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1) Which of the following substances could be simple molecular and which are ionic? Some are neither!

CuO H 2S CO2 Mg C 2H 6O Zn CaBr2 N2 Na2SO4


simple molecular


2) Look at the properties of the following substances.

Electrical conductivity as
Substance Melting point (°C) Boiling point (°C)
solid liquid
A 587 843 does not conduct conducts
B 28 201 does not conduct does not conduct
C -39 357 conducts conducts
D -189 -101 does not conduct does not conduct
E 2157 2895 does not conduct does not conduct
F 1024 1598 does not conduct conducts

a) Which of these compounds could have an ionic structure? ……………………………………………………………

b) Which of these compounds could have a simple molecular structure? ……………………………………………….

3) Write the formula of the following ionic compounds.

a) potassium oxide ……………… d) copper carbonate ………………

b) magnesium nitrate ……………… e) ammonium hydroxide ………………

c) aluminium hydroxide ……………… f) iron (III) oxide ………………

4) a) Sodium sulfide is an ionic substance with formula Na2S. Explain what this formula means. ……………………..



b) Explain why sodium sulfide has a high melting point. …………………………………………………………………..


c) Explain why sodium sulfide does not conduct electricity as a solid but does when melted. ………………………...



© 22-May-2018 Chemsheets GCSE 1067

5) a) Hydrogen sulfide is a simple molecular substance with formula H2S. Explain what this formula means. ……….…..



b) Explain why hydrogen sulfide has a low melting point. ………………………..…………………..……………...………..


c) Explain why hydrogen sulfide does not conduct electricity in any state. ……….............................................………...



6) What is a covalent bond? …………………………………………………………………………….…………………………….


7) Sodium sulfide is made of ions. In the space below, draw the electron structure of the sodium ions and sulfide ions in
sodium sulfide.

+ 2–
Na ion S ion

Area Strength To develop Area Strength To develop Area Strength To develop

Done with care and thoroughness Identify molecular cpds from properties What molecular formula represents

Good SPG Knows ion charges & write formulae Why molecular compounds have low mpt

Knows which compounds are ionic Knows what ionic formula represents Explain conductivity of molecular cpds

Knows which compounds are molecular Why ionic compounds have high mpt Knows what a covalent bond is

Identify ionic cpds from properties Explain conductivity of ionic cpds Draw the electron structure of ions

© 22-May-2018 Chemsheets GCSE 1067

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