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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Batangas City
Alangilan Senior High School
Alangilan, Batangas City


School Year 2022-2023 Entrepreneurs 6:00-6:45
Teacher NELVIN B. VALLES Managers 7:30-8:15
Grade Level 11 Brokers 8:15-9:00
Semester FIRST
Teaching Date SEPTEMBER 19-23, 2022


At the end of the lesson,
1. define what is business organizations;
2. enumerate the different forms of business organizations; and
3. analyze the different forms of organization by answering the questions in their activities.
A. Content Standards The learners have an understanding of the role of business in the environment, and how the environment affects the firm
The learners shall be able to analyze the various environmental forces affecting the firm and summarize these using Political Economic Social and Technological Analysis
B. Performance Standards
PEST) and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis frameworks
C. Most Essential Learning
Differentiate the phases of economic development and its impact to business environment
Competencies (MELCs)
D. Enabling Competencies
II. CONTENT Phases of Economic Development
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide pages
b. Learner’s Material pages
c. Textbook pages
d. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. List of Learning Resources

Address: Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas 4200

T Telephone No: (043) 741 - 8682
Email: [email protected]
“Soar High with Excellence, Lead with Confidence”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Batangas City
Alangilan Senior High School
Alangilan, Batangas City

for Developmental and

Engagement Activities
1. The second stages of economic 1. The second stages of economic
development primarily involves_______. development primarily involves_____.
A. The complete abandonment of primary A. The complete abandonment of primary
economic activities economic activities
B. External investment and greater B. External investment and greater
exploitation of natural resources exploitation of natural resources
Let’s take a recap by answering the Let’s take a recap by answering the
C. The introduction of natural resources C. The introduction of natural resources
following: following:
A. Introduction from external sources from external sources
D. The movement towards a fluid and D. The movement towards a fluid and
1. Describe what the economy is? 1. Describe what the economy is?
meritocratic society meritocratic society
2. Enumerate the role of business in the 2. Enumerate the role of business in the
2. Rostow's Stages of Economic Growth 2. Rostow's Stages of Economic Growth
economy and explain each role. economy and explain each role.
include all of the following except include all of the followingexcept
A. Traditional Society A. Traditional Society
B. Drive to Maturity B. Drive to Maturity
C. Postmodern Society C. Postmodern Society
D. Take-off D. Take-off
B. Development Economic development – is a total process Stage 3: THE TAKE-OFF Economic development – is a total process Stage 3: THE TAKE-OFF
which includes not only economic growth This stage is characterized by dynamic which includes not only economic growth This stage is characterized by dynamic
or the increase in the given amount of economic development. The crucial stage or the increase in the given amount of economic development. The crucial stage
goods and services produced by the which covers a relatively brief period of goods and services produced by the which covers a relatively brief period of
country’s economy, but also considers the two or three decades in which the economy country’s economy, but also considers the two or three decades in which the economy
social, political, cultural, and spiritual transforms itself in such a way that social, political, cultural, and spiritual transforms itself in such a way that
aspects of the country’s growth. economic growth subsequently takes place aspects of the country’s growth. economic growth subsequently takes place
Economic growth – increase in the given more or less automatically. Economic growth – increase in the given more or less automatically.
amount of goods and services “The take-off” is defined as “the interval amount of goods and services “The take-off” is defined as “the interval
produced by the country’s earning. during which the rate of investment produced by the country’s earning. during which the rate of investment
One of the most famous historical models increases in such a way that real output per One of the most famous historical models increases in such a way that real output per
of economic development is the capita rises and this initial increase of economic development is the capita rises and this initial increase
ROWSTOW STAGES OF GROWTH carries with it radical changes in the ROWSTOW STAGES OF GROWTH carries with it radical changes in the
Address: Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas 4200
T Telephone No: (043) 741 - 8682
Email: [email protected]
“Soar High with Excellence, Lead with Confidence”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Batangas City
Alangilan Senior High School
Alangilan, Batangas City

