: bb Sister’s Cable: ss Mother’s Cable: mm

Combination Charging Combination Charging Combination Charging

time time time
BBbb SSss MMmm
BBss SSbb MMbb
BBmm SSmm MMss

Independent variable: ____________________________________________________

Dependent variable: ______________________________________________________
Extraneous variable: _____________________________________________________

5. A teacher wanted to know which learning delivery modes (pure online, pure modular,
combination of online and modular) is most effective and has the fastest turnaround time
in the submission of accomplished activities among her Grade 12 students. She divided
the students into 3 groups, gave them the same activity sheets and asked them to submit
as soon as it is completed. She then compared the scores and completion time of the 3
Independent variable: ____________________________________________________
Dependent variable: ______________________________________________________
Extraneous variable: _____________________________________________________

Activity 3: Classifying variables

Directions: Identify the following variable as either qualitative or quantitative. Then, classify
which specific category they belong.

Data Type of variable Classification

(Qualitative/Quantitative) (Discrete, continuous,
interval, ratio, nominal,
dichotomous, ordinal)
Ex. Number of eggs laid by chickens Quantitative Discrete, interval
1. Amount of fertilizer given to plants
2. Weight of Pechay harvested (in
3. Speed of car
4. Tomato plant variety
5. Color of alcohol packaging (blue,
orange, white, pink)

19 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

6. Educational level of parents (high
school grad, college grad, MS,
7. Online seller satisfaction rating (1-
5 stars)
8. Cellphone brand
9. Number of Covid-19 positive cases
10. Type of music
11. Number of passengers in a PUJ
12. Socio-economic status
13. Gender
14. Temperature in Fahrenheit
15. Civil Status

Activity 4: Let’s Go Online

Go to the link below and practice what you’ve learned from this lesson:

What I Have Learned

Directions: Explain briefly what is being asked for.

1. Compare and contrast qualitative variables and quantitative variables.


2. Why are dependent and independent variables not applicable in a descriptive type of

3. How important is it for the researcher to identify the type of variables used in the study?

20 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

4. How does confounding variable affect the validity of the study?

5. When do we use discrete, continuous, nominal, ordinal?


What I Can Do

Make a quick survey to your friends, family members and professors who have
previously conducted a quantitative research study. Evaluate the title of their papers and
identify the independent, dependent, and other variables.

21 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

• Quantitative research uses scientifically collected and statistically analyzed
data to investigate observable phenomena.
• Characteristics of quantitative research are (1) Large sample size, (2)
Objective, (3) Visual result presentation, (4) Faster data analysis, (5)
Generalized data, (6) Fast data collection, (7) Reliable data, and (8)
• Kinds of quantitative research are (1) Descriptive, (2) Correlational, (3) Ex post
facto design, (4) quasi-experimental, and (5) experimental.
• Types of Variables: (1) Independent, (2) Dependent, (3) Extraneous, (4)
Continuous, (5) Discrete, (6) Dichotomous, (7) Nominal variable and (8)
Ordinal variable.

Assessment: (Post-Test)

Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer.

1. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the importance of

Quantitative Research?
A. helps educators identify ways to improve learning
B. helps improve crop production using safe organic fertilizers
C. helps pharmaceutical companies explore safe and effective medicines
D. helps understand victims of domestic violence perception of

2. Which of the following statements is NOT a characteristic of quantitative

A. The results taken from a sample can be generalized to the population.
B. It provides an in-depth understanding of the problem or study.
C. It provides a more credible and reliable result.
D. Statistical analysis of numerical data.

22 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

3. In an experiment, which group does not receive intervention?
A. The treatment group C. The control group
B. The participant group D. The experimental group

4. Which of the following research questions could be answered by using

quantitative research methods?
A. What is the most popular social media platform used by Senior High
School students?
B. How has the Covid-19 pandemic affects career choices among
college students?
C. What are the factors affecting depressive behavior?
D. None of the above.

5. Which of the following is NOT a strength of quantitative research?

A. Speedy data analysis
B. Less expensive
C. Replicable
D. Objective

6. Which statement below illustrates a weakness of quantitative research?

A. The responses of the participants are limited to what has been asked
and the choices given.
B. The researcher's perspective can influence interpretation of results.
C. Data gathering takes too much time.
D. There is low degree of subjectivity.

For items 7 and 8, identify whether the given research topic is:
A. Correlational C. Descriptive
B. Quasi- experimental D. Experimental

7. Determination of the degree of satisfaction of parents, teachers, and students

on the online and modular blended learning.

8. The effects of non-renewal of the ABS-CBN franchise to the average daily

time watching television of housewives.

9. Which type of quantitative research seeks to determine relationship of one

characteristic to the other characteristic?
A. Correlational C. Ex-post facto
B. Experimental D. Descriptive

For items 10 to 12, determine if the statement is:

A. Always true C. Never true
B. Sometimes true D. Cannot be identified

10 Dependent variables can be manipulated.

11. The independent and dependent variables are applicable to ALL quantitative

23 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

12. A nominal variable is expressed in numbers.

13. A group of students would like to know if spending time with a cat or dog
decreases the amount of stress and allows students to perform better on
tests. Which of the following is an extraneous variable?
A. Student’s feeling towards the cat or dog
B. Amount of time spent with a cat or dog
C. Test scores of students
D. Amount of stress

14. Which of the following is an example of a continuous variable?

A. Learning modality used
B. Student’s test score
C. Student’s height
D. Student’s IQ

15. A famous vlogger wanted to know if changing the content of his vlogs (food
review, travel, study tips, etc.) will affect the number of views per uploaded
video. The number of views per uploaded video is the:
A. Confounding variable
B. Independent variable
C. Dependent variable
D. Continuous variable

Key to Answers

24 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1 25
What’s New Activity 1 What’s New Activity 1
1. B 6. B Quantitative Qualitative
2. B 7. A Measurable Behavior
3. C 8. A Statistical Narrative
4. C 9. C Objective Text-based
5. C 10. D Intervention Unstructured
Experimental observation
What’s More Activity 2 Group Inductive
1. IV: Room Temperature Table and Subjective
DV: Math Exam Scores Charts Small Sample
EV: Student’s IQ/Abilities Deductive
2. IV: FB Posts Generalizable
DV: Sales What’s New Activity 2
EV: Product quality/current 1. A 4. D
economic status 2. C 5. E
3. IV: source of soil 3. B
DV: growth of pechay
EV: weather or environmental What’s More Activity 3
conditions/pests 1. TRUE 6. TRUE
4. IV: charger and charging cable 2. TRUE 7. FALSE
combination 3. FALSE 8. TRUE
DV: charging time/how fast 4. TRUE 9. TRUE
EV: charger quality/compatibility 5. FALSE 10. FALSE
5. IV: learning modality
What’s More Activity 4
DV: exam scores
EV: student learning 1. YES 6. NO
styles/availability of resources 2. YES 7. YES
3. NO 8. NO
What’s More Activity 3 4. YES 9. YES
1. Quantitative – Continuous 5. NO 10. NO
2. Quantitative – Continuous
3. Quantitative – Continuous MODULE 1, LESSON 2
4. Qualitative – Nominal
5. Qualitative – Nominal What’s New Activity 1
6. Qualitative – Ordinal 1. B 5. C
7. Qualitative – Ordinal 2. A/C 6. G
8. Qualitative – Nominal 3. F 7. H
9. Quantitative – Discrete 4. D 8. E
10. Qualitative – Nominal What’s New Activity 2
11. Quantitative – Discrete 1. Intervention 6. Crafting
12. Qualitative – Ordinal 2. Discover 7.
13. Qualitative – Dichotomous Interoperability
14. Quantitative – Interval 3. Marketable 8. Sturdiest
15. Qualitative – Nominal 4. Fast track 9. Variable
5. Correlation 10. Pandemic

CIRT: Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching. no date. " An Overview of Quantitative
Research." Grand Canyon University. Accessed June 1, 2020.

I Hope. 2019. " Quantitative Research: It’s Characteristics and Strenghts." YouTube.
Accessed June 3, 2020.

"Introduction to Quantitative Research." SAGE Publication. Accessed June 1, 2020.

26 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 1

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Senior High School

Practical Research 2
Quarter 1 - Module 2
Identifying the Inquiry and
Stating the Problem

CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

Practical Research 2- Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem
First Edition, 2020

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the
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wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such
agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright holders.
Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership
over them.

Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module:

Authors: Kim Charies L. Okit, Rochelle A. Luzano, PhD

Reviewers: Joel D. Potane, PhD Kareen J. Agcopra, PhD

Warren I. Luzano, PhD Cristina D. Abao
Shera May L. Gochuco Ryan Z. Roa

Illustrator: Ley Krystal C. Jayoma

Layout & Design Evaluator: Allan H. Guibone

Management Team
Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Regional Director
Co-Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr., CESO V
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Members: Dr. Bienvenido U. Tagolimot,Jr.
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Senior High School

Practical Research 2
Quarter 1- Module 2
Identifying the Inquiry and
Stating the Problem
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you
will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. design a research useful in daily life (CS_RS12-Id-e-1);
2. write research title (CS_RS12-Id-e-2);
3. describe background of research (CS_RS12-Id-e-3);
4. state research questions (CS_RS12-Id-e-4);
5. indicate scope and delimitation of study (CS_RS12-Id-e-5);
6. present written statement of the problem (CS_RS12-Id-e-7);

What I Know

Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Encircle the letter of the correct

1. Which of the following is NOT an essential characteristic of a researchable question?

A. The question is answerable by some sort of data that can be collected.
B. Answering the question provides a positive outcome to the society.
C. The question is comprehensive.
D. The question is interesting.

2. Which of the following is the most reliable source of research topic idea?
A. Review of Literature C. Folklores
B. Wikipedia D. Blogs

3. Which of the following questions is most suitable for quantitative research?

A. Will the colors of the wall affect children’s preference and engagement during play
B. Is there a relationship between soil components and shape of seeds?
C. Do online materials enhance the performance of students?
D. What are the features of herbal plants in the province?

4. Which of the following best describes the development process for a research question?
A. A broad topic is trimmed down to make it more interesting.
B. Research topic must be refined first before doing preliminary research.
C. As specific question can be broadened to make a study more significant.
D. Preliminary research helps trim down a broad topic to a more manageable

5. Which of the following statements is a characteristic of a good research title?

A. It is a short but accurate description of the content of the study
B. It uses abbreviations to shorten the number of characters.
C. All beginning letters of each word is capitalized.
D. It indicates all variables in the study.

6. Which of the following is the most common form of the research title?
A. Interrogative C. Question form
B. Declarative D. Phrase

1 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

7. It refers to an issue that has not been fully addressed by previous studies.
A. Research problem C. Research question
B. Research topic D. Research gap

8. It is a part of the research that expresses the context of the problem that will support the
validity and rationale of the study.
A. Research title C. Background of the study
B. Research topic D. Research problem

9. Which if the following statements is NOT true about the background of research?
A. It elaborates on the findings or information from the literature cited.
B. It explains how the research question was derived.
C. It justifies the need to conduct the study.
D. It establishes the research gap.

10. A good research question is:

A. Feasible, clear, significant and hypothetical
B. Feasible, clear, significant, and ethical
C. Clear, significant, and ethical
D. Feasible, clear, and ethical

11. Quantitative research problem deals more with

A. precision and general explanation of phenomena
B. description and explanation of situations
C. trends and patterns of the chosen group
D. precision and specificity of the problem

12. Which of the following research questions is an example of correlational research?

A. Is there a difference in the height of Mung Bean in setup A from setup B after
various treatments?
B. What are the various learning modalities offered in Gusa Elementary School for SY
C. Is the pre-online tutorial effective in preparing preschool for distance learning?
D. What is the relationship between time spent on texting and spelling ability?

13. Which of the following qualifies a good quantitative research question?

A. How would the parents respond to the current educational challenge?
B. Is blended learning more effective than face to face learning?
C. Does a social medium lead to more social awareness?
D. Are the teachers well-motivated?

14. A research question becomes significant when __________.

A. no harm is possible to be inflicted to participants
B. it contributes to a bigger body of knowledge
C. it does not take undue resources
D. it uses simplest words for readers

15. It is part of the research study that states what is included and not in the research study.
A. Statement of the Problem
B. Significance of the Study
C. Background of the Study
D. Scope and Delimitation

2 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2


What’s In

You have learned from Module 1 that quantitative research is very useful in all fields
of study because of its objectivity and fast data collection and analysis. The different kinds of
research designs (descriptive, correlational, ex-post-facto, quasi-experimental, and
experimental) offer a viable and numerous options for any type of inquiry. The field of studies
where you can apply quantitative research is practically countless. In this lesson, you will
expand your understanding of the characteristics and different applications of quantitative
research and be able to design a study useful in daily life.

What I Need to Know

The first and foremost step in the research is selecting and properly defining a research
problem. Before starting a laborious journey of finding the unknown, you need to know first
what it is that you want to find out, where and how you are going to find the answers to your
questions, and what specific qualities are you looking for. For instance, you want to find a
specific kind of fish in the ocean; however, the ocean is so vast that it is almost impossible for
you to achieve that goal of finding the fish without equipping yourself with the right tools and
information about it. You may need to know first its behavior and living conditions before you
can precisely pinpoint the perfect spot to find the fish. Thus, baseline information is needed
for a successful quest.

That fish analogy can be applied to finding a research topic. A well-defined research
topic is essential for a successful research. When the topic is not well-defined, it becomes
unmanageable and may result in some drawbacks during data collection and analysis that
could compromise the strength of your study.

Hence, choosing a topic must undergo proper and thorough planning and designing.
The four basic steps in designing a research topic are the following: (1) choose a broad topic,
(2) do preliminary research, (3) define the problem, and (4) refine the question. Guided with
these steps, a student researcher can certainly jumpstart a quantitative research project.

3 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

What’s New

Activity 1: Topics that interest me!

Directions: Take time to identify the things that matters most to you by filling out the following

1. My chosen SHS track is: ____________________________________.

2. The top three things that I excel doing are ________________,

________________ and ______________________

3. The top five (5) things that make me happy are ____________ , ___________,
____________, ________________, and ___________________.

4. The three things that I find interesting are _____________, ______________ and

Activity 2: Tell me about your problems!

Directions: Make an online or offline survey at your community, family, and friends to
determine common issues or problems. List all the problems raised and identify
the most common ones.

What Is It

Steps in Developing Research Topic

Despite the advancement in knowledge and technology, there is still a lot to discover
in this world. There is still an ocean of things that we are yet to explore. It can be a difficult
situation that we want to improve or eliminate, a better understanding of the unfamiliar,
information gaps we wish to fill, or theories that we want to validate. What limits our choice of
a topic are our capacity, understanding, resources, and skill.

Most researchers will agree that choosing a good topic is a challenging and tedious
task. Because a research topic serves as the groundwork for any succeeding actions, it must
be defined appropriately at the beginning of the research work. Otherwise, it may result in
unanticipated complexities to the researcher.

Developing a research problem can be done in four (4) steps:

1. Choose a broad topic

2. Do a preliminary research
3. Define the problem
4. Refine the question

4 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

As a student researcher, let us go through these steps to guide us in choosing a
quantitative research topic related to our chosen field.

1. Choose a broad topic. The first step is quite simple. As a Senior High School student,
these tips will surely guide you in selecting a broad topic for quantitative research:

A. Choose an interesting topic.

Research is a very challenging task that demands your time and persistence. Your
motivation to find the answer to the problem should keep you going, thus building a momentum
along the way. Therefore, your research topic must be something that you are passionate
about. Review your answers in Activity 1, and it might lead you to the right path. After all,
nothing is more satisfying than accomplishing something that matters to you.

B. Select a significant topic.

A topic that is worth researching must be able to answer or solve problems in the
community. No one will take an interest in your topic if it is obsolete and does not address any
real problem. To be proactive and to take part in solving problems with socio-economic
relevance gives a sense of accomplishment. You do not even have to look far, just take a look
at your household, neighborhood, school, group of friends, or local community for a common
problem or difficulty. Activity 2 will help you identify some main points that can serve as a basis
for choosing your research study.

C. Choose a topic relevant to your field.

One of the goals of this course is for you to be able to produce a quantitative research
study that is aligned to your chosen track. A SHS student under ABM must choose a topic
related to business and management while students taking HUMSS may consider choosing a
topic about politics, culture, and arts. Choosing a topic that you can relate will certainly make
your research project less challenging.

In the event that the three tips above do not shed some light on your minds, do not
despair; other sources of ideas like the ones below may be available for you.

i. Resources. Department of Science and Technology (DOST) harmonized National R &

D Agenda for 2017-2022. Early in 2017, DOST, together with researchers from the
health, agriculture, industry, and academe, released research priorities for 2017 to
2022 that are relevant for the economic growth of the country. Visit this link for a list of suggested studies.

ii. Review of Literature. Some researchers reveal that reading previous studies fueled
their minds with tons of research topics. Reviewing the literature lets them know what
has been studied, what is not yet done, and what other researchers suggest working
on. Journals, periodicals, and peer-reviewed articles are a good read.

iii. Field experts. Gather up some guts to approach anyone you know that are experts on
the field of your choice because they may give valuable inputs or may currently be
working on a study where you can collaborate. Your teacher may also give you some
advice, especially on the possible obstacles, resource limitations, and expanse of the

iv. Brainstorming. Do not underestimate the ideas from classmates, friends, and family
members. You may be overwhelmed at first by the outpouring of ideas. Just build a
list, then cross off any topic unrelated to your field or not so interesting to you. Of
course, you must take precautionary measures in doing this by observing physical
distancing. You can use any social media platform to do this.

5 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

2. Do a preliminary research. The second step is much more time-consuming. Once you
have chosen a broad topic, you need to have a better understanding of it by reading some
more articles, journals, and related research studies. Find out how other researchers
gathered their data, what research instruments were used, how the data were analyzed,
and what important findings they shared. Take note of every relevant research study for
future reference. If you started the topic search (first step) by doing a literature review,
the second step is just a continuation of what you started. A much deeper discussion of
the literature review will be done in module 3.

3. Define the problem. After getting enough information, you may be able to list some
questions or problems that you want to research. At this stage, you should be able to
narrow down broad topic into feasible and manageable research questions. A broad topic
can be narrowed down by limiting the population, place, period, or a certain characteristic.
However, be very mindful that your problem may not be too narrow that it becomes very
simple and does not need to collect unique data or does not generate new information. A
very narrow research question can be developed by doing a comparative study or
expanding the scope of the study.

