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Table of Contents



1.1 Background............................................................................................................................3

1.2 Problem statement.................................................................................................................4

1.3 Objectives..............................................................................................................................4

1.3.1 General Objectives..........................................................................................................4

1.3.2 Specific Objectives.........................................................................................................5

1.6 Significance of the study.......................................................................................................5


Literature Review............................................................................................................................6


MATERIALS AND METHODS....................................................................................................8

3.1 Material..................................................................................................................................8

3.2 Engineering Materials for Components.................................................................................8

3.3 Steps for Selection of Materials for Components..................................................................9

3.4 Design the main component of screw jack..........................................................................10

3.4.1 Design of screw............................................................................................................10

3.4.2 Nut................................................................................................................................13


3.4.3 Design of cup................................................................................................................15

3.4.4 Design of the handle.....................................................................................................16

3.4.5 Design body..................................................................................................................19


Result and Desiccation..................................................................................................................21


Conclusion and Reference.............................................................................................................23

5.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................23

5.1.1 Recommendation..........................................................................................................23

5.2 REFERENCES....................................................................................................................24




Screw jack is also called power jack in other terms. A screw jack is an example of a power screw
and referred to as a mechanical device that can increase the magnitude of an effort force. Screw
jacks are used for raising and lowering plat forms and they provide a high mechanical advantage
in order to move moderately heavy and large weights with lowering of loads.

1.1 Background

Engineers play a key role in the development of our society, contributing towards building
the economy and inspiring changes that improve on the quality of life. They possess the
ability to comprehend technological processes and creative thinking skills which can help in
the solving of the present problems in both business and the industrial world .Due to global
and technological changes in the world today there is a need for research and development


activities to help counter this, and this can be in terms of complete or slight changes from
the existing technology and all this work requires an engineer.

In an effort to improve the quality of life a power screw was invented, which is also called a
translational screw that converts rotary motion into translation motion. Power screws have
many applications such as in vices, fastening machines, screw jack and many others. The
screw jack is one of the power screws in which a small force is required to be applied to
raise or lower a large load (Bhandari, 2010). A lifting jack was first designed by Leonardo
da Vinci in the late 1400s who demonstrated the use of a screw jack for lifting loads using a
threaded worm gear that was supported in bearings and rotated by turning the worm shaft to
drive a lifting screw to move the load.

In the early 1880s Frank Henry Sleeper designed a lifting jack which was also based on the
principle of ball bearings for supporting a load and transforming rotary motion into
translation motion. This design patent was bought by Arthur Osmore Norton leading to the
first Norton jacks, which were produced in Boston.

In 1883 a Mississippi river boat captain named Josiah Barrett came up with an idea of the
ratchet jack which was based on the familiar lever and fulcrum principle. Duff
manufacturing company took up that chance and started the production of Barrett jacks.
More recent screw jack designs have concentrated on improved efficiency and durability
(Collection, 2015).

1.2 Problem statement

Nowadays in this country, most of the cars were equipped with the many different jack. We
found that many of those car jacks were very difficult to be used especially by women because
they needed more strength and energy to operate. Thus, we want to develop a product based from
the problem faced by the users who drive a car regarding to this issue. To overcome this
problem, a research has been conducted to find the solution on how to design a car jack for the
car using the simplest and cheapest way while it is energy saving. Although there were many


ways to solve this problem, were commend that the design this car jack system is the practical
way when we considered all the factors and consequences especially about the analysis to
develop this product. During the research, we have found that most of the car user has difficulties
in maintaining their vehicles breakdown especially cars in the scope of changing tires. The
normal car jack we have in the market is operated using bare hands and it is time consuming. It
also requires much energy from the person to rotate the jack. Hence, this report had been
prepared to recommend the design of the car jack that is user friendly and easier to operate as do
not required too much money to develop this product.

