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Detailed lesson plan in English

Prepared by: Costales & Balaobao

Most essential learning competency

EN7OL-III-a-1.3: Express ideas, opinions, feelings and emotions
during interviews, group/panel discussions, forums/fora, debates.

I. Learning objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
A. Give the uses of past perfect tense
B. Construct sentences in the past perfect tense.
C. Explain the importance of a task before another task is done.

II. Subject matter

Topic: Past perfect tense

 English CV for high schools communication values
 The new dimensions in learning English a series of Philippine
secondary schools
 Powerpoint presentation
 Manila paper
 Cartolina
 Marker
 Bondpaper
Teacher’s activity Students activity
Preliminary activities (10 mins)


Good morning, students. How is your day? Good morning Ma’am, We’re fine thank
That’s great!


May I request everyone to stand. Zaira, lead Let us put ourselves in the holy
the prayer. presence of God

Amen. Amen.

Classroom Management

Before you sit down, I request everyone to Yes, Ma’am

pick up pieces of trash under your chair
and throw it and then arrange your chairs.

Based on my seat plan, no one is absent.

Very good students!
Presentation of Classroom Rules

To start our class I want everyone to read Classroom Rules:

the Classroom Rules. 1. Everyone deserves respect, both
students and teachers.
2. When someone is talking, listen.
3. Raise your hand if you want to talk.
4. Show respect for school and
personal property.
5. Make sure you have everything you
need before the class starts.
6. Work in a safe manner.
Do you want to add something to our
classroom rules, class?
None, Ma’am
Okay, if none let us proceed.

Review (5 minutes)

I will be picking your names in this bowl I

have here. This bowl has rolled slips of
paper including your names. If your name
is chosen, you are to answer my question.

Remember, the card you will receive has

corresponding points.
Red card is equivalent to five points
Yellow card is equivalent to four points
Blue card is equivalent to three points

Yes, Ma’am!
Am I understood, class?
Yes, Ma’am!
Are you ready, class?

The first student that I’ll be calling is Nicole

Okay, Nicole what tense expresses an

action that already happened in the past? Its called past tense, Ma’am

Okay, now Mark, can you give me a

sentence using a verb in a past form? I brought myself an apple.


The two of you will be given five points for

your participation.
I can see that you can still recall our past

Motivation ( 5 minutes )

For those students that aren’t called, there

are still chances that you’ll receive points.

Am I understood?
Yes Ma’am
Class, I have this activity which is entitled
“Pair Me”. Everyone read the directions.
Activity (Pair me!)

Directions: give the simple past form and

the had + past participle form of the Directions: give the simple past form
following verb. and the had + past participle form of
the following verb.
clean – cleaned, had cleaned Examples:
drink -drank , had drunk clean – cleaned, had cleaned
drink – drank, had drunk

In the example, which is our past form? cleaned and drank



How about the had + past participle? had cleaned and had drunk


Now, I want you to construct the simple

past and past perfect participle for the
following verbs:

1. eat
2. speak
3. walk
4. dance
5. see

You have 3 minutes to answer this activity.

You timer starts now.

Class, now that your time is over, exchange

your paper with your seatmate.

Eyes on the front, I will flash the correct Answer key

answers through our power point 1. eat – eaten, had eaten
presentation. 2. speak – spoke, had spoke
3. walk – walked, had walked
Class, pass your papers to the people in 4. dance – danced, had danced
front of you. 5. see – saw, had seen

Did you find our activity interesting class? Yes, Ma’am

Class, a round of applause for completing

this activity on time.

