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1. A condition given by the President during his/her birthday

c. Executive Clemency

2. After granting the probation, the probationer must present himself to the probation officer

d.72 hours

3. An inmate may be granted parole if he…

c. Served minimum sentence

4. A minimum and maximum amount of time to be served in prison is referred to as _______.

c. an indeterminate sentence

5. A probationer is mandated to present himself to the Probation Office for supervision within-

d. 72 hours

6. A probationer who violates probation condition, once arrested shall be –

b. immediately brought to the trial court for hearing

7. A recipient of absolute pardon is __________ from civil liability

imposed upon him by the sentence.

d. not exempted

8. Executive clemency extended to convicted and persons who have not yet been tired by the
court is-

a. Amnesty

9. Father of probation in the United States

A. John Augustus

10. For a convicted offender, probation is a form of ________

c. Treatment

11. For amnesty to be granted, there should be __________.

d. Concurrence of the Congress

12. Forms of executive clemency, EXCEPT

b. Reform Model
13. It is an act of clemency which changes a heavier sentence to a less serious one or a longer
term to a shorter term.

b. Commutation

14. It is one which if granted wipes away the guilt of the grantee without any condition attaches
to it.

a. Absolute Pardon

15. Is an act of grace and a recipient is not entitled to it as a matter of right .

a. pardon

16. It is temporary stay of execution of sentence.

a. Reprieve

17. It is a statutory shortening of sentence because of good behavior

a. Commutation

18. it refers to the deferment of the implementation of the sentence to an interval time.

d. Reprieve

19.Name of prisoner qualified for probation

b. Probationer

20. Pardon cannot be extended to one of the following instances.

d. Impeachment

21. Pardon cannot be exercised in what of the following instances except.

b. After conviction

22. Pardon is exercised when the person is ___________

a. Already convicted

23. Parole is granted by the?

b. Board of pardon and parole

24. Parole is not matter of ____________

b. Right
25. Petition for request for pardon is processed by –

a. Board of pardons and Parole

26. Popularly known as the father of Philippine Probation

b. Teodulo Natividad

27. Presidential Decree 968 established the_______ System

b. Adult Probation

28. The Bureau of Corrections which is handed by the Director Corrections is under the

b. Department of Justice

29. The continuing relationship between probation officer and probationer is known as

b. Supervision

30. The court may grant probation only –

c. After conviction and sentence

31. What is the maximum supervision caseload of a Probation Aide to handle at any given time?

b. 10 Probationers

32. Which office evaluates the prisoner’s fitness and qualification for the grant of pardon and

d. Board of Pardon and Parole

33. Which of the following a probationer should not do?

c. Go and play in a gambling den

34. He was held as the 1st probation officer employed by a government

d. Edward N. Savage

35. Coined the word “probation” derived from the latin word “probare”

a. John Augustus

36. When to file the application for probation?

c. 15 days after conviction and sentence at any time before imprisonment start

37. At this point all civil and criminal liability on the part of the probationer shall be extinguished

c. Final Discharge of the probationer

38. The treatment process employed by the field officer focused on particular new --- of
probationer, paroles and pardonees.

a. Rehabilitation programs

39. Probation is a privilege granted to deserving and qualified petitioners, when does it become
a matter of right?

d. When his probation is approved

40. Under the rules, a parolee who violates provision of parole should be recommitted to prison
and serve the:

b. Remaining unexpired portion of his maximum sentence

41. Friendly competition of clients from the various offices of the sectors, together with the
officers, provide an enjoyable and healthful respite.

d. Sports and Physical Fitness

42. This could be done either by individual or group interaction with the officers of the Agency.

a. Individual and group counseling

43. The Therapeutic Community (TC) Program represents an effective, highly structured
environment with defined boundaries, both _________

a. moral and ethical

44. When residents first enter treatment, their connection is with the community of the street”

a. Make Connection with the community

45. Accomplishes and signs the Daily Escort Slip indicating there in the names of corresponding
security escorts and inmates, the cases of inmates and the courts concerned for the information
of the jail warden.

a. Chief Escort Unit

46. Informs the court of the names, cases and dates of detention of inmates who have not been
arraigned yet.

d. Records Units

47. Provides inmates with education and skills training programs, and work programs to
enhance their chances for employment upon________

d. release
48. Conduct thorough physical examination to assess the condition of the inmate and ask
searching questions to determine injury sustained after the conduct of medical examination or
those injuries not diagnosed prior to commitment in jail.

a. Medical Officers

49. Promotes the morale and welfare of S.T.A.R. team memebrs,

a. Team Leader

50. Shall be under the command and control of the jail warden, or in his absence ,the assistant
warden or the most senior JCO/ JNCO

a. Scope of Jurisdiction

51. All orders concerning troop movements will emanate from him. Irrespective of the hierarchy
of command, no authority shall take precedence or overrule his directives until his relief as
ground commander

a. Ground Commander

52. They shall be responsible in thoroughly searching and checking the quarters of inmates and
personnel for contraband and such other items that may pose hazard to the overall security of
the facility.

b. Contraband Search and Seizure Teams

53. He shall be responsible in the on-site recording of all contraband confiscated.

a. Contraband Recorder

54. They shall gather information before and during the conduct of operations to enable the
operating teams to accurately purge its targets. At this time, they shall maintain.

b. Intelligence Support Services Team

55. In crisis situations where negotiations are practicable it will be the role of the negotiations
team to establish meeting points to neutralize the situation.