1.3 Objectives
1.3.1 General Objectives

The general objective of our project is to design screw jack type of car jack that has
maximum load carrying capacity 5.8 Ton or 56898 N, 120 mm minimum lifting height and
220 mm maximum lifting height.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

The specific objective of our project is to design parts of screw jack numerically like;

 Design of power screw

 Design of driving handle
 Design of body/frame
 Design of cup
 Design of nut

Specify design considerations such as factor of safety, material selection criteria, and etc.

To come up with a design procedure for the design of a screw jack.

To determine the efficiency of the power screw


1.6 Significance of the study

 Increases timeliness and efficiency in maintenance operations.
 Raise the moderate heavy weights againstgravity.
 Handling, control of a wide range of speed and forces is easy.
 Repairing and replacement of parts is easy.
 Uses very small handle force that can be applied manually.


Literature Review
A. S. Akinwonmi and A. Mohammed [8] presented their work on modification of the existing
motor screw jack by incorporating an electric motor in the screw in order to make load lifting
easier. In this modified design, the power screw is rotated through its connecting gear with the
pinion gear when electrical power flows through the cigarette lighter receptacle connected to the
motor, plugged to the automobile 12 V battery source to generate power for the prime mover

(Motor), which transmits its rotating speed to the pinion gear meshing with the bigger gear
connected to the Power screw to be rotated with required speed reduction and increased torque to
drive the power screw. They concluded that the modified design will save time, faster and easier
to operate and requires less human energy. [1]


Alexander et al, 1978, Smith, 1981, Nelkon, 1985) [4]. A lifting device is a system that allows
small force (effort) to overcome a large force or load there are practically hundreds of uses for
lift tables in manufacturing, warehousing and distribution facilities. The Addition of this device
(lift table) makes job faster, safer and easier. Some typical Applications include; machine
feeding and off-loading, product assembly, inspection quality control repair, feeding and
offloading convey or levels. The commonest method for operating a scissors lift is the use of a
power screw

We can see that from the above literature review that we can make our design easier by using
electric motor to rotate the power screw in order to make lifting easier, less labor energy and
make it easier to operate. scissor jack is failed due to wear of teeth on both links at lower end,
Due to excessive use and high impact on screw starts getting wear and head of jack starts
bending due to the fatigue load acting continuously again & again over the head. [2]

Chetan S.Dhamak et al [7] presented their research on designing and optimization of

mechanical scissor jack at the same time maintaining its strength and service life. After they
study failure modes made a mathematical model analytically and by using ANSYS software.
They concluded that scissor jack is failed due to wear of teeth on both links at lower end, Due
to excessive use and high impact on screw starts getting wear and head of jack starts bending
due to the fatigue load acting continuously again & again over the head. [3]

C.S. Dhamak et al [9] researched on design, optimize and standardize the current toggle jack to
make the task easier and reliable and to avoid field failure. They mainly focused on designing
and standardization of scissor jack model of automobile L.M.V. sector and trying for weight
reduction of scissor jack with good strength. They conclude that for safe design of screw and nut
a bearing pressure need to be considered and if we take combination of different material for
each pair of screw and nut so we can find best suitable material for design at maximum load. [4]

Shashikant A. Pekhale and Prof. S. V. Karanjkar [10] works on modification and analysis of
the current mechanical scissor jack by incorporating an electric DC motor in the screw in order


to make load lifting easier for lifting motor vehicles with using power of car batter (12
Volts).they conclude that The existing jack was modified by making small alteration and making
use of an electric motor to drive power screw, connecting gear with the pinion mounted on the
motor shaft and then it will save time, be faster and easier to operate and requires less human
energy and additional work to operate. [5]



3.1 Material

Material selection is an important process in design processes. Selecting materials is a process

that is design-led in that the material selection process uses the design requirements as the input
so as to come up with materials that have the desired properties for the part to be designed to
function well. The general consideration in designing this machine is producing a machine that


can be easily assembled and disassembled, a machine in which loads will be lifted effectively
with minimum power.

