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Dragon’s Breath Script

You find yourself in a forest with familiar company, save for one adventurer, who
tagged along a few minutes prior in hopes of finding food. You all decide to set up
camp after a long day of mundane adventuring. As an alternate means of introduction,
everyone roll initiative and as your turn begins, tell me how you are aiding in setting up.
After a good amount of time, you adventurers are finally settled and are ready to have
supper. When all of a sudden, a strange sigil appears on the ground. Before any of you
are able to react, a blinding light flashes and you are transported to this mysterious
realm (NEXT MAP). The whole surroundings of this world seem rather odd. It’s as
though the details of the world you once knew have devolved into simple square like
components. Suddenly, (PP: 12 or Higher to NOT BE SURPRISED) these two undead
enemies appear before you. They do not like your alien presence and they charge
towards you. Everyone roll initiative.

As the last skull warrior falls to the groups, you see that he is vibrating profusely. The
eye socket emanates a bright yellow hue and as this minor wonder occurs, the world
around you begins to fade into the void. Before any one of you are able to avoid this,
you are all engulfed in a deep darkness. That is until… (NEXT MAP)…you wake up in
gleaming treasure trove. It is well lit with shining crystal torches on the upper fascade
some 10 feet above you. The ceiling and the walls are endowed with aged stone
infused with pieces of precious gems which none of you could properly identify as they
glimmer like twinkling stars in the night sky. The mountain of treasure towering before
you is filled to the brim with a vast array of golden artifacts ranging from armor,
weapons, trinkets, and jewelry. The air is rather cold and dense as you surmise that
this treasure trove is located deep within a cave that bears no exit or entrance as far as
your vision takes you. It is possible that the room may be infused with magic to trick
you into believing its humongous architecture Don’t you think? What do you do?

The ground suddenly shifts as faint tremors abound. You hear faint clinks of gold coins
that grow louder until its sound fully consumes the room. Golden trinkets start falling
down as the tremors grow greater until you are greeted by a magnificent creature
endowed with golden scales emerge from the golden treasure trove (Show TOKEN)
…. It bears long flexiblek spines on its back and spreads its large gargantuan bat like
wings. It exalts a series of words in a language unknown to all of you and chills
consume you all (Audio CUE). At the sound of this magnificent growl, all the wounds
you have incured from battle are suddenly healed. You also notice a small crystal
structure form inside your pockets that contains healing liquid. From this minor miracle
you are all inspired. You see that this creature, though threatening and stupendous in
appearance, bears no hostility towards you as it lingers forward bearing a great aura of
wisdom and humility. In fact, this creature might be of old age considering the gray
whiskers on its face somewhat like an old sensei filled to the brim with. The great beast
speaks in common:

“Ahh I see that you adventurers have survived my trial. Very few individuals of this age
have been able to show the fortitude and competence to succeed a dragon’s test. You
have all fought bravely in the face of great danger and for that I congratulate you.
Allow me to introduce myself, I am Ragvala, the coinmaker and the last great scholar of
the unknowing realms. I come to you in great need. Will you heed an old dragon’s

“You see I have lost a precious trinket very dear to my heart. It is an unbreakable
magical lute called the dragon’s sorrow that has been recently found deep in the
quivering forest by a man named “Vagabond victor”. This news struck me as a surprise
as the last time this lute was even made mention was 800 years ago during a time of
great heroes and adventurers. It seems with your presence here today that that time is
seeing a new renaissance. I find solace in knowing that the fate of Faerun is in good
hands thanks to competent adventurers such as yourselves.”

“Now, I can take you to the quivering forest but my gargantuan stature disables me
from venturing further into the forest with you. There are two ways which we could
navigate to this forest. One, we can pass through one of the many portals in my cave
which should lead us through another dimension serving as our intermediary to the
quivering forest. I can not guarantee that this path will be safe but it should be
interesting nonetheless. I can also transport you through the skys of Faerun, a path
very well traveled by majestic flying creatures. What say you adventurers?

After you all decide on a path, you all board ragvala and are ready to embark. He
suddenly jumps with the force of a thousand trebuchets and takes flight at incredible
speeds not known to beings of this age. At first all of you are taken aback with fear as
great gusty winds slashe through your face and as the winds howl profusely. You are all
taken in awe by the majestic sight that beholds you. (NEXT MAP)


You find yourselves in the airscape of an unknown land. A gentle breezes calms your
soul as you feel no immediate danger before you. It is nearing the hour of sunset as
you gaze upon a vast plain before you and a small town at a great distance. You
surmise that perhaps you have been teleported to a far edge of faerun or perhaps
another world sharing similar characteristics. There are no trees and no townsfolk
within sight however which is peculiar. A vast stretch of calming green embraces yoour
vision and the grassblades dance with the wind.

