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Quality & Environmental System Procedure

Title: Internal Audit

Clause No. Doc. No. Rev. No. & Rev Date Page. No.
IATF 16949 & ISO14001 – 9.2 OM/MSP/MR/C/03 12 & 13-Nov-2023 Page 1 of 6

Turtle Diagram – Internal Audit

With What (Material/ With Whom (Competence/

Equipment) Skills/ Training)

Procedures, Standards, QMS co ordinator and qualified

Laptop’s or computers, Internal auditors.
Internet, E-mails.

Defined Input: Desired Output:

a. Audit Yearly Plan Audit Reports

b. Audit Schedule NC Report
Programe. Control of Non Corrective Action Report
c. Previous Audit Nc’s Audit Summary Report.

How (Methods/ Interacting Process: Results (Process Measures/

Procedures/ Instruments/ Functional Objectives/ Dept.
Techniques ): All Process Under QMS Objectives):

Communicating through Efficiency:

Internal Audit Plan/
Schedule to all process Internal Audit plan Vs Actual

Coverage of all processes as

per the standard requirement.

Corrective Action Review Improvement

Risk Associated with the Process:

Identified and monitored in Risk Assessment Register #OM/XXX/Y/RAR

Prepared By Miss. Smitha V Reviewed By

Mr. Sharan Basappa
QMS Coordinator QMS - MR

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Quality & Environmental System Procedure
Title: Internal Audit
Clause No. Doc. No. Rev. No. & Rev Date Page. No.
IATF 16949 & ISO14001 – 9.2 OM/MSP/MR/C/03 12 & 13-Nov-2023 Page 2 of 6

1. Purpose
To establish a procedure for Internal Audit Process including the frequency, methods, responsibilities,
planning requirements and reporting of results of internal audits.

2. Scope
Applicable to QMS and EMS System Audit, Process Audit and Product Audit 48K, B11, ECHT

3. Process Owner
Responsibility : QMS & EMS Coordinator, Qualified Internal Auditors, and individual process

4. Process Description:
QMS & EMS System Audit:

• Internal Quality Audits are planned to cover all QMS & EMS Processes over each One-year calendar
period, with frequency of once in 6 months based on the Internal & external trends, Risks, Criticality
of process (Frequency can be changed based on the process risk level ),
• Internal Quality Audit Calendar will be release from Corporate Function and Auditors will be
interchanged from Unit-1, Unit-2 & Unit-3 Respectively.
• An Audit Schedule # OM/MR/C/F/06 is prepared by the QMS & EMS Co-Ordinator taking into
consideration that auditors shall not audit their own work and competence of Internal Auditor. Which
is released from corporate function.
• Competence requirements for the internal auditors are defined in List of internal auditors #
OM/MR/C/F/12 .
• Results of audit conducted are recorded in the System audit check list # OM/MR/C/F/08 by the
trained auditors.
• During Internal Audit, Auditors should write the MAJOR NC, MINOR NC, Potential improvement (PI)
and OK.
o If Potential Product / QMS risk seen auditor will raise as MAJOR NC,
o If Implementation gap and no risk seen auditor will raise as MINOR NC,
o If any improvement points observed auditor will raise PI otherwise that will be OK.
• Any Non-conformance's noticed are entered in the Internal Audit NC & CAPA # OM/MR/C/F/16 and
given to the auditee for taking corrective action.
• The Process owner takes necessary correction and corrective actions, and QMS & EMS
Co-Ordinator ensures Corrective actions are taken in stipulated time frame.

Prepared By Miss. Smitha V Reviewed By

Mr. Sharan Basappa
QMS Coordinator QMS - MR

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Quality & Environmental System Procedure
Title: Internal Audit
Clause No. Doc. No. Rev. No. & Rev Date Page. No.
IATF 16949 & ISO14001 – 9.2 OM/MSP/MR/C/03 12 & 13-Nov-2023 Page 3 of 6

• Follow-up audits are carried out by Auditor / QMS & EMS Co-Ordinator to ensure effectiveness of
implementation of corrective action and verify the internal external NCr effectiveness.
• Based on the extent of the discrepancies observed during the audit, the plan of audit of a function
may be altered suitably to ensure effective implementation of QMS & EMS requirements.
• Audit plan and schedule frequency may be revised If there are major changes in the procedures or
major changes in the manufacturing process, product profile, repeated product quality failures, major
complaint from customers, If NCs observed in Internal & External audit the frequency of audit is
within 3 months, raise in environmental issues and feedback from interested parties, audit plan of
such functions may be tightened.
• Summary of Audit results is submitted to Management Review. Corrective actions are planned
within 10 days of completing the audit.
• Corrective actions are verified after submission by Auditor / QMS & EMS Co-ordinator.
• Effectiveness of Corrective actions shall be verified after 1 month and closed.

Process Audit:

• Quality HOD shall prepares the Annual Plan Process – Audit Plan # OM/QAD/U1/F/05 to determine
the effectiveness of the manufacturing processes and to optimize the process to yield improvements
in the manufacturing process.
• Process Audit will be done by the Trained Process personnel and that audit will start from RM to
dispatch. Auditor shall select any one of the process ex: Vertical Injection Molding, Horizontal
Injection Molding.
• Process Audits are planned to cover all three shifts (Refer to the Annual Plan of Process - Audit
# OM/QAD/U1/F/05)
• Each manufacturing process is verified during the audit with respect to the effectiveness of the
process and will be audited by trained process auditor who is independent of that manufacturing
process including traceability.
• Audit will be carried out with the process audit checklist # OM/QAD/U1/F/06 & OM/QAD/U2/F/45 for
process audit along with the Control Plan and the improvement points are also considered during the
• Any process variation observed take action plan to initiate by using action plan &follow sheet (PDCA)

Prepared By Miss. Smitha V Reviewed By

Mr. Sharan Basappa
QMS Coordinator QMS - MR

Uncontrolled document when printed, unless stamped.