3.2 Engineering Materials for Components

The common engineering materials used in making machine components include;

 Cast iron
 Steel (all types of steel)
 Copper and its alloys
 Aluminum and its alloys
 Plastics

Therefore, the right materials for the design of the screw jack parts should be selected. Selection
requires one to consider the following factors which give the best material fit for the design job:
A. Specific strength and mass. It is preferable to select a material of high yield stress with
ability to carry external load without failure and low density in order to realize a screw shaft of
high strength and low mass. Therefore, the material selection process should aim to maximize
the quantity termed as the specific strength.

B. Resistance to abrasive wear. Most of engineering materials in contact with one another are
subjected to surface wear due to relative motion. It is therefore desirable to select a material from
the candidate materials with low wear rate or capacity to resist abrasive wear at the thread

C. Resistance to buckling. Heavy loads may cause the screw to buckle once the critical load is
exceeded. It is preferable to select a material with high resistance to buckling of the screw, that
is, excellent elasticity and deflection behavior in response to application of an external load.

D. Availability, Cost and Affordability. It is also preferable to choose a material with the
highest affordability rating. Relative cost of the materials is used in finding or calculating the


affordable rates. Therefore, the availability of the material and the cost of processing the material
into the finished product need to be taken into account and considered as supporting information
when making the final choice of the material.

E. Heat transmission properties. As we know there always a relative motion between screw
and nut, which cause a friction that generates heat which can cause change in the mechanical
properties of the material.

F. Other relevant properties include; resistance to corrosion, electrical and mechanical

properties, heat transmission properties etc.

3.3 Steps for Selection of Materials for Components

Selection of materials in engineering design involves the following steps:

 Translation of design requirements into specifications for a material.

 Screening out those materials that do not meet the specifications in order to leave only
the viable candidates.
 Ranking of the surviving materials to identify those that have the greatest potential.
 Using supporting information to finally arrive at the choice of material to be used.

The first three steps involve mathematical analysis, use of various charts and graphs of specific
property such as specific strength, wear resistance, buckling resistance and affordability. The
materials are compared, ranked as per the indices of merit and available supporting information
is used to reach the final decision. In this project, information from case studies on previous
designs of similar products is used in material selection for the screw jack components/parts.
However, other factors such as availability of the candidate materials, purchase price of the
candidate materials, manufacturing processes and properties, forms and sizes in which the
materials are available are also considered

10 | P a g e

3.4 Design the main component of screw jack

3.4.1 Design of screw

Screw size :- screws is nothing but a member having Helical groove around periphery of
solid bar. It can be around 22 to 100mm diameter for square power screws & 24 to 100mm for
trapezoidal power screws.

Thread profile : - The screw or power screw thread is always a square type because it
has more efficiency than trapezoidal threads and there is no radial thrust on screw i.e. no
Bursting Pressure, so motion is uniform.

Square threads:-usually turned on lathes using single point cutting tool. It leads us to use free
cutting steel. Are weak in roots. Wear of thread surface lead us to use “Unalloyed free cutting

We select for screw design a mild steel screw for which the tensile and shear strengths may be
taken to be approximately 448MPa and 240 MPa respectively. Mild steel being a ductile material
we may take the compressive yield strength to be also close to 448MPa.
Taking a high factor of safety of 4, due to the nature of the application and considering the axial
compression the core diameter of the screw (dc)

Design for core diameter

Factor of safety for the assembly is taken 4 due to the nature of the design. Actually the factor of
safety is taken 1.5 to 2 in static loading of ductile material. A higher factor of safety is
considered due to the consequences of the failure.