“Mmmm yes. I believe we are on the right track. I may be unfamiliar with this realm,
but I sense great portal magic here”
As you take in the sights, you hear see that Ragvala’s attention is diverted. And he
lowers his altitude.


“There is something afoot. I believe we must investigate further.”

Ragvala descends and you see this set up before you.

You see a griffon stand before you in full guard and a dead man with ashen hair in
front of it. It seems that the griffon acted in self defense as you don’t see any signs of
the man being eaten by the griffon. From what you surmise, it seems that the griffon is
at full guard and is ready to pounce if required. It utters another blood curdling scream
as its eyes are fixated at your party. (CUE AUDIO GRIFFON) What do you do?

1 Ragvala is impressed by the way you have handled the situation and since you have
tamed it quite well. He imparts the following knowledge to you concerning the animal
handling of griffins:

1.) Griffins usually hunt in small groups, the mere fact that it strayed away from its
pack is very unusual.

2.) They have a keen interest in horse meat

3.) They can be trained as mounts given proper patience

2 Ragvala further investigates the corpse of the griffon. Judging from his investigation,
the griffin was infected with a gut bacteria that made it so aggresive that it strayed
from its pack. Perhaps ending its life was the right thing to do

Suddenly, a light tremor is felt throughout the land. Ragvala signals everyone to ride his
back once again as a portal manifests itself in the sky. You all ride out of the realm.

You find yourselves in the airscape of Faerun. A gentle breezes calms your soul as you
feel no immediate danger before you. It is midday as you are soaring 20,000 feet in the
air. As far as your eyes can see, you catch a good overview of the entirety of faerun.
You are in awe of the presence before you for a minute until you are greeted by an
annoying presence

“howdie HoE! Howide Hoe Hoe Lets Play a game Zippideezooopedee zoo”

The pixies wave their magic wand and cast a spell. Everyone make me a Wisdom
saving throw. DC 12

For those who failed the saving throw, you feel as though your skins is turning slippery
and slimy. You also notice your fingers retracting into your palms and a gray coloration
taking over. You are all turned into……
---pixie action: Throw them off the dragon---
“The first one to touch your falling friend/s wins! If you win, you gain a friend. If you
don’t well.. you lose a friend Ahuheauheuhau. Good luck! ”

Athletics. DC 8 to save them

As you successfully play along, the pixies giggle with happiness. They are absolutely
thrilled at your stressful misery. They wave their wands again and your polymorphed
companions are returned back to normal. As a rewards, they cast another spell on you
which invigorates your soul and fills you with determination. You all gain the benefit of
one bardic inspiration.

“Thanks for playing with us adventurers! When your dragon friend here drops you off,
just go straight ahead and you should find what you’re looking for hihihihih zipeedee
And with that the pixies fly away.

Ragvala continues to fly through the sky and he drops you off at the a certain clearing
in the forest

“This is as far as I can go. These woods are thick with many dangers so stay cautious.
--------------------------Forest Encounter 1------------------------------------------
Do not stray from the path and walk straight ahead. I sense the dragon’s sorrow is
close. If anyone of you would need extra assistance in combat, fire these arrows at the
enemy so I’ll know where to strike.”

He hands the party two arrows encrusted with dragon scales and a glowing red hue.
Ragvala further emphasizes that these arrows should only be used in the event of life
threatening danger. After he says this, he takes off and patrols the sky. You
adventurers then follow the path until you are greeted with this creature.

The surrounding greenery is serene and calm. What stands before you is a creature of
great age and stupendous majesty. It is a full grown male elk with golden antlers
shimmering in the sunlight. It notices your presence but does not run away in fear. It
stands its ground bearing no hostility but exuding a clear sense of authority.

Out of the blue, a sickle comes flying through the air and decapitates the elk’s head
clean off. The sheer force of the blow made the head roll on the ground for a few feet
until it finally stops. You see these people emerge.
*Show token*

“All right bOyS. We did ey good hunting run. Toime to get these golden antlers and get
stinking filthy rich. Oy you people over there. Step aside, this is our priceee”

Unfazed by your threats they start to charge right at you. Everyone roll initiative.

You then proceed further into the forest

--------------------------Forest Encounter 2------------------------------------------

As you venture deep within the forest, you encounter a large oak tree with numerous
branches and rustling leaves. You surmise that this gargantuan plant is at least a
hundred years old based from its girth and stature. At the core center is a crescent
shaped engravement that pops out of the main body. While you are admiring this
magnificent sight, you also take note of a man in his early twenties with a fair
complexion and a baby smooth face. He is playing tunes on his lute and scribbling
words on a brown leather journal

“MmmM yes I do like these lyrics. hoHoooo this will be such a hit in the clubs. OoOoOh
you touch my tralalaaaa mmmmmmm my ding dingg…. Uhhh.. what is a nice… AH yes

What do you do?

