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An Astro Gold Report

for Alice (Sample)

Written by Stephanie Johnson

Compliments of:-

Astro Gold
Astrology App
Astro Gold Predictive - Alice (Sample) Page 2
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Astrological Summary
Chart Point Positions: Alice (Sample)

Planet Sign Position House Comment

The Moon Taurus 27°Ta57' 8th
The Sun Aries 06°Ar58' 6th
Mercury Pisces 09°Pi37' 5th
Venus Aquarius 20°Aq46' 4th
Mars Gemini 16°Ge16' 8th
Jupiter Pisces 04°Pi28' 5th
Saturn Gemini 28°Ge30' 9th
Uranus Libra 26°Li32' 1st
Neptune Sagittarius 09°Sg32' 2nd
Pluto Libra 05°Li25' 12th
Chiron Aries 19°Ar33' 6th
The North Node Sagittarius 22°Sg18' 3rd
The South Node Gemini 22°Ge18' 9th
The Ascendant Libra 22°Li42' 1st
The Midheaven Cancer 26°Cn48' 10th

Chart Point Aspects: Alice (Sample)

Planet Aspect Planet Orb App/Sep

The Moon Square Jupiter 6°30' Applying
The Moon Trine Pluto 7°28' Applying
The Moon Sextile The Midheaven 1°09' Applying
The Sun Semisquare Venus 1°12' Separating
The Sun Trine Neptune 2°34' Applying
The Sun Opposition Pluto 1°32' Separating
Mercury Conjunction Jupiter 5°09' Separating
Mercury Sesquisquare Uranus 1°55' Applying
Mercury Square Neptune 0°04' Separating
Mercury Sesquisquare The Ascendant 1°54' Applying
Venus Trine Mars 4°29' Separating
Venus Trine Uranus 5°46' Applying
Venus Sesquisquare Pluto 0°20' Separating
Venus Sextile Chiron 1°13' Separating
Venus Sextile The North Node 1°32' Applying
Venus Trine The South Node 1°32' Applying
Venus Trine The Ascendant 1°56' Separating
Mars Sextile Chiron 3°16' Applying
Mars Opposition The North Node 6°02' Applying
Mars Conjunction The South Node 6°02' Applying
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Jupiter Trine Saturn 5°57' Separating

Jupiter Square Neptune 5°04' Applying
Jupiter Quincunx Pluto 0°57' Applying
Jupiter Semisquare Chiron 0°04' Applying
Saturn Trine Uranus 1°57' Separating
Saturn Conjunction The South Node 6°12' Separating
Saturn Trine The Ascendant 5°48' Applying
Uranus Semisquare Neptune 2°00' Applying
Uranus Opposition Chiron 6°59' Applying
Uranus Trine The South Node 4°14' Separating
Uranus Conjunction The Ascendant 3°50' Applying
Uranus Square The Midheaven 0°15' Separating
Neptune Semisquare The Ascendant 1°50' Applying
Chiron Trine The North Node 2°45' Applying
Chiron Sextile The South Node 2°45' Applying
Chiron Opposition The Ascendant 3°09' Separating
The North Node Sextile The Ascendant 0°24' Separating
The South Node Trine The Ascendant 0°24' Separating
The Ascendant Square The Midheaven 4°05' Separating


Transiting Points: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron

Radix Points: Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,
Pluto, Chiron, North Node, South Node, Ascendant, Midheaven
Dynamic Aspects: Conjunction (0°00'), Opposition (180°00'), Trine (120°00'),
Square (90°00')
Aspect Orbs: Entering: 1°00', Leaving 1°00'
Reference Timezone: GMT +0:00
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"Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world
Like a Colussus; and we petty men
Walk under his huge legs, and peep about
To find ourselves dishonorable graves.
Men at some time are masters of their fates:
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings."
Julius Caesar (1599) act 1, scene 2 Shakespeare
The subject of Fate or Destiny has triggered many a philosophical argument. What is
destiny? Are the details of our lives pre-destined? How much free will do we really
have? These are imponderable questions. This report does not offer the answers.
Rather it gives us some signposts to help us on our life journey.

When meteorologists forecast the weather we understand that they are not telling us
how to live our lives. Rather they are giving us information that may help us make our
own decisions. As far as the weather is concerned our major decisions are whether or
not to dress warmly or to take an umbrella. The astrological system of Transits is
offering us much the same information. It is giving us an indication of the emotional
and intellectual weather of our lives. It is up to us to decide our own destiny.
When using this set of interpretations, please bear in mind that, inevitably, every chart
will contain some contradictory influences, and as a result certain interpretations of
different items in the same chart may seem difficult to reconcile. However, this may
still be an accurate reflection of what is happening to the individual whose transits are
being interpreted, as people do experience conflicting desires, events and
circumstances in their lives. It is the responsibility of the astrologer to synthesise
these apparent contradictions in order to present a cohesive and realistic
interpretation of the dilemmas of the chart.
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Background Planetary Placements

Each entry in this list relates to an astrological placement that affects the natal chart
of this individual for a period of time. The entries are sorted by planet, and by the date
on which each period starts. Note that some planets are slow moving, and may remain
in the same placement for the entire durastion of the report, whereas other faster
moving planets may move into different houses or signs a number of times during the
period of the report.
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From Oct 1 2023 to Dec 1 2024

Entered Before Oct 1 2023, Leaves Apr 14 2024

TRANSITING JUPITER IN THE 7TH HOUSE - Jupiter is the planet known for generosity,
expansiveness and joie de vivre. Ancient astrologers considered it to have a positive
influence heralding abundance and expansiveness. Therefore you can expect these
traits to influence the area of your Birth Chart currently under its influence.
Relationships are highlighted during this period, particularly with your personal and
business partners. Right now you have the confidence to attract positive and beneficial
partnerships. Of course if you are already in a committed business or personal
association then you may need to make some changes to ensure that any union is
rewarding. However, you are lucky indeed during this period. Anyone who signs a
contract or is in partnership with you is likely to bring good fortune. If you are not
already in a relationship, you may meet someone who has a positive effect on your
life. It is through your close associations with other people that you are likely to grow
and expand in health, wealth and happiness. You may also form a partnership with
someone from a foreign land or a different cultural background. During this period you
need to remain open to new possibilities of growth through partnership.

