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12.Lorraine Hansberry’s play A Raisin in the Sun was —- to be produced on Broadway.

(A) the first drama that all African American woman
(B)an African American woman whose first drama
(C)an African American woman’s drama that first
(D) the first drama by an African American woman

15.A challenging new area in inorganic chemistry is —- the role of transition metals in the
biochemical catalysts called enzymes.
(A) that of understanding
(B) to have understanding
(C) the understanding
(D) understanding that

17.In the mid-1960’s many artists began to working outdoors on a large scale, making the
landscape rather than the studio their arena.
(A) many
(B) working
(C) large scale
(D) studio

18.Electoral politics in the United States has been dominated by two political parties since
the administer of George Washington.
(A) dominated
(B) political
(C) since
(D) administer -> administration
19.Art Deed, a style of design popular in the 1920’s and 1930’s, was used primarily in
furniture, jewel, textiles, and interior decoration.
(A) a style
(B) design popular
(C) jewel -> jewelry
(D) textiles

20.Initially introduced in 1852, the gyroscope consists a spinning device, usually in the form
of a wheel, that exhibits strong angular momentum.
(A) introduced
(B) consists -> consists of
(C) usually
(D) the

21.The membrane surrounding a single-celled animal or plant or any individual cell in a

multicellular organism is important in the respiratory and nutritionally processes of that cell.
(A) surrounding
(B) any
(C) cell
(D) nutritionally -> nutritional

25.Although have there been better singers and actresses than Ethel Waters, none typifies
the rise from rags to riches more dramatically than she.
(A) have there
(B) none typifies
(C) more dramatically
(D) she

28.Paleoanthropologists examine fossil remains of extinct primates, while physical

anthropologists concern with ethnology study the behavior of primates in their natural
(A) remains
(B) concern -> concern themselves with … to study
(C) in
(D) natural settings

32.The work of Sarah Oarne Jewet, care-nineteenth-century writer, reflects a concern in the
alienating consequence, of condustrialization and urbanization.
(A) of
(B) reflects
(C) in
(D) condustrialization

34.After the United States became independent, the cure of more fertile lands drew steadily
New Englanders into the Ohio Valley and the British colony of Upper Canada.
(A) After
(B) more fertile
(C) drew steadily ->steadily drew
(D) into

39.By 1810 the 23 towns of Hampshire County, Massachusetts, had reached a remarkable
uniform of economic development as well as population density.
(A) By
(B) had reached
(C) uniform -> uniformity
(D) as well as

40.With more than half the world’s annual yield of 50 million tons of soy beans, an
important source of protein, is grown in the United States.
(A) With more than
(B) annual yield of
(C) important source
(D) grown in

14.A lingua franca is any auxiliary language, ——-a rudimentary kind, used as a medium of
communication between people who speak different languages.
(A) of which usually
(B) which usually of
(C) is usually of
(D) usually of

21.There was at least 2,000 years ago that inhabitants of the Northwest Coast of North
America first established trade mutes for obsidian.
(A) There was –> It was
(B) that inhabitants
(C) first
(D) trade mutes

26.Because it is often dependent of the conditions of crystallization, the composition of the

minerals in a rock can be important in determining the rock’s geologic history.
(A) Because
(B) of -> on
(C) minerals
(D) in determining

29.The Mobile River and its tributaries, which flow south to the Gulf of Mexico, form most
important river system in Alabama.
(A) its
(B) which flow
(C) to
(D) form most

32.Fats and fixed oils are greasy or waxy substance that ill their pure state are normally
tasteless, colorless, and odorless.’
(A) or
(B) substance ->substances
(C) their
(D) normally

33.Of all the elements in the Earth’s crust, oxygen is known to be the more common.
(A) Of all
(B) elements
(C) to be
(D) more

38.Nineteenth-century United States artist John La Farge was the premier interior designer
of his time, receiving commissions for church interiors, private houses, and mural.
(A) the premier
(B) time
(C) for
(D) mural -> murals


4.The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 ___ nearly unanimously through the United States
(A) A. passed
(B) B. in passage
(C) C. having passed
(D) D. passing

7.The basis premise behind all agricultural production is _____available the riches of the soil
for human consumption.
(A) A. to be made
(B) B. the making
(C) C. making is
(D) D. to make