4. Refine the question. This step lets you evaluate the questions formulated. What specific
questions should you ask? How should you gather your data sufficient to answer the
questions? Are the questions too narrow, or does it need to be trimmed down? While
evaluating the research question, consider the requirements of the course. How much
time are you given to finish the research? What resources do you need and are they
available? You will learn more about research questions in lesson 4.

What’s More

Let’s go online

Directions: Go to the link below and practice what you’ve learned from this lesson:

What I Have Learned

Directions: Answer briefly the questions below.

1. Why is it important to choose a relevant, significant, and interesting research topic?

6 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

2. How does background/preliminary research help in defining a research topic?

3. What is your understanding of refining the research question?


What I Can Do

Directions: Choose one broad topic related to your track that interests you. Then, preliminary
research on this topic. Take note of at least five related studies with its
corresponding author/s, then list three (3) quantitative research questions related
to the topic. Follow the format below. Write your answers in separate sheet of

Broad Topic: _____________________________________________________________

1. Title: _______________________________________________________________
Author/s: ____________________________________________________________
Year of Publication: ____________________________________________________
Name of Journal/Publication: ____________________________________________
Link: _______________________________________________________________
Notes/ Important information: ____________________________________________

2. Title: _______________________________________________________________
Author/s: ____________________________________________________________
Year of Publication: ____________________________________________________
Name of Journal/Publication: ____________________________________________
Link: _______________________________________________________________
Notes/ Important information: ____________________________________________

7 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

3. Title: _______________________________________________________________
Author/s: ____________________________________________________________
Year of Publication: ____________________________________________________
Name of Journal/Publication: ____________________________________________
Link: _______________________________________________________________
Notes/ Important information: ____________________________________________

4. Title: _______________________________________________________________
Author/s: ____________________________________________________________
Year of Publication: ____________________________________________________
Name of Journal/Publication: ____________________________________________
Link: _______________________________________________________________
Notes/ Important information: ____________________________________________

5. Title: _______________________________________________________________
Author/s: ____________________________________________________________
Year of Publication: ____________________________________________________
Name of Journal/Publication: ____________________________________________
Link: _______________________________________________________________
Notes/ Important information: ____________________________________________

Question 1: _______________________________________________________________

Question 2: _______________________________________________________________

Question 3: _______________________________________________________________


What’s In

At this point, you may already have an interesting and relevant quantitative research
topic that is related to your chosen track. The next step is for you to have a suitable and
captivating title for the research study in mind. How is it done? Is writing a research title similar
to writing a title for movies, songs, or poems, or is there a guideline for it. Read through this
lesson, and you will know how to make a good title for your quantitative research study.

8 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

What I Need to Know

The old saying “never judge a book by its cover” applies to research studies no matter
how much we say otherwise. When the title is poorly constructed that it does not accurately
describe the objective of your research, it can discredit the value of the entire research, let
alone the implication of your research findings. It is, therefore, important that you make your
research title accurate yet captivating. Afterall, the research title is the first thing your
professor, fellow researchers, journal editors, or reviewers get to see first. Once it captures
the attention of the readers, they will be enticed to read the entire work and learn something
from your research. Learning how to make your research title create a good impression is

What’s New

Activity 1: True or False

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

_____________1. Inserting humor on the research title makes it more interesting to the
_____________2. Abbreviations are a must to make the research title shorter.
_____________3. Proper punctuation and correct grammar must be observed in writing the
_____________4. All types of quantitative research design must include the independent and
dependent variables in the title.
_____________5. Jargons make a research title more sophisticated.
_____________6. Only the first letters of nouns and pronouns are capitalized.
CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Mod_2 7
_____________7. To minimize the number of characters in the title, only use the chemical
formula than generic names.
_____________8. Use declarative format in writing the research title.
_____________9. To make it more specific, the year must be included in the title.
_____________10. Using obsolete terms do not matter in writing the title.

What Is It

Basic Guidelines in Making a Research Title

A research study title is the very first thing a reader comes across when searching for
scientific literature. It is a concise description of the content of the research study containing
the fewest possible words, yet adequate to describe the contents of the paper for a simple
reason that we do not want to mislead the readers. After conceptualizing a most probable
research topic, drafting the title early in the research process helps in keeping your focus on
the subject. The following are the basic guidelines in making a research study title:

9 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

1. Use an accurate description of the subject and scope of the study instead of using
general terms.
2. Do not use abbreviations except for commonly known ones like DNA and ICT.
3. Do not include words like “The study of,” “Analysis of,” “An investigation of” or similar
construction as these would only lengthen the title.
4. Include the main dependent and independent variables.
5. Be mindful of the proper use of grammar and punctuation.
6. Capitalize all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs as well as the first letter of
the first and last words.
7. State in a declarative form, although you may also see titles in question form from time
to time.
8. The year the study has been conducted should not be indicated unless it is a historical
9. Use current terminology.
10. Depending on the institutional requirements, 5 to15 words are sufficient to describe the
research study.
11. Use the common name instead of chemical formula (e.g., Ammonium instead of NH4)
12. Write and italicize full scientific names.
13. Make sure to reflect the tone of the paper. An academic research paper has title which
is not casual, or informal, or does not contain humor.

The following steps can guide you in writing your research title:

1. Determine what it is that you wish to accomplish or know from your study. Write one
to two sentences to state the main objectives of your research project.
2. Include important keywords and variables. Revise the sentences into one complete
sentence that includes important keywords and variables of the study.
3. Shorten the title by eliminating unnecessary words. You may also shrink a phrase into
a simpler phrase or a single word. In doing this, make sure that the main thought of
the research study is retained.
4. Correct grammar and punctuation errors if there is any.
5. Observe proper formatting. The format may vary according to the requirements of the
course or school. Please seek guidance from your professor.

What’s More
Directions: Evaluate the following erroneous research title and justify what makes it wrong.

Example: Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activity of S. trifasciata leaves

Answer: The scientific name was abbreviated and not italicized.

1. An investigation of the effects of electronics uses on Interpersonal Relationship in

Answer: ________________________________________________________

2. Effects of Coconut Oil and Beeswax Edible coating.

Answer: ________________________________________________________

3. The Effects of Arts-Integrated Instruction on Arithmetic Skills of Students for S.Y.

Answer: _________________________________________________________

4. Antibacterial effects of C2H5OH extract of Carica papaya leaves.

Answer: _________________________________________________________
10 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2
5. Managing business during global pandemic.
Answer: _________________________________________________________

What I Have Learned

Directions: Answer briefly what is asked.

1. A researcher is discouraged from putting too many words in the research title. Why?

2. A bad title discredits a good research. Why?


3. What are the components of a good research title?


What I Can Do

Directions: This activity is a continuation of what you have done in Lesson 1 of this module.
You are to construct a good research title for each of the quantitative research
questions made on page 6. Follow the format below:

Research question 1: _______________________________________________________

Proposed title A: ___________________________________________________________
Proposed title B: ___________________________________________________________
Proposed title C: ___________________________________________________________

Research question 2: _______________________________________________________

Proposed title A: ___________________________________________________________
Proposed title B: ___________________________________________________________
Proposed title C: ___________________________________________________________

11 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

Research question 3: _______________________________________________________
Proposed title A: ___________________________________________________________
Proposed title B: ___________________________________________________________
Proposed title C: ___________________________________________________________

Additional Activity

Directions: After you submit your Research Title and once it is corrected in accordance with
the guidelines given, you may start incorporating your Research Title to your
research manuscript.


What’s In

Reading a well-written research title gives the reader an insight of what the research
study is all about. Although it captures the main point of the study, it does not sufficiently
explain all the details of the study. Hence the reader opts to read on for better understanding.

When introducing your study to the readers, you must bridge the gap from what is
known to what is unknown. Establishing the importance of finding the answer to the question
makes the reader feel the need to answer such question. Thus, it makes the research project
more meaningful and valuable.

What I Need to Know

Choosing a sound research topic entails a considerable amount of time, focus, and
preliminary research. Before a topic is finalized, you may have read and evaluated the
question many times and even consulted professionals or instructors to ensure its validity and
feasibility. How you relay to the reader the implication of the research problem formulated is
what constitutes the background of the study section of your paper. At the end of this lesson,
you should be able to describe the background of research and will learn what salient
information should be included in the background of the study segment of your paper.

12 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

What’s New

Activity 1: Expand Your Vocabulary!

Directions: Read through the text of this lesson and look for an underlined word that has the
same meaning as the word in the list below. Write the word on the space provided.

1. Uncharted - _______________
2. Motivation - _______________
3. Background - ______________
4. Extensive - _________________
5. Communicate - ______________
6. Conceive - ________________
7. Remarkable - ________________
8. Inclusive - ______________
9. Understanding - _______________
10. Valid - __________________

What Is It

Background of the Study

The background of the study is the part of your paper where you inform the reader of
the context of the study. When we say context, it means the situation or circumstances within
which your research topic was conceptualized. Ideally, this part is written when you have
already conducted a literature review and has a good perception of the topic so you can
articulate the importance and validity of the research problem. It is also in this part of the paper
where you justify the need to conduct a research study about the topic selected by establishing
the research gap.

A research gap is an under or unexplored area of a topic that requires further

exploration. The gap can be in a form of other variables, conditions, population, methodology,
or test subject. To identify research gaps, an exhaustive literature review regarding the topic
is required. You may have to look for similar or related studies employing quantitative,
qualitative, or mixed methods from legitimate sources and examine the gray areas. Reading
through the Discussion, Conclusion, or the Recommendations sections of the articles will help
you know potential areas of study that need further attention. Identifying research gaps
sometimes would even make researchers modify their research problem as they get
noteworthy ideas from fellow researchers.

While both the Background of the Study and the Review of Related Literature involve
reading past related studies, they differ in some aspects. The former is at the introductory part
of the paper with the purpose of relaying the importance of your research study; the latter is
more comprehensive and thoroughly discusses the studies mentioned in the background of
research. Moreover, the background of the study answers the following questions:
1. What is already known about the topic?
2. What is not known about the topic?
3. Why do you need to address those gaps?
4. What is the rationale of your study?

13 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

While answering these questions, keep in mind that the studies you include in this part of
the paper are laid down as part of the introduction and should not be discussed in great detail.
The depth and length of the background information largely depend on how much information
you think the reader needs to know to have a full grasp of the topic being discussed.

What’s More

Directions: Organize the reviewed related literature about the research problem previously
selected (see page 6) by completing the table below. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

Author/s & Topic Sample Data Major Recommendation

Yr. Collection Findings

What I Have Learned

Directions: As you have learned from this lesson, answer each question comprehensively.

1. What is the relevance of the Background of the Study in your research paper?

2. Compare and contrast Background of the Study and Literature Review.


3. What important components should be included in the Background of the Study?


14 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

What I Can Do

Directions: Let’s expand the research topic and title you did in the activities from Lessons 1
and 2 by composing a one to two-page Background of the Study. Print it on a
short bond paper in the format below:

Font: Arial, size 11

Spacing: double
Margin: Normal: 1” all sides

Name: _________________________ Section: ___________________ Date: ___________

Research topic: ___________________________________________________________
Research title: ____________________________________________________________

Background of the Study


Additional Activity

Directions: After you submit your Background of the Study and once it is corrected in
accordance with the guidelines given, you may start incorporating your Background of the
Study to your research manuscript.


What’s In

In the previous lessons of this module, you were taught how to design research that is
interesting and something that you are passionate about. You have learned that research
problems are within your environment or area of interest. You were given various activities to
learn how to come up with interesting and useful research problems. In this lesson,
Identification of the research problems and research questions will be furthered explained.

15 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

You have also learned how to craft qualitative research problems and questions when
you took Practical Research 1 In this lesson, quantitative research problems and types of
quantitative research questions will be elaborated.

What I Need to Know

Nature of Quantitative Research Problem

Once we encounter uncertainty, being inquisitive, we always find ways for answers or
solution. Ignited by interest, curiosity, or need, we always find ourselves pondering about the
current problem we are facing. When we are thinking and behaving this way, we are then
confronted by a problem that can be a source of a research problem.

A research problem is simple as a problem you would like to research. Quantitative

Research Problem deals more with the precision and specificity of the problem. Furthermore,
the quantitative research problem describes trends and patterns of a phenomenon.

When you have identified your quantitative research problem, you can now state it and
make sure to establish its place in your study. In your written paper, this can be found as
Statement of the Problem, where it formally introduces the problem that you want to
investigate or address. By this time, you can start specifying what you want to answer in your

Research Problem and Research Questions

The research questions help clarify and specify the research problem. They are also
considered as sub-problems of your research problem and are informative in nature. They
specify the method of collecting and analyzing data, and the type of data to be collected when
exploring a quantitative research problem.

What’s New

Activity 1: That’s a Good Question

Directions: Here are some samples of research questions. Rank them on a scale of 1 to 10
(1= lowest, 10 = highest) based on their feasibility and clarity as a quantitative
research question. Then, provide a brief explanation of your rating.

Quantitative Research Question Explanation
1. How many Grade-7 students are
enrolled in blended learning this
School Year?

2. Is modular learning or online learning

more effective in Language or
Science subjects?

3. Is there a significant relationship in

the number of households and
COVID-19 confirmed cases in a
16 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2
What Is It

Characteristics of Good Research Questions

Once you have already enumerated your research questions for your study, it is
important that you consider its quality to answer and explain your research problem. The
following are good characteristics of research questions, as described by Fraenkel and Wallen

Feasible. Consider the amount of time, energy, money, respondents, and even your
current situation as a student-researcher. Is the research problem possible? Will it not spend
unreasonable amount? Consider these examples: “How do parents feel about the blended
learning modality for elementary learners?” and “How would giving each learner their own
laptop to be used in this blended learning modality affect their performance tasks?” The first
example is definitely a more feasible research question. Considering the resources, it is more
possible to gather the data needed to answer the question.

Clear. The clarity of how the questions are stated lead to agreement of meaning of the
readers of your study. Since your research questions are also considered as the main focus
in the gathering and analyzing the data, it is therefore very important that these are stated

Significant. Ask if your research questions are relevant or important to ask. Will
answering these questions provide an additional contribution to address the given research
problem? In other words, are the research questions really worth investigating?
At this point, you do not just consider the time and money that you will spend, but more
importantly, the value of what you are trying to investigate. So aside from the reason that your
chosen research problem is within your interest, you should also provide a sound justification
of your choice as a researcher.

Ethical. Always consider the welfare of people, animals or whosoever are involved in
your study. Look into ways of answering the research questions without inflicting physical and
psychological harm to persons involved.

Formulating Research Questions

Research questions can be generally classified into two: general and specific. The
general question of the study is derived from the research problem while the specific questions
are anchored on the general research problem.

For example:
This study aims to determine the relationship between the types of learning delivery
mode and students’ learning styles. Furthermore, it seeks to answer the following research
questions: (1) What are the different learning delivery modes of the school? (2) What are the
various learning styles of the students? (3) Is there a significant relationship between the
different learning delivery modes of the school and the learning styles of its students?

Notice that a general problem was presented first. Then it was followed by the specific
questions considered as research questions of the study.

In stating quantitative research questions, you should also consider the design of your
quantitative research. Quantitative research designs will be elaborated in Module 4. For the
purpose of writing your research question, here’s a quick guide of research questions for

17 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

descriptive research, correlational research, Ex Post Facto research, Experimental, and
Quasi-experimental research.

Research Questions for Descriptive Research focus on observing, describing, and

reporting factors or aspects of the research problem. Phrases such as how often/frequently,
how many/much, what is/are, to what extent/degree, and the likes are used in these questions.
For example, you study the use of social media among Senior High School Students, you can
ask the following questions:

What are the various social media platforms used by Senior High Students?

How many hours students spend on social media per day?

Research Questions for Correlational Research aim to determine the relationships

among two or more variables in your research problem. Correlational research questions
usually begin with the phrases “Is there a significant relationship...” or “What is the relationship
between/among...”. In the study of use of social media and level of digital literacy of students
following questions can be asked:

What is the relationship between the length of hours spent on social media and level
of digital literacy of students?

Is there a significant relationship between the type of social media used and the level
digital literacy of students?

Research Questions for Ex Post Facto Research attempt to identify the causes of
the phenomenon in the context of your research problem. It is also assumed that no control
or manipulation of variable has been done in order to cause the effect. It is also understood
that the cause of the problem already exists before you conducted your study. For example,
ex post facto study on family background and digital literacy of students, the following
questions can be asked:

Is there a difference in the literacy level of students between their cultural and
educational family background?

Research Questions for Experimental and Quasi-experimental Research suggest

that answers to these questions are brought about by manipulation or control of a certain
variable during the conduct of the study. These questions provide explanation to the causal
relationship of variables. The following research questions can be asked on studies on
elementary student’s remedial sessions and academic performance of students:

Is there a significant difference in the posttest scores of the control group and
experimental group?

What’s More

Activity 2: The Very Good Questions

Directions: Using the same examples in your Activity 1, rank them on the scale of 1 to 10 (1=
lowest, 10 = highest) based on the given parameters in writing a good research
question. If you find that the questions are not so good, then rewrite the questions
on the last column of the table. If you think it is already good, then write your
justification as well.
18 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2
Quantitative Research Your Rating Revised Question/
Question Feasible Clear Significant Ethical Justification
1. How many Grade-7
students are enrolled in
blended learning this
School Year?

2. Is modular learning or
online learning more
effective in Language
or Science subjects?

3. Is there a significant
relationship in the
number of households
and COVID-19
confirmed cases in a

Activity 3: Write the Questions

Directions: Write one general research question and two specific research questions for the
given research problem below.

Research Problem General Question Specific Questions

The Relationship
between Media
Exposure and Health

Leadership Practices
and Employee’s Job

Effects of Parenting
Style and Children
Study Habits

19 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

Activity 4: Let’s go Online

Go to the link below and practice what you’ve learned from this lesson:

What I Have Learned

Directions: As you have learned from this lesson, answer each item comprehensively.

1. What I know about research question is


2. I have learned that good questions are


20 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

3. This time, I have learned that when stating quantitative research questions


What I Can Do

State your Research Questions

Directions: Perform the following task. Referring to your background of the study and research
problem, list your research questions. When formulating these questions, consider
the design of your quantitative research.

1. ___________________________________________________________________


2. ___________________________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________________________


4. ___________________________________________________________________


5. ___________________________________________________________________


Additional Activity

Direction: After you submit your research questions and once they are corrected in accordance
to the guidelines given, you may start incorporating your research questions to your
research manuscript.
21 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

What’s In

In Module 1, Lesson 3 you were taught how to identify and differentiate various
research variables and its uses. Identifying your research variables is very important since it
will set the parameters of your study. Carefully selecting your research variables also helps
you to determine what will be investigated. As a result, it will be easier for you to set the scope
and delimitation of the study. This lesson focuses on how you are going to indicate the scope
and delimitation of your study.