A. Negotiations Team

56. Ensure tight security of perimeter fence to avoid inmates taking advantage of the situation

d. Lockdown

57. In giving a warning shot, extra prudence must be exercised to ensure that it will not cause
any inquiry to any person or damage to property.

b. Authorized situations
58. The prisoners van must be thoroughly checked (BELOW BAGETS) and inspected for the
presence of explosives.

a. Before Leaving for Court

59. Immediately alerts any personnel via handheid radio or sounds the alarm upon noticing any
unnatural event/s inside and outside of the facility.

a. Tower Guard

60. The main gate shall function as primary check point where anybody or material shall be
subjected to rigid inspection before he/she or it be allowed entry into the facility.

a. Main Gate JNCO

61. Coordinates with the records section chief and determines the number of names of inmates
scheduled for court hearing as well as their respective destinations as approved by the warden

a. Chief Escort

62. Under the function is to enhance and upgrade organizational ___________ on a regular

b. Capability

63. Mission is to enhance jail management by formulating policies and guidelines on humane
safekeeping of inmates and ensure their compliance in jail ____________

c. district, city and municipal jails

64. To ensure that the bureau complies with the principles relative to use of different
international instruments in the humane treatment of inmates

b. Objectives

65. In large cities or a group of clustered municipalities, a district jail headed by

b. district warden

66. The combined effective action of all personnel.

d. Teamwork

67. To enhance the safekeeping, rehabilitation and development of offenders in preparation for
their eventual_______ into the mainstream of society upon their release.

b. reintegration

68. multi- sectorial approach in the safekeeping and development of inmates can be
strengthened through ____________ with other members of the criminal justice system and
global advocates of corrections.
c. active partnership

69. The delivery, notwithstanding his/her or their appeal, of an inmate or inmates sentenced to
more than three (3) year imprisonment, from any BJMP manned jail to any of the Bureau of
Corrections (BuCor) prisons or penal farms or the delivery of an inmate/s from BJMP- manned
jail to another jail facility.

a. Transfer

70. An inmate who have a type of mental disorder characterized by a preference for or
obsession with unusual sexual practices, as pedophilia , sadomasochism, or exhibitionism or
inmates whose sexual practices are socially prohibited.

d. Sexual Deviates

71. An office, which has administrative and operational control over its provincial Jail
administrator’s offices, district, city and municipal jails.

d. Regional Office

72. The temporary custody of a person for his/her own protection from the community he or she
comes from, and for the community he or she comes from

b. Safekeeping

73. The official duty of designated to head the BJMP Regional Office, to oversee the
implementation of jail services within his/her jurisdiction covering provincial jail adminisrator’s
offices, district, city and municipal jails, and to ensure the enforcement of laws and regulations
related to the functions his or her office as mandated of him or her.

c. Regional Director

74. A facility or a place of confinement for inmates who are sentenced with imprisonment from
six (6) months and (1) one to three (3) years of imprisonment.

d. Provincial Jail

75. Who is convicted by final judgment

c. Prisoner

76. An inmate bearing a developing embryo, fetus, or unborn offspring within her body.

d. Pregnant Inmates

77. A person who is accused of violating or transgressing laws and ordinances passed by
competent authorities in the Philippines.

b. Offender
78. Any untoward or uncommon actions, events, or conditions such as jail break, riot, noise,
barrage, stabbing or assault upon personnel that occurs in jail and perpetrated by any person,
which may or may not have followed or depends another action of grave or serious
consequences such as escape, injury, fire, flood, earthquake , or other calamity which affects
the jail.

a. Jail Incident

79. A device, contrivance, tool or instrument used to hold back, keep in, check or control

c. Instrument of Restraint

80. Inmate who are not necessarily charged with heinous crimes but are prominent figures in
society or public figures whose cases have drawn public interest.

a. High Profile Inmates in BJMP Jails

81. Mrs. Broses, a person deprived of liberty in the Correctional Institute for women has shown
good conduct, How many days for each month of good behavior during the first two years of
imprisonment shall be deducted?

a. 20

82. Raul Manuel is a detention prisoner, who does not agree to be abide by the same
disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted prisoners. How much shall be credited in the service
of his sentence consisting of derivation of his liberty vis-à-vis preventive Imprisonment?

c. Four-fifths

83. Jhon a person deprived of liberty in the New Bilibid Prison has shown good conduct. How
many days for each month of good behavior during the third to the fifth year of imprisonment
shall be deducted?

b. 23

84. This was established on January 16, 1973, during the martial law with the aim of recognizing
prisons in the country.

a. Leyte regional Prison

85. The society is protected from further depredation of criminals if they are all imprisoned
immediately after committing a crime. This justification of penalty is known

d. Protection
86. it is considered as the front liner in the Criminal Justice System.

c. Law Enforcement

87. it is considered as the corner stone of rehabilitation

b. Education

88. What is the Guiding Principles of the Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners?

b. United Nations Standard

89. He or she reviews the completeness of the following documents before the person bringing
an inmate/ the committing officer is allowed to enter the facility.

a. Gater

90. The inmate shall stay at the ICCU for a minimum period of

a. thirty (30) days

91. Maximum security measures shall be observed at all times in proving escort to non- bailable
inmates following the ration of security

a. 1:1+1

92. Inmates count should be conducted at least

a. 4 times a day

93. How many minutes can a prisoner use the telephone?

d. 5 minutes

94. The minimum number of times for counting inmates within 24 hours or in daily basis is

c. 5 times

95. The privilege to view the remains of a dead relative is within _______ by road from the place
of confinement

c. 30 kilometer

96. Upon arrival of the new inmate, this is being conducted t osearch for contrabands.

c. Operation Shakedown

97. Diversification means :

d. Proper classification
98. Utilizes as method in searching the prisoner for possession of contrabands, inside the prison
cells and compound

c. Greyhound operations

99. The chairman of the classification board in prison is the:

c. Superintendent

100. The chairman of the classification board in jail is the:

d. Assistant Warden

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