Enters Apr 14 2024, Leaves After Dec 1 2024

TRANSITING JUPITER IN THE 8TH HOUSE - Jupiter is the planet known for generosity,
expansiveness and joie de vivre. Ancient astrologers considered it to have a positive
influence heralding abundance and expansiveness. Therefore you can expect these
traits to influence the area of your Birth Chart currently under its influence. As the
positive planet Jupiter moves through your 8th House joint enterprises bring benefits
during this period. You are able to reassess how you invest your time, energy and
money and make positive changes. You simply need to make sure that you do not
become too grandiose. A little restraint is required. It would be easy to make grand
plans for investments and joint businesses during this time but you would do better to
plan carefully and reap the rewards. It is also possible that you receive a gift, a legacy
or inheritance. Metaphysical matters may also appeal as you delve in the meaning of
life, cycles and other mysteries.

Entered Before Oct 1 2023, Leaves After Dec 1 2024

TRANSITING SATURN IN THE 5TH HOUSE - "The planet Saturn rules all that is
durable, long-lasting, hardened and able to be structured like lead or concrete;
industries like building or agriculture and businesses that have long range goals, are
traditional and well-established." So says renowned astrologer Brian Clark. Therefore
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Saturn is likely to force you to slow down and restructure any area that it influences in
your Birth Chart. You are required to seriously assess the value of the life areas
influenced by this serious planet. When this serious planet moves into the 5th House
of your Birth Chart you are asked to seriously consider what you have and would like
to create in your life. The creations in your life are likely to coincide with
responsibilities. For instance you start a family which brings great joy but also duties
and care for little ones. Another example could be that you are giving birth to an
artistic project that demands attention to detail and hard work. This is joyful and
satisfying and also demanding. During this period you need to make sure that you
schedule in time for relaxation and recreation, rather than enjoy spontaneous fun. You
may benefit from a regular creative activity. Children, either your own or other
people's, may need extra attention.

Entered Before Oct 1 2023, Leaves Dec 1 2023

TRANSITING URANUS IN THE 8TH HOUSE - Uranus is a planet that is full of surprises.
It takes approximately 84 years to do a full circle around the Zodiac. This means that
it moves slowly through each Zodiac Sign and its effects on your Birth Chart takes
time to unfold. It is important to note that this erratic planet can affect your life in a
variety of ways depending on how you cope with change. If you try to resist change
then you may find this planet's effects somewhat of a challenge. If you welcome
liberation then you are in for a joyride. The planet Uranus helps you break free from
past chains and restrictions and form new and more joyful ways of interacting in your
life. Your life may be disrupted but you are then free from thinking inside the box, and
new horizons open up. The area of your Birth Chart influenced by this liberating force
is likely to be awakened and stimulated. You may experience sudden changes in life
through joint ventures, particularly joint finances. You may also be fascinated by
metaphysics and the deeper side of life. Life becomes an adventure as the exciting
planet Uranus moves through the 8th House of your Birth Chart. You can resist or take
a leap of faith.

Enters Dec 1 2023, Leaves Mar 22 2024

TRANSITING URANUS IN THE 7TH HOUSE - Uranus is a planet that is full of surprises.
It takes approximately 84 years to do a full circle around the Zodiac. This means that
it moves slowly through each Zodiac Sign and its effects on your Birth Chart takes
time to unfold. It is important to note that this erratic planet can affect your life in a
variety of ways depending on how you cope with change. If you try to resist change
then you may find this planet's effects somewhat of a challenge. If you welcome
liberation then you are in for a joyride. The planet Uranus helps you break free from
past chains and restrictions and form new and more joyful ways of interacting in your
life. Your life may be disrupted but you are then free from thinking inside the box, and
new horizons open up. The area of your Birth Chart influenced by this liberating force
is likely to be awakened and stimulated. As Uranus casts its influence on the 7th
House of partnerships, your relationship with your partner, either personal or
business, becomes unpredictable. Either you or your partner may want to make
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changes. This can be upsetting or exciting depending on your attitude.

Enters Mar 22 2024, Leaves After Dec 1 2024

TRANSITING URANUS IN THE 8TH HOUSE - Uranus is a planet that is full of surprises.
It takes approximately 84 years to do a full circle around the Zodiac. This means that
it moves slowly through each Zodiac Sign and its effects on your Birth Chart takes
time to unfold. It is important to note that this erratic planet can affect your life in a
variety of ways depending on how you cope with change. If you try to resist change
then you may find this planet's effects somewhat of a challenge. If you welcome
liberation then you are in for a joyride. The planet Uranus helps you break free from
past chains and restrictions and form new and more joyful ways of interacting in your
life. Your life may be disrupted but you are then free from thinking inside the box, and
new horizons open up. The area of your Birth Chart influenced by this liberating force
is likely to be awakened and stimulated. You may experience sudden changes in life
through joint ventures, particularly joint finances. You may also be fascinated by
metaphysics and the deeper side of life. Life becomes an adventure as the exciting
planet Uranus moves through the 8th House of your Birth Chart. You can resist or take
a leap of faith.