Before, we proceed to our topic let us first Learning objectives

read our learning objectives. At the end of the lesson, the students
will be able to:
6. Give the uses of past perfect
7. Construct sentences in the
past perfect tense.
8. Explain the importance of a
task before another task is
Now that you’re done reading our learning
objectives, I prepared another activity
entitled “complete me”. Everyone, read the

Activity ( Complete me )

Directions: Use each pair of verbs in a Directions: Use each pair of verbs in a
sentence in which the first verb is sentence in which the first verb is
completed before the second action verb. completed before the second action
Read the example, everyone.

eaten – brushed Example:
I had eaten my breakfast before I brushed eaten – brushed
my teeth. I had eaten my breakfast before I
brushed my teeth.
As you can see in the example class, in a
natural way, we most likely brush our teeth
after eating, right? Yes Ma’am!

In this sentence we can see that there are eaten and brushed
two verbs, what are those, Grizy?

In a natural way, again class what comes

first in the sentence? The act of eating or The act of eating
the act of brushing our teeth?

Very good, how about the act of brushing It is the second action, Ma’am.
out teeth?

Very good class!

Class, the had eaten in the first sentence is

the first action that is done in the past while
the brushed my teeth is the second action
that is done after the first action that
happened on the past.

Class, construct a sentence using this pair

of verbs. Identify the first and second

Any questions, class? None, Ma’am

In this activity I will give you 3 minutes to

answer. Your timer starts now! Yes Ma’am!

1. swept - scrubbed
2. cleaned - left
3. cooked - ate
4. prayed - slept
5. worked - rested

Times up! I want you to prepare because I

will be calling your names and explain your
answer based on our activity.
Angela, what is your answer? Read it. I had swept the floor before I scrubbed it.

Your answer is correct Angela, when it

comes to cleaning class, we sweep first to
remove the dust before we scrubb it. Right?

Angela, I will give you five points for giving

me a correct answer. Thank you Ma’am

Michelle, what is your answer for number I had cleaned the house before I left.

Your answer is correct Michelle, when we

have to leave our house, we clean it first
before leaving. Right? Yes, Ma’am!

Correct, Michelle I will give you five points

for your answer.

Who wants to read their answer in number


Yes, Janeya what is your answer? Me, Ma’am!

I cooked my food before I ate.
Your answer is correct Janeya, it is
understandable that we should cook first so
that we can eat. Right? Yes, Ma’am!

Janeya, I will give you five points for giving Thank you Ma’am!
me a correct answer.

Mary, what is your answer for number four? I had prayed first before I slept last
Your answer is correct, class do you pray
before you sleep? Yes, Ma’am!


Class, in a holistic way, it is important that

we should pray before we sleep. Am I Yes, Ma’am!

Mary, I will give you five points for giving Thank you Ma’am!
me a correct answer.

Lindsey, what is your answer for number I had worked so hard before I rested.

Correct, when we’re done doing our tasks Yes, Ma’am!

class, that is the time that we rest. Right?

Lindsey, I will give you five points for your Thank you Ma’am

As you can see class we refer our answers

in the most natural way that we usually do
in our lives. I can see that you are capable
in constructing your sentence.
What is our topic all about today class? Our topic is all about past perfect tense

In your own understanding, what is past Past perfect tense is used to describe
perfect tense? the first action that happened before
another action in the past.

Very good!, it tells us that an event

happened in the past before another event
in the past.

Am I understood, class? Yes, Ma’am


Now class, I have here five examples of

sentences in a past perfect form.

I will be asking questions to make it sure

you answer my question correctly.

1. I had swept the floor before I

scrubbed it.
2. She had cleaned the kitchen while
her children played outside.
3. They had cooked dinner before they
ate it together.
4. He had prayed for a while before he
slept peacefully.
5. We had worked for hours before we
finally rested.

Okay, Christian read the sentence for 9. I had swept the floor before I
number one scrubbed it.

Please come in front and underline the swept and scrubbed

two verbs used in the sentence.

Great job! Christian.

We can also include class the verb “had” so okay, Sir

it will be, had swept and scrubbed.

As a review class, what do you call the

phrase which has two verbs?
What do we call this phrase? Michelle. It's a verb phrase, Sir.

Very Good!

In the first sentence, what is the verb had swept

phrase there?