σ c = Compressive stress =448/4=112 Mpa allow shear stress = 240/4¿ 60 Mpa

𝑊 = σ c× Ac

11 | P a g e


𝜎𝑐= Pure compression stress = 112Mpa

π 2
𝐴𝑐= Cross sectional area of the screw shaft =
( dc )

𝑑𝑐= Core diameter


π 2
W=σ c× ( d c )

π 2
( d c ) ×112N/mm 2

d c =25.4mm

The next available diameter is 28 mm. For d c = 28mm, according to the Table 17.2 (Normal
series) we have

d o =34 mm

Pitch( p ) = 6mm

d c + d o 28+34
dm = = = 31mm
2 2

The torque required to rotate the screw:

p 6
tan α = = = 0.0616 α =3.5 °
π d m π × 31

The coefficient of friction between the steel and bronze is 0.12 due to lubricant 0.18

12 | P a g e

𝜇=tan∅=0.12 so that ∅ =tan−1 0.12=6.84 °

T 1=p×
=W tan(𝜶 + ∅) m = W[
tanα + tan ∅ d m
1−tanαtan ∅ 2
] = 56898 [
1−( 0.0616 ×0.12 ) 2

Find the shear stress due to lifting torque

16 T 1 16 × 161349.2 2
τ= 3
= 3
=37.4 N /mm
πd c π ( 28 )

The design is safe because τ < τ allow =37.4 <56

Compressive stress due to axial load

W W 56898 2
σ c= = = =92.4 N /mm
Ac π 2 π 2
( d ) 4 ( 28 )
4 c

The design is safe becauseσ c < σ allow =¿ 92.4N/mm² < 100N/mm

Find the principal stresses as follows:

Maximum principal stress (tensile or compressive),
1 1
σ c(max) =
( √
σ c + ( σ c ) +4 τ )= ( 92.4 + √ (92.4 ) + 4 (37.4) )
2 2
2 2

¿ 105.6 N /mm
The design is safe because σ c(max) <σ allow =¿105.6N/mm²<112N/mm²

The given value of σ c is equal to ( )

σ cy
, i. e
=112 N /mm2

And maximum shear stress,

1 2 1
τ max=
(√σ c ) + 4 τ = √( 92.4 ) +4 ( 37.4 ) =59.4 N /mm
2 2 2

13 | P a g e

240 2
The given value of τ is equal to =60 N /mm
Since these maximum stresses are within limits, therefore design of screw for spindle is safe.

3.4.2 Nut
• As we know there always a relative motion between screw and nut, which cause a friction. The
friction causes wear if some material is used for screw & nut it will wears both components. So
one out of two has to be softer than other so as to ease of replacement. The size & shape of
screw is costlier than nut, so generally we use softer material for nut than screw.

Phosphor bronze which is a Cu-Zn alloy with small percentage of Pb and the yield stresses may
be taken as
Yield stress in tension δ ty = 190MPa
Yield stress in compression σcy = 150MPa

Yield stress in shear τy = 105MPa

Safe bearing pressure Pb = 10MPa.

• Advantages of phosphor bronze are,

 Good corrosion resistance.

 Low coefficient of friction
 Higher tensile strength than copper brass.

Let n = Number of threads in contact with the screwed spindle,

h = Height of nut = n × p, and where p = Pitch of threads

t = Thickness of screw = p / 2 = 6 / 2 = 3 mm

Assume that the load is distributed uniformly over the cross-sectional area of nut.

14 | P a g e

We know that the bearing pressure ( Pb ) ¿17.5 from table 17.7

P b=
n= =11.128 ≈ 15 mm

The design dimensions of I.S.O. screw threads for screws, bolts and nuts of coarse and fine
Series are shown in Table 11.1 and Table 17.7. Limiting values of bearing pressures.
And height of nut, h = n × p = 15×6 = 90 mm
Now, let us check the stresses induced in the screw and nut.
We know that shear stress in the screw,
Now, let us check the stresses induced in the screw and nut.
Shear stress in the screw given as follows,
W 56898 2
τ (screw )= = =14.4 N /mm
πn . d c .t π ×15 × 28× 3