Entered Before Oct 1 2023, Leaves May 3 2024

TRANSITING NEPTUNE IN THE 5TH HOUSE - The planet Neptune takes approximately
164 years to circle the Zodiac. This slow-moving planet's transits unfold slowly. It is
therefore more significant to look at any exact transits that are occurring in your Birth
Chart. Nevertheless it can be helpful to try to understand the effect of Neptune as it
enters into and transits through a House in your Birth Chart. Neptune is the planet
that urges us to search for meaning in our lives, to look beyond the structures and
focus on purpose. For instance are you pursuing a career because of ambition and
material rewards or is it your true purpose and fully satisfying? Therefore it is not
uncommon for the initial effects of Neptune to be confusion and disillusion, perhaps
even a sense of loss. Gradually awareness emerges and you are able to see what is
underlying the illusions and what you can gain by changing your course and embracing
values that truly enhance your journey in life. Neptune helps you see the truth of any
situation and therefore live your own truth. As Neptune moves through your 5th House
the artistic side of your nature flourishes boosting any creative projects undertaken.
You may take up creative pursuits for the first time in your life. It is also possible that
you will enjoy trips to the theatre or art gallery, or communing with nature. Romance
is also in the air, although you would be wise not to take care when making any long-
term commitments. Relationships with children, either your own or other people's,
could be somewhat confusing. If you do not have children of your own, you may be
confused about whether or not you would like any in the future.
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Enters May 3 2024, Leaves Sep 3 2024

TRANSITING NEPTUNE IN THE 6TH HOUSE - The planet Neptune takes approximately
164 years to circle the Zodiac. This slow-moving planet's transits unfold slowly. It is
therefore more significant to look at any exact transits that are occurring in your Birth
Chart. Nevertheless it can be helpful to try to understand the effect of Neptune as it
enters into and transits through a House in your Birth Chart. Neptune is the planet
that urges us to search for meaning in our lives, to look beyond the structures and
focus on purpose. For instance are you pursuing a career because of ambition and
material rewards or is it your true purpose and fully satisfying? Therefore it is not
uncommon for the initial effects of Neptune to be confusion and disillusion, perhaps
even a sense of loss. Gradually awareness emerges and you are able to see what is
underlying the illusions and what you can gain by changing your course and embracing
values that truly enhance your journey in life. Neptune helps you see the truth of any
situation and therefore live your own truth. As Neptune travels through your 6th
House you need to take care of your health, taking particular care with drugs of any
description. The trouble is that your body is overly-sensitive during this time. You may
even develop or discover allergies. You may also feel somewhat lethargic,
overwhelmed by the demands of a busy life. A good balance of rest, exercise and a
healthy diet goes a long way towards helping you cope with the stress of a busy
schedule. You may also benefit from seeking advice from alternative healers, or
perhaps even exploring options for working as a healer or in a spiritual field.

Enters Sep 3 2024, Leaves After Dec 1 2024

TRANSITING NEPTUNE IN THE 5TH HOUSE - The planet Neptune takes approximately
164 years to circle the Zodiac. This slow-moving planet's transits unfold slowly. It is
therefore more significant to look at any exact transits that are occurring in your Birth
Chart. Nevertheless it can be helpful to try to understand the effect of Neptune as it
enters into and transits through a House in your Birth Chart. Neptune is the planet
that urges us to search for meaning in our lives, to look beyond the structures and
focus on purpose. For instance are you pursuing a career because of ambition and
material rewards or is it your true purpose and fully satisfying? Therefore it is not
uncommon for the initial effects of Neptune to be confusion and disillusion, perhaps
even a sense of loss. Gradually awareness emerges and you are able to see what is
underlying the illusions and what you can gain by changing your course and embracing
values that truly enhance your journey in life. Neptune helps you see the truth of any
situation and therefore live your own truth. As Neptune moves through your 5th House
the artistic side of your nature flourishes boosting any creative projects undertaken.
You may take up creative pursuits for the first time in your life. It is also possible that
you will enjoy trips to the theatre or art gallery, or communing with nature. Romance
is also in the air, although you would be wise not to take care when making any long-
term commitments. Relationships with children, either your own or other people's,
could be somewhat confusing. If you do not have children of your own, you may be
confused about whether or not you would like any in the future.
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Entered Before Oct 1 2023, Leaves After Dec 1 2024

TRANSITING PLUTO IN THE 4TH HOUSE - Pluto is the slowest moving planet in the
Solar System, taking approximately 248 years to complete a circle around the Zodiac.
This slow-moving planet's transits are long-lasting and initially pack a punch if you are
not living according to your true natures. The more you are your authentic self, the
more that you can embrace the positive side of Pluto. The author of the website Café
Astrology puts it best when stating: "Pluto compels us to explore more deeply.
Superficiality is not acceptable for Pluto. Pluto transits insist that we get in touch with
our core purpose and our deep sense of power. New levels of intimacy, not only with
others but also with ourselves, are discovered and uncovered." Currently you may feel
that the foundations of your life - family and home - are changing and it is difficult to
find a firm foothold. In effect the foundations of your life, which you believed to be
sure, are cracking. This can be exciting if you enjoy the challenge of change, but most
often it is a time which leaves you feeling vulnerable. The areas most affected by this
transit are your home and family members. It is a time of intensity and upheaval on
the homefront. Family members may leave home or come to stay disrupting the
comfortable routine. It is also possible that you change homes during this transit.
Whatever the circumstances you are being asked to delve into your personal life with a
view to changing at a deep level. You will not feel like the same person by the end of
this period.

