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Local Volatility in Multi Dimensions

Bloomberg Quant Seminar

New York Online
October 2020

Jesper Andreasen
Saxo Bank, Copenhagen
[email protected]

 Prelude.

 Multi asset arbitrage.

 Minimal multi asset models.

 Minimal models and arbitrage.

 Discrete case and calibration by Monte-Carlo.

 Foreign exchange, interest rates, equities.

 Conclusion.

 Andreasen, J (2020): “Multi-Factor Cheyette Monte-Carlo Calibration.” Saxo WP.

 Austing, P (2011): “Repricing the Cross Smile: An Analytic Joint Density.” Risk July.

 Dupire, B (1994): “Pricing with a Smile.” Risk July.

 Guyon, J (2014): “Local Correlation Familes.” Risk February.

 Gyöngy, I (1986): “Mimicking the One-Dimensional Marginal Distributions of Processes

having and Ito Differential.” Probability Theory and Related Fields 71.

 McCloud, P (2011): “The CMS Triangle Arbitrage.” Risk January.

 Piterbarg, V (2011): “Farka’s Lemma, Spread Options, and Linear Programming“. Risk

 Shelton, D (2015): “Interpolating the Smile with Path-Dependent Local Volatility.” ICBI
Global Derivatives.


 To simplify the exposition and save time I will work with the model in its simplest form.

 It is relatively straightforward to generalise the model presented here to FX and equities.

 … but interest rates are more complicated and you will have to consult future material about

Multi Asset Arbitrage

 Consider a market with stocks s1, ,sI and bank account s0 .

 Assume interest rates and dividends are zero, and set the start prices to be si (0)  0 .

 Assume you can trade variance contracts on all spreads

vij (t )  PV [(si (t )  s j (t ))2] (1)

 We note that covariance matrix is given by

gij  PV [si s j ]  1 PV [si2  s2j  (si  s j )2]  1 (vi0  v j0  vij ) (2)

2 2

 Absence of arbitrage implies that the covariance matrix

G(t ) {gij (t )} (3)

 … must be positive semi definite for all t .

 If not, there exist non-zero weights {wi} so that

PV [(wi si (t ))2]  wiw j PV [si (t )s j (t )]  w'G(t )w  0 (4)

i i j

 This is contradicting absence of arbitrage since:

( wi si (t ))2  0 (5)
 The arbitrage portfolio is in this case given by

{ (wiw j )  gij } (6)

portfolio cov ij
weight contract

Multi Asset Arbitrage -- Notes

 We can sharpen a bit: Positive definiteness has to hold for

{gij (t2 )  gij (t1)} (7)

 … for all pairs t1  t2 .

 Identification of arbitrage: any symmetric matrix G can be written as

G  OO ' (8)

 …. where   Diag(1, ,N ) is a diagonal matrix of eigenvalues and O is an orthogonal

matrix of eigenvectors, i.e. OO '  I .
 If  j  0 then wi  Oij is a set of arbitrage weights.

 … with the arbitrage portfolio given by

{(wiw j ) gij} (9)

Minimal Multi Asset Models

 … is a multi asset local volatility model

dsi  i (t,si )dWi

dWi  dW j  ij (t,si ,s j )dt

 … where the local correlation is given from the volatility of the spread

(d (si  s j ))2 / dt  i2  2j  2ij i j  ij2

 (11)
 i (t,si )2  j (t,s j )2  ij (t,si  s j )2
ij (t,si ,s j ) 
2 i (t, si ) j (t,s j )

 So the model is parameterised from the local spread volatilities { ij (si  s j )} which are given as
function of the spread levels.

 The model is constructed as to be able to fit the initial option prices

cij (t,k )  E[(si (t )  s j (t )  k )] (12)

 … through the Dupire equation

cij 1 2cij
0   ij (t,k )2 2 (13)
t 2 k

 Absence of arbitrage is dictated through the usual conditions

cij 2cij
0 , 2 0 (14)
t k

 … plus the correlation matrix given by (11):

{ (t, si , s j )} (15)

 … needs to be bounded in [1,1] and positive definite.