Now take note class, a verb phrase is

composed of auxiliary “had” + the main
What is the another term of auxiliary? helping verb

Correct! It is called the helping verb.

In this example “had swept” is a verb

phrase, the “had” is the helping verb.

The main verb class is always the action

word. Okay, can we consider scrubbed a
verb phrase? Nicole.

Why? No , Sir.
because, it has no helping verb, Sir.

What is another term of helping verb?

Angel. Auxiliary, Sir.


We have two verbs, the had swept and

scrubbed, what do we call in this two
Verb phrase, Sir.
verbs? Grizy.

Very good!

Okay, my next question to you class is: In

normal situation, which action takes earlier had swept, Sir!
or happened before the other action? Had
swept or scrubbed?

Yes, it is the “had swept”.

We have to sweep the floor first before we

scrub it.

Why it is important that we have to sweep the first thing to do is to remove the
the floor before we scrub it? dust before we scrub the floor. If we
Merace hope? will not sweep the floor, the floor is
dirty and rough.
Very well said!

The act of sweeping the floor occur earlier

than the act of scrubbing.

Okay let us proceed!

I want Merace, Karen, Eljan and Denver to

come here in front.

The four of you, underline the verb phrase

and encircle the second action in the

Merace for number two, Karen for number

three, Eljan for number four and Denver
number five.
Students answer

10. She had cleaned the kitchen

while her children played
11. They had cooked dinner
before they ate it together.
12. He had prayed for a while
before he slept peacefully.
13. We had worked for hours
before we finally rested.

Very good!

Students, because of your cooperation, Thank you, Ma’am!

I will give you five points each.


Class, can somebody explain the difference

between past tense and past perfect tense.

Yes! Christian ? The past tense is used to refer to

states or actions that happened in the
past. Typically, these verbs indicate
that an action or state began in the
past. However, when you want to
specify an event that happened before
another event was completed in the
past, the past perfect tense of the verb
is used.

The past tense is an action that happened

in the past. The past perfect tense specify
an event that happened before another
action that happened in the past.

Everyone, give Christian a barangay clap!

“ barangay clap “
Now class, let us know the different uses of
past perfect tense.

Everyone read the first one.

1. To show an action happened

in the past before another 14. To show an action
event or action took place. The happened in the past
words when, after, already, before another event or
just, yet, and as soon as, are action took place. The
usually used with the past words when, after, already,
perfect tense. just, yet, and as soon as,
are usually used with the
past perfect tense.
Reymark, you read the first example.
The bus had just left when we got to
the bus stop. “The bus had just left when we
got to the bus stop.”
Which action took earlier than the
other action, class? The bus had just left, Ma’am

Very good!

How about the other action?

when we got to the bus stop
What word in the sentence is used
to express past perfect tense? the word just Ma’am

Correct! The adverb just is used

when it shows what happened
immediately before something
happens, that goes the same with
the other adverbs stated in our first
use of past perfect tense

Give Angela and Reymark a round

of applause. A round of applause

For your cooperation, I will give you

the freedom to choose your prizes
here in this box. Thank you, Ma’am!

Class, as you can see in our

example, it shows that an action
happened in the past before another
event. Right?
Yes, Ma’am

In our first sentence class, the two

past actions stated are left and got.

What are the two actions stated in

the sentence? Renalie.
left and got
Correct, thank you Renalie.

The two past actions are left and

got, what is the present tense form
of left and got Reyed?

Okay thank you Reyed.

“Leave and get ma’am”
Now class, in mathematics there is a
formula to solve a problem but here
in English we also have a formula
specifically for past perfect tense.

How can you tell if the sentence is in

a past perfect form? Lovely. The past perfect tense follows this

the had + past participle is

Splendid! present Ma’am
Class, we can also add adverb to it
just like our example, had + adverb
+ past participle, am I understood Yes, Ma’am

Now let’s proceed. Read the second

use of past perfect tense class.

