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Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City
Tel. No. (045) 493-0182; Fax No. (045) 982-0110
Re-accredited Level IV Phase 2 by the Accrediting Agency of
Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACUP), Inc.

Lesson plan in Music 3

The Musical Meter

Prepared by:

Pauline Kay E. Nool


Check by:

Sir Aris Madrid

At the end of the lesson, the grade 3 students should be able to:
a. Determine duple, triple, and quadruple meter
b. Appreciate the role or importance of musical meter in music
c. Create rhythmic patterns considering the given musical meter
a. Topic: The Musical Meter
b. Reference:
c. Instructional Materials: Pictures, chart, TV, laptop, videos

A. Preliminary Activity
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
Good morning, class. How are you all

We are doing great, ma’am.

I am glad to hear that all of you are doing
great. Are you all excited for today?
Yes, Ma’am. We are!
Great! All of you may now sit down.

c. Attendance
Now, let’s check the attendance to see
who are the absent for today.

Is there an absent in the first group?

None ma’am
Wow nice, how about in group two?
Ma’am none
Great, and how about in last group is
there any absent?
Ma’am we’re all complete
Good job! It's wonderful to know that
everybody is here today.

Now I want you to pass your assignments

in front of me so that I can check them
after our class.

d. Review
Now, class. Before we move to our new
discussion, let’s have first a recap about
our previous lesson. Once again what is
our topic in our last meeting?

Yes April?
Ma’am, it’s all about note and rest ma’am
Yes correct!

And what is this all about?

(In chorus)
Ma’am, Notes and rests class are used by
composers in order to make a music.
Exactly! Now give yourselves a wonderful

Okay, Now to go back to our last week’s

discussion we will having activity.

Are you guys ready?

Yes Ma’am!


1. The class will be divided into two groups by the teacher.
2. Every group of students will be given the assignment to determine whether the information
displayed on the flashcard is duple, triple, quadruple by identifying it.
3. The winning team will be the one with the most correct answers.

What do you feel while reviewing our last

week’s topic?

We enjoyed reviewing the past discussion

because it is more fun to play while reviewing.
Wow that’s great. It is fun to have a short
review while playing and learning at the
same time.

Before we proceed, do you have any

question, class?
None ma’am

Okay great, now lets move to the next


B. Presentation
a. Motivation
Before we start our discussion, let us first
have an activity called “Oh clap”
So here is the procedure. I'll divide the
class into four groups.

This will be the group 1,

This will be the group 2,
This will be the group 3, and
Lastly group 4.

1. On cue, each group will use flashcards to create a rhythmic pattern.
2. They will pick just pick the flashcard that they need.
3. They will clap the rhythmic patterns that have been created.
4. The group with the best demonstration will win.

Did you enjoy our activity class?

Yes ma’am!
I'm happy that each and every one of you
took part in our activity today. Because
the discussion we are having today is
related to what we did today. This activity
will make it easier for you guys to
understand our topic as we go along.
Now, are you ready for our new
discussion, class?
Yes ma’am!
Okay, so let’s get started!

b. Discussion

And now we'll talk about Meter.

Meter describes the number of beats in a

measure (also know as a “bar”) and how
the beats are normally divided.

Meters with two beats in a bar are

described as duple. If there are three
beats in a bar, the meter is described
as triple, and if there are four beats in a
bar, the meter is described as quadruple.

If the beats are normally divided into two

parts, the meter is described as simple. If
the beats are normally divided into three
parts, the meter is described
as compound.

The time signature 2/8 is “simple duple

meter.” The time signature 3/2 is “simple
triple meter.” Finally, 4/4 is “simple
quadruple meter.”

When describing meter, we say how the

beat is divided before the number of
beats in the measure.
With compound meters the bottom
number specifies the division of the beat.
The beat value is a dotted note. We
say 616 is “compound duple meter”
because it has two beats. The time
signature 68 is also compound duple.
Compound time signatures have a top
number greater than four that is divisible
by 3 (6, 9, 12).

The following table summarizes meter

and time signatures.

What does "meter" mean once more?

(Students in chorus)
Ma’am meter describes the number of beats in a

Very good class!

Let's review what we have discussed.