 The construction through spread volatility rather than correlation is similar to Austing (2011).

Minimal Model and Arbitrage

 If a minimal model exists then there is absence of arbitrage.

 Does absence of arbitrage imply the existence of a minimal model?

 Unfortunately not. Counter example:

ds1  (s1,s2 )dW1

ds2  (s1,s2 )dW2 (16)

 (s1,s2 )   (  )1s s k ,dW1 dW2  0

1 2

 … for some constants   .

 Minimal model correlation:

E[(ds1)2 | s1]  E[(ds2 )2 | s2]  E[(ds1  ds2 )2 | s1  s2]

 (s1,s2 )  1
2 ( E[(ds1)2 | s1]E[(ds2 )2 | s2])1/2

 2  2  (2 2  2( 2  2 )1s s k )

1 1 2 (17)
2 2
 2
  2 1s s k
 1 2

 … so  (s1,s2 ) 1 on {s1  s2  k}.

 Obviously, a quite specific case but it suggests that if the volatility smiles are more
pronounced in the spread directions than in the primal directions, then it may be that the
spread is the overall volatility driver …

Discrete Time

 For several reasons it is beneficial to consider the discrete time case.

 First, models live in computers and computers live in discrete time.

 Secondly, in real applications the model setup will have to be somewhat modified relative to
what we have outlined so far.

 Thirdly, it would be nice to be able to handle various model extensions such as stochastic
volatility and stochastic interest rates.

 It turns out that these modifications and extensions are relatively straightforward to handle in
discrete time.

Discrete Time Minimal Model

 An Euler discretisation of the model on the time grid {th} is

si (th )  i (th, si (th ))Wi (th )

{Wi (th )}~ N (0,{ij (th )}) (18)

 i (th,si )2  j (th,s j )2  ij (th, si  s j )2

ij (th,si ,s j ) 
2 i (th, si ) j (th, s j )

 … where we have used the notation x(th )  x(th1)  x(th ) .

 As in the continuous time case, the model is specified through spread volatility rather than

 We require the matrix P {ij} to be positive definite.

Monte-Carlo Pricing

 In a Monte-Carlo simulation over samples {}, the value of an option that expiries as time th1
can be written as a sum over Bachelier’s formula

cij (th1,k )  1  Et [( si (th1)  s j (th1)  k ) |]

N h
Conditional Normal Distributed
 1  b(th,k;si  s j , ij (th, si  s j ))(th,)
Bachelier' s formula

 … where N  #{} is the number of samples and Bachelier’s formula is

b( ,k;s,v)  (s  k )( x)  v ( x) , x  svk (20)

 This is so because over each time step, si  s j has a conditional normal distribution – due to the
Euler discretisation.

 The pricing formula is exact within the discrete model.

Monte-Carlo Calibration

 If we wish to calibrate the model to the strikes {kij1 , ,kijL} at expiry th1 then we parameterise
the volatility function  ij (th; si  s j ) with L parameters.

 … for example linear interpolation between the L strike points.

 We then solve the minimization problem

(t ,) 
inf ( c(th1,kijl )  cˆ(th1,kijl ) )2 (21)
ij h l
mc model price market price

 Note that the calibration of { ij (th,)} is independent for different pairs (i, j) .

 After calibration to the options for each spread pair (i, j) then can we construct the correlation
matrix P {ij}.

 The methodology can also be used for correlation structures that are not minimal.

 If we for example set

 ij  ij (aij  s) (22)

 … for constant vectors aij , then the calibration problem is still independent over the different
pairs (i, j) .

 We do, however, not yet have a methodology for optimal choice of directional vectors {aij} .

Positive Definiteness and Bootstrap

 The resulting correlation matrix P is not necessarily positive definite.

 To make it positive definite, decompose into the product P  OO ' , chop negative eigenvalues
and rescale to obtain units along the diagonal.

 This procedure is not computationally costless.

 Once done with calibration of the time step th th1 , we simulate forward to calibrate the
model to the time step th1 th2 .