And shear stress in the nut,

W 56898 2
τ (nut)= = =11.8 N /mm
πn . d o . t π ×15 ×34 × 3

Since these stresses are within permissible limit, therefore design for nut is safe.
Find inner diameter (D1), outer diameter (D2) and thickness (t1) of the nut collar.
The inner diameter (D1) is found by considering the tearing strength of the nut.
Let D1 = Outer diameter of nut,
D2 = Outside diameter for nut collar, and
t1 = Thickness of nut collar.
First of all considering the tearing strength of nut, we have

15 | P a g e

[ π
2 2 190
( D1 ) −( d o ) ] σ t = [ ( D1 ) −( 34 ) ]
2 2

⇋ D 1=

+1156=51.8 mm D1=51.8 ≈ 55 mm

σ ty (nut)
… [σ c = ]
F .S
The outer diameter (D2) is found by considerk2ing the crushing strength of the nut collar. We
Know that

[ 2 π
2 2 150
( D2 ) −( D1 ) ] σ c = [ ( D2 ) −( 55 ) ]

4 √
⇋ D 1=
+2500=70.4 mm

σ cy (nut)
D2=70.4 ≈75 mm … [σ c = ]
F. S
The thickness (t1) of the nut collar is found by considering the shearing strength of the nut collar.
W =π D1 ×t 1 × τ=π ×55 ×t 1 × ⇋ 45355.67 t 1 =56898
τ y (nut )
t 1=12.54 ≈ 13 mm … [σ c = ]
F .S

3.4.3 Design of cup

Shape of cup is again complex and so economical to manufacture by casting process, hence
material will be cast iron with grade FG200.

The outer diameter of cup bottom/ screw head

D3 = 1.75d o to 2d

D3=1.75×d o = 1.75×34mm

D3 =59.5says 60mm

Diameter of pin which fits the cup ( D4 )

D 3 60
D4 = = =15 mm
4 4

16 | P a g e

The head is provided with two holes at the right angles to receive the handle for rotating the
screw. The seat for the cup is made equal to the diameter of head, i.e. 60 mm and it is given
chamfer at the top. The cup prevents the load from rotating. The cup is fitted to the head with a
pin of diameter D4 = 15 mm. The pin remains loose fit in the cup. Other dimensions for the cup
may be taken as follows:
Height of cup = 60 mm
Thickness of cup = 10 mm
Diameter at the top of cup = 120 mm
Thickness of cup at bottom = 20 mm
Diameter at the bottom of cup = 80 mm

3.4.4 Design of the handle

Handle is subjected to bending moments. So plain carbon steel with 0.3%carbon i.e. 30C8 can be
selected. Yield strength in tension is 400MPa τ =240 MPa and E=207GPa.Use of the lever gives
the operator much greater lifting force than that available to a person. Who tried to lift with only
the strength of his or her own body. Types of levers are first, second and third order.
The friction torque between screw head and cup can be calculated as
T 2 = × μ1 W ¿
T 2=¿ 143382.96 N . mm ... (Assuming uniform wear conditions(μ1=μ))
Now the total torque to which the handle will be subjected is given by
T total = T1 + T2

T1 = torque required to rotate the screw; T 1=161.3 N . m

T2 = torque required to overcome friction at the top of the screw;T 2=143.4 N . m

T total = T1 + T2¿ 161.3+143.4=304.7 N . m

T total= LF

Assume 300N can be conveniently applied by a single person. Therefore length of handle

17 | P a g e

T total 304.7 N . m
Length of handle( L )= = =1.02 m
F 300 N
Note: If the length of handle is too large, an alternative is to place the handle centrally and apply
the force. A little consideration will show that an excessive force applied at the end of lever will
cause Bending. Considering bending effect, the maximum bending moment on the handle,
M = Force applied × Length of lever
M=F×L¿ 300 N +1.02=306 N.m
The material of the handle is plain carbon steel, therefore taking bending stress
σ y 400
σ b= = =100 MPa
FS 4
Diameter D of tommy bar is found by considering maximum bending moment .We know that the
bending moment (M),
π 3 π 3 6 3
M= σ b × D = ×100 × D =306=9.82× 10 × D
32 32

D 3=
9.82 ×10 6
=D= 3
√ 306
9.82 ×10 6
=0.0315 m=31.5 mm

The height of the handle (H) is taken as (2D)

H=2×31.5mm = 63 mm

Now let us check the screw for buckling load.

