Experiment 1

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MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory):

MATLAB is a software package for high-performance language for

technical computing. It integrates computation, visualization, and
Programing in an easy-to-use environment where problems and solutions
are expressed in familiar mathematical notation. Typical uses include the

➢ Math and computation

➢ Algorithm development
➢ Data acquisition
➢ Modeling, simulation, and prototyping
➢ Data analysis, exploration, and visualization
➢ Scientific and engineering graphics
➢ Application development, including graphical user
interface building
At its core ,MATLAB is essentially a set (a ―toolbox‖) of routines (called
―m files‖ or ―mex files‖) that sit on your computer and a window that
allows you to create new variables with names (e.g. voltage and time) and
process those variables with any of those routines (e.g. plot voltage
against time, find the largest voltage, etc).

It also allows you to put a list of your processing requests together

in a file and save that combined list with a name so that you can run all of
those commands in the same order at some later time. Furthermore, it
allows you to run such lists of commands such that you pass in data and/or
get data back out (i.e. the list of commands is like a function in most
programming languages). Once you save a function, it becomes part of
your toolbox (i.e. it now looks to you as if it were part of the basic toolbox
that you started with). For those with computer programming
backgrounds: Note that MATLAB runs as an interpretive language (like
the old BASIC). That is, it does not need to be compiled. It simply reads
through each line of the function, executes it, and then goes on to the next
line. (In practice, a form of compilation occurs when you first run a
function, so that it can run faster the next time you run it.)

The name MATLAB stands for matrix laboratory. MATLAB was

originally written to provide easy access to matrix software developed by
the LINPACK and EISPACK projects. Today, MATLAB engines
incorporate the LAPACK and BLAS libraries, embedding the state of the
art in software for matrix computation. MATLAB has evolved over a
period of years with input from many users. In university environments,
it is the standard instructional tool for introductory and advanced courses
in mathematics, engineering, and science. In industry, MATLAB is the
tool of choice for high-productivity research, development, and analysis.

MATLAB features a family of add-on application-specific solutions

called toolboxes. Very important to most users of MATLAB, toolboxes
allow learning and applying specialized technology. Toolboxes are
comprehensive collections of MATLAB functions (M-files) that extend
the MATLAB environment to solve particular classes of problems. Areas
in which toolboxes are available include Image processing, signal
processing, control systems, neural networks, fuzzy logic, wavelets,
simulation, and many others.

The main features of MATLAB

1. Advance algorithm for high performance numerical computation,

especially in the Field matrix algebra
2. A large collection of predefined mathematical functions and the ability
to define one’s own functions.
3. Two-and three dimensional graphics for plotting and displaying data
4. A complete online help system
5. Powerful, matrix or vector oriented high level programming language
for individual applications.
6. Toolboxes available for solving advanced problems in several
application areas

MATLAB Windows: MATLAB works through three basic windows

1. Command Window : This is the main window .It is

characterized by MATLAB command prompt >> when you
launch the application PROGRAM MATLAB puts you in this
window all commands including those for user-written
PROGRAMs ,are typed in this window at the MATLAB prompt
2. Graphics window: the OUTPUT of all graphics commands
typed in the command window are flushed to the graphics or
figure window, a separate gray window with white background
color the user can create as many windows as the system memory
will allow .
3. Edit window: This is where you write, edit, create and save
your own PROGRAMs in files called M files.

Write OUTPUT files. Input-OUTPUT: MATLAB supports interactive

computation taking the input from the screen and flushing, the OUTPUT
to the screen. In addition it can read input files and
Data Type: the fundamental data–type in MATLAB is the array. It
encompasses several distinct data objects- integers, real numbers,
matrices, character strings, structures and cells. There is no need to
declare variables as real or complex, MATLAB automatically sets the
variable to be real.

Dimensioning: Dimensioning is automatic in MATLAB. No dimension

statements are required for vectors or arrays .we can find the dimensions
of an existing matrix or a vector with the size and length commands.