What I Need to Know

Activity 1. Find and Form the Meaning

Directions: Find five synonyms of “scope” and “delimitation”. Then, analyze and connect the
gathered words in order to form the meaning of “Scope and Delimitation of the

Synonyms Formed Meaning



Scope 3.





Delimitation 3.



22 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

What’s New

Activity 2. It’s the Scope and Limitation

Directions: Read the sample scope and limitation and identify the boundaries of the study by
writing the corresponding components on the table below.

Sample Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The main objective of this study is to provide information about students’ knowledge and
perception of genetically modified foods and their family health practices. The study also
includes the student’s personal information and occupation of their parents and siblings.
This study is limited to the 120 Grade 12 Male and Female enrolled in the First Semester,
School Year 2019-2020 of Gusa Regional Science High School – X. Each of the
respondents is given questionnaire to answer. The students selected came from six different
sections to prevent subjective perceptions.

Components of the Scope and Delimitation

✓ Topic of the study

✓ Objective of the study or problems to be


✓ Time frame in which the study will be


✓ The locale or area where the study will

be conducted

✓ Characteristics of the participants of the


✓ Other parameters

23 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

What Is It

Scope and Delimitation

In doing research study, we make sure that we have certainty and reasons for drawing
the inclusion and exclusion of research variables. We do not write for the sake of writing the
parts of the research paper, such as setting the scope and delimitation of your study. It is
important because it draws the boundary of your study. Without doing so, research procedures
and results will not be coherent to the goal of your study.

The scope specifies the coverage of your study such as variables, population or
participant, and timeline. Delimitation cites factors of your study that are not included or
excluded or those you will not deal in your study.

In this section of your research paper, you may also state the reasons why you did not
include the variables. A clearly written scope and delimitation of the study will make it definitely
easier to answer questions which are related or not related to your study.

Components of Scope and Delimitation

In writing the scope and delimitation of your study, you are also asking the basic profile
questions of your research. The following are the components of the scope and delimitation
of the study but not limited to:

Topic of the Study. What are the variables to be included and excluded?

Objectives or Problems to be Addressed. Why are you doing this study?

Time Frame. When are you going to conduct this study?

Locale of the Study. Where are you going to gather your data?

Characteristics of the Respondents. Who will be your respondents?

Method and Research Instruments. How are going to collect the data?

Difference between Delimitation and Limitation of the Study

The delimitation of the study describes the various limitations that arose during the
design and conduct of the study. Along the way of conducting your study, you will encounter
limitations which you have not drawn before you start – these are the delimitations of study.
Most of the delimitations arose from the applicability or usefulness of the findings of the study
to the current problem.

Variables not included in your study are also determined by delimitation of your study.
While on the other hand, limitation of the study are those variables included in your study.
Hence, limitation of the study is actually the identified scope of the study.

24 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

What’s More

Activity 3. Reshape the Scope and Delimitation

Directions: Read the following scope and delimitation about a research on sickness
prevention. Try to improve its structure and coverage. You can add some details
in revising this research section.


The current focuses on the relationship between socio-demographic background of

the family and their heath practices. Only 60 Grade 11 students were considered in this
study as respondents. The research lasted for two months.

Your revised version


Activity 4. Let’s go online.

Practice what you have learned from this lesson. Visit the following:

What I Have Learned

Directions: As you have learned from this lesson, answer each item comprehensively.

1. What I know about scope and delimitation of the study is


25 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

2. I have learned that when indicating the scope and delimitation of the study

What I Can Do

Indicate your Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Directions: Perform the following task. Specify the scope and delimitation of your study by
answering the basic contents of this research section.

1. What are the variables to be included and excluded?



2. Why are you doing this study?



CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Mod_2

3. When are you going to conduct this study?



4. Where are you going to gather your data?



5. Who will be your respondents?



26 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

Additional Activity:

Direction: Once your work is corrected after submitting and specifying your scope and
delimitation, you may start writing a paragraph format of this and incorporate it in
your research manuscript.


What Is It

Getting this far means you have already completed the first part of the research paper.
The next step is to present your Statement of the Problem. The following topics were already
discussed and practiced, so it is time to present your output for this Module.

Research Title
Background of the Research
Research Questions
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Significance of the Study or Beneficiaries (if applicable)

What’s More

Activity 1. Personal Work Evaluation

Direction: Rate your own paper using the rubric below. For the purpose of improvement, rate
your output as honestly as you can. Use the following scale in evaluating your own

5 – Very Good, 4 – Good, 3 – Fair, 2 – Poor, 1 – Needs Improvement

1. Title Formulation
Variables, goal, respondents are clearly stated
2. Background of the Study
Rationale, basic literature background, gravity of the chosen problem are
3. Statement of the Problem
General problem, research questions are correctly stated
4. Scope and Delimitation
Indicators to be included and excluded are mentioned
5. Significance of the Study
Benefits and beneficiaries are discussed completely
Total Rating

27 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

Activity 2. Reflection

1. What is your highest and lowest rating? What are your reasons for giving yourself
such ratings?
2. Overall, do you think you are ready for presentation of your research paper? Explain
your answer.

Activity 3. Let’s go online

Visit the following links to further enhance your written problem and to improve your
preparation for presentation.

What I Have Learned

1. What new learnings have you gained from this module in terms of skills, content, and
attitude in identifying and stating the research problem?
2. How will you improve your research writing skills in quantitative research?

28 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

What I Can Do

Direction: Get ready for presentation of your written statement of the problem. The rubrics
below will serve as a guide on how you will be rated by your teacher. The 4C
(content, coherence, creativity, communication) technique will be used so that you
can easily remember.

Rubrics for Written Statement of the Problem

5 4 3 2 1
Content (35%)
▪ The title is concise and understandable.
▪ The Research Problem is relevant and
▪ Research gap is established.
▪ The scope and delimitation of the study is
clearly stated and explained.
▪ Overall content is comprehensive.
Coherence (25%)
▪ Cohesive of devices are effectively used.
▪ Organization of ideas is smoothly
Creativity (25%)
▪ Writer’s voice is showcased.
▪ Paper uses variety of sentence structures.
▪ Uses appropriate language.
Communication (15%)
▪ Sentences are well structured.
▪ Grammatical conventions are observed.
▪ Correct spelling and proper research format
is followed.
Legend: 5 – to a very great extent, 4 – to a great extent,
3 – to some extent, 2 – to a little extent, 2 – not at all

• Steps in developing a research topic include;(1) Choose a broad topic, (2) Do a
preliminary research, (3) Define the problem, and (4) Refine the question
• Background of the study states the situation or circumstances within which your
research topic is conceptualized.
• Research Problem is the focus of investigation.
• Characteristics of good research questions are feasible, clear, significant, and ethical.
• The scope specifies the coverage of your study such as variables, population or
participant, and timeline. Delimitation cites factors of your study that are not included or
excluded or those you will not deal in your study.

29 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

Assessment: (Post-Test)

Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Encircle the letter of the correct

1. Which of the following is NOT an essential characteristic of a researchable question?

A. The question is answerable by some sort of data that can be collected.
B. Answering the question provides a positive outcome to society.
C. The question is comprehensive.
D. The question is interesting.

2. Which of the following questions is most suitable for quantitative research?

A. Will the colors of the wall affect children’s preference and engagement during play
B. Is there a relationship between soil components and shape of seeds?
C. Do online materials enhance the performance of students?
D. What are the features of herbal plants in the province?

3. If you are going to look for a topic idea for your research study, what is the most reliable
source you are going to consider?
A. Review of literature C. Wikipedia
B. Folklores D. Blogs

4. Which of the following best describes the development process for a research question?
A. To focus your literature review, research topic must be refined first before doing a
preliminary research.
B. Preliminary research helps trim down a broad topic to a more manageable question.

C. As specific question can be broadened to make study more significant.

D. A broad topic is trimmed down to make it more interesting.

5. What refers to an issue that has not been fully addressed by previous studies?
A. Research problem C. Research question
B. Research topic D. Research gap

6. Which of the following statements is a characteristic of a good research title?

A. It is short but accurate description of the content of the study.
B. It uses abbreviations to shorten the number of characters.
C. All beginning letters of each word is capitalized.
D. It indicates all variables in the study

7. Which of the following is the most common form of the research title?
A. Interrogative C. Question form
B. Phrase D. Declarative

30 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

8. What part of research expresses the context of the problem that will support the validity
and rationale of the study?
A. Research title C. Background of the study
B. Research topic D. Research problem

9. Which of the following characteristics describes a good research question?

A. Feasible, clear, significant and hypothetical
B. Feasible, clear, significant, and ethical
C. Clear, significant, and ethical
D. Feasible, clear, and ethical

10. Which if the following statements is NOT true about the background of research?
A. It elaborates on the findings or information from the literature cited.
B. It explains how the research question was derived.
C. It justifies the need to conduct the study.
D. It establishes the research gap.

11. What part of the research study states rationale of the problem and basic literature
A. Statement of the Problem
B. Significance of the Study
C. Background of the Study
D. Scope and Delimitation

12. Quantitative research problem deals more with

A. description and general explanation of phenomena
B. description and explanation of situations
C. precision and specificity of the problem
D. trends and patterns of chosen group

13. “What are the various learning modalities offered in Gusa Elementary School for SY 2020-
21?” is an example of research question of what type of quantitative research?
A. Quasi-experimental research C. Correlational Research
B. Descriptive Research D. Ex post facto

14. “What is the relationship between time spent in texting and spelling ability?” is an example
of research question of what type of quantitative research?
A. Correlational Research C. Experimental research
B. Descriptive Research D. Ex post facto

15. “Is there a difference in the scores of group A from group B after the special tutorial
program?” is an example of research question of what type of quantitative research?
A. Correlational Research C. Experimental research
B. Descriptive Research D. Ex post facto

31 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2 32
What’s New
1. False 6. False
2. False 7. False
3. True 8. True
4. False 9. False
5. False 10. False
What’s New
1. Unexplored 6. Conceptualized
2. Justify 7. Noteworthy
3. Context 8. Comprehensive
4. Exhaustive 9. Perception
5. Articulate 10. Legitimate
What’s New
Topic – GMO and Health Practices
Objective – to provide information about student’s knowledge and perception of
GMO and their family health practices
Time Frame – 1st Sem, SY 2019-20
Locale – GRSHS – X
Characteristics of the Participants – Male and Female, enrolled during the given
time frame
Other parameters – use of questionnaire, used of stratified random sampling
(from 6 sections).
Key to Answers

Fraenkel, Jack R. and Wallen, Norman E. How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education.
Asia: Mc-Graw Hill Companies, Inc., 2006.

Fraenkel, Jack R. and Wallen, Norman E. 2020. "Chapter 2 Multiple Choice Quiz." McGraw-
Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC. Accessed June 1, 2020.

Fraenkel, Jack R. and Wallen, Norman E. 2020. "Chapter 2 True or False Quiz." McGraw-Hill
Global Education Holdings, LLC. Accessed June 1, 2020.

Fraenkel, Jack R. and Wallen, Norman E. 2020. "Chapter 24 Preparing Research Proposal
and Reports." McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC. Accessed June 1, 2020.

I Hope. 2020. "Statement of the Problem." YouTube. Accessed June 2, 2020.

I Hope. 2020. "Scope and Delimitation of the Study." YouTube. Accessed June 1, 2020.

Verbo, Ryan Jay. 2020. “Practical Research 2 – Choosing Research Topic.” LRMDS.
Accessed June 1, 2020.

33 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 2

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Senior High School

Practical Research 2
Quarter 1 - Module 3
Conceptual Framework and Review of
Related Literature

CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

Practical Research 2- Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 - Module 3: Conceptual Framework and Review of Related Literature
First Edition, 2020

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Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
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Authors: Ma. Doris P. Napone, Rochelle A. Luzano, PhD

Reviewers: Joel D. Potane, PhD Kareen J. Agcopra,

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Shera May L. Gochuco Ryan Z. Roa

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Senior High School

Practical Research 2
Quarter 3- Module 3
Conceptual Framework and Review
of Related Literature
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you
will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. illustrate and explain the research framework (CS_RS12-If-j-6);
2. define terms used in the study (CS_RS12-If-j-7);
3. list research hypothesis (if appropriate) (CS_RS12-If-j-8) and
4. present a written review of related literature and conceptual framework

What I Know

Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Encircle the letter of the correct

1. Which of the following frameworks refers to the actual ideas, beliefs, and tentative
theories that specifically support the study?
A. methodological framework C. conceptual framework
B. chronological framework D. theoretical framework

2. A research variable that is considered as the presumed effect of the study.

A. independent variable C. dependent variable
B. moderating variable D. control variable

3. Mediating variable is also called as:

A. independent variable C. moderating variable
B. intervening variable D. dependent variable

4. The conceptual framework wherein there is an intervention being made by the

researcher is:

5. One of the two types of defining the terms in research wherein you need to define
according to how the term is being used in the study is:
A. methodological C. operational
B. theoretical D. conceptual

6. Which among the following is a guideline/characteristic of a good definition of terms?

A. the term should be in parenthesis C. direct to the point
B. underlined the entire meaning D. not indented

7. The word is defined according to its meaning from the dictionary.

A. operational C. historical
B. conceptual D. technical

1 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

8. Which of the following hypotheses shows no relationship between variables?
A. alternative hypothesis C. complex hypothesis
B. logical hypothesis D. null l hypothesis

9. Which of the following hypotheses expresses the connection between two or more
independent variables and two or more dependent variables?
A. alternative hypothesis C. complex hypothesis
B. logical hypothesis D. null hypothesis

10. “There is no difference in height between boys and girls who are taking vitamins every
day.” This is an example of:
A. non-directional hypothesis C. empirical hypothesis
B. directional hypothesis D. simple hypothesis

11. It refers to the assumption about the relationship between the variables.
A. guide questions C. framework
B. hypothesis D. literature

12. A literature review which introduces several theories or concepts that focus on a
specific topic.
A. methodological review C. theoretical review
B. integrative review D. context review

13. It is a part of the literature review which summarizes and synthesizes the different ideas
from the different sources.
A. recommendation C. conclusion
B. main body D. introduction

14. The chosen edited summaries by journalists for the general readers.
A. scholarly journal C. dissertation
B. periodicals D. books

15. It is a reference done within the text/paragraph in the paper.

A. list of references C. bibliography
B. in-text citation D. source

2 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3


What I Need to Know
As you begin writing your research project, you must consider the framework that is
suitable for your study. What is a research framework? A research framework illustrates the
structure or blueprint of the research plan and helps the researcher formulate relevant
research questions.

The framework consists of the key concepts and assumes relationships of the research
project. It is normally used as a guide for researchers so that they are more focused on the
scope of their studies. It can be presented using visual (diagrams, chart, etc.) and narrative
(paragraph stating the concepts and relationships of the study) forms.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

The types of research frameworks are classified as the theoretical and conceptual
frameworks. A theoretical framework is commonly used for studies that anchor on time-
tested theories that relate the findings of the investigation to the underpinning relevant theory
of knowledge. At the same time, a conceptual framework refers to the actual ideas, beliefs,
and tentative theories that specifically support the study. It is primarily a conception or model
of what is out there that the researcher plans to study.

Similarities of the Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

The following are the similar characteristics of Theoretical and Conceptual Framework:
1. Provide an overall view of the research study;
2. Anchor a theory that supports the study;
3. Guide in developing relevant research questions/objectives;
4. Help justify assumptions/hypothesis;
5. Aid in choosing appropriate methodology;
6. Help in gathering and interpreting data and
7. Guide in identifying possible threats to validity.

A Summary of the Differences of Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Theoretical framework Conceptual framework
Content of • Focus on specific theory used already • Focus on concepts related to your
Discussion in the field. study
Range • Broader in sense • Narrower/focused
• Applicable in different studies • Directly related to a specific study
Theories Presented • Presents one or more theory at a time • May synthesize one or more theories or
and specifically related to the current concept related to current study
Time Frame • Usually, theory is established before the • A working concept during the time of
study study.
3 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3
Guidelines and strategies in choosing and developing a Research Framework

In deciding on what research framework, you are going to use in your study, you have
to take into consideration the following vital information about the theoretical and conceptual

Theoretical framework Conceptual framework

• Revisit the information given by your related • Refer to your research questions or
literature and identify if there are potential objectives to identify the essential themes in
theories or knowledge that may be use or your study. Look for additional theories that
anchored to the possible outcome of your involve the same principle and see how they
study. relate to one another. Make a concept map
of your conceptual framework, utilizing the
• With the use of these information, you can existing theories as a reference. If there are
now create a plan or blueprint for your topics which are not included in the theories
research study. you have chosen and you know that it is
essential to your study, you can include it.

• You also need to comprehend and consider • You have to make a written explanation on
the variables that will be significant in your the concepts that are being incorporated and
study and their relationship with another. their impact to one another after you have
made the first draft of your conceptual
framework. Moreover, you have to revisit
your research questions and conceptual
framework if they are aligned.

• It is important to remember that developing a

conceptual framework is a process. This
means that as you study more material and
research more theories, it may still be refined
or updated. The research hypothesis may be
stated at the end of the conceptual
framework in some situations.

Concept Map

A concept map is a visual representation of information that helps show the relationship
between ideas. Concept maps begin with the main topic and then branch out into sub-topics,
reflecting the connection of all the elements in the study. It can also provide and organize new
It is composed of different figures such as lines, circles, boxes, and other marks or
symbols which represent the elements of your research. It can take the form of charts, graphic
organizers, tables, flowcharts, Venn Diagrams, timelines, or T-charts. Concept map arranges
related ideas in a hierarchy. You start broad, and the sub-topics will get more and more
specific. It also helps you in formulating a specific topic from the general or the main idea with
significant connections of information. In other words, understanding the big picture makes
the details more significant and easier to comprehend.

Concept maps are very useful for researchers and readers who understand better
visually. With the proper connection of lines and linking arrows to shapes and other symbols
representing your concepts about the research, the readers can visualize a comprehensive
picture of your study.
4 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3
However, in the concept map, you are not yet actually researching your study. It is
developing or creating your plan or blueprint so that you will be guided on the flow and direction
of your research study. And that includes your research questions, variables, and
methodology. It means that you are just gathering and soliciting ideas on what you could learn
about your chosen topic.

Before creating your conceptual framework, you have to understand first the different
variables of your study. Although these were already discussed in the previous module for the
purpose of utilizing it in your framework, an in-depth concept is a need.