The man notices your party and jumps with joy as he hurries towards you with his
journal in hand!

“Oh GAWSH ADVENTURERS! What a pleasure it is to meet you all my name is

Vagabond Victor! Man I’ve heard soo many stories about your lot but I never seen a
party of adventurers in person! Wow this really is amazing. You see I’ve been trying to
write songs about the tales and trials of adventurers since I’ve heard those are the
kinds of songs people really dig these days. In fact, I’m planning to perform in Madam
Freona’s Tea Kettle and debut some of my new songs there. Ooh! Perhaps you could
spend some time to give me some tidbits about your adventures and if any one of you’s
is a musician maybe you could impart some tips and tricks on how to make really good

“Oh if you’re looking for the magic lute it’s deep inside that crescent shaped tree thing
over there AHHAHA. You see, many tales and songs have been sung about the lute
deep within this tree. The lute’s name is called the dragon’s sorrow and it used to
belong to a great hero of the olden age. Would you like to know about the tale behind
the lute?”

He gestures you to sit down as he tells the tale of the dragon’s sorrow

As he finishes his tale, suddenly, a great mist envelopes the forest and a small boy
appears by the tree with tearing dripping down his face. He squels to the adventurers.

“eeeex cuse me how u seen my mommy? I’m lost ☹”

With this the boy’s tears begin to grow louder until the voice of the child distorts and
deepens in pitch. His body starts to transform into a humanoid of muscular stature. On
his temples emerge long and sharp horns and a red coloration takes over his body. His
teeth start to contort and lengethen. He stares at the party menacingly. Everyone roll

Athletics check: DC 18
You successfully pry the lute from the tree and you notice dwarven text written at the
back. It reads:
I will only sing songs about you, my friend, my idol, my adventuring brother. Until the day you die, I dedicate all my
songs to you.” – Rokstasha

The magic that emmanates from the lute attracts Ragvala to your position. He inspects
the area and you see his eyes start to well up a little as he sees the lute. He tells the
party that this particular spot was where he had his first adventure and that it is very
dear to his heart. All of you board Ragvala’s back to finally reach the last leg of your
Soaring through the air, your party seems to be headed towards a high castle built on
top of a cloud.The day is nearly ending and the sun exalts an deep orange hue. Ragvala
then asks you what you found at the forest. How do you respond?

The environment starts to grow tense and dim. Something is afoot. From a distance
you spot a giant eagle speeding towards the party. One could have easily mistaken this
sight for a flaming comet hurdling forward as the eagle bears the colors of fire and
brimstone. The gargantuan creature strikes Ragvala right in the chest with its sharp
talons. Ragvala wails in pain but remains steadfast and maintains his composure.
The blow dealth 114 slashing damage.

“And from the east a flying star will smite the last great worm of the age of heroes.
Hence forth shall the end of all things come. May this prophecy not hold true for by the
Gods I will not let this be the end of me!”

Ragvala lets out a great roar and charges head first towards the eagle. Everyone roll
Badly wounded from the battle, Ragvala barely manages to make it to the castle in the
sky. Everyone in the castle keep is in a frantic rush to heal the dragon but to no avail.
Heading the entirety of the operation is a humanoid that blatantly resembles a Genie.
Make me a History check.

With that check you are convinced that the genie before you is Raktasha, one of the
members of the five leaf clover, a great and famous band of adventurers who brought
peace to the land. He speaks the the party

“Thank you adventurers for bringing my lute back. I swore I thought I would never see
my trusted instrument. Your friend here has been a very dear companion of mine for
soo long despite some disagreements. But now, all is forgiven. Unfortunately, there is
nothing of the arcane arts that can heal his injury. We have done everything we’ve
could but as the old knowledge has always said: when a dragon receives a fatal blow, it
is near impossible to cure it. Would you like to have a moment with Ragvala? I suggest
it’s time to say your goodbyes.

Rokstasha moves down close to Ragvala, green flame envelopes his right hand as it
erupts from his five-leaf clover tattoo. With his voice breaking, he says, “You are
forgiven my friend.”

The dragon can barely keep his eyes open as it lies on the ground, blood slowly
escaping him and crawling outward on the floor.
“Thank you.” With a final whisper, the dragon stops resisting. He closes his eyes, takes
his last breath, and his mouth forms a smile. It is clear that Ragvala has lived a fulfilling
life as his soul rejoins the universe with open arms. The green flame around his right
talon slowly vanishes, revealing the black mark of a five-leaf clover. The life of the
dragon has faded. Ragvala is no more. Now rests the last of the great dragon heroes.

Rokstasha kneels for a moment and utters a prayer. With tears running down his eyes
he tells the adventurers that their reward is in a storage room down the hall. Once you
reach the storage room you find these rewards:

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