Cybercrime in The Philippines Bahandi Jannamay BSN3

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Mindanao State University

Main Campus- Bataraza Extension

Bataraza, Palawan

Seminar Paper


Prepared by:

Janna May Bahandi

Prepared to:

Ms. Aisa U. Alamada


Cybercrime is becoming an increasingly prominent issue in today's generation due to

the widespread use of technology and the internet. With the rise of social media, online

banking and shopping, and other online activities, more people are becoming vulnerable

to cyber-attacks.

Cybercrime is criminal activity that either targets or uses a computer, a computer

network or a networked device. Most cybercrime is committed by cybercriminals or

hackers who want to make money. However, occasionally cybercrime aims to damage

computers or networks for reasons other than profit. These could be political or


Cybercrime can be carried out by individuals or organizations. Some cybercriminals are

organized, use advanced techniques and are highly technically skilled. Others are
novice hackers. (Ricci, 2021)

LOVEYOU, sometimes referred to as Love Bug or Love Letter for you, was a computer

worm that infected over ten million Windows personal computers on and after 5 May

2000. It started spreading as an email message with the subject line "ILOVEYOU" and

the attachment "LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs.

Onel de Guzman, a then-24-year-old resident of Manila, Philippines, created the

malware. Because there were no laws in the Philippines against making malware at the

time of its creation, the Philippine Congress enacted Republic Act No. 8792, otherwise
known as the E-Commerce Law, in July 2000 to discourage future iterations of such

activity. (Wikipedia)

In today's digital age, where the internet and technology have become an essential tool

in our daily routine, it is essential to be aware of cybersecurity threats.

Cybercrime can result in significant financial losses, reputational damage, and even

legal consequences. As such, it is important to understand the various types of

pretection of personal information and develop measures to detect, prevent and mitigate

them. In today's digital age, companies and organizations are storing more sensitive

information than ever before. From financial data to personal information, there is a

need to protect this data from cyber threats.

Governments and regulatory authorities are increasingly requiring organizations to

comply with cybersecurity regulations. Understanding regulatory requirements for

cybersecurity is necessary to ensure compliance and avoid potential penalties.

Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, and new threats can appear on a regular

basis. It is important to stay up-to-date with emerging threats and trends in

cybersecurity to develop effective measures to protect against them.


This study, entitled ‘Cybersecurity in the Philippines’ will focus on determining and

providing answers to the following questions in the current concern and issues.

1. What is the status of cybercrime in the Philippines?

2. Why do cybercrime happen?

3. What do cybercrime target?

4. How does the Philippine government prevent the rising cases of cybercrime?

5. What are some of the reasons why cybercrime is increasing?

6. How cybercrime affect individuals and society?

7. How can we prevent cybercrimes?


This study helps to understand the nature of crimes. Understanding these crimes can

lead to the development and implementation of policies and strategies to prevent such

crimes, protect individuals and organizations from cyber threats, and prosecute

cybercriminals. This study also involves understanding the characteristics and

motivations of cybercriminals, as well as the technologies and techniques used in

committing cybercrimes. This study is essential for creating a safe and secure online


Cybercrime in the Philippines

The Philippines ranked fourth among countries with the highest incidents of

cyberattacks, the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT)

According to Maki Pulido’s report on “24 Oras”, the DICT said that about 3,000

cyberattacks were monitored in the country from 2020 to 2022 alone. Almost half of

them are targeted against the systems and networks of the government. Five

government agencies likewise suffered from attacks from hackers since January this

year. Dy further said there is a lack of cybersecurity specialists in the country, with only

300 practicing experts from the needed 200,000. Only five of them are employed in the


Cybercrime incidents in Metro Manila rose by 152% during the first half of the year, the

Philippine National Police said. From January 1 to June 30, at least 6,250 cybercrimes

have been reported to the police. This is higher than the 2,477 recorded during the

same period last year. Of the cybercrimes recorded in Metro Manila, online scams

numbered 4,446 — an increase from 1,551 incidents last year. The police also received

at least 1,063 cases of illegal online access in the first six months of 2023. This is

almost double the 570 cases in 2022.ATM and credit card fraud also rose during the

first half of the year with 625 incidents reported, which is an increase from 241 cases
logged during the same period last year. Meanwhile, CICC Division chief Norman

Ancheta said the CICC Inter-Agency Response Center has received 3,609 complaints

on SIM registration and 904 cybercrime issues from January 1 to June 15 of this year.