The independent variable is the “presumed cause” of the research problem. It is the
reason for any “change” or difference in a dependent variable. It can be purposely manipulated
by the researcher, depending on the focus of the study. It maybe can cause, influence, or
affect the result or outcome of the study. It is also called as the experimental, treatment,
antecedent, or predictor variable. Moreover, it refers to the variable that is stable and
unaffected by the other variables you are trying to measure.

The dependent variable is the “presumed effect” of the research problem. It is usually
the problem itself or the element that is being questioned. This variable is altered as a result
of experimental manipulation of the independent variable or variables. It is also called as the
criterion, effect, response, or outcome variable which captures the interest of the researcher
and requires analysis, interpretation, and implication of the findings of the study. The variable
that depends on other factors that are measured and are affected or influenced by the
independent variable.

The moderating variable is an independent variable which influences the direction

and the strength of the connection between independent and dependent variables. The
independent variable interacts with the moderator variable, which makes the relationship of
the independent and dependent variable stronger or weaker. It alters the effect that an
independent variable has on a dependent variable base on its value. The moderator thus
influences the effective component of the cause-effect relationship between the two variables.
This is also called as the interaction effect.

Mediating variable or Intervening variable is an element that exists between the

independent to the dependent variable. A mediator (or mediating) variable is an integral part
of the cause-effect relationship and helps us to understand the effects of the independent
variable on the dependent variable. It is a variable that describes the effect and influence of
the relationship between the variables and what is controlling that relationship. This is also
called as correlated or mediator variables

The control variable is a special type of independent variable that can influence the
dependent variable. It takes an active role in quantitative studies. Statistical procedures are
used to control this variable. It is useful to integrate the control variables into your research
study, but it is not the main focus.

It has somehow an effect on the dependent variable and an extension of the

independent variable. However, if you omit the control variable from your study, the findings
would be less accurate. It is mostly relevant if your study is about to prove a cause-effect
relationship by undertaking statistical analysis.

5 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

The Input-Process-Output Model

The Input-Process-Output Model (IPO) is a conceptual paradigm which indicates the

inputs, required process, and the output. This approach is seated on the premise of acquiring
essential information by converting inputs into outputs through the required processing steps
in obtaining the result. The IPO Model is also referred to as a functional model that is usually
used in action research where an intervention or solution is necessary to solve the identified
The Input is usually the independent variable of the study. Meanwhile, the Process is the
intervention or solution consist of the instruments and analyses used to acquire the result.
Lastly, the Output is the findings or outcome of the interventions being made to solve the
identified problem.

Common Example of Conceptual Framework

As you read on different research studies, the common conceptual frameworks used
of most studies are the independent and dependent variable model and the input, process,
and output model.

A. Independent Variable - Dependent Variable Model (IV-DV)

For example:
Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Hours of Study Academic


Figure 1. The schematic diagram of the Independent and Dependent Variables of the Study.

This conceptual framework shows the independent and dependent variables of the
study. It is presumed that the more number of hours a student prepares for the exam, the
higher would be the expected academic performance.

B. The Input – Process - Output Model (IPO)

For example:
Process Output

1. Age 1. Profiling
2. Sex 2. Survey Proposed
3. Marital Status Questionnaire Intervention
3. Data Analysis Program
Food Safety Profile
1. Knowledge
2. Attitude
3. Practices

Figure 2. The schematic diagram of the Input, Process, and Output Approach of the Study.

6 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

This conceptual framework shows the input, process, and output approach of the
study. The input is the independent variable, which includes the socio-demographic and food
safety profile of the respondents. The process includes the tools and analyses in gathering
the data, while the output is the outcome based on the results of the study.

What’s New

Activity 1: Who is YTC?

Identify the following statements whether it is true to both theoretical and conceptual
framework or not. Write (Y) for “yes” on the space at the left side of the statement if it is true
to both while (T) for “theoretical” and “C” if it is conceptual.

Answer Statement
Directly related to a specific study.
Overall view of the research study.
Considered as the blueprint of the research.
General frame of reference used in conducting the research.
Researcher’s idea of how the study will be explored.
Anchor in a particular theory existing already in the field.
Generalized in scope.
Guide in choosing an appropriate methodology.
Can be presented using both visual and narrative form.
Enable the readers to obtain a general understanding of the research study.
Considers the relevant theory underpinning the knowledge base of the
It may synthesize one more theory.
Can monitor possible threats to the validity of the study.
It is more focused and narrower in scope.
Develop only during the planning stage of the study.

What Is It

Example 1
Research Title: Effect of Mentoring Program on Academic Performance among Senior
High School Students

Conceptual Paradigm:

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Effect of Mentoring Academic

Program Performance

In this conceptual framework, it is expected that the students who underwent the
mentoring program will have better academic performance than those who did not.
7 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3
Example 2

Research Title: Awareness on the Safety Precaution against COVID 19 among the Senior
Citizens who are living in the Home Care Facilities: Basis for a Proposed Intervention

Conceptual Paradigm:
Input Process Output
Socio-demographic Profile
1. Age
2. Sex
3. Marital Status 1. Profiling
4. Educational 2. Survey Tool
Attainment 3. Data Gathering Proposed
Safety Precaution Awareness 4. Data Analysis Intervention
Against COVID 19 and Interpretation Program
1. Causes
2. Management
3. Prevention

In this conceptual framework, the input is the baseline information about the
respondents. Necessary steps and procedures are to be implemented to obtain the vital data
as a result and findings of the research. Furthermore, these findings will be the basis for a
proposed intervention program as the output of the study.

What’s More

After thorough reading on the guidelines on how to make your conceptual framework,
kindly answer the following activities. You are given the title of the research study and the
variables in the framework. Designate which box or variable you are going to place the
different elements in the study. Make sure to identify only the factors that can affect the result
of the study. (Note that not all of the elements are applicable.)

Activity 2: Spot the Variable (Part 1)

Research Title: Medical Intervention and the Number of Patients Recovering from Pneumonia
Conceptual Paradigm:
Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Moderating Variable

8 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

1. Health Care Facilities
2. Work Experience of the Medical Team
3. Medical intervention
4. Social Status of the Patient
5. Number of Patients Recovered from Pneumonia
6. Immune System of the Patient
7. Patient’s Employment

In this conceptual framework, there are assumed moderating variables that are taken
into consideration that somehow influence the relationship between the independent and the
dependent variable. They can affect the strength of the connection of the variables.

Activity 3: Spot the Variable (Part 2)

Research Title: Effects of the Social Responsibility of a Corporation to its Organizational


Conceptual Paradigm:
Mediating Variable

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

1. Organizational Performance
2. Total Number of Employees
3. Clients’ Loyalty
4. Corporate Social Responsibility
5. Employee’s Dedication
6. Administrative Commitment
7. Corporate Business Location
8. Type of Business

In this conceptual framework, there are assumed moderating variables that are taken
into consideration that somehow can affect the relationship of the independent variable to the
dependent variable. Hence, they would potentially influence the dependent variable.

9 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

What I Have Learned

Activity 4: Name that Title

Direction: Base on the knowledge and understanding that you have gained from the
previous examples and activities, you have now captured the idea on how to make a
conceptual framework from the research title. With this, you are now given the framework, and
you need to formulate the research title according to the elements and factors that are present
in the variables. Give three (3) possible research titles that would reflect on the given variables.
Write your answers in the box provided below.

Conceptual Paradigm:
Mediating Variable


Cognition Academic

Independent Variable Dependent Variable


Moderating Variable

Coping Skills

Mediating Variable

Answers: Write three (3) possible research titles.

10 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

What I Can Do

Task 1: Build a Framework

Create an initial research framework for your research study. Consider the relationship
between the concepts and variables in your research. Then, draw a concept map representing
this relationship visually. Use the space below for your answer, or you may use a separate
paper if the space provided is not enough.

Task 2: Say Something

After finishing your map, describe it in no more than ten (10) sentences. Use the space
below for your answer, or you may use a separate paper if the space provided is not enough.

Additional Activity

Direction: After you submit your research framework and once it is corrected
in accordance with the guidelines given, you may start incorporating your research
framework into your research manuscript.

11 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3


What I Need to Know
Usually, in writing a research paper, the definition of terms is included. It helps
in simplifying some of the technical terms which are vital in the understanding of the research
project. Although this part of the paper is optional, it is advantageous for the reader to include
this to prevent the ambiguous meaning of terms that might otherwise be interpreted in different
ways, causing confusion. It can also enhance comprehension of important key terms.

Definition of Terms is also called as Operational Definition of Variables (ODV).

The word operational refers to “how the word/term was used in the study. At the same time,
the variables are the elements essential to the study.

There are two ways in defining the terms, the conceptual and operational definition.
The conceptual definition is the meaning of the term that is based on how it is defined in the
dictionary or encyclopedia. Operational definition, on the other hand, is the meaning of the
term based on how it was used in the study.

Generally, there are two cases in which important terms need to be defined; first, if the
term is not common or widely known, and second, if the term has a specific or unique meaning
in the context of the study.

Benefits of Having Definition of Terms

1. It is a useful place to include technical terms in the topic of the research questions.
2. It can clarify the definition of term, especially if it has a different meaning. Define the
term according to how it was used in the study.
3. It makes it easier to revisit or check the meaning of a term instead of trying to locate it
through the paper.
4. Helps to ensure that the reader can understand the technical terminologies and jargons
while reading the paper.

Guidelines on How to Write the Definition of Terms

1. Write a brief introductory statement. It must shortly describe the content of the
definition of terms.
2. List/write the words/terms (which are technical) that would be included (make sure that
the variables and key terms found in the title are included).
3. The terms should be arranged alphabetically.
4. Indention should be applied to each term.
5. The term should be followed with a period.
6. It can be underlined or not.
7. It can be bold and italic or not.
8. It does not have to be lengthy (direct to the point).

12 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

9. Acronym/initials should be defined clearly. Complete name should be written first,
followed by the acronym/initials in open-close parenthesis, then the definition/meaning.
10. Do not overflow with technical terms (only those relevant and significant to the study).
11. Keep the definition brief and basic. You will elaborate on it more in the body of your

Note: Refer also to your institutional format (some institutions have different formats).

Examples of Writing the Definition of Terms

1. Conceptual definition

Face to face. It is when the people involved are being close together and looking
directly at each other (

Module. It is any in a series of standardized units used together, such as an

educational unit that covers a single subject or topic (

Online. It is controlled by or connected to another computer or network


2. Operational definition

Face to face. This refers to one of the modalities used in learning delivery in which the
teacher and students should be in the same place or setting, such as the classroom.

Module. Teaching modules are guides of the topics and lessons of a specific subject
given to students under the modular method. It is also an alternative distance learning delivery
in which students are required to read and answer the activities specified in the module.

Online. It refers to another form of distance learning wherein the teacher and students
will have their lessons using internet connectivity.

What’s New

Activity 1: Define Me

A. Define at least five (5) key terms in your research study according to a conceptual
definition. Write your answers to the space provided or on a separate paper.
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________

13 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

5. ___________________________________________________________________

B. Using the terms in your conceptual definition, define them according to an operational
definition. Write your answers to the space provided or on a separate paper.
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________

What Is It

Example 1

Compose a brief introductory statement written before the list of terms to be defined.

1. For a better understanding of this study, the following terms are defined in the context
of this research.
2. The following terms are defined as used in the study.
3. To comprehend the study better, the following terms are operationally defined.

Example 2
Write the meaning of the key terms, both conceptually and operationally.

1. Student. A person who is enrolled or attends classes at school, college, or

university. (This is defined conceptually).

Student. Refers to a person who is enrolled and attends a Bachelor of Science

in Pharmacy of this university. (This is defined operationally).

2. Undergraduate. A student at a college or university who has not yet earned a

bachelor's or equivalent degree. (This is defined conceptually).
Undergraduate. Refers to a student who is enrolled in the course of Bachelor
of Science in Pharmacy in this university who has not yet received the degree. (This is
defined operationally).

3. Graduate. A person who has completed a course of study or training,

especially a person who has been awarded an undergraduate academic degree. (This
is defined conceptually).

14 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

Graduate. Refers to a student who has completed the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Pharmacy of this university. (This is defined operationally).

What’s More

Activity 2: My Order Please

Arrange the following words/terms according to how it should be ordered. Note the
number of sequences on the space provided at the left side of the terms.

Order Defined Terms

Response rate. In survey research, the actual percentage of questionnaires
completed and returned.
Accuracy. A term used in survey research to refer to the match between the
target population and the sample.
Precision. In survey research, the tightness of the confidence limits.
Control group. A group in an experiment that receives not treatment to
compare the treated group against a norm.
Data. Recorded observations, usually in numeric or textual form
Hypothesis. A tentative explanation based on theory to predict a causal
relationship between variables.
Reliability. The extent to which a measure, procedure or instrument yields the
same result on repeated trials.
Random sampling. The process used in research to draw a sample of a
population strictly by chance, yielding no discernible pattern beyond chance.
Parameter. A coefficient or value for the population that corresponds to a
particular statistic from a sample and is often inferred from the sample.
Synchronic reliability. The similarity of observations within the same time
frame; it is not about the similarity of things observed.

What I Have Learned

Activity 3: Spot Me Wrong

Read the following definition of terms and identify and encircle the errors on how it
was written. Rewrite the correct terms and its definition to the space provided.

Definition of Terms Answer

Mean. The average score within a
Median = The center score in a
mode. The most frequent score in a
RANGE. The difference between the
highest and lowest scores in a distribution.
ANOVA. A method of statistical
analysis used to determine differences
among the means of two groups on a
15 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3
What I Can Do

Task 1: Define Me Operationally

Based on your research title and research framework, organize your definition of terms.
Write the complete definition of terms of your research study operationally as directed by the
guidelines given to you in this module. Note that there are other ways or formats of writing
your definition of terms depending on the guidelines of your institution. You may use a
separate paper if the space provided is not enough.

Additional Activity

Direction: After you submit your definition of terms and once it is corrected in
accordance with the guidelines given, you may start incorporating them into your
research manuscript.


What I Need to Know

When you are finished identifying your statement of the problem or research
questions/objectives, you may now start formulating the hypothesis of your study. What is

A Hypothesis is a tentative statement about the relationship between two or more

variables. It is a specific and testable prediction on what you expect to happen with the
variables in your study. Usually, it proposes a possible relationship between the independent
16 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3
variable (what the researcher changes) and the dependent variable (what the research
measures). It is also described as an “educated guess” of what possibly the result would be
of your research, which should be supported on existing theories and knowledge.
Furthermore, the hypothesis states a tentative answer to your research question that can be
tested by further investigation in which you can support or refute it through scientific research
methods such as data collection and statistical analysis. It is the central concept of any
investigation that converts research questions into predictions and incorporates elements
such as variables, population, and the relationship between factors.

As a researcher, you must determine whether your hypothesis is accepted or not

based on the findings and outcome of your research study. Not all studies have a hypothesis
while some studies have several hypotheses.

Types of Research Hypothesis

1. Simple Hypothesis
A simple hypothesis is a prediction of the relationship between two variables,
the independent variable and the dependent variable. It shows a connection between
one independent variable and a single dependent variable (
Ex: The higher the poverty rate in society (one independent variable), the
higher the number would be the out of school youth (one dependent variable).

2. Complex hypothesis
The complex hypothesis reflects the relationship between the independent
variable and the dependent variable. It expresses a connection between two or more
independent variables and two or more dependent variables (
Ex: Eating more vegetables and fresh fruits (independent variables) leads to
boost immune system and enhance blood circulation and digestion (dependent

3. Empirical Hypothesis
An empirical hypothesis is also called as the “working hypothesis.” It is
presumed to explain certain facts and relationships of phenomena. It comes to life
when a theory is being put to the test, using observation and experiment. From the
name itself “working,” it would mean that it can be changed or replace anytime as soon
as it is no longer supported or accepted base on the observation and experimentation
being done. It is going through some trial and error and perhaps changing around those
independent variables (
Ex: Plants watered everyday grow faster than plants watered once a week.
(Here, trial and error are leading to a series of findings).

4. Logical hypothesis
Logical hypothesis expresses explanation with limited evidence that can be
verified logically. It reflects a relationship of the variables which are anchored based
on logical phenomena. Sometimes, a logical hypothesis can be turned into an empirical
hypothesis in which you have to test your theories and postulates

17 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

Ex: Tomato plants bear fruit faster in Earth than in Moon. (Until we are can test
the soil and plant growth in Moon's ground, the evidence for this claim will be
limited, and the hypothesis will only remain logical).

5. Statistical hypothesis
A statistical hypothesis is an analysis of a portion of a population. It can be
verified statistically. The variables in a statistical hypothesis can be transformed into
quantifiable sub-variable to assess it statistically (
Ex: If your research is about the psychosocial development of K-3 pupils of the
private and public schools in the city, you would want to examine every single
K-3 pupil in the city. It is not practical. Therefore, you would conduct your
research using a statistical hypothesis or a sample of the K-3 pupil population.

6. Null hypothesis
The null hypothesis is denoted with the symbol H o It exists when you consider
that there is no relationship between the independent and dependent variables or that
there is an insufficient amount of information to claim a scientific hypothesis (McLeod,
Ex: There is no significant change in my health, whether I exercise every day or not.

7. Alternative hypothesis
An alternative hypothesis is denoted with the symbol (Ha). It is an alternate
statement expressed to be tested in order to generate the desired output when the
empirical or working hypothesis is not accepted. In an attempt to disprove a null
hypothesis, you tend to seek an alternative hypothesis (McLeod, 2020).
Ex: My health improves during the times when I sleep 8 hours a day than
sleeping for 4 hours only.

A Hypothesis can be classified as Directional and Non-directional Hypothesis

Directional Hypothesis
The directional hypothesis relates the relationship between the variables and
can also predict its nature. It illustrates the direct association of the impact of the
independent variable with the dependent variable, whether it is positively or negatively
affected. The direction of the statement should be clear and justified according to the
findings of the study. Since the hypothesis is gearing to one specific direction it is
investigated through a one-tailed test (McLeod, 2020).
Ex: Students who are eating nutritious food have higher grades than students
not having a proper meal. (This shows that there is an effect between the
grades and nutritious food and the direction of effect is clear that the students
got a higher grade).

