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1. Write in the passive.

1. Peter bought the house

2. Mary will bring the wine
3. My friends are repairing the car
4. Most students speak English in this class
5. An elderly couple sheltered her
6. A policeman helped him
7. She finished her work by nine o'clock
8. Nobody can repair this broken chair
9. They carried him into the hospital
1. 10.Are they typing the letters?

2.Join each pair of sentences with a defining relative clause. Omit the pronoun
where possible.

1. This is the book. I found the information in it.

2. I didn’t recognise Susan. I talked to her.

3. She hasn’t given me back my book. She borrowed it from me last week.

4. Have you seen the biscuits? They were on the top shelf.

5. A woman gave me the application form. She told me how to fill it out.

3. Complete each sentence with a suitable modal, affirmative or negative. There

may be more than one possible answer.

1. No pushing, please. You ………………… wait your turn in the queue.

2. You ………………… book in advance. It’s a very popular restaurant.

3. You ………………… hire a driver. We will take you around the city.

4. ………………… you see the Eiffel Tower from your window?

5. It ………………… rain later, so take an umbrella.

6. We ………………… be late. Our host will be insulted.

7. We ………………… go sightseeing yesterday because the weather was very bad.

4 Complete the sentences with the modal perfects below and the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.

would have • should have • must have • may have • could have • shouldn’t have •
couldn’t have

1.Thanks for your help. We ……………………………… (do) it without you.

2.You ……………………………… (take) a guided tour. You didn’t see many of the landmarks
in the city.
3.We ……………………………… (hire) a guide, but our friends insisted on showing us
around the city.
4.He ……………………………… (forget) to meet us. He’s not very reliable.
5.I’m not certain, but we ……………………………… (meet) before.
6.It’s too bad you didn’t tell me she was in hospital. I ……………………………… (send) her
some flowers.
7.The necklace is beautiful, but you ……………………………… (buy) me such an expensive
5 rewrite these sentences in report speech USE AN APROPIATE REPORTED

1. My friend said to her, "Have you ever eaten Japanese food?”

2. Sam said, “Smile and the picture will be very nice ".

3. The policeman said to her, "You mustn’t park in this place. It’s banned ".

4. I said to the policeman, “How can I go to the square?”

5. Peter said to him, “Are you going to London tomorrow morning?”

6. My friends said to me, "Hurry up or we are going to be late again".

7. Mary said to her, "The train leaves in 30 minutes ".

8. My sister said to me, “How much did your new pair of jeans cost?”
9. I said to her, “Mary has been studying English all day".

10. The teacher said to the students, "Don’t interrupt her while I am explaining ".

6 write questions for the underlined words in these sentences1.

1. My grandfather died in1999.

2.Frank has lived in London for 3 years.

3. Climate change will have an important impact on the price of food.

4.They go dancing twice aweek.

5.There were 3 chairs in the kitchen.

6.She's wearing a blue scarf and yellow loose trousers.

7.Her school is 5 miles away from thevillage.

8.The tickets are $10.

9.The ticket cost $10.

10.He can speak 3 languages fluently.

11.That football? It's the children's.

13.She's listening to Ed Sheeran's new álbum now.

7 Choose the correct answer.

Many places in the US have started a neighbourhood watch programme in which

volunteers walk or drive around the neighbourhood at night. When they 1. see /
saw / had seen something suspicious, they 2. call / would call / would have
called the police. For example, a volunteer in Syracuse, New York prevented a car
theft. If he 3. wouldn’t drive / hadn’t driven / drove past the car park, he 4.
won’t notice / wouldn’t have noticed / hadn’t noticed the strangers hanging
around. Neighbourhood watch programmes also improve the quality of life in the
community. How 5. will you feel / did you feel / would you feel if the house
next to you 6. had / will have / had had a garden full of rubbish? In one town,
the volunteers solved the problem. Neighbourhood watch programmes 7. would
succeed / will succeed / succeeded if neighbours 8. will watch out / watched
out / watch out for each other. Many people feel that if they 9. hadn’t started /
wouldn’t start / didn’t start a neighbourhood watch programme, the quality of
life in their communities 10. would not improve / don’t improve / wouldn’t have

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