Buckling is studied when the load is compressive and the unsupported length between the
screw and the nut is long. When it is short, then it is assumed a column and buckling issue
doesn’t rise. If the critical load is more than the load we have then our design is safe and
there is no chance of buckling.

L= lift of screw + 0.5 height of nut

L= 220 + ( 0.5 × 90 )=220+ 45=265 mm

18 | P a g e

When the screw reaches the maximum lift, it can be regarded as a strut whose lower end is fixed
and the load end is free. We know that critical load

[ σy
( )]
W cr= A c σ y 1− 2
4C π E k

Where σ y = Yield stress,

C = End fixity coefficient. The screw is considered to be a strut with lower end fixed and
load end free. For one end fixed and the other end free, C = 0.25
k = Radius of gyration = 0.25 dc= 0.25×28=7

[ ( ) ]=177189.2 N
π 400 265
W cr= (28)2 400 1− 2 3
4 4 × 0.25× π × 207 ×10 7

Since the critical load is more than the load at which the screw is designed (i.e. 56898 N),
therefore there is no chance of the screw to buckle.
The buckling load as obtained by the above expression must be higher than the load at which the
screw is designed.

3.4.5 Design body

Most of the times body is conical in shape and hollow internally to accommodate a nut & screw
assembly. The hollow conical shape insures a safe & complete resting of a jack on ground. If it is
provided with legs like structure , it quite possible that in case of uneven distribution load may
fail down because all legs will not touch ground.

We need to select a cast iron as material for body. We select a FG200 as material for frame such
as it contains carbon precipitates as “graphite flakes” as graphite is soft in nature it improves its
ability to resist a compressive load. FG200 = Graphite flakes Gray cast iron with ultimate tensile
strength of 200N/mm2 FG200 microstructure

Fix the dimensions for the body of the screw jack. The various dimensions of the body may be
fixed as follows:
Diameter of the body at the top, D5=1.5 D2=1.5 ( 75 )=112.5mm

19 | P a g e

Thickness of the body, t 3=0.25 d o =0.25 ×34=8.5 mm

Inside diameter at the bottom, D6=2.25 D2 =2.25× 75=168.75 mm

Outer diameter at the bottom, D7=1.75 D6 =1.75× 168.75=295.3 mm

Thickness of base, t 2=2 t 1=2 ×13=26 mm

Height of the body = Max. Lift + Height of nut + 100 mm extra
Height of the body = 220 + 90 + 100 = 410 mm
Find efficiency of the screw jack.
Let us now find out the efficiency of the screw jack. We know that the torque required to rotate
the screw with no friction,
dm 31
T o=W tan ( α ) × =56898 ×0.0616 × =54326.2 N . mm
2 2

To 54326.2
Efficiency of the screw jack, η= ×100 %= 3
×100 %=17.829 %
T total 304.7 ×10