Non-directional Hypothesis
A non-directional hypothesis is used when there is no principle involved. It is a
premise that a relationship exists between two variables. However, the direction of the
effect is not specifically determined. It is a statement that reflects the association of the
independent variable to the dependent variable without predicting the exact nature of
the direction of the relationship. This relationship is not specified as negative or
positive. The hypothesis, in this case, is investigated through a two-tailed test (McLeod,
18 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3
Ex: There is a significant difference in the average grades between those
students that have proper nutritious meal and those that do not have proper
meals. (This depicts that there is an effect between the average grades and
nutritious food, but it does not reflect the direction of the effect whether it is
positively or negatively affected).

Guidelines in Formulating Hypothesis

These guidelines must be observed in formulating your hypothesis.

1. Before writing your specific hypothesis, spend more time researching about the topic
you are interested in. Focus on information and previous studies related to your topic.

2. Your independent variable and dependent variable must be included in your


3. The relationship of your variables must be reflected in your hypothesis. Will your
independent variable affect your dependent variable?

4. Your hypothesis should be simple and specific as possible. If your hypothesis is vague
and complicated, it would be difficult to find the answer to your question.

5. Your hypothesis should be concise and comprises clear and simple language. Make it
short and simple for it to be easily understood and avoid any misconceptions or

6. Your hypothesis should be testable without violating ethical standards. It means that it
could be investigated and measured through a scientific method such as statistical
analysis and data interpretation.

7. Your hypothesis must be falsifiable. It means that your hypothesis can be proven
wrong through experiments or empirical data. There are no absolute answers to
research questions, but there is a possibility of validating the hypotheses to be true
beyond a reasonable doubt.

What’s New

Activity 1: Own Words

Direction: In your own words, briefly define the following terms according to how you
understood the lesson. Write your answers to the space provided.

1. Alternative hypothesis__________________________________________________

2. Complex hypothesis ___________________________________________________


19 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

3. Concise.____________________________________________________________

4. Directional hypothesis. ________________________________________________


5. Empirical hypothesis.__________________________________________________

6. Falsifiable.___________________________________________________________

7. Hypothesis.__________________________________________________________

8. Non-directional hypothesis.______________________________________________

9. Null hypothesis. ______________________________________________________


10. Testable.____________________________________________________________

What Is It

Refer on the guidelines given to you on how to formulate hypothesis. Below is a table
that gives you a guide on how to determine a good and bad research hypothesis. Reasons
are given in order for you to understand deeper the concepts.

Hypotheses Good Bad Reason/Remark

1. If the amount of water given to my √ This hypothesis is not clear and specific. It
plants will be altered, then they does not answer a specific question or give
may grow at different rates. a possible explanation of a potential
2. When there is less oxygen in √ This hypothesis is good because it is
water, the mortality rate of the fish testable, simple, written as a statement, and
is increased. establishes the participants (fish), variables
(oxygen in water, and mortality rate), and
predicts effect (as oxygen levels decrease,
the mortality rate is increased).
3. Pest infected plants that are √ This hypothesis gives a clear indication of
exposed to insecticidal soap will what is to be tested (the ability of the
have fewer pest after a week than insecticidal soap to minimize pest
pest infected plants that are not infestation), it includes the independent
treated. variable (insecticidal soap) and the
dependent variable (number pest) and
predicts the effect (exposure to insecticidal
soap reduces the number of pests).

20 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

Hypotheses Good Bad Reason/Remark
4. In detecting enemy aircraft, a √ This hypothesis is not clear in its statement.
sound warning signal is more There is no point of comparison with the
effective to a fighter pilot. sound warning signal.
5. Studying of students is more √ This hypothesis is clear, concise, and
efficient under bright lights than complete. It can also be tested and can be
studying under dim lights. falsifiable.

What’s More

Activity 2: Type Identity

Given the following hypotheses, identify the type and direction which applies to each.
Write your answer in the right column.
Hypotheses Answer
1. The higher the unemployment rate, the higher will be the
poverty and crime rate.
2. Increase of food intake with high carbohydrate content daily
leads to obesity.
3. There is a significant change in my sleeping pattern when I drink
milk before sleeping or do not.
4. Planets revolve around the sun at diverse speeds.
5. There is no relationship between the use of social media and
the attention span of students in school.
6. Implementing a flexible working arrangement enhance job
contentment of the employees.
7. Sex education for high school students has no effect on the
rates of teen pregnancy.
8. People who value freedom and longevity are more likely to
experience happiness than those who do not value their
freedom and longevity.
9. The number of lectures attended by the senior high school
students does not affect their final exam scores.
10. If you sleep at least 6 hours a day, you will get a high score on
the test than if you get less sleep.

What I Have Learned

Activity 3: With Guidance

Refer to the guidelines on how to write a hypothesis. Choose at least 3 guidelines and
explain them further on why or how they are vital in formulating hypothesis. Write your
explanation in the right column of the table.

21 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

Guideline Explanation

What I Can Do

Task 1: Ho vs Ha

Based on your research study, refer to your research questions. Formulate three (3)
null hypotheses and three (3) alternative hypotheses. Write your research title and research
questions, followed by your hypotheses. Use the space provided for your answer.

Research Title:

Research Questions:

Null Hypotheses (Ho) Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

22 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

Additional Activity

Direction: After you submit your research hypotheses and once it is corrected in accordance
with the guidelines given, you may start incorporating them into your research


What I Need to Know

After you have selected your research topic, you have to spend more time for your
review of related literature. As a researcher, you are promoting knowledge. The knowledge
created by other previous studies is essential because it can be a baseline or reference for
your research study as the related literature.

Review of related literature is a compilation of studies related to a specific area of

research (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2020). It evaluates, classifies and summarizes all the relevant
previous studies conducted on a specified topic. It is also designed to justify your research by
exposing the gaps of the previous studies. It is vital that your literature review is centralized.
Thus, you should choose studies that are focused to your topic rather than collecting a broader
scope of studies which are already not relevant to your research.

Moreover, literature review is an essential component of research. It forms a

"picture" for the reader, providing a support and full comprehension of the developments in
the field. This picture tells the reader that you have acknowledged, considered and adapted
previous related significant works in the field into your research.

Literature review plays a significant impact in the discussion of the results and findings.
The discussion of results and findings should focus on your research rather than those of the
other previous research. Hence, the literature review should be used only in the discussion as
support, evidence, and further explanation for your study. These are the three (3) ways of
using literature review in the discussion of your study: a) providing context as a foundation to
develop your ideas, b) comparing your findings from other previous related studies, and c)
stating what contribution your study has made in the field.

However, there are also three (3) common errors that are usually made when including
literature reviews in the discussion of the study. First, there are wide range of studies being
included in which most of them are not anymore relevant to your specific topic under
investigation. Second, Related article mentioning the original article is cited rather than citing
23 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3
the original article itself. Lastly, previous work has been cited by the researcher based only on
the abstracts and without even reading the entire research.

Purpose of a Literature Review

The review of related literature is anchored on the following purposes.

1. To discover the connection of your research to the existing body of knowledge and to
the real-life situations.
2. To identify more theories or concepts as the foundation of your research study and to
learn from them.
3. To determine the relationship of your research with previous research studies to
prevent duplication and to acknowledge other researchers.
4. To acquire knowledge on the accuracy and significance of your research questions.
5. To acquaint yourself with the technical terminologies relevant to your study.
6. To determine possible gaps, conflicts, and open questions left from other research
which might help you in formulating and justifying your research ideas.
7. To clarify misconceptions on previous research and help refocus, polish, and
contribute to the development of the body of knowledge.

Structure of Literature Review

This is how you are going to structure your review of related literature. The main goal
for doing this is to make the reader understand easily the different studies and how they are
relevant to your study.

1. Introduction
The introduction somehow presents the fundamental idea of the particular
study of the literature review.

2. Main Body
The main body consists of the organized discussion of sources. This is where
you summarize and synthesize your literature review and reflect how they related to
your study.

3. Conclusions/Recommendations
Conclusion and recommendation emphasize what you have learned from
reviewing the literature and where your study leads to.

Types of Literature Review

These are the different types of literature review according to Nueman (2011).
Following the type of literature review depends on how you organize and present your review
of related studies.

1. Context review
From the name itself, context review is primarily focused on the content or
contextual aspect of research. Usually, it is a type of review in which the researcher
relates his or her study to a larger body of knowledge. It presents the current research

24 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

by merging it into a wider framework and determine its contribution and impact to the
specific field of study.

2. Historical review
Historical review is a specialized type of literature review in which the
researcher organizes the related research according to the period of time it was
conducted. Historical literature review focuses on probing research in a specified field
throughout a chronological order, which usually starts from the oldest period of time
going to the most recent studies. The goal of this type of research is to gain knowledge
on the advancement of technology and to identify developments on certain areas,
which progress through time. It can be integrated with a theoretical or methodological
review to illustrate how a concept, theory, or research method developed through time.

3. Integrative review
Integrative review is a common type of literature review in which the researcher
introduces and summarizes the recent knowledge of the study. It emphasizes the
agreements and disagreements of knowledge among various previous research. It
also considers reviews, critiques, and synthesizes representative literature in an
integrated way in order to generate new structure and viewpoint on the topic. This is
the most common form of literature review in the social sciences. This review is usually
merged with a context review.

4. Methodological review
Methodological review is a specialized type of literature review in which the
researcher gathers, compares and contrasts other studies to the current research. It
basically summarizes and evaluates the strengths and gaps in methodological aspects
of various studies and illustrates the effects of different methodologies (research
designs, samples, process) to different outcomes. This approach also emphasizes
ethical issues when necessary, which you should consider and be conscious of as you
go through your current research.

5. Self-study review
Self-study review is a literature review in which the researcher demonstrates
his or her understanding of a specific body of knowledge. It contains existing proof
associated to a clearly stated research questions and uses standardized methods to
determine and evaluate relevant research. However, it can also produce problems of
prejudice especially when it is used to summarize claims or statements linking his or
her findings to a system of knowledge. Typically, it is a practice in the educational
program or course requirement.

6. Theoretical review
Theoretical review is a literature review in which the researcher introduces
several theories or concepts that are focused on a specific topic. It is particular on the
theories and concepts being highlighted on other researches and compares them to
the current study basing on its framework, hypothesis, consistency, and justification.
The theoretical literature review aids in establishing the theories already existed, the
relationships of theories among various studies, the degree of its investigation, and the
development of new hypotheses.

25 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

Type of Sources for a Literature Review
In doing a literature review, researchers must be acquainted with the three (3) basic
types of sources which are the general references, primary and secondary sources. General
references are sources in which a researcher refers to tract down other sources. Primary
sources are publications in which a researcher accounts the findings of his or her
investigations. Most primary sources are found in journal articles. Secondary sources are
publications in which a researcher considers the work of others (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2020).

Where can you find the review of related literature?

As a researcher, you can find information about the research studies in numerous
formats such as books, scholarly journal articles, dissertations, government documents, policy
reports, and periodicals. Most researchers are also presenting their findings during meetings,
congress, and conventions of professional societies and organizations. According to Nueman
(2011), you can find related literature in:

1. Books
Books convey many forms of information. The needed information here is from
the books containing a collection of research materials and articles. You can find
citation information on them such as the title, author, date, and publisher in the catalog

2. Scholarly Journals
Scholarly journals may also be referred to as academic journals or peer-
reviewed journals. They are filled with peer-reviewed information of research. Articles
are written by a scholar in the field and the researcher is always identified. List of the
sources of the information like footnotes, endnotes, and bibliography is always
included. Typically, they contain an advanced terminologies since the researcher uses
technical language in their field of study. The researcher assumes that the reader has
a background and basic understanding in the field of research.

3. Dissertations
Dissertation is a final requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
(Ph.D.) in which the student or researcher has to complete a work of original research.
Some dissertations are eventually published as books or articles which consider their
findings and contribution to the academic discipline. Since dissertations are original
research, they can be a source of valuable information.

4. Government Documents
Most of the government agencies around the world support research
undertakings and publish the findings of the study. Government documents are usually
kept at the government and some school libraries. These documents are rarely found
in the catalog system. Assistance from the librarian is needed for you to be able to
locate these documents since it is considered as specialized publications.

5. Policy Reports and Presented Papers

Policy reports are also a source of information in literature review. Policy papers
are not like the typical research papers. Usually, they are discussed to non-academic
readers. They may initiate by identifying an issue or phenomenon that usually claim
an answer and they are focused on being persuasive. Moreover, policy papers are
26 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3
written proficiently and most of the readers do not want to read a book due to limited
time. Generally, they are supplemented by policy briefs which summarize the papers.

6. Periodicals
Periodicals are findings of the study which can be seen in newspapers, in
popular magazines, on television or radio broadcasts, and in Internet news summaries.
They are the chosen edited summaries done by journalists for the general readers.
They are deficient in numerous vital details that are required to critically evaluate the
study. Therefore, it is essential to supplement these informations with other sources.

Steps in Writing Literature Review

Transcribed from the video presentation:

1. Find/Search for the Relevant Literature

There are many ways on how to find relevant research studies. You may use the
a. Search engines to facilitate your information inquiry. Make sure that they are
b. University online library
c. Snowballing
d. Related dissertations

2. Log, Catalogue and Synthesize

After searching and gathering the different relevant studies, you need to arrange
them in order for you to organize them easily.
a. Log the reference information. You may use reference management
b. Catalogue all relevant articles. You may use excel so that it will be organize
and systematic. You can make your own template so that you will be efficient.
c. Digest and synthesize. Organize the different ideas from different sources.
Arrange them according to the criteria that you made in your excel template.
This would make the connections of the different studies easier to identify.

3. Outlining and Writing Up

In-depth planning and enough time should be given importance during this period
since you will need to concentrate and have focus in writing up your paper.
a. Draw up your outline. You need to make an outline first for the structuring of
your literature review. Thorough reading and understanding should be done for
you to be able to plan and structure the ideas from your different sources. You
can use the different approaches like chronological, thematic, theoretical, etc.
b. Write it up. After formulating the outline, you can now begin writing your first
draft. It is expected that your first draft is still rough. Your second draft involves
tightening up and improving the flow. There would be several drafts needed for
your paper to be polished.
c. Recap. When you are finish with your paper, have it read by others who are
qualified (expert in the field) for further improvements. Comprehend and
incorporate their corrections and suggestions for the betterment of your study.
It is so much better if there will be more qualified people that can proof-read
your paper.

27 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

In-text Citation and Referencing Styles

Citation is a reference to a literature being used in your study. It is a way of giving

acknowledgement to the authors whom you have referred their intellectual works and creativity
as a support or foundation of your research. Typically, citations include author’s name, date,
publisher information, journal information and/or DOI (Digital Objective Identifier) if present
(Literature Review: Citation Styles, nd).

From the name itself, an in-text citation is a reference made within the body of text in
the paper. It leads the reader to a source where a particular information has been taken of.
An in-text citation should be reflected when you refer, paraphrase, summarize, or quote from
another author. A corresponding reference list must be provided at the end of the study as
references or bibliography.

A reference typically includes only the sources that you have mentioned or cited in-
text in your paper, while a bibliography is generally a list of all the sources you use to
generate your ideas about your research even if you have not mentioned or cited them in your
There are different citing and referencing styles that are being used depending on the
specific requirements of different filed of disciplines. Please refer to your Practical Research
1 (PR1).

What’s New

Activity 1: Own Words

Direction: In your own words, briefly define the following terms according to how you
understood the lesson. Write your answers on the space provided.

1. Peer-review. _________________________________________________________

2. General references. ___________________________________________________


3. In-text citation._______________________________________________________

4. Periodicals. __________________________________________________________

5. Snowballing._________________________________________________________

6. Body of knowledge.___________________________________________________

28 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

7. Search engines.______________________________________________________

8. Reference management software.________________________________________


9. Main body.__________________________________________________________

10. Government documents._______________________________________________


What Is It

Activity 2: Take a View

Refer to the following sites/links for further discussions on review of related literature.
Give your comprehensive summary and personal reflection on what you have learn from the
videos. Write your answer on the space provided.

29 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

What’s More

Activity 3: Com-Con

Compare and contrast the following terms. Write your answers in the table. You may
use a separate paper.
Terms Compare Contrast
Reference Bibliography

Reference and

Thesis Dissertation

Thesis and

Chronological Methodological
review review

review and

Primary sources Secondary sources

Primary sources and

Secondary sources

Theoretical review Context review

Theoretical review
and Context review

30 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

Activity 4: Cite Seeing

Direction: Refer to the types of literature review. Choose at least three (3) from the
list and give example of each. Search them using the internet. Cite the source and make sure
that you have taken your information from a reliable one. Write your answer on the space
provided or you may use a separate/additional paper.

Type Example from the internet Source

31 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

What I Have Learned

Activity 5: Write Me Up

In five (5) to ten (10) sentences, briefly discuss the following:

1. The importance of the review of related literature in your research study.

2. As a student, which among the different types of literature is/are applicable to your
research study? Support your answer.

32 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

What I Can Do

Task 1: Presenting Written Review and Framework

Direction: Get ready for the presentation of your written review of related literature and
conceptual framework. The rubrics below will serve as a guide on how you will be
rated by your teacher. The 4C (content, coherence, creativity, communication)
technique will be used so that you can easily remember.

Rubrics for Written Review of Literature and Conceptual Framework

5 4 3 2 1
Content (35%)
▪ Purpose of the literature review was stated.
▪ Studies reviewed are appropriately
arranged according to format chosen.
▪ Literature review presents extensive
discussion of disagreements and
▪ Literature review is related to the current
▪ Conceptual Framework is well explained.
▪ Conceptual/Theoretical Framework
matched the research problem.
▪ Terms used in the study are well-defined.
▪ Overall content is comprehensive.
Coherence (25%)
▪ Cohesive of devices are effectively used.
▪ Organization of ideas is smoothly
Creativity (25%)
▪ Writer’s voice is showcased.
▪ Paper uses variety of sentence structures.
▪ Uses appropriate language.
Communication (15%)
▪ Sentences are well structured
▪ Grammatical conventions are observed.
▪ Correct spelling and proper research format
is followed.
▪ Standard in-text citation was followed
Legend: 5 – to a very great extent, 4 – to a great extent,
3 – to some extent, 2 – to a little extent, 2 – not at all

Additional Activity

Direction: After you submit and present your literature review of your research study and once
it is corrected in accordance with the guidelines given, you may start incorporating
it into your research manuscript.