Entered Before Oct 1 2023, Leaves Jun 12 2024

TRANSITING CHIRON IN THE 6TH HOUSE - You suffer from feelings of physical
inadequacy. You may also have experienced physical pain as a child. Your search for
self-healing may lead to you healing others on a daily basis. You could also teach
healing techniques.

Enters Jun 12 2024, Leaves Sep 9 2024

TRANSITING CHIRON IN THE 7TH HOUSE - You suffer from broken and painful
relationships, and feelings of rejection by your partner. You may later have a partner
who teaches you to overcome this, or you may teach you partner.

Enters Sep 9 2024, Leaves After Dec 1 2024

TRANSITING CHIRON IN THE 6TH HOUSE - You suffer from feelings of physical
inadequacy. You may also have experienced physical pain as a child. Your search for
self-healing may lead to you healing others on a daily basis. You could also teach
healing techniques.
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Transiting Events
Each entry in this list relates to an astrological event that affects the natal chart for
this individual. The entries are sorted by the exact date on which each event occurs,
and the period of time around this date during which the events are considered to be
in effect is shown in parentheses on the same line. Note that due to occasional
retrograde motion of some planets, some events may be exact on two or more dates,
and in this case all such dates are listed on the same line. Any events which are not
exact within the report period, but whose period of effectiveness overlaps with the
report period are also included.
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From Oct 1 2023 to Dec 1 2024

May 3 2023 and Aug 30 2023 (Apr 3 2023 to Oct 6 2023)

chance to express yourself more creatively or artistically in your chosen profession.
You may also find that you have the chance to be more of your true self at work.
Others are ready to listen to your ideas, particularly when they seem to reflect the
common good. You are less likely to be ambitious right now preferring to seek
meaning and purpose in your chosen profession. If you are unhappy then this is your
chance to discover ways to move forwards in ways that offer more satisfaction.
Meditation, contemplation and prayer can help shed light on satisfying means of
expressing yourself in your public life.

Sep 24 2023 and Oct 27 2023 (Jul 29 2023 to Dec 18 2023)

TRANSITING PLUTO TRINE RADIX MOON - Your intuition and emotional insight is
heightened. You are able to delve deeply into your emotions and let go of old
emotional habits instead of trying to maintain a stale status quo. As a result you
embrace your loved ones with a sense of honesty and integrity and seek out those
who offer love and support. Others see your emotional strength and respond in a
positive manner. Even if others rely on you a little too much, you now have the ability
to cope well with any emotional issues that arise in your family or home environment.
Others will be impressed by your depth of feeling and psychological wisdom paving the
way for greater emotional satisfaction in your personal relationships. You may also
benefit from changes in your home life, the buying or selling of a home or renovations.
This really is a great time for you to rekindle your joie de vivre.

Nov 20 2023 (Oct 27 2023 to Dec 17 2023)

TRANSITING URANUS SQUARE RADIX VENUS - It is time to put a bit of sparkle into
your love life. If you are married then you are likely to be restless, eager for changes
that can add some romance and fun. Whereas once you were content to compromise
your freedom for the comfort of a predictable relationship, now you will feel restless
and caged in by any constraints placed on you. You need to communicate this to your
spouse, while recognizing that you also need to be patient. Right now any problems in
your most intimate relationship are likely to be forced out into the open challenging
the commitment. You need to beware of jeopardising the benefits of your relationship
in order to satisfy your short-term needs. The key is to focus on the love and
understanding that exists in your relationship, while examining and find new solutions
for the areas in which you feel constrained. If you are single then you may attract
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someone who is a real challenge. Romance is possible, but usually the road to love is
not smooth. You are well advised to enjoy the vitality, but not to make a firm
commitment until after this point in time. You may also experience financial tensions
during this time.

Jan 13 2024 (Jan 3 2024 to Jan 23 2024)

your dreams reality. You are being forced, whether you like it not, to reassess your
goals in life. This can be a painstaking process. Any goals which have been impractical
and far-fetched will need to be revised in a more practical light. Your usual resources
may not be readily available, forcing you to delve deeper for ways to get things done.
By the end of the transit you may feel a renewed sense of commitment to your goals.
This can be a time when you discover your spiritual purpose. But bware because this
transit can really dampen your spirits. Your usual buoyancy and optimism are
overshadowed by an awareness of life's hardships. Whereas once you could see light
at the end of the tunnel, now you see only the obstacles along the way. Doors that
once seemed to swing open, now ominously stay shut. It may be that an authority
figure or an external event is literally limiting your options, or simply that you are
going through self-imposed hardship. Either way you would do best to recognise that
this is a passing phase, and circumstances will change and life will not always be seen
through such a pessimistic lens. On a more positive note this can also be a time of
wise decisions and increased commitment. If you have been careless in the past, this
can be a time when you slow down and take on a more sober approach to life with
long-term benefits.

Mar 2 2024 (Feb 2 2024 to Mar 29 2024)

chance to express yourself more creatively or artistically in your chosen profession.
You may also find that you have the chance to be more of your true self at work.
Others are ready to listen to your ideas, particularly when they seem to reflect the
common good. You are less likely to be ambitious right now preferring to seek
meaning and purpose in your chosen profession. If you are unhappy then this is your
chance to discover ways to move forwards in ways that offer more satisfaction.
Meditation, contemplation and prayer can help shed light on satisfying means of
expressing yourself in your public life.