Catch-Up and Discrete Quotes

 If fiddling with the correlation (or covariance) matrix is necessary then the model will not hit
the option prices at the particular expiry.

 However, the bootstrap methodology will attempt to catch-up at the next expiry.

 This is so because the Monte-Carlo pricing/calibration (19) works a bit like updating local
volatility according to

cˆ(th1)  c(th )
 (th )2  2 th1  th [ kk
c(th 1
)]1 (23)
maturity spread
computed as
market mod el

 Equation (23) is a trick that has been used with success in finite difference implementation of
local volatility models.

 Hence, the model fit will only be broken at the expiry with positive definiteness problems --
not necessarily at subsequent expiries.

 Also, note we only calibrate to a discrete number of option strikes.

 Hence, we do not rely on perfectly smooth and arbitrage free volatility surfaces in all


 The calibration time line {th} is fixed.

 But we can insert extra simulation time points as we wish inside each calibration time bucket
[th,th1] .

 As long as we keep the volatilities and correlations constant over these extra time points.

 In that sense, the model looks a bit like the model in Shelton (2015).

 Here, we use Monte-Carlo rather than numerical integration and this makes our model
applicable to high dimensions.

Applications and Extensions

 Foreign exchange: Note that log-normal form and currency translations are necessary.

 Equities: Calibrate to basket rather than spread options. Potentially, using notions of average

 Note that non-trivial dividend models can also be handled this way.

 Interest rates: Non-trivial but interesting. Both multifactor Cheyette and LMM type models
can be constructed.

 The interest rate models can potentially calibrate simultaneously to cap/swaption smiles and
smiles of spread and/or mid-curve options.

 Stochastic volatility and even rough volatility is straightforward.

 It is also possible to do models that simultaneously calibrate to SP500 and VIX smiles.

 … and more.

Numerical Implementation

 So far, we have implemented a multi factor Cheyette model for interest rates and a multi price
model for FX and equities.

 Both with multi factor stochastic volatility.

 The intention is to combine the two model types to a Next Gen Beast.

 Both are implemented with extensive use of multi threading on CPUs.

 Adjoint differention (AAD) risk has been implemented for the interest rate model.

Numerical Performance

 Hardware is a standard 4 core CPU machine.

 5 Ccy FX model calibration to 5 strikes in all crosses on expiries 1m, 2m, … 12m:

- 8,192 paths: 0.46s

- 65,536 paths: 3.32s

 4 factor interest rate model. Calibration to 5 strikes in all crosses (spread options and mid
curves) in tenors 3m, 2y, 10y, 30y on expiries 1y, 2y, … , 10y.

- 8,192 paths: 0.45s

- 65,536 paths: 3.44s

 6 factor interest rate model. Calibration to 5 strikes in all crosses in tenors 3m, 2y, 5y, 10y,
20y, 30y on expiries 1y, 2y, … , 10y.

- 8,192 paths: 1.00s

- 65,536 paths: 7.13s

 Pure simulation times (without calibration) are roughly half.

 AD risk around a factor 10 slower than calibration/pricing.

 Numerical performance is definitely ok, but a tad slower than my audience is used to.

 The approach lends itself very well to TensorFlow/GPU acceleration.

Discrete Model Summary

 The method does not require full continuous surfaces of arbitrage free option prices. Discrete
points are sufficient.

 If arbitrage or positive definiteness is broken at a particular time point, the methodology will
attempt to catch-up at subsequent time-steps.

 It applies to cases without non-trivial forward equations such as interest rates and

 Calibration is discretely consistent with discrete Euler stepping. No approximation error.

 Non-minimal correlation can also be handled but we don’t know yet how to optimally choose
the directions {aij}.

 Long time steps in the calibration, short time steps in pricing.


 We have presented an approach to multi factor local volatility with associated Monte-Carlo
calibration methodology that is performing, flexible and general.

 Next steps:

- Combining interest rate and price models in a 5G Beast.

- Non-minimal correlation structures.

- GPU/TensorFlow acceleration.

 The future is bright.


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