8.___to the united states House of Representatives in 1791, Nathaniel Macon remained in
office until 1815.
(A) A. Election
(B) B. Why he was elected
(C) C. Elected
(D) D. Who was elected
10.The universe is estimated ___between 10 billion and 20 billion years old.
(A) A. being
(B) B. to be
(C) C. which is
(D) D. is.
15.Nylon was ___the human-made fibers.
(A) A. the first of which
(B) B. what the first of
(C) C. it the first of
(D) D. the first of
17.Televisions are now an everyday feature of most households in the United States, and
television viewing is the number one activity leisure.
(A) an everyday
(B) most households
(C) television viewing
(D) activity leisure

33.Of every the major traditions of wood carving, the one that is closest in structure to the
tree is the crest pole made by the Native Americans of the Northwest coast.
(A) Of every -> cấu trúc be closest in sth to sth gần giống về cái gì so với cái gì
(B) wood carving
(C) closest
(D) the tree

34.Many of the fine-grained varieties of sedimentary rocks known as shales yield oil when
distilled by hot.
(A) Many of
(B) known
(C) when distilled
(D) hot -> heat

1.The musical comedy Oklahoma did much to expand the potential of the musical stage, and
it encouraged others to attempt_________
(A) original themes
(B) to original themes
(C) that were original themes
(D) how original themes
4.It is said that United Stales literature _________ individuality and identity in the twentieth
century, after long imitation of European models.
(A) was achieved
(B) achieved
(C) to achieve
(D) achieving
Khi chuyển từ câu chủ độ ng sang câu bị độ ng cầ n lưu ý độ ng từ “say” đượ c chia ở thì nào thì chia
độ ng từ “tobe” củ a cấ u trúc It is said that ở thì độ ng từ đó.

Khi chuyển từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động cần lưu ý động từ “say” được chia ở thì nào thì chia
động từ “tobe” của cấu trúc It is said that ở thì động từ đó.

9.From colonial times, United States property owners agreed to tax themselves on the
theory__________ directly from services that the government could provide.
(A) property owners benefited so that
(B) why property owners benefited
(C) that if property owners benefited
(D) that property owners benefited

13._________ widely used in the chemical industry, sodium carbonate is principally

consumed by the glass industry.
(A) Despite
(B) Whether
(C) Though
(D) Except for

14.Cells, first identified by the early microscopists, began to be considered _________ in the
nineteenth century.
(A) them as microcosm of living organisms
(B) the microcosm of living organisms
(C) the microcosm of living organisms to be
(D) as which, the microcosm of living organisms

15.Like Jupiter, Saturn is a large, gaseous planet composed _________ of hydrogen and
(A) it is mostly
(B) mostly
(C) almost
(D) both are almost
18.Sea horses usually live along the shore among seaweed and other plants to which they
cling to by their tails
(A) usually
(B) other
(C) cling to -> cling vì to đã có trong to which
(D) their tails

29.Today, fifty years after its construction, the Alaska Highway conveys 40,000 vehicles in
normal year.
(A) Today
(B) years after
(C) conveys
(D) in normal -> in a normal

36.In this world of high technology, it is easy to forget that the most important tools ever
developed for learning is still the book.
(A) high
(B) easy
(C) tools -> tool
(D) developed for

38.Twenty thousand years ago a sheet of ice a thousand meters thick covered the coastal
region which the cities of Vancouver and Juneau now are located.
(A) ice
(B) thick
(C) which -> where
(D) now are

12.At its center, the sun has a density of over a hundred times _________ and a temperature
of 10 to 20 million degrees centigrade.
(A) that of water -> hundred times more than the… Có thể bỏ more than
(B) of water
(C) than that of water
(D) water

20.The astronauts chosen for fly the first United States spacecraft were selected from
military test pilots.
(A) chosen for -> chosen to
(B) the first
(C) the first
(D) from

21.Tarantulas inject a paralyzing venom into prey or with their large fangs.
(A) inject
(B) paralyzing venom
(C) or with -> with
(D) large fangs
23.The water of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans make up 70.8 percent to the Earth’s
(A) the
(B) make up
(C) to -> số + percent of N
(D) surface

24.The three main television networks in the United States account for more advertising
dollars than any others medium.
(A) The three
(B) for
(C) advertising
(D) others
27.The St. Louis Post-Dispatch was founded in 1878 and by 1881 had become the most
largest evening newspaper in the city.
(A) was
(B) by
(C) had become
(D) most largest -> largest