Feb 27 2024 (Feb 18 2024 to Mar 6 2024)

TRANSITING SATURN SQUARE RADIX NEPTUNE - This is a time of confusion, lethargy
and possibly depression. It is as if everything has taken on a dull sheen. Everyday
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tasks take on mountainous proportions and you are often tired. Perhaps you need a
good holiday? If possible, you could really benefit from some time in natural
surroundings such as by the ocean, or in the countryside. It is also the ideal time to
treat yourself to some time listening to soothing music or attending inspirational
concerts, theatre, dance, opera or film. In fact you may also enjoy taking up a creative
pursuit. Rather than force yourself to shoulder too many responsibilities, take some
time to contemplate your life in a gentle, reflective light. This is a good time to
replenish your dwindling energy. If you take the time to soothe your troubled soul
now, then you will be feeling refreshed and ready for the next phase of your life.

Feb 27 2024 (Feb 19 2024 to Mar 6 2024)

likely to give serious thought to all of your commitments, making sure that you are
heading in the right direction. These can include business partnerships, contracts, real
estate, marriage and financial matters, to name a few. Current obligations are
reviewed as you question whether you are still serious about these matters. On the
other hand you may be carefully considering making a long-term commitment to a
prospective marital or business partner. Perhaps you are considering purchasing a
house or taking a long journey. Either way this is a time for serious thought during
which you reassess your options. You are unlikely to be rash right now, preferring to
contemplate the consequences of your decisions. At the end of this point of time you,
and others, will know that your decisions are likely to be long lasting. If you have
made a commitment then you will stand by your word. If you have rejected a proposal
then that is likely to be the end. It is also possible that you are considering a long-
term intellectual pursuit, such as academic study or professional re-training. You may
also begin a writing project, something as simple as a diary or more demanding such
as fiction or non-fiction. This is the ideal moment in time to take on board any project
that requires concentration and intelligence. It is also an ideal phase during which to
overcome your past fears and to embrace a purposeful future. The plans and decisions
that you make now are likely to reap real rewards in the future, particularly in seven
years time.

Mar 31 2024 (Mar 7 2024 to Apr 20 2024)

TRANSITING URANUS SQUARE RADIX VENUS - It is time to put a bit of sparkle into
your love life. If you are married then you are likely to be restless, eager for changes
that can add some romance and fun. Whereas once you were content to compromise
your freedom for the comfort of a predictable relationship, now you will feel restless
and caged in by any constraints placed on you. You need to communicate this to your
spouse, while recognizing that you also need to be patient. Right now any problems in
your most intimate relationship are likely to be forced out into the open challenging
the commitment. You need to beware of jeopardising the benefits of your relationship
in order to satisfy your short-term needs. The key is to focus on the love and
understanding that exists in your relationship, while examining and find new solutions
for the areas in which you feel constrained. If you are single then you may attract
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someone who is a real challenge. Romance is possible, but usually the road to love is
not smooth. You are well advised to enjoy the vitality, but not to make a firm
commitment until after this point in time. You may also experience financial tensions
during this time.

Apr 18 2024 (Mar 21 2024 to May 23 2024)

TRANSITING NEPTUNE SQUARE RADIX SATURN - This is a stressful time during which
you lack your usual self-confidence. The foundations of your life are being tested and
you are being challenged to view things in a different light. However, you may feel a
little shaky. Don't be too hard on yourself. Rather take some time out to reflect on
what is really important in life. You are being asked to see the importance of the
spiritual and more esoteric values in life, rather than the material ones.

Apr 11 2024 (Mar 25 2024 to Apr 28 2024)

one of the most profound periods of your life. This is a time during which you ponder
the past in the light of how you feel in the present. The entity called Chiron is not
about the intellect, logic or material matters. Therefore this is not a time during which
you re-examine your ambitions, acquisitions or public achievements. This is a private
time during which you reflect on your emotions, relationships and your innermost
journey. An external event can trigger a new stage in your life's journey. This is likely
more aligned to your soul's purpose. It is also possible that your inner world changes
during this period. You may have been living a life in a forthright manner, claiming
conquests and forging a successful career. There is nothing wrong with this lifestyle,
however; if you have been cut-off from your feelings and unaware of the impact of
this detachment on both yourself and others then now you may feel somewhat alone.
It is possible that you have built yourself a beautiful fortress of a life, but that this now
feels strangely dissatisfying. Chiron helps us see through the masculine and survival
traits to the feminine and softer side of life and ourselves. The more that we have
striven for a balanced life, both in touch with our feelings and our intellect, the more
that we are likely to enjoy this return of the healing Chiron. However, if we have not
listened to our inner voice, the still small voice within our hearts, then this could be a
hurtful time. Either way it is now possible to come to terms with past actions, accept
ourselves warts and all and then look for a more authentic path. This can be a time of
spiritual discovery, which helps to heal past events and put you on a new path.