"Despite the ongoing implementation of the SIM Registration Act, cybercrime, and cyber

security related concerns of the public are on the uptrend," he said. ( CNN Philippines



In June 2021, there were 98.41 thousand cyberattacks reported in the Philippines,
reflecting a significant decline from the same month of the previous year. The number of
cyberattacks in the country were exponential during the first quarter of the year,
reaching as much as around 1.76 million. (Philippines: Number of Cyberattacks 2021 |
Statista, 2021)
Why do Cybercrime happen?

The motivations behind cyberattacks can vary, but there are three main categories:

criminal, political, and personal.

Criminally motivated Attackers want to make money by stealing money, stealing data,

or disrupting businesses. Cybercriminals can directly take money from a bank account

by hacking into it, or they can con individuals into giving it to them by using social

engineering schemes. Data may be stolen by hackers and used for identity theft, sold

on the dark web, or held for ransom.

Personally motivated Attackers, like hostile current or past coworkers, usually want to

exact revenge for some perceived slight. They might steal money, compromise a

company's systems, or grab private information.

Politically motivated Attackers are frequently linked to cyberwarfare, cyberterrorism, or

"hacktivism," in which nation-state actors frequently target the key infrastructure or

government institutions of their adversaries. (Kaspersky, 2023)

What do cybercrime target?

Threat actors typically break into computer networks because they’re after something

specific. Common targets include:

 Money

 Businesses' financial data

 Client lists

 Customer data, including personally identifiable information (PII) or other

sensitive personal data

 Email addresses and login credentials

 Intellectual property, like trade secrets or product designs

In some cases, cyber attackers don’t want to steal anything at all. Rather, they merely

wish to disrupt information systems or IT infrastructure to damage a business,

government agency, or other target. (Kaspersky, 2023)

Law in cybercrime in the Philippines

The Philippine Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 (RA10175) focuses on the pre-

emption, prevention and prosecution of cybercrimes such as offenses against the

confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems, computer-related

offenses, and content-related offenses. The Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 could

sentence internet users to up to 12 years in prison for posting defamatory commentaries

on social media, such as Facebook and Twitter. Though online libel was not part of the

original bill proposed by the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Senate passed an

amendment to insert it and was primarily proposed by Senator Vicente Sotto III.

(Republic Act No. 10175 | GOVPH, 2012)

Republic Act 11934, or the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Card Registration Act, is

the government’s latest initiative to provide a safer space to Filipino mobile subscribers.

This law mandates Filipinos to register their SIM cards with their respective telco

providers within a specific time frame. Those who will not abide will risk having their SIM

cards deactivated.

The law was enacted on December 27, 2022, and requires mobile subscribers to

register by April 26, 2023. As of March, 43.67 million mobile subscribers out of 169

million had registered. And with the registration deadline nearing, the government and

the telco providers are keen on urging the public to register their SIM cards.

The SIM card registration law was one of the first measures enacted by the current

administration. It encourages responsible SIM card use while also providing law

enforcement agencies with tools to help them solve crimes involving SIM cards.

Additionally, it establishes penalties for fraudulent registration. The law also allows law

enforcement to access a user’s information during a criminal investigation involving a

mobile device. (, 2023)

Impact of the cybercrime

Cybercrime can have a significant impact on the lives of individuals who fall victim to it.

Here are some ways in which cybercrime can affect the lives of individuals:

 Financial loss: Cybercriminals often target individuals to steal their personal and

financial information. This can lead to unauthorized transactions and financial


 Identity theft: Cybercriminals can use stolen information to impersonate

individuals and carry out fraudulent activities, such as opening bank accounts,

applying for credit cards, and taking out loans in their name.