7.About 42 million bushels of oats are used annually _________ manufacture of breakfast
foods in die United States.
(A) the
(B) is the
(C) in the
(D) to
10.Pleasing to look at and touch, beads come in shapes, colors, and materials
handle and to sort them.
(A) that almost compel one
(B) one compels
(C) that compel almost
(D) one is almost compelled

14.Not until the 1850’s _________ a few public-spirited citizens and state legislatures seek to
rescue historic buildings in the United States from destruction or alteration.
(A) both
(B) came
(C) did
(D) when
17.The major purpose of the United States Department of Education are to ensure equal
educational opportunity for all and to improve the quality of education.
(A) purpose -> purposes
(B) equal
(C) for all
(D) improve the

21.The snapper, a large-headed fish with a long dorsal fin, is named to its characteristic way
of suddenly shutting its mouth.
(A) with
(B) to -> tobe named for/after
(C) suddenly
(D) its
26.Globally, the 1990’s stood out as the warmest decade for what we have weather records.
(A) the
(B) out
(C) warmest
(D) what -> prep + What + V + O
29.Bursae are fluid-filled sacs that form cushions between tendons and bones and protect
them while movement.
(A) form
(B) between
(C) and
(D) while -> while là sub của MTTT, sub + O (adj/adv+adj/often,always+N)
31.The spice cinnamon and the drugs cascara and quinine all come from bark, the protective
out layer of stems and roots of woody plants.
(A) all come
(B) out ->outer
(C) stems and roots
(D) plants
38.A most useful tool for analyzing the elemental composition of fossils is the electron
probe, a modify electron microscope.
(A) A most
(B) for analyzing
(C) composition of fossils
(D) modify

5._____ ants live in nests, which may be located in the ground, under a rock, or built above
ground and may be made of twigs, sand, or gravel.
(A) A. Most
(B) B. The most of
(C) C. Most of
(D) D. Of the most

12.In the metals industry, hydrogen is used to prevent metals from tarnishing while
(A) A. treated by heat
(B) B. heat treatments
(C) C. by heat treatments
(D) D. heat-treated

18.All living things are made up of one or more cells, and each of these cells were produced
by an already existing cell.
(A) living
(B) made up of
(C) were -> was
(D) already existing

20.Unique among bivalves, scallops swim extremely well, propelled by jets of water expelled
while snapped the shell shut.
(A) among
(B) well
(C) snapped
(D) shut
29.The planets far from the Sun are so remote from any heat source that their temperatures
are thought to be much near absolute zero.
(A) so remote from
(B) source
(C) thought
(D) much near

1._____crumbles readily when exposed to a moist, acid atmosphere, but the stone is
durable in a dry atmosphere.
(A) The surface of marble is
(B) The surface of marble, which
(C) Although the surface of marble
(D) The surface of marble

9.The chemical composition of sandstone is the same as _____

(A) that of sand -> S + V + the same + noun + as + noun/pronoun.
(B) that sand is
(C) sand is that
(D) what of sand
13.In western North America, _____ form the Great Divide, which separates the areas from
which waters flow either eastward to the Atlantic or westward to the Pacific.
(A) the Rocky Mountains
(B) where the Rocky Mountains
(C) the Rocky Mountains in which
(D) there are the Rocky Mountains
17.Titanium has the strength of steel but weighs half only as much, hence its advantage for
use in aircraft.
(A) strength
(B) half only
(C) advantage
(D) in aircraft

18.Protective behaviors of amphibians include hiding in the presence of danger and having
coloration such closely matching the environment that the animal is not obvious.
(A) amphibians
(B) in
(C) having
(D) such -> so

35.In the initial planning for theaters, auditoriums, but any room intended primarily for
listening, acoustics is a major consideration.
(A) initial planning
(B) but
(C) intended
(D) major consideration

36.The pulse that may be felt wherever an artery passes over a solid structure, such as a
bone or cartilage.
(A) that may -> may
(B) wherever
(C) passes over
(D) a bone

37.Through his essays, poems, and lectures, Ralph Waldo Emerson established himself as a
major thinker of his time and as a figure leading of American literature.
(A) Through
(B) himself
(C) and as
(D) figure leading

38.The “method”, which is both a style of acting a system of training for the actor, stresses
inner motivation and psychological truth.
(A) which is
(B) acting a -> both…and
(C) inner
(D) truth

39.On September 6, 1996, civil rights activist Rosa Parks was awarded the Presidential Medal
of Freedom, the highest honor the United States government gives to civilian.
(A) activist
(B) was awarded
(C) highest
(D) to civilian -> thiếu mạo từ

