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11/27/23, 2:22 PM Homemade pork raviolis


Homemade pork raviolis 1/16
11/27/23, 2:22 PM Homemade pork raviolis

Would you like an afternoon project along with your spouse? Have you tried
making ravioli from scratch? Although it may be work, it's well worth it!

Country / Category
type Difficulty
Region Main dish,
Special Advanced
Italian Meat

Prep time: 120 min Cook time: 5 min

Rest time: 30 min Total time: 2 hrs 35 Servings

mins 6


With a few simple ingredients you can make homemade raviolis! A pasta rolling
machine is recommended (if you don't have one, perhaps you can have a friend
loan you one), but you can also roll it out by hand. The advantage of rolling it by
hand is that you will not be limited by the width of the pasta rolling machine.

Ingredients 2/16
11/27/23, 2:22 PM Homemade pork raviolis

400 grams flour

4 eggs

1/2 onion (chopped)

1 carrot (medium)

1 celery (chopped)

1 clove garlic (chopped)

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1/4 teaspoon dry thyme

1 bay leaf

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 pound ground pork

2 tablespoons white wine (or red wine)

70 grams parmesan

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg (or to taste)

1 egg


Prep the pasta 3/16
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1. Make a well in the flour and add the eggs.

2. Mix until well combined. 4/16
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3. Put the dough on a tabletop to begin to knead the dough.

4. Knead for a few minutes until the flour is completely incorporated and there
are no lumps. 5/16
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The dough should be elastic. You should be able to poke the dough and it
should bounce back slowly.

5. Seal in plastic wrap and leave to rest for at least 30 minutes.

Prep the filling

6. Chop the onion, celery, garlic, and carrot. 6/16
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7. Sauté the veggies and spices for about 5 minutes until soft.

8. Add the ground pork to the sofrito and cook until brown. 7/16
11/27/23, 2:22 PM Homemade pork raviolis

9. Add the wine and cook for a couple more minutes.

10. Take out the bay leaf. If there is a lot of liquid, you can drain most of it.

11. Put it all in the blender along with the parmesan, nutmeg, and if you like
pepper to taste. Blend until it is a paste.

You can also use a food processor. If using a blender, you make have to stir.
At this point taste the filling and adjust levels of salt, pepper, and cheese.

12. Leave it to rest (at least 5 minutes), then add the egg. Set aside and start
forming the raviolis. 8/16
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If you notice that the filling is a little thin because the pork released a lot of
liquid, you can add 1-2 TBL of breadcrumbs. Please note that when the filling
cools it will get a little thicker.

Form ravioli
13. Cut off 1/3 of the dough and separate it into two equal portions. Form each
into a rectangular shape.

Work with only one portion at a time, and leave all other portions of the
dough wrapped in plastic wrap to avoid drying out. 9/16
11/27/23, 2:22 PM Homemade pork raviolis

14. Roll two portions of the dough through the past roller using all thickness
levels, from the thickest to thinnest.

You will end up with two long thin sheets of pasta. 10/16
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15. Put a tsp of filling on one of the pasta sheets, leaving 2 centimeters between
each one. 11/16
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16. With your fingers, add a little water around each filling. 12/16
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17. Stretch the other pasta sheet width-wise and place it over the other. 13/16
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18. Press around each filling to make sure no air is trapped in the ravioli. 14/16
11/27/23, 2:22 PM Homemade pork raviolis

19. Cut the ravioli and place them on a lightly floured surface to avoid sticking.

20. Boil water, and don't forget to add salt.

21. Add the ravioli and cook for 3 minutes. Taste to make sure they are done.

22. Serve with your choice of salsa.

Sauce options: Bolognese, tomato sauce, cheese sauce, butter with garlic and
sage, or any other preference.


You can freeze the ravioli for later. Place them on a sheet pan one level high in the
freezer until solid, then save them in a sealed container in the freezer.

Keywords: pasta, ravioli

Have you tried this recipe?


@Cocinandoconkm 15/16

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