33 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

• Research Framework is the structure or blueprint of the research plan and helps the
researcher formulate relevant research questions.
• Theoretical framework is used for studies which anchor on time-tested theories that
relate the findings of the investigation to the underpinning relevant theory of knowledge.
• Conceptual framework are the actual ideas, beliefs, and tentative theories that
specifically support the study.
• Concept map is a visual representation of information that helps show the relationship
between ideas.
• Input-Process-Output Model (IPO) is a conceptual paradigm which indicates the
inputs, required process, and the output.
• Conceptual definition is the meaning of the term that is based on how it is define in the
dictionary or encyclopedia.
• Operational definition is the meaning of the term based on how it was used in the
• Hypothesis is an assumption about the relationship between two or more variables.
There are seven basic types of hypothesis; these are Simple, Complex, Empirical,
Logical, Statistical, Null, and Alternative.
• Directional hypothesis relates relationship between the variables and can also predict
its nature. It illustrates the direct association of the impact of the independent variable
to the dependent variable whether it is positively or negatively affected. The direction of
the statement should be clear and justified according to the findings of the study.
• Non-directional hypothesis is used when there is no principle involved. It is a premise
that the direction of the effect is not specifically determined. It is a statement that reflects
the association of the independent variable to the dependent variable without predicting
the exact nature of direction of the relationship.
• Review of related literature is a compilation of studies related to a specific area of
research. It evaluates, classifies, and summarizes all the relevant previous studies
conducted on a specified topic.
• Context review is primarily focused on the content or contextual aspect of research.
Usually it is a type of review in which the researcher relates his or her study to a larger
body of knowledge.
• Historical reviews a specialized type of literature review in which the researcher
organizes the related research according to the period of time it was conducted. It
focuses on probing research in a specified field throughout a chronological order, which
usually starts from the farthest period of time going to the most recent studies.
• Integrative review is a common type of literature review in which the researcher
introduces and summarizes the recent knowledge of the study. It emphasizes the
agreements and disagreements of knowledge among various previous research.
• Methodological review is a specialized type of literature review in which the researcher
gathers and compares and contrast other studies to the current research. It basically
summarizes and evaluates the strengths and gaps in methodological aspects of various

34 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

• Self-study review is a literature review in which the researcher demonstrates his or her
understanding of a specific body of knowledge. It contains existing proof associated to
a clearly stated research questions and uses standardized methods to determine and
evaluate relevant research.
• Theoretical review is a literature review in which the researcher introduces several
theories or concepts that are focused on a specific topic. It is particular on the theories
and concepts being highlighted on other research and compare them to the current
• General references are sources in which a researcher refers to tract down other
• Primary sources are publications in which a researcher accounts the findings of his or
her investigations. Most primary sources are found in journal articles.
• Secondary sources are publications in which a researcher considers the work of
• Books convey many forms of information containing a collection of research materials
and articles. Citation information can be found in them such as the title, author, date,
and publisher in the catalog system.
• Scholarly journals are also be referred to as academic journals or peer-reviewed
journals. Articles are written by a scholar in the field and the researcher is always
• Dissertation is a final requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in
which the student or researcher has to complete a work of original research.
• Government documents are usually kept at the government and some school libraries.
These documents are rarely found in the catalog system.
• Policy reports are also a source of information in literature review. Policy papers are
not like the typical research papers. Usually, they are discussed to non-academic
• Periodicals are findings of the study which can be seen in newspapers, in popular
magazines, on television or radio broadcasts, and in Internet news summaries. They are
the chosen edited summaries done by journalists for the general readers.
• In-text citation is a reference made within the body of text in the paper. It leads the
reader to a source where particular information has been taken of.
• References typically include only the sources that you have mentioned or cited in-text
in your paper.
• Bibliography is generally a list of all the sources you used to generate your ideas about
your research even if you have not mentioned or cited them in your paper.

35 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

Assessment: (Post-Test)

Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Encircle the letter of the correct

1. Which among the following is a guideline/characteristic of a good definition of terms?

A. The term should be in parenthesis. C. It is direct to the point.
B. The entire meaning is underlined. D. It is not indented.

2. A hypothesis which shows no relation between variables is:

A. alternative hypothesis C. complex hypothesis
B. logical hypothesis D. null hypothesis

3. It refers to the actual ideas, beliefs, and tentative theories that specifically support the
A. methodological framework C. conceptual framework
B. chronological framework D. theoretical framework

4. One of the two types of defining the terms in research wherein you need to define
according to how the term is being used in the study is:
A. methodological C. operational
B. theoretical D. conceptual

5. Mediating variable is also called as:

A. independent variable C. moderating variable
B. intervening variable D. dependent variable

6. The conceptual framework to be used in a research study wherein there is an

intervention being made by the researcher is:

7. The word is defined according to its meaning from the dictionary.

A. operational C. historical
B. conceptual D. technical

8. It is a research variable that is considered as the presumed effect of the study.

A. independent variable C. dependent variable
B. moderating variable D. control variable

36 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

9. This is a part of literature review which summarizes and synthesizes the different ideas
from the different sources.
A. recommendation C. introduction
B. main body D. conclusion

10. It is a reference done within the text/paragraph in the paper.

A. list of references C. bibliography
B. in-text citation D. source

11. “There is no difference in height between boys and girls who are taking vitamins every
day.” is an example of:
A. non-directional hypothesis C. directional hypothesis
B. empirical hypothesis D. simple hypothesis

12. A literature review which introduces several theories or concepts that focus on specific
A. methodological review C. theoretical review
B. integrative review D. context review

13. It expresses the connection among two or more independent variables and two or
more dependent variables.
A. alternative hypothesis C. complex hypothesis
B. logical hypothesis D. null hypothesis

14. It refers to the assumption about the relationship of the variables.

A. guide questions C. framework
B. hypothesis D. literature

15. The chosen edited summaries by journalist for the general readers are called:
A. scholarly journal C. dissertation
B. periodicals D. books

37 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3 38
Module 3 Lesson 1
What’s New: Activity 1
Module 3 Lesson 2 C
What’s More: Activity 2 Y
Order Y
9 C
1 T
6 T
2 Y
3 Y
4 Y
8 T
7 C
5 Y
10 C
What’s More: Activity 3 (Spot the
Errors) What’s More: Activity 2
Definition of Answer
Mean. The average Mean. The
score within a average score within a
distribution. distribution.
Median = The Median. The
center score in a center score in a
distribution. distribution.
mode. The Mode. The most
most frequent score frequent score in a
in a distribution. distribution.
RANGE. The Range. The
difference between difference between
the highest and the highest and lowest What’s More: Activity 3
lowest scores in a scores in a
distribution. distribution.
ANOVA. A Analysis of
method of statistical Variance. A method of
analysis used to statistical analysis
determine used to determine
differences among differences among the
the means of two or means of two or more
more groups on a groups on a variable.
Key to Answers
CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3 39
Module 3 Lesson 3
What’s More: Activity 2
1. Complex
2. Simple
3. Alternative (Non-directional)
4. Logical
5. Null (Non-directional)
6. Alternative (Directional)
7. Null (Non-directional)
8. Complex
9. Null (Non-directional)
10. Alternative (Directional)
Module 3 Lesson 4
What’s More: Activity 3
Terms Compare Contrast
Reference Bibliography
List of resources in Includes only the A list of all the sources
Reference and gathering literature for a sources that have been used to generate ideas
Bibliography research study which mentioned or cited in- about the research even
includes the details of text in the paper
if it was not mentioned or
the information such as
the author’s name, date, cited the in the paper.
publisher information,
journal information
and/or DOI if present.
Thesis Dissertation
A study or research in A final requirement for a A final requirement for
which a post graduate Master’s degree in the degree of Doctor of
Thesis and Dissertation student must comply as which the student or Philosophy (Ph.D.) in
a final requirement to researcher has to which the student or
complete the degree. complete a work of researcher must
original research. complete a work of
original research.
Chronological review Methodological review
Type of literature review A literature review that It summarizes and
that can help you focuses on probing evaluates the strengths
Chronological review organize your research research in a specified and gaps in
and Methodological study. methodological aspects
field throughout a
review of various studies and
sequential order, which illustrates the effects of
usually starts from the different methodologies
oldest period of time (research designs,
going to the most recent samples, process) to
studies different outcomes.
Type of resources Primary sources Secondary sources
wherein you can gather Publications in which a Publications in which a
information and ideas researcher accounts the researcher considers the
Primary sources and for a certain topic as findings of his or her work of others.
Secondary sources related literature. investigations. Most
primary sources are
found in journal articles.
Theoretical review Context review
Type of literature review It is particular on the It is primarily focused on
that can help you theories and concepts the content or contextual
Theoretical review and organize your research being highlighted on aspect of research in
Context review study. other research and which the researcher
compare them to the relates his or her study to
current study basing on a larger body of
its framework, knowledge.
hypothesis, consistency,
and justification.
CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3 40
1. C 6. C 11. B
2. C 7. B 12. C
3. B 8. D 13. B
4. B 9. C 14. B
5. C 10. A 15. B
1. C 6. B 11. A
2. D 7. B 12. C
3. C 8. C 13. C
4. C 9. B 14. B
5. B 10. B 15. B
Center for Research Quality. 2015. “Literature Reviews: Common Errors Made When
Conducting a Literature Review.” YouTube. Accessed June 6, 2020.

Fraenkel, Jack R. and Wallen, Norman E. 2020. How to Design and Evaluate Research in
Education. 6thed., McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC. Accessed June 3,

Grad Coach. 2019. “How to Write a Literature Review in 3 Simple Steps.” YouTube. Accessed
June 6, 2020.

Libncsu, 2009. “Literature Reviews: An Overview for Graduate Students.” YouTube. Accessed
June 6, 2020.

McLeod, Saul. 2020. Research Methods. SimplyPsychology. Accessed June 6, 2020.

Nueman, W. Lawrence. Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches,

7th e., Pearson Education. 2011.

Padama, Ed. 2019. “How to Write Definition of Terms.” YouTube. Accessed June 6, 2020.

Upstate, University of South Carolina. 2020. Literature Review: Citation and Styles. Accessed
June 6, 2020.

Your Dictionary. Examples of Hypothesis. Accessed June 6, 2020.

41 CO_Q1_Practical Research 2_Module 3

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Learning Area Practical Research 2 Grade Level
Quarter 3/4 Date Week 1
I. LESSON TITLE Understanding Data and Ways to Systematically Collect Data
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING • Chooses appropriate quantitative research design
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) • Describes sampling procedure and sample
• Constructs an instrument and establishes its validity and reliability
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT • Quantitative research design
• Sampling Procedure and Sample
• Establishing Validity and Reliability in Constructed Instrument
I. Introduction (Time Frame: 60 minutes)

Research design is defined as the logical and coherent overall strategy that the researcher uses to integrate all the
components of the research study (Barrot, 2017, p 102). In order to find meaning in the overall process of doing your research
study, a step-by-step process will be helpful to you.
In quantitative research, you are going to have a great deal of abstraction and numerical analysis. Hence having an
appropriate research design in quantitative research, the researcher will have a clearer comprehension of what he is trying to
analyze and interpret.


Descriptive Research Correlational Research Ex Post Facto Quasi-Experimental Experimental Research

When little is known about The main goal of this design is to If the objective of the study is The term means partly, partially, This research design is
the research problem, then determine if variable increases to measure a cause from a or almost – pronounced as based on the scientific
it is appropriate to use or decreases as another pre-existing effect, then Ex kwahz-eye. This research design method called experiment
descriptive research variable increases or Post Facto research design is aims to measure the causal with a procedure of
design. It is a design that is decreases. This design seeks to more appropriate to use. In relationship between variables. gathering data under a
exploratory in nature. The establish an association this design, the researcher The effect measured is controlled or manipulated
purpose of descriptive between variables. It does not has no control over the considered to have occurred environment. It is also
research is basically to seek cause and effect variables in the research during the conduct of the known as true experimental
answer questions such as relationship like descriptive study. Thus, one cannot current study. The partiality of design since it applies
who, what, where, when, research; it measures variables conclude that the changes quasi-experimental design treatment and
and how much. So this as it occurs. It has two major measured happen during comes from assigning subjects, manipulation more
design is best used when purposes: (a) to clarify the the actual conduct of the participants, or respondents extensively compared to
the main objective of the relationship between variables study. into their groups. The groups are quasi-experimental design.
study is just to observe and and (b) predict the magnitude known to be already Random assignment of
report a certain of the association. However, the established before the study, subjects or participants into
phenomenon as it is extent of the purpose of such as age educational treatment and control
happening. correlational research depends background and nationality. group is done increasing
on the scope and delimitation Since the assignment of the validity of the study.
of the study. subjects, participants, or Experimental research,
respondents are not randomly therefore, attempts to
assigned into an experimental affect a certain variable by
or control groups, the directly manipulating the
conclusion of results is limited. independent variable.

Population and Sample

The first step in determining the sample size is identifying the population of the topic of interest. The population is the
totality of all the objects, elements, persons, and characteristics under consideration. It is understood that this population
possesses common characteristics about which the research aims to explore.
When the whole population is too costly or time-consuming or impractical to consider, then, a sample representative is
identified. Sampling pertains to the systematic process of selecting the group to be analyzed in the research study. The goal is
to get information from a group that represents the target population. Once a good sample is obtained, the generalizability and
applicability of findings increases.
The representative subset of the population refers to the sample. All the 240 Senior High School Students enrolled in
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand in a school, for example, constitute the population; 60 of
those students constitute the sample. A good sample should have characteristics of the represented population – characteristics
that are within the scope of the study with fair accuracy. Generally, the larger the sample, the more reliable the sample be, but
still, it will depend on the scope and delimitation and research design of the study.

Approaches in Identifying the Sample Size

Heuristics. This approach refers to the rule of the thumb for sample size. The early established approach by Gay (1976) stated
by Cristobal and Dela Cruz-Cristobal (2017, p 172), sample sizes for different research designs are the following:
Research Design Number of Subjects/Participants
Descriptive Research 10% to 20% maybe required
Comparative Research 15 subjects or groups
Lunenberg and Irby (2008), as cited by Barrot (2017, p 107), also suggested different sample sizes for each quantitative
research design.
Research Design Number of Subjects/Participants
Survey 800
Correlational 100 to 200
Ex post facto 30+
Experimental 30 or more
Literature Review. Another approach is by reading similar or related literature and studies to your current research study. Since
you are done writing your review of related literature and studies, you might want to recall how these studies determine sample
size. Using this approach increases the validity of your sampling procedure.
Formulas. Formulas are also being established for the computation of an acceptable sample size. The common formula is

Slovin’s Formula. 𝑛 = 1+𝑁𝑒 2 where: n is the sample size
N is the population size
e is the desired margin of error

Probability Sampling in Quantitative Research

Simple Random Sampling. It is a way of choosing individuals in which all members of the accessible population are given
an equal chance to be selected. There are various ways of obtaining samples through simple random sampling. These are fish
bowl technique, roulette wheel, or use of the table of random numbers.
Stratified Random Sampling. The same with simple random sampling, stratified random sampling also gives an equal
chance to all members of the population to be chosen.
However, the population is first divided into strata or groups before selecting the samples. The samples are chosen from
these subgroups and not directly from the entire population. This procedure is best used when the variables of the study are also
grouped into classes such as gender and grade level.
You can simply follow the steps from this given example:
A population of 600 Junior High School students includes 180 Grade 7, 160 Grade 8, 150 Grade 9, and 110 Grade 10.
If the computed sample size is 240, the following proportionate sampling will be as follows.
The number of members per subgroup is divided by the total accessible sample size. The percentage result of members
per subgroup will be multiplied from the computed total sample size.
Sample size per stratum
Rate per stratum
Stratum N (A * n)
Note: n = 240
Grade 7 180 180/600 = 0.30 240 * 0.30 = 72
Grade 8 160 160/600 = 0.27 240 * 0.27 = 65
Grade 9 150 150/600 = 0.25 240 * 0.25 = 60
Grade 10 110 110/600 = 0.18 240 * 0.18 = 43
Total 600 100% 240 respondents
After obtaining the sample size per strata, then simple random sampling will be done for the selection of samples from
each group.
Cluster Sampling. This procedure is usually applied in large-scale studies, geographical spread out of the population is a
challenge, and gathering information will be very time-consuming. Similar to stratified random sampling, cluster sampling also
involves grouping of the population according to subgroups or clusters.
For example, a researcher would like to interview of all public senior high school students across Luzon. As a researcher
cluster will be selected to satisfy the plan size. In the given example, the first cluster can be by region, the second cluster can be
by division, and the third cluster can be by district.
Systematic Sampling. This procedure is as simple as selecting samples every nth (example every 2nd, 5th) of the chosen
population until arriving at a desired total number of sample size. Therefore, the selection is based on a predetermined interval.
Dividing the population size by the sample size, the interval will be obtained. For example, from a total population of 75, you
have 25 samples; using systematic sampling, you will decide to select every 3rd person on the list of individuals.

Quantitative Research Instrument

What do you think will happen if tools for building a house is not prepared meticulously? The same thing when getting
information for answers to a research problem, tools, or instruments should be prepared carefully. In constructing a quantitative
research instrument, it is very important to remember that the tools created should require responses or data that will be
numerically analyzed.
Research Instruments are basic tools researchers used to gather data for specific research problems. Common
instruments are performance tests, questionnaires, interviews, and observation checklist.
In constructing the research instrument of the study, there are many factors to be considered. The type of instrument,
reasons for choosing the type, and the description and conceptual definition of its parts are some of the factors that need to be
decided before constructing a research instrument. Furthermore, it is also very important to understand the concepts of scales
of research instruments and how to establish validity and reliability of instruments.
Characteristics of a Good Research Instrument

Valid and Easy

Concise Sequential
Reliable Tabulated

Common Scales Used in Quantitative Research

Likert Scale. This is the most common scale used in quantitative research. Respondents were asked to rate or rank statements
according to the scale provided.
Example: A Likert scale that measures the attitude of students towards distance learning.
Items Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
There would be difficulty in communicating our concerns to our teacher.
There would be many distractions when learning at home than in school.

Semantic Differential. In this scale, a series of bipolar adjectives will be rated by the respondents. This scale seems to be more
advantageous since it is more flexible and easier to construct.
Example: On a description of an active student in school activities.
Pleasant 5 4 3 2 1 Unpleasant
Enthusiastic 5 4 3 2 1 Not Enthusiastic
Competent 5 4 3 2 1 Incompetent
Another important consideration in constructing a research instrument is how to establish its validity and reliability.