2. To show an action that

happened before a definite To show an action that
time in the past. happened before a definite
time in the past.
Let’s have a sentence to illustrate this use.

Class, read the example.

They won many of the games Example:
because they had practiced. They won many of the games
because they had practiced.
You see class that it expresses an
idea that something occurred before
another action in the past.
Yes, Ma’am
Denver, what is the action that
happened before another action in
the past? Encircle your answer here
in front.

they won many of the games
Charles, what is the other action that
happened in the past? You underline
it twice here in front. practiced

Very good students!

Thank you, Ma’am
Lovely, Denver and Charles pick
your prizes here in the box.

In the use of past perfect tense, it does not

matter which event is mentioned first as
long as the pattern of forming the past
perfect tense of the verb is observed.

What is again the form of a past perfect

tense class? had + past participle

Very good! What kind of verb is had again

class? had is a auxiliary verb

What is the other term of auxiliary again?

helping verb
Very good students! Let’s do an amazing

Okay, The past perfect tense is formed by

using the past form auxiliary verb have,
which is had + past participle form of the
verb. Am I understood class?

Any question about our discussion class? Yes, Ma’am!

If none, I have here an activity. This will test None, Ma’am!

if you really did pay attention to our
discussion a while ago.


Activity 1 ( Complete Me )

Directions: Given below are pairs of words

in their basic form. On the lines, write
meaningful and grammatically correct Directions: Given below are pairs of
sentences using one word in the past tense words in their basic form. On the lines,
and the other one in past perfect tense. write meaningful and grammatically
The first one is done for you. correct sentences using one word in
the past tense and the other one in
Example: past perfect tense. The first one is
done for you.
change – come
I had changed my sheets before you came. Example:
change – come
In the most natural way class, we all know I had changed my sheets before you
that when we have visitors we most likely came.
change our sheets before they come, so
that they can be comfortable when they
stay in our house. Right?

I will give you 5 minutes to answer this Yes ma’am!

activity. You can start now.

5 minutes is over, pencils up!

Pass your paper in front. Pencils up!

You did great class, I request everyone to

stand up and let’s do some stretching to
freshen up your mind a bit. ( stretching )

Do you feel refreshed class?

That’s good to hear, please sit down. “ Yes ma’am “

For our next activity class, I want you to

find partner of your choice. Present a
dialogue of five exchanges using past
perfect tense.
(students going to their
Okay. Now that you’re with your partner,
read the title of the activity. Its directions
that are flashed on the screen.

Activity 2 ( Dialogue )

Directions: Work with a partner and share

your experiences with each other. Present
a dialogue of 5 exchanges using past
perfect tense.

I will give you 3 minutes to prepare and 2

minutes to present in front. Your timer
starts now. Here are the topics:

a. Before you came to our

b. Before you visited a new
c. Before you had your
commencement exercises
in grade 6
d. ( other topics on your own )

I have this rubric, I want one representative

to get a copy of this and write your names.
Give me the rubric when you are going to

( calling each pair )

Wow! Class, let us give ourselves a round

of applause for having a successful activity
with your partners.

I am impressed with your cooperation in

our activity. Please keep it up because of ( applause )
that you will receive extra three points and
that will be added to your individual activity
done a while ago.

For our last activity, you will be grouped

into 4. Let us do the counting from 1 to 4.

( arranging the groups )

Now that you’re in your group, read the
directions flashed on the screen. ( counting )

Activity 3 ( Role Play )

Directions: Select four members from the

group who will act as TV reporters. The
other members in the group will act as
townspeople. Use past perfect tense in
doing your roles.

I will give you five minutes to prepare and

three minutes to present your task.

Situation: News spread out about a

miracle which had taken place in a certain
town. The reporters will interview the
people in the town to verify the news.

Leaders, get this rubric and list the name of

your members at the back and so as their
roles. Return the rubric to me once you’re
done writing.

Let’s start our activity.

