Lesson Plan in Music

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Music 1

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a) Identify and Differentiate notes and rests.
b) Develop appreciation for the role of rhythm in music.
c) Perform simple rhythmic patterns using notes and rests.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Notes and Rests
Sources: MISOSA 4- module 6,7 MISOSA5- module 1
Manwal ng Guro Umawit at Gumuhit 4. Valdecantos , Emelita C. 1999. pp.7-9
Materials: Visual Aids, Chalk, Printed Assessment Sheets and Assignments.
Strategies: Cooperative learning, Demonstration.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom - Students will all stand up and pray
God’s love commits me here, ever this day be
at my side, to light and guard, to rule and AMEN
guide. Let’s all say AMEN.

2. Greetings
Goodmorning Grade 4 students! How are you - We are doing good teacher!
all today?

3. Checking of Attendance
Is everybody present at today’s class? - Yes, teacher
Alright, now we are good to go

4. Setting up of Class Standards

Before we start with our discussion class what - We must sit properly, teacher!
do we need to do if the class is ongoing?

What else? - Listen carefully teacher!

Yes, you're right about that, is there anything - If we want to answer, we must raise
else? our hands if we want to answer.

Okay, good job!

Can I expect that from all of you? - Yes, teacher!

5. Review of the lesson

Do you still remember our last lesson class? - It’s all about pitch teacher!

Well done! Your correct!

And what is pitch class? - It is the highness or lowness of a

Very good!

Are there any more questions about pitch - No, teacher!


B. Motivational Activities
Now teacher will show you 2 pictures, and - Yes, teacher, we can do it!
can you tell me if it produces music or noise?

What can you see in the picture? - It’s a crying baby teacher.

Well done! Does a baby produce music or - A noise teacher!

Very good!

What can you see in the picture class? - A xylophone teacher!

Very good! Does a xylophone produce a - A music teacher!

music noise?

Well done!

What can you see in the picture class? - A dog teacher!

Very good! Doe a dog produce music or - A noise teacher!


Now for the last example

4. - A keyboard teacher!
What can you see in the picture class?
- A music teacher!
Well done! Now does a keyboard produce
music or noise?
- Yes, teacher
You have all observed well in class, and this
activity has a connection with our lesson, are
you ready to learn today class?
C. Presentation of the Lesson
Alright our new lesson for today is About

A note is a building block for creating music,

and when we say building block it is the first
step when we make music.
- Note is the first step of building a
What is a note again class? music teacher!

Very good!

Here are the basic notes that we are going to

study and the first on the list is

(Will show the picture of the whole
note to the class)
A WHOLE NOTE has a time value of 2 half
notes or quarter notes, it looks like a ring with
no stem. It is the longest note that we use

- Students claps 4 times

This note has 4 beats, and we can recreate a
beat by clapping, now class what I want you
to do is give me 4 claps.
- 4 beats teacher!
Good job class! Now how many beats does a
whole note have?
- No, teacher
Do you have any more questions about the
whole note class?

Alright now moving on with our next note


This is the HALF NOTE it is a note that is

played for half the duration of a whole note. - 2 claps teacher!

Now if the WHOLE NOTE has 4 beats the

HALF NOTE has 2 beats and when we say 2
beats how many claps should we do? - Altogether claps for 2 times

Well done class! Now can we all clap 2

times? - A HALF NOTE teacher!

What is this note called again?

Great! Now the next note will be

This note is a QUARTER NOTE that
occupies the same amount of time as a whole - 1 clap teacher!

The QUARTER NOTE has 1 beat, how many - Claps 1 time altogether
claps do we need to do?

Good job! Now can we all clap for 1 time


What is this note called again class? (shows - A quarter note teacher!
the picture to the class)

Very good class! Now let’s move on with our

last note
And this is the EIGHT NOTE having the time value
of an eight of a whole note or half a quarter note,
represented by a large dot with a hooked stem

What is this note again class? - Eight note teacher!

Very good this note has ½ clap now can we do a
- Students all clap ½
½ clap class?

Alright class now before I give you our seatwork

- No, teacher
do you have any more questions?

D. Application
Answer the following questions and encircle the
correct answer.

1. What is a Note?
a. A note that has 2 beats
b. A note that has 3 beats
c. A building block for creating music

2. What is a quarter note?

a. A building block for creating a music
b. Four quarter notes that occupy the same
amount of time as one whole note.
c. A note that has 1 beat

3. How many beats does a quarter note

a. 5 beats
b. 11 beats
c. 1. beats

4. What is this note?

a. Quarter note
b. Whole note
c. Half note

5. What is this note?

a. Whole note
b. Quarter note
c. Eighth note - It is very important teacher because
we can’t music without them
E. Generalization

How important are notes in making class?

You're correct because they are the building

blocks in making music.

III. Assessment
In your assignment note book draw the following
1. Whole note
2. Quarter note
3. Eight note
4. Half note.

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