· The functional unit of data in any MATLAB PROGRAM is the

array. An array is a collection of data values organized into rows
and columns, and known by a single name.
· MATLAB variable is a region of memory containing an array,
which is known by a user specified name. MATLAB variable
names must begin with a letter, followed by any combination of
letters, numbers, and the underscore (_) character. Only the first
31 characters are significant; if more than 31 are used, the
remaining characters will be ignored. If two variables are
declared with names that only differ in the 32nd character,
MATLAB will treat them as same variable.
· Spaces cannot be used in MATLAB variable names, underscore
letters can be substituted to create meaningful names.
· It is important to include a data dictionary in the header of any
PROGRAM that you write. A data dictionary lists the definition
of each variable used in a PROGRAM. The definition should
include both a description of the contents of the item and the
units in which it is measured.
· MATLAB language is case-sensitive. It is customary to
use lower-case letters for ordinary variable names.
· The most common types of MATLAB variables are double and
· MATLAB is weakly typed language. Variables are not declared
in a PROGRAM before it is used.
· MATLAB variables are created automatically when they are
initialized. There are three

Common ways to initialize variables in MATLAB:

➢ Assign data to the variable in an assignment system.
➢ Input data into the variable from the keyboard.
➢ Read data from a file.

· The semicolon at the end of each assignment statement

suppresses the automatic echoing of values that normally occurs
whenever an expression is evaluated in an assignment statement.

How to invoke MATLAB?

➢ Double Click on the MATLAB icon on the desktop.
➢ You will find a Command window where in which you can
type the commands and see the OUTPUT. For example if you
type PWD in the command window, it will print current
working directory.
➢ If you want to create a directory type mkdir mydir in the
command window, it will create a directory called pes.
➢ If you want delete a directory type rmdir mydir in the
command window.
➢ How to open a file in MATLAB?
➢ Go to File _ New_ M-File and click
➢ Then type the PROGRAM in the file and save the file with
an extension of .m. While giving filename we should make
sure that given file name should not be a command. It is
better to give the filename as myconvolution .
➢ How to run a MATLAB file?
➢ Go to Debug->run and click

Where to work in MATLAB?

All PROGRAMs and commands can be entered either in the a)
Command window b) As an M file using MATLAB editor
Note: Save all M files in the folder 'work' in the current directory.
Otherwise you have to locate the file during compiling. Typing quit
in the command prompt >> quit, will close MATLAB
Development Environment. For any clarification regarding plot
etc, which are built in functions type help topic
I.e. help plot
Basic Instructions in MATLAB:

10. stem (t,x) :- This instruction will display a figure window as


11. Subplot: This function divides the figure window into rows
and columns. Subplot (2 2 1) divides the figure window into
2 rows and 2 columns 1 represent number of the

Subplot (3 1 2) divides the figure window into 3 rows and 1 column 2

represent the figure number
12. Conv Syntax: w = conv(u,v) Description: w = conv(u,v)
convolves vectors u and v. Algebraically, convolution is the
same operation as multiplying the polynomials whose
coefficients are the elements of u and v.

13. Disp Syntax: disp(X) Description: disp(X) displays an array,

without printing the array name. If X contains a text string,
the string is displayed. Another way to display an array on the
screen is to type its name, but this prints a leading "X=,"
which is not always desirable.
Note: disp does not display empty arrays.

14. xlabel Syntax: xlabel('string')

Description: xlabel('string') labels the x-axis of the current

15. ylabel Syntax : ylabel('string')

Description: ylabel('string') labels the y-axis of the current

16. Title Syntax : title('string') Description: title('string')

OUTPUTs the string at the top and in the center of the current

17. grid on Syntax : grid on Description: grid on adds major grid

lines to the current axes.
18. FFT Discrete Fourier transform. FFT(X) is the discrete
Fourier transform (DFT) of vector X. For matrices, the FFT
operation is applied to each column. For N-D arrays, the FFT
operation operates on the first non-singleton dimension.
FFT(X,N) is the N-point FFT, padded with zeros if X has less
than N points and truncated if it has more.

19. ABS Absolute value. ABS(X) is the absolute value of the

elements of X. When X is complex, ABS(X) is the complex
modulus (magnitude) of the elements of X.