techniques of production and the

techniques of production and the
disposition of income flows which
MODEL. It was published by American MODEL. It was published by American disposition of income flows which
perpetuate the new scale of investment and
economist Walt Whitman Rostow and economist Walt Whitman Rostow and perpetuate the new scale of investment and
perpetuate there by the rising trend in per
postulates that economic development postulates that economic development perpetuate there by the rising trend in per
capita output.”
occurs in five basic stages: occurs in five basic stages: capita output.”
In other words, in this stage urbanization
Stage 1: TRADITIONAL SOCIETY Stage 1: TRADITIONAL SOCIETY In other words, in this stage urbanization
increases, industrialization
In a traditional society, modern science and In a traditional society, modern science increases, industrialization
proceeds, and technological breakthroughs
technology are either not available or are and technology are either not available or proceeds, and technological breakthroughs
now occur.
not being systematically applied. A large are not being systematically applied. A now occur.
proportion of productive resources are large proportion of productive resources are Stage 5: DRIVE TO MATURITY
In this stage, economic and technical
devoted to agriculture such as hunting, devoted to agriculture such as hunting, In this stage, economic and technical
progress dominates. Multiple industries
fishing, and gardening. There is low fishing, and gardening. There is low progress dominates. Multiple industries
expand and new industries or businesses
economic and social mobility and changes economic and social mobility and changes expand and new industries or businesses
take root. Consumption increase, the rapid
are seen negatively. are seen negatively. take root. Consumption increase, the rapid
development of transportation,
Stage 2: PRE-CONDITIONS TO TAKE- Stage 2: PRE-CONDITIONS TO TAKE- development of transportation,
infrastructure occurs, and large scale
OFF This stage of economic development OFF This stage of economic development infrastructure occurs, and large scale
investment in social infrastructure such as
is a result of the industrial revolution. There is a result of the industrial revolution. There investment in social infrastructure such as
schools, universities, hotels, and hospitals
is now an external demand for raw is now an external demand for raw schools, universities, hotels, and hospitals
take place.
materials which social, political, and materials which social, political, and take place.
economic changes. economic changes. Stage 6: AGE OF MASS CONSUMPTION
During this stage, the per capita real
1. A change in society’s attitudes towards 1. A change in society’s attitudes towards During this stage, the per capita real income
income increases to the level at which a
science, risk-taking, and profit learning; science, risk-taking, and profit learning; increases to the level at which a large
large number of people can afford
2. The adaptability of the labor force; 2. The adaptability of the labor force; number of people can afford consumption
consumption transcending the basic food,
3. Political sovereignty; 3. Political sovereignty; transcending the basic food, shelter, and
shelter, and clothing requirements. They
4. Development of a centralized tax system 4. Development of a centralized tax system clothing requirements. They have
have disposable income beyond all basic
and financial institutions; and and financial institutions; and disposable income beyond all basic needs
needs for additional goods. Meaning to say,
5. The construction of certain economic and 5. The construction of certain economic for additional goods. Meaning to say, most
most of the society live in prosperity, and
social overheads like rail-roads and and social overheads like rail-roads and of the society live in prosperity, and persons
persons living in the society are offered
educational institutions. educational institutions. living in the society are offered both
both abundance and a multiplicity of
abundance and a multiplicity of choices.
Let’s wrap up by answering the following: Point of Reflection

Address: Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas 4200

T Telephone No: (043) 741 - 8682
Email: [email protected]
“Soar High with Excellence, Lead with Confidence”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Batangas City
Alangilan Senior High School
Alangilan, Batangas City

What do you think are the adverse effects when sustainable economic development
1. Differentiate “economic development” with “economic growth?” Explain your answer.
practices in our country are not implemented?
2. What are the different stages/phases of economic development? .
The Teacher will give three questions about The Teacher will give three questions The Teacher will give three questions about The Teacher will give three questions about
D. Assimilation
the topic. about the topic. the topic. the topic.
The learners, in their notebook, journal The learners, in their notebook, journal The learners, in their notebook, journal The learners, in their notebook, journal
or portfolio will write their personal or portfolio will write their personal or portfolio will write their personal or portfolio will write their personal
insights about the lesson using the insights about the lesson using the insights about the lesson using the insights about the lesson using the
prompts below. prompts below. prompts below. prompts below.
I understand that . I understand that . I understand that . I understand that .
I realize that . I realize that . I realize that . I realize that .

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Teacher II Subject Group Head Teacher-In-Charge

____________________________ ____________________________
Date Date

Address: Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas 4200

T Telephone No: (043) 741 - 8682
Email: [email protected]
“Soar High with Excellence, Lead with Confidence”

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