Apr 16 2024 (Apr 12 2024 to Apr 20 2024)

TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX VENUS - Although this can be a positive time for
socialising with loved ones, there is also an element of tension. This could be because
Astro Gold Predictive - Alice (Sample) Page 17

you are expecting too much from your nearest and dearest, or it could be that they
are asking too much from you. You find it difficult to please yourself and other people.
There has to be a balance between the adventures of life and the routine daily
demands. Right now one of you is seeking only the adventure and this is causing
tension. It is often hurtful when one person in a close relationship upsets the balance,
so it is understandable if you are feeling rejected by your loved one. The best
approach may be to give the other person a little bit of time to settle down. They may
need a little bit of freedom before returning to a more balanced approach to the
relationship. On the other hand it could be that the other person's insensitivity to your
relationship is the straw that breaks the camel's back, as far as you are concerned. If
you are the one who is acting in a rash manner then you would be wise to listen to
other's concerns and show a little restraint. In astrology Jupiter is considered to be a
positive influence. Therefore it is more likely that things will settle down with positive
results from this topsy-turvy time.

Apr 26 2024 (Apr 16 2024 to May 8 2024)

TRANSITING SATURN SQUARE RADIX MARS - The best-made plans can go awry,
which you are discovering during this transit. You are probably also feeling some
anger and frustration as your plans seem to be going nowhere. You may even feel that
others are deliberately standing in your way. It is best to exercise patience as the
reasons for the obstacles will become clearer later. Persist as calmly as possible,
taking time out from major projects for sporting and recreational activities that will
allow you to expend your pent-up energy. Avoid those that involve risks, at least for
the duration of this transit.

Jun 2 2024 (May 12 2024 to Jul 3 2024)

TRANSITING CHIRON TRINE RADIX NORTH NODE - Opportunities come but once in a
lifetime, or so the saying goes. Now is the time for you to be open to opportunities to
discover and express your special gifts. If you believe that everyone has a purpose in
this world then now is your chance to discover yours and make the most of the doors
that open. It is also possible that you are given the chance to mend broken bridges
during this time, which will in turn pave the way for a brighter future.

May 17 2024 (May 13 2024 to May 21 2024)

life in astrology. Jupiter is a God. When this planet of largesse combines with your
Moon then your feelings are amplified. If you are feeling good about yourself and life,
then Jupiter can boost your confidence. However, if you are feeling less than confident
then Jupiter highlights your feelings, so that you can gain a better understanding of
Astro Gold Predictive - Alice (Sample) Page 18

what is holding you back. Usually, however, this is a feel-good transit. In other words,
you feel good about yourself, your life and your loved ones. As a result, you are
particularly warm and loving. Your contentment is obvious to your loved ones, and
they want to spend time with you. Right now, you know how to have a good time, and
indulge yourself. The only concern is the tendency to go to extremes. You need to be
wary of over-indulgence in all things, particularly if you are avoiding those negative
feelings that have haunted you until now. The temptation is to express your feelings
and indulge yourself with no restraint or consideration for others. However, if you can
keep a balanced outlook then you and your loved ones can benefit from your generous
and optimistic outlook. It is also possible that you use this time to make your life, in
particular, your home more comfortable. This could simply be purchasing more
comfortable furniture and furnishings, or you may make plans to move to a home
more suited to your current needs. Your family life may expand in some way. Perhaps
a family member will come to stay or perhaps you will give birth to a child. Either way
you are likely to welcome these changes. This is a positive move, as long as you take
everyone's needs into consideration.

Jun 12 2024 and Sep 9 2024 (May 20 2024 to Oct 3 2024)

healing in your most intimate relationship. Your partner may consciously or sub-
consciously cause you pain during this time, through their actions or expectations. As
a result you are prompted to delve deeply within yourself to heal past wounds which
have stood in the way of intimacy. This is a painful process, but one that ultimately
leads to a more honest relationship, particularly if you can face your own wounds
honestly. The changes in your own attitude to your relationship and within your
relations prove very healing. If you are not already in a relationship, you may meet
someone who will play an important role in your life. They may take on the role of
teacher or healer in your life. This can also be a time when your own counselling skills
are highlighted.

Jun 14 2024 (Jun 9 2024 to Jun 18 2024)

TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX JUPITER - Progress can occur in certain areas of
your life, and you generally move forward during this cycle. Growth often happens due
to increased restlessness and an inability to accept things for how they are.
Sometimes you advance due to conflict or resistance rather than an unobstructed
path. You may encounter situations that challenge your belief in yourself and what you
consider to be right. If you uphold what is in your best interest, then you likely will
prevail despite any ordeals. Promoting what is selfish or self-serving may make it
more difficult to achieve the results that you seek. This can be a time during which
you feel optimistic and confident. You are likely to be enthusiastic about one or more
areas of your life. On the whole your positivity is well-placed, however; you do need to
make sure that you exercise some caution. It is time to listen to the "still small voice"
that is in your head. Ask yourself if you are really capable of delivering all that you
promise. Also ask yourself if others are capable of delivering on their promises. Listen
Astro Gold Predictive - Alice (Sample) Page 19

to any small warning signals. This does not mean that you have to abandon your
optimism, but rather that you need to make sure that all of the details are adhered to.
Maintaining a positive outlook despite any setbacks can assist in attaining the goals
that you seek and experience is invaluable. Nevertheless don't forget to look before
you leap. It is important to slow down and use some old-fashioned common sense
before you take up opportunities that are coming your way right now.

Jun 18 2024 (Jun 14 2024 to Jun 22 2024)

TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX PLUTO - You strike the right balance between
confidence and persistence required to propel you towards your goals in life. You are
confident and feel powerful and in control of your life, and others notice. Therefore you
may find that career promotion and recognition play a prominent role right now. It is a
good time to make the most of any opportunities for advancement that come your
way, as your judgement should be sound.