Groups 1 to 4 present their task

That was wonderful class! Everyone please

tap yourselves and say “ I am proud of
( groups 1 to 4 presenting )
myself. “ 1 2 3 go
pat* pat* pat* I am proud of myself
( The teacher announced the scores. The
group which gets the highest score will be
rewarded with chocolates. )

Return to your proper places class. In 1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10.

To test your knowledge about our lesson
class, I will be calling your names and you
are to answer my questions for you to earn
more points okay?

First question: How is the past perfect

tense formed? Queency. Yes Ma’am

The past perfect tense is formed by using

Correct! five points for Queency. the word had followed by the past
participle of the verb.
Second question: In the sentence “ I had
taken out the trash before I left the house. “
Thank you Ma’am
What are the two actions in the sentence?

Very good! Five points for Daniel.

Taken and left Ma’am
Third question: What is the function of the
verb had in the past perfect tense? Faith.

And what is the other term for auxiliary

The verb had is the auxiliary verb

Very good! I will give you 10 points

It is called helping verb
Fourth question: What do you call a phrase
that has two verbs? Stephanie.
Thank you Ma’am
Marvelous! 5 points for Stephanie
Verb phrase!
Last question: What are the two uses of
past perfect tense? Joanne.

1. To show an action happened

in the past before another
event or action took place.
The words when, after,
already, just, yet, and as
soon as, are usually used
Very good! 10 points for Joanne. with the past perfect tense.
2. To show an action that
I can see that most of you are already happened before a definite
learned our lesson today. time in the past.


Your last activity, is an individual

activity. Kindly get your pens and as
soon as you receive the test sheets,
start answering. I will only give you
10 minutes to answer this activity.
Directions: Encircle the letter of
the best answer.

1. The boy knocked the door.

There was nobody inside.
His mother ____________
a. hasn’t returned
b. haven’t returned
c. hadn’t returned
d. didn’t return Answer key:
3. C
4. C.
2. The sun was shining and 5. B.
the birds were singing 6. A.
when she got out. What a 7. D.
lovely day, she said to
herself. She looked at her
car but it was not there.
Somebody ____________
a. has stolen
b. have stolen
c. had stolen
d. stole

3. She answered all of the

questions in the exam
because she
____________ very well.

a. was studied
b. had studied
c. has been studied
d. have studied

4. It was sunny but very cold.

The snow ____________

a. hadn’t completely
b. hasn’t completely
c. haven’t completely
d. wasn’t completely

5. Clara looked out the

window. The pavement
was wet. It ____________
at night.

a. has rained
b. have been rained
c. have rained
d. had rained

Directions: Put each sentence’s

verbs into past perfect and simple

1. We ________ (practice) math

before school_______ (started).
Answer key
2. The cat (go)_________ into my 1. We had practiced math
bedroom while we (eat) _____ before school started.
our dinner.
2. The cat had went into my
bedroom while we ate our
3. My friends (watch) ________ the dinner.
movie before I (arrive) ________.

4. Our art teacher (paint) ______ a 3. My friends had watched the

beautiful landscape before the movie before I arrived.
rain (start) _______.
4. Our art teacher had painted
a beautiful landscape before
5. We (eat) _______ turkey, the rain started.
mashed potatoes, and gravy
before dessert (arrive) ______.
5. We had eaten turkey,
mashed potatoes, and gravy
before dessert arrived.
Times up! Students let us check
your activity.

( checking )

Pass the papers in front.

( checking )
( the teacher will collect the test
sheets by row ) ( passing )

Did you find the activity difficult


Lets give a round of applause to “ no ma’am “

everyone for completing the
activities for todays lesson.

Assignment ( applause )

For your assignment you have to

write this on a short bond paper and
pass it next meeting.

Please take a picture of this QR

code. The direction is stated once
you scan the QR code.
Any questions or clarifications class?
None ma’am
If none, good bye and thank you
class. Goodbye and thank you Ma’am

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