4| | | |
This is therefore known as duple meter or
2/4. That there are two beats in each

The first note in first measure is called?

And how many beats is half note? Half note ma’am

2 beats ma’am
Are there two beats in the first measure?

Yes Teacher!
How about in second measure what note
is the first one?

And its beat? It’s called quarter note ma’am

What note and how many beats come Ma'am, a quarter note has one beat.
after the quarter note?

Ma'am, it's called an eight rest, and an eight rest

Are there two beats in the second contains a half beat.

Again what is the name of the next note Yes teacher

in the last measure? How many beats
does it have?

And the last note? Quarter note ma’am and it has 1 beat

It’s called quarter rest ma’am and it has 1 beat

Are there two beats in the third also.

Very job class you identified that there Yes teacher!

are two beats in each measure.

4| | |
The following is known as triple meter or
3/4. That means it has three beats in each

The first note in first measure is called?

And how many beats is quarter note?
It’s called quarter note teacher!
What about the second note?
It has 1 beat ma’am.

And the last note is called? It is known as quarter rest teacher and has one
How many beat?
Quarter note teacher
Is there 3 beats in the first measure? Can
we count it? 1 beat teacher

Good job class! (Students in chorus)

1, 2, 3, Three beats Teacher!
How about in second measure what note
is the first one?

And its beat?

It’s called half rest teacher!
How about the last note what is it called?
It has 2 beats teacher

Let's see if the first and second measure Its name is quarter rest, and there is only one
have three beats each. beat in it teacher.
Ready count!

Great! Now lets move to the next one (Students in chorus)

1,2,3, it has 3 beats ma’am

4| | | |
Finally, it is known as quadruple or 4/4.
Quadruple had four beats in each

What note is that in the first measure?

How many beats are there in that?

What about in the second measure? Yes (Students will raise their hands)
Andrea? Whole note Ma’am and it has 4 beats.
How many beat is half note? It’s called half note ma’am.
Very good Andrea!
2 beats ma’am
What about the next note in second
What is the name of the first note in the
third measure? It has two beats and is referred to as half rest.

How many beat is half note?

Half note teacher
After the half note is called?
Half note has 2 beats
And the note following the quarter rest?
Quarter rest teacher and quarter rest has 1 beat
How many beat is quarter note?
It’s called quarter note ma’am
Let's count the note's equivalent to check
if each measure contains four beats. Quarter note has beat
Ready begin!

Good job class, I'm glad each of you 1,2,3,4 The first and second meter has 4 beats
listened to our discussion and responded Teacher!
carefully to each of my questions.

Okay, class, let's look at this chart and

sing the song twinkle twinkle little star.
(After singing)

What kind of notes and rests are used in

the song?

What is the meter of the song?

How many beats are there in each


c. Application
Are you excited for our next activity after
our discussion class?

Okay then let me prepare our activity.

“Fill Me!”
1. The teacher will divide the class into three groups.
2. Each group will be assign to make a rhythmic pattern with the use of their hands.
3. They will be assigned a piece of music with a specific meter to each group.
4. Each group will have to perform in front of the class.

Group 1: Leron Leron sinta 2/4

Group 2: Atin cu pung singsing 3/4
Group 3: Magtanim ay di biro 4/4

d. Generalization
Now, after all of the discussion and
activity, have you realized how these
things, particularly music, help us in our
daily lives?

(Students will raise their hands)

Teacher it can help us express and process our

own emotions, whether we're feeling happy, sad,
angry, or relaxed.

Teacher music helps me to reduce stress and


Teacher upbeat and energetic music can lift our

spirits and boost our mood. That’s why I listen to
music to energize my morning or before going to

Teacher for me music has the ability to bring

people together. Singing, dancing, and playing
music are communal activities that foster social
connections and create a sense of unity.

I'm happy to hear that music benefits

each of you individually, class. In
moments when I feel like the world is
moving too quickly, music also helps me
to escape. That's why engaging in the arts
and music makes people happier. And
that is one benefit of having musicians
and artists in our society.

Directions: Describe what kind of meter is in the following:

1. | | |
2. | |

4. | |
5. | | |

V. ASSIGNMENT: Critique the song “Bahay Kubo” Put a corresponding number of beats on each
note and rest of the song.

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