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with Ms. Alli
Explain that knowing
yourself will help you
accept your strengths and Learning
limitations and deal with Outcomes
other people better;
Share your unique
characters, habits, and
experiences; and
Maintain a journal.
1. What is self-concept?
2. What am I going to do with my
strengths and weaknesses?
3. How can I practice self-awareness to
understand myself better?
4. What is the importance of sharing my
unique habits, characteristics, and
experiences with other people?
This journaling activity is part of your personal
development. In your journal, please answer the following
questions relevant to this topic: knowing oneself.
Journal entry date: Module’s topic:

1. Do you have any characteristics that you find difficult to

accept? What is it and how do you deal with or manage it?
2. What do you appreciate most about yourself? How do you
intend to share it with others?
“Knowing oneself is the beginning of
all wisdom” according to Aristotle.

TIVATE! As an adolescent, you should know

AC your characteristics, beliefs, values,
and strengths that will help you
reach your goals in life.
At this stage, do you really know
who you are? Are you aware of
your own strengths and
Complete the following phrases for you to have a
better understanding of yourself. This activity will help
you identify your characters and have self-awareness.
1. My positive traits are
2. My negative traits are
3. So far, my achievement in life is
4. One mistake that I do not want to repeat is
5. My friends and family used to describe me as
6. My career goals are
7. The values that I should apply to achieve them
8. The biggest challenge that I have experienced is when
9. I overcame this challenge by
10. In the future, I imagine myself as
Processing Questions:
1. What have you realized about yourself as a result of
the activity?
2. What have you discovered about yourself? You may
share these discoveries with your classmates.
Importance of
Discovering your characteristics is not easy
as it takes various processes to really know
who you are.
Most of you are in adolescence with your
questions regarding the changes that you
are experiencing emotionally, physically,
socially, mentally, and spiritually.
That is why you need to be aware and
discover things about yourself.
Self-awareness - is how an individual consciously knows
and understands his or her own character, feelings,
motives, and desires.
When you see yourself clearly, you are more confident
and creative.
You make sounder decisions, build stronger
relationships, and communicate more effectively with
Additionally, the more you know yourself, the better
you understand your strengths and weaknesses which
can help you maximize your potential to reach your
goals in life.
The following are ways you can develop self-
Identify your emotions. Being able to recognize
your feelings is essential. Realizing the connection
between your thoughts, feelings, and behavior
allows you to deal with and respond effectively.
Recognize your strengths and weaknesses.
Being able to admit your flaws while embracing
your strengths is a fantastic strategy to improve
your personality. It does not make you any less of
a person.
Keeping a journal or diary. You can track what is
happening in your life daily.
Practice mindfulness. Being able to be fully
present and aware of what you are doing and
where you are. Yoga, meditation, and listening to
soothing music are a few things that can be
included in a mindfulness practice.

Aside from accepting yourself, knowing who you

are helps you distinguish right from wrong which
leads to good decision-making.
According to Carl Rogers, a humanistic
psychologist, self-concept is one’s idea
about himself/herself, particularly toward his
or her unique personality and own
perception of his/her set values, point of
view, and behavior. This is how you respond
to the question, “Who am I?” and your
answer to that question will show how you
see yourself.
The two categories of self-concept are the ideal self
and the real/actual self.
Ideal self - is the person that you would like to be.
(the idealized image you have developed over time)
Actual self - is who you really are. (actual/real
self that you see every day)

The congruency between the ideal self and the

actual self leads to a greater sense of self-worth
and a healthy and productive life.
Additionally, self-esteem is a feeling of value or
worth that you have about yourself. Just as you see
yourself, so do others. It is easy to feel good about
yourself when you have a healthy sense of self-
worth. When you do not feel good about yourself, you
are less likely to appreciate your thoughts, feelings,
and opinions, and you may be preoccupied with the
idea you are inadequate.
Your strengths, weaknesses, successes, and even
failures determine the real you. So learn to accept
and appreciate what you can and cannot do.
Strengths and
Every person has his or her strengths and
weaknesses. As part of self-awareness,
you should be able to identify these
strengths and weaknesses to reach your
full potential and your goals.

Strength is an activity that makes you feel

stronger or something you are good at.
Weakness is a particular thing or activity you
do not like doing or you find hard to master.
Improve your weaknesses and turn
them into strengths. Doing so will
help you maximize your potential
and appreciate your whole self.
Use your strengths to find hope,
courage, and gratitude for the
essence that you are still here and
not giving up in the face of
Adolescence is a period of transition
between childhood and adulthood.
It includes some big changes in the physical,
cognitive, social, and emotional aspects.
(how you look, how you take responsibility,
how you decide on your own, and how you
view yourself)
Your experiences since childhood shape
your unique characteristics and habits that
define who you are.
A characteristic (e.g., critical thinker,
courageous) is something about you that
sets you apart from others.
A habit (e.g., studying before doing
anything else, doing house chores every
morning) is something you do on a
regular basis.
An experience (e.g., knowing what to do
during an emergency) is something you
have learned from doing things before.
Do this in 1
Act iv it y : bond paper.
How d o I (It will be sent
thin k o f to you through
our group chat)
my se lf?
Answer the following in your journal:
1. What is the importance of knowing yourself
as an adolescent?
2. Compare your present self to your past self
when you were in elementary. How did you
change in terms of your characteristics?
3. How would you use your strengths during a
world crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic?
Quote of the day
“Your self-worth is
determined by you. Thank
You don’t have to you for
depend on listening!
someone telling
you who you are.”

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