A research instrument is considered valid if it measures what it supposed to measure. When measuring oral
communication proficiency level of students, speech performance using rubric or rating scale is more valid than students are
given multiple choice tests. Validity also has several types: face, content, construct, concurrent, and predictive validity.
Face Validity. It is also known as “logical validity.” It calls for an initiative judgment of the instruments as it “appear.” Just
by looking at the instrument, the researcher decides if it is valid.
Content Validity. An instrument that is judged with content validity meets the objectives of the study. It is done by
checking the statements or questions if this elicits the needed information. Experts in the field of interest can also provide specific
elements that should be measured by the instrument.
Construct Validity. It refers to the validity of instruments as it corresponds to the theoretical construct of the study. It is
concerning if a specific measure relates to other measures.
Concurrent Validity. When the instrument can predict results similar to those similar tests already validated, it has
concurrent validity.
Predictive Validity. When the instrument is able to produce results similar to those similar tests that will be employed in
the future, it has predictive validity. This is particularly useful for the aptitude test.

Reliability of Instrument
Reliability refers to the consistency of the measures or results of the instrument.
Test-retest Reliability. It is achieved by giving the same test to the same group of respondents twice. The consistency of
the two scores will be checked.
Equivalent Forms Reliability. It is established by administering two identical tests except for wordings to the same group
of respondents.
Internal Consistency Reliability. It determines how well the items measure the same construct. It is reasonable that when
a respondent gets a high score in one item, he will also get one in similar items. There are three ways to measure the internal
consistency; through the split-half coefficient, Cronbach’s alpha, and Kuder-Richardson formula.

D. Development (Time Frame: 30 minutes)

Learning Task 1: I’m a designer!

Directions: Determine the quantitative research design appropriate for the sample research titles. Make sure to explain your
choice into two to three sentences.
Research Title Research Explanation
1. Relationship between Academic Stressors and Learning Preferences of Senior High School
2. Reading Electronic Learning Materials as a Support for Vocabulary of Grade 1 Pupils
3. Impact of the Implementation of COVID – 19 Health Protocols in Supermarkets on Consumer
4. Effects of Morning Exercise on the Health Anxiety Level of Senior Citizens
5. Measuring the Gadgets Usage of Children at Home during COVID-19 Community

Learning Task 2: Determine the Sampling Procedure!

Directions: Identify the sampling procedure used in each given situation. Write your answer on the space provided and then
explain your choice.
Situation Justification
1. Alex’s target population for his study are the employees of hotels in Laguna. Since there are
too many employees in these establishments, he randomly selected ten hotels. And then he
considered all employees as participants in his study.
2. Dianne wants to know if the new learning modalities in the first semester affects the
academic performance of senior high students. He took all the lists of all students in her school
and selected every 6th name to be part of her study.
3. Faye wants to survey all the parents in Calamba City who opt to enroll their elementary
children to an online class. All in all, there are 26,000 parents. Faye decided to have 450 from
the target population.
E. Engagement (Time Frame: 60 minutes)

Learning Task 3: Look and Analyze!

Directions: Given the excerpt from a research conducted by Herrero (2018), analyze the research instrument used based on the
following criteria.
Rico A. Herrero
Research Instrument
In order for the researcher to gather necessary data, the researcher devised a tool called the Numeracy Inventory Device (NID) which measured the students’
numeracy skills. This was composed of 80 items test which underwent validation by the mathematics experts such as master teachers, head teachers, etc. Moreover, in
order to establish not only the validity of the device but also the reliability, sophisticated item analysis was also conducted. Out of these 80 items, 50 good questions were
retained and became part of the device. The questions covered the following areas: Whole Numbers, Signed Numbers, Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages.
After establishing the device’s validity and reliability, the researchers conducted the inventory to randomly selected student-respondents from grades seven of
Punta Integrated School and Integrated School of Lawa.
After the administration, the researchers interpreted the students’ numeracy skills as to advanced, proficient, basic and below basic.
Through these data, the researchers also found out the students’ strengths and weaknesses in terms of numbers made them the basis in designing
intervention materials to improve the students’ mathematics skills.

1. Title of the Research Study

2. Type of Research Instrument
3. Way of developing the Instrument
4. Scale used
5. How the validity of the instrument was established?
6. How the reliability of the instrument was established?
A. Assimilation (Time Frame: 60 minutes)

Learning Task 4: All about my Research Study

Directions: Identify the size of the population and sample for your study and explain the sampling method that you will use. After
you have filled out the guide table below, start constructing your research instrument for your current study
Research Title: ________________________________________________________
Research Questions:
Research Instrument:
V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: 20 minutes)
(Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation, or Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 and 6)

Directions: Read and choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Mr. Dela Cruz would like to know further the type of social media used between the male and female SHS students of
Calamba City Senior High School. What is the appropriate research design to be used in his study?
A. Correlational B. Quasi-Experimental C. Experimental D. Descriptive
2. What sampling technique is used when the researcher would like to consider giving an equal chance to the member
of the accessible population being selected as part of the study?
A. Simple Random Sampling B. Stratified Sampling C. Systematic Sampling D. Cluster Sampling
3. What is the type of validity when an instrument produces results similar to those of another instrument that will be
employed in the future?
A. Predictive Validity B. Criterion Validity C. Content Validity D. Face Validity
4. What is the type of reliability when measured by administering two tests identical in all aspects except the actual
wording of items?
A. Internal Consistency Reliability C. Equivalent Forms Reliability
B. Test-retest reliability D. Inter-rater Reliability
5. What common scaling technique consists of several declarative statements that express viewpoint on a topic?
A. Semantic Differential Scale B. Completion Type C. Observation Checklist D. Likert Scale

VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: 10 minutes)

• Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column
for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
 - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson.
✓ - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this
Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP
Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7
Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 Number 8

VII. REFERENCES Barrot, Jessie S. Practical Research 2 for Senior High School. Quezon City, Philippines: C & E
Publishing, Inc., 2017.
Caintic, Helen, E. and Cruz, Juanita, M. Scientific Research Manual. C&E Publishing, 2018.
CIRT: Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching. no date. " An Overview of
Quantitative Research." Grand Canyon University. Accessed June 1, 2020.
"Introduction to Quantitative Research." SAGE Publication. Accessed June 1, 2020.

Prepared by: Rico A. Herrero/Vina H. Retusto Checked by: Dr. Isabelita R. Hizon
Raul B. Chua Jr.
Learning Area Practical Research 2 Grade Level
Quarter 3/4 Date Week 2
I. LESSON TITLE Finding Answers Through Data Collection
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING • Describes intervention (if applicable)
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) • Plans data collection procedure
• Plans data analysis using statistics and hypothesis testing (if appropriate)
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT • Research Intervention
• Data Collection Procedure
• Data Analysis
I. Introduction (Time Frame: 60 minutes)

In the previous discussion on quantitative research designs, you were taught about quasi-experimental and experimental
designs. Its uniqueness from other research designs was also described. Remember that experimental research design controls or
manipulates the independent variable. This is done by applying particular conditions or treatments or what is called research
intervention. In this lesson, the focus is on how to describe your research intervention in your research paper.
Furthermore, prerequisite for taking Practical Research 2 is your Statistics and Probability subject. It is presumed that you
already have a good practice of the learning competencies needed to conduct quantitative research. Your statistics and
probability background will help you plan and choose your data analysis.
In planning your data analysis in quantitative research, you also need to consider your research problem, type of data,
hypothesis, and scale used in your research instrument. This lesson focuses on designing your data analysis procedure.

Nature of Research Intervention

In experimental research, the researcher decides the nature of intervention or treatment. Intervention pertains to what is
going to happen to the subjects of the study. This decision covers who will receive the intervention and to what extent it will be
applied to them.
For example, in a study of determining the effects of special tutorial program to learners’ at risk of failing (LARF), researcher
decides the group of LARF who will receive intervention. In this example, a special tutorial program is the research intervention.
Furthermore, the extent to which the program will be administered to the learners is determined.

Steps in Describing the Research Intervention Process

A section that explains the details of research intervention is added in the research paper if it is an experimental design.
In this section, the procedure of research intervention is explained clearly.
Write the Background Information. It is an introductory paragraph that explains the relevance of the intervention to the
study conducted. It also includes the context and duration of the treatment.
Describe the Differences and Similarities between the Experimental and Control Group. State what will happen and what
will not both in the experimental and control groups. This will clearly illustrate the parameters of the research groups.
Describe the Procedures of the Intervention. In particular, describe how will the experimental group receive or experience
the condition. It includes how will the intervention happens to achieve the desired result of the study. For example, how will the
special tutorial program will take place?
Explain the Basis of Procedures. The reason for choosing the intervention and process should clear and concrete reasons.
The researcher explains why the procedures are necessary. In addition, the theoretical and conceptual basis for choosing the
procedures is presented to establish the validity of the procedures.

Quantitative Data
Generally, data are any pieces of information or facts that people have known. Once these data answers the research
problem, it becomes helpful to research. When research data appears to be measurable in the numerical form, it is considered
quantitative data. However, some qualitative data can also be useful to quantitative research once it is given a numerical value.
For example, if you study about adjustment experiences of students to distant learning, if it is categorized and numbered
accordingly, then it can be quantified during analysis.
Techniques in Collecting Quantitative Data
The following are the common quantitative data gathering technique. Each technique corresponds to specific instrument which
will be further discussed in Module 5.
Observation. It is gathering information about a certain condition by using senses. The researcher records the observation
as seen and heard. This is done by direct observation or indirect observation by the use of gadgets or apparatus. An observation
checklist aid the researcher in recording the data gathered.
Survey. Data gathering is done through interview or questionnaire. By means of questionnaire you use series of questions
or statements that respondents will have to answer. Basically, respondents write or choose their answer from given choices. On
the other hand, interview is when you ask respondents orally to tell you the responses. Since you are doing quantitative research,
it is expected that responses have numerical value either it is nominal or ordinal in form.
Experiment. When your study is an experimental design, it was already discussed in the previous lesson that it would use
treatment or intervention. After the chosen subjects, participants, or respondents undergone the intervention, the effects of such
treatment will be measured.
Three Phases in Data Collection
The data gathering procedure is presented in a paragraph format in your research paper. Basically, the contents are the
steps you are going to follow: (1) before you will gather the data, (2) what to do during the actual gathering of data, and (3) the
things to consider after data has been gathered. The following are the suggested steps but not limited to it, are the procedures in
gathering quantitative data.

Before During After

• Prepare the research • Clear the instructions • Summarize the data
instruments provided to the gathered, in a tabular
• Identify the authorities respondents. form
that will be involved • Administer the • Analyze the summarize
and need to ask research instrument or data corresponding to
permission implement the • the research questions.
• Determine the samples research intervention, if
size and corresponding applicable.
respondents; per • Collect or gather or
group if applicable. take note of the
• Ask consent form (if responses.

respondents are 18
years old above) or
parent's consent (if
• Pilot test the research
instrument if needed.

Data Analysis
Data analysis in research is a process in which gathered information are summarized in such a manner that it will yield
answers to the research questions. During quantitative data analysis gathered information were break down and ordered into
categories in order to draw trends or patterns in a certain condition. In quantitative research, the numerical data collected is not
taken as a whole. In order to understand it better, it is analyzed into components based on the chosen research variables and
research questions you are going to answer.
These numerical data are usually subject to statistical treatment depending on the nature of data and the type of
research problem presented. The statistical treatment makes explicit the different statistical methods and formulas needed to
analyze the research data.
Planning your Data Analysis
Before choosing what statistical test is appropriate for your research study it is important to determine what statistical
formation is applicable to your current study. In immersing yourself into planning your data analysis, you have to decide what
basic descriptive statistical technique you are going to use. Although this technique does not give you the degree of association
or effect between variables, this will help you to code and simply tabulate your data.
Descriptive Statistical Technique provides a summary of the ordered or sequenced data from your research sample.
Frequency distribution, measure of central tendencies (mean, median, mode), and standard deviation are the sets of data from
descriptive statistics. Inferential Statistics is used when the research study focuses on finding predictions; testing hypothesis; and
finding interpretations, generalizations, and conclusions. Since this statistical method is more complex and has more advanced
mathematical computations, you can use computer software to aid your analysis.
Furthermore, selecting what test to use is basically done by identifying whether you will use parametric test or non-
parametric test. As these were already discussed in your Statistics and Probability subject, a summary of what to consider is
presented below:

Points to Consider Type of Test

Scale Interval or Ratio Parametric Tests
Ordinal or Nominal Scale Non-parametric Tests
Sample Size 30 or more per group Parametric Tests
Fewer than 30 Non-parametric Tests
Distribution of Data Normal Distribution Parametric Tests
Data deviates from Normal Distribution Non-parametric Tests

In addition, in choosing statistical techniques in quantitative research, the purpose or objective of the research study should be
Test of Relationship between Two Variables
➢ Pearson’s r (parametric)
➢ Phi coefficient (non-parametric for nominal and dichotomous variables)
➢ Spearman’s rho (non-parametric for ordinal variable)
Test of Difference between Two Data Sets from One Group
➢ T-test for dependent samples (parametric)
➢ McNemar change test (non-parametric for nominal and dichotomous variables)
➢ Wilcoxon signed-rank test (non-parametric for ordinal variable)
Test of Difference between Two Data Sets from Two Different Groups
➢ T-test for independent samples (parametric)
➢ Two-way chi-square (non-parametric for nominal variable)
➢ Mann-Whitney U test (non-parametric for ordinal variable)
Test More than Two Population Means
➢ Analysis of Variance or ANOVA (parametric)
Test the Strength of Relation or Effect or Impact
Regression (parametric)
D. Development (Time Frame: 30 minutes)

Learning Task 1: Arrange your Steps

Directions: Arrange the following steps in data gathering into their correct sequence, 1 as being the first step, and 10 as the last
Order Steps
The respondents will have a chance to have a look at the performance tasks.
Each of the participants will be interviewed for individual filling out of the personal background of media literacy information.
The researcher will meet the participants eight times in a four-month data gathering period.
The participants will answer the learning activity sheet (LAS) after practicing the new approach.
The data collection in each group will be supervised by two experienced Information Technology teachers to ensure proper
implementation of the intervention.
The participants will read example situations about media literacy that are not familiar to them.
The new approach in assessing the performance tasks of learners will be implemented.
The list of performance tasks and assessment tools will be prepared.
The media literacy summative test will be administered after the implementation of the new approach in assessing
performance tasks.
The test results will be encoded for summary and will be analyzed.

E. Engagement (Time Frame: 60 minutes)

Learning Task 2: Statistical Test Check!

Directions: Determine the statistical test/s appropriate for the sample research. Make sure to explain your decision in two to three
Research Title Statistical Explanation
1. Relationship between Academic Stressors and Learning Preferences of Senior High
School Students
2. Reading Electronic Learning Materials as a Support for Vocabulary of Grade 1 Pupils
3. Impact of the Implementation of COVID – 19 Health Protocols in Supermarkets on
Consumer Behaviors
4. Effects of Morning Exercise on the Health Anxiety Level of Senior Citizens
5. Measuring the Gadgets Usage of Children at Home during Quarantine

A. Assimilation (Time Frame: 60 minutes)

Learning Task 3: Plan your Data Gathering Procedures

Directions: Perform the following task. From what you have learned in this lesson, list the steps that you are going to follow in
gathering the data of your research. For this part, just enumerate it to clearly see the procedure before, during, and after your
data gathering.

Title of the Research: _____________________________________________________

V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: 20 minutes)
(Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation, or Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 and 6)

Directions: Read and choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the purpose of Pearson’s r as a statistical technique? To test the
A. difference between sets of data from different groups.
B. difference between two sets of data from one group.
C. degree of effect research intervention or treatment.
D. relationship between two continuous variables.
2. What statistical technique should be used for this research problem, “You would like to determine the differences
between the opinions of men and women on the COVID – 19 local government response?”
A. T-Test for two dependent samples C. Two-way Chi-square
B. T-Test for independent samples D. Pearson’s r
3. Mr. Canuc would like to know further the type of social media used between the male and female SHS students of
East Pagat National High School.
A. T-test for two dependent samples C. Chi-square
B. Spearman’s rho D. ANOVA
4. What statistical technique should be used for this research question, “Is there a significant difference between the
pretest and posttest scores of learners in reading comprehension test?”
A. T-Test for two dependent samples C. Chi-square Test
B. T-Test for independent samples D. Pearson’s r
5. What statistical technique should be used if a researcher wants to test the strength and strength of relation or the
impact of one variable to another?
A. T-test for two dependent samples C. Chi-square
B. Regression Analysis D. ANOVA
VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: 10 minutes)
• Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column
for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
 - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson.
✓ - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this
Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP
Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7
Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 Number 8

VII. REFERENCES Barrot, Jessie S. Practical Research 2 for Senior High School. Quezon City, Philippines: C & E
Publishing, Inc., 2017.

Caintic, Helen, E. and Cruz, Juanita, M. Scientific Research Manual. C&E Publishing, 2018.

CIRT: Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching. no date. " An Overview of Quantitative
Research." Grand Canyon University. Accessed June 1, 2020.

"Introduction to Quantitative Research." SAGE Publication. Accessed June 1, 2020.

Prepared by: Rico A. Herrero/Vina H. Retusto Checked by: Dr. Isabelita R. Hizon
Raul B. Chua Jr.
Learning Area Practical Research 2 Grade Level
Quarter 3/4 Date Weeks 3-4
I. LESSON TITLE The Research Methodology
• Presents written research methodology
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT • Research Methodology
I. Introduction (Time Frame: 60 minutes)

Recall that in the previous lessons, you were engaged with the essentials of research methodology such as research
design, research instruments and appropriate statistical techniques.
In the next two weeks of learning Practical Research 2, you will be asked to write and present the written research
methodology of your chosen topic. Just be guided of the principles and guidelines in working with your methodology.
The following contain the research methodology:
1. Research Design
Research design is the framework of research methods and techniques chosen by a researcher. The design
allows researchers to hone in on research methods that are suitable for the subject matter and set up their studies up
for success.
The design of a research topic explains the type of research (experimental, survey, correlational, semi-
experimental, review) and also its sub-type (experimental design, research problem, descriptive case-study).

2. Population and Sampling

In this part, determine the population where the study will be conducted. Further, you have to identify the unit
of analysis whether it is individual or group. Also, you are going to determine the sampling method to be used and
design the sampling framework.

3. Research Instruments
In a research study, the instrument used to collect data may be created by the researcher or based on an
existing instrument. If the instrument is the researcher created, the process used to select the questions should be
described and justified. If an existing instrument is used, the background of the instrument is described including who
originated it, and what measures were used to validate it.
If a Likert scale is used, the scale should be described. If the study involves interviews, an interview protocol
should be developed that will result in a consistent process of data collection across all interviews. Two types of
questions are found in an interview protocol: the primary research questions, which are not asked of the participants,
and the interview questions that are based on the primary research questions and are asked of the participants.