Jul 7 2024 (Jul 2 2024 to Jul 12 2024)

of making you feel that you are caught in one of life's mazes. Whatever exciting
direction you wish to explore there seems to be no clear path, and yet there is a
strong urge to continue exploring. In some cases you may feel that someone else or
an external event is confusing matters. However, you are idealistic and have
unrealistic expectations and would be wise not to accuse others just yet. It may be
that someone is deceiving you, but now is not the time to take action. Bide your time
and all will become clear. It would also be best to avoid making long-term decisions
right now as your own judgement may be clouded. Rather remain as down-to-earth as
possible while pushing for spiritual growth.

Jul 7 2024 (Jul 2 2024 to Jul 12 2024)

TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX MERCURY - Generally speaking this is a positive
time during which you receive good news, positive outcomes to transactions and easy
execution of your goals and plans. You are open-minded and eager to share ideas with
other people. You are confident in your own opinions. However, you do have to be
careful how you go about your business. On the one hand you are confident and
optimistic and other people respond positively with special gifts, support and favours.
However, you also have the tendency to be grandiose, lacking tact and diplomacy. In
other words, if you are not careful, you can be opinionated and blunt. Others may be
quick to point out these faults, which you find irritating rather than helpful. Before you
know it your positive dealings have spiralled into a maze of mis-communications. This
is easily avoided if you show some restraint in your communications with others. Once
Astro Gold Predictive - Alice (Sample) Page 20

you have learned diplomacy then you are likely to benefit from anything that involves
contracts, transactions, study, teaching, travel and the media.

Sep 1 2024 (Aug 5 2024 to Sep 28 2024)

TRANSITING URANUS CONJUNCTION RADIX MOON - If you like surprises then you will
like this phase of your life. However, if you react adversely to change then you may
find this period a bit challenging. Routines can be comforting but they can also get a
little stale. During this phase of your life you are being challenged to discard outdated
habits and strike out in new directions. During this time of discovery you will learn that
the old ways are not necessarily the best ways. This may a change in diet or lifestyle,
or it could involve something more dramatic such as breaking away from parental or
authoritarian influences.You may change your residence, moving to a place that offers
you more independence from friends and family. Whatever the scenario you need to
follow your newfound urge for change and emotional freedom. It is important that you
continue to consider the needs and wishes of other people. However, you need to
balance this with your own needs for independence and excitement. Your loved ones
may feel a little surprised, even insecure, as they witnesses you change. You need to
reassure them while continuing to explore. The path to emotional freedom may not be
smooth. You may undergo times of uncertainty, frustration, moodiness and irritation
as you attempt to change your patterns of behaviour. Your loved ones may not
immediately respond positively to your need for change. Your home life may be in
disarray. However, your intuition is strong during this transit and you can use your
inner knowledge to pursue an emotionally fulfilling path which respects both your
needs and the needs of loved ones.

Aug 12 2024 (Aug 5 2024 to Aug 18 2024)

energy right now. This can be directed in to personal or work projects or perhaps a
sport. You are keen to take the initiative and move ahead with your plans. Perhaps
you have been planning to travel abroad or to study martial arts? On the other hand
you may have been waiting for the go ahead on a special project or for a promotion at
work. Now you receive the good news and are able to step into action. Whatever the
scenario you are optimistic and ready to go. You are clear that you are heading in the
right direction and feel confident of success. And it's true. You do have the drive and
good fortune to achieve success during this transit. This is an excellent time to spend
plenty of time and energy on your favourite project, with an assurance of reaping what
you have sown. You may also enjoy channelling some of your energy into your
favourite sporting activities, where you are also assured of success. When it comes to
pursuing your goals now is the time to strike while the iron is hot. Others will also
notice your leadership abilities and reward you in ways that support your plans. On the
whole this is a positive time during which you can really achieve success.
Astro Gold Predictive - Alice (Sample) Page 21

Sep 21 2024 (Aug 11 2024 to Oct 31 2024)

TRANSITING NEPTUNE SQUARE RADIX SATURN - This is a stressful time during which
you lack your usual self-confidence. The foundations of your life are being tested and
you are being challenged to view things in a different light. However, you may feel a
little shaky. Don't be too hard on yourself. Rather take some time out to reflect on
what is really important in life. You are being asked to see the importance of the
spiritual and more esoteric values in life, rather than the material ones.

Sep 19 2024 (Aug 18 2024 to Oct 12 2024)

TRANSITING CHIRON TRINE RADIX NORTH NODE - Opportunities come but once in a
lifetime, or so the saying goes. Now is the time for you to be open to opportunities to
discover and express your special gifts. If you believe that everyone has a purpose in
this world then now is your chance to discover yours and make the most of the doors
that open. It is also possible that you are given the chance to mend broken bridges
during this time, which will in turn pave the way for a brighter future.

Sep 5 2024 (Aug 22 2024 to Sep 18 2024)

TRANSITING SATURN SQUARE RADIX MARS - The best-made plans can go awry,
which you are discovering during this transit. You are probably also feeling some
anger and frustration as your plans seem to be going nowhere. You may even feel that
others are deliberately standing in your way. It is best to exercise patience as the
reasons for the obstacles will become clearer later. Persist as calmly as possible,
taking time out from major projects for sporting and recreational activities that will
allow you to expend your pent-up energy. Avoid those that involve risks, at least for
the duration of this transit.