Quality & Environmental System Procedure
Title: Internal Audit
Clause No. Doc. No. Rev. No. & Rev Date Page. No.
IATF 16949 & ISO14001 – 9.2 OM/MSP/MR/C/03 12 & 13-Nov-2023 Page 4 of 6

• The Corrective action implementation should be completed within 30 days.

Product Audit:

• Product audit is carried out as per the # OM/QAD/U1/F/19- Annual Plan of Product - Audit & SPC for
automotive parts. OM/QAD/U2/F/23 – Product Plan covered for all FG Part.
• All components manufactured at OMPL will be covered under the product audit at least once in year.
• Parts selected from Line for product audit and complete layout inspection will be followed.
• Product audit is conducted by layout inspection to ensure that parts are meeting all the requirements
specified in the drawing and Control plan audit will be done for each parts which under product audit
plan and If any drawing specification found Not ok or deviation observed in control plan process,
Action plan & Follow up Sheet (PDCA) # OM/QAD/U1/F/55 & OM/QAD/U2/F/55 will be initiated for
action Corrective action
• Action taken will be reviewed with concerned CFT.
• The Corrective action implementation should be completed within 30 days.
• Product audit reports summary shall be reviewed monthly once by QMS / MR

AIAG CQI 23 Special Process Audit:

• The goal of the molding system assessment is the development of a molding management system
that provides for continual improvement, emphasizing defect prevention and the reduction of
variation and waste in supply chain.
• CQI 23 Special process audit will be conducted every 6 months once along with internal quality
• Section 1: Management Responsibility & Quality Planning, Section 2: Floor and material handling
responsibility and Section 3: Job audit will be done as per AIAG CQI 23 standard check list.
• And, process will be verified as per AIAG CQI 23 - Process Table A-injection molding
• For all “not satisfactory “items corrective action should be given by molding department with Root
cause analysis and implementation of the corresponding corrective action.
• For all “Needs immediate action “requires immediate containment of suspect product. corrective
action should be given by molding department with Root cause analysis and implementation of the
corresponding corrective action
• The corrective action should be submit within 15 days.

Prepared By Miss. Smitha V Reviewed By

Mr. Sharan Basappa
QMS Coordinator QMS - MR

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Quality & Environmental System Procedure
Title: Internal Audit
Clause No. Doc. No. Rev. No. & Rev Date Page. No.
IATF 16949 & ISO14001 – 9.2 OM/MSP/MR/C/03 12 & 13-Nov-2023 Page 5 of 6

• The Corrective action implimentation should be completed within 90 days.

• Number of Process table items identified as failed in comments/Observation column to be reported.

Selection of Internal auditors for various audits as mentioned above

Internal auditors are selected for each audit from the list of internal auditor’s OM/MR/C/F/12 in which their
competency criteria are documented.

5. Document/Record Reference:
5.1 Documents:

Sl. No Description Reference

List of Internal Auditors OM/MR/C/F/12
Process audit Checklist


Sl. No Description of Record Format No.

1 Annual Internal Audit plan (QMS) OM/MR/C/F/05

2 Audit Schedule OM/MR/C/F/06

3 Audit Summary OM/MR/C/F/07

4 System Audit Check List OM/MR/C/F/08

5 Annual Plan of Product - Audit & SPC OM/QAD/U1/F/19

6 Annual Plan Process – Audit Plan OM/QAD/U1/F/05

7 Process audit checklist OM/QAD/U1/F/06

8 Internal Audit NC and CAPA Report OM/MR/C/F/16

9 Action plan & Follow up Sheet (PDCA)

Prepared By Miss. Smitha V Reviewed By

Mr. Sharan Basappa
QMS Coordinator QMS - MR

Uncontrolled document when printed, unless stamped.

Quality & Environmental System Procedure
Title: Internal Audit
Clause No. Doc. No. Rev. No. & Rev Date Page. No.
IATF 16949 & ISO14001 – 9.2 OM/MSP/MR/C/03 12 & 13-Nov-2023 Page 6 of 6

10 CQI 23 Injection Moulding Check List OM/MR/C/F/09

6. Revision History

Rev. No & Date Change details

03 & 02-May-2017 Aligned as per IATF 16949 : 2016.

04 &12-Oct -2017 Format Linkage provided

05 &10-Apr-2018 Action plan & Follow up Sheet (PDCA) added in Product audit.

Audit Observation Sheet # OM/MR/C/F/09 is removed and merged with

06 & 31-July-2018
system audit check list OM/MR/C/F/08
OM/MR/C/F/11 Product Audit Cum Layout inspection plan is removed and
07 & 17-Apr-2019
merged with OM/MR/C/F/10 Annual Plan of Product - Audit & SPC

08 & 18-Jun-2020 QMS & EMS requirements are integrated

CQI 23 audit is added into QMS audit procedure and product concept is
09 & 12-Aug-2021
If NCs observed in internal & External audit the frequency of audit is within
10 & 11-Oct -2021

Frequency of the internal audit shall be defined based the internal external
11 & 28-Sep-2022
issues & criticality of the process

Product audit reports summary shall be reviewed monthly once by

12 & 13-Nov-2023

Prepared By Miss. Smitha V Reviewed By

Mr. Sharan Basappa
QMS Coordinator QMS - MR

Uncontrolled document when printed, unless stamped.

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