4. Validation of the Instruments

In this part, you are going to write the series of steps that the instrument has to gone through in terms of
validation. Include here who will serve as the pool of examiners of the instrument to be used and what criteria should
be considered in validating the tool.
However, if the instrument to be used will only be adapted from any research, just acknowledge where did
the instrument originate.

5. Research Procedure
Research procedure discloses the plans of the researcher by which the data will be collected and who will
collect it. Also, in this part, the researcher has to discuss all the procedure that he has to undergone while conducting
the research as to the gathering and collection of necessary data.

6. Statistical Treatment/Analysis
In this part of the research, the researcher has to discuss the statistical techniques that he has to use in
answering the research problem. The researcher has to go back to the statements of the problem and identify the
most appropriate statistical tool to be used to answer each problem.

D. Development (Time Frame: 60 minutes)

Learning Task 1: Just a Sort of…
Directions: Perform the following task. From what you have learned in this lesson, what is the appropriate research design for
your current research problem? Justify your choice.

Research Design:

E. Engagement (Time Frame: 60 minutes)

Learning Task 2: More of Methods

Directions: Perform the following task. Identify the size of the population and sample for your study and explain the
sampling method that you will use.

1. Size of Population
2. The method used to determine sample size (include computation if
3. Sample Size for the Study
4. Sampling Procedure to be employed (explain the steps)
5. Who will be your respondents?
6. Instrument/s to be used

A. Assimilation (Time Frame: 350 minutes)

Finalize your Research Methodology with the following parts. Submit it to your research teacher using in A4-sized bond paper,
1-inch margin in all sides, Arial – 12 font. You may submit a printed copy or a digital copy to be sent via email.

1. Research Design
2. Population and Sampling
3. Research Instruments
4. Validation of the Instruments
5. Research Procedure
6. Statistical Treatment/Analysis

Note: Rubrics may vary

V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: 20 minutes)
(Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation, or Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 and 6)

VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: 10 minutes)

• Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column
for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
 - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson.
✓ - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this
Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP
Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7
Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 Number 8

VII. REFERENCES Barrot, Jessie S. Practical Research 2 for Senior High School. Quezon City, Philippines: C & E Publishing,
Inc., 2017.

Caintic, Helen, E. and Cruz, Juanita, M. Scientific Research Manual. C&E Publishing, 2018.

CIRT: Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching. no date. " An Overview of Quantitative
Research." Grand Canyon University. Accessed June 1, 2020.

"Introduction to Quantitative Research." SAGE Publication. Accessed June 1, 2020.

Prepared by: Rico A. Herrero/Vina H. Retusto Checked by: Dr. Isabelita R. Hizon
Raul B. Chua Jr.
Learning Area Grade Level
Practical Research 2 12
Quarter Date

I. LESSON TITLE Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem

II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING • States research questions
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) • Presents written statement of the problem
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT • Research Questions, and Presenting Statement of the Problem

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction 60 minutes In previous lessons of this learning packet, you were taught how to design
Panimula research that is interesting and something that you are passionate about. You have
learned that research problems are actually within your environment or area of
interest. You are given various activities to learn how to come up with interesting
and useful research problems. Identification of the research problems and research
questions will be further explained in this lesson.

Once you encounter uncertainty, being inquisitive, you will find ways for
answers or solution. When you are thinking and behaving this way, you are then
confronted by a problem that can be a source of a research problem.

A research problem is simple as a problem you would like to research.

Quantitative Research Problem dealt more with the precision and specificity of the
problem. Furthermore, the quantitative research problem describes trends and
patterns of a phenomenon.

The research questions help to clarify and specify the research problem.
Research questions are also considered as sub-problems of your research problem.
These questions are informative in nature. It specifies the method of collecting and
analyzing data and the type of data to be collected since you are exploring a
quantitative research problem.

Characteristics of Good Research Questions

Once you have already enumerated your research questions for your study,
it is important that you consider its quality to answer and explain your research
problem. The following are good characteristics of research questions, as described
by Fraenkel and Wallen (2020).

•Consider the amount of time, energy, money, respondents, and

even your current situation as a student-researcher.
Feasible •Is the research problem possible? Will it not spend unreasonable

•The clarity of how the questions stated lead to agreement of

meaning of the readers of your study.
Clear •Since your research questions are also considered as the main
focus in the gathering and analyzing the data, it is therefore very
important that these are stated clearly.

•You do not just consider the time and money that you will spend,
but more importantly, the value of what you are trying to
Significant •Ask if your research questions are relevant or important to ask.
Will answering these questions provide an additional contribution
to address the given research problem?

•Always consider the welfare of people, animals or who so ever

involve in your study.
Ethical •Look into ways of answering the research questions without
inflicting physical and psychological harm to persons involved.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
Formulating Research Questions

Research questions can be generally classified into two: general and

specific. The general question of the study is derived from the research problem
while the specific questions are anchored on the general research problem.

For example:

This study aims to determine the relationship between the types learning
delivery mode and students’ learning styles. Furthermore, it seeks to answer the
following research questions: (1) What are the different learning delivery modes of
the school? (2) What are the various learning styles of the students? (3) Is there a
significant relationship between the different learning delivery modes of the school
and the learning styles of its students?

Notice that a general problem was presented first. Then it was followed by
the specific questions considered as research questions of the study.

In stating quantitative research questions, you should also consider the

design of your quantitative research.

For more discussion about this, you may refer to Practical Research 2 Book
by Baraceros (2016) on pp. 37 – 43 at

B. Development 30 minutes Learning Task 1: Write the Questions

Pagpapaunlad Directions: Write one general research question and two specific research questions
for the given research problem below.

Research Problem General Question Specific Questions

The Relationship
between Media
Exposure and Health

Leadership Practices
and Employee’s Job

Effects of Parenting
Style and Children
Study Habits

You may go to the following links to practice what you have learned from
the discussion. |
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
C. Engagement 60 minutes Learning Task 2: State your Questions
Pakikipagpalihan Directions: Perform the following task. Referring to your background of the study and
research problem, list your research questions. When formulating these questions,
consider the design of your quantitative research.

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________
D. Assimilation 60 minutes Learning Task 3: Share Yours!
Paglalapat Direction: Get ready for presentation of your written statement of the problem. The
rubrics below will serve as a guide on how you will be rated by your
teacher. The 4C (content, coherence, creativity, communication)
technique will be used so that you can easily remember.

Rubrics for Written Statement of the Problem

5 4 3 2 1
Content (35%)
▪ The title is concise and
▪ The Problem is relevant and well-
▪ Research gap was established.
▪ The scope and delimitation of the
study is clearly stated and explained.
▪ Overall content is comprehensive.
Coherence (25%)
▪ Cohesive of devices are effectively
▪ Organization of ideas is smoothly
Creativity (25%)
▪ Writer’s voice is showcased.
▪ Paper uses variety of sentence
▪ Uses appropriate language.
Communication (15%)
▪ Sentences are well structured
▪ Grammatical conventions are
▪ Correct spelling and proper research
format is followed.
Legend: 5 – to a very great extent, 4 – to a great extent,
3 – to some extent, 2 – to a little extent, 1 – not at all

V. ASSESSMENT 20 minutes Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
1. What refers to an issue that has not been fully addressed by previous studies?
A. Research problem C. Research question
B. Research topic D. Research gap

2. Which of the following characteristics describes a good research question?

A. Feasible, clear, significant and includes a hypothesis
B. Feasible, clear, significant, and ethical
C. Clear, significant, and ethical
D. Feasible, clear, and ethical

3. “What are the various learning modalities offered in Gusa Elementary School
for SY 2020-21?” This is an example of research question of what type of
quantitative research?
A. Quasi-experimental research C. Correlational Research
B. Descriptive Research D. Quasi-Experimental research

4. “What is the relationship between time spent in texting and spelling ability?
This is an example of research question of what type of quantitative research?
A. Correlational Research C. Experimental research
B. Descriptive Research D. Quasi-Experimental research

5. “Is there a difference in the scores of group A from group B after the special
tutorial program? This is an example of research question of what type of
quantitative research?
A. Correlational Research C. Experimental research
B. Descriptive Research D. Quasi-Experimental research
VI. REFLECTION 10 minutes In your journal, write your personal insights about the lesson using the
prompts below.
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.

Prepared by: Rico A. Herrero/Vina H. Retusto Checked by: Dr. Isabelita R. Hizon


Barrot, Jessie S. Practical Research 2 for Senior High School. Quezon City, Philippines: C & E Publishing,
Inc., 2017.

Caintic, Helen, E. and Cruz, Juanita, M. Scientific Research Manual. C&E Publishing, 2018.

CIRT: Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching. no date. " An Overview of Quantitative
Research." Grand Canyon University. Accessed June 1, 2020.

"Introduction to Quantitative Research." SAGE Publication. Accessed June 1, 2020.

5. D
4. A
3. B
2. B
1. D

Answer Key
Learning Area Practical Research 2 Grade Level 12
W6 Quarter Date

I. LESSON TITLE Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem

• Indicates scope and delimitation of study
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT • Scope and Delimitation of the Study

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction 60 minutes In the previous lessons, you were taught how to identify and differentiate
Panimula various research variables and its uses. Identifying your research variables is very
important since it will set the parameters of your study. Carefully selecting your
research variables also helps you to determine what will be investigated. As a result,
it will be easier for you to set the scope and delimitation of the study. This lesson
focuses on how you are going to indicate the scope and delimitation of your study.

When you encounter the words “scope” and “delimitation”, what comes
into your mind? What do you think are the synonyms of these words to further
understand it?

Scope and Delimitation

In doing research study, we make sure that we have certainty and reasons
for drawing the inclusion and exclusion of research variables. We do not write for
the sake of writing the parts of the research paper; such as setting the scope and
delimitation of your study. It is important because it draws the boundary of your
study. Without doing so, research procedures and results will not be coherent to the
goal of your study.

The scope specifies the coverage of your study such as variables,

population or participant, and timeline. Delimitation cites factors of your study that
are not included or excluded or those you will not deal in your study.

In this section of your research paper, you may also state the reasons why
you did not include the variables. A clearly written scope and delimitation of the
study will make it definitely easier to answer questions which are related or not
related to your study.

Components of Scope and Delimitation

In writing the scope and delimitation of your study, you are also asking the
basic profile questions of your research. The following are the components of the
scope and delimitation of the study but not limited to:

Topic of the Study. What are the variables to be included and excluded?
Objectives or Problems to be Addressed. Why are you doing this study?
Time Frame. When are you going to conduct this study?
Locale of the Study. Where are you going to gather your data?
Characteristics of the Respondents. Who will be your respondents?
Method and Research Instruments. How are you going to collect the

Difference between Delimitation and Limitation of the Study

The delimitation of the study describes the various limitations that arose
during the design and conduct of the study. Along the way of conducting your
study, you will encounter limitations which you have not drawn before you start –
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
these are the delimitations of study. Most of the delimitations arose from the
applicability or usefulness of the findings of the study to the current problem.

Variables not included in your study are also determined by delimitation of

your study. While on the other hand, limitation of the study are those variables
included in your study. Hence, limitation of the study is actually the identified scope
of the study.

Sample Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The main objective of this study is to provide information about students’

knowledge and perception of genetically modified foods and their family
health practices. The study also includes the student’s personal information and
occupation of their parents and siblings. This study is limited to the 120 Grade 12
Male and Female enrolled in the First Semester, School Year 2019-2020 of
Calamba City Science High School. Each of the respondent is given
questionnaire to answer. The students selected came from six different sections
to prevent subjective perceptions.

For more discussion about this, you may watch a video tutorial at

B. Development 30 minutes Learning Task 1: It’s the Scope and Limitation

Pagpapaunlad Directions: Read the sample scope and limitation and identify the boundaries of
the study by writing the corresponding components on the table below.

Sample Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The main objective of this study is to provide information about students’

knowledge and perception of genetically modified foods and their family health
practices. The study also includes the student’s personal information and
occupation of their parents and siblings. This study is limited to the 120 Grade 12
Male and Female enrolled in the First Semester, School Year 2019-2020 of
Calamba City Science High School. Each of the respondent is given
questionnaire to answer. The students selected came from six different sections
to prevent subjective perceptions.

Components of the Scope and Delimitation

✓ Topic of the study

✓ Objective of the study or problems to

be addressed

✓ Time frame in which the study will be


✓ The locale or area where the study will

be conducted

✓ Characteristics of the participants of

the study

✓ Other parameters
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities

C. Engagement 60 minutes Learning Task 2: Indicate your Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Pakikipagpalihan Directions: Perform the following task. Specify the scope and delimitation of your
study why answering the basic contents of this research section.

1. What are the variables to be included and excluded?


2. Why are you doing this study?


3. When are you going to conduct this study?


4. Where are you going to gather your data?


5. Who will be your respondents?


D. Assimilation 60 minutes Learning Task 3: Reshape the Scope and Delimitation

Paglalapat Directions: Read the following scope and delimitation about a research on sickness
prevention. Try to improve its structure and coverage. You can add
some details in revising this research section.


The current focuses on the relationship between socio-demographic

background of the family and their heath practices. Only 60 Grade 11 students
were considered in this study as respondents. The research lasted for two months.
Your revised version


V. ASSESSMENT 20 minutes Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Match the statements on
Column A with that of in the Column B. Write the letter of your
answer on your answer sheet.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
1. What are the variables to be included and A. Time Frame
2. Why are you doing this study? B. Topic of the Study
3. When are you going to conduct this study? C. Locale of the Study
4. Where are you going to gather your data? D. Characteristics of the
5. Who will be your respondents? E. Objectives or Problems
to be Addressed

VI. REFLECTION 10 minutes In your journal, write your personal insights about the lesson using the
prompts below.
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.

Prepared by: Rico A. Herrero/Vina H. Retusto Checked by: Dr. Isabelita R. Hizon


Barrot, Jessie S. Practical Research 2 for Senior High School. Quezon City, Philippines: C & E Publishing,
Inc., 2017.

Caintic, Helen, E. and Cruz, Juanita, M. Scientific Research Manual. C&E Publishing, 2018.

CIRT: Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching. no date. " An Overview of Quantitative
Research." Grand Canyon University. Accessed June 1, 2020.

"Introduction to Quantitative Research." SAGE Publication. Accessed June 1, 2020.

5. D
4. C
3. A
2. E
1. B

Answer Key
Learning Area Practical Research 2 Grade Level 12
Quarter Date

I. LESSON TITLE Conceptual Framework

Presents written review of related literature and Conceptual Framework
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Conceptual Framework

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction 30 minutes You are in the 7th week of learning Practical Research 2. You already
Panimula learned about the statement of the problem and scope and delimitation of
the study.

This lesson focuses on how will you illustrate and explain the conceptual

Conceptual Framework

A conceptual framework is a system of concepts, assumptions,

expectations, beliefs, and theories that supports and informs research. The
conceptual framework of this study is rooted in the following representation
of knowledge:

It is a diagram that connects variables of the study with lines

(correlations) or arrows (cause-effect relationships)

How to make a Conceptual Framework?

1. Start with text and clearly cite the diagram.

2. Ensure congruence with research questions. Rule of thumb: number of
research questions is at least equal to the number of lines/arrows in
conceptual framework.
3. Include in the diagram the variables which may have values or sub-
4. Use the diagram to explain research framework. Justify each variable (and
sub-variable) and each line or arrow using logic and synthesized studies.

Example of Conceptual Framework

SHS Students’ Social Media Usage and Their Attention Span in Class

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 below illustrates the conceptual framework of the

research. The paradigm presents the variables that will be
considered in the research.


SHS students’ Social

Media Usage
SHS students’
1. Forms of Social Attention Span in
Media the Class
2. Frequency of
Social Media

Fig. 1 The Conceptual Framework of the Study

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities

The level of SHS students’ social media usage will be described in the
research in terms of three sub-variables: (a) forms of social media; (b)
frequency of social media use; and (c) mode of social media use. In the
research, this variable is seen to possess a hypothesized relationship with SHS
students’ attention span in class. This hypothesized relationship is represented
by the two-headed arrow connecting both variables.

You may visit

templates/ for the other sample templates of conceptual framework.

You may opt to watch

for more information.

B. Development 20 minutes Learning Task 1: Identify the steps in creating a conceptual framework. Write
Pagpapaunlad 1, 2, 3, 4 on the top of the box for each corresponding procedure.

Generate the
Choose your

Isolate the
Do a literature
C. Engagement 30 minutes Learning Task 2: Make a Conceptual Framework based on this situation:
Background: I am a co-owner of a branch of Burger King.

I am interested to know what affects the satisfaction of our customers.

My goal is to be able to know what specific parts of our business can influence
our customers’ experience. The research question I can formulate is “What
affects customer’s satisfaction of Burger King? I read up on different
publications related to food establishments, specifically burger joints, and
customer satisfaction. From here, I can already have an idea of the variables
I can pinpoint from those publications that have been proven to affect
customer satisfaction. With all the books, scholarly articles, and researches I
have gone through, it can be determined that there are 3 main variables,
namely: food taste, speed of service, and staff performance. Customers are
very much concerned with the taste of the product. The amount of time it
takes to serve them also affects how pleased or displeased they are. Lastly,
the performance of the staff that serves also affects their experience. I was
able to determine that the 3 variables: food taste, speed of service, and staff
performance, are determining factors of customer satisfaction.

*situation adopted from


D. Assimilation 80 minutes Leaning Task 3: Think of a research title that is applicable to your strand and
Paglalapat create a conceptual framework.

V. ASSESSMENT 20 minutes Identify the Independent and Dependent Variable for each research topic.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
(Learning Activity Sheets for
Enrichment, Remediation or 1. Effects of Absenteeism to the Academic Performance of the Students
Assessment to be given on 2. Study Habits and Academic Performance of Senior High School
Weeks 3 and 6) Students: Basis for Mathematics Intervention
3. Teaching Styles and Students’ Learning Satisfaction in Calamba
Senior High School
4. Correlation between the Tardiness and Demographic Profile of the
5. Problems Encountered in the New Normal Classroom Set-up
• The learner, in their notebook, will write their personal insights about
the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that ____________________________________________.
I realize that _________________________________________________.
I need to learn more about __________________________________.

Prepared by: Rico Herrero/ Vina H. Retusto Checked by: Isabelita R. Hizon
1. IV- Absenteeism
DV- Academic Performance
2. IV- Study Habits
DV- Academic Performance
3. IV- Teaching Styles
DV-Learning Satisfaction
4. IV- Demographic Profile
DV- Tardiness
5. IV- New Normal Classroom Set-up
DV- Problems
Answer Key
Learning Task 1: 4,1,3,2
Learning Task 2:

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