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Nama: Ananda Panca Samudra

Kelas: XI.7B
Summatif Test Narrative Text
1. Text 1
The Silver Fish
One day a poor fisherman caught a silver fish. ‘’Please let me go “.Said the fish
and I’ll give you three wishes !
The fishermsn didn’t want to eat a talking fish, so He let it go. When the fisherman
reached home, he told his wife what happened,” why didn’t you wish for anything ?
go and ask it to change our but into a cottage ! “ She shouted,
So the fisherman went to the sea-shore and called the fish,and the fisherman said
what his wife wish to the fish for a few days , fisherman’s wife was happy in the
cottage, the she said that she didn’t want to live in cottage. She wanted to live in a
castle .
Again she got her wish, after a few days she got tired of living in a castle. She
wanted to be a Queen of the country, but it wasn’t enough for her. She wanted to be
Queen of the whole world.
The fisherman tried to tell her that they had no more wishes, but she wouldn’t
listen.” Your wife is very greedy ! she will get what she deserves ! said thr fish ,
when the fisherman went home , He found the palace changed back into his old hut.
1. What Type of the text is used by the writer?
A. Narrative
B. Report
C. Description
D. Recount
E. Explanation
2. The objective of the text is
A. To describe a particular unique silver fish
B. To criticize the whole text
C. To persuade the reader that is the nice fish
D. To entertain the readers that is funny fable story
E. To retell the events which happened in the past
3. What is the organization of the text in paragraph 3 ?
A. Reorientation
B. Complication
C. Event
D. Evaluation
E. Solution
4. What is the moral value of this story ?
A. Don’t underestimate each other
B. Don’t be lazy
C. Don’t be greedy
D. Don be angry
E. Don’t be stingy
Text 2.
Once upon a time , there was a poor widow who had an only son named Jack . They
were so poor and they didn’t have anythinh except a cow. When had grown too old, his
mother sent Jack to the market to sell it .
On the way to the market , Jack met a butcher who had some beautiful beans in his
hand. The butchrtold the boy that the beans of great value and persuaded the silly lad to sell
the cow with the beans . Jack brought them happily. Whenhe told his mother about this, his
motherbecome so angry that she threw the beans out of the window. When Jack woke up in
the morning . he felt the shinning into a part his room,but all the rest was quite dark and
So he jumped to the window, What did he see ? The beanstalk grew up quite close part
Jack’s window. He opened the window and jumped to he baeanstalk which ran up like a big
ladder. He climbed… and climbed till at last he reach the sky . While looking around , He
saw a very huge castle. He was very amazed. Then Jack walk a long the path leading the
castle . There was a big tall woman on the droorstep. Jack greeted her and asked for the
giantess ‘ mercy to give him breakfast , because he felt very hungry. Although the giantess
grumbled at first , she gave Jack a hunk of bread and cheese and a jug of milk .
5. Where did Jack sell his cow ?
A. At the market
B. At the castle
C. On the way to the market
D. At the giant’s market
E. At the butcher’s haouse
6. What is the story about ?
A. Jack and the giantess
B. Jack and the butcher
C. Jack and the beanstalk
D. The widow an his son
E. The giantess and her husband .
7. Jack’s mother looked very furious when Jack told that……
A. The beans were precious
B. The butcher bought his cow
C. He had sold his cow to the butcher
D. He traded his cow for the bean
E. He met the butcher on the way to the market
8. The word, the giantess grumbled at first , ‘ grumble have same meaning to……
A. Complaint
B. Asking
C. Giving idea
D. Complicated
E. Giving solution
The Shepherd;s boy
There was once a young Sherphered boy who tented his sheep at the foot of a
mountain near a dark forest. It was rather lonely for him all day , so he thought upon
a plan by which he could get a little company and some excitement .He rushed
down towards the village calling out “Wolf, Wolf”, and the villagers came out to
meet him , and some of them stopped with him for a considerable time. This pleased
the boy so much to his help. But shortly after this a wolf actually did come out from
the forest, and began to worry the sheep, and the boy of course cried out ‘ wolf,
wolf ,still louder than before.But this time the villagers , who had been fooled twice
before, thought the boy was again deceiving them, and nobody stirred to come to his
help .So the wolf made a good meal of the boy’s flock , and when the boy
complained , the wise man of the village said ,’ A liar will not be believed ,even when
he speaks the truth.’’
9. Where does the statement show us “ complication “
A. There was once a young Sherphered boy who tended his sheep at the foot of
a mountain
B. He rushed down towards the village calling aout the ‘ wolf ‘ and the
villagers came out to meet him
C. The wolf made agood meal of the boy’s flock , and the boy complained to
the villagers of the mountain
D. Nq body stirred to come to his help , the wise of the village man , can hande
the problem and help her
E. The boy was again deceiving them , and no baody stirred the boy to help in the
village of the mountain .
10. The word ‘pleased’ in line 5, It refes to……
A. Greateful
B. disappoint
C. Dislike
D. Happiness
E. Gradeful

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