 Loss of privacy: Cybercriminals can hack into personal devices or online

accounts to gain access to sensitive information and personal data. This can lead

to a loss of privacy and can compromise an individual's personal and

professional reputation.

 Psychological impact: Cybercrime can have a significant psychological impact on

individuals. Victims may experience feelings of vulnerability, helplessness, and

violation of their privacy.

 Physical danger: In some cases, cybercrime can pose a physical threat to

individuals. For example, cyberstalking or harassment can lead to physical harm.

 Overall, cybercrime can have a significant impact on individuals' financial, social,

and psychological well-being. It is essential to take precautions to prevent

cybercrime and to seek assistance immediately if you fall victim to it.


 Increased use of technology: With increased use of technology, the number of

cyber criminals has also increased. New technologies have also allowed cyber

criminals to reach a large number of targets.

 Cost effective: Cybercrime can be very cost-effective compared to physical theft.

It can be carried out with minimal resources and can be done from anywhere in

the world.

 Increased connectivity: More people are connected to the internet than ever

before. This has increased the number of potential targets for cybercriminals.

 Lack of regulations: Cybercrime laws around the world are still evolving. This

provides a good environment for cybercriminals to operate.

 Lack of awareness: Many people are not aware of the dangers of cybercrime,

and this makes them more vulnerable to attacks.

 Increasing sophistication of cyber criminals: Cyber criminals are continuously

improving their skills and developing new techniques to carry out cybercrime.

 Availability of personal information: Personal information is more easily available

due to the increased digitization of information. This makes it easier for cyber

criminals to obtain personal information that can be used for fraudulent purposes.

 Lack of security measures: Many organizations and individuals do not have

adequate security measures in place. This makes it easier for cyber criminals to

carry out attacks.

Prevention in Cybercrime

There are some ways to prevent cyber-crimes are explained below:

 By Using Strong Passwords: Maintaining different password and username

combinations for each of the accounts and withstand the desire to write them

down. Weak passwords can be easily broken.

 Keep social media private: Be sure that your social networking profiles

(Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) are set to be private. Once be sure to

check your security settings. Be careful with the information that you post

online. Once if you put something on the Internet and it is there forever.

 Protect your storage data: Protect your data by using encryption for your

important diplomatic files such as related to financial and taxes.

 Protecting your identity online Be sure to make that websites are secure

when you are making online purchases, etc. This includes allowing your

privacy settings when you are using social networking sites.

 Keep changing passwords frequently: When it comes to password, don’t

stick to one password. You can change your password frequently so that it

may be difficult for the hackers to access the password and the stored data.

 Securing your Phones: Many people are not knowing that their mobile

devices are also unsafe for malicious software, such as computer viruses

and hackers.

 Protect your computer with security software: There are many types of

security software that are necessary for basic online security. Security

software includes firewall and antivirus software.


Cybercrime is a serious threat to individuals, businesses, and governments across the

world. With the increase in online activities and digitalization, the risks of cyber-attacks

are also increasing. Cybercriminals use various tactics like phishing, malware, and

ransomware to exploit vulnerabilities in systems and steal sensitive information. It is

essential to take appropriate measures like using strong passwords, updating software

regularly, and being cautious while sharing personal information online to prevent

cybercrime. Governments and law enforcement agencies also need to implement strict

laws and regulations to deter cybercrime and bring perpetrators to justice. Cybersecurity

awareness and education is crucial in combating cybercrime and promoting a safe and

secure online environment.


IBM. (2002,September 27) What is cyberattacks?

COUNCIL OF EUROPE . (2OOO) Philippines- Octopus Cybercrime Community


STATUS REGARDING BUDAPEST CONVENTION. Articles concerned: 24, 27, 35




Security Plan


RESEARCH GATE (2017 May) Content Security trough Transformation Problem




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