20. ANGLE Phase angle. ANGLE (H) returns the phase angles,
in radians, of a matrix with complex elements.

21. INTERP Resample data at a higher rate using lowpass

interpolation. Y = INTERP(X,L) resamples the sequence in
vector X at L times the original sample rate. The resulting
resampled vector Y is L times longer, LENGTH(Y) =

22. DECIMATE Resample data at a lower rate after low pass

Y = DECIMATE(X, M) resample the sequence in vector X at
1/M times the original sample rate. The resulting resample vector Y is M
times shorter, i.e., LENGTH(Y) = CEIL (LENGTH(X)/M). By default,
DECIMATE filters the data with an 8th order Chebyshev Type I low
pass filter with cutoff frequency .8*(Fs/2)/R, before resampling.

MATLAB treats all variables as matrices. For our purposes a matrix

can be thought of as an array, in fact, that is how it is stored.
• Vectors are special forms of matrices and contain
only one row OR one column.
• Scalars are matrices with only one row AND one
column.A matrix with only one row AND one column is a
scalar. A scalar can be reated in MATLAB as follows: ≫
a_value=23 a_value =23
• A matrix with only one row is called a row vector.
A row vector can be created in MATLAB as follows : ≫
rowvec = [12 , 14 , 63] rowvec = 12 14 63
• A matrix with only one column is called a column
vector. A column vector can be created in MATLAB as
≫ colvec =
[13 ; 45 ; -2]
colvec =
• A matrix can be created in MATLAB as follows:
≫ matrix = [1 , 2 , 3 ; 4 , 5 ,6 ; 7 , 8 , 9]
matrix =
Extracting a Sub-Matrix
A portion of a matrix can be extracted and stored in a smaller matrix
by specifying the names of both matrices and the rows and columns
to extract. The syntax is:
sub_matrix = matrix ( r1 : r2 , c1 : c2 ) ;
Where r1 and r2 specify the beginning and ending rows and c1 and c2
specify the beginning and ending columns to be extracted to make the
new matrix.
• A column vector can
beextracted from a matrix.
• As an example we create a
matrix below: ≫ matrix=[1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9]
matrix = 1 2 3
Here we extract column 2 of the matrix and make a column vector:

x( : , 2)
col_two =
• A row vector can be extracted from a matrix.
As an example we create a matrix below:

,6;7,8,9] matrix =
• Here we extract row 2 of the matrix and make a row vector.
Note that the 2:2 specifies the second row and the 1:3 specifies
which columns of the row.

rowvec=matrix(2 :
2 , 1 :3) rowvec =4
≫ a=3;
≫ b=[1, 2, 3;4, 5, 6] b = 1 2 3
≫ c= b+a % Add a to each element of b c =
• Scalar -
≫ a=3;
≫ b=[1, 2, 3;4, 5, 6] b = 1 2
≫ c = b - a %Subtract a from each element of b c =
-2 -1 0
• Scalar -
on ≫ a=3;
≫ b=[1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6] b = 1 2 3
≫ c = a * b % Multiply each element of b by a c =
12 15 18
• Scalar - Matrix Division ≫ a=3;
≫ b=[1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6]
b =123
≫ c = b / a % Divide each element of b by a c =
0.3333 0.6667 1.0000
1.3333 1.6667 2.0000

clc;clear all; close all;

a=input('enter the first matrix
a'); b=input('enter the second
matrix b');

%addition of two matrices

y=a+b; disp('the addition value



%subtraction of two matrices

x=a-b; disp('the subtraction value is'); disp(x);

%multiplication of two matrices z=a*b;

disp('the multiplication value is'); disp(z);

%multiplication of two matrices

element by element z=a.*b;
disp('the multiplication value is'); disp(z);

%division of a matrix by a
scalar value

disp('the matrix division by a value 2 is'); disp(r);

%transpose of a matrix p=a'; disp('the transpose of matrix a is'); disp(p);

%inverse of matrix q=inv(a); disp('the

inverse of matrix a is'); disp(q);

%determinant of
a matrix
disp('the detrerment of
matrix a is'); disp(r);

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