40.Basalt, which composes most of the ocean floor, is a dark-grey rock rich in iron and
magnesium than most surface rocks.
(A) which
(B) most
(C) floor
(D) rich -> more richly


.............., dolphins have no sense of smell

a) As known as far

b)know this far as

c)it is known as far

d)as far as is known -> đảo ngữ hoặc bỏ chủ ngữ của Verb/Complemnt sau as, than

4.The early feminist leader Susan B. Anthony became increasingly aware through her work in
the temperance movement ___________ the same rights as men.
(A) inherits material
(B) is inheritance material
(C) material is inherited
(D) the material of inheritance

13.Now considered an art form, quilt-making originated as a means of fashioning bed covers
from bits of fabric that otherwise __________ .
(A) not use
(B) were no use
(C) had no use
(D) it was not used

24.The ease of solving jigsaw puzzle depends the number of pieces, their shapes and
shadings, and the design of the picture.
(A) of solving
(B) depends the -> denpends on the
(C) and shadings
(D) the design

25.Plants range in size to tiny, single-celled, blue-green algae, invisible to the naked eye, to
giant sequoias, the largest living plants.
(A) range
(B) to -> range in size/length/price from A to B
(C) invisible
(D) living
30.With the incorporation of jazz history into current academic curricula, leading jazz
musicians are now founding on the faculties of several universities.
(A) incorporation
(B) current
(C) leading
(D) founding -> found

31.Humus, a substance found in soil, is soft and spongy and enables plant roots to send out
tiny hairs through that they absorb water and food.
(A) found
(B) soft
(C) out
(D) that -> which

34.The giant panda closely resembles the bear, but account of certain anatomical features it
is placed in the raccoon family.
(A) closely
(B) resembles
(C) but account of -> on account of
(D) resembles

40.Great technical advances in aerial and satellite photography have been made since end of
the Second World War.
(A) technical
(B) satellite
(C) have
(D) since end -> since the end

12.The Texas Legislature selected Vassar Miller _____ in 1982, and again in 1988.
(A) was the state’s poet laureate
(B) as the state’s poet laureate
(C) the state’s poet laureate -> dùng select không có as
(D) become the state’s poet laureate

13.The distinguishing feature of a fluid, in contrast to a solid, is the ease _____ .

(A) that a deformed fluid
(B) to deform a fluid
(C) when a fluid that is deformed
(D) with which a fluid may be deformed
19.The invention of reinforced concrete, plate glass, and steel in the mid-1800’s was enabled
architects to design and build extremely tall constructions, or “skyscrapers.”
(A) was enabled
(B) to design
(C) extremely tall
(D) or
21.Each of functions of the body, even thinking, requires the expenditure of energy.
(A) of functions
(B) of the body
(C) the expenditure
(D) of energy
26.The North American Review, a magazine was first published in 1815, was one of the
leading literary journals of the past woe centuries.
(A) magazine was
(B) published
(C) leading
(D) journals
30.Of all the art-related reference and research library in North America, that of the
Metropolitan Museum of a Art in New York City is among the largest and most complete.
(A) library
(B) that of
(C) among
(D) most complete

31.Acclimatization is the process by which an organism adjusts to living in an environment to

which it normally unsuited.
(A) the process
(B) to living
(C) to
(D) it normally

32.Glaciers, mass of ice that flow outward from ice caps, cover about one-tenth of earth’s
land area.
(A) mass
(B) outward
(C) about
(D) land

12.The novelist John Dos Passos developed a style of fiction incorporating several
documentary devices __ to his works.
(A) lent realism
(B) that lending realism
(C) to lend realism
(D) of whose realism lent
14.The invention of the compound microscope (which allowed much higher magnification
through multiple lenses) made __ the great strides in life

(A) it possible
(B) possibly
(C) possible
(D) it was possible

25.Rocks form within Earth are called intrusive or plutonic rocks because the magma form
which they form often intrudes into neighboring rock.
(A) form -> formed
(B) because the
(C) form which
(D) neighboring

32.The United States, a nation with a highly diversified economy, is a major exporter of grain,
fruit, chemical, aircraft, and cars.
(A) highly
(B) economy
(C) exporter of
(D) chemical -> chemicals

35.Orchid seeds take up to eighteen months to mature before they sprout, and the young
plants may need another two years to reach at the flowering stage.
(A) up to
(B) before they
(C) may need
(D) reach at -> giữa intransitive V và object không có từ

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