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Semi – Detailed Lesson Plan in English 6


MELCS: Identify real or make-believe, fact or non-fact images.


I. Objectives
At the end of the 50-minute session, students should be able to:
 Distinguish reality and fantasy in the pictures and video presented;
 Create their own examples of reality and fantasy; and
 Express the significance of judging real and impossible scenarios in
their daily life.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Reality and Fantasy
b. References: CO_Q1_English 6_Module 4
c. Materials: PowerPoint presentation, pictures, laptop and flag lets
d. Values Integration: Foster Cooperation

III. Procedure
A. Daily Routine
 Greetings
 Prayer
 Checking Attendance
 Classroom Management

B. Review/Lesson Preview

Identify what is literature and what is literary criticism based on the two
excerpt about Florante and Laura of Francisco Balagtas that is presented
on the screen.

C. Motivation

Directions: Based on the words presented on the screen, read it repeatedly

in order to guess the correct word it sound alike. Write your answer on your
1/8 illustration board. Each correct answer is equivalent to one smiley (1

Example: core war aunty in - quarantine

List of words to guess:
1. two own
2. tea aim

3. car rock there

4. sea thing
5. paint of bee you

1. Where do you commonly hear or found the words character, setting, theme etc?
2. How do character, setting, point of view, theme and tone help you better
understand a literary piece you are reading?
3. How these literary elements help the reader visualize a certain literary piece.

D. Lesson Proper
 Content and Skill-Building

Learn more about Formalism or Formalist Approach through the following


It analyses the work as a whole, the form of each individual

part of the text from the individual scenes and chapters, the
characters, the settings, the tone, the point of view, the
theme, and all other literary elements.

Formalism or
Formalist Approach It discovers the true meaning of a work by giving attention to
the form or structure, elements and literary devices operating
in it.

The teacher will use literary piece, entitled "Love Story", a song of Taylor Swift,
to be used by theItstudents
examines in aanalyzing
text exclusively as a self-contained
the features object
of formalism, an in
in literary criticism.isolation from the world, biographical information about the
author, or the text’s effect on the reader.
Romeo, take
me It does not concern the historical events outside of the story,
somewhere social, cultural, religious nor political ideas.
we can be
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run

You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess

It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes"

[ VERSE 2 ]
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet, 'cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while, oh oh

'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
But you were everything to me
I was beggin' you, "Please don't go, "and I said

While presenting the song in the discussion, the teacher will ask the following
questions to analyze the literary piece.

1. Who are the characters in the song?

2. Who is telling the story? Whose point of view is the story told by?
3. In which part of stanza or line did you find the theme of the song?
4. How does the author use settings and major events to move the plot of the
5. How does the author use the settings to create the tone of the song?
6. What conclusion can you drawn towards the character based on their
actions, appearance, thoughts and feelings?

It studies how the elements work together to form unity and to give meaning to
a text.

a. How do elements conspire or work together?

b. How does the conflict affect the character’s actions?

 Guided Practice

Raise your Thumb!

Directions: Raise your thumbs up flag let (👍) if the statement describes a

formalist critic. Otherwise, raised a thumbs down flag let if not ( ).

____1. A critic must be a close or careful reader who examines all the
elements of a text individually to discover how they form an organic unity.
____2. A critic looks beyond the work by reading the author’s life, or literary

___3. A critic analyzes how the elements work together to form the unity of
structure and to give meaning to the text.
____4. A critic asks questions how they come together to create a work of art.
____5. A critic takes the elements distinct and separate from each other.

 Independent Activity

Kahoot it!
Directions: Kindly access the link provided and writes the
code game to start the activity. Identify what is being asked in the statement.
Choose your answer from the choices provided.

1. It is called to be the person who evaluates, judge or analyzes a literary

2. A position or perspective from which something is considered or evaluated.
3. The attitude of the author towards a subject
4. It discovers the true meaning of a work by giving attention to the form or
structure, elements and literary devices operating in it.
5. It is the universal message that the story wants to imply.
6. Which of these features of a text would a formalist critic be most interested
7. Which of the following refers to the evaluation, analysis, description, or
interpretation of literary works?
8. A formalist critic emphasizes the value of the text as an entity in itself.
9. A process that means to critically evaluate, analyze or give careful judgment
in which you give your opinion about a literary work.
10. The word ‘formalism’ derived from the word ‘form’ or structure. The ‘ism’ is
a belief or an approach of looking at things.

E. Application

Read and Interpret!

Directions: Read carefully the short story about " The Dreamer Milkmade." Analyze
and present your interpretation of the text by means of drawing, a four lines poem,
slogan, one paragraph essay.

"The Dreamer Milkmade"

Taking a large container of milk on her head a milkmaid was on her way for selling it.

As her steps were moving towards the market, her inclination towards wealth was
being enhanced. A surge of excitement of money by selling the milk was noticeable.
She began to dream how she would dream use that money. She was murmuring the
words and moving her hands. Her dream took her in a different world and she said to
herself, "The money, after selling the milk, would be used for purchasing a hundred
chicks and when chicks would be fully grown, I would sell them at a good price for
buying two goats. When the goats would be fully grown, I could sell them at an even

better price!" Still dreaming, she said to herself, "Soon, I would be able to buy two
more cows and I would have a lot of money with a luxurious life." With these happy
thoughts, she began to skip and jump. Suddenly, she tripped and fell. The jug broke
and all the milk spilt onto the ground. "No more dream," she cried foolishly.

F. Generalization

Sum it up!
The teacher will ask the following questions:

1. What is formalism approach?

2. What are the features of formalism approach?
3.How does formalist approach helps you to better understand a certain literary

IV. Evaluation

Time to Critique!
Directions: Through essay writing: you are expected to have an in-depth analysis to a
short story entitled "The Dreamer Milkmade" using Formalist / Formalism

Guided questions:
1. Who is/ are the characters in the story? How are they related to one another?
What are their actions?
2. Where did the story happen? Describe the environment/ atmosphere?
3. How did the story begin? How did it end? What happened in the story?
4. Who is telling or narrating in the story? What was the author's attitude towards the
5. What lesson does the author wants to teach from the story?

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Advance Proficient Beginner
(10 pts) (6-9 pts) (1-5 pts)
Quality of Writing • Piece was written in • Piece was written in • Piece had no style.
and Organization an extraordinary style an interesting style. • Gives no new
and in organized • Somewhat information and
manner. informative and some answers are not

• Very informative and questions are related to the
all the questions are answered. questions.
Grammar Usage & • Essay contains no • Essay contains few • Essay contains a lot
Mechanics spelling, punctuation spelling and of punctuation and
or grammatical errors. punctuation errors, grammatical errors
minor grammatical that it interferes with
error. the meaning.

V. Assignment

Directions: Analyze a four- line poem “Stopping By Woods on a Snowy

Evening” by Robert Frost using the formalist approach.

Whose woods these are I think I know.

His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

VI. Enrichment Activity/ Explore Activity

Direction: Using Formalist approach, critique the short literary piece entitled "You
Are My Sunshine" by Donna Donathan.

You Are My Sunshine

by: Donna Donathan

You brought me sunshine

when I only saw rain.

You brought me laughter

when I only felt pain.

Romantics at heart?
Love at first sight?
Have I known you before?
God! This feels so right!

Prepared by:

Teacher I

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