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1. Most ---- academic fields have their own journals 8. ---- the general view, all members of the species
and other outlets for publication. Homo Sapiens have more characteristics in
common than different.
A) dedicated B) compulsory
A) Besides B) Except for
C) established D) persistent
C) Contrary to D) On behalf of
E) dramatic
E) On account of

2. The Commonwealth of Nations is a new

organization of fifty-three independent member 9. The game of Marco Polo, like a lot of childhood
states, most of which were ---- parts of the British games, is ---- about finding a home ---- about
Empire. catching prey.

A) formerly B) deliberately A) both / and B) so / that

C) gradually D) willingly C) as / as D) jus as / so

E) totally E) such / that

10. Narrative poetry is a kind of poetry and is ---- the

3. Archaeologists are becoming increasingly aware oldest, and perhaps the oldest genre ---- poetry.
of the high costs and destructiveness of ----. A) in / along B) among / of
A) connection B) excavation C) upon / at D) into / over
C) moderation D) application E) by / from
E) overreaction
11. Our galaxy is filled with gas and dust that makes
4. A nuclear reaction is ---- as a process in which distant stars look fainter and ---- appear farther
two nuclear particles collide to produce products away than they really are.
different from the initial particles. A) when B) as
A) defined B) scrutinized C) though D) thus
C) processed D) determined E) if
E) withdrawn
12. ---- regarded as fiction or fantasy, the concept of
time travel has turned into a matter of scientific
5. Inflation rate is open to many changes ---- a debate.
number of factors, such as social, economic and
A) After B) Once
political occurrences in a given country.
C) If D) When
A) charging with B) abiding by
E) Unless
C) putting off D) depending on
E) taking up
13. ---- the 100 largest economies ---- the world, 60
are corporations while only 40 are countries.
6. The EU has ---- a standardized system of laws for
all member states to ensure the freedom of
A) Along / from B) With / among
movement of people, goods, services and capital.
A) coped with B) put out C) Of / across D) On / over
C) taken in D) called off
E) Above / throughout
E) figured out

7. We all have our strengths ---- weaknesses, and 14. Multinational companies ---- millions of job
the awareness of the two makes us successful in opportunities because they ---- to the growth of
developing nations.
A) rather than B) in spite of
A) can provide / contribute
C) due to D) except for
E) as well as B) must provide / had contributed
C) used to provide / will contribute
D) had to provide / have contributed
E) would provide / would contribute

15. As corporations ---- larger and multinational, their The goal of health programs in China has been to provide
influence and interests ---- further accordingly. care for every member of the population (19) ---- the
A) are becoming / were going founding of the People's Republic of China. Also, the
B) became / had gone country has aimed to make maximum use (20) ---- limited
healthcare personnel, equipment, and financial resources.
C) become / go
The emphasis has been on preventive (21) ---- curative
D) had become / will go
medicine on the premise that preventive medicine is
E) have become / went
"active", while curative medicine is "passive." Indeed, the
healthcare system has (22) ---- improved the people's
16. ---- vital government backings, multinational health in the country. As a result of preventive efforts,
companies cannot operate ---- such areas as epidemic diseases (23) ---- cholera, plague, typhoid, and
transportation and communication. scarlet fever have been eradicated.
A) With / off B) Without / in

C) To / over D) About / into 19.

E) Towards / by A) since B) during

C) as of D) before
E) prior to
17. Some choices ---- by corporations to make profits
---- people all over the world in both positive and
negative ways. 20.
A) making / would affect A) by B) with

B) to make / may affect C) at D) of

C) to be made / had to affect E) on

D) made / can affect

E) being made / should affect 21.

A) owing to B) with the exception of
C) rather than D) in response to
18. The essence ---- any global company lies ---- its
principle to make profits. E) regardless of

A) under / to B) with / at
C) of / in D) on / into 22.
E) below / off A) abruptly B) dramatically
C) artificially D) voluntarily
E) reluctantly

A) thanks to B) instead of
C) unlike D) despite
E) such as

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