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Integrated Marketing Communications

Group Project (Report and Presentation) Guidelines

1. Select a B2C brand which has potential for future growth. Probable product categories are listed below,
you can choose from the list or can select a category beyond the list.

▪ Wearable Tech and Smartwatches ▪ Smart Home and IoT Devices

▪ Sustainable Fashion and Clothing ▪ Hybrid/Remote Work Solutions
▪ Green Tech ▪ eSports
▪ Online Learning and EdTech ▪ Gaming Accessories
▪ Subscription Boxes and Services ▪ Cloud Kitchens
▪ Renewable Energy Solutions ▪ Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality
▪ Food – Innovative, Sustainable, Healthy (AR) Devices

2. The groups are expected to give the name of the brand/ organization they have selected before EOD
6th November 2023. This company has hired your group as an advertising agency.
3. After deciding the brand/organization:
i. Track the evolution of marketing communication of the brand and what it stands for. Based on
secondary data, define the market trends, target market of the chosen brand in terms of
consumers’ segmentation profiles, consumer personas and current & prospective competitors.
ii. What is the brand’s marketing and communication objective? According to your agency, what
should be the marketing objective for the next year?
iii. For the identified marketing objective, your agency will prepare a marketing communications
strategy and campaign with justification.
a. Creative Strategy and Concept – Include USP, positioning statement/thought and
overall theme of the campaign.
b. Creatives – Create advertisements/communications across media channels such as
print advertisement, online banners, social media posts, video commercials etc. Each
component should align with the campaign's creative concept.
c. Media – Suggest a media plan for the campaign to reach the target audience in an
integrated fashion. It should include digital medium along with traditional mediums
like television, newspapers, magazines, radio, and OOH. Please remember that it is
an indicative list, and the group need not choose all mediums but must choose a
minimum of two mediums.

d. Budget – Your agency will prepare a budget for the campaign, including estimated
costs of production and media for the campaign.
4. Your agency needs to present the pitch for the campaign. The pitch will be for maximum 10 minutes
and will be evaluated by the class. This is an opportunity to showcase the agency’s creativity and the
impact of the ideas. You have the liberty to select any presentation method you find suitable for the
pitch. This could be storytelling, interactive presentations, role plays and more. While creativity is
encouraged, maintain professionalism and decency in your presentation.
5. While the presentation will have higher weightage of evaluation, the groups need to submit a Word
document. Each group will mail the soft copy of the report to [email protected] before EOD 6th
December 2023. Also, the groups need to share a two to three-page handout about the
brand/organization and the campaign with the class (10 handouts total) on the day of the presentation
i.e. 8th December 2023.
6. Individual marks of a group member may change based on their presentation, group peer marks, and
faculty evaluation.
Note: The reports will be checked for plagiarism hence, each group must ensure that the report is their
original work.

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