Sep 20 2024 and Oct 27 2024 (Sep 8 2024 to Nov 9 2024)

TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX VENUS - Right now you are in a phase that
favours all relationships. Fortune is smiling on you, particularly in the areas of
romance and money. This is a wonderful time for romance. You are in love with life
and your joy is contagious. If you are married, then your marriage is likely to flourish
as you rekindle the flames of love. Make the most of this period by renewing your
efforts to communicate with your spouse in a fun loving manner. If you are unmarried,
then you may meet someone and fall in love. In fact you are likely to attract many
Astro Gold Predictive - Alice (Sample) Page 22

favourable relationships, ranging from friendships to benefactors at work. You enjoy

social occasions and others enjoy your company. You are in for some peaceful and
happy moments. Therefore it is a good time to accept social invitations and take part
in fun activities. Your finances are also likely to improve during this period.
Investments may pay off. Influential people may bestow gifts. You need to make the
most of the opportunities that arise during this phase without squandering your luck
on ill-gotten gains or unappreciative friends and love interests.

Oct 9 2024 (Oct 5 2024 to Oct 13 2024)

either individuals or groups, can be stressful during this transit. It is time to reassess
your connections with individuals and groups with a view to moving on with your life's
purpose. Any individual or group standing in your path is liable to be pushed out of the
way, as you seek new experiences. Of course it is not easy to let go of links from the
past, particularly if one feels frightened of new experiences without the safety of past
alliances. If you can focus on the future rather than the past, you will discover that as
one door shuts another opens. These connections are more likely to be your social or
group associations rather than intimate ones. It could mean reassessing your life

Oct 9 2024 (Oct 5 2024 to Oct 13 2024)

people, either individuals or groups, can be stressful during this transit. It is time to
reassess your connections with individuals and groups with a view to moving on with
your life's purpose. Any individual or group standing in your path is liable to be set to
one side, as you seek new experiences. Of course it is not easy to let go of links from
the past, particularly if one feels frightened of new experiences without the safety of
past alliances. If you can focus on the future rather than the past, you will discover
that as one door shuts another opens.

Dec 6 2024 (Oct 18 2024 to Jan 25 2025)

chance to express yourself more creatively or artistically in your chosen profession.
You may also find that you have the chance to be more of your true self at work.
Others are ready to listen to your ideas, particularly when they seem to reflect the
common good. You are less likely to be ambitious right now preferring to seek
meaning and purpose in your chosen profession. If you are unhappy then this is your
chance to discover ways to move forwards in ways that offer more satisfaction.
Meditation, contemplation and prayer can help shed light on satisfying means of
Astro Gold Predictive - Alice (Sample) Page 23

expressing yourself in your public life.

Nov 24 2024 and Feb 2 2025 (Oct 29 2024 to Feb 27 2025)

one of the most profound periods of your life. This is a time during which you ponder
the past in the light of how you feel in the present. The entity called Chiron is not
about the intellect, logic or material matters. Therefore this is not a time during which
you re-examine your ambitions, acquisitions or public achievements. This is a private
time during which you reflect on your emotions, relationships and your innermost
journey. An external event can trigger a new stage in your life's journey. This is likely
more aligned to your soul's purpose. It is also possible that your inner world changes
during this period. You may have been living a life in a forthright manner, claiming
conquests and forging a successful career. There is nothing wrong with this lifestyle,
however; if you have been cut-off from your feelings and unaware of the impact of
this detachment on both yourself and others then now you may feel somewhat alone.
It is possible that you have built yourself a beautiful fortress of a life, but that this now
feels strangely dissatisfying. Chiron helps us see through the masculine and survival
traits to the feminine and softer side of life and ourselves. The more that we have
striven for a balanced life, both in touch with our feelings and our intellect, the more
that we are likely to enjoy this return of the healing Chiron. However, if we have not
listened to our inner voice, the still small voice within our hearts, then this could be a
hurtful time. Either way it is now possible to come to terms with past actions, accept
ourselves warts and all and then look for a more authentic path. This can be a time of
spiritual discovery, which helps to heal past events and put you on a new path.

Dec 7 2024 (Nov 30 2024 to Dec 15 2024)

energy right now. This can be directed in to personal or work projects or perhaps a
sport. You are keen to take the initiative and move ahead with your plans. Perhaps
you have been planning to travel abroad or to study martial arts? On the other hand
you may have been waiting for the go ahead on a special project or for a promotion at
work. Now you receive the good news and are able to step into action. Whatever the
scenario you are optimistic and ready to go. You are clear that you are heading in the
right direction and feel confident of success. And it's true. You do have the drive and
good fortune to achieve success during this transit. This is an excellent time to spend
plenty of time and energy on your favourite project, with an assurance of reaping what
you have sown. You may also enjoy channelling some of your energy into your
favourite sporting activities, where you are also assured of success. When it comes to
pursuing your goals now is the time to strike while the iron is hot. Others will also
notice your leadership abilities and reward you in ways that support your plans. On the
whole this is a positive time during which you can really achieve success.
Astro Gold Predictive - Alice (Sample) Page 24

About the Author: Australian astrologer Stephanie Johnson has written the text in
this report. Stephanie holds a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) and was a journalist in
Australia, England and the USA for 15 years before becoming a professional
astrologer. She is currently a consulting astrologer, is a Company Director of Esoteric
Technologies Pty Ltd in Adelaide, Australia, and Editor of the Australian Data
Collection. In 2000 Stephanie, and her partner Graham Dawson, were each awarded
an FAA Diploma for designing and developing the Solar Fire suite of programs.

If you would like further information please contact Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd PO
Box 159 Seaford Vic 3198 Australia. Phone/Fax 0488 111 078. Email:
[email protected]

(c) Copyright 2022, Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd.

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