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1. Juliet teaches the torches to……………………

a) Look beautiful b) look colorful c) burn bright d) look sharp
2. Juliet’s beauty surpasses the brightness of __________in the poem Romeo and Juliet
a. torches b. sun c. snow d. moon
3. Juliet seems to hang upon the __________ of night in the poem Romeo and Juliet
a. snow b. cheek c. cold d. wings
4. __________________is compared to a rich jewel in Romeo and Juliet.
a) Romeo b) Ethiope c) Dove d) Juliet
5. Juliet is a rich jewel in ………………………..
a) Rosaline’s ear b) Romeo’s ear c) dove’s ear d) an Ethiope’s ear
6. ………………………… is compared to a snowy dove.
a) Juliet b) Romeo c) Ethiope d) Rosaline
7. The phrase “snowy dove” refers to__________ in Romeo and Juliet.
a. Juliet b. Romeo c. white dove d. a white pigeon
8. “Crows” are referred to _________ in the poem Romeo and Juliet.
a. other men b. Rosaline’s friends c. Juliet’s fellows d. ravens
9. …………… is too rich for use, for earth too dear.
a) dove b) jewel c) torch d) beauty
10. The beauty of ________ is too dear for the earth as mentioned in Romeo and Juliet
a. Romeo b. Juliet c. Rosaline d. Juliet’s companions
11. In Romeo and Juliet, the phrase “when the measure done” means when __________________
a. the dance is over b. the measurement is over
c. the party is over d. when the musical performance is over
12. Romeo wanted to touch the hand of __________________ after the dance.
a. Rosaline b. Juliet c. Juliet’s fellows d. Juliet’s friend
13. Romeo wants to touch Juliet‟s hands to make his hands …………….
a) beautiful b) blessed c) rude d) ugly
14. Romeo wanted to touch Juliet’s hand after the dance because he_____
a. wanted his smooth hands to be blessed b. wanted his rough hands to be blessed
c. wanted to touch Juliet’s feet d. wanted to be praised by Juliet

15. Romeo says that he had not seen true beauty till that________________
a. day b. night c. noon d. evening
16. Romeo looks like ………… in night.
a) day b) jewel c) dove d) torch
17. Juliet expects Romeo to come during __________in the poem Romeo and Juliet
a. day b. night c. evening d. noon
18. According to Juliet, ________ will come on the wings of night in the poem Romeo and Juliet.
a. friend of Romeo b. Romeo c. bird d. stars
19. According to Juliet, Romeo comes to her _____________________.
a. on a snowy dove b. on raven’s back c. lying on the wing of night. d. on the dance floor
20.. The phrase “New snow” suggests__________ in the poem Romeo and Juliet
a. description of Romeo’s charm b. Romeo’s love for Juliet
c. love as pure as snowy dove d. love as precious as gold
21. __________________is compared to a new snow on a raven’s back in Romeo and Juliet.
a. Romeo b. Juliet c. Rosaline d. The sun
22. Romeo is …………… than new snow.
a) Brighter b) darker c) greater d) whiter
23. Juliet wants Romeo to become ____ after her death.
a. sun b. little stars c. moon d. face of heaven
24. The world would be in love with night when Romeo was cut into pieces of _________
a. little stars b. moonlight c. moon d. sun
25. ………………. Will make the face of heaven so fine.
a) Julie b) Romeo c) Capulets d) Montagues
26. He will make the face of heaven so fine and all the world will be in love with…………
a) snow b) dove c) night d) day
27. According to Juliet, Romeo, when turned into stars, makes the whole world fall in love with night and
pay no worship to the________
a. sun b. moon c. stars d. day
28. The phrase “face of heaven” refers to_____________ in the poem Romeo and Juliet.
a. sky b. heaven c. earth d. mountain
29. ________ will make the face of heaven so fine in Romeo and Juliet
a. Juliet b. the moon c. ravens d. Romeo as little stars

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