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Subjective cues: Readiness for General Independent Independent After 8 hours of nursing
enhanced Objectives: Nursing Nursing intervention,
“Kung unsa tong
nutrition as Intervention: Intervention:
ginahatag nila “Goal Met”
evidenced by
mao pud to iyang expresses To facilitate the The patient was able to do
ginakaon kay mao desire to maintenance of 1. Review client’s the following:
man pud ang gi- ● Provides
enhance nutrition for all knowledge of
order ni doc sa nutrition body cells. current baseline for
iyaha. Isa ka hiwa nutritional further
● Demonstrated
na buo na isda, isa needs and ways teaching and
interventions. behaviors to attain or
ka-cup na serving Inference: Specific client is meeting
maintain appropriate
sa rice ug isa ka Objectives: these needs.
saging. Usahay Within 8 hours
pud naa gulay, of nursing
pakbet ana. Okay 2. Assess eating
intervention, the
patterns food
raman pud daw patient will be
and fluid ● To help
mabusog naman able to:
choices in
daw sya”, as identify
relation to any
verbalized by the specific
health risk
significant other. a. Demonstrat strengths
factors and
e behaviors and
health goals.
to attain or weaknesses
maintain that can be
appropriate addressed.
3. Assess how
client perceives
food, food
preparation and
“Undangan ko na the act of
● To determine
ning sigeg kaon Patient was eating.
able to modify client’s
ug kanang mga
his diet by feeling and
taba kay para ‘di
following the emotions
na magsigeg taas regarding
ni akong BP. 4. Determine food and
order of low
Tinud-on ko na motivation and self-image.
salt, low fat
jud ni karon kay di diet expectation for
ko gusto change.
magbalik-balik sa
● To have
hospital.”, as
verbalized by 5. Assess client’s basis of
ability to safely developing a
store and plan.
prepare foods.
Objective cues:
- Consumes Dependent
meals given by Nursing
the hospital. Intervention: ● To determine
6. Administer if health
medication as information
Vital Signs:
prescribed by or resources
BP: 150/80 mmHg the physician. might be
(hypertensive) needed.
PR: 89 bpm
7. Consult with, or ● This is to
RR: 20 cpm
refer to dietitian help treat or
or physician as
T: 37 degree indicated. prevent
Celsius illnesses that
(normotensive) may occur.
O2 Sat: 98%

● To determine
Health Teaching
that needs
are being
met when a
● Discuss medically
nutritional prescribed
dietary plan program is to
be followed.

● To decrease
boredom and
in efforts to
make healthy
about eating
and food.
● This is to
in making

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