20 | P a g e


Result and Desiccation

In the previous chapter parts of screw jack designed numerically. The first part is screw it is
design based on the stress relation to find the core diameter of the screw. The core diameter is
found 28 mm and other relation is taken from the textbook of machine design by R.S KHURMI
AND J.K. GUPTA tables like outer diameter of the screw, pitch and other property. Finally the
design failure is checked by using according to maximum principal stress theory and it is safe.
After screw Nut is designed and number of thread, height, thickness, outer diameter of nut and
outer diameter for nut collar, is calculated and the value is 15 mm, 90 mm, 13 mm, 55 mm and
75 mm respectively. Other part designed is cup most part is designed by relation taken from
textbook of machine design by R.S KHURMI AND J.K. GUPTA. Those parts are the following
the outer diameter of the cup bottom, diameter of pin, height of cup, thickness of cup, diameter at
the top of cup, thickness of cup at bottom and diameter at the bottom of cup is calculated and the
value is 60 mm, 15 mm, 60 mm, 10 mm, 120 mm, 20 mm and 80 mm respectively. After cup
Handling is designed the mean purpose is design of the length and diameter of the handling so by
bending moment and torque relation length and diameter of the handling is calculated. The value
of length and diameter is 1020 mm and 31.5 mm, finally body of screw jack is designed and
many of the parts are designed by recommended relations. The parts are diameter of the body at
the top, thickness of the body, inside diameter at the bottom, outer diameter at the bottom,
thickens of base and height of the body and the values are 112.5 mm, 8.5 mm, 168.75 mm, 295.3
mm, 26 mm and 410 mmm respectively.

Screw Core diameter 28 mm

Outer diameter 34 mm

Nut Thickness 13 mm

Outer diameter 55 mm

Height 90 mm

21 | P a g e

Cup The outer diameter of bottom 60 mm

diameter of pin 15 mm

height of cup 60 mm

thickness of cup 10 mm

diameter at the top of cup 120 mm

thickness of cup at bottom 20 mm

diameter at the bottom of cup 80 mm

Handling length 1020 mm

Diameter 31.5 mm

Body diameter of the body at the top 112.5 mm

thickness of the body 8.5 mm

inside diameter at the bottom 168.75 mm

outer diameter at the bottom 295.3 mm

thickness of base 26 mm

height of the body 410 mm

Efficiency of screw jack 17.892%

22 | P a g e


Conclusion and Reference

5.1 Conclusion

A screw and a nut form a pair in which one moves relative to other and combination can transmit
force from one point to other. This is the cause of transmission of power. The screw translates by
rotating through stationary nut; the nut translates on the length of a screw rotating between two
fixed supports.

For designing the screw, the compressive stress caused by axial compression is used for
determining the core diameter, which is the diameter of cylinder on which thread is present as
projection. The design of a screw jack is more of a selection procedure, selection of its
components to be more precise rather designing. Material for the designing of the screw jack is
merely selected, but the selection is very critical, a slight change in selection will lead to a
different jack all together from what is aimed to be designed. The components so that leaves the
designer free from designing the components. In general car jack are different types but all of
them have many wide applications Therefore it’s important to know how designing of the car
jack is proceed safely.

5.1.1 Recommendation

From the case study, we concentrated on design of a simple mechanical screw jack where the nut
is fixed in a cast iron body and remains stationary while the spindle is being rotated by the lever.
This design can only work for light loads hence when a screw jack is needed for heavy load
application a different design is required where the nut is rotated as the spindles moves. therefore
recommend design of a screw jack for the heavy loads.

23 | P a g e


 . Ashby, M. F., 2005. Material Selection in Mechanical Design. 3rd. New York:
Pergamon Press.
 Bhandari, V. B., 2010. Design of Machine Elements. Third Edition. New Delhi: Tata
McGraw-Hill Education.
 Fasteners, C. o., 2005. Technical Reference Guide. Ninth Edition ed. Winona, Minnesota:
Fastenal Industrial & Construction Supplies.
 Gupta, R. K. &. J., 2005. Theory of Machines. Revised Edition ed. Punjab, India: S.
Chand and Company.
 J.J. Fereira, M. B. M. G., 2004. Review of the risks associated with pushing and pulling
heavy loads first. Shefield: Health and safety Laboratory.
 Kempster, M. H. A., 1984. Engineering Design III. London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd.

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Table 17.2 Basic dimensions for square threads in mm (Normal series) according to IS: 4694 –
1968 (Reaffirmed 1996)

Table 17.7 Limiting values of bearing pressures.

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